RNS No 7306h
21 July 1999

                        London Forfaiting Company PLC                         
                             Interim Announcement                             
                            1999 Half-year Results                            
                              INTERIM STATEMENT                               

In the six month period to 30 June, 1999, the Company operated profitably with
a pre-tax profit (before valuations and planned restructuring costs) of #1.8 
million (1998  #16.5 million). However, the ripple effects of the
unprecedented turbulence in emerging markets since July 1997 led to net
additional downward asset valuations (as at the mid-year) of #49.1 million.
After the provision of #2.3 million for planned restructuring costs, the loss
before taxation was  #49.7 million (1998  #2.6 million). The loss after
taxation was #48.9 million (1998  #3.6 million). There will be no interim
dividend (1998  6p per share).

Out of the total charge to the profit and loss account in the first half for 
downward valuations, #39.8 million was in respect of Russian assets. The
balance of #9.3 million was in respect of assets in other countries with China
accounting for the majority. 58% of downward valuations was in respect of the 
London portfolio, which consists principally of negotiable assets derived from
forfaiting transactions, and 42% in respect of the Cyprus portfolio, which 
consists principally of assets which are loan participations held for trading.

Given the continuing difficulties of the Russian economic situation and the
lack of satisfactory progress on some of those Russian assets which are not
fully performing (i.e. where any amount of interest or principal is overdue)
the Board decided as a matter of policy to make total reductions of not less
than 85% of the cost of such assets together with like provisioning on any
outstanding contingent liabilities. This action results in a book value for
not fully performing Russian assets of #15.9 million. Fully performing assets
(i.e. where no amount of interest or principal is overdue), of #8.9 million
where payments have been recently received, make up the total of #24.8 million
of Russian assets shown in the portfolio of forfaiting assets below. These
downward valuations have been made notwithstanding our experience in the
period under review during which we have received approximately #40 million of
repayments to the Company by Russian borrowers and of proceeds of sales of
Russian assets; we simply note that our balance sheet is unlikely to be
further adversely affected by our Russian assets and that a higher rate of
recovery than 15% might be possible. We would also add that the Company has
not taken on additional Russian exposure since the year-end, or indeed, since
August last year.

We detail below a breakdown of our portfolio of forfaiting assets after
downward valuations as of 30 June, 1999 by geographical region, but listing
Russia and China with Hong Kong, separately.

Portfolio of Forfaiting Assets    
                                    # million              No. of Countries
Europe                                  139.8              
Russia                                   24.8                        1
Baltics                                   5.3                        2
Central & East Europe*                   79.5                        7
Other Europe                             30.2                       10

Americas                                 51.8              
North America                             2.1                        3
South America                            49.7                        7

Asia                                     59.4              
China & Hong Kong                         4.6                        1
East Asia                                25.5                        2
South East Asia                          22.8                        4
South Asia                                5.5                        2
Central Asia                              1.0                        1

North Africa / Middle East                1.5                        4
TOTAL                                   252.5                       44
*   Central and East European countries (other than Russia and the Baltics), 
which were formerly Communist.

The Board had already tightened procedures for credit approval last year and 
such procedures have been recently further formalised. Qualitative
improvements have been and will continue to be made to country risk appraisal.

A policy of more specific risk diversification has been implemented and
although no absolute country limits have been set (because the Company
principally buys and sells forfaiting assets as a trader rather than a
lender), country exposures of over #15 million require the unanimous approval
of a credit committee of at least four Executive Directors and over #25
million the unanimous approval of the Executive and non-Executive Directors.

Balance Sheet
The Company has progressively reduced the overall size of its portfolio of 
assets over the last half-year. At 30 June, 1999 the portfolio after downward 
valuations stood at #252.5 million compared with #463.8 million at the end of 
December 1998. The reduced size of the Company's portfolio should not be 
misinterpreted: a smaller portfolio does not inhibit the continued active 
trading of assets.

Funding and Liquidity
Bank borrowings of #237 million at 30 June, 1999 had decreased from #395
million at the end of 1998 and at the date of this statement are reduced
further to #223 million. Half-year end bank balances were #33.9 million and
committed syndicated and bilateral facilities remained undrawn to the extent
of #146 million, thus maintaining a strong liquidity position for the Company.

The Company continues to comply with all the covenants it has given to its 
bankers. In particular, under our syndicated borrowing loan agreements, we
have a maximum gross gearing covenant of four times shareholders' funds. As at
30 June, 1999 such gearing was 3.62 and, at the date of this statement, as a
result of a further reduction in the Company's overall borrowings, the ratio
would come to 3.40. The large majority of the Company's committed facilities
are not due for repayment until 2000 and beyond. Nevertheless, during the
second half of this year, the Company expects, while actively buying and
selling, to continue to reduce the size of its portfolio of forfaiting assets
and to reduce gearing down to 3.0 or below.

Trading in the First Half
In the period under review, we experienced a continuing slowdown in turnover 
(although new business purchases, commitments and risk participations, which
are not reflected in turnover, were picking up in the second quarter), in a
climate for trade finance for emerging markets that has proved to be slow to
recover. In particular, the Brazilian devaluation in January 1999 had a severe
negative impact on the placing of South American forfaiting and loan assets
during the period under review. Turnover is shown in the same way as it was
presented in last year's Interim Statement. 

                    1st Half 1999           2nd Half 1998        1st Half 1998
                    # million               # million            # million
Europe              155                     287                  492
Asia                204                     232                  186
Americas             37                     109                  191
Other                 7                      16                   14
Total               403                     644                  883

Overhead Reductions
During the half-year, overheads continued to be the subject of a programme of 
reductions. In contrast to the average number of employees for the whole of
last year of 244 and the actual number of 252 on 30 June, 1998, the number of 
employees on 30 June, 1999 was 190, a 25% reduction from a year ago. Overheads
(which were running at an average of #2.2 million per month in 1998) had been 
reduced to #1.7 million in the months of May and June, a reduction of 23%, 
although the impact of cost saving measures already taken is not yet fully 
reflected in the monthly figure for administrative expenses.

There are clear signs in recent months of a business pick-up in some emerging 
markets, but in the light of the effect on its trading activities of the
reduced capital of the Company, the Board, after a thorough strategic review,
has decided upon further cost saving measures. These are aimed at reducing our
cost base while preserving the important nucleus of skills built up within the
Company. We regret to announce that there will be 15 redundancies in the UK
and 31 abroad and our offices in Bucharest, Warsaw, Bombay and Markgroningen
will be closed with the forfaiting business from those cities being covered by
our London, Dusseldorf and Prague offices. The office in Bangkok was closed in
the spring as part of cost reductions in our syndicated loan activity in Asia.

As part of the cost saving programme, the Executive Directors have unanimously
resolved to forego 20% of their salary entitlement as from 1 September, 1999, 
except in the case of one Director, whose salary and benefits remain unaltered
under a two-year contract. The Chief Executive has foregone 25.4% and the 
Chairman 30% of their respective salaries. The reductions in individual 
Directors' remuneration, including benefits in kind, range from 24% to 30%.

Sub-tenants will be sought for excess office space thrown up by the 
reorganisation and other overheads are being reduced. The expected total cost 
saving on an annualised basis of the new measures referred to in this
statement is expected to be approximately #5.6 million per annum when fully

Year 2000
Progress towards the implementation of a successful Year 2000 compliance 
programme has gone well during the period. Aggregate costs are absorbed as 
incurred and are not expected to be significant.

The Board believes that the steps detailed above will enable the Company to 
maintain its market position and to operate on a profitable basis, although
the results for the second half will continue to be affected by the relatively
low cyclical level of capital equipment imports by emerging economies, while
the full benefit of the overhead reductions will not be felt until next year.

The Board of Directors
London Forfaiting Company PLC
20 July, 1999

Independent Review Report to London Forfaiting Company PLC

We have been instructed by the Company to review the interim financial 
information for the six months ended 30 June, 1999 and we have read the other 
information contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains
any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial 

Directors' Responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is 
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the Directors. The Listing
Rules of the London Stock Exchange require that the accounting policies and 
presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those 
applied in the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the 
reasons for them are disclosed.

Review Work Performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally
of making enquiries of Group management and applying analytical procedures to
the financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities
and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of
assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on
the financial information.

Review Conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months 
ended 30 June, 1999.

Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants
20 July, 1999


                                        (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                        6 months to  6 months to  Year ended
                                        30th June,   30th June,  31stDecember,
                                        1999         1998       1998
                                        #'000        #'000      #' 000

Sales of forfaiting assets              402,755     882,513    1,527,674

Trading income                           21,637      42,845       74,515

Bank interest receivable                    676         569        1,245

Bank interest payable                     (9,474)   (13,881)     (26,706)
                                          12,839      29,533      49,054

Administrative expenses                  (11,087)    (13,015)    (25,972)

Restructuring costs                      (2,307)            -           -

Operating result before                   (555)        16,518      23,082

Revaluation of forfaiting assets       (49,120)       (19,089)    (79,695)

Loss on ordinary activities before     
Taxation                               (49,675)        (2,571)    (56,613)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities
(Note 1)                                   753         (1,056)       5,527

Loss on ordinary activities after 
taxation                                (48,922)        (3,627)    (51,086)

Dividends                                      -        (6,287)     (6,287)

Retained loss for the period            (48,922)        (9,914)    (57,373)

Retained profit brought forward           14,200         71,573      71,573

Retained profit (loss) carried 
forward                                  (34,722)        61,659      14,200

Loss per share
(Note 2)                                 (46.69)p       (3.46)p     (48.76)p


1. The tax credit reflects the release of the deferred taxation balance.  In 
addition, group tax losses of approximately #75 million (approximately #25  
million in London) are available for offset against future profits.

2. The calculation of the loss per share is based on the loss after taxation
and on the weighted average number of 104,780,000 (104,739,000 at 30th June,
1998; 104,760,000 at 31st December, 1998) ordinary shares in issue.

3. There are no recognised gains or losses for the current or previous periods
other than as stated in the profit and loss account.

4. Financial information for the year ended 31st December, 1998 has been 
extracted from the Group's statutory accounts which have been delivered to 
the Registrar of Companies.  The audit report on the accounts for the year 
ended 31st December, 1998 was unqualified.  The financial information 
contained in this Interim Report does not constitute the Group's statutory 
accounts  within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

5. It is intended that the Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on
23rd July, 1999 and will be available to members of the public at the
Registered Office of the Company from that date.


                                      (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                      30th June,    30th June,   31stDecember,
                                      1999          1998         1998
                                      #'000         #'000        #'000

Fixed assets

Tangible assets                       2,643         3,462        3,294

Current assets

Forfaiting assets                   252,457        625,987      463,785
Prepayments and accrued income       32,902         37,738       36,664
Cash at bank and in hand             33,873         54,696       42,866

                                    319,232        718,421       543,315

Current liabilities

Bank loans
(Note 1)                            193,932        339,161       314,318
Other creditors                      18,932        103,601        37,013
Proposed dividend                         -          6,287             -

                                    212,864        449,049        351,331

Net current assets                   106,368        269,372       191,984

Total assets less current 
liabilities                          109,011        272,834       195,278
Creditors: amounts falling due 
after more than one year
(Note 1)                              43,486         110,415       80,573
Provisions for liabilities and 
charges                                     -            513          258

Net assets                             65,525         161,906     114,447

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                41,912           41,912       41,912
Share premium account                  33,335           33,335       33,335
Other reserves                         25,000           25,000       25,000
Profit and loss account

                                      (34,722)          61,659       14,200

Equity shareholders' funds              65,525          161,906     114,447


1. The table below shows the breakdown between drawn and undrawn bank
facilities at 30th June, 1999 as follows:

                                                         Drawn    Undrawn
                                                         #'000     #'000

Facilities maturing within one year                     66,785    10,000
Facilities maturing between one 
and two years                                          138,645    72,956
Facilities maturing between two 
and five years                                          31,720    63,440

                                                       237,150   146,396

#193,664,000 is included in Bank loans and #43,486,000 of the total of bank 
loans drawn in included in Creditors: amounts falling due after more than 
one year.  The total committed bank facilities were #383,546,000.

At 30th June, 1999 Bank loans included #268,000 in respect of bank 


                                  6 months to     6 months to   Year ended
                                  30th June,      30th June,    31st December,
                                  1999            1998          1998
                                  #'000           #'000         #'000

Net cash inflow from 
operating activities              54,943          19,994        36,331

Servicing of finance

Interest paid on medium term 
loans                             (3,583)         (4,546)       (8,739)


UK corporation tax recovered          887                -            -

UK corporation tax paid            (1,580)         (1,000)       (7,556)

Overseas tax recovered                363               -             -

Overseas tax paid                    (327)            (32)          (66)

                                      (657)        (1,032)        (7,622)

Capital expenditure

Purchase of tangible assets           (176)          (452)         (1,271)

Sale of tangible assets                 135             29              95

                                        (41)          (423)          (1,176)

Equity dividends paid                      -         (6,597)        (12,884)

Net cash inflow before financing       50,662          7,396           5,910


Medium term loans repaid              (37,834)       (10,654)        (41,943)

Issue of ordinary shares 
(including share premiums)                   -            67               67

                                       (37,834)       (10,587)        (41,876)

Increase (decrease) in cash              12,828        (3,191)        (35,966)


a) Reconciliation of loss on ordinary activities before taxation to net cash
inflow from operating activities

                                       30th June,  30th June,  31st December,
                                       1999        1998        1998
                                       #'000       #'000       #'000

Loss on ordinary activities 
before taxation                     (49,675)       (2,571)     (56,613)

Interest on medium term loans         3,035         4,889        9,697

Depreciation charges                    657           745        1,727

(Profit) loss on sale of 
tangible assets                         (45)           (4)          13

Decrease (increase) in forfaiting 
assets                               211,328       (17,902)    144,300

Decrease (increase) in prepayments 
and accrued income                     3,161       (10,365)    (4,139)

Decrease (increase) in bank 
deposits                               21,622         (196)    (22,077)

(Decrease) increase in creditors      (15,780)       43,558    (15,879)

Exchange rate adjustments                  548          448       (110)

(Decrease) increase in bank loans     (119,908)       1,392    (20,588)

Net cash inflow from operating 
activities                               54,943       19,994     36,331

b) Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the consolidated balance sheet

                                        30th June,  30th June,  31st December,
                                        1999        1998        1998
                                        #'000       #'000       #'000

Cash at bank and in hand per 
balance sheet                          33,873       54,696      42,866

Less bank deposits                       (461)        (201)    (22,082)

                                        33,412       54,495      20,784

Bank overdrafts                          (268)       (1,416)          -

                                        33,144        53,079      20,784


c)  Analysis of changes in cash during the year

                                         30th June, 30th June, 31st December,
                                         1999       1998       1998
                                         #'000      #'000      #'000

At 1st January                           20,784     56,701     56,701

Exchange rate movements                   (468)      (431)         49

Net cash inflow (outflow)                12,828    (3,191)    (35,966)

At period end                             33,144    53,079      20,784

d) Analysis of changes in financing during the period

                                            Share capital      
                                            (including share  Medium term 
                                            premium)          loans
                                            #'000             #'000

At 1st January, 1998                        75,180           190,048

Cash inflow (outflow)                           67           (10,654)

At 30th June, 1998                          75,247           179,394

Cash inflow (outflow)                            -           (31,289)

At 31st December, 1998                      75,247           148,105

Cash inflow (outflow)                            -           (37,834)

At 30th June, 1999                           75,247          110,271



Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Lon.Forfaiting 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Lon.Forfaiting 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.