RNS No 7339c
10th June 1998

                           WORLDSEC LIMITED
Worldsec Limited is pleased to release today its preliminary statement
of results for the year ended 31 December 1997.

The  Chairman's  Statement  and extracts  from  the  annual  financial
statements  are reproduced below.  The results have been  agreed  with
the  company's  auditors, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,  Certified  Public
Accountants, Hong Kong.


For further information please contact:

In the United Kingdom                        In Hong Kong

Mr. Alastair Gunn-Forbes                     Mr. Paul K.K. Cheng
Director                                     Finance Director
+44 171 972 0880                             +852 2867 7213



The  shares  of  Worldsec Limited (the "Company") were listed  on  the
London  Stock Exchange Limited in March 1997.  I am pleased to present
its first annual report as a public company.

The  audited consolidated profit after taxation and minority interests
of  the  Company was $2.19m which represents an increase of  72%  when
compared with the results of $1.27m for 1996.

Earnings  per share based on the weighted average number of shares  in
issue during the year amounted to US 19.2 cents, representing a slight
decline from earnings per share of US 19.7 cents in 1996.


An  interim  dividend  of US 2 cents per share  has  been  paid.   The
directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of US 2 cents  per
share  for  1997, making a total of US 4 cents per share.   The  total
dividend   to   shareholders  for  1997  will  amount  to  US$516,000,
representing a payout ratio of 24%.


Given its focus on the Asian equity markets, the Group was faced  with
an  extremely  difficult and volatile operating environment  in  1997.
This stemmed from deteriorating economic conditions in Asia.  Over the
years, the Asian economies had developed rapidly on the back of strong
export  led  growth.  However, in 1997, the sharp slowdown  in  export
growth  which  began  the previous year exposed the  risks  from  high
current account deficits, poor financial infrastructure and high  debt

The  operating  environment for the Group was  particularly  difficult
after  Thailand floated the Baht on 2 July setting in train a currency
crisis.   Before that date, the stability of Asian currencies  against
the  US  dollar  had  encouraged institutional  borrowing  of  foreign
currencies  on  an  un-hedged basis in order  to  benefit  from  lower
foreign interest rates.  Throughout large parts of Asia there had been
over-investment in assets producing inferior returns relative  to  the
true cost of capital.

With  the  exception  of Indonesia, the equity markets  of  the  ASEAN
countries  prior to the Baht flotation had been weak.  In  the  second
half of the year, under the impact of the Asian currency crisis, share
prices in the ASEAN countries collapsed.  The equity markets of China,
Hong  Kong,  South Korea and Taiwan which had all appreciated  in  the
first half of 1997 also fell sharply as investors reduced exposure  to
the region.

Notwithstanding the turmoil throughout the region, brokerage  turnover
for  1997  at  US$20.92m was largely unchanged from  the  turnover  of
US$20.64m recorded in 1996.  The decline in our volume of business  in
the  ASEAN markets was offset by an increased turnover in the  Greater
China  market.  Commission income derived from trades executed on  the
Hong  Kong  stock  market rose strongly due to the increased  investor
interest  surrounding  the  30  June  handover.   Such  interest   was
reflected  in  the  rise in the Hang Seng Index to a  record  high  of
16,820 on 7 August 1997 and in the China related stocks.

The  bulk  of corporate finance revenue for 1997 was derived from  the
Greater  China markets, particularly Hong Kong.  Due to the  difficult
operating environment in the region, fund raising activities  declined
significantly  in  the  second  half  of  1997,  leading  the  Group's
corporate  finance division to concentrate on expanding its  financial
advisory  services.  Despite poor market conditions,  an  increase  in
turnover during 1997 of 26% or US$2.13m was achieved.


Amidst all the turmoil in the Asian equity market, it is important  to
keep  a  sense of perspective.  The Asian economies have an impressive
record  of recovery from severe setbacks.  The IMF has committed  huge
resources  to  help  the  troubled  Asian  economies.   Recent   trade
statistics  show  that import growth throughout Asia  is  slowing  and
merchandise  trade and current account balances already reflect  this.
Barring extreme political developments, we expect a greater degree  of
exchange  rate stability in Asian currency markets.  This  would  help
repair confidence, paving the way for recovery.

Despite  the  problems that beset Asia, we see it as a major  positive
factor  that  China is pushing ahead with a bold package  of  sweeping
reforms  of its state-run enterprises, financial system and government
bureaucracy.   China's  economic growth target  of  8%  this  year  is
demanding.   If China succeeds in implementing the reforms promulgated
by  the National People's Congress in March 1998, it will go some  way
towards   building  the  foundation  of  a  vibrant  modern   economy.
Similarly,   other  countries  in  the  region  are  also  introducing
financial   reforms  under  the  watchful  eye  of   the   IMF.    The
implementation of these reforms will strengthen the economic fabric of

It  has always been the case in Asia that the quantum of risk is least
when  perceptions  are  that risk is high.  Such  perceptions  prevail
today  and,  consequently,  the  operating  environment  for  Worldsec
remains very difficult.  Commission income is falling due to the sharp
contraction in turnover, and, as a result, we are currently  operating
at  a loss.  Nonetheless, our company is seeking to take advantage  of
current  conditions to expand its regional network and  with  this  in
mind,  we  are  considering the options available  to  strengthen  our
capital  base.   Management is confident that this approach  will  pay
dividends when the Asian economies recover.

                                           David Archibald Evelyn Lyle
                                                Non-Executive Chairman


                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                     Notes         1997         1996
                                                 US$'000      US$'000

Turnover                               1          23,682       22,328
Fees and commissions payable                     (3,382)      (4,779)

                                                  20,300       17,549
Other operating income                             1,025          664

                                                  21,325       18,213
Staff costs                                     (12,774)      (9,710)
Other operating costs                            (6,576)      (7,077)

Operating profit                                   1,975        1,426
Interest receivable and similar income             1,192          688
Interest payable and similar charges               (293)        (444)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation      2,874        1,670
Tax on profit on ordinary activities   2           (674)        (396)

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation       2,200        1,274
Minority interest                                   (12)          (2)

Profit for the financial year                      2,188        1,272
Equity dividends                       3           (516)      (5,122)

Retained profit for the year (transfer from
  reserves)                                        1,672      (3,850)

Earnings per share                     4        19 cents     19 cents


                                         THE GROUP
                                        31 December     THE COMPANY
                                        1997    1996  31 December 1997
                                      US$'000 US$'000     US$'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                          15     52         -
Tangible fixed assets                   1,354  1,992         -
Investments                             4,428  5,542         -
Interest in subsidiaries                 -      -          18,370
                                    __________________  _________
                                        5,797  7,586       18,370
                                    __________________  _________
Current assets
Debtors                                14,730 30,297          105
Amounts owed by related
  companies                              -     1,061         -
Bank deposits and cash                 67,437 46,460        5,779
                                    __________________  _________
                                       82,167 77,818        5,884
                                    __________________  _________
Creditors: Amounts falling due
within one year                      (52,804)(67,158)       (316)
                                    __________________  _________
Net current assets                     29,363 10,660        5,568
                                    __________________  _________
Total assets less current liabilities  35,160 18,246       23,938
                                    __________________  _________
Creditors: Amounts falling due after
                  more than one year        -    (10)           -
Provisions for liabilities and charges    (30)   (30)           -
Equity minority interest                 (209)  (177)           -
                                    __________________  _________
Net assets                             34,921 18,029       23,938
                                    __________________  _________
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                12,900  6,450       12,900
Share premium                          10,776   -          10,776
Revaluation reserve                     3,664  4,890         -
Special reserve                           625    625         -
Currency translation reserve            (754)     26         -
Profit and loss account                 7,710  6,038          262
                                    __________________  _________
Equity shareholders' funds             34,921 18,029       23,938
                                    __________________  _________


     The turnover attributable to the different classes of the Group's
     business is as follows:

                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                                   1997         1996
                                                 US$'000      US$'000
     Analysis by class of business:
       Broking                                    20,920      20,644
       Corporate finance                           2,127       1,684
       Investment advisory                           635        -
                                               _________   _________
                                                  23,682      22,328
                                               _________   _________
     Geographical analysis of turnover:
       Hong Kong                                  17,057      11,026
       Malaysia                                      999       2,136
       Philippines                                   608       1,763
       Singapore                                   1,449       1,274
       Thailand                                    1,525       4,707
       Taiwan                                        673          31
       Others                                      1,371       1,391
                                               _________   _________
                                                  23,682      22,328
                                               _________   _________
     The operating profit attributable to the different classes
       of the Group's business is as follows:

     Analysis by class of business:
       Broking                                      945          729
       Corporate finance                            923          697
       Investment advisory                          107         -
                                              _________    _________
                                                  1,975        1,426
                                              _________    _________

     The net assets utilised in the Group relate substantially to
     broking activities.

                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                                   1997         1996
                                                 US$'000      US$'000
     The charge comprises:

     UK Corporation Tax at 31% (1996: 33%)
        current year                                153         157
     Hong Kong Profits Tax at 16.5%
        current year                                482         163
     Other overseas taxation                         39          76
                                                 ______      ______
                                                    674         396
                                                 ______      ______

                                                 Year ended 31 December
                                                   1997         1996
                                                 US$'000      US$'000

     Interim dividend of US 2 cents per share        258         -
     Final dividend of US 2 cents per share          258         -
     Dividends paid by subsidiary undertakings to former
       holding company                              -           5,122

                                                     516        5,122
     Dividend per share                          4 cents     79 cents

     Dividend per share for the year ended 31 December 1996 has been
     calculated by reference to 6,450,000 shares being the number of
     ordinary shares in the Company in issue immediately prior to the
     listing of the entire share capital of the Company on the London
     Stock Exchange Limited.

     The final dividend of US 2 cents per share proposed by the
     directors will be considered by the members of the Company at the
     forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 23 July 1998.


     The earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 1997 has
     been calculated by reference to the profit attributable to
     shareholders of US$2,188,000 and the weighted average of
     11,397,945 shares in issue during the year.  The earnings per
     share for the year ended 31 December 1996 has been calculated by
     reference to 6,450,000 shares being the number of ordinary shares
     in the Company in issue immediately prior to the listing of the
     entire share capital of the Company on the London Stock Exchange



Worldsec Ld (LSE:WSL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Worldsec Ld 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Worldsec Ld (LSE:WSL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Worldsec Ld 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.