RNS Number : 0855E

JPMorgan Glbl Con Inc Fnd Ltd

15 October 2018




30TH JUNE 2018

Legal Entity Identifier: 549300DKZ0OX0PZH5H23

Information disclosed in accordance with the DTR 4.1.3


I am pleased to present the Company's annual results for the year ended 30th June 2018.

The review period again covered a number of significant market events, including ongoing trade conflicts, the sell-off in emerging markets currencies and oil prices reaching multi-year highs, with market volatility increasing from levels last seen in the mid-1960s.

Total return performance this year has been disappointing compared to 2017; however, the Company continues to pay an annual dividend of 4.5p per share and offer exposure to the global equity markets, whilst offering investors a degree of NAV stability. Looking forward, it is anticipated that interest rates will continue to rise, which historically has resulted in convertible bonds outperforming other fixed income investments. The Board therefore believes that convertible bonds remain an attractive investment proposition at the current time.

Investment Performance

The total return on the Company's net assets for the year to 30th June 2018 was +1.1%. This compares with the return of +1.4% from the Company's reference index, the Bloomberg Barclays Credit Sensitive Convertibles Index (hedged into sterling). The total return to shareholders was -0.6% reflecting a widening in the share price discount to net asset value over the year from 1.9% to 3.6%.

The main positive contributors to the portfolio's return over the year were the impact of rising equity prices on the value of convertible securities and coupon income from our convertible bond holdings. The main detractor was the sensitivity to interest rates.

The Board judges performance over the long term and over the three years to 30th June 2018; over the three year period the Company produced a net asset value ('NAV') total return of +10.4% and a return to shareholders of +7.2%; over the five years to 30th June 2018 the NAV return was +25.0% and the return to shareholders +14.5%. The difference between NAV total return and return to shareholders reflects the discount to NAV at which the shares have historically traded.

A more detailed analysis of performance is set out in the Investment Managers' Report that follows.


When the Company was launched in 2013, it was the stated intention to pay a dividend of 4.5p per share in the first year, thereby attributing a yield of 4.5% on the issue price. In the absence of unforeseen circumstances, the Board seeks to maintain the annual targeted dividend of 4.5p, which is a yield of 4.8% on the year end share price. The maintenance of this target has required a small contribution from the Company's capital reserves. In seeking an attractive level of total shareholder return in excess of the dividend yield paid, the Board is content to use capital reserves periodically to support the stability of income to shareholders. We would hope that these reserves would be rebuilt from capital gains during other periods of the market cycle. Whilst there are signs of rising interest rates across much of the world, it still seems highly unlikely that interest rates will revert to historical norms for a considerable time. In such a low interest rate world, the Company's yield remains an attractive feature to a wide range of investors.

Three quarterly dividends totalling 3.375p per share have been declared and paid during the financial year. On 12th September 2018, the Board declared a fourth quarterly dividend of 1.125p per share to be paid on 25th October 2018, bringing the total dividends paid in relation to the financial year ending 30th June 2018 to 4.5p.


In May 2017, the Board announced that it was concerned that, for a low-volatility asset class, the level of movement in the Company's share price had significantly increased the overall volatility of shareholder returns. Whilst the Company's discount had narrowed in the months prior to that announcement to approximately 5%, it was the Board's view that the Company's share price should, ideally, track the Company's net asset value ('NAV') more closely than it had done. Therefore, the Board introduced a revised discount control policy under which it intended to seek to ensure that the Company's share price remained close to NAV such that, under normal market conditions, the Company's shares traded within a range of a 2% discount to a 2% premium to the Company's cum income NAV per share. This would be achieved primarily through the use of share buybacks and/or share issuance as necessary.

In the period from the Board's announcement to 30th June 2018, the Company's shares traded in a range of -4.5% to +0.4% (premium), averaging 2.2%, and finishing the year at a discount of 3.6%, wider than the 1.9% discount at the previous year end.

During the year the Company bought back into treasury a total of 32,060,128 shares, representing 17.4% of the shares in issue (excluding shares held in treasury) at the start of the Company's financial year.

Since the year end, the Company has repurchased a further 20,441,906 shares. Notwithstanding the number of shares repurchased, the discount widened during this period as a result of the volume of shares sold, reaching 7.7% in the middle of September 2018. Since that date the discount has narrowed, in part as a result of the Company continuing to buy back shares, and as a consequence of the selling pressure easing, and as at 10th October 2018 the shares were trading at a 5.2% discount to NAV.

In order to seek to ensure that there is continuity in the Company's ability to repurchase shares the Directors have brought forward the Annual General Meeting (the 'AGM') from a scheduled date of 4th December 2018 to 14th November 2018, when shareholders will be asked to renew the Company's buy back authority.

The buybacks undertaken during the year, and since the year end to 10th October 2018, have added approximately 1.1 pence per share for ongoing shareholders.

Continuation Vote and Outlook

At the AGM shareholders will be asked to consider a resolution that the Company continues its business as a closed-ended collective investment scheme (the '2018 Continuation Vote'). The Board believes that the approval of this resolution is in the best interests of the shareholders as a whole and therefore recommends that shareholders vote in favour of the resolution.

In coming to this recommendation the Directors have carefully reviewed and considered the outlook for the Company's asset class and the views of the Company's Investment Manager, which are set out in detail in the Investment Managers' Report, together with the Company's performance since launch and the experience and resources of JPMorgan Asset Management ('JPMAM'). The Board has also taken into account feedback received from a number of the Company's shareholders and the views of the Company's corporate broker.

The asset class offers access to an attractive level of income with the opportunity to benefit from further gains in global equity markets without taking undue risk at a time when equity markets are near all-time highs, interest rates are rising and credit spreads remain tight.

As noted above the Company targets, and since launch on 11th June 2013 has paid, a 4.5p per share annual dividend. It is the Directors' current intention that the Company will continue to target this level of dividend, representing a yield of around 5% on the current share price. Combined with the portfolio's defensive characteristics, the Board believes the Company offers shareholders a useful investment opportunity, differentiated from fixed income alternatives. Historically, when interest rates have risen, convertible bonds have more often than not outperformed other fixed income investments.

In addition, whilst there has been some downward pressure on the discount in recent months, the Board remains of the view that it is in shareholders' interests for the Company's share price to more closely track the Company's NAV, thereby reducing share price volatility. Accordingly, subject to market conditions (and renewal of the buyback authority at the AGM) the Company will continue to repurchase shares, when required.

The JPMAM convertible bond team has been managing convertibles since 1995; it has AUM of c. $6.2 billion and is one of the world-leading fund managers in the asset class. Hart Woodson has recently been appointed as Head of the Convertible Bond team. Mr Woodson has 25 years of experience as a portfolio manager of global convertible bond portfolios and funds, having previously served as a portfolio manager at both Advent Capital Management and Gabelli Asset Management. Prior to his portfolio management roles, he worked for more than a decade as a capital markets specialist and credit analyst, with ABN AMRO in Amsterdam and Meridian International Bank in New York.

The Company's portfolio will continue to be managed by the existing Investment Managers, Natalia Bucci and Paul Levene. However, as the Company draws on the investment insight and resources of both the broader JPMAM convertible bond team and wider multi-asset solutions investment resource, we anticipate that Mr Woodson's depth of knowledge and experience will be beneficial to the Company and are pleased that JPMAM has shown its commitment to, and enhanced its capabilities in, this asset class.

However, the Board recognises that there has been a significant level of buying back of the Company's shares over the course of the last 12 months and, therefore, subject to the passing of the 2018 Continuation Vote, will be putting a further continuation vote to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting to be held in 2019.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held at JPMorgan's offices in Guernsey on 14th November 2018 at 11.00 a.m. All shareholders are encouraged to use their proxy votes.

Simon Miller


15th October 2018


Performance Review

In the year to 30th June 2018, the Company's portfolio generated a positive net asset value ('NAV') total return of 1.1%. It was a year characterised by geopolitical events, oil reaching multi-year highs and some markets making all-time highs (e.g. tech and small cap stocks). More recently the focus has been on local funding issues for companies, from emerging markets to Italy, given higher interest rates and the selloff in emerging market currencies, and whether the ongoing trade conflicts with the US damages growth through sentiment and financial conditions.

As a result of the uncertainty, the market experienced a pick-up in volatility which had fallen to levels last seen in the mid-1960s. Nevertheless, the U.S. delivered bumper earnings, although Europe displayed mixed results. Energy together with tech delivered earnings growth significantly outperforming expectations. In contrast, the upturn in inflation and erosion of capacity in the labour market means that it is likely the US Federal Reserve will continue to increase interest rates; this expectation has led to a sell-off in bonds. However, rising bond yields were, and continue to be, impacted by the escalation of geopolitical and trade tensions, whilst economic data were mixed. We expect the sensitivity of US Treasury yields to inflation data to persist. Inevitably, rising government bond yields present a headwind to our returns but it is important to remember that the normalisation of bond yields will be positive to portfolio returns over the long term as we are able to reinvest in higher coupons in the future. In the meantime, convertibles are an attractive sector in which to weather the rise in rates.

Two reasons underpin this. Firstly, convertibles have the opportunity to benefit from rising equity prices, which typically accompany a strong economy. Indeed, the portfolio benefitted from supportive equity market performance during the year. Of particular note was the contribution from the U.S. and Asia ex-Japan. In terms of the Company's sector allocation, Energy and Basic Materials outperformed all other sectors.

Secondly, against the macro backdrop we think that equity volatility will be higher, which supports convertible valuations in the short term as the rise in equity volatility causes a rise in the option value embedded in convertible bonds. We maintain our belief that convertible bonds could perform well in the current reflationary environment. This is reflected in the fact that while over the year the interest rate sensitivity of our holdings detracted from performance, this was more than offset by the positive contributions from credit and most notably equity factors.

Portfolio Review

Throughout the year, the equity sensitivity of the portfolio has been increasing, whilst the proportion of high quality investment grade credit has grown. In contrast to the period that followed the market sell-off in credit-sensitive bonds in late 2015, the portfolio has shifted to the more balanced and equity bond-like part of the convertible universe. This reflected our view that going forward a larger portion of the return is expected to come from increases in the value of the issuers' share prices rather than exposure to credit. In general, our view on credit conditions and pricing is that they are nearing their peak.

As such, we believe we have entered a period where credit risk is becoming increasingly skewed to the downside. As a result, we took profit on credit exposures that we considered fairly valued or that did not have a clear catalyst for outperformance. By contrast, we were content to retain exposure to higher yielding positions where we felt that the actions being taken by the company to improve its credit profile would be validated.

As a result of the move away from being predominately invested in the bond-like part of the convertible universe, the Company's sensitivity to equity prices has increased. Therefore we have also taken profit on issuers whose performance was derived from strong underlying equity price movements and in some cases added to positions with higher t equity sensitivity where we viewed valuations as undemanding and hence attractive. These positions added value through the first half of the financial year, as equity markets continued moving higher, particularly in the U.S. and Asia ex. Japan.

The Company's largest regional exposure is to the U.S. where equities have remained resilient amidst rising geopolitical and trade risks. The S&P500 has performed well on the back of strong earnings, upbeat guidance and accelerating investment activity, including buybacks, dividend growth and mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, the gap between the value of announced and executed buybacks has grown over the last few years with the divergence most pronounced in the Financial, Communication and Technology sectors. These sectors combined represent more than half the portfolio holdings. Thus, we believe that the strong earnings delivery and upbeat guidance should provide support for U.S. equity valuations at the very least and we take comfort in our U.S. exposure.

We continued to seek exposure to the Technology and Communications ('TMT') sectors (including internet) during the year as the various subsectors provided us with an attractive range of opportunities. For instance, the internet sector boasts a number of companies with strong, cash-rich balance sheets and exciting long-term prospects. In certain cases, our high conviction view has led us to opt for more equity-sensitive instruments, for example the Alibaba mandatory convertible. Elsewhere, we remain exposed to more mature, stable or declining subsectors such as Pay-TV to benefit from the higher yielding securities.

The Company's largest sector exposure is to the Financial (ex. Real estate) sector, while exposure to Industrials fell the most compared to all other sectors. The rationale for this continued preference is that Financials tend to be less sensitive to global trade and do not have such stretched valuations in general. The Financial exposure also includes business development companies that combine a high quality portfolio, well-regarded management and exposure to U.S. middle market companies that, in our view, will benefit from an expanding U.S. economy. By way of contrast, some of our holdings within the industrial space were expensive, sensitive to a rollover in global economic momentum and had significantly outperformed over the last few years.

During the year within the Financial (Real Estate) sector we continued a shift away from U.S. real estate exposure, adding short dated China and Singapore property names with positive yields and more balanced profiles. We prefer to remain holders of shorter dated China property risk here as if there is no improvement in the onshore refinancing environment we would expect supply to come to the off-shore U.S. Dollar market, resulting in spread widening. At such a time we would assess the attractiveness of longer dated China property names and potentially look to add. Unlike U.S. real estate during the period, China real estate investment demonstrated strong growth, although in the latter half of year valuations were under pressure as a result of trade tensions and emerging market weakness.

The standout performer of the portfolio was the Energy sector. The positioning reflected our bullish stance on crude oil throughout the year, as we anticipated a continuation of higher prices due to unprecedented compliance of the OPEC members to their oil supply agreement, and above trend oil demand. To us, geopolitical risk seemed particularly pronounced given U.S. sanctions against Venezuela and Iran. Accordingly, throughout the year we continued to hold our energy positions and in some cases have extended the duration, resulting in energy being the best performing sector over the year.

In the last financial year we added a small position in Asset Swapped Convertible Option Transactions ('ASCOTs') to the portfolio, which provides exposure to the Japanese equity market. ASCOTs are long-tenor options on convertible bonds and are designed to provide asymmetrical equity exposure. At the portfolio level, the market value of the ASCOTs as at 30th June 2018 represented c. 1% of the portfolio., Throughout the year, domestic and foreign investors have displayed a low risk appetite towards the Japanese equity market resulting in a reduction in the value of these options. Furthermore, concerns around decreased levels of bond purchases by the Bank of Japan and its exit policy from the purchase programme has added to investor caution in the region. However, we remain comfortable with the level of exposure to Japan, also considering the long tenor of these instruments, and believe that corporate governance improvement and attractive equity valuations should benefit the Japanese market in the longer term.

The level of gearing has remained limited over the financial year, reflecting our general caution on current valuations across most asset classes. However, we considered it optimal to roll the facility in order to ensure that the Company would have the capacity to increase exposure if a correction were to present us with more attractive investment opportunities, albeit remaining within the Company's gearing limit of 20%.


We believe global growth is set to remain above trend, but changes to U.S. trade policy and the impact of higher U.S. rates have increased the risks to our outlook. We retain our pro-risk tilt given the equity sensitivity of the portfolio, anticipating an economic and earnings environment consistent with equity outperformance. U.S. real yields are now positive for most maturities and we expect U.S. interest rates to continue steadily to increase over coming quarters. However, we believe that monetary policy will remain accommodative and supportive for risky assets into next year.

We believe that the Company is well placed to continue differentiating itself from fixed income alternatives in an environment that we anticipate will have higher interest rates and geopolitical headline risk. Nevertheless, with high equity valuations and credit spreads at historic tights, we consider it pragmatic to retain our somewhat conservative positioning. What makes convertibles especially attractive today is their historical performance during periods of rising interest rates. When interest rates have risen, convertible bonds have tended to outperform other fixed income investments, as they are less sensitive to interest rate movements compared to traditional fixed income investments.

The portfolio's exposures remain generally short-dated with an average price below par value. Combined with an attractive portfolio yield of 4.7% (as at 30th September 2018), we believe that the Company remains positioned to participate in further equity or credit market upside while retaining its defensive characteristics.

Paul Levene

Natalia Bucci

Investment Managers

15th October 2018

Principal Risks

The Directors confirm that they have carried out a robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Company, including those that would threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity. The principal risks and how they are being managed or mitigated are summarised as follows:

   --   Investment Risk 

An inappropriate investment strategy, for example excessive concentration of investments, asset allocation, the level of gearing, or the degree of portfolio risk, may lead to underperformance against the Company's benchmark index and peer companies. In addition this may result in the Company's shares trading on a wider discount. A widening of the discount results in loss of value for shareholders. In order to try to manage the Company's discount, which can be volatile, the Company operates a share issuance and repurchase programme. The Board regularly discusses discount policy and has set parameters for the Manager and the Company's broker to follow.

The Board manages investment risks by diversification of investments through its investment restrictions and guidelines which are monitored and reported on by the Manager. The Manager provides the Directors with timely and accurate management information, including performance data and attribution analyses, revenue estimates, cash reports and shareholder analyses. The Board monitors the implementation and results of the investment process with the Investment Managers, who attend Board meetings, and reviews data which show statistical measures of the Company's risk profile. The Investment Managers employ the Company's gearing tactically, within a strategic range set by the Board. In addition to regular Board meetings, the Board conducts an annual strategy session where it discusses the portfolio's objective and challenges the strategy they have set to achieve it.

   --   Market Risk 

Market risk arises from uncertainty about the future prices of the Company's investments. It represents the potential loss that the Company might suffer through holding investments in the face of negative market movements. The Board considers asset allocation, stock selection and levels of gearing on a regular basis and has set investment restrictions and guidelines, which are monitored and reported on by the Manager. The Board monitors the implementation and results of the investment process with the Manager.

   --   Operational Risk 

Disruption to, or failure of, the Manager's accounting, dealing or payments systems or the Depositary's, Custodian's or Administrator's records may prevent accurate reporting and monitoring of the Company's financial position. This includes the risk of cybercrime and consequent potential threat to security and business continuity.

Details of how the Board monitors the services provided by the Manager and its associates and the key elements designed to provide effective risk management and internal controls are included within the Risk Management and Internal Controls section of the Corporate Governance Statement in the annual report.

   --   Political and Regulatory Risks 

Political risks, such as the UK leaving the European Union, or a change in financial or tax legislation impacting the treatment of the Company's earnings, may impair the Manager's ability to continue with its investment activity. These risks are discussed by the Board on a regular basis.

Other political risks, such as the imposition of restrictions on the free movement of capital may impair the Manager's ability to continue with its investment activity. Similarly, adverse tax, regulatory or political change could have a material impact on the Company. The Company must also comply with the provisions of the Guernsey Companies Law and, since its shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange, the UKLA Listing Rules and Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ('DTRs'). A breach of the Companies Law could result in the Company and/or the Directors being fined or the subject of criminal proceedings. Breach of the UKLA Listing Rules or DTRs could result in the Company's shares being suspended from listing. The Board relies on the services of its Company Secretary and its professional advisers to ensure compliance with the Companies Law and the UKLA Listing Rules and DTRs.

Transactions with the Manager and related parties

Details of the management contract are set out in the Directors' Report in the annual report. The management fee payable to Manager by the Company for the year was GBP1,289,000 (2017: GBP1,458,000) of which GBPnil was outstanding at the year end. In addition GBP38,000 was refunded by (2017: GBP18,000 was paid to) the Manager for the administration of savings scheme products of which GBP1,000 (2017: GBPnil) was outstanding at the year end. Included in other administration expenses in note 7 in the annual report are safe custody fees payable to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. as custodian of the Company amounting to GBP9,000 (2017: GBP11,000) of which GBP3,000 (2017: GBP3,000) was outstanding at the year end.

The Manager carries out some of its dealing transactions through subsidiaries. These transactions are carried out at arms' length.

Handling charges payable to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. on dealing transactions undertaken by overseas sub custodians on behalf of the Company amounted to GBP12,000 (2017: GBP9,000) of which GBP3,000 (2017: GBP2,000) was outstanding at the year end.

At the year end, the Company held bank balances of GBP296,000 (2017: GBP281,000), with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. which was placed on deposit with an approved list of banks. Interest amounting to GBP3,000 (2017: GBP1,000) was receivable by the Company during the year from JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. of which GBPnil (2017: GBPnil) was outstanding at the year end.

The Company also holds cash in the JPMorgan Sterling Liquidity Fund, which is managed by JPMF. At the year end this was valued at GBP12,253,000 (2017: GBP16,402,000). Interest amounting to GBP51,000 (2017: GBP30,000) was receivable during the year of which GBP6,000 (2017: GBPnil) was outstanding at the year end.

Full details of Directors' remuneration and shareholdings can be found in the Directors' Remuneration Report in the annual report. No fees were outstanding at the year end (2017: GBPnil).

STATEMENT of directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and Financial Statements in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Guernsey company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted in the European Union. The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the financial performance of the Company for that period. International Accounting Standard 1 requires that financial statements present fairly for each financial year the Company's financial position, financial performance and cash flows. This requires the faithful representation of the effects of transactions, other events and conditions in accordance with the definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income and expenses set out in the International Accounting Standards Board's 'Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements'. In virtually all circumstances, a fair presentation will be achieved by compliance with all applicable IFRSs.

In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to:

   --   properly select and apply accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 

-- present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

-- provide additional disclosures when compliance with specific requirements in IFRSs are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial position and financial performance;

   --   make an assessment of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern; 

-- state that the Company has complied with IFRSs, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statement; and

   --   make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent. 

Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and which enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Under applicable law and regulations, the Directors are also responsible for ensuring that the Company complies with the provisions of the Listing Rules and the Disclosure Guidance & Transparency Rules of the UK Listing Authority which, with regard to Corporate Governance, require the Company to disclose how it has applied the principles, and complied with the provisions, of the UK Corporate Governance Code applicable to the Company.

In the case of each of the persons who are Directors of the Company at the time when this report was approved:

(a) so far as each of the Directors is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditor is unaware, and

(b) each of the Directors has taken all the steps that he/she ought to have taken as a Director in order to make himself/herself aware of any relevant audit information (as defined) and to establish that the Company's auditor is aware of that information.

The Directors of the Company, who are listed in the annual report, each confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

-- the financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company;

-- this annual report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces; and

-- this annual report and financial statements, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy.

For and on behalf of the Board

Philip Taylor


15th October 2018

Statement of Comprehensive income

For the year ended 30th June 2018

                                                                        2018                          2017 
                                                             Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                                             GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Investments held at fair value through profit and loss: 
 (Losses)/gains on investments held at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                   -   (4,721)   (4,721)         -    15,331    15,331 
 Income from investments                                       8,220         -     8,220    10,253         -    10,253 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Gains/(losses) on financial instruments: 
 Realised losses on close out of futures and options 
  contracts                                                        -     (448)     (448)         -     (231)     (231) 
 Unrealised losses on futures and options contracts                -     (478)     (478)         -         -         - 
 Realised foreign currency gains/(losses) on foreign 
  currency contracts                                               -     1,929     1,929         -   (6,029)   (6,029) 
 Unrealised foreign currency (losses)/gains on foreign 
  currency contracts                                               -   (1,099)   (1,099)         -       271       271 
 Realised foreign currency (losses)/gains                          -      (52)      (52)         -        60        60 
 Unrealised foreign currency gains/(losses)                        -       248       248         -     (436)     (436) 
 Other income                                                     54         -        54        31         -        31 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Total income/(loss)                                           8,274   (4,621)     3,653    10,284     8,966    19,250 
 Management fee                                                (838)     (451)   (1,289)     (948)     (510)   (1,458) 
 Other administrative expenses                                 (417)         -     (417)     (468)         -     (468) 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Profit/(loss) before finance costs and taxation               7,019   (5,072)     1,947     8,868     8,456    17,324 
 Finance costs                                                 (255)     (137)     (392)     (205)     (110)     (315) 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation                                 6,764   (5,209)     1,555     8,663     8,346    17,009 
 Taxation                                                      (287)         -     (287)     (242)         -     (242) 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net profit/(loss)                                             6,477   (5,209)     1,268     8,421     8,346    16,767 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share                                     3.81p   (3.06)p     0.75p     4.33p     4.29p     8.62p 

statement of changes in equity

For the year ended 30th June 2018

                                          Share    Capital   Revenue 
                                        capital   reserves   reserve      Total 
                                        GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 At 30th June 2016                      217,368   (28,794)        64    188,638 
 Repurchase of shares into Treasury           -   (10,823)         -   (10,823) 
 Profit for the year                          -      8,346     8,421     16,767 
 Dividends paid in the year (note 3)          -          -   (8,762)    (8,762) 
-------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 At 30th June 2017                      217,368   (31,271)     (277)    185,820 
 Repurchase of shares into Treasury           -   (31,182)         -   (31,182) 
 (Loss)/profit for the year                   -    (5,209)     6,477      1,268 
 Dividends paid in the year (note 3)          -          -   (7,643)    (7,643) 
-------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 At 30th June 2018                      217,368   (67,662)   (1,443)    148,263 
-------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 

statement of financial position

At 30th June 2018

                                                              2018       2017 
                                                           GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Non current assets 
 Investments held at fair value through profit or loss     149,978    185,007 
 Current assets 
 Derivative financial assets                                 1,708        763 
 Trade and other receivables                                 3,037      1,702 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  12,549     16,683 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
                                                            17,294     19,148 
 Current liabilities 
 Derivative financial liabilities                          (1,161)      (492) 
 Trade and other payables                                  (2,699)    (2,446) 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Net current assets                                         13,434     16,210 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Total assets less current liabilities                     163,412    201,217 
 Non current liabilities 
 Loans payable                                            (15,149)   (15,397) 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Net assets                                                148,263    185,820 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Amounts attributable to equity holders 
 Share capital                                             217,368    217,368 
 Capital reserve                                          (67,662)   (31,271) 
 Revenue reserve                                           (1,443)      (277) 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Total shareholders' funds                                 148,263    185,820 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Net asset value per share                                   97.5p     100.9p 

statement of cash flows

For the year ended 30th June 2018

                                                                      2018        2017 
                                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Operating activities 
 Profit before taxation                                              1,555      17,009 
 Deduct dividends received                                           (940)       (768) 
 Deduct investment income - interest received                      (7,280)     (9,485) 
 Deduct bank interest received                                        (54)        (31) 
 Add back interest paid                                                392         315 
 Add back losses/(deduct gains) on investments held 
  at fair value through profit or loss                               4,721    (15,331) 
 Decrease/(increase) in unrealised gains on foreign 
  currency contracts                                                 1,370     (9,346) 
 Increase in unrealised gains on future and option 
  contracts                                                        (1,646)        (41) 
 Decrease in cash held as collateral by Brokers for 
  futures                                                                -         169 
 (Decrease)/increase in unrealised losses on foreign 
  currency                                                           (248)         436 
 Effect of decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables            9         (3) 
 Effect of increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables               9        (55) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash outflow from operating activities before 
  interest, taxation and dividends                                 (2,112)    (17,131) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Taxation                                                            (287)       (242) 
 Interest paid                                                       (350)       (299) 
 Dividends received                                                    926         796 
 Investment income - interest                                        4,326       5,545 
 Bank interest received                                                 48          31 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 
  after interest, taxation and dividends                             2,551    (11,300) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchases of investments held at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                 (113,425)   (236,907) 
 Sales of investments held at fair value through profit 
  or loss                                                          147,834     279,160 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash inflow from investing activities                          34,409      42,253 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Repurchase of shares into Treasury                               (33,451)     (8,528) 
 Dividends paid                                                    (7,643)     (8,762) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities                       (41,094)    (17,290) 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                  (4,134)      13,663 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the year                 16,683       3,020 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                   12,549      16,683 
--------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Notes to the financial statements

For the year ended 30th June 2018

   1.     Basis of Accounting 

These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with IAS 1, applying the historical cost convention, except for the measurement of financial assets including derivative financial instruments designated as held at fair value through profit or loss ('FVTPL') and that have been measured at fair value.

Where presentational guidance is set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice ('SORP') for investment companies issued by the Association of Investment Companies ('AIC') in November 2014 and updated in February 2018 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on a basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP, where relevant.

All of the Company's operations are of a continuing nature.

   2.     Earnings/(loss) per share 
                                                                 2018          2017 
                                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Earnings/(loss) per share is based on the following: 
  Revenue return                                                6,477         8,421 
  Capital (loss)/return                                       (5,209)         8,346 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Total return                                                  1,268        16,767 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Weighted average number of shares in issue during 
   the year used for the purpose of the calculation       170,230,486   194,513,155 
  Revenue return per share                                      3.81p         4.33p 
  Capital (loss)/return per share                             (3.06)p         4.29p 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Total return per share                                        0.75p         8.62p 
 ------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
   3.     Dividends 
                                                                        2018      2017 
                                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000 
 -----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
  Dividends paid 
  2017 Fourth interim dividend 1.125p (2016: 1.125p) per share         1,987     2,196 
  2018 First interim dividend of 1.125p (2017: 1.125p) per share       1,969     2,195 
  2018 Second interim dividend of 1.125p (2017: 1.125p) per share      1,874     2,195 
  2018 Third interim dividend of 1.125p (2017: 1.125p) per share       1,813     2,176 
 -----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
  Total dividends paid in the year                                     7,643     8,762 
 -----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
  Dividend proposed 
  2018 Fourth interim dividend proposed of 1.125p (2017: 1.125p)       1,711     1,987 
 -----------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 

Dividend payments in excess of the revenue amount will be paid out of Company's capital reserves.

   4.     Net asset value per share 
                                      2018          2017 
 ---------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Net assets (GBP'000)             148,263       185,820 
  Number of shares in issue    152,131,663   184,191,791 
 ---------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Net asset value per share          97.5p        100.9p 
 ---------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
   5.     Status of results announcement 

2017 Financial Information

The figures and financial information for 2017 are extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30th June 2017 and do not constitute the statutory accounts for the year. The Annual Report and Accounts include the Report of the Independent Auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 498(2) or section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

2018 Financial Information

The figures and financial information for 2018 are extracted from the published Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30th June 2018 and do not constitute the statutory accounts for that year. The Annual Report and Accounts include the Report of the Independent Auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 498(2) or section 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The Annual Report and Accounts will be delivered to the Register of Companies in due course.

Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.



A copy of the annual report will shortly be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

The annual report will shortly be available on the Company's website at www.jpmconvertiblesincome.co.uk where up-to-date information on the Company, including daily NAV and share prices, factsheets and portfolio information can also be found.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 15, 2018 09:51 ET (13:51 GMT)

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부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Jpmorgan Global Converti... 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.