Mittal Steel USA Confirms Non-Binding MOU With Esmark for Weirton Assets
20 1월 2007 - 4:05AM
PR Newswire (US)
CHICAGO, Jan. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Reacting to recent media reports,
Mittal Steel USA confirms today that it has entered into a
non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Esmark for the
sale of the tin mill products business of Mittal Steel USA in
Weirton, West Virginia. The transaction is subject to several
contingencies, including the satisfactory completion of due
diligence by Esmark, the completion of a mutually agreeable
definitive purchase agreement, and mutually satisfactory
arrangements with the Independent Steel Workers Union. The
transaction is also subject to approval by the U.S. Department of
Justice under a consent decree filed with the federal court in
Washington, D.C. in August 2006 to resolve a complaint by the
Justice Department that Mittal Steel's acquisition of Arcelor would
likely reduce competition in the tin mill products market in the
eastern U.S. That decree requires Mittal Steel to sell Dofasco, a
Canadian company currently owned by a Dutch foundation for the
benefit of Arcelor, but provides that if Mittal Steel is unable to
sell Dofasco, Mittal Steel must sell either its Weirton or Sparrows
Point facility at the election of the Department of Justice. As
previously reported, ThyssenKrupp has sued Mittal Steel in
Rotterdam to force Mittal Steel to cause Arcelor to sue the Dutch
foundation that holds the shares of Dofasco. A decision in that
case is expected January 23, 2007. Mittal Steel understands that
the Department of Justice has made no decision regarding the
divestiture options under the decree. Mittal Steel is in
discussions with the Department of Justice regarding its
divestiture obligations. The MOU contemplates execution of
definitive transaction agreements by February 2, 2007 when the MOU
terminates. While the parties hope to complete a transaction in the
coming months, there can be no assurance as to whether or when all
contingencies will be satisfied. "The negotiated non-binding
memorandum of understanding allows us to prepare for a swift
execution of the disposal of the Weirton assets in case Dofasco
cannot be sold and the Department of Justice asks us to sell these
operations," said Lou Schorsch, CEO, Flat Americas, Arcelor Mittal.
About Mittal Steel USA Mittal Steel USA, with its affiliates, is
the largest steel producer in North America and the largest
integrated steel producer in the United States. It serves a broad
U.S. manufacturing base. The company was formed in April 2005 and
consists of the former Ispat Inland Inc. and the former
International Steel Group. It has operations in 12 states of the
United States. About Arcelor Mittal Arcelor Mittal is the world's
number one steel company, with 330,000 employees in more than 60
countries. The company, which will be incorporated in 2007
following the successful tender offer, brings together the world's
number one and number two steel companies, Arcelor and Mittal
Steel. Arcelor Mittal is the leader in all major global markets,
including automotive, construction, household appliances and
packaging, with leading R&D and technology, as well as sizeable
captive supplies of raw materials and outstanding distribution
networks. An industrial presence in 27 European, Asian, African and
American countries exposes the company to all the key steel
markets, from emerging to mature, positions it will be looking to
develop in the high-growth Chinese and Indian markets. Arcelor
Mittal key pro forma financials for the first nine months of 2006
show combined revenues of $65.4 billion, with approximate
production capacity of 130 million tonnes a year, representing
around 10 per cent of world steel output. The company respects the
highest standards in corporate social responsibility and intends to
periodically publish significant sustainable development key
performance indicators to live up to this ambition. DATASOURCE:
Mittal Steel USA CONTACT: Arcelor Mittal's Investor Relations,
Continental Europe, +352 4792 2414, or UK/Asia/Africa, +44 207 543
1172, or Americas, +1-312-899-3569, or Retail, +352 4792 2434, or
SRI, or +352 4792 2902, or Nicola Davidson, +44 207 543 1162 -
1172, or Luc Scheer, +352 4792 2360, or North America, Bill Steers,
+1-312-899-3817, all of Arcelor Mittal's Communication, or UK
media, Philip Gawith, +44 20 7379 5151, or Lydia Pretzlik, +44 20
7379 5151, both of Maitland Consultancy