RNS Number : 0319G
Hague and London Oil PLC
24 May 2017
24 MAY 2017
Hague and London Oil PLC
("Company", "HALO")
Full Year 2016 Results
Hague and London Oil PLC (AIM: HNL) is pleased to announce its
Final Results for the year ended 2016.
-- Repositioned the Company to pursue a lower risk strategy in
line with current market environment in proven areas and with
existing infrastructure
-- Portfolio restructured with intention to focus on production
or near-term production with upside potential, appraisal,
development or low risk exploration assets
-- MoU signed with ENGIE to target asset natural gas production acquisitions in Europe
-- Higher risk exploration assets spun off into Vermeer Exploration BV ("Vermeer")
-- Active portfolio management based on a clear set of criteria and corporate strategy
-- Application for F5 block offshore Holland remains in progress
-- Decision taken to terminate the farm-in to the Duyung licence
in Indonesia due to approval delays causing expiry of initial
-- UK blocks relinquished in line with focus on lower risk production and development assets
-- Blocks in Western Sahara acquired from Premier Oil (SADR) and spun off to Vermeer
-- Loss before taxation of GBP0.72 million (18 months to 31 December 2015: loss GBP6.51m)
-- Cash balance of GBP0.05 million (YE 2015: GBP0.3m), with
commitments reduced to minimal levels
-- G&A reduced to minimal levels at GBP0.68m (18 months to 31 December 2015: GBP2.96m)
Post-period and outlook
-- Agreement to acquire a portfolio of producing assets in the
Dutch North Sea from Tullow Oil Plc; financing discussions
-- Active approach to portfolio management to continue; current
position in the Philippines to be reviewed during the course of the
-- Careful screening of opportunities to continue with focus on
delivering transformational transactions and cost management
Andrew Cochran, Chairman and Interim CEO, commented:
"The past year, 2016, was relatively quiet publicly as the
industry changed but it also represented a period of much work in
terms of re-structuring the Company, pursuing various opportunities
and reducing costs. We announced that we were refocusing our
corporate strategy on lower risk ventures, responding to the
investment climate for natural resources as well as the wide array
of opportunities becoming available. We actively and aggressively
managed the legacy portfolio; rationalizing it to better
stream-line the business within the strategy adopted.
HALO also recently embarked on a relationship with ENGIE Global
Energy Management ("ENGIE") signing an MoU last year to
collectively review opportunities for structured finance potential
in terms of natural gas acquisitions. Subsequently we have screened
a large number of possibilities, with a disciplined approach to
evaluation in order to deliver value-accretive transactions
consistent within the strategy in a cost-effective manner.
We were very recently pleased to announce our conditional
agreement regarding the acquisition of a portfolio of non-operated
natural gas production assets from Tullow Oil Plc in the
Netherlands and have already started discussions in terms of
funding on the best terms available. Whilst this potential
acquisition is significant progress within HALO's corporate plan,
we see it as just the initial step on our path to building a
substantial and sustainable E&P business."
For further information please contact:
+44 20 7520
Hague and London Oil PLC 9268
Andrew Cochran, Chairman
and Interim CEO
Natalia Erikssen, IR/PR enquiries
Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited +44 20 7710
(NOMAD & Broker) 7600
Callum Stewart / Ashton Clanfield
Chairman's Statement
The past year, 2016, has been yet another challenging year for
the E&P industry globally. It saw many companies struggle,
experiencing difficulties with debt repayment and lacking access to
new capital. Whilst few would have foreseen such a prolonged
downturn, some business models clearly suffered more than others
with a preference for production and lower risk from institutional
investors. At Hague and London Oil PLC ("HALO"), we have closely
monitored the changes in the sector and the underlying market
sentiment, taking the decision to continue cost reductions, reduce
risk exposure and reposition the Company in order to not only
survive last year but to potentially thrive going forward.
The market has seen a significant drop in risk appetite. Whilst
the medium-term outlook improved the industry has generally
avoided, deferred or cancelled exploration programs or expensive
developments. This led HALO to reconsider its corporate strategy,
driving the restructuring of the portfolio to emphasize lower risk
projects. The higher risk exploration portfolio, in non-OECD
countries, was spun-off to Vermeer Exploration BV ("Vermeer"), a
subsidiary of HALO in which it retains a sizeable stake. This
preserved shareholder exposure to the potential upside within
Vermeer without it weighing on the risk profile of HALO, and not
confusing the overall equity story of HALO in terms of
risk-tolerance. Vermeer also created a structure to re-capitalize
HALO, funding overheads, without the issue of new shares (i.e.
dilution) or burdening the Company with debt. To date, HALO has not
issued a single new share since it was acquired by Wessex
Exploration Plc in November 2014.
During the course of 2016, HALO has since placed a firm focus on
lower risk assets, in proven basins, within stable regulatory
regimes, with access to infrastructure, and most importantly
near-term production or development potential within a limited
competitive environment. As part of this strategic shift, a process
of building a back log of opportunities commenced in 2016 and the
exhaustive evaluation of these took place during the remainder of
the year. Any thorough evaluation process is time-consuming,
especially when performed by a small, low-cost team working on a
myriad of targets in parallel. Volatility in commodity prices also
negatively impacted this process as the gap between the buyer's and
seller's expectations was always subject to rapid change.
Embedded within the new strategic focus was the commencement of
a relationship between Engie Global Energy Management ("Engie") and
HALO, and the Memorandum of Understanding ("MoU") announced on
August 4(th) 2016. Engie is one of the largest European utilities
and manages one of the largest European trading entities for
natural gas and power. It was therefore logical to work with Engie
whereby they become the off-taker of natural gas acquired by HALO
in exchange for assistance in the structured finance of these
potential acquisitions. While conventional capital, debt or equity
has remained elusive to the wider industry, such structured
products, as envisaged within the HALO/Engie MoU, remain
A large number of assets within the corporate development
back-log has been evaluated by our team over the past year, and the
pace of discussions has been slow, methodical and sensitive to
commodity price and market sentiment. The extremely wide range of
opportunity type, from corporate mergers to new applications, also
complicated the process. The competitive nature of this process and
mandatory confidentiality limited HALO's ability to share any
details of such with the market. However, the Company's application
for the F5 Block, offshore Holland, also progressed in 2016 whereby
the Company was required to present its credentials to the Ministry
of Economic Affairs, State Mining Directorate, National Technical
Organization and the State's direct financial interest (EBN) in
order explain the full terms and conditions of this application as
well as the Company's capabilities. HALO eagerly awaits a
conclusion to this process in 2017. The F5 Block, if awarded,
represents a highly sought after block on "ground floor" terms
wholly consistent with the Company's strategic focus.
The overall efforts and strategic refocusing culminated in the
announcement of April 11(th) 2017, in which HALO released the
details of a proposed acquisition from Tullow Oil Plc ("Tullow") of
its entire portfolio in the Netherlands; producing 2,900boepd in
2016. The transaction had been long under discussion and formal
negotiation between HALO and Tullow; the ultimate result would
bring production and reserves into HALO at a very competitive
price. Upon closing of the transaction, HALO would become a natural
gas producing company, generating cash flow with its equity in
long-life, non-operated assets offshore Holland. Again, this is
wholly consistent with the repositioning of the Company in
Prior to the announcement of the potential Tullow transaction,
HALO had already begun discussions with potential finance providers
in order to identify the optimal manner of funding the transaction
with minimal dilution to shareholders and maximum flexibility for
the corporate balance sheet. As these discussions progress and any
final terms are agreed, HALO will announce to the market. In the
meantime, the shares will remain suspended as the transaction had
been deemed a reverse take-over ("RTO") by the AIM Market under
Rule 14. The shares of HALO will recommence trading once the
readmission document has been issued, prior to transaction closing
and shareholder approvals.
This transaction is a massive leap in HALO's transformation and
places the Company well on its way to building a strong upstream
company engaged in low-risk activities, in low-risk jurisdictions.
HALO's team has invested considerable time and effort to reach this
point, often at personal sacrifice whilst we maintained strict cost
controls within the Company. There remains a large backlog of
opportunities which remain under review and the Company plans to
continue with an aggressive growth strategy going forward.
However, we shall remain very cost-conscious after the
Netherlands acquisition and will continue largely as we have to
date. Although costs will rise with respect to the portfolio being
acquired, we anticipate that operating cash flows will cover these
costs. We are convinced that this disciplined approach has served
the Company well in 2016 and will continue to do so as we create
even more value for shareholders in the future.
The new year, 2017, has started well for HALO and we hope to
continue this trend going forward. Therefore, we wish to thank our
staff and shareholders for their support and patience throughout
2016 as well as in the future.
Financial Review
Consolidated Income Statement
In the year ended 31 December 2016, the loss before taxation was
GBP0.72m (18 months to 31 December 2015: loss GBP6.51m) and loss
per share was 2.99p (18 months to December 2015: loss 28.6p).
Administrative expenses for the year were significantly lower
than the previous period at GBP0.68m (18 months to 31 December
2015: GBP2.96m), a reflection of management's commitment to control
costs during this period of transition.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
At the end of December 2016, cash resources stood at GBP0.05m
(2015: GBP0.28m). Looking forward, our existing project commitments
for calendar year 2017 are minimal.
Going concern
At 31 December 2016 the Group had cash balances of GBP0.05m and
will require additional funds in 2017 to maintain sufficient cash
resources for its current working capital needs over the next
twelve months. During 2017, the Chairman and an investor have
provided the Company with GBP115,000 of short-term funding to cover
immediate working capital needs.
On 10 April 2017 HALO announced the conditional acquisition of
significant non-operated natural gas production assets in the Dutch
North Sea from Tullow Netherlands Holding Coöperatief B.A.. The
acquisition comprises interests in a suite of offshore exploration
and production licences on the Dutch Continental Shelf ("DCS")
within the Northern Area and Joint Development Area in the western
part of the DCS, which collectively generated total production of
2,900 boepd in 2016. More details of this transaction are provided
in the Directors' Report.
As a result of this announcement, the Directors have a
reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to raise new
equity, providing it with adequate resources to continue operating
for the foreseeable future and to meet its planned commitments and
liabilities for at least twelve months from the date these
financial statements have been approved. For this reason the
Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing
these financial statements.
Project Review
The Netherlands
On 4 August 2016, HALO announced that it had, through its
subsidiary Hague and London Oil B.V., signed a Memorandum of
Understanding ("MoU") with ENGIE Global Energy Management ("ENGIE")
to co-operate on the acquisition by HALO of natural gas production
and reserves within Europe.
Under the MoU, HALO will contribute its upstream and commercial
capabilities to target, acquire and manage specific low risk
natural gas production assets in Europe.
ENGIE will contribute its substantial footprint in European gas
markets and its expertise in energy management to offer an
innovatively structured gas off-take, designed to help HALO secure
the funding of such assets whilst minimising the dilution to HALO's
HALO applied for an offshore exploration licence in the F5 Block
in late 2015. The process remains ongoing and definitive results
are expected very soon. Additionally, HALO is preparing further
applications for the Dutch Continental Shelf in the coming
French Guyana
There was little activity on the French Guiana exploration
permit during 2016. The original permit expired in June 2016 and
two of the joint venture partners withdrew from any extension
request, while the partnership is currently re-aligning itself with
respect to any possible extension. The Group holds a 44.11%
interest in Northpet Investments Limited (Northpet), giving it a
3.31% beneficial interest in the Guyane Maritime Permit. The
Company does not expect any further progress or expense on the
permit in 2017.
Western Sahara (SADR)
Maghreb Exploration Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of HALO)
and Comet Petroleum (SADR) Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Tower Resources plc) each holds a 50% interest in three licence
blocks under Assurance Agreements in the SADR - Bojador, Guelta and
On 24 June 2016, HALO announced the acquisition, via Maghreb
Exploration Limited, of Premier Oil (SADR) Limited, which holds
interests in five exploration licence areas in the Saharawi Arab
Democratic Republic. Premier Oil (SADR) Limited changed its name to
Maghreb Offshore Limited following the acquisition.
Maghreb Offshore Limited holds interests in the following
exploration licence areas: Daora (50%), Haouza (50%), Mahbes (50%),
Mijek (50%), Laguera (100%).
A nominal consideration of $1 was payable immediately to Premier
Oil and the Seller has also been granted a gross royalty of 5% over
future production revenue from the interests in the blocks held by
Maghreb and 5% of the proceeds of any eventual sale of these
interests in each case and in aggregate subject to an agreed cap
calculated as 90% of HALO's market capitalization as at the date of
the acquisition and, if it has increased, as at each calendar month
thereafter. In addition, the interests held by Premier SADR are
subject to a gross royalty in favour of Premier Oil of 5% over
future production revenue from such interests and 5% of the
proceeds of any eventual sale of such interests. There are no
revenues or profits currently attributable to the assets.
On completion, Maghreb Exploration Ltd was transferred to
Vermeer Exploration B.V., a subsidiary of HALO.
HALO believes the SADR licences are a good strategic fit for
Vermeer due to their risk profile associated with on-going
political uncertainty, including overlapping licence claims between
the SADR and Morocco, whilst the promising geology is the main
The licence areas lie on the Atlantic margin, which has seen
encouraging drilling results over the past 12 months, particularly
in Mauritania and Senegal, resulting in increased interest from
larger oil companies. The political situation in Western Sahara
remains complicated and, as a result, no operational activity is
expected in 2017 but news flow from activity in the general region
is expected throughout that period.
On 23 September 2015 HALO announced that it had entered into a
conditional agreement to acquire a material interest in the Duyung
Production Sharing Contract (PSC).
The transaction was subject to customary regulatory and
government approvals. Since the signing of the agreement, HALO's
management worked hard to complete the transaction and had secured
extensions in the absence of timely progress within the approvals
process. Despite HALO's best efforts to secure these approvals in a
timely manner, none of the approvals had been received prior to the
start of April 2016.
Therefore the decision was taken to terminate the Farm-In
Agreement, with an effective date of 1 April 2016, and the Duyung
licence itself was expected to expire on 15 January 2017. All costs
relating to the Duyung project have been expensed in the
The Company (through its wholly owned subsidiary HALO BV) holds
a 15% interest in Service Contract SC54A in the NW Palawan Basin,
offshore Philippines. The project holds a number of undeveloped oil
discoveries with much remaining exploration potential. The joint
venture sought, and was awarded, a three-year moratorium with
respect to exploration activities in SC54A in August 2014. No
activity beyond care and maintenance was undertaken in 2016.
Although we see much remaining prospectivity, and potential
commerciality of existing discoveries, in SC54A we believe that the
prevalent oil price makes it imprudent to formally commit to a work
programme. A formal decision will be taken during the first half of
2017 as to whether the joint venture partners wish to continue with
the licence or relinquish at the end of the three-year term in
August 2017.
In November 2016, HALO, as Licence Administrator, in conjunction
with its partner NWE Mirrabooka (UK) Pty., decided to relinquish
the Promote Blocks 98/7b, 98/8a and 98/12 (northern part).
Consolidated Income Statement
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Year 18 months
ended ended
Notes December December
2016 2015
Revenue - -
Administrative expenses (677,440) (2,964,219)
Operating loss 3 (677,440) (2,964,219)
Finance income 5 133 2,982
Share of losses of joint
ventures 12 (41,550) (3,552,591)
Loss before taxation (718,857) (6,513,828)
Taxation 6 - -
Loss for the financial period (718,857) (6,513,828)
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the
Company (721,160) (6,513,828)
Non-controlling interests 2,303 -
Loss per share attributable
to equity shareholders of
the Company
Basic and diluted loss per
share (pence) 7 (2.99) (28.60)
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Year ended 18 months
December December
2016 2015
Loss for the financial period (718,857) (6,513,828)
Other comprehensive expense
Currency translation adjustments (27,659) (66,432)
----------- ------------
Other comprehensive expense
for the financial period,
net of tax (27,659) (66,432)
Total comprehensive loss
for the financial period (746,516) (6,580,260)
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the
Company (748,819) (6,580,260)
Non-controlling interests 2,303 -
Consolidated Balance Sheet
as at 31 December 2016
Notes December December
2016 2015
Assets GBP GBP
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 9 14,060 19,538
Intangible assets 10 - -
Investments in joint ventures 12 - -
14,060 19,538
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 13 72,791 87,884
Cash and cash equivalents 14 53,638 277,924
126,429 365,808
Total assets 140,489 385,346
Equity and liabilities
Capital and reserves attributable
to the Company's equity
Share capital 15 965,343 965,343
Share premium account 16,800,122 16,800,122
Merger reserve account 1,060,400 1,060,400
Share-based payments reserve 1,170,205 1,161,952
Retained earnings (20,285,862) (19,779,260)
Translation reserve (94,091) (66,432)
Non-controlling interests (28,055) -
Total equity (411,938) 142,125
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 21 552,427 243,221
Total liabilities 552,427 243,221
Total equity and liabilities 140,489 385,346
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Attributable to equity shareholders of the
Share Merger Share-based
Share premium reserve Retained payment Translation Non-controlling
capital account account earnings reserve reserve interests Total
Balance at 1
2016 965,343 16,800,122 1,060,400 (19,779,260) 1,161,952 (66,432) - 142,125
For the
year ended
31 December 2016
Loss for the
year - - - (721,160) - - 2,303 (718,857)
translation - - - - - (27,659) - (27,659)
loss - - - (721,160) - (27,659) 2,303 (746,516)
Share option
expense - - - - 8,253 - - 8,253
Part disposal of
8) - - - 214,558 - - - 214,558
interests - - - - - - (30,358) (30,358)
Issue of shares - - - - - - - -
Balance at 31
2016 965,343 16,800,122 1,060,400 (20,285,862) 1,170,205 (94,091) (28,055) (411,938)
======== =========== ========== ============= ============ ============ ================ ============
Balance at 1
2014 724,343 16,800,122 - (13,265,432) 1,078,182 - - 5,337,215
For the
period ended
31 December 2015
Loss for the
period - - - (6,513,828) - - - (6,513,828)
translation - - - - - (66,432) - (66,432)
loss - - - (6,513,828) - (66,432) - (6,580,260)
Share option
expense - - - - 83,770 - - 83,770
Issue of shares 241,000 - 1,060,400 - - - - 1,301,400
Balance at 31
2015 965,343 16,800,122 1,060,400 (19,779,260) 1,161,952 (66,432) - 142,125
======== =========== ========== ============= ============ ============ ================ ============
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 31 December 2016
Year 18 months
ended ended
Notes December December
2016 2015
Cash flow from operating
activities 27 (357,444) (2,177,393)
Cash flow from investing
Purchase of intangible assets - (43,098)
Purchase of property, plant
and equipment - (24,644)
Investments in joint ventures (41,550) (85,169)
Interest received 133 2,982
Net cash used in investing
activities (41,417) (149,929)
Cash flow from financing
Net proceeds from acquisition
of subsidiary - 624,360
Net proceeds from part disposal
of subsidiary 8 184,201 -
Net cash generated from
financing activities 184,201 624,360
Net decrease in cash and
cash equivalents (214,660) (1,702,962)
Impact of foreign exchange
on cash balances (9,626) 75,470
Cash and cash equivalents
at beginning of financial
period 277,924 1,905,416
Cash and cash equivalents
at end of financial period 14 53,638 277,924
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 December 2016
1. Basis of Preparation
This announcement has been prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") but in itself
does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS.
Details of the accounting policies are set out in the annual report
for the period ended 31 December 2016.
2. Loss Per Share
Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.
Given the Group's reported loss for the period share options are
not taken into account when determining the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue during the period and therefore the
basic and diluted earnings per share are the same.
Basic and diluted loss per share
18 months
Year ended ended
December December
2016 2015
Pence Pence
Loss per share from continuing
operations (2.99) (28.60)
The loss and weighted average number of ordinary shares used in
the calculation of basic earnings per share are as follows:
18 months
Year ended ended
December December
2016 2015
Loss used in the calculation
of total basic and diluted
earnings per share (721,160) (6,513,828)
December December
2016 2015
Number Number
Number of shares
Weighted average number of
ordinary shares for the purposes
of basic and diluted earnings
per share 24,133,587 22,794,698
The Company's share options have not been taken into
consideration in respect of the weighted average number of ordinary
shares for the purposes of the diluted earnings per share. At the
current market price of the Company's shares, the options would
have no impact on earnings per share.
3. Cash Flow from Operating Activities
Year 18 months
ended ended
December December
2016 2015
Loss for the financial period (718,857) (6,513,828)
Taxation charge - -
Finance income (133) (2,982)
Share-based payment 8,253 83,770
Loss from joint venture 41,550 3,552,591
Depreciation 5,478 5,106
Impairment of intangible assets - 1,169,169
Release contingent consideration
provision - (169,891)
Impact of foreign exchange
movements (18,032) (142,927)
(681,741) (2,018,992)
Changes in working capital
Decrease/(increase) in trade
and other receivables 15,093 (33,904)
Increase/(decrease) in trade
and other payables 309,204 (124,497)
Net cash outflow from operating
activities (357,444) (2,177,393)
4. Post balance sheet events
On 10 April 2017 HALO announced the conditional acquisition of
significant non-operated natural gas production assets in the Dutch
North Sea from Tullow Netherlands Holding Coöperatief B.A. for an
initial purchase price of EUR4,752,675 (subject to adjustment) and
contingent payments of up to EUR20,000,000 between 1 January 2019
and 1 January 2021.
HALO would acquire the assets through the purchase by its wholly
owned subsidiary, Hague and London Oil B.V., of the entire issued
share capital of Tullow 101 Netherlands B.V. (the
The Acquisition comprises interests in a suite of offshore
exploration and production licences on the Dutch Continental Shelf
("DCS") within the Northern Area and Joint Development Area in the
western part of the DCS, which collectively generated total
production of 2,900 boepd in 2016.
The Directors believe that the Acquisition would represent a
transformational step in the implementation of HALO's strategic
repositioning towards lower risk, production opportunities in
established hydrocarbon provinces with ample access to, and equity
ownership of, infrastructure. The licences benefit from stable
field production and the Directors see potential for significant
upside in proved undeveloped and probable reserves, and contingent
HALO is currently engaged in discussions with potential finance
providers to agree the terms of funding for the initial purchase
price payable pursuant to the terms of the Acquisition, whilst
minimising dilution to Shareholders. The Company will announce
further details of its financing arrangements at the appropriate
time and once any binding agreement is entered into and details of
such arrangements shall be included in the Admission Document.
Given the scale of the Acquisition when compared to the existing
Group, the Acquisition would constitute a reverse takeover under
Rule 14 of the AIM Rules and requires the Company to issue a new
admission document and is conditional, inter alia, on the approval
of the Acquisition by Shareholders. The Company is in the process
of preparing an admission document relating to the Acquisition and
readmission to trading on AIM of the Enlarged Group and is aiming
to publish the Admission Document by 1 August 2017 . A Competent
Person's Report ("CPR") on the material assets and liabilities of
the Enlarged Group is in the course of being finalised, and will be
included in the Admission Document as required by the AIM Rules.
The Admission Document and a notice of the General Meeting, at
which the approval of HALO's shareholders to the Acquisition will
be sought, will be sent to shareholders in due course following the
finalisation of the CPR and binding financing agreements.
Trading in the Company's Ordinary Shares on AIM was temporarily
suspended on 4 April 2017. On publication of the Admission
Document, the Ordinary Shares will be re-admitted to trading on
5. Publication of Non-Statutory Accounts
The financial information set out in this announcement does not
comprise the Group's statutory accounts for the periods ended 31
December 2016 or 31 December 2015.
The financial information has been extracted from the statutory
accounts of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2016 and
period ended 31 December 2015. These audited Financial Statements
include the auditors' report that, whilst unqualified, contains
reference to the disclosures concerning the ability of the Group to
continue as a going concern.
The statutory accounts for the period ended 31 December 2015
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, whereas those
for the year ended 31 December 2016 will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General
5. Annual Report
The Annual Report will shortly be made available on the
Company's website www.haloil.co.uk and, where relevant, will be
posted to shareholders in due course.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
May 24, 2017 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
Hague Ldn (LSE:HNL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 2월(2) 2025 으로 3월(3) 2025
Hague Ldn (LSE:HNL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 3월(3) 2024 으로 3월(3) 2025