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CSS Industries Inc

CSS Industries Inc (CSS)

마감 19 12월 6:00AM
( 0.00% )
시간외 단일가: 9:00AM

실시간 스트리밍 인용문, 아이디어 및 실시간 토론을 위한 허브

CSS 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
StayHumble StayHumble 3 분 전
🇺🇸Hearing a MOASS takes $DJT to MARS!🇺🇸wow🇺🇸🇺🇸!!
QaB2i QaB2i 4 분 전
Yup. That sums it up nicely 
silkmaster silkmaster 4 분 전
I think you hit the spot!
Been hear long and the dynamic this time looks good
await the day the news hits so massive that it will break the MM's and all the negative posts
100lbStriper 100lbStriper 4 분 전
TOMKiLA $NLST Micron is working hard with the HBM business, we NEED to win one HBM patent to make billion $ here! Read these info

In September, Micron officially introduced its HBM3E 12H. As per a previous report from Tom’s Hardware, the new products are designed for cutting-edge pro
glenn1919 glenn1919 8 분 전
Seminole Red Seminole Red 8 분 전
ksquared ksquared 8 분 전
We have to pay our bills, they don't pay squat. You got that right, cap.
Plus which... included in that bill is a provision that allows Congressional members to opt OUT of obummer care.
Freakin' rat basTURDS foisted that piece o' feces on us. It degraded our
100lbStriper 100lbStriper 11 분 전
Stokd $NLST Samsung's — "SEALED RESPONSE re 858 Netlist's Motion For A Preliminary Injunction And Then A Subsequent Permanent Injunction Upon The Resolution Of All Post-Trial Motions filed by Samsung Electronics"
Konaploinks Konaploinks 11 분 전
Great buying opportunity ! I just wish I had more dough.
Stino2 Stino2 12 분 전
CIVX take their time!!
glenn1919 glenn1919 12 분 전
capgain capgain 13 분 전
Way longer! Which reminds me of why I like this song so much...
Jack_Bolander Jack_Bolander 14 분 전
PLUG fell much further than every stock in the Sector ! And do you know why ?

PLUG is a very high risk stock, NOT an investment, but a very Long Odds Bet. And the Risk/Reward ratio is way out of balance. Good News and Plug will go up, maybe as high as $5.00, but with BAD NEWS ..
n4807g n4807g 14 분 전
Protectionism in any industry will fail.
SunshineSmiles SunshineSmiles 17 분 전
Dear $MONI Shorts

Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 17 분 전
True dat!
Golden Cross Golden Cross 17 분 전
$ILLR Investor Day was yesterday. If you missed it you can
Replay it and Download it here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Triller IR:
work-n-hard work-n-hard 18 분 전
LGHL: .199 so far.
Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 18 분 전
Looks like white supremacy to me!

Oh wait, maybe not.
capgain capgain 19 분 전
I agree! Just add up that money. We have to pay our bills, they don't pay squat. They just create higher bills for everyone else.
Just the facts maam Just the facts maam 20 분 전
Silvr, I forgot to mention that in ANIP's patent prosecution of administering testosterone to reduce CV events, the reason for denial was that Dudley's prior claims had been assigned prior art (owned by AbbVie). The problem, may have been that this allowed Besins in on a deal. The patent appears to
Mr Colu Mr Colu 20 분 전
Hi, can you tell me whether in this phase of bankruptcy and the ongoing sale of the company whether the stocks will be completely canceled from the markets or whether there may be a possibility of recovery? Thank you