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Grades of up to 60.38% Carbon Graphite Confirmed At Callinex' Neuron Property PR Newswire VANCOUVER, April 25, 2014 VANCOUVER, April 25, 2014...
Assays Confirm High Grade Graphite Mineralization at Neuron Graphite Project PR Newswire VANCOUVER, April 23, 2014 VANCOUVER, April 23, 2014...
Callinex Announces Appointment of New Director PR Newswire VANCOUVER, March 31, 2014 VANCOUVER, March 31, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex Mines Inc...
Drilling at the Neuron Property Intersects Graphite Mineralization PR Newswire VANCOUVER, March 14, 2014 VANCOUVER, March 14, 2014 /PRNewswire/...
Drilling Commences at Neuron Exploration Site PR Newswire VANCOUVER, Feb. 28, 2014 VANCOUVER, Feb. 28, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex Mines Inc...
Callinex Mines Inc. - "Neuron" Exploration Property Now Fully Staked PR Newswire VANCOUVER, Jan. 17, 2014 VANCOUVER, Jan. 17, 2014...
Callinex Acquires New Mineral Property in Manitoba PR Newswire VANCOUVER, Jan. 8, 2014 VANCOUVER, Jan. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex Mines Inc...
Callinex Drill Results Extend Mineralized Zone at Gossan Hill property Manitoba PR Newswire VANCOUVER, May 10, 2013 VANCOUVER, May 10, 2013...
Drilling to Re-Commence at Gossan Hill PR Newswire VANCOUVER, March 13, 2013 VANCOUVER, March 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex Mines (TSX.V-CNX...
Callinex Announces Appointment of New Director #ReleaseContent TABLE { BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse } TR.cnwUnderlinedCell TD { BORDER-BOTTOM:...
Callinex Begins Winter Drill Program in Manitoba, Announces Changes to Board of Directors #ReleaseContent TABLE { BORDER-COLLAPSE:...
Callinex Drill Results Extend Mineralized Zone at Coles Creek-Troitsa #ReleaseContent TABLE { BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse } TR.cnwUnderlinedCell...
Callinex Mobilizes Drill to Coles - Troitsa Property PR Newswire VANCOUVER, July 31, 2012 VANCOUVER, July 31, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex Mines...
Callinex Outlines Summer-Fall Exploration Program PR Newswire VANCOUVER, July 5, 2012 VANCOUVER, July 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex Mines...
Callinex Enters Into Option Agreement on Flin Flon Claims PR Newswire VANCOUVER, June 20, 2012 VANCOUVER, June 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Callinex...
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