10 월 전
Also, there is one small stock who still is in the development stage, & may have an obsolete product as well, that has a large core of immovable Investors who buy at the hint of share weakness, & in the middle of a downward trend! All the (Officials) do is talk and talk some more, with promises continuing relentlessly! I know we are an honest & forthright Company, but there are many things they can say to promote our Products and BRAINCHIP INC., as well! While brchp does things the inexpensive way, other Co's reach out more that we do, & that's my opinion! We are probably in the lower 10% as far as Public Marketing goes! Pure Investors are out there, willing to invest from 1,000 to 100,000 dollars, so why are they being ignored? Yes, IPs are very Important, but what are they doing to promote us, but we have to become known a lot more IMO, & that is up to us! One 20-30 second TV commercial periodically may outline our importance and stability, and place us above all the others! Once a biggie does that, brchf may be relegated to the Basement, not in the Penthouse??? The best to all the Investors!!
10 월 전
At a time when BRAINCHIP had nothing going, the stock had 2 HUGE upsurges, reaching over 1,000% higher each time! Now that brchf has so much going, and as one of the Officers said some time back: "We have WELL OVER 100 IPs and customers," there will be times where the Public will discover this rarely publicized stock, and reach higher highs where it will settle in, then repeat the cycle here and there! We are too ignored because of the NDAs & the manner in which the Marketers are going about their business? But who am I to say?
11 월 전
but, if we are to expand to the general public, ads will have to be constructed to meet that HUGE group of people who want to see what the Akidas (1) or (2) will do for them? Will they offer tool to develop Home Made projects or devise trading systems that will work for them? Brainchip Inc., has to focus more on that huge market waiting to be attended to!! There are trillions of Investment dollars waiting to go somewhere, why not in a Co' like BRCHF who has already opened many Investment areas to invest in, like a few MUTUAL FUNDS that help those Investment Co's, but not us directly? GLTA
11 월 전
Soon we will see a 3 month gap between 10Qs! To new Investors, that "Uneventful" time suggests the BRCHF Company is failing or ready to exit via the back door? Something like the Counters we see at the DMV signaling a REPRESENTATIVE opening, would it be impossible to have a Counter registering new Ips or new AKIDA 2s being bought or being embedded into IOT systems? I've seen it work on another company, where it excited Investors and potential Investors! Yes, it would be a welcome addition to our marketing plan, as it would not only encourage present investors, but potential Investors as well! It would certainly help in ENROLLING new Investors who will add to Brainchip Inc's Bank account!
12 월 전
Most people don't know it, but Brainchip's Akida is what runs the many app's in most new products! Can't be seen directly, as the AKIDA does its work DEEP within the products electronics, but if the Public likes what the product & AKIDA does, the AKIDA will remain in that product & all contracted products, for the long term, delivering ROYALTY REVENUE for the lifetime of the product, and its Progeny Products! It will eventually be in 1,000s of products, but for now, we are in the beginning phase of commercialization!
What I'd like to see, if it is feasible, is a Revenue Counter that measures the money coming in, so we all can have some valuable information to keep us, & the new Customers occupied every day of the year! Then we can, on our own, (Not sure if we can though,) do a little advertising by showing the COUNTER REGISTER numbers, somewhat like a clock that turns new numbers all the time, to as many people as possible! That would also keep the general [public attuned to BRCHF (Brainchip inc's) progress instead of having only the HOME PAGE to follow, which is somewhat boring, bringing in more general public Investors as the "COUNTER" turns in new figures! It is just that it becomes awfully quiet in between quarters where revenue is coming in, but few are able to see firsthand how Brainchip is doing! That STIMULUS to bring in new Investors will also be there to excite them into action!! That would be a direct benefit to present STOCKHOLDERS who depend upon rising PPS numbers to enrich their holdings due to new Investors being enlisted! Just an idea!
1 년 전
$BRCHF BrainChip's #Akida is a catalyst for intelligent compute at the edge, a leap in innovation & efficiency. Vision, voice, and vibration managed at the Edge.
#AI #EdgeAI #neuromorphic
BrainChip's #Akida is a catalyst for intelligent compute at the edge, a leap in innovation & efficiency. Vision, voice, and vibration managed at the Edge. #AI #EdgeAI #neuromorphic— BrainChip (@BrainChip_inc) March 7, 2024
1 년 전
Brchf. Lots of competition out there lately! Some will try to make spectacular advances! Since we began as a REVOLUTIONARY BASED SYSTEMS Co', we must continue the trend we set! I am sure Brainchip people r stretching their Brains trying to make brchf more attractive, so besides HIGH TECH ADVANCES, Maybe arranging some sort of deal with small innovative Co's that offer computer COMPONENT products where we offer our HIGH TECH systems TO ACCELERATE their commercial entrance, for a good take on the profits, while they do all the work! OR enter the new and developing GREEN HYDROGEN SECTOR which will eventually become TRILLION $$$ sectors also! I feel we have, or are working w Co's in that field as well, but to own a promising NEW HYDROGEN product Company could bring in additional Billions for BRCHF investors, as a lot of the newbie HYDROGEN Co's need help to either develop or commercialize their products! IDKNOW how difficult that might be, but we at least have a TECHNOLOGY advantage that could help in that area too!
1 년 전
go to any of the Co's that handle share trading, like trade, Fidelity, Shwab or any one of many such Co's available! Be ready to deposit from 100 dollars to 5,000 dollars to cover the amount of shares you want, at a price you feel comfortable with! Either buy at the ask price or close to the ask price! If you want to buy 1,000 shares at .33 cents, be ready for "FIDELITY," or another company to take out over 330 $ or so! We all have to start this way, so, if you can afford the money, or lose it all, as this is the Penny stock market where Co's exist on a Shoestring and cannot afford to develop their product any further? Not the case with BRCHF, though they have "Heavy" expenses to deal with! They could go under as well, as no Co' is exempt from having too many expenses ahead of them!
1 년 전
wall (csti, intl) on the ask, bet then again, saw the same thing at 0,25, and it's Friday, keepin' my shares, ANT
1 년 전
Ice T.... There is a trickle coming in, yes, but there are over 100+++ Partners surging their way forward w new products or upgrading their old products! For the Automobile partners, (8 of them) the last I read, testing is in high gear and they are at least midway through their test programs? With the Sophisticated cars being designed and built now, the re-engineering of their systems with the AKIDA included is a monumental task, even though it is a Non-flammable chip! Look what happened when the Lithium Battery came upon the scene? In a rush to bring the new battery systems to market, overheating, leading to a few fires, those Batteries were not given the priority testing those EVs needed! So, with BRCHF & their Partner or Customer MERCEDES BENZ, a test car was on the road for at least 3 years, & doing well, as proven by a High Executive of the Company, who mentioned the name AKIDA with superiority, I expect other Car manufacturers will be just as happy w the AKIDA? IMO, I believe that one of their Models will have the AKIDA in it by 2025, with the other car makers tailing somewhat behind! GO BRAINCHIP!!! GLTA