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BERWYN, Pa., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- SunCom Wireless, Inc. ("SunCom"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SunCom Wireless Holdings, Inc...
RNS Number:1070O Impax Group PLC 29 July 2003 The Company has today received notification from ISIS Asset Management plc that as a...
RNS Number:0971O Focus Solutions Group PLC 29 July 2003 Focus Solutions Group plc (the "Company") Shareholding in Company The Company...
RNS Number:0944O Aortech International PLC 29 July 2003 AorTech International plc ("the Company") announces that it received notification...
RNS Number:0469O 3PC Investment Trust PLC 29 July 2003 The AIM Trust plc/3PC Investment Trust plc 29 July 2003 Active Capital Trust...
RNS Number:0467O AIM Trust PLC 29 July 2003 The AIM Trust plc/3PC Investment Trust plc 29 July 2003 Active Capital Trust plc...
RNS Number:0017O 3PC Investment Trust PLC 25 July 2003 NAV as at close of business on 24/7/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment Trusts...
RNS Number:9390N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 24 July 2003 NAV as at close of business on 23/7/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment Trusts...
RNS Number:8930N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 23 July 2003 NAV as at close of business on 22/07/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment...
RNS Number:8290N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 22 July 2003 NAV's as at close of business on 21/07/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment...
RNS Number:7912N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 21 July 2003 NAV's as at close of business on 18/07/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment...
RNS Number:7306N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 18 July 2003 NAV's as at close of business on 17/07/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment...
RNS Number:6871N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 17 July 2003 NAV as at close of business on 16/07/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment Trusts...
RNS Number:6344N 3PC Investment Trust PLC 16 July 2003 NAV as at close of business on 15/07/03 ISIS Asset Management plc Investment Trusts...
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