RNS Number : 2918O

MCB Finance Group PLC

05 August 2014


Unaudited Results for the Period Ending 30 June 2014

MCB Finance Group plc (AIM: MCRB.L) ("MCB", the "Group" or the "Company"), which provides consumer finance solutions to retail customers in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Australia, today announces its unaudited results for the three month and six month periods ending 30 June 2014.

Financial Highlights

-- Consolidated Loan Principal Issued increased by 3.5% to EUR23.8m in Q2 2014 compared to the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR23.0m), and decreased by 3.3% compared to the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR24.6m), primarily on account of the Finnish business transition;

-- Consolidated Revenue grew by 9.0% to EUR9.1m in Q2 2014 (Q1 2014: EUR8.4m), an increase of 3.6% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR8.8m);

-- Consolidated Impairment Costs were 20.0% of Revenue for Q2 2014 (Q1 2014: 19.0%; Q2 2013: 29.3%), reflecting strong overall credit and collection performance in both the first and second quarters;

-- Operating Profit for the Established Markets Business was EUR2.5m for Q2 2014, up 13.8% on the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR2.2m) and up 11.5% on the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR2.2m);

-- Pro Forma Profit Before Tax for the Established Markets Business was EUR0.7m for Q2 2014 (Q1 2014: EUR0.4m; Q2 2013: EUR0.8m), after deducting Financing Costs of EUR1.8m (Q1 2014: EUR1.8m; Q2 2013: EUR1.4m);

-- Group Pro Forma Profit After Tax for Q2 2014 was EUR0.2m (Q1 2014: Loss of EUR0.2m; Q2 2013: Loss of EUR0.5m), after EUR0.4m operating losses from New Businesses (Q2 2013: EUR1.1m loss) and before unrealised foreign exchange gains on borrowings, translation differences and other non-cash items;

   --      Group Net Income for Q2 2014 was EUR1.2m (Q1 2014: EUR0.1m; Q2 2013: EUR0.1m). 

Further information:

MCB Finance Group Plc

 Paul Aylieff, Chief Financial 
  Officer                            +372 501 4064 
  paul.aylieff@mcbfinance.com      +44 7599 000007 

Nominated adviser and broker:

Sanlam Securities UK Limited

 Lindsay Mair    +44 20 7628 2200 

Media enquiries:

Allerton Communications

 Peter Curtain 
  peter.curtain@allertoncomms.co.uk    +44 20 3137 2500 


MCB Finance Group is a leading consumer finance company providing fast, convenient and flexible credit solutions under the Credit24 brand to retail customers in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (together the "Established Markets"), as well as in Australia. In the Established Markets, the Company is a leading provider of unsecured credit, providing loans and credit lines up to EUR3,000 to qualifying customers with maturities of up to two years. Loan products are designed to suit customers' needs, with simple and transparent terms and flexible repayment schedules. The Company operates in a segment of the market that is typically under-served by larger financial institutions, and is focused on servicing high quality customers with strong credit histories. Loans are currently offered online through the Company's Credit24 branded websites in each market, as well as through certain distribution partners. In addition, the Group offers credit lines and online sales financing solutions to retail customers under the Sving brand.


On a consolidated basis, the Group issued EUR23.8m in Loan Principal during Q2 2014, up 3.5% from the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR23.0m) and down 3.3% from the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR24.6m), primarily reflecting the Finnish business transition. Consolidated Revenue for Q1 2014 was EUR9.1m, up 9.0% on the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR8.4m) and 3.6% on the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR8.8m).

Established Markets Business

Loan volumes in the Group's Established Markets Business (consumer lending under the Credit24 brand in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) increased in every market in Q2 2014 compared to the previous quarter. As measured by loan principal issued, volume growth in Q2 2014 for the Established Markets Business increased by 3.1% compared to the previous quarter, with quarterly growth recorded in all countries (Finland +1.1%; Estonia +2.3%; Latvia +4.8%; Lithuania +4.5%). Primarily as a result of the Finnish business transition, Loan Principal Issued to customers in the Established Markets Business decreased by 3.3% to EUR23.1m in Q2 2014 over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR23.9m), but increased by 3.1% over the previous quarter, up from the 1.0% quarterly increase recorded in Q1 2014 (Q1 2014: EUR22.4m; Q4 2013: EUR22.2m).

Loan Principal Issued

 (EUR000s)             Q2       Q1   Q2 2014       Q4       Q3       Q2       Q1   Q2 2014     2013 
                     2014     2014     vs Q1     2013     2013     2013     2013     vs Q2 
                                        2014                                          2013 
----------------  -------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
 Finland            7,435    7,351      1.1%    7,050    6,906    8,708    8,450    -14.6%   31,113 
 Estonia            3,437    3,360      2.3%    3,437    3,552    3,472    3,291     -1.0%   13,751 
 Latvia             3,336    3,182      4.8%    2,992    3,191    3,384    3,342     -1.4%   12,910 
 Lithuania          8,871    8,487      4.5%    8,678    8,614    8,352    8,869      6.2%   34,513 
  Markets          23,079   22,380      3.1%   22,157   22,262   23,916   23,952     -3.5%   92,287 
 New Businesses       692      577     19.9%      517      906      670      541      3.3%    2,634 
  Group            23,771   22,957      3.5%   22,674   23,168   24,586   24,492     -3.3%   94,921 
----------------  -------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 

Fees and interest generated from loans issued in Q2 2014 in the Established Markets Business were EUR9.1m, up 5.3% from the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR8.6m) and down 4.4% from the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR9.5m), primarily reflecting the Finnish business transition. The average maturity of loans granted during Q2 2014 was 9.1 months (Q2 2013: 8.5 months). The increase in loan maturities during 2014 is expected to support continued revenue growth, as income is recognised over the maturity of the issued loans.

Total Revenue for the Established Markets Business for Q2 2014 increased by 8.1% to EUR8.8m over the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR8.2m) and by 2.4% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR8.6m). Lithuania recorded revenue growth of 27.7% and Estonia 6.9% for Q2 2014 compared to the prior year period. The lower revenue recorded in Finland and Latvia in Q2 2014 compared to the prior year period reflects, respectively, the transition of the Finnish business and the increased competitive pressure and tightening of credit settings made at the end of Q2 2013 in Latvia.

Business Revenue

 (EUR000s)              Q2 2014   Q1 2014   Q2 2014   Q2 2013   Q2 2014     Year 
                                              vs Q1               vs Q2     2013 
                                               2014                2013 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ------- 
 Finland                  1,743     1,431     21.8%     2,297    -24.1%    7,298 
 Estonia                  1,832     1,774      3.3%     1,714      6.9%    6,806 
 Latvia                   1,179     1,173      0.5%     1,426    -17.3%    5,466 
 Lithuania                4,086     3,796      7.6%     3,199     27.7%   13,023 
 Established Markets      8,840     8,174      8.1%     8,636      2.4%   32,593 
 New Business               261       179     45.8%       148     76.4%      564 
 Group Consolidated       9,101     8,353      9.0%     8,784      3.6%   33,157 
---------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ------- 


Finnish Business Transition

The credit line product launched in Finland on 1 June 2013 continued to experience strong customer demand in Q2 2014, with new contract issuance volume continuing to run ahead of expectations. As anticipated prior to launch, during the transition to credit line products from the historical instalment loan product offering (which the Company ceased issuing in June 2013), Loan Principal Issued and Revenue generated in the Finnish business declined from pre-June 2013 levels. For Q2 2014, Finnish Revenue was EUR1.7m, a decrease of 24.1% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR2.3m), but an increase of 21.8% over Q1 2014 Revenues of EUR1.4m, showing the strong momentum in new credit line contract issuance starting to drive revenue growth at a rate which outweighs the impact of declining revenues from pre-June instalment loan issuance. As a result, Revenue and profits growth for the Finnish business are expected to increase in line with the growth of issued credit lines, as customers make additional draws on new and existing lines, and as credit settings are optimised and principal issued increases following the initial months' experience in issuing the new credit line products.

The successful launch of the Group's credit line products in Finland points to the potential for the business to secure strong incremental volume growth and resulting market share gains in the Finnish market. In addition, the platform and product development undertaken in connection with the re-positioning of the Group's Finnish business offers the opportunity to roll out an attractive range of credit line products in other markets during H2 2014.

Credit Quality

Overall credit quality remained strong during Q2 2014 with expected loss rates for loan cohorts granted during the period of 5.1% for the Established Markets Business, below the low end of the Group's 6%-7% target range. Established Markets Business Impairment Costs for Q2 2014 were 19.7% of Revenues, compared to 29.0% in the prior year period and 18.3% in the previous quarter.

The 9.3 percentage point improvement in Established Markets Business Impairment Costs as a percentage of Revenues in Q2 2014 compared to Q2 2013 was underpinned primarily by the selected tightening of credit settings in Latvia and Finland undertaken at the end of Q2 2013, as well as by improving collection performance in Latvia following changes made to collection partner arrangements in that country in mid-2013.

New Businesses

During 2012, 2013 and H1 2014, the Company undertook a series of investments with a view to developing various new businesses and new products (namely, credit line products, consumer lending in Australia and online sales financing in Lithuania), together with related technology platform developments, identified by management and the Board as being attractive areas of future growth. In addition, the investments made in new businesses, new products and transaction platforms are considered important to diversify the Company's sources of future revenue, further enhance operating efficiency and to help mitigate risks arising from potential future regulatory changes or credit cycles.

For Q2 2014, costs relating to investments applicable to New Businesses recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income totalled EUR0.4m (Q1 2014: EUR0.5m; Q2 2013: EUR1.1m).


From the end of July 2013, the Australian business, which was launched in July 2012, has been run with a greater focus on near-term profitability, rather than building national market awareness at this stage of its development. The resulting reduction in operating costs in the business resulted in a significant reduction in the operating losses previously being incurred to grow the business nationally. Operating costs have now been reduced by approximately 75% from July 2013 levels, significantly reducing operating losses incurred in the Australian business. Any acceleration in Australian lending volumes remains subject to a stronger track record of profitability and a strengthened Group capital structure.

Sving / Online Sales Finance

The Company's online sales financing platform and business, which was launched in December 2012, offers a payment and credit line product to customers purchasing goods online from internet retailers, as well as flexible cash loans under the same credit lines. The service is marketed and operated under the Sving brand.

In the period since the launch of Sving, the business has signed contracts with the majority of leading online retailers in Lithuania, and has already established a leading presence for online sales financing in the market. Sving has currently over 8,200 registered customers with customer acquisition growing and user receptivity to Sving's flexible and convenient product features continuing to be favourable.

Management believes that the Sving business offers an attractive opportunity for the Company to grow a sizeable and profitable business under a new brand, addressing a new socio-demographic segment of the market, and will seek to roll out the Sving business in a number of other Established Markets, subject to a strengthened Group capital structure.

More information on the Group's Online Sales Finance business can be found at www.sving.com.

Economic Environment

The economic environment and outlook for the Group's Established Markets Business remained generally stable in the second quarter ending 30 June 2014. Based on current Eurostat estimates, expected year-on-year GDP growth rates for 2014 range between 0.2% (Finland) and 3.8% (Latvia), with all the Baltic markets expected to experience GDP growth rates in 2014 ahead of the EU average. Unemployment in 2014 is expected to be flat to declining in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and to increase slightly in Finland.

 GDP Growth Rates 
  (% p.a.)                    2012     2013F     2014F     2015F 
------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Finland                     -1.0%     -1.4%      0.2%      1.0% 
 Estonia                      3.9%      0.8%      1.9%      3.0% 
 Latvia                       5.2%      4.1%      3.8%      4.1% 
 Lithuania                    3.7%      3.3%      3.3%      3.7% 
 EU average                  -0.4%      0.1%      1.6%      2.0% 
 Australia                    3.1%      2.4%      3.0%      2.8% 
 Source: Eurostat 05/05/2014, Reserve Bank of Australia 
  05/2014 (mid-point of range) 

Regulatory Environment

The Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian governments are currently considering changes to the regulatory environment, which will likely come into force during 2015, including certain annual percentage rate and fee limitations, as well as enhanced customer diligence and operational requirements for consumer lenders. The Company remains confident of its ability to comply fully with, as well as operate successfully under, the new regulations.


To facilitate comparison and provide greater transparency regarding underlying profitability, details are provided on the performance of the Established Markets Business and New Businesses separately, as well as on the proportion of central costs dedicated to supporting each area of activity. Details of the performance of the Established Markets Business and New Businesses are provided below.

Established Markets Business

Revenues for Q2 2014 for the Established Markets Business were EUR8.8m, an increase of 2.4% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR8.6m), underpinned by a 15.7% increase in Net Customer Loan Receivables to EUR44.9m in Q2 2014 compared to EUR38.8m in Q2 2013. Principal Issued decreased by 3.5% to EUR23.1m in Q2 2014 over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR23.9m), primarily reflecting the Finnish business transition, but increased by 3.1% over the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR22.4m).

Impairment Costs for the Established Markets Business were EUR1.7m for Q2 2014, equivalent to 19.7% of Revenue, down from EUR2.5m or 29.0% of Revenue in Q2 2013. Impairment cost levels for the Established Markets Business are currently just below the Company's targeted range, with overall credit quality remaining strong during the period with expected loan loss rates for loans granted during the second quarter of 2014 of 5.1%, below the lower end of the Group's 6%-7% target range. The selective tightening of credit settings in Latvia and Finland, as well as changes made to collection partners in Latvia, contributed to the decrease of Impairment Costs in Q2 2014.

Direct and Administrative Costs related to the Established Markets Business for Q2 2014 were EUR3.4m, equivalent to 38.2% of Revenue up from EUR3.3m (or 40.4% of Revenue) in Q1 2014 and EUR2.8m or 32.3% of Revenue in Q2 2013.

As a result, the Contribution Margin (profit from operations before central overhead and financing costs) from the Established Market Business for Q2 2014 was EUR3.7m, or 42.1% of Revenue, an increase of 9.9% over the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR3.4m or 41.4% of Revenue) and an increase of 11.2% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR3.3m or 38.7% of Revenue).

Allocating Central Costs between the Established Markets Business and New Businesses, based on activity and function, showed an Operating Profit for Q2 2014 for the Established Markets Business of EUR2.5m, or 27.8% of Revenue, up 13.8% from the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR2.2m or 26.5% of Revenue) and up 11.5% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR2.2m or 25.6% of Revenue).

 Established Markets Business Financial Performance 
                                                       Q2 2014                           H1 2014 
                                                        vs Q2                             vs H1 
 (EUR000s)                         Q2 2014   Q2 2013     2013      H1 2014     H1 2013     2013      2013 
--------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  --------- 
 Principal Issued                   23,079    23,916     -3.5%      45,459      47,868     -5.0%     92,287 
 Net Customer Loan Receivables      44,935    38,834     15.7%      44,935      38,834     15.7%     40,306 
 Fees and interest due 
  from loans issued in period        9,054     9,472     -4.4%      17,652      19,108     -7.6%     35,632 
 Revenue                             8,840     8,636      2.4%      17,014      16,360      4.0%     32,593 
 Impairment Costs                  (1,744)   (2,501)    -30.3%     (3,236)     (4,405)    -26.5%    (7,868) 
  as % Revenue                       19.7%     29.0%                 19.0%       26.9%                24.1% 
 Direct and Administrative 
  Costs                            (3,378)   (2,791)     21.0%     (6,677)     (5,636)     18.5%   (11,698) 
  as % Revenue                       38.2%     32.3%                 39.2%       34.4%                35.9% 
 Contribution Margin - 
  Established Markets                3,718     3,344     11.2%       7,101       6,319     12.4%     13,027 
  as % Revenue                       42,1%     38.7%                 41.7%       38.6%                40.0% 
 Central Costs related 
  to Established Markets           (1,257)   (1,137)     10.6%     (2,477)     (2,078)     19.2%    (4,256) 
 Operating Profit - Established 
  Markets                            2,461     2,207     11.5%       4,624       4,241      9.0%      8,771 
  as % Revenue                       27.8%     25.6%                 27.2%       25.9%                26.9% 

New Businesses & Consolidated Financial Performance

During 2012 and 2013, the Company undertook a series of investments with a view to strengthening certain central functions and launching various new businesses identified by management and the Board as being attractive areas of future growth. Costs related to these New Businesses recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, including amortised platform development costs and operating losses relating to new business launches, totalled EUR0.4m in Q2 2014 (Q2 2013: EUR1.1m), the reduction being primarily due to the reduction in losses in the Company's Australian business following the change in strategy made in the business at the end of July 2013.

 New Business Costs & Consolidated Financial Performance 
                                                       Q2 2014                        H1 2014 
                                                         vs Q2                         vs H1 
 (EUR000s)                         Q2 2014   Q2 2013     2013     H1 2014   H1 2013     2013     2013 
--------------------------------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Operating Profit - Established 
  Markets                            2,461     2,207      11.5%     4,624     4,241      9.0%     8,771 
 Operating Loss - New 
  Business                           (351)   (1,133)     -69.0%     (809)   (2,008)    -59.7%   (3,462) 
 Consolidated Operating 
  Profit                             2,111     1,074      96.6%     3,815     2,233     70.8%     5,309 
 Net Financing Costs               (1,753)   (1,434)      22.2%   (3,513)   (2,609)     34.6%   (6,170) 
 Pro Forma Profit/(Loss) 
  Before Tax                           358     (359)     199.7%       302     (376)    180.3%     (861) 
 Income Tax Expense                  (168)     (189)     -11.1%     (307)     (435)    -29.4%     (721) 
 Pro Forma Profit/(Loss) 
  After Tax                            190     (548)     134.7%       (5)     (811)     99.4%   (1,582) 
                                  ========  ========  =========  ========  ========  ========  ======== 
 Unrealised FX Gains 
  / (Losses) on Borrowings           1,085     1,831                1,525       836               1,335 
 Gains / (Losses) Arising 
  on Derivatives                     (201)     (775)                (455)     (547)               (937) 
 Translation Differences               172     (415)                  342     (411)               (986) 
 Cost of Employee Share 
  Options                             (23)      (18)                 (45)      (34)                (92) 
 Pro Forma Audit Adjustments             -         -                    -         -               (235) 
 Increase in Deferred 
  Tax Assets                             -         -                    -         -               1,195 
 Group Net Income                    1,223        75   1,530.7%     1,362     (968)    240.7%   (1,302) 
                                  ========  ========  =========  ========  ========  ========  ======== 

As a result, after New Business losses, Consolidated Operating Profit for Q2 2014 was EUR2.1m, an increase of 96.6% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR1.1m), comprising EUR2.5m Operating Profit from the Established Markets Business and a EUR0.4m Operating Loss from New Businesses. Compared to the previous quarter, Consolidated Operating Profit increased 23.9% (Q1 2014: EUR1.7m).

Net Financing Costs for the three month period ending 30 June 2014 were EUR1.8m, an increase of 22.2% over the prior year period (Q2 2013: EUR1.4m), but flat on the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR1.8m).

Unrealised Foreign Exchange Gains / Losses on Borrowings comprise unrealised gains or losses incurred in relation to the Group's SEK-denominated bonds. Foreign currency options limit the Group's exposure on its senior and subordinated bonds to a weighted average 7.9% weakening in the value of the Euro from the exchange rate prevailing at 30 June 2014 over the remaining maturity of the issued bonds. During Q2 2014, Euro/SEK exchange rate movements resulted in an unrealised foreign exchange gain on borrowings of EUR1.1m. The fair value of currency options put in place to mitigate the foreign exchange rate risk on the issued bonds resulted in a EUR0.2m unrealised loss in Q2 2014.

Foreign Exchange Translation Differences arising from the Group's Australian business resulted in a EUR0.2m translation gain for Q2 2014, partly offset by a negative foreign currency reserve adjustment of EUR0.1m for Q2 2014 booked in accordance with IFRS accounting rules as Other Comprehensive Income in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.

The Group's Pro Forma Profit Before Tax was EUR0.4m for Q2 2014, compared to a loss of EUR0.1m in Q1 2014 and a loss of EUR0.4m in Q2 2013. The Group's Pro Forma Profit After Tax for Q2 2014 was EUR0.2m, compared to a loss of EUR0.2m in Q1 2014 and a loss of EUR0.5m for Q2 2013. Including the net impact of foreign exchange movements and employee option costs, the Group's Net Profit After Tax for Q2 2014 was EUR1.2m, compared to a profit of EUR0.1m in Q1 2014 and a profit of EUR0.1m in Q2 2013.

Balance Sheet

As of 30 June 2014, Net Customer Loan Receivables totalled EUR46.3m (net of loan loss provisions), an increase of 16.9% over the prior year period (30 June 2013: EUR39.6) and 5.5% over the previous quarter (Q1 2014: EUR43.9m). As of 30 June 2014, Gross Borrowings totalled EUR43.7m, comprising EUR38.8m of senior secured and EUR4.9m of subordinated bond principal outstanding, net of costs relating to the bond offerings in accordance with IAS 39 (30 June 2013: EUR43.5m). Net Debt as of 30 June 2014 totalled EUR37.5m (30 June 2013: EUR32.0m). Cash as of 30 June 2014 was EUR6.2m (30 June 2013: EUR11.5m).

The Group's Equity Ratio as defined for debt covenant purposes was 28.3% as of 30 June 2014, compared to 26.8% as of 31 March 2014, 27.3% as of 30 June 2013 and 27.0% at the end of FY 2013. The Group's Net Debt to Net Receivables Ratio was 80.9% as of 30 June 2014, compared to 80.7% as of 30 June 2013 and 83.8% at the end of 2013.

Summary Balance Sheet

                                                                 Q2 2014 vs 
 (EUR000s)                        Q2 2014   Q2 2013     2013    Q2 2013 Change 
-------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Net Customer Loan Receivables     46,324    39,627   41,446             16.9% 
 Cash                               6,176    11,547    8,675            -46.5% 
 Other Assets                       5,835     5,924    7,629             -1.5% 
 Total Assets                      58,335    57,098   57,750              2.2% 
 Senior Asset-Backed Bonds         38,788    38,560   38,307              0.6% 
 Subordinated Bonds                 4,867     4,977    5,107             -2.2% 
 Gross Borrowings                  43,655    43,537   43,414              0.3% 
 Net Debt                          37,479    31,990   34,739             17.2% 
 Equity                            11,655    10,438   10,489             11.7% 
 Equity Ratio (1)                   28.3%     27.3%    27.0% 
 Equity / Net Receivables           25.2%     26.3%    25.3% 
 Net Debt / Assets                  64.2%     56.0%    60.2% 
 Net Debt / Net Receivables         80.9%     80.7%    83.8% 
-------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 

(1) Equity plus Subordinated Debt / Total Assets in accordance with the terms of the Group's bond covenants


The Company continues to experience underlying customer demand growth in its core markets and expects sustained underlying lending volume and revenue growth in its Established Markets Business in future periods. The credit line product and Sving have been well received by customers in Finland and Lithuania respectively, and are expected to provide the Group with significant opportunities for growth in existing and new markets as these businesses are rolled out in other Established Markets in H2 2014 and 2015.

The Group has invested to strengthen various central functions, upgrade its technology platforms, develop a number of new product lines in existing markets, as well as enter additional new markets and businesses - in line with the Company's on-going strategy to expand its range of products and geographical reach. The majority of this investment is now complete and, over time, we expect the Group's new products and markets to contribute significantly to the Group's overall growth and profitability.

As the Company continues to grow, management expect to realise significant operating leverage from the new platform, product and geographical investments. Management also intends to seek opportunities to diversify the Group's sources of funding, thereby reducing the Group's cost of debt. Discussions on the refinancing of the Company's senior and subordinated debt are underway and are expected to be completed well in advance of the maturity of the senior and subordinated bonds in March 2015, with a view to recapitalising the Company's balance sheet to reduce financial leverage and to improve the Company's effective cost of funding.

   for the 3 and 6 months to 30 June 2014 
                                                3 months      3 months      6 months       6 months 
                                                 to June       to June       to June        to June 
                                                 30 2014       30 2013       30 2014        30 2013 
                                             (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                      Note           EUR           EUR           EUR            EUR 
 Revenue                                       9,101,185     8,783,706    17,454,551     16,606,032 
 Impairment                                  (1,821,419)   (2,574,433)   (3,410,218)    (4,608,297) 
 Administrative and Direct 
  operating expenses                         (5,019,731)   (5,905,633)   (9,932,467)   (10,483,776) 
 Operating profit                              2,260,035       303,640     4,111,866      1,513,959 
 Interest income                                     690            74         1,183            139 
 Interest expenses                       3   (1,754,119)   (1,433,744)   (3,514,955)    (2,608,972) 
 Financing - foreign exchange 
  gains/(losses) on borrowings           4     1,085,220     1,830,820     1,525,178        835,654 
 Gains/(losses) arising 
  on derivatives                               (200,681)     (774,790)     (455,060)      (546,520) 
 Profit before income 
  tax                                          1,391,145      (74,000)     1,668,212      (805,740) 
 Income tax credit/(expense)             5     (167,774)     (188,949)     (306,348)      (434,729) 
  PERIOD                                       1,223,371     (262,949)     1,361,864    (1,240,469) 
                                            ============  ============  ============  ============= 
 Other comprehensive income                    (119,628)       338,067     (240,991)        273,119 
  HOLDERS OF THE PARENT                        1,103,743        75,118     1,120,873      (967,350) 
                                            ============  ============  ============  ============= 
 Pro forma profit/(loss) 
                                                                        ------------  ------------- 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  tax                                          1,391,145      (74,000)     1,668,212      (805,740) 
 Financing - foreign exchange 
  (gains)/losses on borrowings               (1,085,220)   (1,830,820)   (1,525,178)      (835,654) 
 (Gains)/losses arising 
  on derivatives                                 200,681       774,790       455,060        546,520 
 Translation differences                       (172,174)       414,890     (342,091)        411,317 
 Other comprehensive income                            -     (338,067)             -        273,119 
 Cost of employee share 
  options                                         22,500        17,898        45,000         34,497 
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Pro forma profit/(loss) 
  before taxation                                356,932     (359,175)       301,003      (375,941) 
 Taxation excluding pro 
  forma adjustments                            (167,774)     (188,949)     (306,348)      (434,729) 
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Pro forma profit/(loss) 
  after taxation                                 189,158     (548,124)       (5,345)      (810,670) 
-----------------------------------  -----  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                                3 months      3 months      6 months       6 months 
                                                 to June       to June       to June        to June 
                                                 30 2014       30 2013       30 2014        30 2013 
                                                     EUR           EUR           EUR            EUR 
 Basic earnings per share                6        0.0624        0.0043        0.0634       (0.0547) 
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Diluted earnings per 
  share                                  6        0.0618        0.0042        0.0629       (0.0547) 
                                            ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these interim financial statements

   As at 30 June 2014 
                                                             30 June   31 December 
                                          30 June 2014          2013          2013 
                                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                   Note            EUR           EUR           EUR 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                    1,109,840     1,109,840     1,109,840 
 Intangible assets                           2,589,986     1,835,601     2,270,861 
 Property, plant and equipment                 110,600       148,078       129,538 
 Deferred tax asset                          1,636,376       120,600     1,597,841 
 Trade and other receivables          7      4,359,115     4,862,138     5,008,472 
 Total non-current assets                    9,805,917     8,076,257    10,116,552 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables          7     42,273,760    36,549,665    38,424,133 
 Derivatives                                    79,192       925,109       534,251 
 Cash and cash equivalents                   6,175,777    11,547,438     8,675,255 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total current assets                       48,528,729    49,022,212    47,633,639 
 Total assets                               58,334,646    57,098,469    57,750,191 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Issued share capital                 8      2,561,330     2,561,330     2,561,330 
 Share premium account                       5,015,903     5,015,903     5,015,903 
 Capital redemption reserve                    102,317       102,317       102,317 
 Foreign exchange reserve                      400,215       312,400       641,206 
 Share option reserve                          501,522       498,434       472,078 
 Retained earnings                           3,074,085     1,947,344     1,696,665 
 Total equity                               11,655,372    10,437,728    10,489,499 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Short-term borrowings                      43,654,859             -             - 
 Trade and other payables                    1,749,750     1,636,730     2,286,920 
 Current income tax liabilities                 82,600       363,466       420,243 
 Deferred revenue                     9      1,192,065     1,123,552     1,139,428 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total current liabilities                  46,679,274     3,123,748     3,846,591 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Long-term borrowings                 9              -    43,536,993    43,414,101 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total non-current liabilities                       -    43,536,993    43,414,101 
 Total equity and liabilities               58,334,646    57,098,469    57,750,191 
                                         -------------  ------------  ------------ 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these interim financial statements.

   for the 3 and 6 months to 30 June 
                                     3 months      3 months      6 months      6 months 
                                      to June       to June       to June       to June 
                                      30 2014       30 2013          2014       30 2013 
                                  (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (unaudited)   (unaudited) 
                                          EUR           EUR           EUR           EUR 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Operating profit                   2,260,035       303,640     4,111,866     1,513,959 
 Adjustments for: 
   Depreciation                        17,372        14,653        35,294        30,753 
   Amortisation                       224,620        62,413       421,446        96,308 
   Employee share options 
    reserve                            22,500        17,898        45,000        34,497 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Adjusted Operating 
  profit                            2,524,527       398,604     4,613,606     1,675,517 
  in receivables                  (1,196,014)     (946,751)   (3,654,752)   (6,802,145) 
  in payables                     (1,197,124)     (226,648)     (484,533)        16,563 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash generated from 
  operating activities                131,389     (774,795)       474,321   (5,110,065) 
 Interest paid                      (241,225)   (1,551,486)   (1,750,484)   (2,543,114) 
 Interest received                        690            74         1,183           139 
 Income tax paid                    (355,699)     (188,949)     (467,573)     (377,898) 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash from operating 
  activities                        (464,845)   (2,515,156)   (1,742,553)   (8,030,938) 
 Cash flow from investing 
 Purchase of property, 
  plant and equipment                 (6,481)      (37,784)      (16,355)      (79,326) 
 Purchase of intangible 
  assets                            (278,445)     (279,708)     (740,570)     (631,663) 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash used in investing 
  Activities                        (284,926)     (317,492)     (756,925)     (710,989) 
 Cash flow from financing 
 Issue of share capital                     -        11,715             -        11,715 
 Net increase in borrowing                  -     8,405,529             -    14,621,709 
 Net cash from financing 
  activities                                -     8,417,244             -    14,633,424 
  in cash and cash equivalents      (749,771)     5,584,596   (2,499,478)     5,891,496 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Opening cash and cash 
  equivalents                       6,925,548     5,962,842     8,675,255     5,655,941 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Closing cash and cash 
  equivalents                       6,175,777    11,547,438     6,175,777    11,547,438 
                                 ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these interim financial statements.


Attributable to the owners of the parent Company

                            Share      Share       Capital       Foreign     Share       Retained         Total 
                             capital    premium     redemption    exchange    options     earnings 
                                                    reserves      reserve     reserve 
                              EUR         EUR          EUR          EUR         EUR           EUR             EUR 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2012                     2,558,960   5,006,558       102,317      39,281     511,713        2,866,919    11,085,748 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Comprehensive income 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the financial period             -           -             -           -           -      (1,301,496)   (1,301,496) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                           -           -             -     601,925           -                -       601,925 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -           -             -     601,925           -      (1,301,496)     (699,571) 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Arising on employee 
  share options                2,370       9,345             -           -    (12,108)           12,108        11,715 
 Arising on employee 
  shares option lapsed 
  during the period                -           -             -           -   (119,134)          119,134             - 
 Amount charged 
  to the employee 
  share option reserve             -           -             -           -      91,607                -        91,607 
 Total                         2,370       9,345             -           -    (39,635)          131,242       103,322 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 31 December 
  2013                     2,561,330   5,015,903       102,317     641,206     472,078        1,696,665    10,489,499 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Comprehensive income 
 Profit for the 
  financial period                 -           -             -           -           -          138,493       138,493 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                           -           -             -   (121,363)           -                -     (121,363) 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -           -             -   (121,363)           -          138,493        17,130 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Arising on employee 
  shares option lapsed 
  during the period                -           -             -           -     (6,199)            6,199             - 
 Amount charged 
  to the employee 
  share option reserve             -           -             -           -      22,500                -        22,500 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Total                             -           -             -           -      16,301            6,199        22,500 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 31 March 
  2014                     2,561,330   5,015,903       102,317     519,843     488,379        1,841,357    10,529,129 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Comprehensive income 
 Profit for the 
  financial period                 -           -             -           -           -        1,223,371     1,223,371 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                           -           -             -   (119,628)           -                -     (119,628) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                           -           -             -   (119,628)           -        1,223,371     1,103,743 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Arising on employee 
  shares option lapsed 
  during the period                -           -             -           -     (9,357)            9,357             - 
 Amount charged 
  to the employee 
  share option reserve             -           -             -           -      22,500                -        22,500 
 Total                             -           -             -           -      13,143            9,357        22,500 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2014                     2,561,330   5,015,903       102,317     400,215     501,522        3,074,085    11,655,372 
------------------------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ---------------  ------------ 

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these interim financial statements.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


The interim results for the three and six month periods ending 30 June 2014 are unaudited. The financial information contained within this report does not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 396 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory accounts for the year to 31 December 2013, upon which the auditors have given an unqualified report and made no statement under Sections 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. Further copies of the report are available from the Company Secretary at the registered office, and on the Company's website at www.mcbfinance.com.


MCB Finance Group Plc is registered and domiciled in England and Wales.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013. The financial information is presented in Euros and has been prepared under the historical cost convention and on a going concern basis.

   3.         INTEREST EXPENSES 
                         3 months      3 months      6 months      6 months 
                          to June       to June       to June       to June 
                          30 2014       30 2013       30 2014       30 2013 
                              EUR           EUR           EUR           EUR 
 Interest on bonds    (1,754,119)   (1,433,670)   (3,514,955)   (2,608,833) 

Interest on bonds is calculated using the effective interest rate method as required by IAS 39 'Financial Instruments'. Issuance costs of the bonds are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income over the period of the borrowings (24-36 months) using the effective interest rate method. In the 3 months to 30 June 2014, the impact of issue costs on the effective interest rate calculation amounted to EUR0.2m (Q2 2014 EUR0.2m).


During Q1 and Q3 2012, the Group issued a total of SEK 260m 3 year maturity asset-backed bonds to investors in the Nordic region. In March 2013, the Group issued a total of SEK 45m 2 year maturity unsecured subordinated bonds to investors in the Nordic region. In May 2013, the Group issued an additional combined SEK 90 million in SEK- and Euro-denominated bonds under its asset-backed bond facility to Nordic and Asian investors.

Fluctuations in the EUR/SEK foreign exchange rate resulted in a EUR1.1m unrealised foreign exchange gain during Q2 2014 (Q2 2013: gain of EUR1.8m). Including offsetting market value changes of currency hedging options, the net impact on Shareholders' Equity of foreign exchange movements relating to the Group's SEK bonds during Q2 2014 was EUR0.9m (Q2 2013: gain of EUR1.1m).

Unrealised Foreign Exchange Gains / Losses on Borrowings comprise unrealised gains or losses incurred in relation to the Group's SEK-denominated bonds. Foreign currency options limit the Group's exposure on its senior and subordinated bonds to a weighted average 7.9% weakening in the value of the Euro from the exchange rate prevailing at 30 June 2014 over the remaining maturity of the issued bonds. The value of these currency options are recorded under Derivatives in the Group's Balance Sheet.

   5.         TAXATION 

Interim period income tax is accrued based on estimated average annual effective income tax rates for each entity within the Group. The Company accrued a tax liability for the year, primarily with respect to its Latvian and Lithuanian operations. No corporation tax arises in Estonia unless a distribution is made.

   6.         EARNING PER SHARE 
                                  3 months      3 months      6 months      6 months 
                                to 30 June    to 30 June    to 30 June    to 30 June 
                                      2014          2013          2014          2013 
                              ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                    Number        Number        Number        Number 
                              ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 a) Basic 
 The calculation of basic 
  earnings per share is 
  based on: 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares in 
  issue                         17,690,007    17,690,007    17,690,007    17,680,173 
 Profit/(loss) attributable 
  to equity holders of 
  the company (EUR)              1,103,743        75,118     1,120,873     (967,350) 
                              ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 b) Diluted 
 The calculation of diluted 
  earnings per share is 
  based on: 
 Profit/(loss) attributable 
  to equity holders of 
  the company (EUR)              1,103,743        75,118     1,120,873     (967,350) 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares in 
  issue                         17,690,007    17,690,007    17,690,007    17,680,173 
 Adjustments for dilutive 
  effect of 
  - Employee share options         175,610       285,716       126,342             - 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares for 
  diluted earnings per 
  share                         17,865,617    17,975,723    17,816,349    17,680,173 
                              ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

Adjustment for the dilutive effect of share options is based on an average price of 64.35p per ordinary share during the three month period to 30 June 2014 (Q2 2013: 80.95p, FY 2013: 74.90p).

 Current receivables                    30 June        30 June    31 December 
                                           2014           2013           2013 
                                    (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                            EUR            EUR            EUR 
 Customer loan receivables           55,083,214     45,210,694     46,913,902 
 Less: provision for impairment 
  of trade receivables             (13,118,667)   (10,446,193)   (10,461,744) 
                                  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Customer loan receivables 
  - net                              41,964,547     34,764,501     36,452,158 
 Other receivables                      309,213      1,785,164      1,971,975 
 Total current receivables           42,273,760     36,549,665     38,424,133 
                                  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Non-current receivables                30 June        30 June    31 December 
                                           2014           2013           2013 
                                    (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                            EUR            EUR            EUR 
 Customer loan receivables            5,675,657      5,127,454      5,892,411 
 Less: provision for impairment 
  of trade receivables              (1,316,542)      (265,316)      (898,224) 
                                  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Customer loan receivables 
  - net                               4,359,115      4,862,138      4,994,187 
                                  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Other receivables                            -              -         14,285 
 Total non-current receivables        4,359,115      4,862,138      5,008,472 
                                  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

Bad Debt Provisions

Customer loan receivables are stated net of bad debt provisions. The movement in the bad debt provision during the period is as follows:

                                  3 months      3 months        Year to 
                                to 30 June    to 30 June    31 December 
                                      2014          2013           2013 
                               (unaudited)   (unaudited)      (audited) 
                                       EUR           EUR            EUR 
 At the start of the period     13,533,337     9,193,984      8,205,826 
 Charge for the period           1,990,512     2,729,051      9,228,043 
 Amounts written off during 
  the period                   (1,104,532)   (1,211,527)    (6,073,901) 
 Other                              15,892             -              - 
 At the end of the period       14,435,209    10,711,508     11,359,968 
                              ------------  ------------  ------------- 

During Q2 2014, there was a Credit Write-Back of EUR170,426 (Q2 2013: Credit Write-Back of EUR359,773).

                                  30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                     2014          2013          2013 
                              (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
 Issued and fully paid 
 Number of ordinary shares 
  of 10p each                  17,690,007    17,690,007    17,690,007 
 EUR                            2,561,330     2,561,330     2,561,330 
 Issued share capital           2,561,330     2,561,330     2,561,330 
                             ------------  ------------  ------------ 

Share Capital relates to the nominal value of shares issued. Share Premium relates to the amounts subscribed for share capital in excess of the nominal value of the shares. The Capital Redemption Reserve arises following the share buy-back by the Company, which reduces the Company's Share Capital. Share option reserves arise from the grant of share options to employees under the employee share option plan. Retained Earnings relate to cumulative profits and losses recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income.

The Group has one class of ordinary share which carries no right to fixed income.

The Company operates a share incentive plan, under which share options are granted to Directors and to selected employees. Options are conditional on the employee completing three years' service (the vesting period) for options granted prior to 2011, and four years for options granted starting 2011. One-sixteenth of the options granted in 2012 vest at the end of each calendar quarter, subject to the holder remaining an employee of the Company.

All share options granted since June 2011 are exercisable only if a trigger price of 150p is reached, defined as the average closing price of the Company's ordinary shares for a minimum period of twenty business days.

During the three month period to 30 June 2014, no options were issued over the ordinary shares of the Company (Q2 2013: 0 options).

During the three month period to 30 June 2014 a total of 49,063 options issued in July 2011 (Q2 2013: 0 options) lapsed unexercised and no options were exercised (Q2 2013: 20,000 options).

At 30 June 2014, the Company had 1,395,350 (31 December 2013: 1,493,475) options outstanding with a total of 610,000 (31 December 2013: 610,000) options exercisable at the end of the period. As of 30 June 2014, the outstanding options had a range of exercise prices from 41p - 100p (2013: 41p - 100p).

                                     30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                        2014          2013          2013 
                                 (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                         EUR           EUR           EUR 
   Bonds                          43,654,859             -             - 
 Total short-term borrowings      43,654,859             -             - 
                               -------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Bonds                                     -    43,536,993    43,414,101 
 Total long-term borrowings                -    43,536,993    43,414,101 
                               -------------  ------------  ------------ 

Bonds are stated in the Balance Sheet net of EUR544,628 (Q2 2013: EUR1,447,648) costs relating to the Company's bond offerings. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost with any difference between the proceeds (net of issue costs) and the redemption value of the bonds recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income over the period of the borrowings (24-36 months) using the Effective Interest Rate Method as required by IAS 39 'Financial instruments'.

 Corporate website         Nominated Adviser 
 www.mcbfinance.com        Sanlam Securities UK Limited 
                           10 King William Street 
 MCB Finance Group Plc     London EC4N 7TW 
 Waverley House 
 7-12 Noel Street          Auditors 
 London W1F 8GQ            Mazars LLP 
                           Tower Bridge House 
 Visiting address:         St Katharine's Way 
 Lootsa 8A                 London E1W 1DD 
 Tallinn 11415 
 Estonia                   Legal 
                           Pinsent Masons 
 Registrars                30 Crown Place 
 Capita Registrars         London EC2A 4ES 
 The Registry 
 34 Beckenham Road         Public Relations 
 Beckenham                 Allerton Communications 
 Kent BR3 4TU              The Hop Exchange 
                            24 Southwark Street 
                           London SE1 1TY 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



MCB Finance (LSE:MCRB)
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부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025 MCB Finance 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
MCB Finance (LSE:MCRB)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025 MCB Finance 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.