Issue of annual report for fin. year to 30 June 2004
01 10월 2004 - 2:19AM
UK Regulatory
Johannesburg, 30 September 2004 - Gold Fields Limited today issued and mailed
its Annual Report for the financial year to 30 June 2004 to shareholders and
other interested parties.
The report incorporates all aspects of the group's business, including reviews
of both the South African and international operations, exploration and
development projects as well as detailed financial information.
To allow stakeholders to fully assess performance, Gold Fields has integrated
sustainable development as a key performance indicator, incorporating business,
social and environmental issues in a comprehensive triple bottom line report.
Attributable Mineral Resources (exclusive of the Essakan Project in Burkina
Faso and the Cerro Corona Project in Peru but inclusive of the Arctic Platinum
Project in Finland) have decreased by 4.7 million ounces, or 2.4 per cent, to
190.6 million ounces for the year under review.
Attributable Reserves (exclusive of the Essakan and Cerro Corona projects), net
of annual attributable depletion of 4.5 million ounces, have fallen by 6
million ounces, or 7.3 percent, to 75.6 million ounces.
Reserve growth from the international operations was offset by reductions from
all three of the group's South African mines, as a direct result of the reduced
gold price (R90, 000/kg in F2004 versus R95, 000/kg in F2003); depletion of 2.9
million ounce at these mines; closure of Kloof 9 shaft (1 million ounces); and
a 2.7 million ounce decrease in below infrastructure ounces at Driefontein.
Primary growth for the international operations came from the Tarkwa mine, in
Ghana, where the increase in attributable reserves was 3.5 million ounces.
The Annual Report for F2004, as well as a comprehensive Mineral Reserves and
Resources supplement, is available in electronic format on the Gold Fields
website at, or from the Company's offices at 24 St Andrews
Road, Parktown, Johannesburg.
Gold Fields Limited
Reg. 1968/004880/06
24 St Andrews Road
Parktown, 2193
Postnet Suite 252
Private Bag X30500
Houghton, 2041
South Africa
Tel +27 11 644-2400
Dir +27 11 644-2638
Fax +27 11 484-0639
South Africa
Andrew Davidson
Tel +27 11 644-2638
Fax +27 11 484-0639
North America
Cheryl A Martin
Tel +303 796-8683
Fax +303 796-8293
Directors: C M T Thompson* (Chairman), A J Wright (Deputy Chairman), I D
Cockerill* (Chief Executive Officer),
K Ansah#, G J Gerwel, N J Holland* (Chief Financial Officer), J M McMahon*, G R
Parker*, R L Pennant-Rea*,
P J Ryan, T M G Sexwale, B R van Rooyen, C I von Christierson
*Canadian, *British, *American, #Ghanaian.
Corporate Secretary: C Farrel
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