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Biogen Receives Positive CHMP Opinion for TOFIDENCE™ (tocilizumab), a Biosimilar Referencing ROACTEMRA® CHMP positive opinion is based on a...
New Biomarker Data Add Further Evidence Supporting the Potential Benefit of SPINRAZA® (nusinersen) in Infants and Toddlers with Unmet Clinical...
Biogen Highlights New Data at the International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases (AD/PD™) 2024 Annual Meeting New data...
Biogen’s QALSODY® (tofersen), the First Therapy to Treat Rare, Genetic Form of ALS, Received Positive Opinion from CHMP SOD1-ALS is a...
Biogen Received European Commission Approval for SKYCLARYS® (omaveloxolone), the First Therapy to Treat Friedreich’s Ataxia Friedreich’s...
Biogen to Realign Resources for Alzheimer's Disease Franchise Company to reprioritize resources allocated to ADUHELM® (aducanumab-avwa...
Centralized Marketing Authorizations of Generic Versions of TECFIDERA® are Revoked by the European Commission CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 19...
CHMP Issues Positive Opinion for Biogen’s SKYCLARYS® (omaveloxolone), the First Therapy to Treat Friedreich’s Ataxia, a Rare Neurodegenerative...
ZURZUVAE™ (zuranolone) CIV, a Landmark Oral Treatment for Women with Postpartum Depression (PPD), is Now Available in the U.S. ZURZUVAE, the...
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