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Meta Materials Inc

Meta Materials Inc (MMAT)

마감 23 11월 6:00AM
실시간 데이터

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janice shell janice shell 2 분 전
At least someone has sense.
splintered sunlight splintered sunlight 2 분 전
Not in LEEN anymore.

AESO LFG!!!!!!!
jjjjjjjj jjjjjjjj 3 분 전
wow✅Green is Good✅Set HIGH Sell Orders✅SET BUY HIGH with LAST MINUTE✅Great Great Advice✅
$0.0005 coming?

MJNA is a good company. Best to us longs.
neomania neomania 4 분 전
Krombacher Krombacher 5 분 전
Need I Say More? GABON:

GVInvestments GVInvestments 6 분 전
I know I was joking. Just imagine had he gotten the position how easy it would be for Ackman to put him on the release F and F pay role.
boston745 boston745 7 분 전
CDC confirms H5N1 Bird Flu Infection in a Child in California

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed a human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) (H5N1 bird flu) in a child in California. This is the first reported avian influenza H5 virus infection in a
arizona1 arizona1 7 분 전
Business in the Senate slowed to a crawl this week as Democrats who control the chamber resumed votes to confirm judges for the first time since the election.

Well, WTF have they been doing the last four years?
daleb2130 daleb2130 8 분 전
infamous infamous 8 분 전
I'm sure it's stellar lol
GVInvestments GVInvestments 8 분 전
I was joking relax jajaja. Just imagine had he gotten the position how easy it would be for Ackman to put him in his pocket.
stellite phil stellite phil 9 분 전
Yep fair point, and isn't it great to see Cycclone Inc up there.
Still not on OTC Markets, ihub etc. So if a prospective shareholder comes across CDBT, depending on where they look, there's a fair chance of them going elsewhere until FINRA clears the name change
blackcat blackcat 12 분 전
Depends to a certain extent on the Brokerage. ALL Fidelity Divys show up first thing in the morning. With Schwab- they can be early, mid-day or late.
larrybaz larrybaz 12 분 전
jtomm, I'm glad they made that change. Thanks for bringing the site to the board.
galingolin galingolin 12 분 전
Judge J. Rodney Gilstrap, one of the most prominent patent judges in the United States, presiding over the Eastern District of Texas, has developed a reputation for carefully handling patent litigation, particularly willful infringement cases. While he has discretion to treble compensatory damages u
Magnum7419 Magnum7419 12 분 전
They say those that are impatient will make those that are patient very very rich.......lets see what 2027 will bring me or my heirs :)

These guys projected "target fair value" at 20c in '27 that works out to $485000 for us ty Mr. Kiss
StockItOut StockItOut 12 분 전
How much has Duffy-n-Crew earned on Xeriant that has failed?
GVInvestments GVInvestments 13 분 전
Thats good news that means that Ackman and Pagliara got him in there pockets.
StockItOut StockItOut 13 분 전
How much did Duff-n-Crew earn on CTT that failed as a company?
newmedman newmedman 13 분 전
Probably. I'm not going to argue about it. Cases that make it up to the appeals courts, if they are important enough, go to the SCOTUS anyway and the deck is already stacked there.

Here's something else that I ran into. DC has needed more judges for awhile now. I didn't know how th
peteypickem peteypickem 13 분 전
This is the OTC,, volume can change at anytime
4u2nv2 4u2nv2 14 분 전
Picking on senior citizens about their age being 89 is not a party that most MCIC shareholders wish to be a part of.
Filterthenoise Filterthenoise 14 분 전
They didn't take the early FOXO warning seriously

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