RNS Number:1319G
Westbury Property Fund Limited
13 July 2006

                       The Westbury Property Fund Limited

         Unaudited Interim Report for the six months ended 30 June 2006

                             Six Months Highlights

  * Unaudited net asset value due to Ordinary Shareholders up 20% to 154.09p -
    net of all costs, dividends paid and accrual for the performance fee.

  * During the first six months of 2006 the Company invested a total of
    #38m in three balanced deals and three venture deals.

  * The Company now has five venture investments, having made two
    acquisitions in the first six months of 2006.

  * The Board has declared two quarterly dividends on the Ordinary Shares of
    1.5p per share in March and June 2006 respectively. The Income Shareholders
    continue to receive a fixed distribution, payable quarterly, of 2p per
    Income Share.

  * As at 30 June 2006 the balanced property portfolio comprised 21 properties 
    with an aggregate valuation of #159.4 million.  The Company now has 64 
    tenancies in the balanced portfolio producing an annual rent roll of
    approximately #7.2 million.

  * Today the Company has announced a placing and open offer of 42,857,143 new 
    Ordinary Shares at 140p raising #57.6m net of expenses.  The proceeds will
    provide additional capital for the Company to continue its programme of
    investment in the UK commercial property market and to develop the Weston 
    Point port facility.

  * Subject to shareholder approval the Company proposes to reposition
    itself as a commercial property and ports business.

                              Chairman's Statement

               For the period from 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

This has been another successful period for The Westbury Property Fund with
strong underlying portfolio performance and a positive outlook going forward.

This Interim Report is published in respect of the six month period to 30 June
2006.  I am delighted to report that after accounting for the running costs of
the Company, the payment of dividends, and accrual for the performance fee
during the six months, the unaudited net asset value per share due to Ordinary
Shareholders has increased 20% to 154.09p compared to 31 December 2005

The Income Shareholders continue to receive a fixed dividend, payable quarterly,
of 2p per Income Share.   The Board has also declared two quarterly dividends on
the Ordinary Shares of 1.5p per Ordinary Share in March and June 2006.  In the
absence of unforeseen circumstances, I confirm that it is the Board's intention
to continue with the current dividend policy.

In March 2006 the Company placed 5,173,461 new Ordinary Shares at 130p per

Property Portfolio - Balanced

As at 30 June 2006, the direct property portfolio consisted of 21 properties
with an aggregate valuation of #159.4m.  This includes the Company's investments
in Mid City Place, London WC1 and Plantation Place, London EC3 which have all
the characteristics of balanced portfolio investments but are accounted for as
joint ventures in the financial statements.

The Company now has 64 tenancies in the balanced portfolio producing an annual
rent roll of circa #7.2m.  The portfolio has exposure to each of the main
property sectors, is well diversified regionally and benefits from a weighted
average lease length of 9.9 years.

During the first six months of 2006, the Company concluded the purchase of three
assets for #24.0m in aggregate and has recently agreed terms to acquire an
office building in central London and an industrial investment in the North West
for a combined price of #10.0m.  The three assets already acquired were a
further building in Soho Square, London W1, an industrial estate in Hayes,
Middlesex and a 21.9% share of Plantation Place, London EC3.  The latter is
treated as a balanced portfolio investment given its underlying characteristics.
Each has the potential for asset enhancement and rental growth going forward.

The Company has recently agreed terms to dispose of its industrial holdings. The
price agreed reflects a significant premium to the March 2006 valuation and
contracts are expected to exchange shortly after the half year end.

Property Portfolio - Venture

The Company now has five venture investments, having acquired, since the 2005
year end, a 50% stake in a joint venture that purchased a health and fitness
centre in Hull for #1.1m and a 47.5% stake in a joint venture that owns a mixed
use site of approximately five acres in Ware for #0.95m.

In addition to the Company's investment in Westlink (see below), progress is
being made with the Company's other venture investments.  ILVA, the tenant of
the retail warehouse at the Metro Centre, Gateshead in which the Company owns a
50% stake is expected to start trading in October 2006.  Practical completion
has now been reached at the Ropewalks development in Liverpool, all of which has
been profitably sold unconditionally.

In April 2006 Westlink Group Limited, in which the Company owns a 49.5% stake,
acquired the freehold of Weston Point Docks in Runcorn, Cheshire for #10.25m.
The site which amounts to circa 50 acres of land and water, including six acres
acquired last year, offers the opportunity to develop an inter-modal port
facility with road, rail, inland waterway and sea access.  The Directors intend
to increase the Company's investment in Westlink and terms have been agreed,
subject to shareholder approval, to acquire the 50.5% stake not already owned,
for a consideration of #1.01m payable in new Westbury Ordinary Shares.

Placing and Open Offer

The Company is also announcing a Placing and Open Offer of new Ordinary Shares.
The proceeds will provide additional capital for the Company to continue its
programme of investment in the United Kingdom commercial property market and
develop the Weston Point port facility to significantly expand operations from
the site.  Accordingly, in addition to the Placing and Open Offer, the Company
proposes, subject to shareholder approval, to reposition itself as a commercial
property and ports business.

Full Year Outlook

The United Kingdom property market remains particularly strong with yields
continuing to compress although it is questionable for how much longer this can
continue.  We remain committed to expanding the Company's asset base and further
balanced and venture opportunities continue to be considered for purchase.

Rodney Baker-Bates

12 July 2006

                 Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Operations

               For the period from 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

                                                                1/01/2006          1/01/2005          1/01/2005
                                                                       to                 to                 to
                                                               30/06/2006         30/06/2005         31/12/2005
                                                                Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited
                                                                        #                  #                  #
Rent receivable                                                 3,509,723          2,836,233          6,371,690
Bank & other interest                                              96,241            455,161          1,221,726

Total Income                                                    3,605,964          3,291,394          7,593,416

Interest payable and similar charges, including
distributions on Income Shares                                  2,596,568          1,570,018          3,514,939
Investment Manager's fees                                       1,083,736            755,699          1,535,996
Legal and professional fees                                       222,217            104,287            172,315
Share reorganisation expenses                                           -              2,284              2,284
Property management expenses                                      181,862            108,826            245,007
Administration fee                                                 76,648             67,312            119,497
Directors' fees                                                    44,000             44,000            111,951
General expenses                                                   88,891             70,976            140,146
Bank charges                                                       12,122             11,485             18,102
Audit and tax fees                                                 21,190             19,429             80,429

Total Expenses                                                  4,327,234          2,754,316          5,940,666

Net (loss)/profit before investment result                      (721,270)            537,078          1,652,750

Realised gain on sale of investment properties                     21,566                  -            763,133
Realised gain on sale of investment                                     -            751,789          1,380,681
Movement in unrealised gain on revaluation of properties        7,167,605          4,079,189         11,418,613
Movement in unrealised gain on revaluation of investments      16,253,851                  -                  -
Performance fee (see note 7.)                                 (5,225,842)          (200,000)          (987,323)
Share of associates and joint ventures profit                           -                  -             70,203

Net profit before taxation                                     17,495,910          5,168,056         14,298,057

Taxation                                                            3,863            (4,259)            (4,259)

Share of associates and joint ventures taxation                         -                  -          (120,000)

Profit attributable to equity holders                          17,499,773          5,163,797         14,173,798

Dividends on Ordinary Shares                                  (2,483,261)        (1,671,101)        (2,447,118)

Profit transferred to reserves                                 15,016,512          3,492,696         11,726,680

Basic and diluted profit per Ordinary Share                        31.94p              9.98p             27.41p

                      Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet

                               as at 30 June 2006

                                                            30/06/2006          30/06/2005        31/12/2005
                                                             Unaudited           Unaudited           Audited
                                                                     #                   #                 #
Non-current Assets
      Investment properties                                124,860,000         102,730,936       116,873,062
      Investments                                           53,192,065           2,099,998        14,883,260

                                                           178,052,065         104,830,934       131,756,322

Current Assets
      Cash and cash equivalents                              4,266,396           2,278,922         6,395,313
      Debtors                                                3,013,410           4,475,276         4,135,452

                                                             7,279,806           6,754,198        10,530,765

Total Assets                                               185,331,871         111,585,132       142,287,087

Current Liabilities
      Creditors                                              3,974,117           4,523,195         4,046,801

Non-current Liabilities
      Performance fee provision                              6,657,836             644,671         1,431,994
      Long term loan                                        81,846,207          43,342,299        65,484,804
      Income Shares                                          5,162,647           5,133,573         5,148,110

                                                            93,666,690          49,120,543        72,064,908

Total Liabilities                                           97,640,807          53,643,738        76,111,709

Net Assets                                                  87,691,064          57,941,394        66,175,378

Represented by:

Capital and Reserves
      Share capital                                          5,690,808           5,138,355         5,173,462
      Share premium                                         45,680,331          39,733,610        39,698,503
      Reserves                                              36,319,925          13,069,429        21,303,413

Issued capital and reserves                                 87,691,064          57,941,394        66,175,378

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                             154.09p             112.00p           127.91p

The unaudited financial statements were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 12 July 2006
and signed on its behalf by:

Tim Chesney, Director

Iain Stokes, Director

                        Unaudited Company Balance Sheet

                               as at 30 June 2006

                                                          30/06/2006          30/06/2005         31/12/2005
                                                           Unaudited           Unaudited            Audited
                                                                   #                   #                  #
Non-current Assets
      Investment in subsidiary companies                  24,340,002          15,614,801         21,094,802
      Loans to subsidiary companies                      104,049,866          73,454,847         84,924,751
      Loans to associates and joint ventures              10,894,078                   -                  -
                                                         139,283,946          89,069,648        106,019,553

Current Assets
      Cash and cash equivalents                            3,855,670           1,381,087          6,233,206
      Other debtors                                           43,792              45,906             39,768
                                                           3,899,462           1,426,993          6,272,974

Total Assets                                             143,183,408          90,496,641        112,292,527

Current Liabilities
      Creditors                                            1,289,587             966,080            616,856
Non-current Liabilities
      Performance fee provision                            6,657,836             644,671          1,431,994
      Long term loan                                      81,846,207          43,342,299         65,484,804
      Income Shares                                        5,162,647           5,133,573          5,148,110

                                                          93,666,690          49,120,543         72,064,908

Total Liabilities                                         94,956,277          50,086,623         72,681,764

Net Assets                                                48,227,131          40,410,018         39,610,763

Represented by:

Capital and Reserves
      Share capital                                        5,690,808           5,138,355          5,173,462
      Share premium                                       45,680,331          39,733,610         39,698,503
      Reserves                                           (3,144,008)         (4,461,947)        (5,261,202)

Issued capital and reserves                               48,227,131          40,410,018         39,610,763

The unaudited financial statements were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 12 July
2006 and signed on its behalf by:

Tim Chesney, Director

Iain Stokes, Director

             Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

               For the period from 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

                                                Share              Share           Retained           Reserves
                                              Capital            Premium           Earnings
                                                    #                  #                  #                  #

Balance at 1 January 2006                   5,173,462         39,698,503         21,303,413         66,175,378
Issue of Ordinary Shares, net of issue        517,346                                                6,499,174
                                                               5,981,828                  -
Dividends on Ordinary Shares                        -                  -        (2,483,261)        (2,483,261)
Profit attributable to equity holders               -                  -         17,499,773         17,499,773

Balance at 30 June 2006                     5,690,808         45,680,331         36,319,925         87,691,064

                                                Share              Share           Retained           Reserves
                                              Capital            Premium           Earnings
                                                    #                  #                  #                  #

Balance at 1 January 2005                   5,138,349         39,733,558          9,576,733         54,448,640
Issue of Ordinary Shares                            6                 52                  -                 58
Dividends on Ordinary Shares                        -                  -        (1,671,101)        (1,671,101)
Profit attributable to equity holders               -                  -          5,163,797          5,163,797

Balance at 30 June 2005                     5,138,355         39,733,610         13,069,429         57,941,394

                                                Share              Share           Retained           Reserves
                                              Capital            Premium           Earnings
                                                    #                  #                  #                  #

Balance at 1 January 2005                   5,138,349         39,733,558          9,576,733         54,448,640
On conversion of Capital Shares                35,107           (35,107)                  -                  -
Issue of Ordinary Shares                            6                 52                  -                 58
Dividends on Ordinary Shares                        -                  -        (2,447,118)        (2,447,118)
Profit attributable to equity holders               -                  -         14,173,798         14,173,798

Balance at 31 December 2005                 5,173,462         39,698,503         21,303,413         66,175,378

                   Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

               For the period from 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

                                                               1/01/2006            1/01/2005          1/01/2005
                                                                      to                   to                 to
                                                              30/06/2006           30/06/2005         31/12/2005
                                                               Unaudited            Unaudited            Audited
                                                                       #                    #                  #
Operating Activities
Rent received                                                  3,540,530            2,761,642          6,413,029
Interest received                                                 77,086              455,160            528,855
Expenses paid                                                (1,798,792)            (865,489)        (2,606,878)
Interest paid and similar charges, including
distributions on Income Shares                               (2,423,064)          (1,807,474)        (3,440,497)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities            (604,240)              543,839            894,509

Investing Activities
Purchase of investments                                     (19,948,734)                    -        (2,646,476)
Proceeds from sale of investments                                      -            1,251,789          2,930,698
Net loans advanced to investments                            (2,106,220)            (809,044)       (10,595,644)
Purchase of properties                                       (9,268,692)         (25,166,747)       (35,072,874)
Sales of properties                                            8,621,566                    -          3,866,558

Net cash outflow from investing activities                  (22,702,080)         (24,724,002)       (41,517,738)

Financing Activities
Issue of Ordinary Shares                                       6,725,499                   57                 58
Issue costs paid on issuance of Ordinary Shares                (226,325)                    -                  -
Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares                            (1,629,640)            (895,080)        (2,447,118)
Draw down of long term loan                                   16,500,000                    -         22,328,000
Additional loan issue costs                                    (192,131)                    -          (216,506)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities           21,177,403            (895,023)         19,664,434

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                        (2,128,917)         (25,075,186)       (20,958,795)

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 2006                    6,395,313           27,354,108         27,354,108

Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2006                      4,266,396            2,278,922          6,395,313

                  Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements

               For the period from 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006

 1. The results for the six-month period, which are not statutory accounts and
    have not been audited, have been prepared on the same basis as set out in
    the audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2005.

 2. The results for the year ended 31 December 2005 constitute non-statutory 
    accounts extracted from the statutory accounts for that period on which 
    the auditors gave an unqualified report.

 3. All turnover and operating profit arose from continuing operations.

 4. Basic and diluted profit per Ordinary Share is based on profit attributable
    to equity holders for the period and on 54,792,969 Ordinary Shares (30 June 
    and 31 December 2005 - 51,710,843), being the weighted average number of 
    equivalent Ordinary Shares in issue.

5.        Distributions payable on Income Shares:

                                                                      1/01/2006             1/01/2005
                                                           Rate              to   Rate             to
                                          No. of Income   pence      30/06/2006  pence     30/06/2005
                                             Shares        2006               #   2005              #

First interim distribution paid 20 April                   
2006 (declared March 2006)                  5,271,678      2.00         105,434   2.00        105,434
Second interim distribution paid 21 July   
2006 (declared June 2006)                   5,271,678      2.00         105,434   2.00        105,434

                                                                        210,868               210,868

6.        Dividends payable on Ordinary Shares:
                                                                      1/01/2006             1/01/2005
                                               No. of       Rate             to  Rate              to
                                             Ordinary      pence     30/06/2006 pence      30/06/2005
                                               Shares       2006              #  2005               #

Final dividend for 2005 paid 25 January   
2006 (declared December 2005)               51,734,625     1.50         776,019     -               -
First interim dividend paid 20 April 2006  (2005 -                               1.50  
(declared March 2006)                       51,734,625)    1.50         853,621               895,082       
Second interim dividend paid 21 July 2006  (2005 -                               1.50 
(declared June 2006)                        51,734,625)    1.50         853,621               776,019

                                                                      2,483,261             1,671,101

The first interim dividend in 2005 was calculated on a time apportioned basis
from 18 December 2004 to 31 March 2005.

7.  A performance fee of #5,225,842 is due to the Investment Manager for the 
    half year to 30 June 2006 (#200,000 for the half year to 30 June 2005 and
    #987,323 for the year ended 31 December 2005).

8.  The figures for both freehold and long leasehold properties at 30 June 2006,
    30 June 2005 and 31 December 2005 are based on valuations determined by
    Knight Frank.

9.  A copy of this statement has been sent to every shareholder.  Further copies
    are available from the Company's registered office.

10. The interim financial statements were approved at a meeting of the Board
    of Directors held on 12 July 2006.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Westbury Property Fund (LSE:WPFI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Westbury Property Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Westbury Property Fund (LSE:WPFI)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Westbury Property Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.