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BNP Paribas Issuance

BNP Paribas Issuance (P1DDH4)

마감 01 3월 1:30AM

포트폴리오 강화: 실시간 토론 및 실행 가능한 거래 아이디어.

P1DDH4 뉴스

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SC8 SC8 2 분 전
So how much $ did RDGL lose on those 6 IsoPet treatments?
Dr Quest Dr Quest 2 분 전
Channeling Phaedrus77

Asked you about about the Nexpoint buying @$1.10 and selling at $3 on pink sheets.

You have proclaimed at least 3 times previously that Nexpoint didn't buy any stock at $1.10 due to "restrictions", they just wanted the investor info data
Pretty much that!
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 3 분 전
Cure to cancer 2Million market cap Lmao…
navycmdr navycmdr 3 분 전
Average US rate on a 30-year mortgage falls for sixth-straight week to lowest level since December
NASDAQ2020 NASDAQ2020 3 분 전
When Nasrat negotiates he will start high. Your making THE buyer think we will take $2 but most share holders have higher prices in mind. The Buyer needs to know $2 is not enough and share holders will not settle for giving the co. away.

Let’s start the negotiations with what the co.
Backstabbed Backstabbed 4 분 전
Hang in there guys! We be swimming in $100 bills y'all very soon!
Slojab Slojab 4 분 전
Or maybe it's just too damn stupid to give it serious consideration. This, from the man now running the country.

Musk's stance against remote work is well-documented, but his latest proposal takes it a step further. He suggests that employees should work an astonishing 120 hours per w
janice shell janice shell 4 분 전
That's a good point.
MartinLutherKing MartinLutherKing 5 분 전
You never know what can happpen in todays world, everything is possible brothers the world is runned by criminals
SC8 SC8 5 분 전
It's so far looking like these Indian studies aren't anything close to FDA standards. So no surprise if everything has to be repeated in USA per those standards.
sentiment_stocks sentiment_stocks 5 분 전
Yes... I know... he invested in nevercure and liked the way they ran their company more... for awhile. And then he came back to Northwest. I do not believe he was ever a short, but became disillusioned with Northwest. I'm just offering my opinion.
tw0122 tw0122 5 분 전
The US economic outlook is bright .. style="caret-color: rgb(17, 17, 17); color: rgba(17, 17, 17, 1); font-family: Archivo, sans-serif; font-size: 19.200001px" The country is already decelerating rapidly. And consumer confidence is weakening. 

Konaploinks Konaploinks 6 분 전
I’d be real surprised if our BoD didn’t sue them. Stay tuned. Doc. U recognize their name in N Y hmmmm. Something stinks.
krab krab 6 분 전
Folks, I am expecting FnF release by mid-April with a supporting DJT EO !!!
Rick, keep blowing that Magical Horn, we need more Whales.
955 955 7 분 전
Epstein Evidence Disappears

Trump on the warpath!
Unabel2020 Unabel2020 7 분 전
I wish this guy would sell this stock. Need my money back hahaha
janice shell janice shell 8 분 전
On Wednesday, Biden had predicted Russia would invade Ukraine, but suggested there was a split among NATO members about how to respond if Moscow took action that stopped short of sending its troops across the border — something Biden referred to as a "minor incursion." He said:

"I thi
SC8 SC8 9 분 전
" the 90 day results are due in March" Since when does MK do anything in a timely fashion? Why do we only have one 30 day downdate anecdote about one patient so far from his Feb 4 release? What is he hiding?
StayHumble StayHumble 9 분 전
Yes💹Great Company Potential! $UBQU💹iO does $5M🎃Revenue Annually+Growing💹💹
w/ Facilities already in place to help make it happen. Just watch what we do
NoMoDo NoMoDo 10 분 전
Seems like just yesterday, you mighta been able to get this for .00035. Now it's .0005.
Redoocs Redoocs 10 분 전
Wrong. He never said he would withhold aid. That was Biden until the prosecutor got fired. And he bragged about it.
Nice try though.

Jury of his peers in uber liberal nyc? With a uber liberal judge? Yea right.
Another nice try.

That was his lawyer, who
Jmags Jmags 11 분 전
New partnership for SideChannel.
Michael Bolton Brain Cancer

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