From:     Core VCT IV PLC 
  Date:     23 August 2012 
  Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
 Performance Summary 
 Ordinary Shares                   30 June 2012 30 June 2011 31 December 2011 
 Net asset value per share          51.73 pence  78.19 pence      57.91 pence 
 Total return to date per share(1)  69.23 pence  85.69 pence      75.41 pence 
 Share price (mid market)           29.00 pence  41.50 pence      35.50 pence 
 Expense ratio(2)                         1.03%        0.72%            2.37% 
 1. Total  return per  share comprises  closing net  asset value per share plus 
    cumulative dividends per share paid to date. 
 2. Operating  expenses of the  Group, excluding trail  commission, third party 
    transaction  costs and costs  associated with the  corporate proposal, as a 
    percentage of closing net assets. 
 Chairman's Statement 
 In  the six months to 30 June 2012, the Net Asset Value (NAV) Total Return per 
 Ordinary Share was 69.23p, comprising a NAV of 51.73p and cumulative dividends 
 paid  of  17.50p per  Ordinary  Share.   This  represents  a decrease from the 
 Combined  NAV Total Return  to 31 December 2011 of  8.2%, (6.18p) per Ordinary 
 Share.   The main  contributor to  the fall  was Allied International Holdings 
 Limited due to underperformance. 
 Allied International Holdings Limited, an investment directly held by Core VCT 
 IV  plc, required further funding to  progress with its turnaround plan.  Both 
 Core  VCT IV plc and Core VCT V plc did not participate in the further funding 
 due  to their cash constraints  and  GBP350,000 was provided  by Core VCT plc, by 
 way  of a loan to provide preference on the capital.  The valuation reduced by 
  GBP661,000   (6.1p  per  Ordinary  Share)  due  to  a  slower  than  anticipated 
 improvement  in trading, particularly in  the European destinations.  However, 
 having  implemented the  turnaround, we  believe Allied  should now  grow both 
 organically,  and  potentially  by  further  acquisitions, into a major global 
 operation  over the medium term. Further funds of  GBP350,000 have been allocated 
 by Core VCT to ensure this business has adequate capital available. 
 During  the period, a  further  GBP3.5 million  was drawn down from institutional 
 investors  in Core Capital I  LP for Abriand, which  has now received its full 
  GBP20.2 million commitment from the Fund. This has been utilised to fund capital 
 expenditure   and   the   acquisition  of  the  Chez  Gerard  sites  from  the 
 administrator  of  Paramount  Restaurants.   Abriand  is  well advanced in the 
 conversion  and integration of these new  sites. The remaining  GBP9.8 million to 
 be  called (net of General Partner Fee) is intended to be deployed in Ark Home 
 Healthcare Limited, Colway Limited and SPL Services Limited. 
 During  the six months to 30 June 2012, the Group generated a loss of  GBP673,520 
 and   is   therefore  not  in  a  position  to  pay  an  interim  dividend  to 
 Share Price and Share Buy Backs 
 We  would remind shareholders that  we view the NAV  Total Return, rather than 
 the  share price, as  the preferred measure  of performance, as it encompasses 
 the  value of  the current  portfolio and  the amount  of cash  distributed to 
 shareholders over the life of their investment.  It is disappointing to report 
 that  the NAV Total Return has fallen  below 70 pence per share, being the net 
 cost to shareholders including the initial VCT tax relief received at the date 
 of  the  original  investment.     However,  we  believe  that  the underlying 
 portfolio  performance  will  improve  as  we  start  to see the benefits from 
 deploying the substantial capital raised last year from Core Capital I LP, and 
 as our largest directly held investment, Allied, makes the progress we expect. 
 We  are  conscious  that  the  mid  price  of  the shares continues to be at a 
 significant discount to the NAV (44% at 30 June 2012).  Whilst the Company has 
 the  ability to buy back its own shares,  the Boards' view is that any surplus 
 cash should be returned to all shareholders by way of a distribution. 
 The  outlook for the  UK economy remains  subdued and uncertain.  Against this 
 backdrop, it is encouraging that the level of debt in our underlying portfolio 
 is  relatively low and management teams have been strengthened where required. 
 Together  with the further  capital that has  either recently been invested or 
 remains  available, our  largest companies  in particular  are well  placed to 
 deliver  growth. Your Board and Manager are working towards creating value and 
 seeking realisations for our shareholders over the medium term. 
  Ray Maxwell 
  23 August 2012 
 Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
 The  Company's  assets  consist  of  unquoted  investments,  cash  and  liquid 
 resources.  Its principal risks are therefore  market risk and liquidity risk. 
 Other  risks faced by the Company include economic risks, the loss of approval 
 as   a  Venture  Capital  Trust,  failure  to  comply  with  other  regulatory 
 requirements,   and  broader  risks  such  as  reputational,  operational  and 
 financial  risks. These  risks, and  the way  in which  they are  managed, are 
 described  in more detail in the Annual  Report for the year ended 31 December 
 2011, in   note   17 to  the  accounts.  The  Company's  principal  risks  and 
 uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report and it 
 is not envisaged that there will be any changes to the risks and uncertainties 
 in the remaining six months of the financial year. 
 Related Party Transactions 
 Details  of related party  transactions in accordance  with the Disclosure and 
 Transparency rule 4.2.8 can be found in Note 8 to the Accounts on page 12. 
 Responsibility Statement 
 The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
 (a) the summarised set of financial statements have been prepared in 
     accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting'; 
 (b) interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
     required by DTR 4.2.7R 
     (indication of important events during the first six months and 
     description of principal risks and 
     uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); 
 (c) the summarised set of financial statements gives a true and fair view of 
     the assets, liabilities and 
     financial position and profit and loss of the Company as required by DTR 
     4.2.4R; and 
 (d) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
     required by DTR4.2.8R 
     (disclosure of related parties' transactions and charges therein) 
 For and behalf of the Board: 
 Ray Maxwell, Chairman 
 23 August 2012 
  Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
  For the Six Months ended 30 June 2012 
                                                    Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                                     Return    Return 
                                             Notes         GBP          GBP          GBP 
 Capital losses on investments 
 Losses on investments held at fair value      6          - (677,026) (677,026) 
                                                          - (677,026) (677,026) 
 Investment Income                             3     77,513         -    77,513 
 Other Income                                  3        128         -       128 
 Total Income                                        77,641 (677,026) (599,385) 
 Other expenses                                    (74,135)         -  (74,135) 
 Total expenditure                                 (74,135)         -  (74,135) 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation                        3,506 (677,026) (673,520) 
 Taxation                                                 -         -         - 
 Profit/(loss) for period/total 
 comprehensive income                          5      3,506 (677,026) (673,520) 
 Return per ordinary share (pence):            5       0.03    (6.22)    (6.19) 
  Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
  For the Six Months ended 30 June 2011 
                                                    Revenue   Capital     Total 
                                                     Return    Return 
                                             Notes         GBP          GBP          GBP 
 Capital losses on investments 
 Losses on investments held at fair value                 - (815,014) (815,014) 
                                                          - (815,014) (815,014) 
 Investment Income                             3    106,172         -   106,172 
 Other Income                                  3      1,002         -     1,002 
 Total Income                                       107,174 (815,014) (707,840) 
 Other expenses                                    (90,493)  (88,014) (178,507) 
 Total expenditure                                 (90,493)  (88,014) (178,507) 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation                       16,681 (903,028) (886,347) 
 Taxation                                                 -         -         - 
 Profit/(loss) for period/total 
 comprehensive income                          5     16,681 (903,028) (886,347) 
 Return per ordinary share (pence):            5       0.15    (8.29)    (8.14) 
  Audited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
  for the year ended 31 December 2011 
                                                Revenue     Capital       Total 
                                                 Return      Return 
                                        Notes          GBP            GBP            GBP 
 Capital losses on investments 
 Losses on investments held at fair 
 value                                                - (1,897,347) (1,897,347) 
                                                      - (1,897,347) (1,897,347) 
 Investment Income                        3     182,659           -     182,659 
 Other Income                             3       1,114           -       1,114 
 Total Income                                   183,773 (1,897,347) (1,713,574) 
 Other expenses                               (205,913)    (85,671)   (291,584) 
 Total expenditure                            (205,913)    (85,671)   (291,584) 
 Loss before taxation                          (22,140) (1,983,018) (2,005,158) 
 Taxation                                             -           -           - 
 Loss for year/total comprehensive 
 income                                   5    (22,140) (1,983,018) (2,005,158) 
 Return per ordinary share (pence):       5      (0.20)     (18.22)     (18.42) 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet 
                                            As at        As at            As at 
                                     30 June 2012 30 June 2011 31 December 2011 
                               Notes  (unaudited)  (unaudited)        (audited) 
                                                 GBP             GBP                 GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Investments at fair value       6      5,398,875    7,660,734        6,075,901 
 Current assets 
 Other receivables                         45,769       63,653           42,261 
 Cash                                     218,035    1,014,543          271,125 
                                          263,804    1,078,196          313,386 
 Current liabilities 
 Other payables                          (31,736)    (227,059)         (84,824) 
 Net current assets                       232,068      851,137          228,562 
 Net assets                             5,630,943    8,511,871        6,304,463 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called-up Ordinary share                   1,089        1,089            1,089 
 Capital reserve                      (3,058,611)  (1,301,595)      (2,381,585) 
 Special distributable reserve          8,637,881    9,726,478        8,637,881 
 Revenue reserve                           50,584       85,899           47,078 
 Shareholder's funds             7      5,630,943    8,511,871        6,304,463 
 Net asset value per 0.01p       7         51.73p       78.19p           57.91p 
         ordinary share 
  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
  As at 30 June 2012 
                          Called up 
                           Ordinary                   Special 
                              Share     Capital Distributable Revenue 
                            Capital     Reserve       Reserve Reserve     Total 
                                   GBP            GBP              GBP        GBP          GBP 
 For the six months ended 
 30 June 2012 (unaudited) 
 Net assets at 1 January      1,089 (2,381,585)     8,637,881  47,078 6,304,463 
 (Loss)/profit for the 
 comprehensive income             -   (677,026)             -   3,506 (673,520) 
 Net assets at 30 June        1,089 (3,058,611)     8,637,881  50,584 5,630,943 
                          Called up 
                           Ordinary                   Special 
                              Share     Capital Distributable Revenue 
                            Capital     Reserve       Reserve Reserve     Total 
                                   GBP            GBP              GBP        GBP          GBP 
 For the six months ended 
 30 June 2011 (unaudited) 
 Net assets at 1 January      1,089   (398,567)     9,726,478  69,218 9,398,218 
 (Loss)/profit for the 
 comprehensive income             -   (903,028)             -  16,681 (886,347) 
 Net assets at 30 June        1,089 (1,301,595)     9,726,478  85,899 8,511,871 
                       Called up 
                        Ordinary                   Special 
                           Share     Capital Distributable  Revenue 
                         capital     Reserve       Reserve  Reserve       Total 
                                GBP            GBP              GBP         GBP            GBP 
 For the year ended 
 31 December 2011 
 Net assets at 1           1,089   (398,567)     9,726,478   69,218   9,398,218 
 January 2011 
 Loss for the 
 comprehensive income          - (1,983,018)             - (22,140) (2,005,158) 
 Dividends paid                -           -   (1,088,597)        - (1,088,597) 
 Net assets at 31          1,089 (2,381,585)     8,637,881   47,078   6,304,463 
 December 2011 
  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
  for the six months ended 30 June 2012 
                                                  As at       As at       As at 
                                            30 Jun 2012 30 Jun 2011 31 Dec 2011 
                                            (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                       GBP            GBP            GBP 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating 
 activities                                    (53,090)     332,853     678,032 
 Financing activities 
 Equity dividends paid                                -           - (1,088,597) 
 Called up share capital received                     -     155,000     155,000 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 
 activities                                           -     155,000   (933,597) 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                   (53,090)     487,853   (255,565) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
 period                                         271,125     526,690     526,690 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of 
 period                                         218,035   1,014,543     271,125 
 Reconciliation of loss before taxation to 
 net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating 
 Loss before taxation                         (673,520)   (886,347) (2,005,158) 
 Losses on investments                          677,026     815,014   1,897,347 
 Purchases of investments                             -    (55,888) (3,246,842) 
 Sales of investments                                 -     425,000   4,004,904 
 (Increase)/decrease in accrued income and 
 prepayments                                    (3,508)          86      21,478 
 (Decrease)/increase in other payables         (53,088)      34,988       6,303 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating 
 activities                                    (53,090)     332,853     678,032 
 1. The  unaudited  interim  results  have  been  prepared  on the basis of the 
    accounting  policies set out  in the statutory  accounts of the Company for 
    the  year  ended  31 December  2011 and  in  accordance  with International 
    Accounting  Standards ('IAS') 34. Unquoted investments  have been valued in 
    accordance  with IPEVC guidelines. These statements have been prepared on a 
    going  concern  basis  and  nothing  has  happened  that  would  change the 
    Directors'  going  concern  assessment  from  the  last  audited  financial 
    statements  to  31 December  2011.  In  arriving  at  this  conclusion  the 
    Directors  have considered the liquidity of  the Company and its ability to 
    meet  obligations as they fall  due for a period  of twelve months from the 
    date  these  financial  statements  were  approved.   At  30 June 2012, the 
    Company held cash balances of  GBP0.2 million.  Cashflow projections have been 
    reviewed  and  show  that  the  Company  has  sufficient  funds to meet its 
    contracted expenditure. 
 2. Earnings  for the six months should not be  taken as a guide to the results 
    of the financial year to 31 December 2012. 
  3.   Income 
                            As at         As at         As at 
                      30 Jun 2012   30 Jun 2011   31 Dec 2011 
                      (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                 GBP              GBP              GBP 
  Investment Income        77,513       106,172       182,659 
  Other Income 
  Deposit interest            128         1,002         1,114 
                           77,641       107,174       183,773 
 4. Taxation 
    There  will  be  no  tax  charge  due  by  the Company since total expenses 
    (including fees allocated to capital) are expected to be more than income. 
  5.   Earnings and return per share 
                                                  As at       As at       As at 
                                            30 Jun 2012 30 Jun 2011 31 Dec 2011 
                                            (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                       GBP            GBP            GBP 
 (i)   Basic     return    from    ordinary 
       activities after taxation              (673,520)   (886,347) (2,005,158) 
       Basic return per share                   (6.19)p     (8.14)p    (18.42)p 
 (ii)  Net  revenue  return  from  ordinary 
       activities after taxation                  3,506      16,681    (22,140) 
       Revenue return per share                   0.03p       0.15p     (0.20)p 
 (iii) Net  capital  return  from  ordinary 
       activities after taxation              (677,026)   (903,028) (1,983,018) 
       Capital return per share                 (6.22)p     (8.29)p    (18.22)p 
 (iv)  Weighted  average number of ordinary 
       shares in issue in the period         10,885,969  10,885,969  10,885,969 
  6.   Investments 
                                                    Level 3           Total 
                                                           GBP                GBP 
      Valuation at 31 December 2011               6,075,901       6,075,901 
      Investment holding losses                   (677,026)       (677,026) 
                                                -------------   ------------ 
      Valuation at 30 June 2012                   5,398,875       5,398,875 
                                                -------------   ------------ 
      Book cost at 30 June 2012                   6,066,402       6,066,402 
      Investment holding losses at 30 June 2012   (667,527)       (667,527) 
                                                -------------   ------------ 
      Valuation as at 30 June 2012                5,398,875       5,398,875 
                                                -------------   ------------ 
  7.   Net asset value 
                                        As at         As at         As at 
                                  30 Jun 2012   30 Jun 2011   31 Dec 2011 
                                  (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                             GBP              GBP              GBP 
      Net assets                    5,630,943     8,511,871     6,304,463 
      Number of shares in issue    10,885,969    10,885,969    10,885,969 
      Net asset value per share        51.73p        78.19p        57.91p 
 8.  Related Party Transaction 
     Details  of the carried interest arrangements  between the Company and the 
     Manager  are set out in  the Annual Report for  the year ended 31 December 
     2011.  Following  the launch of Core Capital  I LP, the general partner of 
     the  LP, will  receive  GBP750,000  per annum  until the  fourth anniversary, 
     payable out of the assets of Core Capital I LP. 
 9.  The  financial information for  the six months  ended 30 June 2012 and 30 
     June 2011 has not been audited. 
 10. These  are not statutory accounts in terms of Section 434 of the Companies 
     Act  2006.  Statutory  accounts  for  the  year to 31 December 2011, which 
     received an unqualified audit report and did not contain a statement under 
     sections  498(2) or (3) of  the Companies Act  2006, have been lodged with 
     the Registrar of Companies. No statutory accounts in respect of any period 
     after  31 December 2011 have been reported on by the Company's auditors or 
     delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
 11. Copies  of  this  statement  are  being  sent to all shareholders. Further 
     copies  are available free of charge from the Company's registered office, 
     9 South Street, London, W1K 2XA. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Core VCT IV plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

Core Vct Iv (LSE:CR4)
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부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Core Vct Iv 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Core Vct Iv (LSE:CR4)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Core Vct Iv 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.