RNS Number : 2018B
  Shariah Capital, Inc
  13 August 2008

    Shariah Capital Inc. ("Shariah Capital" or "the Company")

    Interim Results

    The Board of Shariah Capital is pleased to announce Shariah Capital's interim results for the period ending 30 June 2008. 

    Shariah Capital is a U.S.-based company that creates and customizes Shariah compliant financial products and platforms and provides
Shariah consulting and advisory services primarily to financial institutions and investment firms with product initiatives directed to
Islamic investors.

    Chairman's Statement

    In the first half of 2008, Shariah Capital's management team made significant strides towards its goal of market leadership in product
creation and advisory services in the Islamic Finance market. 

    *     The Company secured a strategic joint venture with an agency of the Dubai Government to build a government-sponsored Shariah asset
management company. 

    *     As part of this transaction, the Company successfully negotiated a strategic direct investment in the shares of the Company by the
Government of Dubai. 

    *     The Dubai Government and the World Gold Council announced that the Company will serve as the Shariah advisor to the first Shariah
compliant ETF listed on a Dubai Exchange. 

    *     The Company announced that it was able to secure the participation and collaboration of some of the world's most recognized asset
managers for the first of its Shariah compliant alternative investment products with the Dubai Government.

    With the Al Safi platform we've built with Barclays Capital (announced in the previous reporting period), we know of no other Shariah
advisory organization that is able to identify similar accomplishments in the Islamic alternative investment arena. 

    Management intends to leverage the achievements of the first half of 2008 to secure meaningful assets for the Al Safi platform, its
joint venture asset management company and the ETF product. We remain committed to creating new Islamic products and solutions in order to
expand the Company's reach throughout the alternative investment world.

    First Half 2008 Highlights and Achievements

    Terms for Shariah Capital's joint venture with the Dubai Government's Dubai Multi Commodities Centre Authority (DMCC) were finalized
during the first half of 2008. The joint venture, Dubai Shariah Asset Management (or "DSAM"), is owned 51% by Dubai Commodity Asset
Management ("DCAM"), a wholly-owned division of DMCC, and 49% by Shariah Capital.

    DMCC also completed its purchase of a 4.99% equity stake in Shariah Capital and Dr. David Rutledge, DMCC's Chief Executive, joined our
Board of Directors. Dr. Rutledge was voted formally to the Board at our annual shareholder meeting in May, 2008.

    In June, DMCC, Barclays Capital and Shariah Capital issued a joint press release regarding DMCC's intention to fund five world-class
long/short U.S. equity hedge fund managers on the Al Safi Trust platform, the "one-stop" Shariah compliant alternative investment platform
we have built with Barclays. Each manager will pursue an investment strategy focused on a specific commodity sector. These sectors are gold,
oil & gas, natural resources, agriculture and global resources and mining. Through DCAM, DMCC will seed each of these managers with $50
million, a total investment of $250 million.

    Al Safi's contractual investment management relationships with these managers, representing some of the most established hedge funds in
the industry, confirm the achievement of one of Shariah Capital's primary objectives:  to develop Shariah compliant screens and
methodologies that enable established, high-quality hedge fund managers to manage Shariah compliant portfolios for Islamic investors
consistent with their current strategies. Our efforts during the first half of 2008 achieved this objective.

    DSAM will brand and distribute five new funds based on the above commodity strategies. They will act as "feeder funds" that will invest
exclusively in the five commodity fund counterparts on the Al Safi platform.  DSAM will manage a fund-of-funds comprised of all five funds
as well. Investors will be able to invest in either the fund-of-funds or the underlying individual subfunds.  These Shariah compliant funds
represent the first of a number of asset management initiatives where investment products will be developed and distributed by DSAM. 

    In April, the World Gold Council (WGC) and DMCC announced their partnership to launch Dubai Gold Shares (DGS), a Shariah compliant gold
ETF product that DMCC intends to list on the Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX). Shariah Capital has been appointed as the
Shariah advisor to DGS and hopes to play an active role in this product's development and distribution. 

    Also in April, Global Finance magazine named Shariah Capital "Best US Islamic Financial Services Firm 2008."  We have worked especially
hard to define our leadership position, both in the U.S. and throughout the world.  This award is particularly gratifying because so often a
firm is judged by the company it keeps.  The recognition by Global Finance distinguishes the Company as "best in class" -- along with some
of the most prominent and successful Islamic financial institutions in our industry.    

    Finally, in February, our Chief Shariah Officer, Shaykh Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo was appointed to the Shariah Board of the Accounting and
Auditing Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). AAOIFI has become the authority for determining Shariah standards for the
Islamic finance industry. Shariah Capital is honored by this appointment and congratulates Shaykh Yusuf for his recognition as one of the
preeminent Shariah scholars in the industry. 

    The Board is pleased with the Company's execution of its strategy thus far in 2008 and the momentum it has established for securing
revenue in the 2nd half.


    Since our last interim results, the Company has had no changes in personnel. 

    Mohammad Jamjoum, our non-Executive Board Member, became a consultant to the company during the early months of 2008 and moved to Dubai
to supervise our office there and follow up our above initiatives with DMCC. With the addition of Dr. Rutledge to our Board as a
non-Executive Director, it is anticipated that Mr. Jamjoum will become a full-time senior manager of Shariah Capital based permanently in
Dubai. With the commencement of revenues from Al Safi, and given the needs of the DSAM joint venture with the DMCC, the company plans to
expand its professional capabilities through the addition of qualified and experienced professionals. We therefore anticipate adding to our
capabilities later in 2008 with new personnel in New Canaan and Dubai.

    Bios of our senior management, including Dr. Rutledge, are available on our website (www.shariahcap.com). 

    Financial Review

    During the six months ended 30 June 2008, Shariah Capital realized a net loss of $1,793,410 compared to a loss of $1,431,480 for the
same period in 2007. Cash charges were attributable primarily to management salaries, office rents in Connecticut and Dubai and travel
expenses. Non-cash charges for the six months were $396,120. The majority of these charges relates to restricted stock.

    The Company made a strategic decision in 2007 to focus on larger recurring revenue opportunities and strategic relationships rather than
short-term advisory engagements. Consequently, first half 2008 revenues totaled $87,469, principally the result of consulting and advisory
mandates. With the launch of the Al Safi Trust and DSAM investment products, we expect an immediate and positive impact on revenues and

    Liquidity and Capital Resources

    The Company's cash equivalent and securities position is now over $6.7 million, the result of new shares issued to DMCC for
approximately $5.5 million. Management believes that the Company's assets are adequate to fulfill existing commitments and pursue additional
new business opportunities for the foreseeable future.


    After months of groundwork on the legal documentation for the Al Safi platform, we now are entering the execution phase of this
important product for Shariah Capital. Our near-term emphasis will be on fulfilling our Shariah advisory responsibilities on Al Safi and
streamlining this process to expand the platform beyond its initial five managers.

    At the same time, we will commit significant time and resources to DSAM and our product partnership with DMCC, including an active
marketing campaign in the Gulf to attract new assets to the DSAM funds. We are excited by early investor inquiries about these strategies
and the strong institutional interest expressed both in and beyond the Gulf.

    Fortunately, our reputation precedes us and we recently have been contacted by financial institutions looking to utilize our skill sets
beyond the hedge fund platform of Al Safi. Although we will consider these and all opportunities selectively, we will remain focused on Al
Safi and DSAM and the strong longer-term revenue stream projected from these products.


    With the Dubai government as a strategic partner, we are confident that the Shariah compliant investment products we develop will find a
ready acceptance in the market and lead to numerous other opportunities for our business. The first half of 2008 has affirmed our conviction
that we remain well-positioned to benefit from the increasing demand for Islamic investment products.

    As always, we are sincerely grateful to our shareholders for their continued confidence and support. 

    Eric Meyer
    Chairman and CEO


    Eric Meyer 
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 
    Shariah Capital, Inc. 
    Telephone: +1 (203) 972-0331 

    Bill Redman 
    Managing Director and Treasurer 
    Telephone: +1 (203) 972-0331 

    Investec Investment Banking 
    Paul Gray  
    +44 207 597 5176
      Shariah Capital, Inc.
    (formerly Meyer Fund Management, LLC)

    Balance Sheets

 June 30,                                                    2008         2007
 Cash                                                  $1,510,643     $113,185
 Certificates of deposit                                1,756,100    2,703,926
 Securities purchased, at fair value                    3,508,131      785,220
 Due from related parties (Note 2)                          6,336        1,038
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets                 96,287       63,874
 Total current assets                                   6,877,497    3,677,243
 Property and equipment-net (Note 3)                        6,670        7,435
 Total assets                                          $6,884,167   $3,674,678
 Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
   Accrued expenses and other current liabilities         204,042       33,228
 Securities sold, not yet purchased, at fair value              -      248,477
 Total liabilities                                        204,042      281,705
 Commitments (Note 4)
 Stockholders' equity
 Common stock, $.01 par value; 70,000,000 shares          617,441      585,406
 authorized; 61,744,132 and 58,540,600 shares issued
 and outstanding for June 30, 2008 and June 30,
 2007, respectively
 Additional paid-in capital                            11,896,410    4,827,509
 Retained deficit                                     (5,833,726)  (2,019,942)
 Total stockholders' equity                             6,680,125    3,392,973
 Total liabilities and stockholders' equity            $6,884,167   $3,674,678

    See accompanying significant accounting policies and notes to financial statements.
      Shariah Capital, Inc.

    Statements of Operations

                                 Six months ended June  Six months ended June 30, 2007
                                       30, 2008
 Interest income                               $74,483                         $88,713
 Consulting                                      9,980                          39,980
 Investment income
 Net realized gain                                   -                          34,886
 Net change in unrealized                            -                           (875)
 Dividend income                                     6                           1,426
 Total investment income                             6                          35,437
 Rental income (Note 4)                          3,000                          16,500
 Total revenues                                $87,469                        $180,630
 General and administrative                 $1,753,485                      $1,604,651
 expenses (Notes 3, 4 & 6)
 R&D expenses                                   43,945                               -
 Consulting expenses                            83,449                           7,459
 Total expenses                             $1,880,879                      $1,612,110
 Net loss                                 $(1,793,410)                    $(1,431,480)
 Earnings (loss) per share,                     $(.03)                          $(.02)
 basic & diluted
 Weighted average shares                    58,707,679                      58,480,932
 outstanding, basic & diluted

    See accompanying significant accounting policies and notes to financial statements.
      Shariah Capital, Inc.

    Statements of Cash Flows (Note 5)

                                   Six months ended      Six months ended
                                    June 30, 2008         June 30, 2007
 Cash flows from operating
 Net loss                                $(1,793,410)          $(1,431,480)
 Adjustments to reconcile net
 loss to net cash used in
 operating activities:
 Common stock issued in lieu of                                     125,000
 payment for services                               -
 Stock compensation and                       396,120               540,479
 consulting expense
 Net charge in unrealized                           -                   875
 Depreciation and amortization                  1,152                   898
 Changes in operating assets
 and liabilities:
 Prepaid expenses and other                   (3,212)                27,715
 current assets
 Accounts payable                               (956)               (9,446)
 Accrued expenses and other                   105,126             (534,943)
 current liabilities 
 Net cash used in operating               (1,295,180)           (1,280,902)
 Cash flows from investing
 Redemptions of certificate of                458,277               813,891
 Cost of securities purchased             (3,508,131)             (782,374)
 Proceeds from securities sold,                     -               244,756
 not yet purchased
 Purchases of property and                    (1,443)               (2,110)
 Net cash (used in)/provided by           (3,051,297)               274,163
 investing activities
 Cash flows from financing
 Proceeds from sale of common                                       (1,869)
 stock, net of AIM expenses                 5,643,377
 Due from related parties                      58,839                28,059
 Net cash provided by financing             5,702,216                26,190
 Net increase (decrease) in                 1,355,739             (980,549)

 Cash, beginning of period                    154,904             1,093,734
 Cash, end of period                       $1,510,643              $113,185

    See accompanying significant accounting policies and notes to financial statements.

      Shariah Capital, Inc.

    Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

 The Company and Nature of       Shariah Capital, Inc. ("the Company") was formed on September 6, 2006
 Operations                      as a Delaware Corporation. The Company is a multi-dimensional company
                                  that creates Shariah-compliant financial products and services under
                                 its own brand name, under co-branding arrangements with joint venture
                                  partners or on a private label basis. The Company's targeted clients
                                   are financial institutions and investment management firms that are
                                  building product platforms primarily directed to the Middle East and
                                     Far East and, specifically to, Islamic institutional and high net
                                   worth investors. The firm also is exploring and expects to pursue a
                                  number of business opportunities with financial and investment firms
                                                                in Europe, Asia and the United States.
                                        The Company creates and customizes Shariah-compliant financial
                                   products and platforms and provides Shariah consulting and advisory
                                     services primarily to financial institutions and investment firms
                                 with product initiatives directed to Islamic investors. Specifically,
                                                                          the Company has built propri
                                 On March 18, 2008, the Company announced a proposed joint venture
                                 with the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre Authority (DMCC). The joint
                                 venture entity, Dubai Shariah Asset Management, Ltd. (DSAM), will be
                                 owned 51 per cent by Dubai Commodity Asset Management, a wholly-owned
                                 division of DMCC, and 49 per cent by the Company. The entity intends
                                 to develop and manage a range of Shariah-compliant investment
                                 products focused on commodities. On March 24, 2008, DMCC purchased a
                                 4.99% equity share of the Company. Coincident with this purchase, Dr.
                                 David Rutledge, Chief Executive of DMCC, has joined the Company's
                                 Board as a non-executive director.
 Revenue Recognition             Professional services arrangements are billed on a time and materials
                                 basis and, accordingly, revenue is recognized as the services are
 Property, Equipment and         Property and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation and
 Depreciation                    amortization are provided principally on the straight-line method
                                 over the estimated useful lives. Fully depreciated assets are written
                                 off in the year following its last depreciation charge. The estimated
                                 useful lives of the computer equipment is 5 years.
 Cash and cash equivalents       Cash and cash equivalents consist of short term highly liquid
                                 investments purchased with original maturities of three months or
                                 less and are readily convertible into cash.
 Investments                     As part of its cash management program, the Company has invested
                                 $3,500,000 in three taxable, variable rate bonds. Interest payable on
                                 the bonds is reset weekly based on a Dutch auction. Each bond
                                 provides daily liquidity (which settles in five trading days), and
                                 each bond carries an investment grade rating by both Standard & Poors
                                 and Moodys.
 Concentration of Credit Risk    The Company maintains cash balances with a financial institution. The
                                 balance in this account at this institution at times maybe in excess
                                 of the FDIC insured limit. The Company has not expensed any losses on
                                 such accounts.
                                 Additionally, the Company maintains a brokerage account with a
                                 financial institution. The balance in this account at this
                                 institution at times may be in excess of the SIPC insured limit. The
                                 Company has not expensed any losses on such accounts.
 Advertising                     The Company expenses advertising costs as they are incurred.  
 Income Taxes                    On September 6, 2006, Shariah Capital, Inc. was incorporated in
                                 Delaware as a C Corp. under the provisions of the Internal Revenue
                                 Code. The Company is responsible for minimum taxes to the States of
                                 Delaware and Connecticut. Due to the current period loss, no income
                                 tax provision has been made in the accompanying financial statements
                                 and only the required minimum and capital taxes have been provided

                                 The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with Statement of
                                 Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income
                                 Taxes." Under this method, deferred income taxes are recognized for
                                 the tax consequences of "temporary differences" by applying statutory
                                 tax rates expected to be applicable in future years to differences
                                 between the financial statement carrying amounts and the tax bases of
                                 existing assets and liabilities.

                                 A valuation allowance reduces deferred tax assets when it is more
                                 than likely than not that some or all of the deferred tax assets will
                                 not be realized. (See Note 7.)
 Use of Estimates                The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
                                 accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
                                 and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
                                 liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported
                                 amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual
                                 results could differ from those estimates.
 Earnings (loss) per share       Basic and diluted net loss per share allocable to common stockholders
                                 is presented in conformity with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings per Share".
                                 In accordance with SFAS No. 128, basic and diluted net loss per share
                                 has been computed using the weighted-average number of shares of
                                 common stock outstanding during the period, less any shares subject
                                 to restriction.
                                 The number of weighted average shares of common stock outstanding
                                 excluded from the calculation of basic and diluted net loss per share
                                 (because they were subject to restriction) was 1,720,577 and
                                 2,700,000 for the periods ended June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2007,
                                 respectively. Had they been dilutive, such shares would have been
                                 included in the computation of diluted net loss per share.

      Shariah Capital, Inc

    Notes to Financial Statements
    (Unaudited as of June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2007)

 1.  Costs Related to      The Company incurred
     Listing on the        costs of approximately
     London Alternative    $1,064,000 in
     Investment Market     connection with having
                           its common stock
                           admitted for trading on
                           the London Alternative
                           Investment Market (the
                           "AIM") in December,
                           2006. The Company
                           publicly trades on the
                           AIM under the ticker
                           symbol ("SCAP"). For
                           the six month period
                           ended June 30, 2007,
                           the Company incurred
                           and paid additional
                           costs related to the
                           listing of its common
                           stock on AIM of $1,869.

 2.  Related Party         As of June 30, 2008,
     Transactions          the Company had a
                           receivable from an
                           employee in the amount
                           of $6,336. The amount
                           was repaid by the
                           employee during the 3rd
                           quarter of 2008. As of
                           June 30, 2007, the
                           Company had a
                           receivable from one of
                           the Directors in the
                           amount of $1,038. The
                           amount was repaid by
                           the Director during

 3.  Property and          Property and equipment
     Equipment - net       - net, held and used at
                           June 30, 2008 and June
                           30, 2007 consist of the

                                     2008     2007
 Computer equipment               $12,002  $10,559

 Less: Accumulated depreciation              3,124
   and amortization                 5,332
                                   $6,670   $7,435

                            Depreciation expense amounted to $1,152
                           and $898 for the periods ended June 30,
                           2008 and June 30, 2007, respectively, and
                           is included in general and administrative
 4.  Commitments           Operating Leases
                           The Company is a party to an operating
                           lease agreement relating to the rental of
                           its corporate office that expires on
                           August 31, 2008, with an annual base rent
                           of approximately $72,000. The lease also
                           includes a provision to pay additional
                           rent for its proportionate share of
                           utilities of approximately $1,600 per
                           month over the lease term. Rent expense
                           amounted to $80,701 and $69,615 for the
                           six months ended June 30, 2008 and June
                           30, 2007, respectively, and is included in
                           general and administrative expenses. The
                           Company sublets a portion of this
                           corporate office on a month-to-month basis
                           to two tenants. Rental income amounted to
                           $3,000 and $16,500 for the six months
                           ended June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2007,
                           respectively. One sublet agreement was
                           terminated during 2008 and the other was
                           terminated during 2007.
                           The Company is also a party to a
                           month-to-month operating lease agreement
                           relating to the rental of corporate office
                           space in Dubai, which commenced in April
                           The minimum rental commitments required
     Employment            The Company entered into employment
     Agreements            agreements with its management employees
                           effective December 7, 2006, whereby annual
                           salaries aggregate $1,050,000. The
                           agreements provide for 6 to 12 months
                           notice of termination and provide for the
                           annual salaries to be paid through the
                           termination date. In addition, the
                           agreement with the Chairman and Chief
                           Executive Officer of the Company provides
                           for a $650,000 termination fee.
     Non Executive         Effective December 6, 2006, the Company
     Director Service      entered into a Non Executive Director
     Agreement             Service Agreement whereby an individual
                           will serve as the Chairman of the audit,
                           nomination and compensation committees of
                           the board of directors for an annual fee
                           of $32,500. The term of the agreement
                           shall be for a period of not less than six
                           months unless notice is given in writing
                           by either party to terminate the
 5.  Supplemental          Supplemental disclosures of cash flow
     Disclosures of Cash   information are as follows:
     Flow Information

                                   Six months ended    Six months ended June 30, 2007
                                    June 30, 2008
 Non cash financing
 Contribution of services in               -                       125,000
 exchange for common stock

 6.  Share Based           In December 2004, the Financial Accouting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS 123R, "Share-based Payment," a
revision of SFAS 123 which supersedes APB 25 "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees". The Company adopted SFAS 123R using the
     Compensation          modified prospective application. Under this method, compensation cost is recognized for all share-based payments
granted, modified, or settled after the date of adoption as well as for any unvested awards that were granted prior to the
                           date of the adoption.
                           The Company granted 2,700,000 shares of restricted stock on December 7, 2006 to several of its employees. These
2006 restricted stock grants vest over a period of three years. Under the provisions of SFAS 123R, share-based compensation cost
                           is measured at the grant date, based on the calculated fair value of the award, and is recognized as an expense
over the employee's requisite service period, which is the vesting period of the grant.
                           On April 19, 2007, the Company granted 100,000 shares of restricted stock to a memb
 7.  Income Taxes          The Company has net operating loss carry forwards of approximately $2,900,000 available to reduce any future
income taxes, expiring at various times from 2026 to 2027. The tax benefit of these losses and other temporary differences amount to
                           approximately $1,559,000 as of December 31, 2007, and has been fully offset by a valuation allowance due to the
uncertainty of its realization.

    Shariah Capital, Inc.

    Schedule of General and Administrative Expenses
    (Unaudited as of June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2007)
                                 Six months ended June 30, 2008  Six months ended June 30, 2007
 General and administrative
 AIM Representation                                      56,500                          52,278
 Bank service charges                                       377                             415
 Board advisory fees                                          -                          10,000
 Charitable Donation                                        500                             500
 Depreciation                                             1,152                             898
 Director's Fees                                         16,250                          17,585
 Insurance                                               95,353                          63,060
 Investment                                                   -                             200
 Information technology                                   5,696                          40,173
 Marketing                                               10,190                           3,354
 Miscellaneous                                              356                           2,107
 Office supplies                                          2,867                           3,393
 Payroll                                                525,000                         525,000
 Payroll taxes                                           52,559                          32,762
 Payroll processing                                         799                             731
 Postage and delivery                                     2,432                           2,343
 Accounting and Tax Service                              40,585                          24,975
 Legal                                                  266,013                          30,785
 Registrar Fees                                           7,853                           7,238
 Rent                                                    80,701                          69,615
 Securities Filings                                         225                               -
 State and Labor Taxes                                   17,350                             737
 Stock compensation expense                             396,120                         665,479
 Telephone                                                9,007                           5,651
 Travel and entertainment                               165,213                          45,086
 Web services                                               387                             286

 Total general and                                   $1,753,485                      $1,604,651
 administrative expenses

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

Shariah Capital (LSE:SCAP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Shariah Capital 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Shariah Capital (LSE:SCAP)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Shariah Capital 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.