Jimmy Joe
8 월 전
I don't care about stocks, and money anymore... it has about as much value as you attribute to it. Without allegiance to the one who blesses you with it, it has absolutely no worth.
To me money is just a means to an end. It doesn't mean happiness, some of the richest people in the world are some of the most miserable people on the planet. Money is a means by which I can do good for others as well as take care of myself.
Give me my fishing reels and rods, a place to stay, and a vehicle by which to reach the beach and I'm as happy as a person can be. Too much to do in this life and so little time.
I think i could manage in a small shack in the Mediterranean isolated away from everyone, picking fruits and herbs and living amongst nature. Lol... I'm living in the wrong country managed by the wrong people, teaching the wrong ideals, chasing money, power, self interest... to what avail? You take nothing when you die, only your good and evil works...
My father's sister before her death told me my father needed very little to keep him happy. Guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree. I'm the same way.
And to your point about material things and money........ there are no pockets in the coffin. Nobody takes a thing with them except what they have experienced and learned in this life. Life is a learning process. Life is about helping others, not just about helping yourself.
Karma also plays a role as each action gets a reaction back. The good people do will follow as will the bad things people do.
Life is funny. Life is like a train station, and we all have a ticket on that final train ride out. What we do while we wait is our path we choose.
Getting back to $BNED, I think you are right. Too many are dumping money into this play. $40 will be a good start. If higher even better. I am reduced to 10 shares, but it can still be rewarding. We'll see.
All the best~!
8 월 전
The 3 books are similar in stories and rules because they originated from the same source. People fight over my book is better and yours is inferior... but when you look at the inner workings of each group, you find that there are divisions in beliefs amongst everyone. That is why every faith split. At the time of Jesus, the jews would have been at the correct path. Similarly, at the time of Muhommad, Muslims would have been at the most correct path. And i would even accept that at the time of Muhommad, there would have been Christians closest to the truth compared to today... now i look to Unitarian Christians and Jehovahwitness' and I begin to find appreciation for them. Islam was to receive a Messiah too, the masses believe it is Jesus, i don't quite agree with this. The jews thought Elijah would return, but Jesus told them he indeed did, in the person of John (Yahya). I think the end times Messiah was to follow the same laws of nature. And i further believe that Jesus lived longer than people think he did and left the lands where they were out to kill him. After all, there were only 2 tribes around him, the rest were scattered towards the middle east and Asia. That is why Muslims came to be of these lands, they were once Christians and Jews... my family actually migrated from Palestine to Kashmir and my aunt likes to remind us that we came from one of the 12 tribes. So we are all connected.
And I would argue in favor that even the other religions of the world originated from the same source, only that when a Prophet dies, their message is left to the interpretation of followers and the exploitation through leaders with nefarious-intent. But the core message is always evident between the faiths. Some may begin holding the prophets and scholars as gods... So much division in the world, but it is OKAY, as long as people tolerate and educate one another with peace.
Thus, it is always important to manage and maintain interfaith discussions throughout the world so God's loyalest of servants can affix their beliefs to that which makes the most sense to them. It is a lifelong journey, and lineage is important to acknowledge too sometimes. Where were your ancestors, what path were they on, where did they go.
I find that stories of reverts are my favorite. To hear the personal stories of discoveries of dreams (which can be communication with God, The Most High). Debates, too, are so prescious. They allow the viewer to make contrasts between tenpermants of speakers, facts verses fiction and theories.
I got challenged in my beliefs by my significant other's family. It was a very difficult experience which lasted several months and it seems, it's just getting started. I undertook the decision to study this year and rediscovered the scriptures as well as history. I'm not yet done, i have a long way to go.
Similarly, i applied my ability to contrast during the Scamdemic lol... and i listened to my peers in the Broadcast industry as well as those they upheld as their "pundits" lol... I watched the narrative on television, listened to it on the radio, watched all the liars in Hollywood in government. And came to one conclusion... Evil intent or Mass-Formation Psychosis. And it was then that I realized I'm not a follower... a Servant of God, yes, but not a blind sheep of worldly affairs.
Believe me, i tried to guide thousands away from all the 99 agendas of Globalists, and i haven't yet called it quits... but it is indeed a difficult task to sway people's opinions while being careful of how one governs his words and conduct.
I liken to the story of John in which he isolated himself away from people, away from marriage to maintain his relationship with God. People must have thought him crazy, indeed he was immersed in his love for God. He wanted no distractions. An honorable man, the son of Zakaria, cousin of Mary, uncle of Jesus, Peace Be Upon Them. Sometimes, i feel i want to escape from western society, and go live isolated in a cave or forest and endure the remainder of my life away from distractions of the world, without a smart phone, without internet. Just me my books and God. When my parents had married, my father bumped into his uncle at the Mosque and explained that they were having trouble in having a child. My uncle told my father to give the prayer of Zakaria when he prayed to Allah for a son to carry his name and legacy. A short time later my father gave the news to his uncle that my mother was pregnant with me lol... Both my parents passed away, my father would have been about your age, born in 1951. It brought me a great deal of joy to bump into my uncle at the Mosque a few weeks back and hear this story. I was in tears reading the stories of John and Loot, Jesus, Muhommad, Abraham. Peace be upon them all. Imagine when the angels approached Prophet Loot and the evil people of the town came to question him of his guests and he offered up his daughters to spare his guests. What a horrific feeling to live in such a time.
You know what the Qur'an says about John (Prophet Yahya).
"Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he died and the day he shall be raised up to life again (the day of Resurrection)."
I don't care about stocks, and money anymore... it has about as much value as you attribute to it. Without allegiance to the one who blesses you with it, it has absolutely no worth.
I think i could manage in a small shack in the Mediterranean isolated away from everyone, picking fruits and herbs and living amongst nature. Lol... I'm living in the wrong country managed by the wrong people, teaching the wrong ideals, chasing money, power, self interest... to what avail? You take nothing when you die, only your good and evil works...
Jimmy Joe
8 월 전
unfortunately, it will take a great suffering to humble everyone and we are at three cusp of that
The "great suffering" to humble people may be the end of the age. That unfortunately may be in the cards if the Heritage Foundation gets their wish.
I think all people must return to faith, whether through Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism etc and come back to having interfaith discussions amongst one another to pursue and uphold the laws.
BINGO~! That would be a pleasant happening wouldn't it~?
The Qur'an says, no people are special over another
Another excellent point. 100%~!
Not going to quote any verse or scripture from the bible, but this is a very scary time. 1930s Germany~? IMO very close. We are all of different cultures, religions, races...... but we are all human. 99.8% genetically identical to Chimpanzees. All of us.
Makes one wonder with all that is going on in the world and right here in the States.
Been saying it since 2016 up until 2020....... a clear and present danger to not just the United States but to the world at large. The hate is VERY evident.
The book of revelations is a prophecy~? I dunno....... but it sure looks like people value material goods more than themselves doesn't it~? Ya think population, global warming, climate change, out stripping natural resources and food supply should be issues~? Some people scoff at the idea. They reject science, the news, education, and thrive on conspiracies and natural cycles as being the truth. The experts and scholars are wrong. A dope who couldn't pass his tests and had someone take them for him is the brightest bulb in the package. A failure at everything, yet people believe the opposite because he says so over and over and over. Money and a pure power play is all this is about anymore. Without WallStreet Bets and Reddit blowing the whistle on $GME then on $AMC and other MEME stocks the banks would be doing what they do without anyone being the wiser. CrAzY~!
Yep, buckle up buttercup........ I've lived through the best of times. People are going to have to learn how to survive and do without the latest and greatest just like my parents did and their immigrant parents did before them.
People now-a-days are ill equipped to do so. How to skin wild game may be the order of the day, not looking up how to do it on YouTube.
And you are right as rain........ people need to start going back to church, synagogue, mosque, temple......... and values we held before must be adhered to again. I miss the Leave It To Beaver/Father Knows Best days.
Today anything goes including dismissing Democracy. our Constitution, and people's rights.
Scary times...... I'm older but don't want to see anything more happen. January 6th was enough for me and it wasn't a "dust up" non event. That my friend was an attempted coup against this great nation and all it stands for.
My opinion and I stand firmly behind it as did my father in WWII.
Hope $BNED shoots the moon. Could stand to buy some gold before it gets to much higher.
8 월 전
Yes, absolutely, I'm not worried about the young generations, i think societies have regressed enough for change to take place or rather for people to demand change. A revolution is upon us. And i couldn't be happier reflecting upon the past few few years and then diving back a couple of centuries, and then 2 thousand years and just contrasting between. I think all people must return to faith, whether through Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism etc and come back to having interfaith discussions amongst one another to pursue and uphold the laws. Then a great blessing will come to the world... unfortunately, it will take a great suffering to humble everyone and we are at three cusp of that lol....
The Qur'an says, no people are special over another in the following verses:
Chapter 2 Verse 62
"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."
Chapter 62 Verse 6
"Say, 'O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are favored by Allah to the exclusion of other people, then wish for death if you should be truthful.'"
It even teaches not to insult other's idols:
Chapter 6 Verses 108/109:
"And revile not those whom they call upon beside Allah, lest they, out of spite, revile Allah, in their ignorance. Thus unto every people have We caused their doing to seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return; and He will inform them of what they used to do."
Then as for the current state of the world of greed and self-interest, as opposed to doing acts of Good and charity etc, while abstaining from gambling, wastefulness and doing evil with money instead of good, I found this:
Ayah al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:268.
The Devil threatens you with ?the prospect of? poverty and bids you to the shameful deed ?of stinginess?, while Allah promises you forgiveness and ?great? bounties from Him. And Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. Satan promises you poverty and orders you to commit immoral acts.
People like to take verses out of context, but there is nothing unjust or wrong in the Qur'an which doesn't fit in line with previous scriptures or add contrast to them. Similarly, Jesus came to uphold the previous laws, remind of the covenant, and make some of the harshness easy upon them. Many accepted and Christianity formed in noble persuits. And that is why a certain honor of given to Good, God fearing Christians at the advent of Prophet Muhommad, because they accepted the Messiah and cast aside arrogance and ignorance.
Chapter 5 Verse 82:
You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.
Jimmy Joe
9 월 전
Great assessment and post. About sums it up totally.
As George Donahue video explains just about all tickers are naked shorted with the exception of Berkshire Hathaway.
Your quote below, same thing.
It looks repetitive as F. In literally every ticker except the ones backed by strong finances...
"They" naked short because they can. If they get caught, they sign an acceptance wavier and consent, pay a small fine, and it's business as usual.
Donahue also posted another video recently about Companies CEOs who complain to the SEC about their companies being attacked and hosed. The CEOs complaining about the attacks on their Companies are now being investigated by the SEC for market manipulation and fraud. Who is FINRA~?
Then banks and MMs are FINRA. Same with the DTCC. The regulators are the BANKS and MMs like Citadel and Virtu.
So, if you are a CEO of MMTLP for instance and we all know the MMTLP story, and you complain to the SEC about your Company being hosed you get investigated by the SEC for trying to manipulate your stock when your stock is being attacked. Does that even make sense~? The SEC knows the market is rife with corruption. They know all stocks are naked shorted with one or two exceptions.
Nvidia, Microsoft, along with other Companies in the Magnificent 7 all cook their books. Can't wait until they get caught doing it. Wonder if anybody will go to jail when all of that is exposed~? Probably not. Company will get fines, and some will get fired taking their golden parachutes with them only to do the same thing at another Company when a buddy hires them in.
Posters like the 🤡 that pops in and out should be found and thrown the hell in jail for what the SEC accuses CEOs of doing.
CEOs are just trying to point out the FACTS the SEC refuses to see because the SEC protects those that naked short. This is not enforcement over reach by the SEC. It's protection for the 1%ers, Companies and retail investors can blow it out their
exhaust pipe.
One silver lining to all of this horse crap is that there are way too many bubbles "they" created coming at them like the commercial real estate crisis, the buy now pay later crisis, the derivatives market (Japan as an example), and many more
somewhat smaller ones...... like $AMC and $GME when they MOASS.
Agree with gold and silver. Fiat is done. They want to go to the CBDC so they can control what we spend our money on and how much we get. Perhaps how long our life expectancy should be as well. Cut out SSI and Medicare, save the money for themselves. Yeah man....... it's so F'd up.
9 월 전
I think they work for the Shorts and double dip by shorting themselves too... You can go long on a low floater and short once the run is over... seems that way...
If i had a bagillion dollars and i was an a$$hole... i would play both sides because my money controls the outcome... so you can make money both ways... just don't want to get trapped either direction and especially if retail aggressively pumps a ticker, (which i don't believe to be true, i think with GME & AMC for instance large entities were playing both sides... then eventually, retail traders would run out of gas... or get scared with a little dip and cash out for losses... but then the pricks pump it again and retail buys in yet again and they pull the plug and short again...
It looks repetitive as F. In literally every ticker except the ones backed by strong finances... IE when Porsche had a financial interest in what was is Volvo? And someone shorted it, so Porsche turned around and bought in heavy and drove the price to $1000+ killing the shorts LOL... i mean it does happen....
But these days, people's financial capabilities are tighter... i see it in my groups, people are quiet because they're stressed or they've lost too much.
Stock market is literally a tool for the rich to convince the middle class & poor to join in so that they can take their money... it's not like decades ago where you could witness slow steady growth.... Quantitative Easing, garbage policies, crooked governments, institutions and CEOs f*d everything up. When QE came around, executives took that free and cheap money and bought the stock UP... Then sold it to others for less on the dollar, then play their reverse Splits and share offering games when QE was over... Stupid system it is...
I say, earn in cash, buy gold and silver or invest in a business... Stock market is only good for 5-10% swings repeatedly over the course of time without leaving anything in over night