Earnings Preview 8/12/11

The second quarter earnings season is almost over. Mostly we are down to the retailers, many of which have fiscal quarters ending in July, not June, but there are a few significant non-retailers that will report this week as well. There will be just 187 firms reporting, but 26 of those are in the S&P 500.

By next Friday afternoon, almost 95% of the S&P 500 will have reported. So far, earnings season has been very strong with seven S&P 500 firms reporting positive surprises for every two that have disappointed. The firms reporting next week include: Deere (DE), Dell (DELL), Hewlett Packard (HPQ), Home Depot (HD), Lowe’s (LOW) Target (TGT) and Wal-Mart (WMT).

In addition, it will be a relatively heavy week for economic data. We get key housing data in the form of housing starts and Building Permits, as well as the Homebuilders index and Existing Home Sales. We also learn what inflation was in July at both the Producer and Consumer levels. We will also get the data on Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization. Any of those numbers have the potential to significantly impact the market if they come in substantially different than expected.

  • The National Association of Homebuilder’s index was at just 15 in July, when the break-even between expansion and contraction is 50. The consensus is looking for it to remain at that awful level.
  • The Empire State Index, one of the regional “mini-ISM’s” covering New York State is expected to come in at 0.0, indicating manufacturing activity in New York State dead in the water in June. Last month it was weaker than expected, coming in at -3.76. Unlike the ISM, zero, rather than 50, is the dividing line between growth and contraction in this survey.
  • Housing Starts are expected to resume their decline, falling to an annual rate of 608,000 in June from just 629,000 in June. June came in better-than-expected, however. What “strength” there is in the number came from the extremely volatile multi-family apartment and condo sector. Single-family starts are a better gauge of the overall pace of housing activity. Single-family starts were only running at an annual rate of 453,000. This is an extremely low level, the bubble peak was over 1.8 million for single family starts. The good news is that the low level of housing starts means that less housing is being added to the current bloated inventory. The bad news is that normally homebuilding is one of the main forces pulling the economy out of a recession and that is simply not happening this time. The very low level of housing starts is one of the key reasons job growth is so sluggish.
  • The bad news for the homebuilders is likely to continue into the fall. Building permits, the best indicator of future housing starts, are expected to fall to 606,000 from 624,000. Eventually the housing market will rebound, and we will start to build new houses in the country, but there is no evidence of it happening soon. When it does, economic growth will start to take off for real, and is not likely to do so until housing starts to recover.
  • Industrial Production is expected to have risen by 0.3% up from a 0.2% increase in May. This is a broad measure of Industrial Production, covering the output of not just factories, but also of Mines and Utilities as well. The utility part can lead to weather related distortions. Thus it is important to look at the Manufacturing only data as well. It was unchanged in June. Given the easing of supply chain constraints due to Japan, I would expect that factories will make more of a positive contribution. No consensus expectation exists for the factory only data. Hotter-than-normal weather in summer or colder than normal weather in Winter will boost demand for electricity without reflecting a change in overall economic activity. That was the case in June when utility output surged by 0.9%. Given the record-breaking heat wave, particularly in the South Central part of the country during July, utility output should again make a positive contribution. Please, though, don’t mistake hot weather for a hot economy.
  • Capacity utilization is expected to have edged up to 76.9% in July from 76.7% in June. As with the Industrial Production side of this report, utilities can be weather distorted, and that can affect the overall picture. Thus it is important to look at the manufacturing-only data. This report is much more important than the amount of attention it gets. As a general rule of thumb, a level of 80% is about normal and indicates a healthy economy. A level of 85% indicates that the economy is overheating and inflation will soon become a serious problem, so the Fed should be lifting interest rates and Congress should be raising spending to cool the economy down. A level of 75 is what is hit in a normal recession. The low for this cycle was 67.3%. Factory utilization generally runs slightly lower than overall utilization. It was at 74.5% in June. The low for the cycle was 64.4%, the lowest on record.
  • The Producer Price Index (PPI) is expected to have been unchanged in July, following a 0.4% drop in June. Most of the decline was due to lower oil prices. They stabilized in July after a drop in June, but have since started to fall again. Stripping out food and energy to get the core PPI, the index is expected to rise 0.2% in July, down from a 0.4% rise in June.  Those numbers refer to prices for finished goods. The report will also give data on price changes further up the production chain, which while more volatile than finished good prices, often indicate the direction prices for finished goods will be moving in a few months.
  • Weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance come out. They had a very nice decline early in the year; they had a rough few months, but recently have been showing improvement again. Last week they fell by 7,000 to 395,000 (after an upward revision to the prior week of 2,000). The 400,000 level is important psychologically in that it has historically been the inflection point, below which we tend to create enough jobs to bring down the unemployment rate. Thus, the dip below that level was very good news and was greeted by the market with a big rise. Unfortunately, it is not expected to last, with the consensus looking for it to rise back up to the 400,000 level. The four-week moving average will probably stay above the 400,000 level, where it has been for the last four months. The week-to-week numbers can be very volatile, so the four-week average is the thing to focus on. The sharp rise in initial claims was an early warning of the weak jobs report for June. Keep an eye on the prior week’s revision as well as the change from the revised number.
  • Continuing claims have also in a downtrend of late, but the road down has been bumpy. Last week they fell by 60,000 to 3.688 million. That is down 789,000 from a year ago. I would expect a small decline this week. The consensus is looking for a small rise to 3.695 million. Some of the longer term decline due to people simply exhausting their regular state benefits which run out after 26 weeks. Those, however, don’t last forever either. Federally paid extended claims fell by 16,000 to 3.702 million. Looking at just the regular continuing claims numbers is a serious mistake. They only include a little over half of the unemployed now given the unprecedentedly high duration of unemployment figures. A better measure is the total number of people getting unemployment benefits, currently at 7.480 million, which is down 90,000 from last week (there are some timing issues so the change in continuing and existing claims does not match the change in the total). The total number of people getting benefits is now 1.948 million below year-ago levels. What is not known is how many people have left the extended claims via the road to prosperity -- finding a new job -- and how many have left on the road to poverty, having simply exhausted even the extended benefits. Make sure to look at both sets of numbers!  Many of the press reports will not, but we will here at Zacks.
  • The Consumer Price Index is expected to rise by 0.2% in June, reversing a 0.2% drop in June. As with the PPI, most of the decline was due to falling oil prices. With food and energy prices stripped out, the core CPI is expected to have risen by 0.2%, down from 0.3% in June. Inflation is not a serious problem right now, and it does not look like it will be anytime soon. To really get inflation going, you need a wage/price spiral. With job growth extremely anemic, there is no way that wages are going to start to accelerate anytime soon. The Fed needs to be concentrating on the full employment side of its dual mandate right now, not on inflation. With oil prices declining in the recent market volatility, headline inflation is likely to be negative in August.
  • Existing Home Sales are expected to rise to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.80 million from 4.77 million in June. What is more significant will be the level of inventories, and if the June months of supply rate of 9.5 months will continue to trend up. While down from last summer, the level is still extremely high and has been rising again in recent months (it was 8.3 in March) and indicates strong downward pressure on home prices. That really is what to watch in the existing home sales numbers, since the amount of economic activity generated by a existing home changing hands is not really that big a deal. Home prices are a very big deal. Unfortunately, it looks like they are falling again, despite a recent increase on a non-seasonally adjusted basis, but still slightly down on a seasonally adjusted basis.
  • The Philly Fed index, one of the regional mini-ISM’s is expected to fall to 1.1 from 3.20 in July. Any reading above zero indicates expansion, so the expected level means manufacturing activity in the Mid-Atlantic would be almost stalled, just barely expanding.
  • Nothing of particular significance.

Potential Positive or Negative Surprises

Historically, the best indicators of firms likely to report positive surprises are a recent history of positive surprises and rising estimates going into the report. The Zacks Rank is also a good indicator of potential surprises. Similarly a recent history of earnings disappointments, cuts in the average estimate for the quarter in the month before the report is due and a poor Zacks Rank (#4 or #5) are often red flags pointing to a potentially disappointing earnings report.

In the Earnings Calendar below, $999.00 should be read as N.A.

Potential Positive Surprises
  • Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) is expected to report EPS of $0.25 versus $0.24 a year ago. Last time out ANF reported 145.45% above expectations, and over the last month the estimates for this quarter have risen by 0.88%. ANF is a Zacks #2 Ranked stock.
  • Dell (DELL) is expected to report EPS of $0.48 versus $0.32 a year ago. Last time out DELL reported 27.91% above expectations, and over the last month the estimates for this quarter have risen by 0.39%. DELL is a Zacks #2 Ranked stock.
  • Estee Lauder (EL) is expected to report EPS of $0.24 versus $0.29 a year ago. Last time out EL reported 24.36% above expectations, and over the last month the estimates for this quarter have risen by 0.48%. EL is a Zacks #2 Ranked stock.

Potential Negative Surprises
  • Lowe’s (LOW) is expected to report EPS of $0.67 versus $0.58 a year ago. Last time out LOW reported 5.56% below expectations, and over the last month the estimates for this quarter have dropped by 0.37%. LOW is a Zacks #4 Ranked stock.
  • Sears Holdings (SHLD) is expected to report a loss of $0.46 versus a loss of $0.19 a year ago. Last time out SHLD reported 13.09% below expectations, and over the last month the estimates for this quarter have been unchanged. SHLD is a Zacks #5 Ranked stock.
  • Staples (SPLS) is expected to report EPS of $0.20 versus $0.20 a year ago. Last time out SPLS reported 12.50% below expectations, and over the last month the estimates for the quarter are unchanged. SPLS is a Zacks #4 Ranked stock.

Earnings Calendar
Company Ticker Qtr End EPS Est Year Ago
Last EPS
Surprise %
Next EPS Report Date Time Daily Price
3SBIO INC-ADS SSRX 201106 0.2 0.17 -16.67 20110815 AMC $14.13
AASTROM BIOSCI ASTM 201106 -0.17 -0.18 31.58 20110815 AMC $2.23
ADV PHOTONIX -A API 201106 0 -0.01 133.33 20110815 AMC $1.05
AGILENT TECH A 201107 0.73 0.54 13.85 20110815 AMC $34.51
AMERICAN LORAIN ALN 201106 0.09 0.1 -12.5 20110815 AMC $1.79
AROTECH CORP ARTX 201106 0.03 0.02 -20 20110815 AMC $1.45
CHINA DIG TV STV 201106 0.15 0.15 0 20110815 AMC $4.41
CHINA DIRECT IN CDII 201106 0.08 -0.04 N/A 20110815 AMC $0.90
CHINA GENGSHENG CHGS 201106 0.01 0.04 -150 20110815 BTO $1.29
CHINA HOUSING CHLN 201106 0.06 0.13 -75 20110815 BTO $1.40
CHINA LODGING HTHT 201106 0.11 0.05 -300 20110815 AMC $15.60
CHINA MING YANG MY 201106 0.18 0.23 200 20110815 AMC $3.98
CHINA SHENGDA CPGI 201106 0.07 0.16 -35.71 20110815 BTO $1.20
CHINA XD PLASTC CXDC 201106 0.25 0.26 13.64 20110815 BTO $3.29
CHINA ZENIX AUT ZX 201106 0.48 999 N/A 20110815 $5.22
CHINACACHE INTL CCIH 201106 0.03 -0.07 -75 20110815 AMC $7.49
CLEVELAND BIOLB CBLI 201106 -0.13 -0.09 0 20110815 $2.49
CYTOMEDIX INC CMXI 201106 -0.03 -0.1 0 20110815 AMC $0.31
DEHAIER MEDICAL DHRM 201106 0.13 0.27 78.95 20110815 BTO $2.76
DREAMS INC DRJ 201106 -0.02 -0.03 -200 20110815 AMC $2.18
EPICEPT CORP EPCT 201106 -0.05 -0.11 0 20110815 $0.45
ESTEE LAUDER EL 201106 0.24 0.29 24.56 20110815 BTO $98.20
EXCEED CO LTD EDS 201106 0.34 0.38 41.67 20110815 AMC $4.47
FABRINET FN 201106 0.46 0.43 6.12 20110815 AMC $14.54
FLEXIBLE SOLTNS FSI 201106 0.02 -0.01 -25 20110815 AMC $2.74
GENERAL STEEL GSI 201106 0.12 -0.04 -44.44 20110815 BTO $1.31
GEOKINETICS INC GOK 201106 -2.12 -2.24 -38.1 20110815 AMC $4.40
GLG LIFE TEC CP GLGL 201106 -0.13 -0.01 -50 20110815 BTO $6.71
GLOBAL POWER EQ GLPW 201106 0.49 0.52 -70.73 20110815 AMC $25.08
GREAT BASIN GLD GBG 201106 0 -0.02 -400 20110815 AMC $2.02
GUANWEI RECYCLG GPRC 201106 0.15 0.08 0 20110815 $1.40
HASTING ENTMT HAST 201107 -0.03 -0.01 -62.5 20110815 BTO $4.00
HISOFT TECH-ADR HSFT 201106 0.14 0.19 -8.33 20110815 AMC $10.64
LDK SOLAR CO LDK 201106 0.44 0.36 13.1 20110815 AMC $6.35
LIFEWAY FOODS LWAY 201106 0.06 0.07 71.43 20110815 AMC $10.61
LOWES COS LOW 201107 0.67 0.58 -5.56 20110815 BTO $19.09
MOTORCAR PARTS MPAA 201106 0.21 0.21 12 20110815 $11.39
NETLIST INC NLST 201106 -0.14 -0.16 15.38 20110815 AMC $1.36
NEW ENERGY SYS NEWN 201106 0.38 0.28 7.5 20110815 AMC $2.90
NUPATHE INC PATH 201106 -0.46 -17.42 44.68 20110815 AMC $4.75
ON TRACK INNOV OTIV 201106 0.03 0 200 20110815 BTO $1.67
PREFERRED APTMT APTS 201106 -0.79 999 N/A 20110815 AMC $6.44
QR ENERGY LP QRE 201106 0.28 999 -17.86 20110815 BTO $18.52
RAND LOGISTICS RLOG 201106 0.27 0.22 -59.65 20110815 BTO $7.05
SINOHUB INC SIHI 201106 0.14 0.1 0 20110815 BTO $0.98
SOLAR POWER INC SOPW 201106 -0.01 -0.06 0 20110815 AMC $0.41
SORL AUTO PARTS SORL 201106 0.31 0.28 4.17 20110815 BTO $4.20
STAG INDUSTRIAL STAG 201106 0.25 999 N/A 20110815 AMC $10.36
STATE BANK FINL STBZ 201106 0.32 0.3 -34.21 20110815 AMC $13.90
SUMMIT HOTEL PR INN 201106 0.26 999 -240 20110815 AMC $8.38
SWISHER HYGIENE SWSH 201106 -0.01 -0.01 N/A 20110815 AMC $3.89
SYSCO CORP SYY 201106 0.57 0.53 2.44 20110815 BTO $28.76
TECHPRECISION TPCS 201106 0.03 0.04 0 20110815 AMC $1.30
TELESTONE TECH TSTC 201106 0.19 0.16 62.5 20110815 $5.15
TERRA NOVA RYLT TTT 201106 -0.07 -0.01 145.45 20110815 BTO $7.06
TOWERSTREAM CP TWER 201106 -0.03 -0.04 0 20110815 AMC $3.26
TRI-TECH HOLDNG TRIT 201106 0.45 0.19 61.54 20110815 BTO $5.66
TRI-VALLEY CORP TIV 201106 -0.04 -0.05 0 20110815 AMC $0.42
URBAN OUTFITTER URBN 201107 0.32 0.42 -8 20110815 AMC $28.24
VALSPAR CORP VAL 201107 0.8 0.7 0 20110815 BTO $28.81
WESTWAY GROUP WWAY 201106 0.03 -0.09 -57.14 20110815 $4.70
WIDEPOINT CORP WYY 201106 0.01 0.01 -200 20110815 AMC $0.67
WILHELMINA INTL WHLM 201106 0 0 N/A 20110815 $0.23
ZAGG INC ZAGG 201106 0.12 0.08 30 20110815 BTO $14.16
7 DAYS GRP-ADR SVN 201106 0.13 0.03 -80 20110816 AMC $18.48
ANALOG DEVICES ADI 201107 0.74 0.65 10.29 20110816 AMC $31.50
BOB EVANS FARMS BOBE 201107 0.5 0.41 5.97 20110816 AMC $30.41
CHINA INDUS WST CIWT 201106 0.11 0.07 60 20110816 BTO $0.95
CHINA KANGH-ADR KH 201106 0.16 0.01 0 20110816 BTO $20.64
CHINA MED TECH CMED 201106 0.43 0.26 -70.27 20110816 BTO $5.61
CONCORD MED-ADR CCM 201106 0.1 0.1 -11.11 20110816 BTO $4.08
COUNTRY STY-ADR CCSC 201106 0.06 999 -36.36 20110816 AMC $11.58
DELL INC DELL 201107 0.48 0.32 27.91 20110816 AMC $14.72
DERMA SCIENCES DSCI 201106 -0.09 -0.14 -900 20110816 BTO $8.50
DICKS SPRTG GDS DKS 201107 0.5 0.43 3.45 20110816 BTO $30.83
E-COMMRC CH-ADR DANG 201106 -0.01 999 0 20110816 BTO $9.45
ELBIT SYSTEMS ESLT 201106 1.08 1.04 -28.23 20110816 BTO $41.92
FIRST MARBLEHD FMD 201106 -0.12 -0.1 -457.14 20110816 AMC $1.42
FLEXSTEEL INDS FLXS 201106 0.53 0.61 -27.91 20110816 AMC $13.95
G&K SVCS A GKSR 201106 0.47 0.36 16.22 20110816 BTO $29.62
HOLLYSYS AUTOMT HOLI 201106 0.16 0.19 41.67 20110816 BTO $6.07
HOME DEPOT HD 201107 0.82 0.72 2.04 20110816 BTO $30.05
IFM INVEST-ADS CTC 201106 -0.29 -0.13 -16 20110816 BTO $1.68
JACK HENRY ASSC JKHY 201106 0.4 0.35 0 20110816 AMC $26.78
JAMBA INC JMBA 201106 0.03 0.02 -42.86 20110816 AMC $1.88
JINKOSOLAR HLDG JKS 201106 1.5 0.76 37.25 20110816 BTO $15.90
KNIGHTSBRIDGE VLCCF 201106 0.41 0.79 -2.78 20110816 $18.12
LECROY CORP LCRY 201106 0.03 0.05 -64.29 20110816 BTO $8.40
MEDQUIST HLDGS MEDH 201106 0.3 -0.07 10.71 20110816 BTO $10.87
MILLER ENERGY MILL 201107 -0.02 -0.03 0 20110816 AMC $2.67
PERNIX THERAPTC PTX 201106 0.04 0.01 -41.67 20110816 BTO $6.10
PERRIGO COMPANY PRGO 201106 0.99 0.71 11.46 20110816 BTO $88.41
PHOTRONICS INC PLAB 201107 0.19 0.13 41.18 20110816 AMC $6.06
SAKS INC SKS 201107 -0.09 -0.13 6.25 20110816 BTO $8.70
SKULLCANDY INC SKUL 201106 0.19 999 N/A 20110816 AMC $15.86
TAOMEE HOLDINGS TAOM 201106 0.12 999 N/A 20110816 $12.82
THE9 LTD-ADR NCTY 201106 -0.37 -0.33 15.38 20110816 AMC $5.25
TITAN PHARMA TTNP 201106 -0.06 -0.03 N/A 20110816 $1.75
TJX COS INC NEW TJX 201107 0.88 0.73 -2.5 20110816 BTO $53.06
TOWERS WATSON TW 201106 0.91 0.69 34.04 20110816 BTO $54.98
UNITEK GLOBAL UNTK 201106 -0.36 -2.24 15.38 20110816 AMC $5.68
VALUEVISION CLA VVTV 201107 -0.06 -0.23 33.33 20110816 BTO $5.35
VANCEINFO TECH VIT 201106 0.2 0.18 -11.11 20110816 BTO $17.67
WAL-MART STORES WMT 201107 1.08 0.97 3.16 20110816 $49.73
ABERCROMBIE ANF 201107 0.25 0.24 145.45 20110817 BTO $68.48
AFC ENTERPRISES AFCE 201106 0.23 0.21 3.85 20110817 AMC $14.28
AMER SUPERCON AMSC 201106 -0.21 0.28 22.22 20110817 BTO $6.22
AUTONAVI HL-ADR AMAP 201106 0.17 0.15 90 20110817 BTO $15.66
BJ'S WHOLESALE BJ 201107 0.76 0.67 12.5 20110817 BTO $50.07
CACI INTL A CACI 201106 1.17 0.96 12.62 20110817 AMC $49.50
CANADIAN SOLAR CSIQ 201106 0.29 0.07 7.32 20110817 BTO $7.64
CHICOS FAS INC CHS 201107 0.24 0.17 4 20110817 BTO $13.23
CHINA DISTANCE DL 201106 0.05 0.04 -50 20110817 AMC $2.50
CHINA RE IN-ADR CRIC 201106 0.06 0.08 -50 20110817 BTO $5.83
CHINAEDU CP-ADR CEDU 201106 0.03 0.13 300 20110817 AMC $6.14
CITI TRENDS INC CTRN 201107 -0.64 -0.04 -4.6 20110817 BTO $12.54
DEERE & CO DE 201107 1.68 1.44 2.91 20110817 BTO $73.48
EATON VANCE EV 201107 0.51 0.35 8.89 20110817 $23.97
E-HOUSE CHINA EJ 201106 -0.01 0.11 -50 20110817 BTO $7.19
FLOWERS FOODS FLO 201106 0.26 0.25 8.7 20110817 BTO $20.57
HOT TOPIC INC HOTT 201107 -0.08 -0.14 0 20110817 AMC $6.71
INTERXION HLDG INXN 201106 0.09 0.02 -22.22 20110817 BTO $11.54
INTL RECTIFIER IRF 201106 0.52 0.29 19.15 20110817 AMC $23.38
ISOFTSTONE LTD ISS 201106 0.12 999 -25 20110817 BTO $11.01
JDS UNIPHASE CP JDSU 201106 0.18 0.09 -5.56 20110817 AMC $11.42
LIMITED BRANDS LTD 201107 0.45 0.36 2.56 20110817 AMC $34.45
MAGNETEK INC MAG 201106 0.06 0.02 33.33 20110817 BTO $1.44
NAVIOS MARITIME NNA 201106 -0.02 -0.08 300 20110817 BTO $3.13
NETAPP INC NTAP 201107 0.45 0.39 6.82 20110817 AMC $42.68
NETEASE.COM-ADR NTES 201106 0.78 0.55 21.13 20110817 AMC $46.59
PETSMART INC PETM 201107 0.5 0.41 10.91 20110817 AMC $40.46
PHOENIX NEW MED FENG 201106 0.05 999 N/A 20110817 AMC $8.78
QIHOO 360 TECH QIHU 201106 0.02 999 N/A 20110817 AMC $21.57
SINA CORP SINA 201106 0.18 0.4 -8.7 20110817 AMC $103.00
STAPLES INC SPLS 201107 0.2 0.2 -12.5 20110817 BTO $13.10
TARGET CORP TGT 201107 0.96 0.92 5.32 20110817 BTO $47.27
XUEDA EDUC-ADR XUE 201106 0.18 999 33.33 20110817 BTO $8.09
AEROFLEX HOLDNG ARX 201106 0.35 999 0 20110818 BTO $10.82
AEROPOSTALE INC ARO 201107 -0.03 0.46 0 20110818 AMC $11.79
AMERICAS CAR-MT CRMT 201107 0.75 0.7 13.24 20110818 AMC $32.57
AUTODESK INC ADSK 201107 0.34 0.3 3.23 20110818 AMC $28.75
BALDWIN TECH A BLD 201106 -0.01 -0.05 -133.33 20110818 $0.96
BLUE COAT SYS BCSI 201107 0.15 0.34 -4 20110818 AMC $16.90
BON-TON STORES BONT 201107 -1.6 -1.91 -4.96 20110818 BTO $6.03
BROCADE COMM SY BRCD 201107 0.06 0.08 50 20110818 AMC $3.60
BUCKLE INC BKE 201107 0.5 0.44 -2.74 20110818 BTO $38.69
CAMELOT INF-ADS CIS 201106 0.19 0.14 28.57 20110818 BTO $9.12
CASUAL MALE RET CMRG 201107 0.13 0.12 -10 20110818 DMT $3.64
CATO CORP A CATO 201107 0.59 0.54 2.97 20110818 $26.36
CDC CORP CHINA 201106 -0.01 -0.09 -250 20110818 AMC $1.39
CHILDRENS PLACE PLCE 201107 -0.39 -0.3 4.76 20110818 BTO $40.66
CHINA FIN ONLIN JRJC 201106 0.01 0.02 0 20110818 AMC $3.03
DOLLAR TREE INC DLTR 201107 0.75 0.61 9.33 20110818 $65.42
FOOT LOCKER INC FL 201107 0.12 0.04 36.36 20110818 AMC $18.60
GAMESTOP CORP GME 201107 0.22 0.26 3.7 20110818 BTO $21.44
GAP INC GPS 201107 0.33 0.36 2.56 20110818 AMC $16.30
HEWLETT PACKARD HPQ 201107 1.09 1.08 2.48 20110818 AMC $31.05
INTUIT INC INTU 201107 -0.1 -0.11 1.83 20110818 AMC $42.05
JA SOLAR HOLDGS JASO 201106 0.14 0.18 12.12 20110818 BTO $4.16
KENSEY NASH CP KNSY 201106 0.34 0.54 2.38 20110818 BTO $26.61
LANCASTER COLON LANC 201106 0.8 0.81 -11.25 20110818 BTO $58.43
LSI INDUSTRIES LYTS 201106 0.11 0.04 800 20110818 BTO $6.95
MARVELL TECH GP MRVL 201107 0.32 0.36 -7.69 20110818 AMC $12.63
MENTOR GRAPHICS MENT 201107 -0.07 -0.05 7.14 20110818 AMC $9.32
NAVIOS MARITIME NM 201106 0.18 0.29 5.88 20110818 BTO $3.34
NEW YORK & CO NWY 201107 -0.14 -0.49 50 20110818 BTO $4.86
NORDSON CORP NDSN 201107 0.88 0.65 7.95 20110818 AMC $43.00
OPLINK COMMNCTN OPLK 201106 0.17 0.21 10.26 20110818 AMC $16.04
PERRY ELLIS INT PERY 201107 0.04 -0.11 10.2 20110818 BTO $17.75
ROSS STORES ROST 201107 1.28 1.07 0 20110818 $71.07
SALESFORCE.COM CRM 201107 0.04 0.16 20 20110818 AMC $134.55
SCANSOURCE INC SCSC 201106 0.65 0.52 5.26 20110818 AMC $31.44
SEARS HLDG CP SHLD 201107 -0.46 -0.19 -13.93 20110818 BTO $62.32
SILICON GRAPHIC SGI 201106 -0.05 -0.55 142.86 20110818 AMC $12.41
SMUCKER JM SJM 201107 1.08 1.04 2.04 20110818 BTO $74.18
STAGE STORES SSI 201107 0.3 0.27 0 20110818 BTO $16.53
STEIN MART INC SMRT 201107 0.09 0.08 3.23 20110818 BTO $7.47
TECH DATA CORP TECD 201107 0.95 0.82 -2.83 20110818 BTO $41.57
TORO CO TTC 201107 1.15 1.01 16.77 20110818 BTO $48.44
TRONOX INC TROX 201106 3.79 999 N/A 20110818 BTO $122.50
WET SEAL INC -A WTSLA 201107 0.02 0.02 0 20110818 AMC $4.69
WILLIAMS-SONOMA WSM 201107 0.36 0.31 7.14 20110818 BTO $32.17
ANN INC ANN 201107 0.46 0.32 6.25 20110819 BTO $21.94
CHINA SUNERGY CSUN 201106 -0.18 0.33 38.46 20110819 BTO $1.39
HIBBET SPORTS HIBB 201107 0.19 0.14 11.76 20110819 BTO $34.91
KIRKLANDS INC KIRK 201107 0.02 0.16 15.38 20110819 BTO $9.15
YINGLI GREEN EN YGE 201106 0.31 0.22 -7.69 20110819 BTO $6.35

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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Dell 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Dell 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.