RNS Number : 2646O

Manx Financial Group PLC

15 September 2011


Manx Financial Group PLC

Unaudited Interim Results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2011

Manx Financial Group PLC (LSE: MFX), the financial services Group which includes Conister Bank Limited, Conister Card Services Limited, Edgewater Associates Limited and ECF Asset Finance PLC presents its final results for the six months ended 30 June 2011.


For the Group:

-- Financial performance before specific items improved by 19%.

-- Interest Income grew by 56% to GBP3,507,000 (2010: GBP2,250,000).

-- Net Operating Income grew by 115% to GBP3,111,000 (2010: GBP1,446,000).

-- Headcount reducing as IT efficiencies are being leveraged.

For Conister Bank Limited:

-- Profit before impairment of goodwill increased by 53% to GBP107,000 (2010: GBP70,000).

-- Net loans and advances increased by 52% to GBP49,934,000 (2010: GBP32,968,000).

-- Deferred income increased by 59% to GBP7,419,000 (2010: GBP4,680,000).

For Conister Card ServicesLimited:

-- Profitability increased by 54% to GBP183,000 (2010: GBP119,000).

-- Cards in issue increased by 52% to 153,747 (2010: 101,399).

-- Contract extended by primary customer.

For Edgewater AssociatesLimited:

-- Recorded profit of GBP94,000 (2010: not available).

-- Acquired a general insurer which broadens its insurance offering and will increase profitability.

-- Well positioned to be a consolidator in the fragmented Isle of Man IFA market place.


-- New lending IT system installed.

-- ECF Asset Finance PLC integration complete.


Manx Financial Group PLC

Denham Eke, Chief Executive

Tel: 01624 694694

Britton Financial PR 
 Tim Blackstone 
 Tel: 07957 140416 
 Beaumont Cornish Limited 
 Roland Cornish 
 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7628 3396 
The financial information set out below comprises 
 non-statutory accounts. The financial information 
 for the six months ended 30 June 2011 has been extracted 
 from published accounts for the six months ended 30 
 June 2011. 

Chairman's Statement

Moving forward in turbulent financial times

We are all familiar with the deepening gloom that surrounds the outlook for Britain's economy. The labour market continues to be much more fragile than expected and the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee signalled increasing concern about the prospect of recovery. The weak employment figures appear to be falling into line with slower GDP growth data, according to which Britain's economy has barely grown over the past nine months. Concerns about the UK are echoed in similar fears for global growth, unemployment, inflation and the long-term viability of the Economic and Monetary Union. As an example of the effect of this climate of uncertainty, Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade the USA's long term sovereign debt to AA+ leaves the Isle of Man in the incredible position of having a higher credit rating than the USA.

It is clear the current stagnation in the UK will continue for far longer than originally envisaged. In comparison the Isle of Man's economy has continued to grow and the Government remains committed to further sector diversification. The most recent budget reported a slightly better than expected financial position and currently inflation is stable and the island continues to have a low level of unemployment in comparison to the UK.

However the solutions to the current economic conditions don't lie solely with governments. The private sector has a significant role to play and we are committed to helping individuals and companies by continuing to provide asset backed lending throughout these difficult times. We will also continue to help those who wish to save by providing secure fixed rate deposit rates over terms to suit their needs.

We continue to strive for sustainable profit despite these difficult times and by following our growth strategy adopted last year we have seen our Interest Income increase by 56% to GBP3,507,000 (2010: GBP2,250,000). At the same time we continue to reduce the cost base. The full benefit of these actions will not all flow through the Income Statement until the second half of this year.

Financial Review

The Group delivered a very encouraging performance for the first half of 2011 by recording an improvement in financial results before specific items of 19% with Net Operating Income increasing by 115% to GBP3,111,000 (2010: GBP1,446,000). Our operating margin continues to grow and increased by 16% to 67% (2010: 51%).

Cost savings from further integration will flow through the accounts during the second half of the year. Although the Interim Accounts do not reflect these savings from integration it is pleasing to note our income is increasing faster than our costs which, in turn, will help profitability.

Our Net Asset per share improved on the comparative period last year but our share price has been a casualty of the UK and global uncertainty. It continues to be our goal to develop a sustainable, profitable financial services group which when achieved will allow a sustainable dividend policy to be adopted.

We have invested heavily in IT in the last two years and this investment is allowing us to achieve greater integration of the acquired asset finance house, ECF Asset Finance PLC.

The Group's headcount excluding the IFA business is forecast to reduce by 27% in this financial year.

Conister Bank Limited

The Bank's profitability before goodwill impairment continues to improve, increasing by 53% to GBP107,000 (2010: GBP70,000). The bank is on a solid footing with retained earnings generating additional capital, leading to enhanced liquidity coupled with buoyant deposit funding. By way of example, the Bank's Core 1 capital ratio at June month end was 17% which compares favourably to Barclays published Core 1 capital ratio of 11%.

Our Loans and Advances to customers have increased by 52% to GBP49,943,000 (2010: GBP32,968,000) by both acquisition and greater market penetration. Our deferred income balance on these loans has increased by 59% to GBP7,419,000 (2010: GBP4,680,000) which now represents more than one year's income already earned.

Our deposit base continues to be loyal and growing having increased to GBP56,601,000 (2010: GBP44,942,000). Our efficiency in acquiring deposits to match our lending requirements has improved thereby minimising the strain on the Income Statement of holding excess deposits.

Edgewater Associates Limited

Edgewater's profits are traditionally biased to the second half of the year. Edgewater generated a commendable profit of GBP94,000 (2010: not available) in the first half of 2011.

Edgewater acquired a small Isle of Man based general insurer, Three Spires Insurance Services Limited on 21 June 2011. This acquisition will allow both businesses' insurance books to be consolidated and broaden the range of policies we can collectively offer. In addition, the acquisition will allow Edgewater access to another set of customers.

The Isle of Man is scheduled to implement the UK's Retail Distribution Review (RDR) with effect from 1 January 2014. This will require a higher standard of competency, more robust systems and greater compliance reviews within IFA businesses. Edgewater already has these skills within its business and is now well positioned to take advantage of the fragmented IFA market place within the Isle of Man as smaller businesses will find it difficult to carry the increase in overhead that comes with RDR or achieve the required level of competency prescribed.

Conister Card Services Limited

Conister Card's profitability improved by 54% to GBP183,000 (2010: GBP119,000). The re-structuring of this business is now complete and I'm also delighted to report we have negotiated an extension to our largest pre-paid card contract for a minimum of 12 months.

Our cards in issue grew by 52% to 153,747 (2010: 101,399).

Our people

Our integration policy has reduced our requirement for support staff but we have where needed recruited professionals from banking environments. We will continue to upgrade our teams through personal development and training and we believe excellent customer service generates repeat income to bolster profits.

On 14 January 2011 Oliver Hare joined the Board as a Non Executive Director and he will bring a wealth of experience and contacts for the Group to explore.

On 1 April 2011 the Bank's Managing Director Simon Hull resigned and I would like to thank him for his drive and commitment during his time with us. Douglas Grant, our Group Finance Director, is acting as Managing Director for the Bank whilst we undertake a comprehensive recruitment campaign to find a permanent Managing Director. This task is almost complete.


This is a testing economic environment but it brings opportunities to us as we seek to find sustainable solutions to our customers' problems. Last year we entered the Block Discounting market and to-date we have grown a robust book with little to no arrears. Presently we are considering other new product lines which will complement our existing portfolio of lending.

We are constantly reviewing acquisitions, whether they be for an asset backed loan book or a complete business. The Executive has a number of opportunities under review and are diligently working their way through them and we would shortly expect to release some more news on their progress.

Opportunities are not restricted to the banking sector. Edgewater has a clear sustainable profitable market position and is well placed to capitalise on the introduction of RDR in the Isle of Man. Also with Conister Cards we have a small niche profitable business from which to grow our customer base.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support as we continue to develop your company.

Jim Mellon

Executive Chairman

15 September 2011

Manx Financial Group PLC

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                        For the 
                                         For the         period 
                                          period          ended        For the 
                                        ended 30        30 June     year ended 
                                       June 2011           2010         31 Dec 
                                          GBP000         GBP000    2010 GBP000 
                            Notes    (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
 Interest income            2              3,507          2,250          5,103 
 Interest expense           3              (970)          (858)        (1,866) 
                                   -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net interest income        3              2,537          1,392          3,237 
 Fee and commission 
 income Fee and                              646             40            654 
 commission expense                        (351)          (341)          (700) 
                                   -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net fee and commission 
  income/(expense)                           295          (301)           (46) 
                                   -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net trading income                        2,832          1,091          3,191 
 Other operating income                      510            569          1,041 
 Programme costs                           (227)          (233)          (449) 
 Foreign exchange 
  (loss)/gain                                (4)             19             12 
                                   -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Operating income           3              3,111          1,446          3,795 
 Personnel expenses - 
  recurring                              (1,215)        (1,250)        (2,449) 
 Personnel expenses - 
  acquired after 30 June 
  2010                                     (416)              -          (281) 
  expenses/(write-back) - 
  non-recurring                            (295)            180             17 
 Other expenses                          (1,083)          (886)        (1,688) 
 Provision for impairment 
  on loan assets                           (100)            324          1,027 
 Realised gains on 
  financial assets                            14             24             26 
 Unrealised loss on 
  financial assets 
  carried at fair value                     (60)           (55)          (200) 
 Depreciation                              (115)           (74)          (163) 
 Depositors' Compensation 
  Scheme                    4               (74)              2              2 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  specific items            3              (233)          (289)             86 
 Restructuring costs        5               (13)              -          (274) 
 Impairment of goodwill     13             (111)              - 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Loss before income tax 
  expenses                                 (357)          (289)          (188) 
 Income tax expense                            -              -              - 
                                   -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                           (357)          (289)          (188) 
 Loss for the period/year 
 Other comprehensive 
 Available-for-sale gains 
 taken to equity                               4              -              - 
 Actuarial gain on 
  pension scheme                               -              -              5 
                                   -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the period/year 
  attributable to owners                   (353)          (289)          (183) 
 Basic and diluted loss 
  per share (pence)         6             (0.40)         (0.40)         (0.24) 

Manx Financial Group PLC

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                    30 June 2011        30 June         31 Dec 
                                          GBP000    2010 GBP000    2010 GBP000 
                       Notes         (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
 Cash and cash 
  equivalents                              4,357         20,521          4,795 
 Financial assets at 
  a fair value 
  through profit or 
  loss                     7                 115            319            174 
  instruments              8              10,289              -          7,292 
 Loans and advances 
  to customers             9              49,934         32,968         48,467 
  receivable                                 348              -            237 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                  696            569            760 
 Trade and other 
  receivables             10                 410            490            449 
 Goodwill                 13               2,344              -          2,414 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total assets                             68,493         54,867         64,588 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Customer accounts                        56,601         44,942         52,745 
 Creditor and 
  accrued charges         11               1,015            637            978 
 Pension liability                            60             66             60 
 Loan notes               12               2,210          1,710          1,710 
  consideration           13                 337              -            475 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                        60,223         47,355         55,968 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Called up share 
  capital                 14              18,433         17,783         18,258 
 Profit and loss 
  account and other 
  reserves                              (10,163)       (10,271)        (9,638) 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total equity                              8,270          7,512          8,620 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities 
  and equity                              68,493         54,867         64,588 
                              ------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Manx Financial Group PLC

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                                         For the       For the 
                                                          period    year ended 
                                   For the period       ended 30        31 Dec 
                                    ended 30 June      June 2010          2010 
                                      2011 GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
                        Notes         (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Reconciliation of 
 loss before taxation 
 to operating cash 
 Loss before income 
  tax expense                               (357)          (289)         (188) 
 Unrealised loss on 
  financial assets 
  carried at fair 
  value through 
  profit or loss                               60             55           200 
 Realised gains on 
  investments                                (14)              -          (26) 
 gains taken to 
 equity                                         4              -             - 
 Issue of shares in 
  lieu of bonus                                 -             26            26 
 Impairment of 
 goodwill                                     111              -             - 
 Loss on disposal of 
  property, plant and 
  equipment                                     -              -             3 
 Depreciation charge                          115             74           163 
 Share-based payment 
  expense/(credit)                              3          (180)         (178) 
 Actuarial gain on 
  defined benefit 
  pension scheme 
  taken to equity                               -              -             5 
 Pension liability                              -              -           (6) 
  in trade debtors                             39           (40)            69 
  in trade creditors                           28          (145)         (589) 
  in commission 
  debtors                                   (111)              -            55 
                               ------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash outflow 
  from trading 
  activities                                (122)          (499)         (466) 
  in loans and 
  advances to 
  customers                               (1,467)          4,586          (13) 
  in deposit 
  accounts                                  3,855        (4,602)         3,202 
  from operating 
  activities                                2,266          (515)         2,723 
                               ------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from 
  from operating 
  activities                                2,266          (515)         2,723 
 Taxation paid                                  -              -             - 
                               ------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash 
  from operating 
  activities                                2,266          (515)         2,723 
 Cash flows from 
 Purchase of tangible 
  fixed assets                               (70)           (42)         (179) 
 Sale of tangible 
  fixed assets                                 20              -            12 
 (Purchase)/sale of 
  instruments               8             (2,983)          9,989         2,723 
 Payment of deferred 
 consideration on 
 acquisition of 
 subsidiaries                               (158)              -             - 
 Acquisition of 
  subsidiaries net of 
  cash required                              (12)              -      (11,573) 
                               ------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash 
  from investing 
  activities                              (3,203)          9,947       (9,017) 
 Cash flows from 
 Issue of ordinary 
  share capital                                 -          1,903         1,903 
 Repayment of 
  liabilities                                   -          (500)         (500) 
 Issue of loan notes                          500          1,710         1,710 
                               ------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash inflow from 
  activities                                  500          3,113         3,113 
                               ------------------  -------------  ------------ 
  in cash and cash 
  equivalents                               (437)         12,545       (3,181) 

Manx Financial Group PLC

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                   earnings      Total      Total     Total 
                         Share    and other    30 June    30 June    31 Dec 
                       Capital     reserves       2011       2010      2010 
              Notes     GBP000       GBP000     GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
 ------------------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Balance brought 
  forward               18,258      (9,638)      8,620      6,052     6,052 
 Loss for the 
  period/year                -        (357)      (357)      (289)     (188) 
  income                     -            4          4          -         5 
 Transactions with 
 Arising on shares 
  issued in the 
  period/ year 14          175        (175)          -      1,929     2,404 
  expense/(credit)           -            3          3      (180)       347 
 Balance carried 
  forward               18,433     (10,163)      8,270      7,512     8,620 

Manx Financial Group PLC

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Preparation of the interim statements

The interim financial statements are unaudited. The financial information included in this interim financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 was also unaudited.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". The accounting policies (unless stated otherwise) have been applied consistently with those presented in the Annual Report for the twelve months to 31 December 2010 and comply with IFRSs and IFRIC interpretations applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

2. Interest income

                                                         For the 
                                          For the         period       For the 
                                           period          ended    year ended 
                                         ended 30        30 June        31 Dec 
                                        June 2011           2010          2010 
                                           GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
 Interest income comprises:           (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Interest income - asset financing          3,503          2,222         4,973 
 Interest income - deposits                     4             28           130 
                                    -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total                                      3,507          2,250         5,103 

3. Segmental analysis

Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business segments. The Directors consider that the Group currently operates in one geographic segment, the Isle of Man and UK. The primary format, business segments, is based on the Group's management and internal reporting structure. The Directors consider that the Group operates in four product orientated segments in addition to its investing activities: Asset and Personal Finance (including provision of HP contracts, finance leases, personal loans, commercial loans, block discounting and premium finance); Litigation Finance; a Prepaid Card division, Conister Card Services; and a Wealth Management division, Edgewater Associates Limited. The Group ceased to provide new Litigation Finance lending in June 2007.

                                      Asset and                Conister                                 30 
 For the six months                    Personal   Litigation       Card       Wealth    Investing     June 
  to 30 June 2011                       Finance      Finance   Services   Management   Activities     2011 
                                         GBP000       GBP000     GBP000       GBP000       GBP000   GBP000 
 Interest income 
  - asset financing                       3,160          343          -            -            -    3,503 
 Interest income 
  - deposits                                  4            -          -            -            -        4 
 Interest expense                         (970)            -          -            -            -    (970) 
                                  -------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
 Net interest income                      2,194          343          -            -            -    2,537 
 Operating income                         1,871          343        279          618            -    3,111 
 Provision for 
  impairment                              (294)          194          -            -            -    (100) 
 (Loss)/profit before 
  unallocated items                       (413)          538        183           98            -      406 
 Group central 
  costs                                       -            -          -            -        (639)    (639) 
                                  -------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
 Loss before specific 
  items                                                                                              (233) 
                                  -------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
  expenditure                                70            -          -            -            -       70 
 Total assets                            66,062        1,543        183          590          115   68,493 
                                  -------------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
                                            and                Conister                     Total 
                                       Personal   Litigation       Card    Investing      30 June 
                                        Finance      Finance   Services   Activities         2010 
 For the six months 
  to 30 June 2010                        GBP000       GBP000     GBP000       GBP000       GBP000 
 Interest income 
  - asset financing                       2,103          119          -            -        2,222 
 Interest income 
  - deposits                                 28            -          -            -           28 
 Interest expense                         (858)            -          -            -        (858) 
                                      ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net interest income                      1,273          119          -            -        1,392 
 Operating income                           979          119        348            -        1,446 
 Provision for 
  impairment                                399         (75)          -            -          324 
 Profit/(loss) before unallocated 
  items                                      29           23        119         (31)          140 
 Group central 
  costs                                       -            -          -            -        (429) 
                                      ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 Loss before specific items                                                                 (289) 
                                      ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
  expenditure                                42            -          -            -           42 
                                      ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total assets                            54,080          187        281          319       54,867 
                                      ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  ----------- 
 For the twelve months             and                Conister                               Total 
  to                          Personal   Litigation       Card       Wealth    Investing    31 Dec 
  31 December 2010             Finance      Finance   Services   Management   Activities      2010 
                                GBP000       GBP000     GBP000       GBP000       GBP000    GBP000 
 Interest income - 
  asset financing                4,735          238          -            -            -     4,973 
 Interest income - 
  deposits                         130            -          -            -            -       130 
 Interest expense              (1,866)            -          -            -            -   (1,866) 
                             ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 Net interest income             2,999          238          -            -            -     3,237 
 Operating income                2,357          238        579          621            -     3,795 
 Provision for 
  impairment                       361          666          -            -            -     1,027 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  unallocated items                209          861        107          274        (200)     1,251 
 Group central costs                 -            -          -            -            -   (1,165) 
                             ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 Loss before specific 
  items                                                                                         86 
 Capital expenditure               335            -          -            1            -       336 
                             ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -------- 
 Total assets                   61,042        1,011        116        2,245          174    64,588 
                             ---------  -----------  ---------  -----------  -----------  -------- 

4.Depositors' Compensation Scheme

                                                         For the 
                                          For the         period       For the 
                                           period          ended    year ended 
                                         ended 30        30 June        31 Dec 
                                        June 2011           2010          2010 
                                           GBP000         GBP000        GBP000 
                             Notes    (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Provision/(credit) in 
  respect of Kaupthing 
  Singer & Friedlander 
  (Isle of Man) Limited         11             74            (2)           (2) 
                                               74            (2)       (2) 

On 27 May 2009, the Isle of Man Government Depositors' Compensation Scheme ("the Scheme") was activated in connection with the liquidation of Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man) Limited. A total of GBP150,000 had been paid into the scheme during the prior year with a further call of GBP73,880 being made in the period to 30 June 2011.

5. Restructuring costs

                                          30 June   30 June 2010   31 Dec 2010 
                                             2011         GBP000        GBP000 
                               GBP000 (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Acquisition costs 
 Legal and professional 
  fees                                          -              -           181 
 Reorganisation of UK 
  operations Redundancy 
  costs                                        13              -            93 
                             --------------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                               13              -           274 
                             --------------------  -------------  ------------ 

Acquisition and restructuring costs in prior periods related to the purchase of Edgewater Associates Limited and ECF Asset Finance PLC and the subsequent restructuring of the UK operation.

6. Loss per share

                                    For the                       For the 
                                     period         For the    year ended 
                                   ended 30    period ended        31 Dec 
                                  June 2011    30 June 2010          2010 
                                     GBP000          GBP000        GBP000 
                                (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Loss for the period/year             (357)           (289)         (188) 
 Weighted average number of 
  ordinary shares in issue       88,824,754      64,373,206    76,143,178 
 Basic and diluted loss per 
  share                             (0.40)p         (0.40)p       (0.24)p 

The basic loss per share calculation is based upon loss for the period/year after taxation and the weighted average of the number of shares in issue throughout the period/year.

There is no difference between basic and diluted loss per share.

7.Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss represents shares in a UK quoted company, designated at fair value through profit or loss on initial recognition. The investment is stated at market value with the difference between cost and market value included within the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.

8. Available-for-sale financial assets

                                     30 June                            31 Dec 
                                        2011              30 June         2010 
                                      GBP000                 2010       GBP000 
                                 (unaudited)    GBP000(unaudited)    (audited) 
 UK Government Treasury Bills         10,289                    -        7,292 
                               -------------  -------------------  ----------- 
                                      10,289                    -        7,292 

UK Government Treasury Bills are stated at fair value and unrealised changes in fair value are reflected in equity.

9. Loans and advances to customers

                                  30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                     2011           2010         2010 
                                   GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
                              (unaudited)    (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Hire purchase balances            28,563         24,131       29,358 
 Finance lease balances             7,011          1,416        9,886 
 Premium financing                      -            670            - 
 Litigation funding                 1,543            187        1,011 
 Unsecured personal loans           4,243          5,369        3,080 
 Vehicle stocking plans             1,503          1,195        1,341 
 Block discounting                  3,184              -          989 
 Secured commercial loans           3,887              -        2,802 
                            -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                   49,934         32,968       48,467 

10. Trade and other receivables

                                           30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                              2011           2010         2010 
                                            GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
                             Notes     (unaudited)    (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Trade debtors                                 185              -          207 
 Prepayments and other debtors                 225            410          242 
 VAT recoverable                                 -             80            - 
                                     -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                               410            490          449 

11. Creditor and accrued charges

                                           30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                              2011           2010         2010 
                                            GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
                              Notes    (unaudited)    (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Creditors and accruals                        741            582          672 
 Short-term employee 
  benefits                                      90             55           69 
 VAT payable                      4            184              -          135 
 Redundancy costs                                -              -          102 
                                     -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                             1,015            637          978 

12. Loan Notes

On 31 May 2011 MFG entered into a loan agreement with a related party company guarantee by Burnbrae Limited for GBP0.5 million. The loan is repayable within one year and bears interest at a rate of 3.5%p.a.

On 3 March 2010 MFG entered into a convertible loan agreement with J Mellon for GBP1.25 million. The loan is convertible into shares from the first anniversary of the loan drawdown at GBP0.09 per share and bears interest until conversion at a rate of 9%p.a. MFG also entered into an identical agreement with Rock Holdings Limited (a company linked to A Banks) for GBP0.46 million on 26 March 2010. No amounts have been exercised as at the date of these Interim Financial Statements.

13. Goodwill, deferred consideration and acquisitions

                                        30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                           2011           2010         2010 
                                         GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
 Goodwill                            unaudited)    (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Edgewater Associates Limited             1,849              -        1,849 
 ECF Asset Finance PLC                      565              -          565 
 Three Spires Insurance Services 
  Limited (see below)                        41              -            - 
                                   ------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                          2,455              -        2,414 
 ECF Asset Finance PLC                    (111)              -            - 
                                          2,344              -        2,414 

Following a detailed review of the acquired ECF loan book at 30 June 2011 an adjustment has been made to the fair value of the assets acquired under the provisions of IFRS 3. A reduction of GBP211,000 was made to the value of certain loan assets where evidence from the review identified that the recoverable value assumed at the date of acquisition was overstated.

Goodwill on the ECF acquisition was reviewed for impairment based on anticipated future business and an impairment provision of GBP111,000 was made in the period to 30 June 2011. The comparative information presented in these Interim statements for 31 December 2010 has been adjusted to reflect the revised fair values.

                                         30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                            2011           2010         2010 
                                          GBP000         GBP000       GBP000 
 Deferred consideration              (unaudited)    (unaudited)    (audited) 
 Edgewater Associates Limited                317              -          475 
 Three Spires Insurance Services 
  Limited (see below)                         20              -            - 
                                   -------------  -------------  ----------- 
                                             337              -          475 

Three Spires Insurance Services Limited

On 21 June 2011 Edgewater Associates Limited acquired the entire share capital of Three Spires Insurance Services Limited, an Independent Financial Advisor and General Insurance broker based in the Isle of Man. Three Spires Insurance Services Limited ("Three Spires") is regulated by both the Financial Supervision Commission and the Insurance and Pensions Authority.

The following summarises the major classes of consideration transferred, and the recognised amounts of assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date:

 Consideration transferred    GBP000 
 Cash                             57 
 Deferred consideration           20 

Deferred consideration

The deferred element of the consideration is payable in cash over the three month period from July to September 2011 on the last day of the month.

 Identifiable assets acquired 
  and liabilities assumed         GBP000 
 Cash                                 45 
 Trade and other receivables           4 
 Trade and other payables           (13) 
 Total identifiable net assets        36 
 Goodwill                           GBP000 
 Total consideration transferred        77 
 Fair value of identifiable net 
  assets                              (36) 
 Goodwill                               41 

The goodwill attributable to Three Spires is in relation to its established IFA and General Insurance client base and the skills and experience of its staff.

14. Called up share capital and share premium

 Authorised: Ordinary shares 
  and no par value                       Number 
 At 31 December 2010                150,000,000 
 At 30 June 2011                    150,000,000 
 Issued and fully paid: Ordinary 
  shares of no par value                 Number   GBP000 
 At 31 December 2010                 88,186,853   18,258 
 Issued in relation to deferred 
  consideration for acquisition 
  of Edgewater Associates             1,383,399      175 
                                   ------------  ------- 
 At 30 June 2011                     89,570,252   18,433 

15. Regulatory

The Company's wholly owned subsidiary Conister Bank Limited is licensed to undertake banking activity by the Isle of Man Government Financial Supervision Commission. The Financial Supervision Commission reviews the appointment of all Directors of Conister Bank Limited.

16. Contingent liabilities

Conister Bank Limited is required to be a member of the Isle of Man Government Depositors' Compensation Scheme which was introduced by the Isle of Man Government under the Banking Business (Compensation of Depositors) Regulations 1991. The Scheme creates a liability on the Company to participate in the compensation of depositors should it be activated (note 4).

17. Related party transactions

Cash Deposits

During the period Conister Bank Limited held cash on deposit on behalf of J Mellon and a company related to Denham Eke. Normal commercial interest rates are paid on these deposits.

Subordinated loan and convertible loan notes

On 31 May 2011 MFG entered into a loan agreement with Burnbrae Limited, a significant Shareholder, see note 12. Loan notes were issued to two Directors on 3 March 2010, see note 12.

On 22 December 2008 the Bank entered into a subordinated loan agreement for GBP500,000 with J Mellon. The loan was unsecured, carried interest on commercial terms and no repayment of the loan was necessary on the first five years. This loan was repaid on 3 March 2010.

Premium Finance (prior year)

Conister Bank had an agreement with Group Direct Limited, a UK insurance broker, to provide premium financing of insurance policies brokered by Group Direct. The majority of these policies were issued by Southern Rock Insurance Company Limited. Lending under this agreement ceased on 6 January 2010. The group provided financing of GBP16,446 and earned interest income of GBP91,140 during 2010.

Group Direct Limited and Southern Rock Insurance Company Limited are related parties of A Banks. A Banks is a Director and significant shareholder of MFG.

Key management personnel (including Executive Directors') compensation

                                        30 June       30 June    31 Dec 
                                           2011          2010     2010 
                                         GBP000       GBP000)    GBP000 
                                    (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (audited) 
Short-term employee benefits                274           322         395 
Share-based payments                          -            26          26 
Total                                       274           348         421 

The share-based payments expense in prior periods related to shares issued in lieu of cash bonuses to two of the Executive Directors.

18. Litigation

The Bank is vigorously pursuing the repayment of litigation funding loans made to clients of other solicitor firms and further litigation may be required in this regard. Counter claims have been received and there is the possibility of litigation being necessary. There is a risk of an adverse outcome in all litigation and the costs and timescale to resolve these matters are uncertain.

19. Approval of interim statements

The interim statements were approved by the Board on 15 September 2011. The interim report will be available from that date at the Group's Registered Office: Conister House, Isle of Man Business Park, Cooil Road, Braddan, Isle of Man, IM2 2QZ.

The Group's nominated adviser is Beaumont Cornish Limited, 2nd Floor, Bowman House, 29 Wilson Street, London, EC2R 7DE. The Group's broker is Fairfax I.S. PLC, 46 Berkeley Square, London, W1J 5AT. The Interim and Annual reports along with other supplementary information of interest to Shareholders, are included on our website. The address of the website is www.mfg.im which includes investor relations information and contact details.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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