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Allied Security Innovations Inc New (CE)

Allied Security Innovations Inc New (CE) (ADSV)

마감 27 12월 6:00AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.


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ADSV Discussion

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backtoreality backtoreality 1 월 전
I need a Otc miracle, get this thing jump started!
👍 1
John Diolfi John Diolfi 3 월 전
For whoever has a Facebook account message Caren Currier asking about ADSV. She apparently has the most up to date info on getting it out of expert market and could possibly answer questions.
👍️ 1
Homestuckinmybed Homestuckinmybed 4 월 전
Looks like this will never be a thing. You can check on twitter but someone who actually worked on this project confirmed it. Transfer agent lost and too small of budget to continue. GLTA
DDA DDA 8 월 전
Nope, nothing ...
backtoreality backtoreality 8 월 전
Any potential news of interest lately? I'm sitting on almost a half million shares average a little over a penny.

If and when they do come back I hope they have a potential merger with a real profit making established company. That way I can buy a new toy or 3.

A dime sounds pretty darn good and can be easily obtained with the right deal with the right company.
DDA DDA 11 월 전
rmclau4493 rmclau4493 1 년 전
Best thing is it dropped 90% and I only lost $1.80
fade fade 1 년 전
Someone ask David He if this is still a stock or did he change it to a shitcoin
DDA DDA 1 년 전
We have volume ... at 0.00000001 :(
KFF13 KFF13 1 년 전
David still sitting on it for now.
Lime Time Lime Time 1 년 전
Someone will take it over eventually. They always do.
KFF13 KFF13 1 년 전
Would be nice to get a peep out of Caren to see if she is still involved in any capacity.

She is still listed on OTC Markets.

Sounds like the kid, Joseph, has gone radio silent.

Lime Time Lime Time 1 년 전
Real good SS. Are they ever going to file? Give it to someone else to use.
backtoreality backtoreality 2 년 전
So technically this company is not totally dark?

Thanks for the reply.
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
David He, CEO
backtoreality backtoreality 2 년 전
Who is he?
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
If anyone wants to try and contact David
He -(917) 624 8888 to try and get an update.They will not answer my calls anymore. They used too.

IR office- (917) 353- 6888
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
I agree, nothing recently,last I heard from him was February.
fade fade 2 년 전
The otc needs a 100 mm dollar deal to roll into a tight share structure shell and blow tf up! Why not this one. Have they answered anything lately?
dshade dshade 2 년 전
ding ding. nice.
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
If you look at ADSVs lawyer on LinkedIn under experience he has listed as “spac ipo manager 100 million USD Delaware proposed June listing.”But that has been listed since last year, hopefully it means this June… I have messaged and emailed multiple times a week.
dshade dshade 2 년 전
should be easy to clean this up and get off greys
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
Almost a million volume past 2 days?
rmclau4493 rmclau4493 2 년 전
Damn done 50%
DDA DDA 2 년 전
Well ... we have some volume today
dshade dshade 2 년 전
DDA DDA 2 년 전
Exactly my thinking as well ...
backtoreality backtoreality 2 년 전
I believe that potential mergers that maybe in the works will be best served going Stealth until all the ducks are in the row with having all the documentation prepared in advance before they submit to OTC and the investment world. I think it was Nwld recently dropped a bomb, caught the shorts off guard and they ran to almost 4 bucks.

I got my chips on the table, Christmas is coming, wishing on a star!

It only takes one RM play doing things right to make speculator big money.
backtoreality backtoreality 2 년 전
So there's still a chance this play can still be in play? I believe there's a deadline March 2023 , but due to the major otc changes the regulators are overwhelmed with applications for mergers. Causing delays which retail otc investors have no patience for.

They say never turn your back on a Stinky Pinky.
Remember DDT, what one of the richest men on the planet said:
max122812 max122812 2 년 전
I have talked to David He a few weeks ago, he’s hard to understand but keep saying the sec takes a long time to to have trust in him, and that he spent a lot of money to get it. Who knows if he was blowing smoke or buying time. Maybe you guys can try calling him and getting a closer idea of a date, it’s his FCIC number, usually doesn’t pick up the first time. Here is his number. (812) 933-8888
DDA DDA 2 년 전
Nice one. Hoping this one would do the same ... unlikely ... still, going back to your question (apologies for the late reply), I see this going back up signifcantly. Reason being that they reduced the O/S with 50%; it's a shell ...

As they'll need to ensure they're back 'on line', I'm hoping the coming months this one will show sign of life. If they find the right merger candidate, who knows where this one will go. With this low float, I'm counting on a serious increase in the PPS.

So, I'm not going anywhere on this one ... but the 3 shares traded the other day was ... pathetic :).
DDA, have you ever heard of the stock "QCOM?" It allowed me to retire at 40. So, get a good laugh.!!
DDA DDA 2 년 전
3 shares traded LOL
DDA, I'm holding this stock.....In your opinion, where do you see this stock going next year?
dshade dshade 2 년 전
DDA DDA 2 년 전
Thankyou :)
mail address..........................(Is two words)
stervc stervc 2 년 전
DDA, here with ADSV...

I have not made any efforts to reach out to anyone regarding ADSV. I don't believe it would even matter at this point. I'm just here holding and hoping that they see that it is too goodly structured of a company to do nothing with.

There are plenty of companies that are looking to go public that I think would love to get ADSV current to use as its vehicle. I'm hoping they see this too and are quietly working behind the scenes. I have seen this with a few companies/stocks that have risen from the ashes to some new found growth within the market.

DDA DDA 2 년 전
Anyone having the mailaddress of David He ?
backtoreality backtoreality 2 년 전
Don't toy with us retailers please. What's up
rmclau4493 rmclau4493 2 년 전
What was updated looks the same
Kamonman Kamonman 2 년 전
SS updated 7/7 on OTC markets.
DDA DDA 2 년 전
Pff, this is taking too long ...
backtoreality backtoreality 3 년 전
I'm guessing yes. And the way most of the OTC companies, for lack of better words, are pumping they have a merger that is spectacular then the stock jumps and gets shorted back into the ground,,, or the original company dumps millions of shares in the pop.

Rshn has a significant merger that instead of merging is breaking away and selling their own shares. Leaving rshn with a empty shell maxed out on shares.

Otc is lose lose lose now. SEC is responsible for it if you ask me
DDA DDA 3 년 전
Are we delisted ?
KFF13 KFF13 3 년 전
Hi, Thanks for inquiring.

You'll need to call your broker to have them place a non marketable order. You'll take a complete loss on the position.

How can you sell a stock that is dorment??
backtoreality backtoreality 3 년 전
So just how clean is this shell and share structure? Aka j-px

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