Carpathian Resources

                          Carpathian Resources Limited

                               AIM: CPNR, ASX: CPN

Quarterly Activities Report - March 2008


Janovice Gas Field (60% interest)

The well was produced throughout the period at an average of 20,000 cubic metres
per day (0.7 million cubic feet). At this rate the volume of produced water was
low and stable. Production for the period was nearly 1.9 million cubic metres
(6.4 million cubic ft).

The Directors believe that the economics of the field remain strong. The gas
price is at a long term high and the Czech Koruna has continued to strengthen
against the Australian dollar.

Krasna Oil Field (75% interest reducing to 50% after payout)

As reported at the end of the last quarter, Carpathian withdrew from the project
on 31 December 2007. The withdrawal triggered a payment to the operator, Unigeo,
of AUD$466,000 to relieve Carpathian of its share of future abandonment


Janovice, Skalice & Raskovice - Moravka (60%)

In the light of corporate and other matters an exploration strategy has not yet
been determined for this field. Seismic and other, cheaper and less definitive
survey methods are being considered.

Mo*nov, 90% interest (contributing 100%)

The Mo-1 Skotnice well was spudded in late 2006 close to two depleted gas fields
and reached a final total depth of 430m. Only minor shows of gas were recorded
whilst drilling the target horizon yet analysis of the wireline logs indicated
the presence of a 3.2m gas column in a good quality Miocene sandstone reservoir
with up to 17% porosity. Core analysis confirmed the quality of the reservoir
yet no flow was recorded when the section was tested. It is not clear why such a
good reservoir rock failed to produce a flow. Damage to the formation while
drilling or whilst cementing the production string is suspected, as is
inadequate perforating of the production string.

Contractual matters that delayed work were finally resolved in December 2007 and
a simple program was carried out in early February 2008 to try a stimulate flow
from the Miocene sand. A small amount of completion fluid was successfully
pumped through the perforations establishing communication into the well bore.
However, when the pressure released, no fluid flowed back even when the fluid
column had been unloaded and the well was again at atmospheric pressure.

Since the remedial work test failed to produce a definitive answer the operator
is discussing future operations with the contractor that drilled the well. These
may include Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation (fraccing), an operation designed to
stimulate flow by creating and holding open fractures in the formation.

Morava, 90% interest (contributing 100%)

The Morava project is located near Hodonin a regional centre for oil and gas
production in the northern part of the Vienna Basin, a prolific oil and gas
producer. A possible target (Vazany) that could contain a significant quantity
of gas has been identified in the flysch sequence of the Magura Nappe but until
the project is included in the local land-use plan no further progress can be
made. Unigeo, the operator, is working to achieve this.

Ro*nov, 90% interest (contributing 100%)

The permits cover an area of prospective sediments in a variety of potential
traps on a faulted margin. The most exciting are a series of features on the
basin slope. Differences between local and regional planning requirements are
not yet resolved and have delayed progress. A drilling location to test the Zar
feature is under investigation as amongst other things a major power line will
have to be moved before a well can be drilled. Further progress cannot be made
until the project is included in the local land use plan.


At 31 March 2008, Carpathian has 265,533,501 ordinary fully paid shares on
issue, 15,000,000 options with an exercise price of $0.10 on or before 30 June
2012 and 2,725,335 options with an exercise price of $0.29 on or before 3
September 2012.

At 31 March 2008, the Company had $10.14 million cash on hand.

On 28 February 2008 the Company held a general meeting which had previously been
convened by Energo Holdings Corporation (Energo holds approximately 46% of the
issued share capital of the Company) to consider resolutions for the removal of
Messrs Danishevski and Uzbekov as directors and the appointment of Messrs
Meister and Giraudeau. All resolutions put to the meeting were passed.

Carpathian is listed on the ASX market in Australia and on AIM in London.

For further information contact:

Robert Downey / John Arbuckle
Carpathian Resources Limited
+61 8 9322 2711

Fiona Owen
Grant Thornton Corporate Finance
Tel: +44 20 7383 5100

About Carpathian Resources Limited:

Carpathian is an oil and gas producer and explorer with a focus on Central
Europe. The Company has its Corporate Head Office in Perth, Western Australia
and an Operations Office in Ostrava, Czech Republic.

For further information about the company please visit

Rule 5.3

Appendix 5B

                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report

Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.

Name of entity
  Carpathian Resources Limited

ABN                                                Quarter ended ("current
---------------------------------                  --------------------------------
                   30 080 273 703                    31 March 2008
---------------------------------                  --------------------------------

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Cash flows related to operating activities         Current quarter       Year to date
                                                        $A'000             (9.months)
                                                 -------------------- --------------------
1.1     Receipts from gas sales                                   131                1,047
1.2     Payments for (a) exploration and
         evaluation                                             (131)                (460)
        (b) development                                             -                    -
        (c) production                                              -                    -
        (d) administration                                      (247)              (1,050)
1.3     Dividends received                                          -                    -
1.4     Interest and other items of a similar
         nature received                                          136                  366
1.5     Interest and other costs of finance paid                 (25)                 (75)
1.6     Income taxes paid                                           -                (157)
1.7     Other Income                                                -                    -
        Abandonment costs for Krasna                            (466)                (466)
        Foreign office expenses                                  (84)                (136)
                                                 -------------------- --------------------
        Net Operating Cash Flows                                (686)                (931)
------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------
        Cash flows related to investing
1.8     Payment for purchases of:
        (a) prospects                                               -                    -
        (b) equity investments                                      -                    -
        (c) other fixed assets                                   (37)                 (82)
1.9     Proceeds from sale of:
        (a) prospects                                               -                    -
        (b) equity investments                                      -                    -
        (c) other fixed assets                                     31                   51
1.10    Loans to other entities                                     -                    -
1.11    Loans repaid by other entities                              -                    -
1.12    Other                                                       -                    -
                                                 -------------------- --------------------
        Net investing cash flows                                  (6)                 (31)
                                                 -------------------- --------------------
1.13    Total operating and investing cash flows
         (carried forward)                                      (692)                (962)
------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

1.13    Total operating and investing cash flows
         (brought forward)                                          (692)                (962)
------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
        Cash flows related to financing activities
1.14    Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc.
         (net)                                                          -                8,900
1.15    Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares                          -                    -
1.16    Proceeds from borrowings                                        -                    -
1.17    Repayment of borrowings                                         -                    -
1.18    Dividends paid                                                  -                    -
1.19    Other                                                           -                 (60)
                                                      ------------------- --------------------
        Net financing cash flows                                        -                8,840
------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------
        Net increase (decrease) in cash held                        (692)                7,878
1.20    Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date                  10,706                2,715
1.21    Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20                        132                (447)
                                                      ------------------- --------------------
1.22    Cash at end of quarter                                     10,146               10,146
------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------------

Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors

Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related

                                                                      Current quarter
1.23    Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in
         item 1.2                                                            56
1.24    Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item
         1.10                                                                -
------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
1.25    Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
        All transactions involving Directors and Associates were on normal commercial

Non-cash financing and investing activities

2.1   Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect
       on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows

2.2   Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in
       projects in which the reporting entity has an interest

Financing facilities available

Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.

                                                 Amount available        Amount used
                                                      $A'000                $A'000
                                               --------------------- --------------------
3.1   Loan facilities                                   Nil                  Nil
                                               --------------------- --------------------
3.2   Credit standby arrangements                       Nil                  Nil
----- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------------

Estimated cash outflows for next quarter

4.1   Exploration and evaluation                                         150
4.2   Development                                                         0
----- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
      Total                                                              150
----- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

Reconciliation of cash

Reconciliation of cash at the end of the         Current quarter      Previous quarter
 quarter (as shown in the consolidated                $A'000               $A'000
 statement of cash flows) to the related items
 in the accounts is as follows.
---------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------
5.1   Cash on hand and at bank                        10,146               10,706
                                               -------------------- ---------------------
5.2   Deposits at call                                  -                     -
                                               -------------------- ---------------------
5.3   Bank overdraft                                    -                     -
                                               -------------------- ---------------------
5.4   Other (provide details)                           -                     -
----- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------
      Total: cash at end of quarter (item
       1.22)                                          10,146               10,706
----- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------

Changes in interests in mining tenements

                             Tenement    Nature of interest        Interest at Interest at
                              reference  (note (2))                 beginning   end of
                                                                    of quarter  quarter
                             ----------- ------------------------- ----------- -----------
6.1   Interests in mining                N/A
       relinquished, reduced
       or lapsed
                             ----------- ------------------------- ----------- -----------
6.2   Interests in mining                N/A
       tenements acquired or
                             ----------- ------------------------- ----------- -----------

Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter

Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.

                        Total number     Number quoted    Issue price per    Amount paid up per
                                                           security (see      security (see
                                                           note 3) (cents)    note 3) (cents)
----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.1     Preference
         (description)                 -                -                  -                  -
                        ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.2     Changes during
        (a) Increases
         through issues
        (b) Decreases
         returns of
         capital, buy-
         redemptions                   -                -                  -                  -
------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.3     +Ordinary
         securities          265,533,501      265,533,501                  -                  -
                        ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.4     Changes during
        (a) Increases
         through issues
        (b) Decreases
         returns of                    -                -                  -                  -
         capital, buy-
         backs                         -                -                  -                  -
------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.5     +Convertible      10 notes (10%                       $100,000 face      $100,000 face
         debt               coupon rate)                               value              value
         securities        June 16, 2008
         (description)                                  -
                        ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.6     Changes during
        (a) Increases
         through issues
        (b) Decreases
         securities                    -                -                  -                  -
         converted                     -                -                  -                  -
------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.7     Options                                               Exercise price        Expiry date
         and conversion       15,000,000                               $0.10       30 June 2012
         factor)               2,725,335                -              $0.29   3 September 2012
                        ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.8     Issued during
         quarter                       -                -                  -                  -
                        ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.9     Exercised
         during quarter                -                -                  -                  -
                        ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.10    Expired during
         quarter                       -                -                  -                  -
------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------------
7.11    Debentures
        (totals only)
------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------
7.12    Unsecured notes
         (totals only)
                        ---------------- ----------------

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with
accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards
acceptable to ASX (see note 4).

2 This statement does /does not* (delete one) give a true and fair view of the
matters disclosed.

Sign here: ............................................................ Date: 30
April 2008

(Director/Company Secretary)

Print name: J P Arbuckle


1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the
entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on
its cash position. An entity wanting to disclose additional information is
encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report.

2 The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of
interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting
period. If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement and there are
conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in a mining
tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and conditions
precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.

3 Issued and quoted securities: The issue price and amount paid up is not
required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.

4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive
Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.

5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of International
Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used do not address
a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be complied with.

Carpathian Resources (LSE:CPNR)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 5월(5) 2024 으로 6월(6) 2024 Carpathian Resources 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Carpathian Resources (LSE:CPNR)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2023 으로 6월(6) 2024 Carpathian Resources 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.