VANCOUVER, BC, Feb. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ - Orea Mining
Corp. ("Orea") (TSX: OREA) (OTCQX: OREAF) (FSE: 3CG) is
pleased to report on the first results of the 2022 diamond drilling
program at the Maripa Gold Project ("Maripa"), located in eastern
French Guiana, France. As announced on February 15, 2022, Orea has entered into an
agreement with a subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation ("IAMGOLD") to
purchase a 100% interest in Maripa.
- Permits for 10,000 meters of diamond drilling on Maripa were
approved by the Direction Générale des Territoires et de la
Mer ("DGTM"), which regulates mining and exploration activities
in French Guiana;
- Orea completed 6 diamond drill holes as an initial
reconnaissance of the Changement Gold Zone, which has been traced
over a strike extent of 1.5 km;
- Gold assay results were received for a fence of 4 drill
holes centered on the main pit of the former Changement mine;
- Drill holes CHT-22-060B and
CHT-22-061 returned important gold mineralized intersections below
the main pit:
- 4.13 g/t gold over 8.1 meters (CHT-22-060B from 27.4 to 35.5
- 5.39 g/t gold over 24.3 meters (CHT-22-061 from 106.4
to 130.7 m); and
- Visible gold ("VG") was observed in both
Rock Lefrancois, President & CEO of Orea
commented "We are extremely pleased with the initial
drill results, which have confirmed significant economic potential
at Changement, one of the five identified targets at Maripa."
Changement Gold Zone
The Changement Gold Zone, located at the northern end of Maripa,
is one of five partially drill-defined gold zones at Maripa. The
Changement area was subject to placer gold mining from 1859 to
1950. All creeks peripheral to the deposit have been worked over
time. Underground hard rock mining was recorded as early as 1880
and the deposit was exploited at surface by three shallow open pits
from 1985 to 1996. Total declared historical placer and hard rock
gold production is estimated to be approximately 100,000 ounces,
with 42,000 ounces from hard rock. The Changement gold
mineralization was interpreted to be localized within two
subparallel north-northwest striking, moderately west dipping,
shear zones of 10 to 25 meters in width cutting Paramaca Formation
mafic volcano-sedimentary sequences. Gold mineralization is
associated with quartz veining and sulfides, mainly as pyrite. The
deposit has been traced by drilling to shallow depths over a
lateral (strike) distance of 1,250 meters. A total of 63 diamond
drill holes (4,500 meters) were completed by the French geological
survey (BRGM, 1978-1998) and by IAMGOLD (2002-2004). Most of the
drilling was confined to the weathered saprolite layer.
Prospecting by Orea in 2019 identified numerous abandoned mine
shafts and adits excavated by illegal artisanal miners, located
some 650 to 850 meters to the south of the former Changement mine
main pit. Stockpiles of rock extracted from the mine workings
consist of mineralized quartz-pyrite veins and mafic volcanic wall
rock. Select samples of the mineralized material returned numerous
high-grade assays including 115.70, 83.48, 68.43, 42.60, 29.57,
15.51, 14.70, 9.42, 6.05, 5.98, 52.33, 17.20, 16.99, 14.64, 14.50,
9.75, 9.00, 7.36 and 6.83 g/t gold (see news releases dated
November 26, 2019). The discoveries
extended the Changement gold mineralized trend another 250 meters
to the south.
2022 Drilling Program
As announced on January 14, 2022,
Orea commenced a diamond drilling program at the Changement Gold
Zone, with 1,000 meters of drilling to be completed in January and
February. This initial drilling phase was conducted between
January 15th and
February 8th. Six (6)
drill holes, for a total of 911.5 meters, were completed (refer to
the Changement Drill Hole Location and Changement Drill Hole
Section 1100 maps at the links below).
CHT-22-059, -060, -060B and
-061 served as a continuous fence of drill holes centred on
the former Changement mine main pit with the objective to trace at
depth the principal gold mineralized structure exploited at surface
and to test for any subsidiary gold mineralized zones. Hole
CHT-22-060B was drilled as a twin of
hole CHT-22-060 due to poor core recovery in quartz veining zones
within the weathered saprolite layer.
Gold assay results were received for drill holes CHT-22-059,
-060, -060B and -061 (up to
130.7 m). Drill holes
CHT-22-060B and CHT-22-061 confirmed
the depth extension of the principal gold mineralized structure
exploited in the main pit:
- CHT-22-060B cut a sulfide
mineralized quartz veining zone from 28 to 49 meters (21 m) hole depth within the weathered saprolite
layer. Specks of VG were observed at one location. The zone
returned an intersection averaging 4.13 grams per tonne (g/t)
gold over 8.1 meters from 27.4 to 35.5 meters hole depth (25
meters vertical depth).
- CHT-22-061 cut a shear zone with intense alteration from 67 to
130 meters (63 m) hole depth
containing two sections of sulfide mineralized quartz veins from 67
to 93 meters (26 m) and 106 to 130
meters (24 m). Specks of VG were
observed at three locations in the latter section, which returned
an intersection averaging 5.39 g/t gold over 24.3 meters
from 106.4 to 130.7 meters hole depth (90 meters vertical
The dominant structural fabric in drill hole CHT-22-061 is close
to 90° to the core axis indicating that the true width of the gold
mineralized zone approximates core length. Oriented core
measurements confirmed that the dominant structural fabric in the
gold mineralized zone strikes northwest-southeast and dips
moderately to the west.
Highlights of results received for drill holes CHT-22-059, -060,
-060B and -061 are as follows (true
width = approximate core length):
no significant
45% core
60% core
45% core
80% core
95% core
100% core
CHT-22-062 and CHT-22-063, drilled 850 meters and 650
meters south of the main pit, respectively, targeted high-grade
gold veins exploited by artisanal miners and the southern extent of
the principal gold mineralized structure exploited by open pit.
Gold assay results are pending for these holes.
Maripa and Changement maps are available at the following
Orea Project Locations:
Maripa Project Geology:
Changement Drill Hole Location:
Changement Drill Hole Section 1100:
About Maripa
Maripa is located in eastern French
Guiana along a paved national road, approximately 60
kilometers south of the capital city of Cayenne. The project is
comprised of up to five contiguous exploration permits that cover
an area of 120 square kilometers, namely the Changement, Maripa,
Orapu, Crique Véoux (pending) and Maripa Sud-Est permits.
Past exploration at Maripa includes 134 diamond drill holes, for
a total of 9,000 meters, which partially defined 5 broad gold
zones; namely, from north to south, Changement, Filon Dron, Maripa
Sud-Est, Rhyodacite and Filon
Scieur. Drilling was limited to shallow depths within the
weathered saprolite layer with all 5 prospects returning drill hole
intersections of economic interest with demonstrated potential for
expansion and mineral resource delineation. Gold mineralization is
associated with shear-tension quartz vein systems and vein
stockworks localized along major fault zones marking a regional
deformation corridor known as the Northern Guiana Trough
Initial prospecting by Orea in 2019 and 2020 in the northern
half of Maripa led to the discovery of 5 new quartz-gold vein
systems with high-grade gold potential in the vicinity of the
Changement and Filon Dron gold zones.
In October-November 2020, Orea
completed 8 diamond drill holes, for 1,168 meters, which tested 4
separate targets identified in the central part of the Maripa Gold
Project (see news release date January 27,
2021). Six (6) of the 8 drill holes served to test the depth
and lateral extent of 3 gold mineralized shear-hosted vein systems
traced at surface in and around the Filon Dron gold zone. Four (4)
drill holes intersected wide shear zones marked by quartz veining,
strong hydrothermal alteration, and sulfide mineralization over 18
to 27 meters, which returned gold values.
Technical Info, QA/QC and Qualified Person
Orea obtained all permits required to conduct drilling
operations on Maripa. Mining work declarations ("DOTM") to conduct
10,000 meters of diamond drilling on Maripa were submitted to and
approved by the DGTM.
Diamond drill holes were bored with HQ-size core (63.5 mm) in
the upper weathered saprolite zone and telescoped to NQ size core
(47.6 mm) in fresh rock. The core was placed in heavy PVC plastic
core boxes with covers and transported by Orea personnel to the
Company's Matoury logging facilities, located at the outskirts of
Cayenne along National Road 2 (RN2), 65 km by road north of the
Maripa project. Orea personnel were present on site at all times
during the drilling program.
The core was photographed for reference and logged by Orea
geologists who also identified the sampling intervals. Samples were
collected by sawing the core in half; sample lengths vary between
0.7 and 1.3 meter. Individual half-core samples were sealed in
heavy duty cellophane plastic bags and placed by batch in sealed
polypropylene bags and delivered by Orea personnel to the Filab
Amsud depot in Cayenne for trucking to Filab Amsud laboratory in
Paramaribo, Suriname, an ISO
9001:2015 accredited laboratory. The remaining half-core is stored
in sturdy core racks at the Matoury logging facility. Samples were
assayed for gold by the fire-assay method using an atomic
absorption finish on a 50-gram pulp split. Samples assaying above 5
g/t gold are systematically re-analyzed with gravimetry finish.
Mineralized sections were also analyzed by ICP-MS multi-element
analysis, including copper.
A quality assurance and quality control program (QA/QC) was
implemented by Orea and Filab Amsud to ensure the accuracy and
reproducibility of the analytical method and results. The QA/QC
program includes the insertion of gold standards, blanks and field
duplicates in each laboratory assay batch. Check assaying of select
gold mineralized sections was performed by screen metallics method
for better reproducibility when metallic gold is present in the
sample to overcome the "nugget effect". In this method, a 500g
sample is screened to 140 mesh (106µ). The fraction plus
fraction is fire assayed for gold and a duplicate assay is
performed on the minus fraction. The size fraction weights,
coarse and fine fraction gold content and total gold content are
The drilling program was conducted under the supervision Rock
Lefrançois, President & Chief Executive Officer of Orea and
Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed
this news release and is responsible for the technical information
reported herein, including verification of the data disclosed.
About Orea Mining Corp.
Orea is a leading gold exploration and development company
operating in a prospective and underexplored segment of the Guiana
Shield, South America. Its mission
is to develop gold deposits with a reduced environmental footprint
using innovative technologies, upholding the highest international
standards for responsible mining. In French Guiana, Orea holds a major interest in
the world-class Montagne d'Or mine development project and is also
advancing the Maripa and Suriname gold exploration projects.
For more about Orea visit the company's website at
Rock Lefrançois
President & CEO
Forward-looking statements
Certain statements made herein, including statements relating
to matters that are not historical facts and statements of the
Company's beliefs, intentions and expectations about developments,
results and events which will or may occur in the future,
constitute "forward looking information" within the meaning of
applicable Canadian securities legislation ("forward-looking
statements"). Forward-looking statements relate to future events or
future performance, reflect current expectations or beliefs
regarding future events and are typically identified by words such
as "anticipate", "could", "should", "expect", "seek", "may",
"intend", "likely", "budget", "plan", "estimate", continue",
"forecast", "believe", "predict", "potential", "target", "would",
"might", "will", and similar words, expressions or phrases
(including negative variations) suggesting future outcomes or
statements regarding an outlook. These include, but are not limited
to, statements and information regarding: the Company's plans to
purchase a 100% interest in Maripa; the Company's objective of
become an emerging gold producer; the acquisition of exploration
projects including terms of acquisition, exploration or development
plans, intentions to acquire additional exploration or development
interests and the implications thereof; the production capacity and
potential of future plant and equipment; future exploration and
mine plans, objectives and expectations and corporate planning of
the Company, future studies and environmental impact statements and
the timetable for completion and content thereof and statements as
to management's expectations with respect to, among other things,
the matters and activities contemplated in this news
Forward-looking statements are made based upon certain
assumptions and other important factors that, if untrue, could
cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the
Company to be materially different from future results, performance
or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. Such
assumptions and analyses are made by the Company's management in
light of their experience and perception of historical trends,
current conditions and expected future developments, as well as
other factors management believes are reasonable and appropriate in
the circumstances. All assumptions and analyses are those of the
Company's. There can be no assurance that such statements will
prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements are based on
numerous assumptions regarding present and future business
strategies, local and global economic conditions, and the
environment in which the Company will operate in the future,
including compliance by the Company with regulatory and permitting
requirements applicable in French
Guiana, the sufficiency of Company's working capital; the
Company's ability to secure additional funding for the continued
exploration and development of its properties; the price of gold
and other metals; and the Company's ability to retain key
personnel. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on
forward-looking statements.
Certain important factors that could cause actual results,
performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the
forward-looking statements include, among others, political and
economic risks in France,
political and economic risks in French
Guiana, regulatory risk including but not limited to
unforeseen changes in regulatory requirements, the Company's
ability to enforce its contractual and other legal rights to
explore and exploit its properties, risks related to exploration
and development, permitting and licensing risk, future
profitability of the Company, the ability to obtain additional
financing on a timely basis, the price of gold and marketability
thereof, government regulations including with respect to taxes,
royalties, land tenure and land use, title to the Company's
properties, currency exchange rates and fluctuations, environmental
risks, dilution resulting from the issuance of additional
securities of the Company, joint venture risks, the availability of
equipment, conflicts of interest, competition in the mining
industry, uninsured risks, market fluctuations, global financial
conditions, credit risk and risks arising from pandemics and
epidemics such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the Company has
attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual
actions, events or results to differ materially from those
described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors
that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated,
estimated or intended. These statements, however, are subject to a
variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could
cause actual events or results to differ materially from those
projected in the forward-looking statements.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on
forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking
statements involve numerous assumptions, inherent risks and
uncertainties, both general and specific, which contribute to the
possibility that the predicted outcomes will not occur. Events or
circumstances could cause the Company's actual results to differ
materially from those estimated or projected and expressed in, or
implied by, these forward-looking statements. Important factors
that could cause actual results to differ from these
forward-looking statements are included in the "Risk Factors"
section in Company's annual information form dated December 15, 2021 for the year ended September 30, 2021 ("AIF").
Readers are further cautioned that the list of factors
enumerated in the "Risk Factors" section of the AIF that may affect
future results is not exhaustive. When relying on the Company's
forward-looking statements and information to make decisions with
respect to the Company, investors and others should carefully
consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and
potential events. Furthermore, the forward-looking statements and
information contained herein are made as of the date of this
document and the Company does not undertake any obligation to
update or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements
or information, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. The
forward-looking statements and information contained herein are
expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
View original
SOURCE Orea Mining Corp.