RNS Number : 0714R 
Dexion Alpha Strategies Limited 
23 April 2009 

Dexion Alpha Strategies Limited (the "Company") 
The Company has today, in accordance with DTR 6.3.5, released its Annual 
Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2008. The Report is available 
from the Company's website www.dexionalpha.com and will shortly be available for 
inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is 
located at: 
Financial Services Authority 
25 The North Colonnade 
Canary Wharf 
London E14 5HS 
The Report gives notice to its Shareholders of this year's annual general 
meeting, which will be held on 16 June 2009. 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present Shareholders with the Annual Report and Accounts of 
Dexion Alpha Strategies Limited for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
The Company experienced a challenging year as the volatility in global financial 
markets had a negative impact on both the Company's net asset value ("NAV") and 
its share price, the discount to NAV widening as equity markets fell steeply 
with investors chasing liquidity. In view of these circumstances, the Company 
instigated a range of responses designed to reduce the discount, including share 
buybacks. These actions, combined with improved discrimination in the markets, 
have led to the discount narrowing in the first quarter of 2009. 
Over 2008 the published NAV of the Company's GBP shares fell by 18.86%. The 
annualised NAV return from inception to 31 December 2008 has been -2.60% with 
annualised volatility of 9.12%. The Board understands that in the extremely 
turbulent conditions of 2008 the Investment Adviser has remained consistent to 
its investment style focused on security selection as opposed to the direction 
of the market. 
The market price of the Company's GBP shares fell by 45.00% over the period as 
negative net asset performance, together with significant stock market 
volatility and investors' rush to find liquidity led to considerable discount 
levels towards the end of the year. However, since the beginning of the year 
there has been a settling of market volatility and the published NAV has begun 
to improve, with 0.42% year to date as at end of February 2009, and average 
discounts have begun to narrow. 
Throughout a difficult year the Board has remained focused on addressing the 
best interests of investors with a comprehensive programme of corporate actions 
aimed at actively managing the discount. The Board has taken steps through 
treasury powers and share buybacks to support the liquidity of the stock. These 
powers enable shares to be held in treasury which can be reissued at or above 
NAV or otherwise cancelled. In addition the Company has responded to investor 
concerns with an increased level of communication including an investor 
conference, regular audio conference calls with the Investment Adviser, a new 
extensive monthly report providing a significant increase in the level of 
transparency and several written pieces providing explanations regarding details 
of the corporate actions. 
In November 2008 the Board announced that foreign exchange losses arising from 
the Company's currency hedging arrangements, implemented to reduce the impact of 
fluctuations in currency exchange rates on the Company's Sterling and Euro 
ordinary shares, had resulted in significant utilisation of its credit 
facility. This led the Board to determine that it was appropriate temporarily to 
suspend the operation of its currency hedging arrangements. The move was taken 
to minimise the risk that the Company exceeded its credit limits should there be 
a further significant appreciation in the value of the US Dollar. In late 
December 2008 the Board announced that the Company had sufficient available 
liquidity to reinstate its currency hedging arrangements in full through the use 
of monthly rolling forward foreign exchange contracts. 
The Company's Articles of Association incorporate discount management provisions 
requiring a continuation vote (of the relevant class of Ordinary Shares) to be 
proposed by way of ordinary resolution if, in any rolling 12 month period (with 
effect from 1 January 2008), the Ordinary Shares of a particular class have 
traded, on average, at a discount equal to or in excess of 5% of the average Net 
Asset Value per Share of that class by reference to the weekly NAV estimates 
released in that period and the closing mid-market Share prices 5 business days 
after each such estimate is released. If a Continuation Resolution of a class is 
not passed the Directors will be required to formulate Redemption Proposals to 
be put to that class within 2 months of such failure, either offering to redeem 
Shares of that class at an amount which each Share of that class would have 
received on a return of capital on a NAV Calculation Date determined by the 
Directors in accordance with the Articles (less the costs of redemption 
including the costs of realising investments) or alternative proposals which the 
Board (in its absolute discretion) determines have a substantially equivalent 
economic effect. 
Over the 12 month period ended 22 January 2009, the GBP Shares, EUR Shares and US$ 
Shares traded, on average, at a discount to their respective NAVs of 11.54%, 
12.79% and 12.57% respectively. 
Accordingly, the Board was required under the Articles to propose Continuation 
Resolutions in respect of all three classes of Shares within 4 months of the 
discount floor provision being triggered and on 31 March 2009 the Board issued a 
shareholder circular convening currency class meetings to consider Continuation 
Despite anticipating that 2009 would be a challenging year for the financial 
markets, the Board remains confident that in the Investment Adviser's bottom-up 
manager selection skills will continue to add significant value. 
I look forward to welcoming Shareholders to the Annual General Meeting of the 
Company at 1.00 pm on 16 June 2009, which will be held at the Company's 
registered office at 1 Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey. 
Stephen Jones 
20 April 2009 
StatementS of Directors' Responsibilities in Respect of the Annual Financial 
In accordance with Chapter 4 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, we 
confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
  *  The financial statements contained within the Annual Report for the year ended 
  31 December 2008, of which this statements of results is an extract, have been 
  prepared in accordance with applicable International Financial Reporting 
  Standards, on a going concern basis, and give a true and fair view of the 
  assets, liabilities, financial position and return of the Company; 
  *  The Chairman's Statement include a fair review of the important events that have 
  occurred during the financial year and their impact on the financial statements; 
  *  'Financial Risk Management' includes a description of the Company's principal 
  risk and uncertainties; and 
  *  'Related Parties 'includes details of related party transactions that have taken 
  place during the financial year. 
On behalf of the Board 
Stephen Jones            Christopher Hill 
Director                                                  Director 
20 April 2009 
AS AT 31 DECEMBER (Audited) 
|                               |        2008 |    2007     | 
|                               |         GBP |    GBP      | 
| Assets                        |             |             | 
| Investments designated at     | 107,708,581 |149,071,300  | 
| fair value through profit or  |             |             | 
| loss                          |             |             | 
| Accounts receivable           |   2,074,839 |  180,109    | 
| Forward foreign currency      |       9,999 |  409,413    | 
| contracts                     |             |             | 
| Cash at bank                  |     288,104 |  2,934,367  | 
| Total assets                  | 110,081,523 |152,595,189  | 
| Liabilities                   |             |             | 
| Forward foreign currency      |   1,355,034 |  360,181    | 
| contracts                     |             |             | 
| Accounts payable and accrued  |   2,891,992 |  3,187,855  | 
| expenses                      |             |             | 
| Bank overdraft                |  15,071,695 | 11,430,649  | 
| Total liabilities             |  19,318,721 | 14,978,685  | 
| Net assets                    |  90,762,802 |137,616,504  | 
| Represented by:               |             |             | 
| Shareholders' funds and       |             |             | 
| reserves                      |             |             | 
| Called up share capital       |           - |      -      | 
| Special reserve               |  93,834,690 |120,112,611  | 
| Retained earnings             | (3,071,888) | 17,503,893  | 
| Total shareholders' funds     |  90,762,802 |137,616,504  | 
| Net assets per GBP Share      |   GBP0.9117 |GBP1 .1 233  | 
| Net assets per EUR Share        |   EUR1 .1 284 |  EUR1 .5952   | 
| Net assets per US$ Share      |        US$1 | US$1 .9845  | 
|                               |       .5816 |             | 
|                                          |         2008 |    2007      | 
|                                          |          GBP |     GBP      | 
| Income                                   | (14,730,374) |   21,013,450 | 
| Net (losses)/gains on financial assets   |              |              | 
| held at fair value through               |              |              | 
| profit or loss                           |              |              | 
|                                          |              |      119,886 | 
| Net foreign exchange (losses)/gains      |  (3,012,795) |              | 
|                                          |              |              | 
| Interest income on financial assets that |       79,305 |      300,977 | 
| are not at fair value                    |              |              | 
| through profit or loss                   |              |              | 
|                                          |              |              | 
| Other investment income                  |      144,811 |       80,671 | 
| Net investment (expense)/income          | (17,519,053) |  21,514,984  | 
| Expenses                                 |              |              | 
| Management fee                           |  (1,758,937) |  (2,138,978) | 
| Performance fee                          |            - |  (1,715,697) | 
| Fund administration fee                  |    (179,169) |    (155,257) | 
| Audit fee                                |     (26,000) |     (21,302) | 
| Fees paid to auditors for non-audit      |     (14,329) |     (11,644) | 
| services                                 |              |              | 
| Other professional fees                  |    (180,593) |    (129,944) | 
| Directors' remuneration and expenses     |     (68,035) |     (55,511) | 
| Directors' and officers' insurance       |     (17,132) |     (17,557) | 
| Custodian charges                        |     (77,482) |     (91,643) | 
| Credit facility fees                     |    (149,425) |     (37,950) | 
| Sundry expenses                          |    (249,411) |     (82,794) | 
| Total operating expenses before finance  |  (2,720,513) |  (4,458,277) | 
| costs                                    |              |              | 
| Finance costs                            |              |              | 
| Interest expense on financial            |    (336,215) |    (109,107) | 
| liabilities that are not at fair value   |              |              | 
| through profit or loss                   |              |              | 
| Total return for the year                | (20,575,781) |   16,947,600 | 
| Basic & Diluted earnings per GBP Share   |  GBP(0.2117) |    GBP0.1198 | 
| Basic & Diluted earnings per EUR Share     |    EUR(0.4668) |     EUR0.1 616 | 
| Basic & Diluted earnings per US$ Share   |  US$(0.4029) |   US$0.21 59 | 
| All items derive from continuing activities.                           | 
| FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER           |                                          |    2007     | 
|                                          |                                          |    GBP      | 
+                                          +------------------------------------------+             + 
|                                          |                                     2008 |             | 
|                                          |                                      GBP |             | 
| Net assets attributable to equity        |                              137,616,504 |128,244,473  | 
| shareholders at start of year            |                                          |             | 
| Amount paid on redemption                |                              (8,499,554) |      -      | 
| Purchases of own shares                  |                             (17,778,367) |(7,575,569)  | 
| Total return for the year                |                             (20,575,781) | 16,947,600  | 
| Net assets attributable to equity        |                               90,762,802 |137,616,504  | 
| shareholders at end of year              |                                          |             | 
|                                          |         2008 |    2007      | 
|                                          |          GBP |     GBP      | 
| Operating activities                     |              |              | 
| Total return for the year                | (20,575,781) |  16,947,600  | 
| Adjustments:                             |              |              | 
| Net losses/(gains) on financial assets   |   14,730,374 |(21,013,450)  | 
| held at fair value through profit or     |              |              | 
| loss                                     |              |              | 
| Net foreign exchange losses/(gains)      |    3,012,795 |  (119,886)   | 
| Changes in operating assets and          |              |              | 
| liabilities:                             |              |              | 
| Increase in creditors                    |      964,631 |  1,434,426   | 
| (Increase)/decrease in debtors           |    (508,784) |   107,304    | 
| Net cash outflow from operating          |  (2,376,765) | (2,644,006)  | 
| activities                               |              |              | 
| Investing activities                     |              |              | 
| Purchase of investments                  | (29,763,923) |(34,533,149)  | 
| Proceeds from sale of investments        |   79,573,442 |  25,776,963  | 
| Realised (losses)/gains from forward     | (24,429,347) |  2,197,117   | 
| foreign currency contracts               |              |              | 
| Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing |   25,380,172 | (6,559,069)  | 
| activities                               |              |              | 
| Financing activities                     |              |              | 
| Purchase of own shares                   | (17,778,367) | (7,575,569)  | 
| Payment on redemption                    |  (8,499,554) |      -       | 
| Net cash outflow from financing          | (26,277,921) | (7,575,569)  | 
| activities                               |              |              | 
| Decrease in cash and cash equivalents    |  (3,274,514) |(16,778,644)  | 
| Exchange (losses)/gains on cash and cash |  (3,012,795) |   119,886    | 
| equivalents                              |              |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning   |  (8,496,282) |  8,162,476   | 
| of the year                              |              |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of the  | (14,783,591) | (8,496,282)  | 
| year                                     |              |              | 
| Analysis of cash and cash equivalents at |              |              | 
| end of the year                          |              |              | 
| Cash at bank                             |      288,104 |  2,934,367   | 
| Bank overdraft                           | (15,071,695) |(11,430,649)  | 
|                                          | (14,783,591) | (8,496,282)  | 
| Cash flow from operating activities      |              |              | 
| include:                                 |              |              | 
| Interest received                        |      101,585 |   322,520    | 
| Interest paid                            |    (317,495) |  (96,282)    | 
Financial risk management 
The Company, in pursuing its investment objective, enters into investment 
transactions in financial instruments, principally the investment portfolio, the 
holding of which gives exposure to risks, which include market risk, liquidity 
risk, and default/credit risk. Asset allocation is determined by the Company's 
Investment Adviser who manages the distribution of the assets to achieve the 
investment objectives. Divergence from target asset allocations and the 
composition of the portfolio is monitored by the Company's Investment 
Adviser. The nature and extent of the financial instruments outstanding at the 
balance sheet date and the risk management policies employed by the Company are 
discussed below. 
1) Capital risk management 
The Company manages its capital to ensure that it is able to continue as a going 
concern. The capital structure of the Company consists of equity attributable to 
shareholders, including issued share capital, reserves and retained earnings. In 
order to comply with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, the Company will 
maintain or adjust capital structure, dividends paid to shareholders, if any, or 
reduce its outstanding debt. 
Gearing ratio 
It is not proposed that the Company should have any long-term or fixed 
structural gearing. If, in the future it was proposed to introduce such gearing, 
the introduction of any such gearing would be subject to the prior approval of 
Shareholders. The Company may be indirectly exposed to gearing to the extent 
that underlying funds are themselves geared. The Company has a loan facility 
with Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited of the lower of GBP30 million or 20 per 
cent. of its net asset value for short-term or temporary liquidity purposes. The 
facility agreement was increased to the lower of GBP30 million and 35 per 
cent. of NAV on 4 November 2008 and expired on 31 January 2009. With effect from 
1 February 2009 the facility was reduced to up to the lower of GBP20 million and 
20 per cent. of NAV. The expiry date of the facility is the banking day being 
three calendar months from the date of the bank's written notice advising the 
Company of the termination of the facilities. The next annual review for this 
facility is due by 28 February 2010. As at 31 December 2008, this facility was 
drawndown by GBP15 million. 
2) Market risk 
Market risk embodies the potential for both loss and gains and includes price 
risk, interest rate risk and currency risk. 
The Company's strategy on the management of investment risk is driven by the 
Company's investment objective. The Company's market risk is managed on a daily 
basis by the Investment Adviser in accordance with policies and procedures in 
place. The Company seeks to achieve its investment objective through investment 
in an actively managed portfolio of underlying funds diversified across a range 
of alternative investment strategies which target emerging and/or 
under-exploited sources of alpha. The Investment Adviser allocates the Company's 
assets either directly or indirectly to underlying funds (which may include 
funds managed or advised by the Investment Adviser) investing across the 
following strategies: 
  *  Asian Opportunities 
  *  Emerging Markets Macro 
  *  European Loan Opportunities 
  *  Special Situations 
  *  Healthcare Opportunities 
  *  Commodity Strategies 
  *  Energy & Emissions 
  *  Environmental Strategies 
  *  Short-Term Managed Futures 
Although the Investment Adviser allocates the Company's assets among portfolio 
managers employing one or more of the strategies described above, the Investment 
Adviser is not required to follow a rigid investment policy and, subject to 
maintaining an appropriate spread of funds and investment strategies, the 
Company's assets may be deployed in whatever funds and investment strategies the 
Investment Adviser deems appropriate. 
The exact number of funds and strategies used may vary over time but the 
Directors intend that the Company should be invested directly or indirectly in a 
minimum of 20 underlying funds implementing at least 4 different strategies at 
all times. 
Generally the Investment Adviser seeks (i) not to invest more than 7.5 per 
cent. of the Company's total assets in any one underlying fund which may be 
accessed either directly or indirectly (other than in relation to the European 
Loan Opportunities strategy which currently comprises a single investment into 
an existing fund of the Irish RMF Umbrella Unit Trust), (ii) not to invest more 
than 20 per cent. of the Company's total assets in any one underlying fund or 
funds managed by a single portfolio manager and (iii) not to invest more than 25 
per cent. of the Company's total assets in any single strategy, although it may 
deviate from any such guidelines from time to time, subject always to the 
maximum exposures, introduced in accordance with the Listing Rules of the UK 
Listing Authority. 
It is the intention of the Company to be substantially fully invested at all 
times, although the Investment Adviser may use its discretion to hold cash or 
equivalent investments from time-to-time. 
a)    Price risk 
Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of 
financial instruments held by the underlying funds. It represents the potential 
loss that might be suffered through holding market positions in the face of 
price movements. The Company's investment portfolio is indirectly exposed to 
market price fluctuations which are monitored by the Investment Adviser in 
pursuance of its investment objectives and policies. Adherence to investment 
guidelines and to investment and borrowing restrictions set out in the Company's 
Investment Policy and stated above mitigate the risk of excessive exposure to 
any particular type of fund. In addition to strict adherence to investment 
policy restriction, the Company diversifies exposure to market risk by spreading 
its investments using different trading strategies. At the reporting date, the 
assets of the portfolio were allocated in the following strategies: 
|                                        |        2008 |    2007     | 
|                                        |         GBP |    GBP      | 
| Investment Strategy                    |             |             | 
| Asian Opportunities                    |  25,978,640 | 27,582,463  | 
| Commodity Strategies                   |   8,407,455 | 25,613,361  | 
| Emerging Markets Macro                 |   7,356,523 | 10,990,902  | 
| Energy and Emissions                   |  12,611,182 | 14,515,235  | 
| Environmental Strategies               |   6,305,591 |  5,441,829  | 
| European Loan Opportunities            |   6,305,591 | 11,361,625  | 
| Healthcare Opportunities               |   8,251,943 | 14,480,716  | 
| Short-Term Managed Futures             |   9,458,386 |      -      | 
| Special Situations                     |  18,916,773 | 31,648,257  | 
| Investments in advance                 |   4,116,497 |  7,436,912  | 
| Portfolio total                        | 107,708,581 |149,071,300  | 
Price sensitivity analysis 
The Company uses the HFRI Fund of Funds Composite Index and the FTSE All Share 
Total Return Index as benchmarks to regularly monitor the evolution of the beta 
of its portfolio and assess overall performance and risk of its portfolio. The 
beta of the portfolio is calculated separately versus each of the 
above-mentioned benchmarks, and has been reasonably constant throughout the 
year, but it will change with the composition of the portfolio. The Investment 
Adviser uses correlation, beta, standard deviation, among other statistical 
techniques, to test how the portfolio might reasonably be expected to react 
under the prolonged rise or drawdown of its benchmarks, based on historical data 
about risk and return. The results of this analysis are used to re-assess risk 
and if necessary, rebalance the composition of the portfolio, and the Manager 
cautions against using the findings of these statistical techniques as reliable 
predictors of future performance. The table below illustrates the likely impact 
of a rise or fall of the HRFI Fund of Funds Composite Index by 10 per cent. on 
the net assets value of the Company at the reporting date, under the assumption 
that all other factors remain constant: 
 Increase of 10%Carrying     Decrease of 10% 
 P&L Impact amount       P&L Impact 
Financial instruments designated at 
fair value through profit or loss - 2008    107,708,581    11,524,818 
  107,708,581     (11,524,818) 
Financial instruments designated at fair 
value through profit or loss - 2007         149,071,300    15,503,415 
  149,071,300     (15,503,415) 
Actual trading results may differ from the above sensitivity analysis and those 
differences may be material. 
b)    Interest rate risk 
Substantially all of the Company's assets are non-interest bearing investments 
and its exposure to interest rate changes is limited. The Company, however, has 
a bank overdraft of GBP15,071,695 (2007:GBP11,430,649) at the year end and is 
therefore subject to cashflow interest rate risk due to fluctuations in the 
prevailing levels of market interest rates. The short term investments included 
within cash equivalents and bank overdraft have an overnight maturity, and as a 
result they have a limited exposure to fair value interest rate risk due to 
fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates. 
The following table details the Company's exposure to interest rate risks. It 
includes the Company's assets and liabilities at fair values, categorised by the 
earlier of contractual repricing or maturity date measured by the carrying value 
of the assets and liabilities. 
| At 31 December 2008             |         Less | Non-interest |        Total | 
|                                 |         than |      Bearing |          GBP | 
|                                 |            1 |          GBP |              | 
|                                 |        month |              |              | 
|                                 |          GBP |              |              | 
| Assets                          |              |              |              | 
| Financial assets at fair value  |              |              |              | 
| through profit or loss          |              |              |              | 
| Investments                     |            - |  107,708,581 |  107,708,581 | 
| Forward foreign currency        |            - |        9,999 |        9,999 | 
| contracts                       |              |              |              | 
| Loans and receivables           |              |              |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents       |      288,104 |            - |      288,104 | 
| Accounts receivable             |            - |    2,074,839 |    2,074,839 | 
| Total assets                    |      288,104 |  109,793,419 |  110,081,523 | 
| Liabilities                     |              |              |              | 
| Financial liabilities at fair   |              |              |              | 
| value through profit or loss,   |              |              |              | 
| held for trading                |              |              |              | 
| Forward foreign currency        |            - |  (1,355,034) |  (1,355,034) | 
| contracts                       |              |              |              | 
| Other financial liabilities (at |              |              |              | 
| amortised cost)                 |              |              |              | 
| Bank overdraft                  | (15,071,695) |            - | (15,071,695) | 
| Accounts payable                |            - |  (2,891,992) |  (2,891,992) | 
| Total liabilities               | (15,071,695) |  (4,247,026) | (19,318,721) | 
| Total interest sensitivity      | (14,783,591) |              |              | 
| analysis gap                    |              |              |              | 
The Company has a facility agreement with Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited. The 
interest rate which applies to all drawings under the facility is calculated at 
1.25 per cent. over Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited's cost of funds in the 
relevant currency. The amount drawn down at 31 December 2008 was GBP15,071,695 
(2007: GBP11,430,649). Credit facility fees incurred amounted to GBP149,425 
 Less than        Non-interest 
 1 month             Bearing                     Total 
At 31 December 2007 
             GBP                         GBP                            GBP 
| Assets                          |              |             |              | 
| Financial assets at fair value  |              |             |              | 
| through profit or loss          |              |             |              | 
| Investments                     |            - | 149,071,300 |  149,071,300 | 
| Forward foreign currency        |            - |     409,413 |      409,413 | 
| contracts                       |              |             |              | 
| Loans and receivables           |              |             |              | 
| Cash and cash equivalents       |    2,934,367 |           - |    2,934,367 | 
| Accounts receivable             |            - |     180,109 |      180,109 | 
| Total assets                    |    2,934,367 | 149,660,822 |  152,595,189 | 
| Liabilities                     |              |             |              | 
| Financial liabilities at fair   |              |             |              | 
| value through profit or loss,   |              |             |              | 
| held for trading                |              |             |              | 
| Forward foreign currency        |            - |   (360,181) |    (360,181) | 
| contracts                       |              |             |              | 
| Other financial liabilities (at |              |             |              | 
| amortised cost)                 |              |             |              | 
| Bank overdraft                  | (11,430,649) |           - | (11,430,649) | 
| Accounts payable                |            - | (3,187,855) |  (3,187,855) | 
| Total liabilities               | (11,430,649) | (3,548,036) | (14,978,685) | 
| Total interest sensitivity      |  (8,496,282) |             |              | 
| analysis gap                    |              |             |              | 
Interest sensitivity analysis 
As at 31 December 2008, an increase of 100 basis points in interest rates would 
have decreased the net assets attributable to shareholders and changes in net 
assets attributable to shareholders by GBP147,836. As at 31 December 2007, an 
increase of 100 basis points in interest rates would have decreased the net 
asset attributable to shareholders and changes in net assets attributable to 
shareholders by GBP84,968. A decrease of 100 basis points would have had an 
equal and opposite effect. 
Actual trading results may differ from the above sensitivity analysis and those 
differences may be material. 
c)    Currency risk 
The principal exposure to currency risk arises from investments denominated in 
currencies other than the base currency. The value of such investments may be 
affected favourably or unfavourably by fluctuations in exchange rates, 
notwithstanding any efforts made to hedge such fluctuations. A significant 
portion of the Company's investments at the balance sheet date are denominated 
in currencies other than the base currency hence the exposure to currency risk 
in this manner is significant. The Company may from time to time enter into 
transactions in derivative instruments and take short positions with a view to 
hedging the portfolio's currency exposure. At the reporting date, the Company 
has hedged almost all foreign currency position by selling them forward. 
As at 31 December 2008, the net currency exposure of the Company expressed in 
sterling was as follows: 
|                  |          USD |         EUR |       GBP |        Total | 
|                  |          GBP |         GBP |       GBP |          GBP | 
| Investments held |  101,926,152 |   5,782,429 |         - |  107,708,581 | 
| at fair value    |              |             |           |              | 
| Cash and cash    | (15,071,695) |      46,529 |   241,575 | (14,783,591) | 
| equivalents      |              |             |           |              | 
| Other net        |   (663, 810) |    (24,580) | (128,763) |    (817,153) | 
| liabilities      |              |             |           |              | 
| Total net long   |   86,190,647 |   5,804,378 |   112,812 |   92,107,837 | 
| position         |              |             |           |              | 
| Effect of        | (90,369,183) | (5,452,365) |         - | (95,821,548) | 
| forward foreign  |              |             |           |              | 
| currency         |              |             |           |              | 
| contracts        |              |             |           |              | 
| Net exposure     |  (4,178,536) |     352,013 |   112,812 |  (3,731,711) | 
As at 31 December 2007, the net currency exposure of the Company expressed in 
sterling was as follows: 
|                      |           USD |          EUR |         GBP |         Total | 
|                      |           GBP |          GBP |         GBP |           GBP | 
| Investments          |   130,272,763 |   11,361,625 |           - |   141,634,388 | 
| held at fair         |               |              |             |               | 
| value                |               |              |             |               | 
| Cash and cash        |   (8,569,628) |       84,367 |    (11,021) |   (8,496,282) | 
| equivalents          |               |              |             |               | 
| Other net            |     6,247,184 |    (407,433) | (1,410,585) |     4,429,166 | 
| assets/(liabilities) |               |              |             |               | 
| Total net long       |   127,950,319 |   11,038,559 | (1,421,606) |   137,567,272 | 
| position             |               |              |             |               | 
| Effect of            | (132,381,615) | (11,491,888) |           - | (143,873,503) | 
| forward foreign      |               |              |             |               | 
| currency             |               |              |             |               | 
| contracts (Note      |               |              |             |               | 
| 13)                  |               |              |             |               | 
| Net exposure         |   (4,431,296) |    (453,329) | (1,421,606) |   (6,306,231) | 
Since the Company has hedged all its foreign currency position as illustrated by 
the table above, any subsisting foreign exchange risk is immaterial so no 
sensitivity analysis has been carried out. 
On 13 November 2008 the Company announced the temporary suspension of its 
currency hedging arrangements following a further significant appreciation in 
the value of the US dollar against sterling and euros. The Directors noted their 
intention to reinstate the currency hedging arrangements as soon as practicable, 
which was achieved on 23 December 2008. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company's financial instruments include investments in other open-ended 
investment funds which are not traded in an organised public market and which 
generally may be illiquid. As a result, the Company may not be able to liquidate 
its investments in these instruments quickly at an amount close to its fair 
value in order to meet its liquidity requirements, or to respond to specific 
events such as a deterioration in the credit worthiness of any particular 
issuer. At times of disrupted markets, this may include the imposition of 'side 
pockets' and/or 'redemption gates' sometimes at short notice. This risk is 
monitored by the Investment Adviser and is mitigated by holding a diversified 
portfolio of collective investment schemes that are subject to reasonable rules 
for redemptions. 
The table below analyses the Company's financial liabilities into relevant 
maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the balance sheet date to 
the contractual maturity date. The amounts in the table are the contractual 
undiscounted cash flows. Balances due within 12 months equal their carrying 
balances, as the impact of discounting is not significant. 
| At 31 December 2008  |      Within        |  1 - 3    |      Total | 
|                      |      1 month       |  months   |        GBP | 
|                      |        GBP         |    GBP    |            | 
| Bank overdraft       |    15,071,695      |         - | 15,071,695 | 
| Accounts payable     |     2,866,081      |    25,911 |  2,891,992 | 
|                      |    17,937,776      |    25,911 | 17,963,687 | 
| At 31 December 2007  |                    |           |            | 
| Bank overdraft       |    11,430,649      |         - | 11,430,649 | 
| Accounts payable     |     1,501,065      | 1,686,790 |  3,187,855 | 
|                      |    12,931,714      | 1,686,790 | 14,618,504 | 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument will fail 
to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the 
Credit risk generally is higher when a non-exchange traded financial instrument 
is involved because the counterparty for non-exchange traded financial 
instruments is not backed by an exchange clearing house. The Company is also 
exposed to credit risk on the financial assets with its brokers. 
The carrying amounts of financial assets best represent the maximum credit risk 
exposure at the balance sheet date. This relates also to financial assets 
carried at amortised cost as they have a short-term to maturity. 
|                           At the reporting  |                                             |        2007 | 
|                           date, the         |                                             |         GBP | 
|                           Company's         |                                             |             | 
|                           financial assets  |                                             |             | 
|                           exposed to credit |                                             |             | 
|                           risk amounted to  |                                             |             | 
|                           the following:    |                                             |             | 
+                                             +---------------------------------------------+             + 
|                                             |                                        2008 |             | 
|                                             |                                         GBP |             | 
|                           Financial assets  |                                 107,718,580 | 149,480,713 | 
|                           at fair value     |                                             |             | 
|                           through profit or |                                             |             | 
|                           loss              |                                             |             | 
|                           Accounts          |                                   2,074,839 |     180,109 | 
|                           receivable        |                                             |             | 
|                           Cash and cash     |                                     288,104 |   2,934,367 | 
|                           equivalents       |                                             |             | 
|                                             |                                 110,081,523 | 152,595,189 | 
Credit risk arising on transactions with brokers relates to transactions 
awaiting settlement. Risk relating to unsettled transactions is considered small 
due to the short settlement period involved and the credit quality of the 
brokers used. 
Investments made by the Company and the funds in which it invests may not be 
regulated by the rules of any stock exchange or investment exchange or other 
regulatory body or authority. The counterparties to such investments have no 
obligation to make markets in such investments. Furthermore, the Company and 
such funds will be subjected to the risk of bankruptcy of, or the inability or 
refusal to perform with respect to such investments by, the counterparties with 
which the Company or such funds deal. 
The Investment Adviser carries out rigorous due diligence procedures before 
investing in an underlying manager's fund. Procedures are also in place to 
monitor the managers on a regular basis, thereby ensuring that the Company 
limits its exposure to credit risk on its underlying funds. 
The Company monitors the credit rating and financial positions of the brokers 
used to further mitigate this risk. Substantially all of the assets of the 
Company are held by Northern Trust (Guernsey) Limited. Bankruptcy or insolvency 
of the Custodian may cause the Company's rights with respect to securities held 
by the Custodian to be delayed or limited. 
All of the cash held by the Company is held by the Custodian and certain other 
financial institutions. Bankruptcy or solvency by the Custodian or other 
financial institutions may cause the Company's rights with respect to the cash 
held by the Custodian and other financial institutions to be delayed or limited. 
The Company monitors its risk by monitoring the credit rating of the Custodian 
and other service providers. If the credit quality or the financial position of 
the Custodian and other service providers deteriorates significantly the 
Investment Adviser may move the cash holdings to another custodian or financial 
institution. The credit rating of the Northern Trust Corporation from Standard & 
Poor's at the year end was AA (2007: AA-). 
The Company's Investment Adviser analyses credit concentration based on the 
counterparty and strategy of the financial assets that the Company holds. 
The Company's financial assets exposed to credit risk were concentrated in the 
following industries: 
|                                        |      2008 |   2007    | 
|                                        |         % |    %      | 
| Hedge Funds                            |     97.85 |  97.96    | 
| Banking                                |      1.89 |   0.12    | 
| Others                                 |      0.26 |   1.92    | 
| Total                                  |    100.00 |  100.00   | 
Related Parties 
Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited (the "Manager") is remunerated at a monthly 
rate of 0.125% per month of the Total Assets of the Company (out of which it 
pays the trail commissions payable to qualifying investors, fees payable to the 
Investment Adviser and fees payable to the Investment Consultant) for the 
provision of investment management services. 
Additionally, the Manager is entitled to a performance fee, provided the total 
assets attributable to a class of ordinary shares at the end of one financial 
year (having adjusted for any issues, redemptions or repurchases of ordinary 
shares arising on conversion of C shares or conversion from or to ordinary 
shares of other classes and for any contingent or accrued but unpaid 
liabilities) are greater than the value of the total assets attributable to that 
class of ordinary shares (as adjusted) at the end of any previous financial 
year, a performance fee equivalent to 10% of the amount by which the year-end 
total assets attributable to that class of ordinary shares exceed the greatest 
value of the total assets attributable to that class of shares at the end of any 
previous financial year. 
The investment management agreement may be terminated by either party giving to 
the other not less than twelve months' notice, or otherwise in circumstances 
where, amongst other things, one of the parties has a receiver appointed of its 
assets or if an order is made or an effective resolution passed for the winding 
up of one of the parties or if, following a continuation vote not being passed 
or if a resolution for the winding-up of the Company is passed. 
The management fee is calculated on the NAV Calculation Date in each calendar 
month and is payable monthly in arrears. The performance fee is calculated and 
payable annually in arrears. 
The Manager is responsible for the fees paid to RMF Investment Management (the 
"Investment Adviser"). 
Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited (the "Secretary") performs secretarial duties 
for which it was remunerated at an annual fee of GBP24,000. 
These are not full statutory accounts. The full audited accounts for 31 December 
2008 will be sent to Shareholders and will be available for inspection at 1 Le 
Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey, the registered office of the Company or the 
Company's website www.dexionalpha.com 
| Enquiries:                                                                     | 
| Carol Kilby                                                                    | 
| Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited                                              | 
| Tel: +44 (0)1481 743943                                                        | 
|                                                                                | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Dexion Alpha Strategies 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.