25 January 2008

                              FACES COSMETICS PLC                              

              ("Faces Cosmetics" or "the Company" or "the Group")              

           ("branded cosmetics, skin care and anti-aging products")            

                      RESULTS FOR YEAR ENDED 31 JULY 2007                       

Highlights                                  2007         2006        Change
                                          C$`000       C$`000              
System Revenue                            13,003       12,184         +6.7%
Revenue                                    4,433        4,006        +10.6%
Loss before tax                          (2,303)        (605)      (280.5)%
Basic loss per share                      (0.05)       (0.01)        (400)%


This annual report is the first set of results since the Company was admitted
to trading on AIM on 7 September 2006. In this relatively short period the
Company has laid the foundations and arranged new funding for its overseas

  * The Group incurred a net loss of $2,313,580 of which a large portion
    related to adjustments to the treatment of costs of restructuring and the
    raising of pre IPO funds, the reclassification of items previously
    capitalised and the valuation of trading stock, some of which are of a
    non-recurring and exceptional in nature.
  * An investment by Indivision Ventures II of �5 million by way of a
    subscription for 125,000,000 new ordinary shares in the Company at a price
    of 4p per share, representing approximately 70.6 per cent of the Company's
    enlarged issued share capital, was arranged during the year and completed
    after the year end.
  * The new funding will provide not only the opportunity to accelerate the
    development of new markets in India and the Middle East but also to build
    upon Faces' existing operations though the continued rollout of its
    franchise model. The company may also establish, a limited number of
    Group-owned flagship stores to demonstrate the operation of the franchise
    model and provide training centres for franchisees.

For further information, please contact:

Faces Cosmetics plc
Ramesh Jolly                               + 1 (905) 760 0110 Ext.112
Chief Executive Officer

Rupert Folkard                             + 1 (905) 760 0110 Ext 102
Finance Director

City Financial Associates Limited
Ross Andrews                               + 44 (0) 20 7492 4777


                              Faces Cosmetics plc                              

              ("Faces Cosmetics" or "the Company" or "the Group")              

           ("branded cosmetics, skin care and anti-aging products")            

                      RESULTS FOR YEARENDED 31 JULY 2007                       

                  CHAIRMAN'S AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT                   


These are the first set of annual results since the Company was admitted to
trading on AIM on 7 September 2006. In this relatively short period the Company
has laid the foundations for its expansion in established and international

Financial Overview

Revenue for the period was C$4,433,115 (2006: C$4,006,613) and the loss before 
tax was C$2,302,380 (2006: C$605,015). These results are outlined in more      
detail in the Finance Director's Report. The directors have not declared any   
dividend in respect of the period ended 31 July 2007.                          

Business Overview

The directors consider the key performance indicators of the Group to be:      
The key non financial performance indicators are:                              
- Revenue increased                      10.6% to C$4,433,115 (2006: C$4,006,613)                          
- Gross Profit decreased                 2.6% to C$ 2,428,176 (2006: C$2,492,176)                          
- Losses after Tax increased             280% to C$2,313,580 (2006: C$608,529) 

Operational Overview

Since admission to AIM in September 2006, the Company has concentrated on
laying the foundations for expansion in international markets along with its
ongoing development in the United States as the principal source of growth.
Starting spring 2008 the Company expects to put in place its strategy for
expansion into the Middle East and India.

At the time of the Company's admission to AIM, the Directors' stated strategy
was to build upon Faces' existing network of mainly franchised retail locations
predominantly located in Canada and Mexico, and to expand the awareness of the
Faces' branded cosmetics and skincare business internationally.

In line with the Faces strategy to expand its branded cosmetics and skincare
business through its franchise model, the Group has completed the sale of three
Group-owned retail locations in Montreal, Canada to an existing franchisee. In
addition, it has opened new franchise locations in British Columbia and
Toronto, Ontario. The Group is also expanding into Alberta in the Southwest of
Canada for the first time.

International Markets

The Group has opened an additional store in Ireland, and a master franchise
agreement covering the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
Bahrain and Yemen. An agreement has also been entered into for the future
opening of stores into new markets in Kosovo and Central America.

In the United States, since September 2006, the Company has laid the
foundations for expansion and recently announced agreements for 18 new
franchised store locations, grouped into four geographical multi-franchise
territories focused on California, Northern Virginia, Maryland and Texas. The
area developer franchisees expect to open their first store in each of the two
regions early in 2008 and plan to open the balance progressively over the next
two years.

In view of the strategic importance of the United States market, the Group
appointed Mr. Kim Perrotta as Vice President of Franchise and Business
Development with over 30 years experience in this area.

In Mexico, the Faces licensee has added two new locations to its existing store
portfolio and commenced an initiative to establish Faces branded departments
within host stores. The initiative includes the launch of 3 pilot Faces
concessions in Sanborns department stores.

In Central America, the first franchise agreement has been signed in San Pedro
Sula, Honduras. San Pedro Sula is the second largest city in the country and
considered the economic heartland and Industrial Capital of Honduras. The
Directors expect that the new store will be the first of a number of franchised
stores under a business expansion programme with a number of opportunities for
further expansion throughout Central America and the surrounding regions.

In Ireland, the Master Franchisee opened its second store in Navan.

New Product Development

In addition to the continuous development of new products within the Group's
core product portfolio, Faces has accelerated the development of high
performing spa products with over 30 new introductions during the year. In line
with the trends in the cosmetic market, the Group has expanded its existing
range of men's skin care products with the launch of `Deep Cleansing Foam',
`Advanced Defense Age Defying Serum' and `Energizing Eye Gel'.

The Group intends to expand its mineral powder line with SPF 25 and water
resistance, glitter eyeliner, an intensive therapeutic foot cream, and a
perfecting skin foundation line. A complete line of body care products and a
mineral makeup line are to be introduced in Spring 2008.

Funding by Indivision

On 18 October 2007, an agreement with Indivision Ventures II was entered into
whereby Indivision agreed to invest �5 million in the Company by way of a
subscription for 125,000,000 new ordinary shares at a price of 4p per share,
representing approximately 70.6 per cent of the Company's enlarged issued share

Indivision Ventures II, wholly-owned by Indivision India Partners, was
established for the purpose of the Subscription. Indivision Indian Partners is
a US$425 million private equity fund with an investment focus on businesses in
the consumer brands sectors which caters to consumers from Indian subcontinent.
Indivision India Partners' has a relationship with Pantaloon Retail (India)
Limited, one of India's largest retailers with a quotation on the Mumbai Stock

Indivision India Partners' investment philosophy is (i) to partner with and
invest in businesses seeking growth capital, and who share similar growth
aspirations and (ii) to invest in businesses where there are opportunities to
exploit synergies with Pantaloon.


The availability of new funding, received in November 2007, will provide the
Directors not only with an opportunity to build upon Faces' existing operations
though the continued rollout of its franchise model but also to establish, over
the next 12 to 18 months, a limited number of Group-owned flagship stores which
can also be used as training centres for franchisees.

In Asia, the opportunity to develop a Faces network in India with Indivision is
an exciting prospect for the Company. The Directors believe that the Indian
market, with a middle class population of 250 million people and where women
(aged between 15 years and 39 years) make up 20 per cent of the population,
with an established demand for cosmetic, skin care and anti-aging products
provides outstanding growth potential.

The Group's plans will include establishing a relationship with a well
established Indian retailer, opening Group-owned stores, followed by a rollout
of franchised stores throughout India. In the Director's opinion, the Group
offers a broader range of products compared to that which is currently
available by a single brand in the Indian market.

With the fourth largest and second fastest growing major economy in the world,
India is a key market for Faces cosmetics future expansions plans and the Group
hopes to announce further details on its strategy for the Indian Market within
the next three months.

In the USA, the Group will focus on four key strategic markets: Eastern
Seaboard (New York/New Jersey), the West Coast (Los Angeles/San Francisco), the
Mid West (Chicago) and the Florida coast.

The Group has developed plans in the next phase for the UK market. It is
intended to position a flagship store prior to building a network of satellite
locations under franchise agreements. The Directors do not expect to establish
corporate owned stores in other UK geographic areas until the first
company-owned store is established and a master franchisee is identified.

This approach is intended to improve training and personnel development,
provide effective regional management and supervision, promote a cost effective
regional communications program, build trade and customer recognition and
attract new franchisees. The first step is to invest in infrastructure and
expand the existing retail network. The Directors believe that the
establishment of a company-owned store is, in many cases, the most effective
vehicle to attract new franchisees and bring the Faces' brand, products and
services to the public arena.

The Directors intend to appoint a marketing director, supported by a small
in-house team and third party specialist advertising and public relations
agencies to introduce a marketing-led approach, manage budgets and ensure that
a consistent brand image is projected through all communication media. In the
short term, the Company will concentrate on a calendar of promotions, which
will not only cover the traditional promotional events for Christmas,
Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day etc, but also product based

Additionally, the Directors intend to establish a central marketing department
that will progressively build a comprehensive range of marketing support
materials including advertising and public relations in support of local and,
ultimately, national promotional events. This approach is intended not only to
provide professional marketing tools to the franchisees for their own use, but
also build awareness and desirability of the Faces brand through consistent,
controlled and coordinated communications messages at the local and national

Terrence Horner                                      Ramesh Jolly              
Chairman                                             Chief Executive Officer   


                           FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORT                            

Operating Performance

Group sales were C$4,433,115, and represent an increase of 10.6% over the prior
year period of the predecessor Canadian entity. The Group incurred a net loss
of C$2,313,580 of which a large portion related to adjustments to the treatment
of costs of restructuring and the raising of pre IPO funds, the
reclassification of items previously capitalised and the valuation of trading
stock, some of which are of a non-recurring and exceptional in nature.

Capital Movements

Prior to the introduction of the Group to trading on AIM, Faces secured funding
of US$2.13 million from Pride, a third party investor, by way of equity
subscription for common shares in Faces Holdings Inc., subsequently exchanged
for 20,682,210 Ordinary Shares. The proceeds of the funding were used to meet
the costs of Admission (�500,000) and to provide additional working capital for
the Group. Following the pre-Admission subscription, this investor held
18,137,210 Ordinary Shares representing 35.63 per cent. of the issued Ordinary
Share capital of the Company upon Admission.

On 24 August 2006 the Company acquired 100 per cent of the issued share capital
of Faces Holdings Inc. in consideration of the issue, credited as fully paid,
of 50.9 million Ordinary Shares and 30.173 million Preference Shares to the
holders of common shares and preference shares in Faces Holdings Inc.

Faces Holdings Inc. had been partly funded, since 2001, by C$4.17 million of
loans provided by a consortium of Canadian based investors. As part of the
Admission process the providers of these loans agreed to convert the
outstanding loans into 30,172,631 Preference Shares.

The non-listed Preference Shares are convertible into Ordinary Shares on a one
for one basis, in tranches on a quarterly basis commencing six months after
Admission. On full conversion the issued ordinary share capital of the Company
would increase by 30,172,631 Ordinary Shares representing 37.22 per cent of the
enlarged share capital of the Company. To date none of the preference shares
have been converted.

Post Balance Sheet Events

In November 2007 Indivision Ventures II invested �5 million in the Company by

way of a subscription for 125,000,000 new ordinary shares at a price of 4p per
share, representing approximately 70.6 per cent of the Company's enlarged
issued share capital.


No taxation arises in respect of the Group's trading for the year. The Group
has tax losses carried forward of over $4,230,000.


The Company has no investments other than in its operating subsidiary.
                                                                                                                       Rupert Folkard       
Finance Director                                                              

FACES COSMETICS PLC                                                                             
FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 JULY 2007                                              

                                                                      Pro forma
                                                            2007           2006
                                          Notes           C$'000         C$'000
Continuing operations                                                          
Revenue                                   2                4,433          4,006
Cost of sales                                            (2,005)          1,514
Gross profit                                               2,428          2,492
Operating expenses                                         (247)          (160)
Share warrant expenses                                     (306)              -
Share option expenses                                       (93)              -
Share issue costs                                          (463)              -
Administrative expenses                                  (3,623)        (2,938)
Loss from operations                                     (2,304)          (605)
Other Income                                                   1              -
Loss before Taxation                                     (2,303)          (605)
Taxation                                  3                 (11)            (4)
Loss after taxation                                      (2,314)          (609)
Loss per share (cents):                   7                                    
Basic                                                     (0.05)         (0.01)
Diluted                                                   (0.05)         (0.01)

FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 JULY 2007                                              

                 Ordinary Share Preference Share  Share premium   Share Warrant
                        capital          Capital                        Reserve
                         C$'000           C$'000         C$'000          C$'000
Balance at 1                  -                -              -               -
August 2006                                                                    
Profit for the                -                -              -               -
                              -                -              -               -
Merger                        -                -              -               -
Issue of shares           1,092              646            474                
Issue of share                -                -              -             272
Issue of share                -                -              -               -
Balance at 31             1,092              646            474             272
July 2007                                                                      

                    Share Option        Retained Merger Reserve           Total
                         Reserve        earnings                               
                          C$'000          C$'000         C$'000          C$'000
Balance at 1                   -         (2,970)          1,250         (1,720)
August 2006                                                                    
Profit for the                 -         (2,314)              -         (2,314)
                               -         (5,284)          1,250         (4,034)
Merger                         -               -          2,998           2,998
Issue of shares                -               -              -           2,212
Issue of share                 -               -              -             272
Issue of share                93               -              -              93
Balance at 31                 93         (5,284)          4,248           1,541
July 2007                                                                      

GROUP BALANCE SHEET                                                            
AS AT 31 JULY 2007                                                             

                                                                      Pro forma
                                         Notes             2007            2006
                                                         C$'000          C$'000
Non-current assets                                                             
Notes and loans receivable                                  494              13
Property, plant and equipment                               276             397
Intangible assets                                           842             961
                                                          1,612           1,371
Inventories                                               2,428           2,769
Accounts Receivable                                         625             429
Deposits and prepaid expenses                               124              35
Notes and loans receivable                                   65             305
                                                          3,242           3,538
Total assets                                              4,854           4,909
Equity and liabilities                                                         
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                                    903             638
Bank loans and overdraft                 4                  837             184
Loans from related parties               5                1,052             299
Current portion - long term debt                            243             654
Tax payable                                                   -               4
                                                          3,035           1,779
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Other loans                                                   -           4,364
Long term debt                                              278             486
Total liabilities                                         3,313           6,629
Capital and reserves                                                           
Share capital - common shares            6                1,092               -
Share capital - preference shares                           646               -
Share premium                                               474               -
Share warrant reserve                                       272               -
Share options reserve                                        93               -
Merger Reserve                                            4,248           1,250
Retained losses                                         (5,284)         (2,970)
Total equity attributable to equity                       1,541         (1,720)
Total equity and liabilities                              4,854           4,909

FACES COSMETICS PLC                                         
GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                                           
FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 JULY 2007                                              

                                                                      Pro forma
                                                           2007            2006
                                                         C$'000          C$'000
Cash flows from operating activities                                           
Cash receipts from customers and franchises               3,650           4,052
Cash paid to suppliers and employees                    (5,075)         (4,057)
Interest paid                                             (148)           (172)
Net cash from operating activities                      (1,573)           (177)
Cash flows from investing activities                                           
Product development and intangible asset costs            (102)           (441)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                  (22)            (12)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and                99               -
Net cash used in investing activities                      (25)           (453)
Cash flows from financing activities                                           
Common shares issued for cash                             2,496             250
Payment of cost of shares issued                        (1,796)               -
Proceeds from promissory note                                 -             452
Repayment of bank loans                                   (194)           (181)
Repayment of advances                                       116           (284)
Repayments of small business loan                           (8)            (62)
Proceeds of other loans                                     586              45
Proceeds of loans from related parties                      782             298
Repayment of promissory note payable                      (452)               -
Net cash from financing activities                        1,530             518
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                  (68)           (112)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of             (183)            (72)
the year                                                                       
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the               (251)           (184)

1. Notes to the Preliminary Results

The financial information set out in the preliminary announcement does not
constitute the Group's statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985 and has been extracted from the Group's statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 July 2007, which were approved by the Board on
24 January 2008. The auditors have reported, on those accounts; their report
was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985.

The accounts have been prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union and the accounting policies
adopted in the Company's AIM Admission Document dated September 2006, as well
as applying the principles of uniting of interests (merger accounting) to the
acquisition by the Company of Faces Holdings Inc. The accounts will be
delivered to the Registrar of Companies after the Company's Annual General
Meeting, which is scheduled for 18 February 2008.

The financial information set out in this announcement was approved by the
Board of Directors.

2. Segmental reporting

The directors consider that the Group's activities represent a single class of
business. The analysis of the Group's turnover, profit before tax and net
assets by geographical origin is set out below:

                                                                     Pro forma 
                                                            2007          2006 
                                                          C$'000        C$'000 
North America                                              3,599         3,552 
South America                                                354           400 
Europe                                                        57            54 
Middle East                                                  423             - 
                                                           4,433         4,006 
Operating profit                                                               
North America                                              1,799         2,265 
South America                                                177           200 
Europe                                                        29            27 
Middle East                                                  423             - 
                                                           2,428         2,492 
Net Liabilities                                                                
Unallocated net liabilities                               (3,546)       (1,720)

3. Taxation on profit from ordinary activities

                                                                      Pro forma
                                                               2007        2006
                                                             C$'000      C$'000
Domestic current year tax                                                      
Overseas tax payable                                             11           4
Current tax charge                                               11           4
Factors affecting tax charge for the year:                                     
Loss on ordinary activities before tax                      (2,302)       (605)
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                   (691)       (182)
multiplied by standard rate of UK                                              
corporation tax of 30% (2006: 30%)                                             
Losses carried forward                                          702         186
Current tax charge                                               11           4

The Group has tax losses arising that are available against future taxable
profits. Deferred tax available have not been recognized as a result of the
existing uncertainties of their realisation.

4. Creditors

                                                              Pro forma
                                                     2007          2006
                                                   C$'000        C$'000
Amounts falling due within one year                                    
Trade and other payables                              904           638
Bank and other borrowings                             837           184
                                                    1,741           822
Amounts falling due after one year                                     
Bank and other borrowings                             278           486

The normal trade credit terms granted by suppliers range from 30 to 90 days.

5. Bank Borrowing

                                                              Pro forma
                                                    Group         Group
                                                     2007          2006
                                                   C$'000        C$'000
Bank overdraft                                        251           184
Bank loans                                            586             -
                                                      837           184

6. Share capital

a) Authorised

100,000,000 Ordinary shares of GBP0.01 each                          10,000,000
30,172,631 Preference shares of GBP0.01 each                            301,726
51,046,570 Ordinary shares of GBP0.01 each                              510,466
30,172,631 Convertible preference shares of GBP0.01 each                301,726

The company was incorporated with an authorised share capital as set out above.

b) Share issues during the period

                    Note    Issue value        Shares        Share        Share
                              per share                    Capital      premium
Initial acquisition (i)            0.02    50,900,000      509,000      509,000
Share issue         (ii)           0.12       100,000         1000       11,000
Share issue         (iii)        0.1215        40,000          400        4,460
Share issue         (iv)         0.0873         6,570           66          507
                                           51,046,570      510,466      524,967

On 24 August 2006, shareholders of Faces Holdings Inc. entered into an
agreement under which the entire issued share capital of Faces Holding Inc was
acquired by Faces Cosmetics PLC in consideration for the issue of 50,900,000
ordinary shares and 30,172,631 preference shares in Faces Cosmetics PLC.

On 18 September 2006, 100,000 ordinary shares of GBP0.01 were issued for cash
of GBP0.12 per share, representing a premium of GBP0.11 per share.

On 22 December 2006, 40,000 Ordinary shares were issued for cash of GBP0.1215
per share, representing a premium of GBP0.1115 per share.

On 20 February 2007, 6,570 shares were issued for cash of GBP0.0873 per share,
representing a premium of GBP0.0773 per share.

7. Loss per share

In accordance with IAS 33 and as the group has reported a loss for the period
the shares are not dilutive

                                                           Group          Group
                                                            2007           2006
                                                          C$'000         C$'000
Profit/(loss) after taxation                              (2,313)          (609)

                                                          Number         Number
Basic and diluted weighted average ordinary           50,139,477     50,139,477
shares in issue during the period                                              

Basic and diluted earnings per share based                (0.05)         (0.01)
on the issued share capital as at 31 July                                      

8. Post balance sheet events

On 13 November 2007, the Company concluded an agreement with Indivision
Ventures II whereby they agreed to invest �5 million in the Company by way of a
subscription for 125,000,000 new ordinary shares in the Company at a price of
4p per share, representing approximately 70.6 per cent of the Company's
enlarged issued share capital.

9. Report and Account Information

Copies of the full report and accounts for the year ended 31 July 2007 are
being sent to shareholders. Further copies are available on the company's


Faces Cosmetics (LSE:FCE)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Faces Cosmetics 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Faces Cosmetics (LSE:FCE)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Faces Cosmetics 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.