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CHICAGO and NEW YORK and ALBANY, New York, May 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Affiliates of GTCR and Sycamore...
Revenue of $26.3 million increases 7%, $0.00 GAAP EPS, and $0.14 adjusted EPS GAAP net income of $0.2 million...
CommerceHub Announces Availability of Enhanced Delivery Experiences for Large Omni-Channel Retailers Addition of Convey as partner provides new...
Convey, Inc. requests that their press release NewsItemId: 20180319005030 entitled “CommerceHub and Convey Partner to Help Retailers Deliver...
Joint solution powers exceptional customer experience with end-to-end visibility, messaging, and control CommerceHub, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHUBA...
WeissLaw LLP Investigates CommerceHub, Inc. Acquisition PR Newswire NEW YORK, March 12, 2018 NEW YORK, March 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- WeissLaw...
Rowley Law PLLC is investigating potential claims against CommerceHub, Inc. (NASDAQ: CHUBA) and its board of directors for breach of fiduciary...
CommerceHub Alert: Johnson Fistel Investigates Proposed Sale of CommerceHub, Inc.; Are Shareholders getting a Fair Price? PR Newswire SAN DIEGO...
ALBANY, N.Y., CHICAGO and NEW YORK, March 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CommerceHub, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHUBA...
Revenue for the fourth quarter and full year grows 12% and 11%, respectivelyNet income of $3.2 million and...
ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CommerceHub, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHUBA) (NASDAQ:CHUBK...
ALBANY, N.Y., Jan. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CommerceHub, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHUBA) (NASDAQ:CHUBK...
Mark Greenquist has notified the company of his resignation as Chief Financial Officer and TreasurerMichael...
Revenue of $24.6 million increased 10% Year-Over-Year, $0.04 GAAP EPS, $0.08 adjusted EPSSigned new drop-ship agreement with top 10 U.S...
ALBANY, N.Y., Oct. 25, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CommerceHub, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHUBA) (NASDAQ:CHUBK...
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