RNS Number:5331C
Electric Word PLC
21 August 2007



21 August 2007


                               ELECTRIC WORD PLC                                

                         Interim results to 31 May 2007                         





  * Adjusted pre-tax profit* up 140% to #750k (#313k)
  * Organic profit improvement of 87%
  * Adjusted pre-tax margins* up to 11.4% (6.9%)
  * Turnover up 46% to #6.6m (#4.5m)
  * Adjusted pre-tax EPS* (diluted) doubles to 0.46p (0.23p)
  * Positive full-period contribution from Incentive Plus acquisition
  * Exciting strategic move into parents market
  * Trading in line with Board expectations


* Before tax, goodwill, exceptionals, FRS20 and share-based payment costs and
minority interests


Julian Turner, Chief Executive of Electric Word, commented:


"For the second successive year our interim results show very strong profit
improvement, reflecting both the successful integration of the acquisitions we
completed last year and the Group's enhanced ability to build margin. With a
first complete half-year contribution from Incentive Plus, these results
illustrate the benefit of increased scale, together with greater profitability
from the continuing businesses as we make ever better use of our portfolio of
complementary products and revenue streams in our niche markets in education and


"We have identified particular opportunities in the parents' end of the
education market where we have announced today a strategic investment and see
other opportunities. Both our key sectors are performing in line with our
expectations and, supported by Government priorities, we believe the Group has
an excellent platform for further expansion in the rest of the year and beyond."



Julian Turner, Chief Executive                                           
Electric Word                        0207 954 3470                       
Tim Spratt / Nicola Biles                                                
Financial Dynamics                   0207 831 3113                       






The results for the half year to 31 May 2007 show the business delivering
further substantial improvements in both pre-tax profits and operating margins.
The majority of the 140% increase in adjusted pre-tax profits derives from the
87% profit improvement achieved in the continuing businesses, with the remainder
resulting from the full benefit of last year's Incentive Plus acquisition.


Overall, adjusted pre-tax profits rose to #750k (#313k) driven by adjusted
pre-tax margins increasing from 6.9% to 11.4%. Equivalent earnings per share
(fully diluted) doubled to 0.46p (0.23p).


Acquisitions, including Incentive Plus and CKP in 2006 and Smallwood Publishing
and Ark Sports in 2007, also supported Group turnover, up 46% to #6.6m (#4.5m).
In the continuing business the strongest areas of growth were in the events
business, with revenue up 67%, and in books and reports, which grew revenue by

                              2006                      2007                     
                              #'000                     #'000                    
Adjusted pre-tax profits      750                       313                      
Amortisation of Goodwill      (434)                     (308)                    
Exceptional costs             (103)                     (0)                      
FRS20 and SBP costs           (48)                      (16)                     
Statutory pre-tax profits     165                       (11)                     


As set out in last year's Annual Report, the Group's strategic objectives
combine investment and improved efficiency. We aim to build margins by scaling
up in established functions and sectors and by making the most of the wide range
of revenue streams that the Group can now access.


We have achieved this efficiency improvement, reflected in a 65% improvement in
adjusted pre-tax margins, in two key ways. Firstly we have tried to improve the
scale at which we are engaged in some functions while exiting or reducing
investment from sub-scale activities which are unlikely to meet our future
profit benchmarks. For example, as online and other marketing channels have
improved our access to market we have significantly increased our investment in
both book and report publishing to increase the range of relevant products that
we can source from the same underlying sector expertise. This year books and
reports will account for over #1m of revenue and are likely to be an even more
significant activity in the future.


At the same time, we have reduced our investment in some areas that have become
sub-scale. What was described last year as the public sector we are now
redefining more tightly as the education sector, and this half-year, excluding
the acquisitions, it has delivered a 23% like-for-like increase in operating
profits from a more focused revenue base.


The second main route for improving efficiency has been through achieving
greater leverage from our existing Group infrastructure, both in systems and
management. We have continued the process of integrating and reducing the number
of back office systems, and following six acquisitions in 18 months over 2006-7
we also reorganised the structure of companies and management within the Group,
which incurred #103k of one-off exceptional costs this year. However as the
business has grown both organically and by acquisition, central Group operating
costs have reduced as a proportion of turnover from 6.3% to 4.1%, emphasising
the potential for further improving margins as the Group achieves even greater
scale in the future.



Education sector
                               6 months             6 months                  %                         
                         to 31 May 2007       to 31 May 2006             change

Turnover                     #4,102,941           #2,658,113                54%
Operating profit               #609,731             #282,211               116%
Operating margin                  14.9%                10.6%                   


Following the company reorganisation, the education sector comprises two
businesses, Optimus Professional Publishing (OPP), including all Electric Word's
school management and professional development publishing for this market, and
Incentive Plus (IP), acquired in April 2006, which sells a further 1,600 of
other content producers' resources for teachers in the field of behaviour and
emotional development.


The full half-year contribution of Incentive Plus demonstrates the value of this
acquisition which has driven sales growth of 54% in the sector; indeed it
achieved revenue growth of 27% compared to the same period last year on the back
of an increased investment in marketing. There were also sales contributions
from the acquisition of CKP, also in 2006, and Smallwood Publishing, a much
smaller competitor to Incentive Plus acquired in April 2007. Profits in the
sector more than doubled, up 116% to #610k (#282k in 2006). Margins were boosted
by both the IP acquisition and the organic profit improvements already
described, increasing to 14.9% from 10.6%.


In addition to acquisitions and efficiency improvements we have been investing
in three areas: the books business, in which we have published 14 new titles in
the current academic year, a new professional development newsletter launch on
Learning & Teaching and continued investment in the teachers' professional
development portal www.teachingexpertise.com, launched in November 2006.


Underpinning all these developments is the strong alignment between the Group's
education business and the Government agenda that is shaping future education
priorities. A major funded initiative that expands from primary to secondary
schools this autumn is around the Social And Emotional Aspects of Learning
(SEAL) which is particularly relevant for the Incentive Plus product portfolio
as well as several existing Optimus constituencies. This is combined with a
further emphasis on developing children's learning skills which requires a
significant shift in teaching styles and creates further professional
development demands; particularly relevant for our gifted and talented, special
needs and teaching and learning niches. At the same time education is itself
increasingly part of broader children's and family services, which resonates
with the Group's strength in child protection and our interest in the broader
parents market.



Sport sector

                               6 months             6 months                  %               
                         to 31 May 2007       to 31 May 2006             change

Turnover                     #2,502,152           #1,878,335                33%
Operating profit               #425,552             #309,921                37%
Operating margin                  17.0%                16.9%                   




The Sport sector, which comprises the Sports Performance division and
SportBusiness Group (acquired in December 2005), achieved 33% revenue growth in
the half-year. This was achieved despite the winding-down in the first quarter
of the Asian Games publishing contract on the back of an excellent performance
from the i-Gaming business and strong growth in SportBusiness conferences (up
191%) and high-value research reports (up 48%).


Margins also improved from 16.5% to 17.0%, driven by the increased profitability
of the Sports Performance business as it continues to migrate online. The Sports
Performance network of websites has created a valuable community of approaching
1m unique visits from competitive sportspeople per month which is now being
converted into profits as marketing costs reduce.


Online activity has also contributed to SportBusiness's success, both through
its e-marketing channel and the vitality of the i-Gaming space (despite
regulatory changes in the US last October) as brands look to Europe and Asia for
expansion where there is demand for information and desire to create new
opportunities. Additionally SportBusiness has been driven by its valuable place
in the global community of sports federations and cities competing to stage
major events and the high importance of sports rights to both media businesses
and brand advertisers. The Group's wide range of competencies across different
publishing formats enables it to make the most of these and future



Current trading and prospects

Since the end of May the Group has made three further significant investments.
The first has been in strengthening the management team by adding Quentin
Brocklebank to the Board as Finance Director. Quentin has many years experience
in the specialist publishing sector and will further support the Group's
capacity and scalability. Natascha Lloyd, who has led the finance function
excellently since the Company's inception, takes on the role of HR Director and
continues as Company Secretary.


Secondly, the growth achieved in the first half at Incentive Plus, together with
future opportunities has supported relocation to larger premises and warehousing
in August 2007. This gives the Group the infrastructure to scale up the current
operation and build new commerce revenues both in the existing education sector
and outside it.


This will be particularly valuable in the light of the third investment - a
strategic move into the parents market. Education remains a burning issue for
families as well as the Government and there is a significant opportunity to
support parents in the emotional and intellectual development of their children.
Electric Word has therefore bought an option for #75,000 to make a phased
acquisition of all the shares in MyChild magazine. We have now acquired an
initial 10% tranche for #137,500, with the option to purchase a majority stake
by 30 November 2007 and 100% from a final earn-out based on 2008 results.
MyChild has approximately 18,000 magazine subscribers and other customers
looking to get the most out of and to supplement their children's education..
There is the opportunity to use Incentive Plus's infrastructure to significantly
expand its commerce revenues and the expertise developed in the Sports
Performance business to build its web presence.


Current trading is in line with the Board's expectations and delegate and
advertising sales bookings for the autumn are ahead of last year. The Board
continues to review acquisition opportunities and remains confident that
Electric Word can continue to expand and deliver increasing returns to
shareholders in the years to come.





Peter Rigby Chairman

Julian Turner Chief Executive





Adjusted pre-tax profits: Profits before tax and minority interests, excluding
goodwill amortisation, exceptionals, FRS20 and share-based payment costs

Adjusted profits: Profits after tax excluding goodwill amortisation,
exceptionals, FRS20 and share-based payment costs and minority interests

Adjusted pre-tax margin: Adjusted pre-tax profits as a % of turnover

Adjusted pre-tax EPS (diluted): Adjusted pre-tax profits per average shares in
issue (fully diluted)



ElectricWord plc                                                            
CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT                                        
For the period ended 31 May 2007                                            
                                                        6 months                                          
                                            6 months       ended        Year                                  
                                               ended      31 May       ended                           
                                              31 May        2006 30 November                                     
                                                2007 (unaudited)        2006                                 
                                         (unaudited)  (restated)  (restated)
                           Note                   #           #           #
TURNOVER                                   6,605,093   4,536,448  10,712,433
COST OF SALES                                                               
Cost of sales                            (2,347,851) (1,419,415) (3,633,291)
Marketing                                (1,211,442)   (993,431) (2,160,353)
                                         (3,559,293) (2,412,846) (5,793,644)
GROSS PROFIT                               3,045,800   2,123,602   4,918,789
Other operating expenses                 (2,328,939) (1,834,408) (3,981,420)
Amortisation of goodwill                   (434,391)   (308,354)   (704,003)
TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE                     (2,763,330) (2,142,762) (4,685,423)
OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS)                      282,470    (19,160)     233,366

Exceptional                   2              (102,684)           -           -
Interest receivable                             13,032      13,858      28,003
Interest payable                              (28,331)     (5,909)    (64,962)
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE           164,487    (11,211)     196,407
Taxation                      3              (101,075)      72,005      72,611
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER             63,412      60,794     269,018
Minority interests                            (36,094)    (24,122)    (27,037)
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES FOR THE           27,318                 241,981
FINANCIAL YEAR                                                                
EARNINGS PER SHARE            5                                               
Basic                                            0.02p       0.03p       0.19p
Diluted                                          0.02p       0.03p       0.16p


ElectricWord plc                                                                 
For the period ended 31 May 2007                                                 
                                              6 months     6 months          Year                            
                                                 ended        ended         ended                                 
                                                31 May       31 May   30 November                             
                                                  2007         2006          2006                        
                                           (unaudited)  (unaudited)     (restated)
                                                     #            #             #
Profit for the period                           63,412       60,794       269,018
Prior period                                  (40,448)            -             -
TOTAL GAINS AND LOSSES                         
RECOGNISED SINCE LAST ANNUAL                                                     
REPORT                                          22,964       60,794       269,018
Attributable to:                                                                 
- Equity holders of the                       (13,130)       36,672       241,981
- Minority interests                            36,094       24,122        27,037

The prior year adjustment represents the cumulative adjustment to reserves (note
1). The prior periods' profits will have been adjusted by the amount that
relates to those periods.


ElectricWord plc                                                                
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
At 31 May 2007                                                                  
                                                31 May       31 May  30 November                          
                                                  2007         2006         2006                     
                                           (unaudited)  (unaudited)                                             
                                                         (restated)   (restated)
                                                     #            #            #
FIXED ASSETS                                                                    
Intangible assets                            6,388,465    6,460,236    6,122,743
Tangible assets                                333,850      210,308      313,900
Investments                                          -       90,000       90,000
                                             6,722,315    6,760,544    6,526,643
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                  
Stocks                                         335,025      191,344      284,462
Debtors due within one year                  2,734,667    2,312,282    2,618,336
Debtors due after more than one year           445,287      350,389      578,097
Cash at bank and in hand                     1,263,625    1,033,899    1,475,468
                                             4,778,604    3,887,914    4,956,363
CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one                                       
Deferred revenue                           (2,873,373)  (2,806,670)  (3,079,905)
Other creditors                            (1,892,370)  (1,316,272)  (1,828,246)
                                           (4,765,743)  (4,122,942)  (4,908,151)
NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                12,861    (235,028)       48,212
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES        6,735,176    6,525,516    6,574,855
CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more                                       
than one year (Note 6)                                                          
                                           (1,387,768)  (1,713,099)  (1,489,302)
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES       (408,925)    (368,736)    (330,592)
NET ASSETS                                   4,938,483    4,443,681    4,754,961
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                                            
Called up share capital                      1,423,442    1,368,942    1,381,442
Share premium account                        3,037,933    2,877,933    2,977,933
Merger reserve                                 105,011      105,011      105,011
Reserve for own shares                        (67,497)     (24,209)     (67,497)
Reserve for Share Based Payments                72,557       15,927       54,448
Profit and loss account                        303,905       92,586      276,587
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                   4,875,351    4,436,190    4,727,924
Minority interests                              63,132        7,491       27,037
TOTAL CAPITAL EMPLOYED                       4,938,483    4,443,681    4,754,961


ElectricWord plc                                                              
CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                              
For the period ended 31 May 2007                                              
                                            6 months     6 months         Year                      
                                               ended        ended        ended                                          
                                              31 May       31 May  30 November             
                                                2007         2006         2006
                                         (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited)
                                                   #            #            #
CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) FROM OPERATING         252,245    (395,259)      511,087                                 
Returns on investments and servicing of          381        7,949     (11,769)
Taxation                                     (3,621)     (11,650)     (84,582)
Capital expenditure and financial           (73,915)     (64,234)    (226,815)
CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW) BEFORE                 175,090     (463,194)    187,921     
ACQUISITIONS AND FINANCING                                                    
Acquisitions                               (374,122)   (2,013,657)  (1,955,138) 
CASH (OUTFLOW) BEFORE FINANCING            (199,032)   (2,476,851)  (1,767,217) 
Financing                                   102,000     2,630,073    2,362,008   
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE         (97,032)       153,222      594,791     




ElectricWord plc


For the period ended 31 May 2007




This interim report was approved by the Directors on 20 August 2007. The results
for both the current and the comparative half year have not been audited, but
were the subject of an independent review carried out by the company's auditors,
Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP. Their review confirmed that the figures were prepared
using accounting policies and practices consistent with those adopted in the
2006 annual report and those that will be adopted for the 2007 annual report.
The only change from the prior year's policies is the adoption of 'FRS20 -
Accounting for Share-Based Payments' which has reduced the current year profit
by #18,109 (period to 31 May 2006: #15,927; year to 30 November 2006 #19,140
including the reversal of #14,000 previously recognised under UITF 17). In
addition a charge of #21,308 was posted to the brought forward balances at 30
November 2005 to restate.


The audited results for the year ended 30 November 2006 are an abridged version
of the company's report and financial statements which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report. The
financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. All
shareholders will receive a copy of this interim report, which can also be
obtained from the company's registered office at 33-41 Dallington Street,
London, EC1V OBB.


2                     EXCEPTIONAL COSTS


The exceptional costs relate to the costs of a fundamental reorganisation of the
business as described in the annual report for the year ended 30 November 2006.
This resulted in a significant change in managements' responsibilities and a
restructure of the businesses in to four subsidiaries matching the Group's major
business units. The costs associated with this included some redundancy and
legal and financial assistance.


3                     TAXATION


The Group has recognised deferred tax assets in respect of losses as follows:

         1 December 2006                                      729,297
         Transfer to profit and loss account                 (60,360)
         31 May 2007                                          668,937


The tax charge is estimated based on the expected full year rate of taxation.
This has been estimated as follows:

       Standard rate of corporation tax in the                    30
       Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                    3
       Amortisation of intangible assets                          53
       Utilisation of tax losses                                 (52)
       Current tax rate                                           34
       Utilisation of tax losses and movement                     26
       on deferred tax asset                                        
       Foreign tax paid                                            2
       Effective tax rate                                         62




4                     DIVIDENDS


The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.


5                     EARNINGS PER SHARE


Basic and diluted earnings per share are based on the profit for the financial
year and on the following weighted average number of shares in issue. Earnings
per share has been diluted to reflect the impact of share options and warrants.

Period ended 31 May 2007             138,603,572 (Diluted:161,858,452)    
Period ended 31 May 2006             113,262,580 (Diluted:137,369,163)      
Year ended 30 November 2006          125,258,369 (Diluted:149,414,681)    


6      CREDITORS: Amounts                   
       falling due after                    6 months    6 months        Year                             
       more than one year                      ended       ended    ended 30                                         
                                              31 May      31 May    November
                                                2007        2006        2006
                                                   #           #           #
       Bank loan                             407,267     600,000     500,000
       Obligations under                      49,005      85,474      70,153
       finance leases                                                       
       Other loans                                 -     127,000           -
       Preference shares                     931,496     900,625     919,149
                                           1,387,768   1,713,099   1,489,302



 7     CASH FLOWS                         6 months     6 months      Year ended
                                          ended        ended        30 November   
                                         31 May 2007  31 May 2006         2006  
                                         (unaudited)  (unaudited)                                               
                                                       (restated)     (restated)
                                                   #            #            #
a     Reconciliation of operating                                             
      profit to net cash inflow from                                          
      operating activities                                                    
      Operating profit/(loss)                282,470     (19,160)      233,366
      Exceptional costs                    (102,684)            -            -
      Amortisation                           434,391      308,354      704,003
      Depreciation                            53,965       57,297      107,410
      Increase in stocks                    (24,126)     (19,650)     (90,086)
      Increase in debtors                   (19,584)     (46,714)    (626,481)
      (Decrease)/increase in creditors     (390,296)    (691,313)      149,735
      Share based payment                     18,109       15,927       33,140
      Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                                          
      operating activities                                                    
                                             252,245    (395,259)      511,087

b      Reconciliation of net cash flow to    6 months    6 months   Year ended
       movement in net funds                    ended       ended   30 November                  
                                             31 May 2007 31 May 2006     2006        
                                                    #           #          #   
       (Decrease)/increase in cash in the   (211,843)     153,222      594,791
       Cash outflow/(inflow) from                                             
       decrease/(increase) in debt and                                        
       lease financing                        114,811   (730,072)    (612,561)
       Change in net debt resulting from     (97,032)   (576,850)     (17,770)
       cash flows                                                             
       Loans acquired with subsidiary               -   (127,000)            -
       Movement in net funds in year         (97,032)   (703,850)     (17,770)
       Net funds at beginning of period       716,852     734,622      734,622
       Net funds at end of period             619,820      30,772      716,852


c     Analysis of funds      At 1            Other      At 31       
                         December            non cash   May         
                             2006 Cash flow  changes    2007        
                               #          #        #       #           
Cash at bank and in    1,475,468  (211,843)        -    1,263,625|
Debt due within one    (150,000)     92,733   (92,733)   (150,000)

Finance leases due      (38,463)     22,078    (21,148)    (37,533)
within one year                                                  
Debt due after one     (500,000)          -     92,733   (407,267)
Finance leases due      (70,153)          -     21,148    (49,005)
after one year                                                    

                        716,852     (97,032)        -     619,820

                                                                                         6 months         
                                                  Reserve            Profit   6 months   ended 31
                                Share             for own            and      ended 31   May 2006                   
                       Share    premium   Merger  shares  Reserve    loss     May 2006                      
                     capital    account  reserve          for SBP    account           (restated)
                          #         #        #        #       #           #          #          #
    At 30          1,381,442  2,977,933  105,011  (53,497)      -    317,035   4,727,924  1,090,855
    Prior year             -          -        -  (14,000)   54,448  (40,448)          -          -
    (note 1)                                                                                
    At 1 December  1,381,442  2,977,933  105,011  (67,497)   54,448   276,587  4,727,924  1,090,855
    Profit                 -          -        -         -       -     27,318     27,318     36,672
    to members of                                                                           
    the holding                                                                             
    Issue of          42,000     60,000        -         -        -        -    102,000  3,292,736
    Share based            -          -        -         -   18,109        -     18,109     15,927
    At 31 May      1,423,442  3,037,933  105,011  (67,497)   72,557   303,905  4,875,351  4,436,190




On 5 February 2007 the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of
ArkSports Limited ("ArkSports") for a consideration of #92,881 and #15,245 of
related costs. On acquisition ArkSports had net assets of #1,074, including
#6,314 of cash, against which a fair value adjustment of #772 was made to write
off the Tangible Fixed Assets. ArkSports is a specialist conference and research
business in the sport and technology sector. In the year to 31 March 2006
ArkSports made a loss after tax and dividends of #12,000 off revenue of #80,000.
In the period to 31 January 2007 ArkSports made a profit after tax and dividends
of #8,000 off revenue of #30,000. In the period to 31 May 2007 ArkSports
contributed #(5,683) to the group's result and #(9,614) to the group's net
operating cash flows.


On 1 May 2007 the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Smallwood
Publishing Ltd ("Smallwood") for cash consideration of #182,000 initial and
maximum #75,000 contingent (over two years) plus #8,135 of related costs. On
acquisition Smallwood had net assets of #48,031, including #8,365 of cash,
against which fair value adjustments were made to write off #480 of Tangible
Fixed Assets and #2,930 of Debtor balances carried and provide for #14,750 of
costs (including onerous rent lease and redundancies). Smallwood is a catalogue
business supplying educational resources to schools and professionals. In the
year to 30 April 2007 Smallwood made a loss after tax and dividends of #40,000
off revenue of #210,000. In the period to 31 May 2007 Smallwood contributed
#2,248 to the group's result and #9,915 to the net operating cash flows.


On the acquisition of DMWSL 370 Limited made in the previous year, adjustments
were made this year to the goodwill carrying value to write off an investment of
#90,000, provide #132,119 of deferred / contingent consideration subsequently
paid and related to an acquisition made prior to acquisition in this Group,
reflect #34,558 of creditor movements and include #60,886 of related costs. On
other acquisitions made in the previous year, costs of #29,654 have been
included in the goodwill with respect to Incentive Plus Limited and Incentive
Publishing Limited but #9,808 has been taken off Chris Kington Publishing to
provide for slow moving stock.


As a result of the acquisitions and adjustments to prior year acquisitions made
in the period goodwill of #700,113 has been recognised and is being amortised
over 10 years. The net cash flow on acquisitions was #388,801 less #14,679 of
acquired cash.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


Electric Word (LSE:ELE)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Electric Word 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Electric Word (LSE:ELE)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Electric Word 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.