Ameren Illinois Utilities Helping Families to Be Prepared Before the Next Storm Strikes
02 9월 2009 - 3:12AM
PR Newswire (US)
Du Quoin State Fair Visitors also will be introduced to
'' PEORIA, Ill., Sept. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Du Quoin State
Fair visitors will learn about storm preparedness and family safety
when they visit the Ameren Illinois Utilities (AmerenCIPS,
AmerenCILCO, AmerenIP) Emergency Response Tent exhibit today
through Labor Day. In addition, visitors will be introduced to
Ameren Illinois Utilities' newest storm outage information service
- Mobile Power Outage Information or "" "Safety is
always our first priority. As National Preparedness Month begins
today, getting ready for storms and other emergency events is a
step we want every family to take for safety's sake," said Ron
Pate, vice president of Regional Operations for the Ameren Illinois
Utilities. Ameren Illinois Utilities (AIU) representatives will
give Du Quoin State Fair visitors a copy of the AIU Family Safety
Pocket Guide. This handy reference tool provides people with the
information they need to be prepared for storms and other
emergencies. AIU also will explain, the new outage
technology for mobile and other handheld devices that access the
Internet. Customers who visit can access outage
information by ZIP code, county or by inserting a telephone number
to find outage count information. Key family safety planning points
to remember: -- Develop a shelter plan for severe storm conditions.
-- If any member of your family has a medical condition, plan and
make arrangements to have that person's special needs met in the
event electricity is not available for an extended period of time.
-- Assemble a "storm kit" and store it in a secure, centrally
located part of your house. Make sure all family members know where
to find that kit. It should contain: -- Emergency telephone
numbers; flashlights and fresh batteries (avoid using candles,
lanterns or oil lamps due to the fire risk); extra garage and house
keys; a battery-powered radio; a battery-powered or wind-up alarm
clock; a supply of bottled water (one gallon per person per day);
non-perishable foods that don't require heating; blankets, bedding
or sleeping bags; a first-aid kit and medications; a hand-operated
can opener; special items for infants or family members with
special needs; hand tools, such as a screwdriver, scissors and duct
tape; household items like plastic utensils, paper plates,
waterproof matches and household bleach; personal identification
and copies of important family documents. -- If your electric
service is interrupted, unplug sensitive computer and electronic
equipment. For maximum security, always protect equipment with a
high-quality surge protector. -- When severe weather is predicted,
make certain your cell phone and other mobile devices are fully
charged. Also, remember that cordless land line telephones will not
function when the lights are out. Additional safety and service
information is available at the Ameren Illinois Utilities Emergency
Operations Center Web site ( Information
regarding energy efficiency is available at The
Ameren Illinois Utilities have been providing safe, reliable energy
delivery service for more than a century. The Ameren Illinois
Utilities deliver energy to 1.2 million electric and more than
840,000 natural gas customers in about 1,000 communities, while
helping customers spend less by using less energy and communities
grow through economic development initiatives. DATASOURCE: Ameren
Illinois Utilities CONTACT: Leigh Morris, +1-217-535-5228, or Neal
Johnson, +1-309-677-5284, or Victoria Busch, +1-618-346-1286, all
of Ameren Illinois Utilities Web Site: