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Croissance du chiffre d’affaires de +13,4 % à taux de change réels (TCR) ; +5,0 % à taux de change constants (TCC) grâce à la progression...
HONG KONG and SHANGHAI and FLORHAM PARK, N.J., Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HUTCHMED (China) Limited...
売上収益は、実勢レート(AER:Actual Exchange Rate)ベースで対前年同期+13.4%、恒常為替レート(CER:Constant Exchange Rate)ベースで同+5.0%成長し、...
Revenue Growth of +13.4% at Actual Exchange Rates (AER); +5.0% at Constant Exchange Rate (CER) Driven by Continued Advancement of Growth &...
First-of-its-Kind Research Collaboration for Takeda and Boston Medical Center with the Aim to Decarbonize the Health Care Value Chain Three-Year...
— Approval based on results from global Phase III FRESCO-2 trial in patients with previously treated metastatic...
− Presentations Include New Data from the TAK-861-2001 Phase 2b Trial in Narcolepsy Type 1 Highlighting Impact on Daily Functioning Including...
Plus de 22 000 employés de Takeda ont sélectionné les nouveaux partenaires pour l'exercice 2024 : Population Services International, Bulungula...
Mehr als 22.000 Takeda-Mitarbeiter haben die neuen Partner für das GJ2024 ausgewählt: Population Services International, Bulungula Incubator...
More Than 22,000 Takeda Employees Selected the FY2024 New Partners: Population Services International, Bulungula Incubator, Reach Out Cameroon...
− cTTP is an Ultra-rare, Potentially Fatal Blood-Clotting Disorder with Limited Treatment Options; Untreated, Acute TTP Events Have a Mortality...
Croissance du chiffre d’affaires de 14,1 % à taux de change réels (TCR) et de 2,1 % à taux de change constants (TCC), portée par une...
Umsatzwachstum von 14,1 % zu aktuellen Wechselkursen (AER); +2,1 % zu konstanten Wechselkursen (CER), angetrieben durch die Beschleunigung der...
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