RNS Number : 9844N 
Infoserve Group PLC 
22 June 2010 

Infoserve Group plc 
("Infoserve" or "the Group") 
Final Results for the year ended 31 March 2010 
Infoserve, a leading online local search marketing specialist, today announces 
its final results for the year ended 31 March 2010. 
·            Turnover increased by 11% to GBP6.1 million (2009: GBP5.5m) 
·            The Group achieved a pre tax profit for the first time, with 
profits up GBP1.1m on last financial year. 
·            Productivity per sales person increased by 15% to GBP62,775 per 
sales person per annum 
·            Admin expenses down GBP264k (11%) as prior year cost reductions 
maintained despite growing sales 
·            In February 2010, the Group announced the successful restructuring 
of its debts, converting GBP2m debt 
                    into equity and arranging a new GBP800k loan facility 
·            Post year end the Group has signed a joint venture agreement with 
newspaper group Iliffe News and 
              Media Limited to enable the offering of a combined internet and 
print advertising package. 
For further information, please contact: 
| Infoserve Group plc                    |                            | 
| Steve Barnes, Executive Chairman       | Tel +44 (0)113 238 6200    | 
| steve.barnes@infoserve.com             | www.infoservegroup.com     | 
| Jonathan Simpson, Finance Director     |                            | 
| jonathan.simpson@infoserve.com         |                            | 
|                                        |                            | 
|                                        |                            | 
| Nominated Adviser                      |                            | 
| WH Ireland                             |                            | 
| Robin Gwyn                             | Tel +44 (0) 161 832 2174   | 
| robin.gwyn@wh-ireland.co.uk            |                            | 
|                                        |                            | 
|                                        |                            | 
| Media Enquiries                        |                            | 
| Source Marketing Communications        |                            | 
| Peter Downey                           | Tel +44 (0) 113 380 1644   | 
| peter@sourcemc.co.uk                   |                            | 
|                                        |                            | 
Executive Chairman's Statement and Financial Review 
Infoserve Group plc is an e-marketing company, specialising in local search. 
The Company helps businesses, particularly SMEs, to maximise their performance 
through online marketing. 
We are pleased to report another year of good progress, both financially and 
commercially, with the Group achieving profitability for the first time in 
Infoserve's history. 
|                                               |   |    2010 |     2009 | 
|                                               |   |  GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                                               |   |         | Restated | 
|                                               |   |         |          | 
| Revenue                                       |   |   6,119 |    5,495 | 
| Cost of sales                                 |   | (3,836) |  (3,959) | 
|                                               |   |         |          | 
| Gross profit                                  |   |   2,283 |    1,536 | 
| Administrative expenses                       |   | (2,184) |  (2,448) | 
|                                               |   |         |          | 
| Operating profit/(loss)                       |   |      99 |    (912) | 
| Financial income                              |   |       7 |        3 | 
| Financial expenses                            |   |   (100) |    (183) | 
|                                               |   |         |          | 
| Net financing expense                         |   |    (93) |    (180) | 
|                                               |   |         |          | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax                      |   |       6 |  (1,092) | 
|                                               |   |         |          | 
Revenue for the year has increased by 11% and the performance per sales 
executive increased from GBP54,800 to GBP62,775, a rise of 15% on last year. The 
11% growth in sales compares to 4% growth in internet advertising in 2009 
(according to the Internet Advertising Bureau). 
Gross margins have improved from 28% to 37% during the financial year, 
reflecting the increased sales productivity and streamlining of the sales force. 
Despite increased sales, cost control remains tight, and in addition to 
increased margins, overheads were GBP0.3 million lower than the prior year. As a 
result EBITDA, EBIT and PBT were all positive for the first time in the Group's 
history with profit before tax GBP1.1 million better than in the prior year. 
Cash flow 
Overall cash outflow in the year was just GBP47,000 down from GBP169,000 in the 
prior year. As a result of the profits generated, and a GBP200,000 drawdown on 
the new long term loan facility from Mr D R Hood, the Group has reduced trade 
and other payables by GBP560,000 (includes GBP18,000 of non-cash movements). 
Going concern 
The directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.  For 
this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the 
financial statements. 
Market Developments 
·      Online advertising continues to grow despite the recession, increasing 
4.2% in 2009 over the prior year. This growth is mainly driven by migration from 
more traditional media. 
·      In H1 2009 The Internet Advertising Bureau confirmed that the internet 
has now overtaken TV advertising to become the UK's single biggest advertising 
·      Paid-for search accounted for 60.7% of all online advertising in 2009 and 
grew by 9.5%. 
·      Online display and classified were down 4.4% and 5.3% on the prior year 
respectively showing that even online is not immune from the current economic 
·      60% of all online searches appear to be local in nature. 
·      90% of household consumer spend on goods and services takes place within 
20 miles of where individual consumers live or work. 
·      Figures from searchenginewatch show that online searches have grown in 
length by 10% over the last 2 years as people become more specific in their 
·      The combination of the growing sophistication of search engines and more 
specific user searches are driving more searches to a local outcome, as 
evidenced by the increasing prominence of Google maps. 
Business developments 
The market is beginning to mature with numerous small providers purporting to 
offer the "same thing for less". The Group has updated and repackaged many of 
its products and the primary focus of the entire product group is to create 
products that continue to deliver measurable and quantifiable business leads to 
our customers. This in turn gives us the opportunity to offer real return on 
investment (ROI) to customers, thereby maintaining our market USP. 
The Group's exclusive partnership with Yahoo! continues to offer a point of 
difference from all competitors and Infoserve will continue to use this unique 
relationship over the next 12 months to offer its SME customers prominent 
positions on the Yahoo! search engine. 
On 10 May 2010 the Company announced that it had entered into a joint venture 
agreement with Iliffe News and Media Limited ("INML"), the media arm of 
Yattendon Investment Trust with interests in local media including newspaper 
publishing and television. 
Under the agreement, a joint venture company ("2i Local") will offer SMEs the 
opportunity to purchase a combined internet and print advertising package. This 
will give businesses guaranteed exposure to their target market through online 
local search and local newspaper coverage.  Infoserve and INML will each own 50% 
of the issued share capital of 2i Local. 
Change in accounting policies 
The Board has changed the method by which the Group recognises revenue under 
IAS18, a change which the Board believes to be a more appropriate recognition of 
revenue as the service is delivered. Revenue for directory listings are now 
spread evenly over the life of the listings, dispensing with any weighting 
towards the start of the listing. The effect on current and prior years has been 
clearly disclosed in notes 1 and 26 of the financial statements of Infoserve 
Group plc for the financial year ended 31 March 2010. 
Deferred tax asset 
The Board has prepared appropriate forecasts and continues to believe that the 
Group will be profitable in the future and therefore utilise the considerable 
tax losses built up over the last few years.  It has accordingly carried forward 
a proportion of this recovery as a deferred tax asset in the statement of 
financial position. 
The Group has insufficient distributable reserves to pay a dividend, therefore 
the directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend (2009 : GBPnil). 
Board changes 
In October 2009, Jonathan Simpson was appointed to the Board as Finance Director 
following his appointment as interim finance director in June 2009. Jonathan is 
the former Finance Director of Ultralase, a leading UK laser eye surgery 
In May 2010, we announced that James Newman, our Chairman, was leaving the Group 
to concentrate on his other interests. The Board would like to thank James for 
his very valuable contribution to the development of the Group, especially 
during some difficult trading periods, and wish him well for the future. Steve 
Barnes has taken up the position of Executive Chairman. The Board believe that 
it is appropriate for the two roles to be combined in the short to medium term 
given the size of the company. 
Outlook and summary 
The macro economic difficulties have affected most businesses in the UK, and we 
have seen marked evidence of a substantial downturn in marketing expenditure in 
certain of our customer categories. While online advertising, and the Group's 
revenues continue to grow, in the medium term the wider economy is unlikely to 
provide stimulus and impetus on its own. We believe that initiatives such as our 
joint venture that bring together a range of media will continue to provide the 
best opportunity for the Group as customers will seek to purchase a number of 
services from a single trusted source. We will continue to focus our efforts on 
delivering not only prominent online search positions to our customers, but also 
measurable, transparent and quantifiable ROI offerings. 
Google and others pioneered pay per performance marketing and SME's now seek a 
simple model that covers a range of products and services from a trusted 
We cannot ignore the difficult paradigm shift faced by UK businesses, and our 
customer base is of course affected by the difficult trading conditions. We will 
need to remain flexible in switching focus away from those business categories 
most affected by the downturn in order to concentrate resources on growth areas. 
Once again, forecasters predict that online paid-for local search will continue 
to grow and lead online advertising and marketing, but the Group expects that 
this growth will be at lower rates than in previous years and that we will have 
to work hard to continue the business and profitability growth experienced in 
each of the last four years. 
| Stephen M Barnes                 | Jonathan P Simpson               | 
| Executive Chairman               | Finance Director                 | 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
For the year ended 31 March 2010 
|                                            |           |           | 
|                                            |           |      2009 | 
|                                            |      2010 |           | 
|                                            |    GBP000 |    GBP000 | 
|                                            |           |  Restated | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Revenue - continuing operations            |     6,119 |     5,495 | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Cost of sales                              |   (3,836) |   (3,959) | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Gross profit                               |     2,283 |     1,536 | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Administrative expenses                    |   (2,184) |   (2,448) | 
|                                            |           |           | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Operating profit/(loss) - continuing       |        99 |     (912) | 
| operations                                 |           |           | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Financial income                           |         7 |         3 | 
| Financial expenses                         |     (100) |     (183) | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Net financing expense                      |      (93) |     (180) | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax                   |         6 |   (1,092) | 
| Taxation                                   |         - |         - | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year                 |         6 |   (1,092) | 
|                                            |           |           | 
|                                            |           |           | 
| Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per      |     0.03p |   (5.72p) | 
| share                                      |           |           | 
|                                            |           |           | 
Statements of Financial Position 
At 31 March 2010 
|                          |   2010  |    2009  | 
|                          |  GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                          |         | Restated | 
| Non-current assets       |         |          | 
| Property, plant and      |     177 |      251 | 
| equipment                |         |          | 
| Intangible assets        |     485 |      534 | 
| Investment in subsidiary |       - |        - | 
| Deferred tax assets      |     838 |      838 | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |   1,500 |    1,623 | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Current assets           |         |          | 
| Trade and other          |     267 |      345 | 
| receivables              |         |          | 
| Cash and cash            |     363 |      410 | 
| equivalents              |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |     630 |      755 | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Total assets             |   2,130 |    2,378 | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Current liabilities      |         |          | 
| Bank overdraft           |   (250) |    (250) | 
| Interest-bearing loans   |    (37) |  (3,278) | 
| and borrowings           |         |          | 
| Trade and other payables | (2,885) |  (3,568) | 
| Provisions               |    (80) |     (80) | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          | (3,252) |  (7,176) | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Non-current liabilities  |         |          | 
| Interest-bearing loans   | (1,816) |    (287) | 
| and borrowings           |         |          | 
| Trade and other payables |   (143) |     (20) | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          | (1,959) |    (307) | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Total liabilities        | (5,211) |  (7,483) | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Net (liabilities)/assets | (3,081) |  (5,105) | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Equity attributable to   |         |          | 
| equity holders of the    |         |          | 
| parent                   |         |          | 
| Share capital            |   2,954 |      954 | 
| Share premium            |   3,871 |    3,871 | 
| Retained earnings        | (9,906) |  (9,930) | 
|                          |         |          | 
| Total equity             | (3,081) |  (5,105) | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
|                          |         |          | 
Statement of Cash Flows 
For the year ended 31 March 2010 
|                             |              2010 |               2009 | 
|                             |            GBP000 |             GBP000 | 
|                             |                   |           Restated | 
| Cash flows from operating   |                   |         |          | 
| activities                  |                   |         |          | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year  |                 6 | (1,092) |          | 
| Adjustments for:            |                   |         |          | 
| Depreciation                |               102 |     151 |          | 
| Amortisation                |               122 |     174 |          | 
| Financial income            |               (7) |     (3) |          | 
| Financial expense           |               100 |     183 |          | 
| (Profit)/loss on sale of    |              (21) |      10 |          | 
| property, plant and         |                   |         |          | 
| equipment                   |                   |         |          | 
| Equity-settled share-based  |                18 |      37 |          | 
| payment expenses            |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
|                             |               320 |   (540) |          | 
| Decrease/(increase) in      |                78 |    (63) |          | 
| trade and other receivables |                   |         |          | 
| (Decrease)/increase in      |             (542) |     320 |          | 
| trade and other payables    |                   |         |          | 
| Change in deferred          |               (2) |     (1) |          | 
| government grant            |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
|                             |             (146) |   (284) |          | 
| Interest paid               |               (7) |     (9) |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Net cash from operating     |             (153) |   (293) |          | 
| activities                  |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Cash flows from investing   |                   |         |          | 
| activities                  |                   |         |          | 
| Interest received           |                 7 |       3 |          | 
| Acquisition of property,    |              (28) |    (15) |          | 
| plant and equipment         |                   |         |          | 
| Acquisition of other        |              (73) |   (114) |          | 
| intangible assets           |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Net cash from investing     |              (94) |   (126) |          | 
| activities                  |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Cash flows from financing   |                   |         |          | 
| activities                  |                   |         |          | 
| Advance of loans            |               200 |     250 |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Net cash from financing     |               200 |     250 |          | 
| activities                  |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Net decrease in cash and    |              (47) |   (169) |          | 
| cash equivalents            |                   |         |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |               160 |     329 |          | 
| at 1 April                  |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |               113 |     160 |          | 
| at 31 March                 |                   |         |          | 
|                             |                   |         |          | 
1               Accounting policies and basis of information 
The financial information in this announcement has been prepared in accordance 
with the accounting policies set out in the financial statements of Infoserve 
Group plc for the financial year ended 31 March 2010. The financial information 
in this document does not constitute the company's statutory financial 
statements for the financial year but is derived from those financial 
statements. Statutory financial statements for the period will be delivered to 
the registrar of companies following the company's Annual General Meeting. The 
auditors' opinion was unqualified, did not include references to any matters to 
which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their 
report, and does not include any statements under sections 498(2) or 498(3) of 
the Companies Act 2006. 
Basis of preparation 
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, 
notwithstanding the net liabilities and net current liabilities, which the 
directors believe to be appropriate for the following reasons. 
The Group meets its day to day working capital requirements through an 
overdraft. The terms of the overdraft are still being finalised with the bank, 
however under the Group's loan facility with David Hood a further GBP250,000, 
equivalent to the value of the overdraft, can be drawn down in the event that 
this overdraft facility is withdrawn. The Group continues to operate within this 
facility; April management accounts place the headroom at GBP233,000 and the 
Group has been regularly generating cash from trading activities. 
During the year, the Group has agreed a restructuring of its loans. This has 
resulted in reducing capital and interest outstanding to Mr D R Hood to GBP1.85m 
from GBP3.57m, and a reduction in the amount due within one year to GBP0.04m 
from GBP3.28m. In addition, one of the Group's landlords, Amerdale LLP (of which 
Mr D R Hood is the majority partner) has agreed to a long term deferral of rent 
payments. Rent payments outstanding for part of 2009 total GBP223,000. Since 
November 2009, rent for each of the subsequent periods has been paid in full 
when due. 
As the Group has now reached breakeven and it has greater certainty of funding 
than in the prior year, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the 
Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the 
foreseeable future.  For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern 
basis in preparing the financial statements. 
Change in revenue recognition accounting policy 
The Group's policy was to recognise a fixed percentage of new customer sales of 
term advertising at the point of sale to reflect the cost of acquiring the 
customer and producing the advert.  The balance was spread evenly over the 
agreed initial term.  Renewal revenues were spread evenly over the term of the 
Following a review, all term advertising revenue is recognised evenly over the 
agreed term, as this better matches the period over which the service is 
provided by Infoserve. 
The change to the treatment of term advertising revenue has the following impact 
on the financial results of the Group: 
|                         |     Year ended 31 March 2009      |     Year ended 31 March 2008      | 
|                         |       As | Adjustment |  Restated |       As | Adjustment |  Restated | 
|                         | reported |            |           | reported |            |           | 
|                         |   GBP000 |     GBP000 |           |   GBP000 |     GBP000 |           | 
|                         |          |            |    GBP000 |          |            |    GBP000 | 
|                         |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| Statement of            |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| comprehensive income    |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| Revenue                 |    5,595 |      (100) |     5,495 |    4,651 |        487 |     5,138 | 
| Loss/(profit) before    |    (992) |      (100) |   (1,092) |  (2,890) |        487 |   (2,403) | 
| tax                     |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| Loss/(profit) before    |    (992) |      (100) |   (1,092) |  (2,945) |        487 |   (2,458) | 
| tax                     |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| Earnings/(loss) per     |   (5.20) |     (0.52) |    (5.72) |  (16.22) |       2.68 |   (13.54) | 
| share (p)               |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
|                         |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| Statement of financial  |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| position                |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| Current liabilities -   |  (3,050) |      (518) |   (3,568) |  (2,825) |      (418) |   (3,243) | 
| trade and other         |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
| payables                |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
|          |              |  (4,587) |      (518) |   (5,105) |  (3,632) |      (418) |   (4,050) | 
|          |              |          |            |           |          |            |           | 
|                                                 |                            |     Year ended 31 March 2010      | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |       As |   Impact |     Results | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          | reported |       on |       under | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |  current |         old | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |     year |     revenue | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |          | recognition | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |      policy | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |             | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |      GBP000 | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| Statement of              |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| comprehensive income      |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| Revenue                   |          |          |      |          |          |    6,119 |    (171) |       5,948 | 
| Profit/(loss) before tax  |          |          |      |          |          |        6 |    (171) |       (165) | 
| Profit/(loss) after tax   |          |          |      |          |          |        6 |    (171) |       (165) | 
| Earnings/(loss) per share |          |          |      |          |          |     0.03 |   (0.73) |      (0.70) | 
| (p)                       |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
|                           |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| Statement of financial    |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| position                  |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| Current liabilities -     |          |          |      |          |          |  (2,885) |      328 |     (2,557) | 
| trade and other payables  |          |          |      |          |          |          |          |             | 
| Net liabilities           |          |          |      |          |          |  (3,081) |      328 |     (2,753) | 
2               Earnings per share 
The calculation of earnings per share is based upon the profit after taxation of 
GBP5,927 (2009 restated loss: GBP1,092,865) divided by 23,566,392 (2009: 
19,073,241), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 
during the year.  Share options in issue do not have a material dilutive impact 
on the earnings/(loss) per share calculation. 
3               Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 
This note provides information about the contractual terms of the Group and 
Company's interest-bearing loans and borrowings. 
|                          |    2010  |    2009  | 
|                          |   GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
| Non-current liabilities  |          |          | 
| D R Hood loan account    |    1,716 |      187 | 
| Shares classified as a   |      100 |      100 | 
| liability                |          |          | 
|                          |          |          | 
|                          |    1,816 |      287 | 
|                          |          |          | 
| Current liabilities      |          |          | 
| Current portion of D R   |       37 |    3,278 | 
| Hood loan account        |          |          | 
|                          |          |          | 
|                          |       37 |    3,278 | 
|                          |          |          | 
Terms and debt repayment schedule 
|            | Currency |  Nominal |          |   Fair | Carrying |   Fair | Carrying | 
|            |          | interest |     Year |  value |   amount |  value |   amount | 
|            |          |     rate |       of |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          | maturity |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          |          |   2010 |     2010 |   2009 |     2009 | 
|            |          |          |          | GBP000 |   GBP000 | GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|            |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
| D R        |      GBP |   Linked |     2024 |  1,533 |    1,533 |  3,209 |    3,209 | 
| Hood       |          |  to base |          |        |          |        |          | 
| loan       |          |     rate |          |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
| D R        |      GBP |   Linked |      N/A |     18 |       18 |    256 |      256 | 
| Hood       |          |  to base |          |        |          |        |          | 
| loan       |          |     rate |          |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
| D R        |      GBP |  10% per |     2014 |    202 |      202 |      - |        - | 
| Hood       |          |    annum |          |        |          |        |          | 
| loan       |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
| Shares     |      GBP |   5% per |      N/A |    100 |      100 |    100 |      100 | 
| classified |          |    annum |          |        |          |        |          | 
| as a       |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
| liability  |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
|            |          |          |          |  1,853 |    1,853 |  3,565 |    3,565 | 
|            |          |          |          |        |          |        |          | 
4               Trade and other payables 
|                          |    2010  |     2009 | 
|                          |   GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                          |          | Restated | 
|                          |          |          | 
| Trade payables           |      477 |      690 | 
| Non-trade payables and   |      882 |    1,287 | 
| accrued expenses         |          |          | 
| Deferred income          |    1,524 |    1,589 | 
| Deferred government      |        2 |        2 | 
| grants                   |          |          | 
|                          |          |          | 
| Current liabilities      |    2,885 |    3,568 | 
|                          |          |          | 
|                          |          |          | 
| Trade payables           |      125 |        - | 
| Deferred government      |       18 |       20 | 
| grants                   |          |          | 
|                          |          |          | 
| Non-current liabilities  |      143 |       20 | 
|                          |          |          | 
Included within accrued expenses is GBP20,000 (2009: GBP15,000) in respect of 
accrued interest on shares classified as a liability.  This amount is payable 
when the Company has distributable profits. 
During 2008, the Group received a government grant of GBP25,000 for the fit out 
of the leased property at Pioneer House in Darlington, GBP1,667 of the grant has 
been recognised within administrative expenses in the Consolidated Statement of 
Comprehensive Income. 
Deferred income relates to sales invoiced for which the revenue has not yet been 
5               Capital and reserves 
Reconciliation of movement in capital and reserves - Group 
|                            |  |  |   Share |   Share | Retained |   Total | 
|                            |  | | capital | premium | earnings |  equity | 
|                            |  |  |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |   GBP000 |  GBP000 | 
|                            |  |  |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 April 2008    |  |  |     954 |   3,871 |  (8,875) | (4,050) | 
| (restated)                 |  | |         |         |          |         | 
| Total recognised income    |  |  |       - |       - |  (1,092) | (1,092) | 
| and expense (restated)     |  | |         |         |          |         | 
| Equity-settled share-based |  |  |       - |       - |       37 |      37 | 
| payment transactions       |  | |         |         |          |         | 
|                            |  |  |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 31 March 2009   |  |  |     954 |   3,871 |  (9,930) | (5,105) | 
| (restated)                 |  | |         |         |          |         | 
|                            |  |  |         |         |          |         | 
|                            |  |  |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 April 2009    |  |  |     954 |   3,871 |  (9,930) | (5,105) | 
| (restated)                 |  | |         |         |          |         | 
| Total recognised income    |  |  |       - |       - |        6 |       6 | 
| and expense                |  | |         |         |          |         | 
| Equity-settled share-based |  |  |       - |       - |       18 |      18 | 
| payment transactions       |  | |         |         |          |         | 
| Equity shares issued in    |  |  |   2,000 |       - |        - |   2,000 | 
| the year                   |  | |         |         |          |         | 
|                            |  |  |         |         |          |         | 
| Balance at 31 March 2010   |  |  |   2,954 |   3,871 |  (9,906) | (3,081) | 
|                            |  |  |         |         |          |         | 
6              Post balance sheet events 
In May 2010, we announced that James Newman, our Chairman, was leaving the Group 
to concentrate on his other interests.  Steve Barnes has taken up the position 
of Executive Chairman. The Board believe that it is appropriate for the two 
roles to be combined in the short to medium term given the size of the Company. 
On 10 May 2010 the Company announced that it had entered into a joint venture 
agreement with Iliffe News and Media Limited ("INML"), the media arm of 
Yattendon Investment Trust with interests in local media including newspaper 
publishing and television. 
Under the agreement, a joint venture company ("2i Local") will offer SMEs the 
opportunity to purchase a combined internet and print advertising package. This 
will give businesses guaranteed exposure to their target market through online 
local search and local newspaper coverage.  Infoserve Limited and INML each own 
50% of the issued share capital of 2i Local. 
Delivery of the year end accounts to shareholders 
The Group will post the annual accounts to shareholders and make them available 
on the Group's website www.infoservegroup.com on 22 June 2010. 
Notice of AGM 
The Annual General Meeting of Infoserve Group plc is to be held at The Café Bar, 
Multiflight Training Centre, South Side Aviation, Leeds Bradford International 
Airport, Leeds LS19 7UG at 9.00 a.m. on 20 July 2010. Notification will be sent 
to shareholders with the annual accounts. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

Infoserve (LSE:INFS)
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Infoserve (LSE:INFS)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Infoserve 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.