RNS Number:4814S
Alvis PLC
25 November 2003

Notifiable Interests

Alvis plc announces the following transfers of Alvis plc ordinary shares of 25p 
each by the Alvis Employee Benefit Trust in order to satisfy the exercise of 
options by employees under Alvis executive option schemes.
No. of        Date of        Date Company       % of issued      Exercise price 
Shares        disposal       informed           class            per shares

20,000        24.11.2003     25.11.2003         0.018            81.5p 
 2,699        24.11.2003     24.11.2003         0.002             118p

After the transaction the Alvis Employee Benefit Trust has an interest in
3,784,940 ordinary shares of Alvis plc representing 3.43% of the total number of
shares in issue.

The Alvis Employee Benefit Trust is deemed to be a connected person to the Alvis
plc executive directors as they are, in common with all other Alvis employees,
potential beneficiaries of the Trust.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange