RNS Number:7465Z
London Forfaiting Company PLC
1 March 2001

                        London Forfaiting Company PLC

                           Preliminary Announcement

                            2000 Year End Results

                       Immediate release: 1 March 2001

                            PRELIMINARY STATEMENT



The profit before taxation for the year ended 31 December, 2000 was #1.1
million compared to a loss of #73.3 million for the previous year. The profit
after tax was #1.1 million compared to a loss of #72.5 million in 1999.
Earnings per share were 1.02p compared to a loss of 69.22p per share in the
previous year. As in 1999, no dividend payment is recommended in respect of
the financial year ended 31 December, 2000.

Business Environment

The business environment in which the Company operates remained difficult in
the year under review. The crises in emerging markets of 1997-9 were still
fresh in the minds of exporters, importers, emerging market banks (who
normally guarantee the payment obligations of the importers) and investing
institutions, whether banks or other financial institutions. Uncertainty over
economic and financial developments in Argentina and Turkey and political
instability in the Middle East, the Philippines and Indonesia, led to quiet
trading in our market in the second half of the year. This was reflected in
our turnover figures for the second half, which were broadly similar to the
first half of the year. However, the order book (of new forfaiting
transactions) which stood at #36 million on 30 June, 2000 and #68 million on
22 August, 2000 and which we reported on at the interim stage, has increased
further to #82 million on 31 December, 2000 and to #88 million on 23 February,

Downward Valuations

Downward valuations of our forfaiting assets of some #4.3 million after the
year end were offset by upward valuations of a similar amount as a result of a
credit review of our assets made in the light of recent trading experience
which was completed in February 2001. The total of downward valuations in the
balance sheet as at 31 December, 2000 stood at #75 million, less than half the
#157 million as at 31 December, 1999. This reduction was achieved largely
through the active trading of assets the Company had previously written down.

While there is a subjective element involved in the valuation of the
forfaiting assets the Directors believe that their overall assessment, which
takes into account the specifics of the underlying transaction, the current
market, possible time lags and country and currency risks (among other
factors) is appropriate.

Balance Sheet

Our portfolio of forfaiting assets as at 31 December, 2000 was #126.5 million
compared to #152.1 million as at 31 December, 1999. However, included in the #
126.5 million were emerging market bonds amounting to #26.5 million, whereas
we had no such bonds in 1999. By trading emerging market bonds, the Company is
applying its emerging market expertise in a wider market. These bonds are
either sovereign or bank issues and we have been actively trading them, with
the portfolio of such bonds ranging between approximately #7 million and #30
million in 2001 so far. The main activities are still the arrangement and
trading of trade finance assets and syndicated loans.

The portfolio of forfaiting assets excluding the emerging market bonds
amounted to #99.95 million as at 31 December, 2000 compared to #152.12 million
as at 31 December, 1999 and the table below analyses the breakdown by country.

                                         31 December 2000      31 December 1999
                                                # million             # million

EUROPE                                              46.91                 93.60
Central & East Europe                               22.32                 80.68
Croatia                                              3.12                  8.42
Czech Republic                                       5.31                 10.96
Macedonia                                            0.00                  0.09
Romania                                              1.36                 22.48
Russia                                               8.50                 17.05
Slovakia                                             0.19                 17.36
Slovenia                                             0.35                  0.46
Ukraine                                              3.49                  3.86
Baltics                                              0.95                  1.47
Estonia                                              0.83                  1.32
Lithuania                                            0.12                  0.15
Other Europe                                        23.64                 11.45
France                                               1.83                  0.00
Germany                                              1.00                  0.93
Greece                                               3.38                  0.00
Italy                                                0.00                  0.08
Luxembourg                                           0.00                  0.02
Netherlands                                          0.07                  0.00
Portugal                                             0.15                  0.06
Switzerland                                          0.00                  0.03
Turkey                                              14.50                 10.32
UK                                                   2.71                  0.01
AMERICAS                                            26.58                 21.48
South America                                       25.88                 20.28
Argentina                                            8.45                  0.48
Brazil                                               0.37                  1.97
Chile                                                5.84                  4.99
Colombia                                             3.43                  7.17
Ecuador                                              7.73                  5.26
Peru                                                 0.06                  0.40
Uruguay                                              0.00                  0.01
Central America                                      0.24                  0.00
Costa Rica                                           0.24                  0.00
North America                                        0.46                  1.20
Mexico                                               0.32                  1.20
USA                                                  0.14                  0.00
ASIA                                                24.73                 36.66
China                                                0.67                  0.45
Hong Kong                                            3.71                  3.04
India                                                0.21                  4.97
Indonesia                                            4.42                  5.70
Japan                                                4.35                  0.00
Malaysia                                             4.14                  5.17
Philippines                                          3.69                  4.65
South Korea                                          2.98                  9.95
Sri Lanka                                            0.00                  0.13
Thailand                                             0.56                  1.98
Vietnam                                              0.00                  0.62
NORTH AFRICA / MIDDLE EAST                           1.73                  0.38
Algeria                                              0.00                  0.02
Bahrain                                              0.31                  0.12
Egypt                                                1.19                  0.02
Lebanon                                              0.00                  0.04
Oman                                                 0.23                  0.18
TOTAL                                               99.95                152.12

Funding and Liquidity

Bank borrowings at 31 December, 2000 of #112.2 million decreased from #156.2
million as at 31 December, 1999 and as at 28 February, 2001 were #102.9
million. The Company continues to comply with all the covenants, which have
been given to its bankers. In particular under our syndicated borrowing loan
agreements, we have a maximum permitted gross gearing covenant of four times
Shareholders' funds. As at 31 December, 2000 such gearing was 2.61 compared to
3.73 as at 31 December, 1999. Net gearing, i.e. after offsetting cash
holdings, fell to 2.21 as at 31 December, 2000 from 3.05 as at 31 December,

The Company has only one syndicated banking facility maturing within the next
twelve months. Partial prepayment of the US$ 135 million facility has already
been made to the extent of US$ 105 million and the balance of US$ 30 million
will be prepaid in two weeks time on 14 March, 2001. Similarly, we expect to
satisfy our obligations under the one remaining syndicated facility of US$ 150
million, which will mature in October 2002.


Administrative expenses for 2000 were #12.8 million compared to #18.8 million
for the previous year, a reduction of approximately one third. In 1998,
overheads were #26 million, more than double the level in 2000.


The Company continues to develop its website www.londonforfaiting.com which is
steadily becoming a more important tool in our marketing strategy.


The Directors would like to thank the staff for their loyalty and hard work
during the year. It is the Board's intention to propose the establishment of a
new share option scheme. Since the flotation of the Company in February 1988,
there has only been one option scheme, which was for 5% of the issued ordinary
share capital and which has now expired. Under the proposed scheme, all full
time members of staff other than the Chairman and the Chief Executive will be
potentially eligible.


The Board is confident about the Company's market position and within the
context of the inherent uncertainties in the international financial markets
is endeavouring to build on the recovery of last year.

Jack A.G. Wilson - Chairman

Stathis A. Papoutes - Chief Executive

28 February, 2001


                                                 (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                  Year ended       Year ended
                                                31 December,     31 December,
                                                        2000             1999
                                                       #'000            #'000
Sales of forfaiting assets                           313,277          583,925
Trading income                                        20,886           32,193
Bank and other interest receivable                     1,541            1,630
Bank interest payable                                (8,557)         (15,507)
                                                      13,870           18,316
Administrative expenses                             (12,802)         (18,793)
Restructuring costs                                        -          (2,159)
Operating profit (loss) before                         1,068          (2,636)
Revaluation of forfaiting assets                           -         (70,651)
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities                   1,068         (73,287)
before taxation
Tax on profit (loss) on ordinary        (Note 1)           -              753
Profit (loss) on ordinary activities                   1,068         (72,534)
after taxation
Dividends                                                  -                -
Retained profit (loss) for the year                    1,068         (72,534)
Retained profit (loss) brought forward              (58,334)           14,200
Retained loss carried forward                       (57,266)         (58,334)
Earnings (loss) per share               (Note 2)        1.02 p        (69.22) p


1. Group tax losses of approximately #100 million (approximately #40 million
in London) are available for offset against future profits.

2. The calculation of the profit (loss) per share is based on the profit
(loss) after taxation and on the weighted average number of 104,780,000
ordinary shares in issue.

3. There are no recognised gains or losses for the current or previous year
other than as stated in the profit and loss account.

4. Financial information for the year ended 31 December, 1999 has been
extracted from the Group's statutory accounts which have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies. The audit report on the accounts for the year ended 31
December, 1999 was unqualified. The financial information contained in this
Preliminary Announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

5. It is intended that the Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on 22
March, 2001 and will be available to members of the public at the Registered
Office of the Company from that date.

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                (Unaudited)          (Audited)
                                          31 December, 2000  31 December, 1999
                                                      #'000              #'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                       1,561              1,608
Current assets
Forfaiting assets              (Note 1)             126,453            152,115
Prepayments and accrued income                       19,882             30,728
Cash at bank and in hand                             17,059             28,401
                                                    163,394            211,244
Current liabilities
Bank loans                     (Note 2)             112,169            156,199
Other creditors                                       9,805             14,740
                                                    121,974            170,939
Net current assets                                   41,420             40,305
Net assets                                           42,981             41,913
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                              41,912             41,912
Share premium account                                33,335             33,335
Other reserves                                       25,000             25,000
Profit and loss account                            (57,266)           (58,334)
Equity shareholders' funds                           42,981             41,913


1. Forfaiting assets include #26.5 million of emerging market bonds.

2. The table below shows the breakdown between drawn and undrawn bank
facilities at 31 December, 2000.
                                                               Drawn    Undrawn
                                                               #'000      #'000
Facilities maturing within one year                           35,088     56,947
Facilities maturing between one and two years                 76,985     23,430
                                                             112,073     80,377

At 31 December, 2000 Bank loans included #96,000 in respect of bank


                                                   (Unaudited)         (Audited)

                                                   Year ended               Year
                                                           31                 31
                                                    December,          December,
                                                         2000               1999
                                                        #'000              #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities (note a)     62,793             76,256
Servicing of finance
Interest paid on medium term loans                    (1,652)            (5,861)
UK corporation tax recovered                 1,452                 887
UK corporation tax paid                          -             (1,580)
Overseas tax recovered                           -                 363
Overseas tax paid                             (17)               (333)
                                                        1,435              (663)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible assets                  (675)               (268)
Sale of tangible assets                        230                 641
                                                        (445)                373
Net cash inflow before financing                       62,131             70,105
Medium term bank loans repaid                        (75,539)           (72,566)
Decrease in cash (note b)                            (13,408)            (2,461)


 a. Reconciliation of profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation to
    net cash inflow from operating activities
                                                   31 December,    31 December,
                                                          2000            1999
                                                         #'000           #'000
    Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before          1,068        (73,287)
    Interest on medium term loans                        1,214           5,611
    Depreciation charges                                   642           1,048
    (Profit) loss on sale of tangible assets              (137)            137
    Decrease in forfaiting assets                       25,663         311,670
    Decrease in prepayments and accrued income           9,065           5,082
    (Increase) decrease in bank deposits                (1,428)         10,983
    Decrease in creditors                               (4,151)        (20,010)
    Exchange rate adjustments                             (556)          1,149
    Increase (decrease) in bank loans                   31,413        (166,127)
    Net cash inflow from operating activities           62,793          76,256

 b. Analysis of changes in cash during the year    
                                         31 December, 2000    31 December, 1999
                                                     #'000                #'000
    At 1 January                                    17,302               20,784
    Exchange rate movements                            542               (1,021)
    Net cash outflow                              (13,408)               (2,461)
    At 31 December                                   4,436               17,302

 c. Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the consolidated balance sheet

                                                  31 December,    31 December,
                                                         2000            1999
                                                        #'000           #'000
    Cash at bank and in hand per consolidated          17,059          28,401
    balance sheet
    Less bank deposits                                (12,527)        (11,099)
                                                        4,532          17,302
    Bank overdrafts                                       (96)              -
                                                        4,436          17,302

 d. Analysis of changes in financing during the year

                      Share capital (including share premium) Medium term loans

                                                        #'000             #'000
At 1 January, 2000                                     75,247            75,539
Cash outflow                                                -          (75,539)
At 31 December, 2000                                   75,247                -

Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
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Lon.Forfaiting (LSE:LFC)
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부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Lon.Forfaiting 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.