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Societe Generale Societegener Fx Oct36 Call Eur

Societe Generale Societegener Fx Oct36 Call Eur (FRSG00030918)

마감 16 12월 1:30AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

FRSG00030918 뉴스

공식 뉴스 전용
0개의 기사가 발견되었습니다.
shurtha2000 shurtha2000 1 분 전
Biden is POS and endangering the country with this drone secrecy
shajandr shajandr 3 분 전
BGRX = FDIT = 100% pure, unadulterated garbage. Rubbish. Trash.

Crooked RAY FIRTH's intestinal detritus legacy and CONtribution to the pennyscam heap.
meirluc meirluc 4 분 전
Well Galzus, I hate to disappoint you but selection bias could NOT account
for the fact that the DCVax-L treatment patients outlived the comparative ECA's by
a few months because that survival difference was almost entirely due to the fact that
the methylated GBM Treatment pat
Can'tSparTheGhost Can'tSparTheGhost 5 분 전
Haven't really thought of it that way...but it's definitey a possibility...and a really nice number😉...and depending on how this evolves and turns out, perhaps more; hopefully, we hear something soon...GLTU and ALL who are waiting in the wings.

Welcome2Pinkyland Welcome2Pinkyland 8 분 전
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 9 분 전
Thing is just takin' tts' time, that's all.....
For whatever reason.
Can't RUSH these things......
Gotta let them play out.

devil dog 96 devil dog 96 11 분 전
No Sh*t they have not scammed anyone. That's why your clown🤡 crew can't show any proof of them scamming anyone. Now your starting to tell the truth here. 🔥

" They haven’t “scammed me” and never will."

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!
CaptBeer CaptBeer 12 분 전
Not holding my breath for anything big. I recall Spain jump didn't last more than a day before settling to even at EOD. 
pothen pothen 12 분 전
Typical response as expected.... enough said.
Venture Point Venture Point 14 분 전
We could forego all salaries and expenses and just buy bitcoin
John Doe 2024 John Doe 2024 17 분 전
3331 3331 17 분 전
BIEL: 911 trade at the close Friday, NEWS (Monday?).
bwolfy2002 bwolfy2002 18 분 전
Why is almost everyone around here such the main character type? You've been slamming the stock for some time, got it. You've disapproved of (and discriminated against) Nader for some time, got it. Nader is a felon and getting his in court, got it. Helped with their investigation? Come on now. Posti
elks elks 19 분 전
Your the clown. Simple dont buy see ya. George will prevail spend my money how i want get lost looser
3331 3331 19 분 전
BIEL: 911 trade at the close Friday, NEWS (Monday?).
EarningsCentral EarningsCentral 25 분 전
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 26 분 전
Sounds good! Have a good evening.
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 31 분 전
Gman3343 Gman3343 35 분 전
Ok dummy, you sound desperate too. I own gvsi, but not getting excited for nothing. George doesn't have one single merger for any of his tickers.
Just keep holding.
mrfence mrfence 35 분 전
Is dat per post? ;-)
Eleven fiddy for da goobermint mole!!
2018trader 2018trader 35 분 전
Quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum quantum

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