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Availability of a short formof the 2024 Annual Financial Report A short form of the Dassault Aviation 2024...
DASSAULT AVIATION RESULTSCONSOLIDATED DATA 20242023Order intakeEUR 10,869 million30 Export Rafale26 FalconEUR...
Dassault Aviation (consolidated figures) Deliveries, order intakes and backlog in number of new aircraft as of...
Dassault Aviation becomes a Patron of the Charles de Gaulle Foundation Saint-Cloud, France, October 9, 2024 –...
Unmanned combat aerial vehicle program kicks offas part of the Rafale F5 standard Saint-Cloud, October 8...
Serbia acquires 12 Rafale fighters Saint-Cloud, France, August 29, 2024 – In the presence of the President of...
KEY FIGURES OF DASSAULT AVIATION GROUP H1 2024H1 2023Order intake(new aircraft in units)€5,134 million18...
The Rafale enters service in the Croatian Air Force The first six Rafale operated by the Croatian Air...
Availability of a complete formof the 2023 Annual Financial Report Dassault Aviation complete version of the...
Availability of a short formof the 2023 Annual Financial Report A short form of the Dassault Aviation 2023...
KEY FIGURES OF DASSAULT AVIATION GROUP 20232022Order intakeEUR 8,253 million60 Rafale of which 42 France and...
PRESS RELEASE Paris-Le Bourget, Saint-Cloud, Paris,February 1st, 2024 Groupe ADP and Dassault Aviation join...
Dassault Aviation Group Order intakes, deliveries and backlog in number of new aircraft as of December 31...
Dassault Aviation receives an order for42 Rafales for the French Air and Space Force Saint-Cloud, France...
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