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안지오랩 (251280)

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Lucky77Dice Lucky77Dice 4 분 전
Yep…we don’t get to attest why shares remain…intact..uncancelled and safe…today
Never in the monitors report…so remains sealed here..they remain…
fuagf fuagf 5 분 전
Not a job fuckface, but he could have gone the way of serving real customers. Course
he couldn't really be trusted to do that could he, so fair enough it had to totally staged.
okwife okwife 7 분 전
Vexari Vexari 8 분 전
Another perspective Going forward
fuagf fuagf 8 분 전
rooster doesn't understand it takes years to plan an invasion like that and your reply makes all the sense in the world. This article, i think, supports yours while adding another dimension, suggesting Trump's term gave Putin much of what he wanted anyway, and so more time to prepare for the invasi
Horseb4CarT Horseb4CarT 9 분 전
Wrong again!

We've searched out and vetted every bread crumb positive and negative for more than a dozen years. 

I don't risk as much of our hard earned money on any investment without constantly questioning the case for, and the risks of, a large investment as objectiv
JimmyRich JimmyRich 9 분 전
Yeah that would be the press releases that were published on the submission of the application and then the PR that said that the FDA had questions.. are you familiar with those??? Or are those considered inside info???? Very foolish
drugmanrx drugmanrx 9 분 전

Somebody should tell Ford, Toyota, GM, Chevy, Kia, Honda. etc etc etc that they don't meet the Federal Trade Commission, “Made in USA” standard.

Although it remains an American car brand, many parts are not exclusively manufactured in the country. The automa
Concerning that he would say such a thing
Petroleum2024 Petroleum2024 10 분 전
It's not hard to spot a paid shorter working for someone like SHITADALE. A shorter putting too much effort bashing a sub zero stock is a red flag. I own $cava and many other blue chip stocks. Penny stocks are exciting and plus I make a lot of money trading penny stocks. GRCU will go up....I make mon
janice shell janice shell 11 분 전
Well you see, you're not well-educated, and so not in a position to make judgment calls.
georgejjl georgejjl 13 분 전
TID dosing works best when taken every 8 hours.

7:00 AM
3:00 PM
11:00 PM

The above is the shift schedule for most people who work at a facility that operates 24 hours a day.

That schedule would be nearly optimum for testing Anavex 3-71.
janice shell janice shell 13 분 전
It won't be long, but the mets just got another run. 10-5 now. But the Dodgers only need one more out. I don't see how they can fail to get it.
rooster rooster 13 분 전
Doesn’t seem like it
Vexari Vexari 13 분 전
Fluoride is a neurotoxin ~~~ Time to phase it out ~~~

Federal judge rules DIGILEA
rooster rooster 13 분 전
Looks like the heat may be getting the best of you in the desert
rooster rooster 14 분 전
Well of course it was staged doofus what’d you think Trump was really going to get a job at McDonald’s
janice shell janice shell 14 분 전
Wisdom comes with age. And as I said, I'm very well-educated.
moneyforfun moneyforfun 15 분 전
Did everyone see this news?
AIM1979 AIM1979 15 분 전
The internet archive got hacked The Internet Archive is back as a read-only service after cyberattacks . A lot of it was down for quite a bit of time.
rooster rooster 15 분 전
I’ll forgive you for not knowing anything since you said you were so old
wadegarret wadegarret 15 분 전
mankind- LTBR

Ok, so that's great. Now lets make some money ! But before we can do, don't we need some way to value the stock ? Have some idea what revenues might be, and when they'll start posting them. How about a speculation using some method, on how much earnings might be. Pro
LCJR LCJR 16 분 전
They have to impose penalties, even if it’s minuscule. It’s the OTC and 90% of the “companies” out there are scams working out of the basement. Wouldn’t surprise me if the SEC really started making life hard for those types. Unfortunately, RNVA found themselves entangled in that mess, whether volunt
moneyforfun moneyforfun 16 분 전
What's everyone's go to for Level 2?
lakers17 lakers17 16 분 전
Good luck with that.🤣 NSAV has been a bad gamble all the way down from .01. Some chart guy has said the NSAV chart was a buy at .001, .009., .008., .007, .006, .005, .004, .003 and lower. Been wrong on NSAV over and over, proving charts don't work in he OTC. The OTC has some decent winn

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