RNS Number:9916W
Ottoman Fund Limited (The)
22 May 2007

For Immediate Release                                               22 May 2007

                            THE OTTOMAN FUND LIMITED

           Interim Results for the six months ending 28 February 2007

The Ottoman Fund Limited (the "Fund"), which invests in the development of local
housing and holiday homes in the major cities and coastal resorts of Turkey, is
pleased to announce its interim financial statements for the period ending 28
February 2007.

Period highlights

* Property portfolio independently valued at 20% above cost

* Increase in adjusted NAV by 8.5% to 102p since November 2006

* Further Investments:

     - 917,900m2 of land at Riva, Istanbul,
       plus additional land aggregation in the same area

     - 50% investment in 274,524m2 of land at Kazikli

* 50/50 JV with Ado Group in respect of Kazikli land

* Phase 1 Golturkbuku, Bodrum ready for launch

Copies of the Financial Statements are currently being sent to shareholders and 
may be obtained free of charge from Development Capital Management Limited, 
84 Grosvenor Street, London, W1K 3JZ.

Development Capital Management 020 7355 7600
Roger Hornett
Ertan Sevinc
Tom Pridmore

Buchanan Communications 020 7466 5000
Charles Ryland
Isabel Podda

Numis Securities 020 7260 1000
Iain McDonald
Bruce Garrow




Chairman's Statement

The six months since the year end in August 2006 have seen some significant
developments for the Ottoman Fund. Further investment has continued, joint
ventures and partnerships have been put in place and the development of existing
sites has made good progress. The Fund is viewed as a significant property
investor in Turkey and is regularly approached by developers and land owners
alike, a testament to the hard work of the Manager's Turkish office.

New Investments

As I mentioned in the annual report, the Fund purchased in September just under
one million square metres of land in Riva. This is a significant investment for
the Fund in terms of value, physical size and strategic importance. The area,
just outside Istanbul on the Black Sea coast, is expected to become a major
suburb of the city, particularly with travel time down to 35 minutes following
recent infrastructure improvements. These prospects can already be seen in the
rising valuations, with the site having increased 20% in value over the six
months since its purchase. In addition to the original site, the Fund has
continued to aggregate further small plots of adjacent land as suitable
opportunities have arisen.

As announced in January, the Fund purchased a 50% share of a 274,524m2 plot at
Kazikli, on the Aegean coast. In conjunction with this we entered into a 50/50
joint venture with the co-owner, Ado Group, to develop the site. One of the
largest suppliers of building materials to Turkey and neighbouring countries,
they bring significant local expertise to the project. Planning approval is
progressing well and we are currently tendering for concept designers.

Just after the period end, the Fund bid in partnership with the Akfen Group for
a highly prestigious plot in the central business district of Istanbul. We were
unsuccessful but both parties considered that our final bid was at the right
level and a good relationship has been established with Akfen. The Manager
continues to look at other suitable sites that become available as part of the
privatisation process.

Existing Portfolio

Progress on the existing investments continues apace. At the Bodrum site concept
designs are complete, local architects have been selected and the marketing of
phase 1 is due to commence shortly. The final payment at Alanya has been made
and the sales strategy is being reviewed with the developer.


The election of a new president led to a political crisis at the end of April as
secularist opposition to the nominated candidate, Abdullah Gul, lead to large
scale public demonstrations and a statement by the Army which was widely taken
as a threat to intervene. In the event the vote was annulled by the
Constitutional Court; a parliamentary general election has been called for 22

Negotiations on EU accession are virtually at a standstill. Lack of progress and
the negative stance of some EU members have continued to swing opinion away from
support for accession.

Losses by the Turkish lira and on the Istanbul stock market at the height of the
crisis reversed in early May. Political uncertainty will continue to affect
markets, at least until after the parliamentary elections.


The Fund is now 65% invested, whilst the remainder is currently allocated for
the sales and development of the invested sites. A number of new investments are
under review and the Manager is keen to explore further joint ventures with
potential partners in Turkey.

Political uncertainty overshadows the period ahead but the Fund is
well-positioned to move forward in any of the likely outcomes.

Sir Timothy Daunt
May 2007

Manager's Report

During the period a number of further land purchases were made, partnerships
have been established with significant companies and the development of our
existing sites has progressed well. The focus of investment remains on early
stage land purchase and development whether in joint ventures or directly. This
continues to be, in the Manager's experience, the best long term strategy.

Investment activity


As previously mentioned following the year end the Fund purchased 917,900 square
metres of development land in Riva. The site is part of the Beykoz-Riva-Kavacik
subregion, the north east part of Istanbul on the Asian side, adjoining the
Black Sea coast.

The region is expected to become a major

new housing area to supply demand from commuters into Istanbul. Significant
infrastructure is now in place reducing commuting time down to 35 minutes. A
number of key developers are working in the

region and prices have been rising as the prospects for the area increase. The
Fund purchased the site for $110m in September 2006. Following this the Fund
aggregated two further plots for $0.3m in February and continued this process
adding a further eleven plots costing $2.3m in April and May. As at the period
end the current independent valuation for the holding is $132.4m, an increase of
20% over the six months under review. Overall proposals for the entire site have
been submitted to the regional planners and we await the response. Concept
designs for phase one, which already has 1:1000 scale permission, are being
finalised and local architects are being appointed to produce the technical
designs for these 70 units. Once complete the Manager expects construction
permits to be granted swiftly.


In January the Fund purchased a 50% share in 11 contiguous parcels of prime
coastal land in Kazikli village, approximately 25 miles from Bodrum-Milas
international airport. The total area of the land is 274,524m2 and cost $10m for
the 50% stake. In conjunction with this the Fund also entered into a 50/50 joint
venture with Ado Group, one of Turkey's largest suppliers of building materials.
The JV company into which each party has invested $3m of equity, will be
responsible for the development of the site. At the period end the company had
received approval from the local authorities for a new zoning plan for

the site. As a result of this and general market movements, the land held by the
Fund had increased in value by 24% to $12.4m as at the end of February.

Golturkbuku, Bodrum

The site at Bodrum is moving forward well, the concept designs from WATG have
been converted to technical specifications and the construction permit has been
applied for. Initial pre-marketing of the first phase consisting of 26 three and
four bedroom villas has commenced with a full launch expected in June.
Discussions are ongoing with several international hotel and spa operators.
Prices in the local area have continued to rise and this has been reflected in
the land valuation for the site which stood at $38.4m on 28 February against the
purchase price of $33.4m. Since the period end the Manager has been able to
secure two further plots adjacent to the site along the coast for $5.3m.


Sales at the site remain subdued, which the Manager believes stems from a
combination of increased supply and lower pricing of developments in the
immediate area. Although the site remains one of the best in the vicinity it is
increasingly clear a more aggressive stance on pricing will be required. The
remaining payment of Euro4.1m was made in December 2006 bringing the total
investment to $12.7m against an independent valuation of $18.5m at the period

Tender for land in Besiktas, Istanbul

Following the period end the Fund formed a joint partnership with the Akfen Real
Estate Investment Company to bid for 96,505m2 of state owned land in the central
business area of Besiktas in the European side of Istanbul. Akfen is one of the
largest conglomerates in Turkey and is a leading property developer both in
Turkey and the surrounding region. Together a meaningful bid was tendered.
Ultimately however, the site, in a highly sought after area of the capital, was
won by the Zorlu Group for a record $800m.


In order that shareholders may identify the value created by the Fund from
investing in locations and markets with strong growth potential, independent
valuations of the property portfolio are obtained on a regular basis.
Below is set out the revaluation of the Fund's assets that cannot be reflected
on the balance sheet under IFRS.

Net assets as at 28 February 2007                                   #137,958,806
Increase in valuation of inventory properties above cost
Golturkbuku, Bodrum                                                   #2,534,034
Riva                                                                 #11,290,427
Kazikli                                                               #1,198,185
Adjusted net asset value                                            #152,981,452

Number of ordinary shares in issue                                   150,000,000

Adjusted net asset value per share as at 28 February 2007                101.99p

Adjusted net asset value per share as at 30 November 2006                 93.87p

The political climate

Turkey has been in an electoral phase for the best part of the last year, with
most expecting Prime Minister Erdogan to put his name forward for the
Presidency. However it was decided such a move would be too contentious and
Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul was nominated by the ruling AKP.

This was still a step too far for the secularists who, fearing creeping
Islamism, demonstrated on the streets in large numbers, triggering a political
crisis. An announcement from the General Staff followed, which was taken by most
as a threat by the Army to become involved. The CHP opposition party then
successfully challenged the presidential result in the Constitutional Court,
resulting in the Parliament calling an early general election for 22 July and
proposing several amendments to the Constitution, including the direct elections
of the President by the people.

The stock market's reaction to all of this was relatively muted, the initial 4%
fall having now been regained and the Lira has held its own, a surprising
outcome given the strength of both this year. FDI remains undeterred with a
foreign-led consortium investing $1.2bn for the operating rights of Izmir's
port. The focus of most investors will now be on the forthcoming elections and
any reaction by the General Staff.

EU negotiations

The period under review has been interspersed with spasmodic bouts of tension
between the negotiating parties. Of particular contention is Article 301 of the
penal code covering the crime of anti-Turkishness, an indictable offence in
Turkey but strictly against the freedom of speech chapter enshrined in the
Treaty of Rome. However it was not this that temporarily halted negotiations but
the refusal of the Turkish government to open its ports and airports to Greek
Cypriot traffic by early December as the EU directive had demanded. The Turkish
government believes this is a problem for the UN to solve and not something
which should be seen as part of the EU negotiating process. Willingness for the
inclusion of Turkey into the EU will be tested in the coming months particularly
with the recent elections of the conservative Nicolas Sarkozy in France and
Angela Merkel in Germany.

The economy

The massive increase in interest rates by 425 basis points to 17.50% in June has
had a material but generally positive effect on the economy. The Lira has
recovered some lost ground and is steady against the US Dollar at $1.40, where
it remains competitive; GDP growth has slowed but not reversed and inflation
shows signs of coming under control.


2006 was a poor year for tourism, especially the final quarter, where terrorist
attacks in August targeting Istanbul, Marmaris, Antalya, Van and Diyarkbakir,
reduced foreign arrivals leaving full year numbers down 6.2% at 12.2m visitors.
Full year revenue fell back 7.2% to $16.9bn. It should not be forgotten however
that 2005 had been an exceptional year with arrivals 20% ahead of 2004 levels,
thus the decline still leaves tourism up on 2004 levels. Since the end of
November the position seems to have improved with arrivals recording a 7.6% year
on year increase in December and 7.1% in January. The decision of the Turkish,
US and Iraqi authorities to join forces against the terrorists creeping across
the Iraqi border, no doubt played a major role here. The outlawed PKK Kurdistan
Workers Party, which claimed responsibility for the terrorist attacks, is
increasingly losing any popular support they may have had.

The most recent numbers have shown foreign tourist arrivals increased by 25.6%
in February year on year which bodes very well for the summer season.

The property market

The long awaited mortgage law was finally presented to and passed by parliament
at the end of February and will take effect from 1 January 2008. Fixed and
variable rate mortgages will replace typical 5 year housing loans and will be
tradable by the banks. They will be offered for periods of 20 years or more and
sensibly there will be no tax breaks against interest paid. Those with housing
loans may switch to mortgages without the usual 2.0% early repayment penalty and
in addition the 5.0% banking insurance operating tax will be dropped.

There is a huge shortage of appropriate housing. Industry and government agree
that demand will average 700,000 a year for the next decade. Less than half that
number are currently being built. Meanwhile some 55% of all residences have been
built without a licence or permit, most not even approaching earthquake
standards. Approximately 60% of existing housing stock is over 20 years old and
40% of all houses are in need of considerable repair. The market in these
circumstances is likely to remain tight and prices firm.

The mini economic crisis of 2006 however took its toll on the property market,
with 65% of first time buyers delaying for a year. New build held up well, with
buyers encouraged by free gifts, the promise of holidays and pre-arranged
attractive financing. The situation appears to have stabilised, although
it is difficult to predict in the current climate.


Whilst the current unrest is causing some media commentators alarm, the
fundamentals of the local property market remain strong. The position of the
portfolio means that little of the stock due to come to the market in the near
future will be aimed at the international investor. Our focus on a more direct
development strategy also gives us the flexibility to adapt to market movements.

For the remainder of the year the Manager expects the focus to be predominantly
on moving the existing sites through planning and into construction. Sales and
marketing strategies are being drawn up and we expect phased releases to have
started for most sites by the year end.
Development Capital Management (Jersey) Limited
May 2007

Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited)
As at 28 February 2007

                                    (unaudited)     (audited)
                                    28 February     31 August
                                           2007          2006
                                          Group         Group
                             notes            #             #
Non-current assets
Inventories                    4     79,524,583    19,377,286
Loans & receivables            5      7,192,613     4,381,865
                                     86,717,196    23,759,151
Current assets
Other receivables                       325,219       612,736
Cash and cash equivalents            51,104,890   114,862,336
                                     51,430,109   115,475,072
Total assets                        138,147,305   139,234,223

Current liabilities
Other payables                        (188,499)     (197,125)
Net assets                          137,958,806   139,037,098

Share Capital                 6     150,000,000   150,000,000
Retained Earnings                  (12,041,133)  (10,962,860)
Equity attributable to              137,958,867   139,037,140
owners of the parent
Minority interest equity                   (61)          (42)
Total equity                        137,958,806   139,037,098

Net asset value per share     7            92.0          92.7

Consolidated Income Statement (unaudited)
For the six months ended 28 February 2007

                                                    (unaudited)    (audited)
                                                     Six months   9 December
                                                          ended         2005
                                                    28 February to 31 August
                                                           2007         2006
                                            notes             #            #
Bank interest                                         1,350,306    3,709,237
Total income                                          1,350,306    3,709,237
Operating expenses

Management fee                                  2   (1,487,671)  (2,030,136)
Other operating expenses                              (583,365)    (663,645)
Foreign exchange gains/(losses)                          12,134    (210,870)

Total operating expenses                            (2,058,902)  (2,904,651)

(Loss)/profit for the period                          (708,596)      804,586

Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the company                    (708,607)      804,585
Minority interest                                            11            1
                                                      (708,596)      804,586
Basic and diluted (loss)/ earnings
per share (pence)                               3         (0.5)          0.5

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)

For the six months ended 28 February 2007
                                              (unaudited)     (audited)
                                               Six months    9 December
                                                    ended          2005
                                              28 February  to 31 August
                                                     2007          2006
                                                    Group         Group
Cash flow from operating activities                     #             #
(Loss)/profit for period                        (708,596)       804,586
Net foreign exchange (gains)/losses              (12,134)       210,870
Decrease/(increase) in other receivables          287,517     (612,736)
(Decrease)/increase in other payables             (8,626)       197,125

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating        (441,839)       599,845
Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of inventories                      (60,147,297)  (19,768,599)
Loan to developer                             (2,798,088)   (4,472,247)
Net cash outflow from investing activities   (62,945,385)  (24,240,846)

Cash flow from financing activities
Issue of shares                                         -   150,000,000
Share issue expenses                                    -  (11,250,000)
Net cash inflow from financing activities               -   138,750,000
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash     (63,387,224)   115,108,999
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 August 2006   114,862,336             -
Effect of foreign exchange rates                (370,222)     (246,663)
Cash and cash equivalents at 28 February       51,104,890   114,862,336

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited)
                            Share     Retained Minority
                          capital     earnings Interest        Total
                                #            #        #            #
For the period 9
December 2006 to
31 August 2006
Issue of share        150,000,000            -        -  150,000,000
Expenses of share               - (11,250,000)        - (11,250,000)
Foreign exchange on
subsidiary                      -    (517,447)     (41)    (517,488)
Profit for the period           -      804,587      (1)      804,586
Balance at 31 August  150,000,000 (10,962,860)     (42)  139,037,098

For the six months
28 February 2007
Balance at 31 August  150,000,000 (10,962,860)     (42)  139,037,098
Foreign exchange on
subsidiary                      -    (369,666)     (30)    (369,696)
Loss for the period             -    (708,607)       11    (708,596)
Balance at 28         150,000,000 (12,041,133)     (61)  137,958,806
February 2007

Notes to the Financial Statements (unaudited)

For the six months ended 28 February 2007

1 Accounting Policies

These condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and interpretations issued by
the International Financial Reporting Committee of the IASB (IFRIC).

(a) Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except
for certain financial instruments detailed below.

(b) Basis of consolidation

The interim financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the
Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries) made up to 28
February. Control exists when the Company has the power, directly or indirectly,
to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain
benefits from its activities. The financial statements of subsidiaries are
included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control
commences up to the date that control ceases.

(c) Revenue recognition

Interest receivable on fixed interest securities is recognised on an effective
yield basis. Interest on short term deposits, expenses and interest payable are
treated on an accruals basis.

(d) Expenses

Expenses are charged through the income statement, except for expenses which are
incidental to the disposal of an investment which are deducted from the disposal
proceeds of the investment. In addition certain expenses associated with the
acquisition of an investment have been capitalised.

(e) Investments


Assets are recognised at the trade date on acquisition and disposal. Proceeds
will be measured at fair value which will be regarded as the proceeds of sale
less any transaction costs.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Land
inventory is recognised at the time a liability is recognised - generally after
the exchange of contracts.

Loans and receivables

Loans and receivables are recognised on an amortised cost basis. Where they are
denominated in a foreign currency they are translated at the prevailing balance
sheet exchange rate.

(f) Movements in fair value

Changes in the fair value of all held-at-fair-value assets are taken to the
income statement. On disposal, realised gains and losses are also recognised in
the income statement.

(g) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise current deposits with banks.

(h) Taxation

The Fund is an Exempt Company for Jersey taxation purposes. The Company pays an
exempt company fee, for each company within the group, which is currently #600
per annum. However withholding tax may be payable on repatriation of assets and
income to the Fund. The subsidiaries will be liable for Turkish corporation tax
at a rate of 20%. Additionally, a land sale and purchase fee may arise when land
is purchased.

Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all temporary differences that have
originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date, where transactions or
events that result in an obligation to pay more tax in the future or right to
pay less tax in the future have occurred at the balance sheet date. This is
subject to deferred tax assets only being recognised if it is considered more
likely than not that there will be suitable profits from which the future
reversal of the temporary differences can be deducted.

(i) Foreign currency

The results and financial position of the Fund are expressed in pounds sterling,
which is

the functional currency of the Company. Transactions in currencies other than
sterling are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the
transactions. At each balance sheet date, monetary items and non monetary assets
and liabilities that are fair valued and that are denominated in foreign
currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date.
Gains and losses arising on retranslation are included in net profit or loss for
the period where investments are classified as fair value through profit or
loss. Exchange differences on translation of the company's net investment in
foreign operations are recognised directly in equity.

(j) Share Capital

Shares are classified as equity. External costs directly attributable to the
issue of new shares are shown as a deduction to reserves.

2 Management fee

                                      Six months ended          09 December 2005
                                      28 February 2007         to 31 August 2006
                                                     #                         #
Management fee                               1,487,671                 2,030,136

The Manager receives a management fee quarterly in advance of 2% per annum of
the net amount raised by the placing plus any capital gains retained for

The management agreement between the Fund and the Manager is terminable by the
Manager on six month's notice and the Fund on twelve months notice, subject to
an initial term of twenty four months. The Manager is entitled to receive a
performance fee of 20% of any cash returns from the sale of a property
investment above a hurdle rate of 10% compound per annum up to 100% and 30% of
any returns in excess of this. As at 28 February 2007 there is no contingent
performance fee. 20% of the performance fee calculated is subject to a claw back
retention against the future performance of the Fund.

3 Earnings per share

The basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the net loss for the period
of #708,596 (2006:profit of #804,586) and on 150,000,000 shares.

4 Inventories

(a) Land held for            28 February 2007   31 August 2006
                                            #                #
Opening book cost                  19,377,286                -
Purchases at cost                  60,147,297       19,377,286
Closing book cost                  79,524,583       19,377,286

5 Loans and receivables

                             28 February 2007   31 August 2006
                                            #                #
Loans to third party                7,270,339        4,472,251
Exchange loss on                     (77,726)         (90,386)
revaluation of loan
                                    7,192,613        4,381,865

6 Called up share capital

Founder shares of no par value                         10
Shares of no par value                          Unlimited

Issued and fully paid:                                  #
2 Founder shares of no par value                        -
150,000,000 shares of no par value            150,000,000

On incorporation of the Fund, 2 founder shares of no par value were issued to
the Manager. These shares are not eligible for participation in the fund
investments and carry no voting rights at general meetings of the fund.

On the initial launch date, 28 December 2005, 150,000,000 shares of no par value
were issued.

7 Net asset value per share

The net asset value per share is based on the net assets attributable to equity
shareholders of #137,958,806 (31 August 2006: #139,037,098) and on 150,000,000
shares, being the number of shares in issue at the end of each relevant period.

8 Financial instruments

The Fund's financial instruments comprise investments, loans, cash balances and
debtors and creditors that arise directly from its operations, for example, in
respect of sales and purchases awaiting settlement, and debtors for accrued
income. The principal risks the Group faces through the holding of financial
instruments are: market risk, credit risk, foreign currency risk, interest rate
risk, and liquidity risk. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for
managing each of these risks. As required by IAS32: Disclosure and Presentation,
an analysis of financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk to
the Fund of holding such items is given below.

Market price risk

Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of
financial instruments used in the Fund's operations. It represents the potential
loss the Fund might suffer through holding market positions as a consequence of
price movements and movements in exchange rates.

Credit risk

The Fund places loans with third parties and is therefore potentially at risk
from the failure of any such third party of which it is a debtor. Recovery of
the loans is dependent on successful completion and sale of properties by the

Foreign currency risk

The Fund operates Sterling, Euro, US dollar, and Turkish Lira bank accounts.
Exchange gains or losses arise as a result of the movement in the exchange rate
between the date of the transaction denominated in a currency other than
Sterling and its settlement.

An analysis of the Group's currency exposure is detailed below:
                               Net monetary             Net monetary
                   Investments       assets Investments       assets
                         at 28        at 28       at 31 at 31 August
                      February     February      August
                          2007         2007        2006         2006
                             #            #           #            #
Euro                 7,192,613      612,568   4,381,865    3,395,067
US Dollar           79,524,583   14,025,880  19,377,286   56,997,128
Turkish Lira                 -      112,736           -    1,811,722
                    86,717,196   14,751,184  23,759,151   62,203,917

Interest rate risk

The Fund cash balances earn interest at the prevailing market rate, dependant on
the account type.

                      Floating Non interest    Floating         Non
                          rate      bearing        rate     bearing
                         at 28        at 28       at 31       at 31
                      February     February      August      August
                          2007         2007        2006        2006
                             #            #           #           #
Sterling            36,353,715            -  52,658,419           -
Euro                   612,569    7,490,701     601,592   7,175,340
US Dollar                    -   79,524,583  56,997,128  19,377,286
Turkish Lira           112,736            -   1,811,722           -
                    37,079,020   87,015,284 112,068,861  26,552,626

Liquidity risk

The Fund's assets mainly comprise cash balances and realisable investments,
which can be sold to meet funding commitments if necessary.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Ottoman Fund (LSE:OTM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Ottoman Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Ottoman Fund (LSE:OTM)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Ottoman Fund 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.