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Expert tips to keep guys sane on V-day SHELBURNE, Vt., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- To women, it's the Mac-daddy of all holidays, so guys need to know...
Unconventional Valentine's Day bears to ignite passion SHELBURNE, Vt., Jan. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Average teddy bears need not apply to be one of...
Exclusive designer collection features bouquets, wreaths, and creative accessories. SHELBURNE, Vt., Nov. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Blending exotic and...
SHELBURNE, Vt., Sept. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Vermont Teddy Bear Company(R), Inc. (NASDAQ:BEAR...
Vermont Teddy Bear Co.(R) Reports Q3 Earnings: Mother's Day orders increase by 21% SHELBURNE, Vt., May 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Vermont...
Vermont Teddy Bear Company to Be Taken Private; Stockholders to Receive $6.50 in Cash Per Share SHELBURNE, Vt., May 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/...
Supermom Bear Saves the Day; Rescues Shoppers from Boring Mother's Day Gifts SHELBURNE, Vt., May 2 /PRNewswire/ -- At some point in their lives...
Vermont Teddy Bear Co.(R) Reports Q1 Results: Company Prepares for Busy Christmas Holiday Season with Expansion of Fulfillment Center SHELBURNE...
Vermont Teddy Bear Company(R) Reports 38.6% Revenue Increase in Fiscal Year 2004: Doubles Size of Distribution Facility in Shelburne SHELBURNE...
Vermont Teddy Bear Co.(R) Reports Q3 Earnings: Successful third quarter proves Men Really Do Buy Teddy Bears SHELBURNE, Vt., May 17...
Vermont Teddy Bear Co.(R) Reports 68% Increase in Mother's Day Orders SHELBURNE, Vt., May 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Vermont Teddy...
New York Court of Appeals Returns Vermont Teddy Bear Co. Lease Dispute To Trial Court SHELBURNE, Vt., March 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The...
Elvis Presley Enterprises Authorizes 50th Anniversary Promotion Partnership Announced with Vermont Teddy Bear, Kroger, and Regional Bakers...
Vermont Teddy Bear Co.(R) Reports 44% Increase in Q2 Revenues: Valentine's Day orders up 27% SHELBURNE, Vt., Feb. 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/...
Vermont Teddy Bear Co.(R) Reports Strong Holiday Sales Addition of Calyx & Corolla(R) adds boost to Christmas SHELBURNE, Vt., Jan. 5...
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