RNS Number:2020G
London Forfaiting Company PLC
25 February 2000

                        London Forfaiting Company PLC
                          Preliminary Announcement
                            1999 Year End Results
                            PRELIMINARY STATEMENT


Results and Dividends

The  loss  before  taxation for the year ended 31 December,  1999  was  #73.3
million  compared to #56.6 million for the previous year. The loss after  tax
was  #72.5 million compared to #51.1 million in 1998. The loss per share  was
69.22p  compared  to  a  loss of 48.76p per share in the  previous  year.  No
dividend  payment is recommended in respect of the financial  year  ended  31
December,  1999. (Last year an interim dividend payment of 6p per  share  was
announced in July 1998: there was no final dividend payment).

Business Environment

The  two  and a half years since problems arose in the Thai economy, in  July
1997,  have  been  the  worst  period for international  trade  finance  with
developing  countries  in  fifty  years.  Thailand's  problems  were  quickly
followed  by  turbulence  in  the economies of  South  Korea,  Indonesia  and
Malaysia.  In 1998, payment difficulties in these economies worsened  and  at
the  same  time problems developed in Russia and China. In 1999, the  credit
worthiness   of   entities   in   many  developing   countries   deteriorated
significantly,  with for example the collapse of the Daewoo  group  of  South
Korea  and requests for rescheduling of Ukrainian debt. During the year,  the
continued  uncertainty surrounding the banking system in Russia  resulted  in
bankruptcies,  withdrawal  of banking licenses  and  considerable  delays  in
rescheduling  and  restructuring discussions. At the  same  time,  after  the
Brazilian  devaluation,  new  problems appeared  in  South  America,  notably

In  addition,  some  central banks or governments in emerging  markets  -  on
occasions  with  the apparent encouragement of the IMF and/or other  official
creditors - have failed, despite earlier promises or indications, to  support
banks and major corporations within their economies. These factors culminated
in the most difficult trading period in the Company's history.

Downward Valuations

In  July  1999,  we  announced  net downward  valuations  of  #49.1  million,
principally  in respect of Russian and Chinese assets, but also reflecting  a
reappraisal  of  forfaiting assets worldwide. In  February  2000,  a  further
review of our assets in the light of current circumstances has resulted in an
additional  downward valuation of #21.5 million, a little over half  of  that
figure  reflecting the deterioration of the situation in the Ukraine, Ecuador
and  the  Daewoo  group and the balance reflecting more pessimistic  opinions
which  have developed in relation to the countries in which some of our older
non-performing assets are situated. Total downward valuations at 31 December,
1999 amounted to #157.5 million.

Balance Sheet

The  Company  has progressively reduced the overall size of its portfolio  of
assets  over the last year. At the end of December 1999, the portfolio  stood
at  #152  million after downward valuations compared to #464 million  on  the
same basis at the end of December 1998.


We  detail below a breakdown of our portfolio of forfaiting assets as  at  31
December,  1999 by geographical region showing the further reduction  of  the
portfolio in the second half of the year.

                       PORTFOLIO OF FORFAITING ASSETS                      

                                                  June 1999     December 1999
                                                  # million         # million

EUROPE                                                139.8              93.5
Russia                                                 24.8              17.0
Baltics                                                 5.3               1.5 
Czech Republic                                         13.9              10.9 
Slovakia                                               19.1              17.4 
Romania                                                28.0              22.5 
Other Central & Eastern Europe                         18.5              12.8
Other Europe                                           30.2              11.4

AMERICAS                                               51.8              21.5
North America                                           2.1               1.2
South America                                          49.7              20.3

ASIA                                                   59.4              36.7
China & Hong Kong                                       4.6               3.5 
East Asia                                              25.5              14.6 
South East Asia                                        22.8              13.5
South Asia                                              5.5               5.1
Central Asia                                            1.0               0.0

NORTH AFRICA / MIDDLE EAST                              1.5               0.4

TOTAL                                                 252.5             152.1

Funding and Liquidity

Bank borrowings at #156 million decreased from #395 million at the end of the
previous  year. The Company continues to comply with all the covenants  which
have been given to its bankers. In particular, under our syndicated borrowing
loan  agreements, we have a maximum permitted gross gearing covenant of  four
times shareholders' funds. As at 31 December such gearing was 3.7 and at  the
date  of  this statement, the ratio would come to 3.3. Year-end cash balances
were #28 million and #177 million of committed syndicated facilities remained
undrawn.  As  at the date of this report, bank borrowings were #138  million,
undrawn facilities after the repayment of two committed facilities were  #163
million  and  cash  balances  were in excess of #20  million.  The  Company's
liquidity  is  such  that  it does not need to renew  any  of  its  borrowing
facilities maturing in the next twelve months.

In  the light of the reduced portfolio size, the Company will be trading  its
forfaiting assets actively. The Company will keep the future funding  of  its
trading  activity under review, although it has always traded  its  portfolio
actively when the portfolio has been lower.


Administrative expenses before restructuring costs for 1999 at #18.8  million
were 27.7% lower than the 1998 figure of #26.0 million. In the second half of
the year, they fell to #7.8 million or #1.3 million per month and in the last
quarter  of  1999,  they  averaged  #1.2 million  per  month  as  the  summer
reorganisation  took effect. As a result of the cost saving programme,  which
we  introduced to respond to the changing circumstances of our  markets,  the
number  of staff at the year-end was reduced from 230 at end 1998 to  123  at
the  end  of  1999.  The year 2000 will show a full year's benefit  from  the
summer reorganisation.


                               1997               1998               1999
                          # million          # million          # million

Europe                        1,341                779                220
Asia                            461                419                259
Americas                        438                300                 88
Other                            28                 30                 17
Total                         2,268              1,528                584

This difficult period for international trade finance impacted not only asset
values  as  described above, but also the volume of transactions  of  capital
goods exports from the developed countries to the developing countries.

Generally  manufacturers  in the developing countries  preferred  to  operate
existing  capital  equipment  more  intensively  and  to  refrain  from   new
investments  in  plant  and machinery, especially in situations  where  their
balance sheets were adversely affected by currency devaluations due to  their
holding  of unhedged obligations in foreign currencies. Moreover, where  such
exports  did  take  place,  credit  was  not  always  possible  due  to   the
unwillingness of banks in developing countries to take on additional risk  on
their corporate clients by guaranteeing their obligations. Consequently, some
transactions were completed on a cash basis.

Exporters  in  the developed economies, where we have most of  our  marketing
offices,  have  tended  to place less emphasis on supplier  credit  sales  to
emerging  markets,  either because they considered the  refinancing  was  not
possible in the forfaiting market; because they considered their time  better
spent  in the developed world; or because they anticipated delays in contract
completion because of Y2K.

The  other  major reason for the lower turnover over the past two  years  has
been the reduced appetite of the international investing community for medium
term trade transactions. This is hardly surprising as all participants in our
markets  suffered credit losses to a greater or lesser extent. Attention  has
also been diverted in the market to some extent from new transactions to  the
recovery or rescheduling of overdue amounts.

It is only now, with Y2K behind us, and the credit losses of the past two and
a half years absorbed by the balance sheets of the investing institutions and
a  perception  of improved credit worthiness in many emerging  markets,  that
liquidity  in  this  market has improved providing the  Company  with  better
opportunities for the distribution of assets.


The  Company  is currently constructing a new improved website  in  order  to
enhance its services with exporters online. Emphasis is placed on creating an
export  finance portal. This will enable the Company to become more effective
in its global marketing efforts in this new era of instant communications.


The  Directors would like to thank the staff for their loyalty and hard  work
during a difficult year.


In  their  December 1999 Economic Outlook, the OECD is forecasting growth  in
world  trade of 7.1% in 2000 as against an estimate of 4.9% for 1999.  It  is
now  generally acknowledged that most emerging markets are recovering and are
showing  increasing  economic growth rates. Leading the  way  are  the  Asian
economies such as South Korea and Thailand, but developments in South America
and  Central and Eastern Europe are also better than previously expected.  In
addition  to  buoyant demand from industrialised countries,  some  developing
countries are also benefiting from a rebound in raw material prices.  As  the
recovery in the developing countries continues in the years 2000 and 2001, so
expenditure  in these countries on capital goods investment - which  normally
lags  initial  economic  recovery - should expand and  increase  the  volumes
transacted  with  our  exporting clients. Activity for them  translates  into
activity for our business.

Conditions in the forfaiting market are a changing scenario. Having carefully
considered the Company's response to these conditions; the valuation  of  the
Company's  assets; the funding and liquidity issues referred  to  above;  and
budgets  for  2000  and  2001,  the  Directors  believe  that  prospects  for
profitable trading over the year as a whole and subsequently are good.

Jack A.G. Wilson                                          Stathis A. Papoutes
Chairman                                                      Chief Executive

24 February, 2000

                                      (Unaudited)     (Audited)  
                                            Year          Year  
                                           ended         ended
                                              31            31  
                                       December,     December,
                                            1999          1998  
                                           #'000         #'000  
Sales of forfaiting assets               583,925     1,527,674  
Trading income                            32,193        74,515  
Bank interest receivable                   1,630         1,245  
Bank interest payable                    (15,507)      (26,706)  
                                          18,316        49,054  
Administrative expenses                  (18,793)      (25,972)  
Restructuring costs                       (2,159)            -  
Operating result before revaluations      (2,636)       23,082  
Revaluation of forfaiting assets         (70,651)      (79,695)  
Loss on ordinary activities              (73,287)      (56,613)  
before taxation
Tax on loss on ordinary     (Note 1)         753         5,527  
Loss on ordinary activities              (72,534)      (51,086)  
after taxation
Dividends                                      -        (6,287)  
Retained loss for the period             (72,534)      (57,373)  
Retained profit brought forward           14,200        71,573  
Retained profit (loss)                   (58,334)       14,200  
carried forward
Loss per share              (Note 2)      (69.22) p     (48.76) p
 1. The tax credit reflects the release of the deferred taxation balance.
 In addition, group tax losses of approximately #100 million (approximately
 #40 million in London) are available for offset against future profits.
 2. The calculation of the loss per share is based on the loss after
 taxation and on the weighted average number of 104,780,000 (104,760,000 at 31
 December, 1998) ordinary shares in issue.
 3. There are no recognised gains or losses for the current or previous
 periods other than as stated in the profit and loss account.
 4. The financial information contained in this Preliminary Announcement
 does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts within the meaning of
 section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Financial information for the year
 ended 31 December, 1998 has been extracted from the Group's statutory
 accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The audit
 report on the accounts for the year ended 31 December, 1998 was unqualified.
 5. It is intended that the financial statements will be posted to
 shareholders on 17 March, 2000 and will be available to members of the public
 at the Registered Office of the Company from that date.
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                     (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                             31             31
                                      December,      December,
                                           1999           1998
                                          #'000          #'000
 Fixed assets                                                 
 Tangible assets                          1,608          3,294
 Current assets                                               
 Forfaiting assets                      152,115        463,785
 Prepayments and accrued income          30,728         36,664
 Cash at bank and in hand                28,401         42,866
                                        211,244        543,315
 Current liabilities                                          
 Bank loans              (Note 1)       156,199        314,318
 Other creditors                         14,740         37,013
 Proposed dividend                            -              -
                                        170,939        351,331
 Net current assets                      40,305        191,984
 Total assets less                       41,913        195,278
 current liabilities
 Creditors: amounts falling due                                          
 after more than one year                     -         80,573
 Provisions for liabilities                   -            258
 and charges
 Net assets                              41,913        114,447
 Capital and reserves                                         
 Called up share capital                 41,912         41,912
 Share premium account                   33,335         33,335
 Other reserves                          25,000         25,000
 Profit and loss account                (58,334)        14,200
 Equity shareholders' funds              41,913        114,447


1. The table below shows the breakdown between drawn and undrawn bank
   facilities at 31 December, 1999 as follows:

                                                      Drawn     Undrawn
                                                      #'000       #'000
   Facilities maturing within one year               87,950      68,251
   Facilities maturing between one and two years     12,409      71,353
   Facilities maturing between two and five years    55,840      37,228
                                                    156,199     176,832

   The total committed bank facilities at 31 December, 1999 were #333,031,000.

                                         Year                  Year
                                        ended                 ended
                                           31                    31
                                     December              December
                                         1999                  1998
                                        #'000                 #'000
Net cash inflow from operating         76,256                36,331

Servicing of finance                           

Interest paid on medium term loans     (5,861)               (8,739)

UK corporation tax recovered     887                     -  
UK corporation tax paid       (1,580)               (7,556)  
Overseas tax recovered           363                     -  
Overseas tax paid               (333)                  (66)  
                                         (663)               (7,622)

Capital expenditure

Purchase of tangible assets     (267)               (1,271)  

Sale of tangible assets          640                    95  
                                          373                (1,176)

Equity dividends paid                       -               (12,884)
Net cash inflow before financing       70,105                 5,910


Medium term loans repaid     (72,566)              (41,943)  
Issue of ordinary shares                                    
(including share premiums)
                                   -                    67  
                                      (72,566)               (41,876)

Decrease in cash                       (2,461)               (35,966)


a)   Reconciliation of loss on ordinary activities before taxation to net
cash inflow from operating activities

                                            31               31
                                     December,        December,
                                          1999             1998
                                         #'000            #'000
Loss on ordinary activities before     (73,287)         (56,613)

Interest on medium term loans            5,611            9,697

Depreciation charges                     1,048            1,727

Loss on sale of tangible assets            137               13

Decrease in forfaiting assets          311,670          144,300

Decrease (increase) in prepayments                             
and accrued income                       5,082           (4,139)

Decrease (increase) in bank deposits    10,983          (22,077)

Decrease in creditors                  (20,010)         (15,879)

Exchange rate adjustments                1,149             (110)
Decrease in bank loans                (166,127)         (20,588)
Net cash inflow from operating          76,256           36,331

b)   Analysis of the balances of cash as shown in the consolidated balance

                                            31               31
                                     December,        December,
                                          1999             1998
                                         #'000            #'000
Cash at bank and in hand per                         
consolidated balance sheet              28,401           42,866
Less bank deposits                     (11,099)         (22,082)
                                        17,302           20,784
Bank overdrafts                              -                -
                                        17,302           20,784

c)   Analysis of changes in cash during the year

                                            31               31
                                     December,        December,
                                          1999             1998
                                         #'000            #'000
At 1 January                            20,784           56,701
Exchange rate movements                 (1,021)              49
Net cash outflow                        (2,461)         (35,966)
At 31 December                          17,302           20,784

d)   Analysis of changes in financing during the period

                                       capital           Medium
                                    (including             term
                                share premium)            loans
                                         #'000            #'000
At 1 January, 1999                      75,247          148,104
Cash outflow                                 -          (72,566)
At 31 December, 1999                    75,247           75,538



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부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Lon.Forfaiting 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.