RNS Number : 8344E 
IFR Capital PLC 
30 December 2009 
IFR Capital PLC 
("IFR" or "the Company") 
Proposed Delisting from AIM of the London Stock Exchange 
IFR Capital PLC (AIM: IFR), the investment company focused on consolidation 
opportunities in the European food retail sector, today announces that it is 
proposing to cancel the admission to trading on AIM of its ordinary shares. 
Reasons for the Proposed Delisting 
The Directors have been reviewing the merits or otherwise of the Company's 
ordinary shares continuing to trade on AIM. The following factors were taken 
into account during their review: 
  *  IFR has limited liquidity for its shares, which stems from a tightly held share 
  register, which reduces demand and supply. The current free float of IFR is 
  approximately 12.34 per cent. of its issued share capital. The percentage of the 
  free float will be further materially diminished should the Company reach 
  agreement with Theobald Müller as announced on 2 December 2009 regarding a 
  possible exchange of preference shares in IFR Jersey Limited ("IFR Jersey") into 
  new ordinary shares of the Company; and 
  *  it has become apparent to the Directors that Theobald Müller as the holder of 
  the Class A and B Preference Shares would strongly prefer that the Company be 
  de-listed from AIM before he agrees to convert his preference shares into new 
  ordinary shares. The Directors reiterate their belief that the exchange of 
  expensive preference shares, which attract a current fixed preferential dividend 
  of 27.5 per cent. per annum payable by IFR Jersey for new ordinary shares of the 
  Company, without any aligned cash outflow is in the best interests of the 
The Directors strongly believe that for the reasons referred to above, the 
Company should seek the cancellation of the admission of its Ordinary Shares to 
trading on AIM. 
Rule 41 of the AIM Rules requires an AIM company which wishes the London Stock 
Exchange to cancel admission of its ordinary shares to trading on AIM to notify 
such intended cancellation and separately inform the London Stock Exchange of 
its preferred cancellation date at least twenty business days prior to such date 
and save where the London Stock Exchange otherwise agrees, the cancellation is 
conditional upon the consent of not less than 75 per cent. of votes cast by 
shareholders given in a general meeting. 
Upon the Delisting becoming effective, Charles Stanley Securities, a trading 
division of Charles Stanley & Co Limited, will cease to be nominated adviser and 
broker to the Company and the Company will no longer be required to comply with 
the AIM Rules. 
Following the Delisting 
Following the Delisting, there will no longer be a formal market mechanism 
enabling the Shareholders to trade their shares through the AIM market and the 
CREST facility will be cancelled. 
However, while there can be no guarantee of any Shareholders being able to 
purchase or sell any ordinary shares, any Shareholder wishing to do so should 
contact the Company Secretary in writing at the Company's registered office at 
30 Tempon Street, Engomi 2408, PO Box 28006, 2090 Nicosia, Cyprus. The Company 
Secretary will keep a record of all interested potential purchasers and sellers 
and will seek to match them where possible. 
IFR was established to act as an acquisition platform intending to target small 
and mid-sized businesses in the continental European food industry, intending to 
focus on three sub-sectors: retail (mainly shops/restaurants), industry 
(wholesale and production) and distribution. Following the Delisting, it is the 
intention of the Directors that the operations of the Group will be continued in 
the same manner, and with the same objectives, as at present. The Directors, 
however, are considering various strategic options for the further development 
of the Group following the Delisting. This may include the possibility of a 
future listing of the Company or any of its subsidiaries on the Deutsche Börse 
(Frankfurt Stock Exchange) and/or other financing options. 
General Meeting 
A General Meeting is being convened to be held at the offices of the Company, 30 
Tempon Street, Engomi 2048, 2090 Nicosia, Cyprus, on 28 January 2010 at 10 a.m., 
at which a resolution which seeks Shareholder approval for the cancellation of 
the admission to trading on AIM will be proposed. To be effective the resolution 
must be passed on a show of hands or on a poll by at least 75 per cent. of those 
Shareholders present in person or (being a corporation) present by a duly 
authorised representative or by proxy and voting at the General Meeting. 
If this resolution is passed by Shareholders at the General Meeting then it is 
anticipated that the cancellation of the admission to trading on AIM of the 
Ordinary Shares will become effective from 7.00 am on 5 February 2010. 
In accordance with the AIM Rules a circular has today been posted to 
Shareholders containing a Notice of General Meeting to convene a General Meeting 
for the purposes of seeking approval for the Delisting. 
For further information please contact: 
| IFR Capital PLC                               |                      | 
| Michael Ioannou                               |   +357 (0) 22 318734 | 
|                                               |                      | 
| Charles Stanley Securities - NOMAD and broker | +44 (0) 20 7149 6000 | 
| Rick Thompson / Philip Davies / Ben Johnston  |                      | 
| Publication date of the circular posted |             30 December 2010 | 
| to Shareholders                         |                              | 
| Latest time and date for receipt of     |   10 a.m. on 25 January 2010 | 
| Forms of Instruction for the General    |                              | 
| Meeting                                 |                              | 
| Latest time and date for receipt of     |   10 a.m. on 26 January 2010 | 
| Forms of Proxy for the General Meeting  |                              | 
| General Meeting                         |   10 a.m. on 28 January 2010 | 
| Last day of dealings in Ordinary Shares |              4 February 2010 | 
| in AIM                                  |                              | 
| Cancellation of admission to trading on | with effect from 7.00 am on  | 
| AIM of the Ordinary Shares              |              5 February 2010 | 
The following definitions apply throughout this announcement, unless the context 
otherwise requires: 
| "AIM"                 | AIM, the market operated by the London Stock         | 
|                       | Exchange                                             | 
| "AIM Rules"           | the AIM rules for companies published by the London  | 
|                       | Stock Exchange, as amended from time to time         | 
| "Company" or "IFR"    | IFR Capital PLC                                      | 
| "CREST"               | a relevant system (as defined in the Regulations) in | 
|                       | respect of which Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited is   | 
|                       | the Operator (as defined in the Regulations)         | 
| "Delisting"           | the proposed cancellation of admission to trading on | 
|                       | AIM of the Ordinary Shares                           | 
| "Depositary"          | Computershare Company Nominees Limited               | 
| "Directors" or        | the Directors of the Company                         | 
| "Board"               |                                                      | 
| "General Meeting"     | the general meeting of the Company (including any    | 
|                       | adjournment thereof), notice of which is set out at  | 
|                       | the end of the circular posted to Shareholders       | 
| "Form of Instruction" | the form of instruction from holders of IFR          | 
|                       | Depositary Interests to the Depositary in respect of | 
|                       | the General Meeting                                  | 
| "Form of Proxy"       | the proxy form for use by Shareholders at the        | 
|                       | General Meeting                                      | 
| "Group"               | the Company and its subsidiary undertakings          | 
| "IFR Depositary       | the depositary interests in the ratio of one for one | 
| Interests"            | in respect of each Ordinary Share which may be       | 
|                       | traded in CREST in dematerialised terms              | 
| "IFR Jersey"          | IFR Jersey Limited                                   | 
| "London Stock         | London Stock Exchange plc                            | 
| Exchange"             |                                                      | 
| "Notice of General    | the notice of General Meeting which is set out at    | 
| Meeting"              | the end of the circular posted to Shareholders       | 
| "Ordinary Shares"     | fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the     | 
|                       | Company which have a nominal value of EUR0.01 each,  | 
|                       | and "Ordinary Share" means any one of them           | 
| "Preference Shares"   | Class A and class B preference shares in the capital | 
|                       | of IFR Jersey                                        | 
| "Regulations"         | the Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001 No.   | 
|                       | 3755, as amended from time to time                   | 
| "Resolution"          | the resolution to be proposed at the General Meeting | 
|                       | in the form set out in the Notice of General Meeting | 
| "Shareholders"        | the holders of Ordinary Shares and "Shareholder"     | 
|                       | means any one of them                                | 
| "Special Resolution"  | a resolution requiring the approval of at least 75   | 
|                       | per cent. of the votes of the Shareholders entitled  | 
|                       | to vote and voting, in person or by proxy, at the    | 
|                       | General Meeting                                      | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

Ifr Capital (LSE:IFR)
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부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Ifr Capital 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Ifr Capital (LSE:IFR)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Ifr Capital 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.