RNS Number:3938T
London Forfaiting Company PLC
22 March 2002

Press Enquiries: 
Jack A G Wilson 
0207 481 3410 

                        London Forfaiting Company PLC 
                          2001 Preliminary Results 

Report of the Chairman and the Chief Executive, 


The loss before and after tax for the year ended 31 December 2001 was £10.82
million compared to £1.07 million before and after tax profit for the previous
year. The loss per share was 10.33p compared with earnings per share of 1.02p in
the previous year.

Developments in the second half of the year. 

We last wrote to you in September 2001, reporting a pre-tax loss in the first
half of the year of £13.96 million, resulting from a downward valuation of
assets of £15.62 million. We are pleased to tell you that in the second half of
the year we have reduced this loss by more than £3 million to £10.82 million for
the year as a whole. The improvement in the second half of the year in large
measure resulted from the success of our recoveries section, both in selling
some assets at prices higher than valuations and in recovering and restructuring
payments from borrowers in respect of other defaulted assets. The effect of this
activity has been to reduce the figure for downward revaluations less recoveries
from £13.86 million at the half year to £10.25 million for the full year. Net
assets per share which were 27.7p at 30 June 2001 increased to 30.7p at 31
December 2001. 

Note 2 to this Statement explains the relationship of the movements in the first
half and in the second half of the year, which resulted from recoveries and also
from our regular valuations and provisioning reviews. These valuations also
include new provisions relating to the crisis in Argentina.

Business Environment 

The business environment in which the Company operates remained difficult in the
year under review. The continued unsettled situation in certain emerging markets
and the events of September 11th amongst other factors kept activity in the
forfaiting market at relatively low levels throughout the year, although this
volatility did provide some opportunities for bond trading by our Cyprus

Balance Sheet 

The portfolio of forfaiting assets, including emerging market bonds which had
been reduced from £ 126.45 million at the end of 2000 to £ 76.09 million as at
the end of June, has been further reduced to £ 32.12 million at the end of
December 2001. The Company has been successful in trading down the size of its
portfolio so as to provide it with the choice of not taking up bank borrowings
when the US$ 150 million syndicated bank facility matures in October this year
although the company may well, as opportunities occur, enter into new borrowing
facilities in the future. 

The portfolio of forfaiting assets excluding emerging market bonds amounted to 
£30.35 million as at 31 December 2001 compared to £ 61.08 million as at 30 June
2001 and £ 99.95 million as at 31 December 2000 and the table on the next page
analyses the breakdown by country.

                                   £ Million       £ Million           £ Million 
                            31 December 2001    30 June 2001    31 December 2000             
Europe                                  7.28           25.12               46.91     
Central & East Europe                   4.38            8.04               22.32     
Croatia                                 0.03            0.49                3.12      
Czech Republic                             -               -                5.31      
Macedonia                                  -            0.38                   -                     
Romania                                    -            4.76                1.36      
Russia                                  3.52            2.41                8.50      
Slovakia                                   -               -                0.19      
Slovenia                                0.39               -                0.35      
Ukraine                                 0.44               -                3.49      

Baltics                                 0.07            0.15                0.95      
Estonia                                 0.07            0.15                0.83      
Lithuania                                  -               -                0.12      

Other Europe                            2.83           16.93               23.64     
Cyprus                                     -            1.74                   -
France                                  0.13            1.72                1.83      
Germany                                    -            1.07                1.00      
Greece                                     -               -                3.38      
Netherlands                                -            0.04                0.07      
Portugal                                   -               -                0.15      
Sweden                                  1.07               -                   -                                     
Switzerland                             0.51               -                   -                  
Turkey                                  0.74           10.84               14.50     
UK                                      0.38            1.52                2.71      

Americas                               12.59           15.58               26.58     
South America                          12.38            8.94               25.88     
Argentina                                  -            0.07                8.45      
Brazil                                  0.07            0.12                0.37      
Chile                                   0.04            0.25                5.84      
Colombia                                1.21            1.34                3.43      
Ecuador*                               11.06            7.16                7.73      
Peru                                       -               -                0.06      

Central America & the Caribbean         0.06            1.33                0.24      
Cayman Islands                             -            1.33                   -                     
Costa Rica                              0.06               -                0.24      

North America                           0.15            5.31                0.46      
Mexico                                  0.12            0.17                0.32      
USA                                     0.03            5.14                0.14      

Asia                                    9.19           14.96               24.73             
Bangladesh                              0.17               -                   -             
China                                   0.27            0.96                0.67              
Hong Kong                               1.78            2.44                3.71              
India                                      -               -                0.21              
Indonesia                               0.32            0.33                4.42              
Japan                                      -               -                4.35              
Kazakhstan                              0.66            3.46                   -           
Malaysia                                0.46            1.23                4.14              
Philippines                             3.90            3.82                3.69              
South Korea                             1.55            2.12                2.98              
Thailand                                0.08            0.08                0.56              
Vietnam                                    -            0.52                   -                

North Africa/Middle East                1.29            5.42                1.73              
Bahrain                                    -            0.32                0.31              
Egypt                                   1.14            3.94                1.19              
Iran                                    0.09               -                   -                                
Lebanon                                    -               -                   -                                      
Oman                                    0.06               -                0.23              
Saudi Arabia                               -            0.47                   -           
UAE                                        -            0.69                   -

Total                                  30.35           61.08               99.95             

* The Ecuador exposure as at the date of announcement was £ 4.02 million. This 
  compares with £ 11.06 million at the year end. The reduction is the result of 
  repayments by the borrower during 2002.


The Company has successfully continued to reduce administrative expenses which
were £ 10.0 million for 2001 compared with £ 12.8 million in the previous year.
Administrative expenses for the second half of the year at £ 4.4 million were
less than the £ 5.6 million for the first half.


During 2002 we expect to make further progress in recovering monies from our
remaining non-performing assets; such recoveries may make a positive
contribution to the balance sheet in the coming months.

Currently new forfaiting business is at a relatively low level but it is
expected that there will be a pickup in world growth in the second half of 2002
which should lead to increased trade with the emerging markets and should have a
positive impact on new business possibilities.

As we mentioned at the time of our Interim Statement, the Company is also
seeking co-operative ventures with others and exploring ways of expanding the
outlets for our resources and skills.

Jack A. G. Wilson                                         Stathis A. Papoutes 
Chairman                                                  Chief Executive

21st March 2002



                                           (Unaudited)            (Audited) 
                                            Year ended           Year ended 
                                          31 December,         31 December,  
                                                  2001                 2000
                                                 £'000                £'000

Total Sales                        (Note 1)    419,056              313,277 

Trading income                                  12,227               20,886 

Bank and other interest receivable                 982                1,541 

Bank interest payable                           (3,748)              (8,557) 

                                                 9,461               13,870

Administrative expenses                        (10,037)             (12,802) 

Operating profit (loss) before 
recoveries and revaluations                       (576)               1,068 

Recoveries and net revaluation of 
forfaiting assets                  (Note 2)    (10,248)                   -

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities 
before taxation                                (10,824)               1,068 

Tax on profit (loss) on ordinary 
activities                         (Note 3)          -                    -

Profit (loss) on ordinary 
activities after taxation                      (10,824)               1,068 

Dividends                                            -                    -

Retained profit (loss) for the year            (10,824)               1,068 

Retained profit (loss) brought forward         (57,266)             (58,334)

Retained loss carried forward                  (68,090)             (57,266)

Earnings (loss) per share          (Note 4)     (10.33) p              1.02 p

There are no recognised gains or losses for the current or previous year other 
than as stated in the profit and loss account. 

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 

                                           (Unaudited)            (Audited) 
                                          31 December,         31 December,  
                                                  2001                 2000
                                                 £'000                £'000

Fixed assets 

Tangible assets                                  1,292                1,561
Current assets 

Forfaiting assets                 (Note 5)      32,120              126,453
Prepayments and accrued income                   9,199               19,882
Cash at bank and in hand                        16,007               17,059
                                                57,326              163,394
Current liabilities 

Bank loans                        (Note 6)      20,613              112,169
Other creditors                                  5,848                9,805

                                                26,461              121,974               
Net current assets                              30,865               41,420

Net assets                                      32,157               42,981

Capital and reserves 

Called up share capital                         41,912               41,912
Share premium account                           33,335               33,335
Other reserves                                  25,000               25,000
Profit and loss account                        (68,090)             (57,266)

Equity shareholders' funds                      32,157               42,981


1. Total sales include sales of emerging market bonds amounting to £187,223,000 
   (year ended 31 December, 2000: £20,539,000). 

2. Recoveries and net revaluation

                                      As reported   Exchange    Second    Total
                                     at 30th June adjustment half 2001     2001

                                           £000's     £000's    £000's   £000's

Recoveries from sales and repayments        1,759        (57)    4,252    5,954

Net revaluation for the period            (15,622)       301      (881) (16,202)

                                          (13,863)       244     3,371  (10,248)

3. Group tax losses of approximately £102 million (£48 million in the United 
   Kingdom) are available for offset against future profits.

4. The calculation of the earnings (loss) per share is based on the profit 
   (loss) after taxation and on the weighted average number of 104,780,000 
   ordinary shares in issue.

5. Forfaiting assets include £1.77 million of emerging market bonds (31 
   December, 2000: £26.5 million).

6. The syndicated facility from banks maturing in October 2002 amounts to 
   £103,064,450 of which £20,612,890 was drawn at 31 December, 2001.

7. Financial information for the year ended 31 December, 2000 has been extracted
   from the Group's statutory accounts which have been delivered to the 
   Registrar of Companies. The audit report on the accounts for the year ended
   31 December, 2000 was unqualified. The financial information contained in 
   this Preliminary Report does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts 
   within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

                         CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT 

                                           (Unaudited)            (Audited) 
                                            Year ended           Year ended 
                                          31 December,         31 December,  
                                                  2001                 2000
                                                 £'000                £'000

Net cash inflow from  
operating activities       Note (a)              4,103               62,793

Servicing of finance 

Interest paid on medium 
term loans                                           -               (1,652)


UK corporation tax recovered             6                   1,452

UK corporation tax paid                  -                       -

Overseas tax recovered                   5                       -

Overseas tax paid                       (7)                    (17)
                                                     4                1,435

Capital expenditure 

Purchase of tangible assets            (53)                   (675)

Sale of tangible assets                 52                     230
                                                    (1)                (445)

Net cash inflow before financing                 4,106               62,131


Medium term bank loans repaid                        -              (75,539)

Increase (Decrease) in cash Note (b)             4,106              (13,408)


a) Reconciliation of profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation to net
   cash inflow from operating activities 

                                           31 December          31 December
                                                  2001                 2000
                                                 £'000                £'000

Profit (loss) on ordinary activities 
before taxation                                (10,824)               1,068
Interest on medium term loans                        -                1,214
Depreciation charges                               261                  642
Profit on sale of tangible assets                  (22)                (137)
Decrease in forfaiting assets                   94,333               25,663
Decrease in prepayments and accrued income      10,685                9,065
Decrease (increase) in bank deposits             5,039               (1,428)
Decrease in creditors                           (3,962)              (4,151)
Exchange rate adjustments                           53                 (556)
Increase (decrease) in bank loans              (91,460)              31,413

Net cash inflow from operating activities        4,103               62,793

b) Analysis of changes in cash during the year 

                                          31 December,         31 December,
                                                  2001                 2000
                                                 £'000                £'000

At 1 January                                     4,436               17,302

Exchange rate movements                            (23)                 542

Net cash inflow (outflow)                        4,106              (13,408)

At 31 December                                   8,519                4,436

c) Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the consolidated balance sheet 

                                          31 December,         31 December,
                                                  2001                 2000
                                                 £'000                £'000

Cash at bank and in hand per consolidated 
balance sheet                                   16,007              17,059

Less bank deposits                              (7,488)            (12,527)

                                                 8,519               4,532

Bank overdrafts                                      -                 (96)
                                                 8,519               4,436

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
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