RNS No 4506v
2nd December 1998


Not  for release, publication or distribution in or  into
the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.

                   ANGLEY HOLDINGS PLC
The   Board   of  Angley  Holdings  and  the  Independent
Directors  announce that they have reached  agreement  on
the  terms  of a recommended cash offer, to  be  made  by
Ernst  &  Young on behalf of Angley Holdings, to  acquire
the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Crest

*The  Offer is on the basis of 41p in cash for  each
 Crest Packaging Share, valuing the existing issued share
 capital  of  Crest  Packaging  at  approximately   #16.4
*The Offer represents a premium of 105 per cent. to
the closing middle-market price, as derived from the
London Stock Exchange Daily Official List, of 20p per
Crest Packaging Share at the close of business on 4
November 1998, being the last business day prior to the
date on which Crest Packaging announced that it had
received an approach from Rodney A J Webb which may or
may not lead to an offer being made for Crest Packaging;

*There will be a Loan Note Alternative;

*Angley Holdings is a newly incorporated company,
established for the purpose of acquiring Crest Packaging,
and is controlled by Rodney A J Webb, who is also
executive deputy chairman of Crest Packaging.  Rodney A J
Webb, together with his related trusts, is a controlling
shareholder of Crest Packaging.

*Undertakings and letters of intent to accept the
Offer have been received from the Directors of Crest
Packaging, their related trusts and other persons in respect
of, in aggregate, 26,333,607 Crest Packaging shares,
representing approximately 65.68 per cent. of the
existing issued share capital of Crest Packaging.  The
undertakings (other than those relating to 24,187,675
Crest Packaging Shares, given by Rodney A J Webb, his related
trusts and two other persons) will cease to be binding if
a third party announces a general offer to acquire all of
the Crest Packaging shares on terms which represent an
improvement on the consideration offered under the Offer.
On  behalf  of  the  Independent Directors,  Ian  Tegner,
Chairman of Crest Packaging, commented:

"The   Independent  Directors  of  Crest  Packaging  have
considered the Offer carefully and, on the basis of their
view  of the short to medium term prospects for the value
of  the  shares  of Crest Packaging as a publicly  quoted
company,  given  the  current circumstances,  and  having
taken  independent  professional advice,  recommend  that
shareholders accept the Offer.

The Offer enables Crest Packaging shareholders to realise
their   investment  in  the  company  at  a  price  which
represents  a  premium  of 105 per  cent.  to  the  Crest
Packaging share price the day before the announcement  of
talks on 5 November 1998."

Press enquiries:

Ian Tegner, Crest Packaging        0171 970 2104
Rodney Webb, Angley Holdings       01634 234 444
Richard Haycocks, Ernst & Young    0171 928 2000
Tim Linacre, WestLB Panmure        0171 638 4010

Ernst  &  Young of Becket House, 1 Lambeth  Palace  Road,
London  SE1  7EU  is  authorised  by  the  Institute   of
Chartered  Accountants in England and Wales to  carry  on
investment business.  Ernst & Young is acting for  Angley
Holdings  and no-one else in connection with  the  Offer,
and  will not be responsible to anyone other than  Angley
Holdings for providing the protections offered to customers
of Ernst & Young nor for giving advice in relation to the
Offer,   the  contents  of  this  announcement   or   any
arrangement referred to herein.

WestLB Panmure, which is regulated by The Securities  and
Futures  Authority Limited, is acting for Crest Packaging
and no-one else in connection with the Offer and will not
be  responsible to anyone other than Crest Packaging  for
providing  the protections offered to customers of WestLB
Panmure, nor for giving advice in relation to the  Offer,
the  contents  of  this announcement or  any  arrangement
referred to herein.

The full text of the conditions and certain further terms
of  the Offer are set out in Appendix I which forms  part
of,  and should be read with, this announcement.  Defined
terms have the meaning set out in Appendix II which forms
part of, and should be read with, this announcement.

Neither  the Offer nor the Loan Note Alternative will  be
made  available, directly or indirectly, in or  into  the
United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.

Ernst  &  Young  has  approved this  announcement  as  an
investment  advertisement  solely  for  the  purpose   of
section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986.


The  directors  of Crest Packaging, whose names  are  Ian
Tegner,  Rodney Webb, Ian Stewart, Roy Cook  and  Michael
Kenny,   accept   responsibility  for   the   information
contained  in  this announcement relating  to  the  Crest
Packaging Group, the directors of Crest Packaging (solely
in  their  capacity as directors of Crest Packaging)  and
members of their immediate families and persons connected
with  them,  with  the exception of the opinions  of  the
Independent  Directors relating to the recommendation  of
the  Offer  and the recommendation itself as set  out  in
paragraph  11 of this announcement.  To the best  of  the
knowledge  and belief of the directors of Crest Packaging
(who  have taken all reasonable care to ensure that  such
is   the   case),  the  information  contained  in   this
announcement  for  which  they  are  responsible  is   in
accordance  with  the facts and does  not  omit  anything
likely to affect the import of such information.

The Independent Directors, whose names are Ian Tegner and
Ian  Stewart, accept responsibility for the  opinions  of
the  Independent Directors relating to the recommendation
of  the Offer and the recommendation itself as set out in
paragraph  11 of this announcement.  To the best  of  the
knowledge  and  belief of the Independent Directors  (who
have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is  the
case), the information contained in this announcement for
which  they  are  responsible is in accordance  with  the
facts  and  does not omit anything likely to  affect  the
import of such information.

The  directors of Angley Holdings, whose names are Rodney
Webb  and Dr Annalisa Sartori, accept responsibility  for
the  information  contained in this  announcement,  other
than  that  relating  to the Crest Packaging  Group,  the
directors  of  Crest  Packaging  and  members  of   their
immediate families and persons connected with  them.   To
the best of the knowledge and belief of the directors  of
Angley  Holdings (who have taken all reasonable  care  to
ensure  that such is the case), the information contained
in this announcement for which they are responsible is in
accordance  with  the facts and does  not  omit  anything
likely to affect the import of such information.

2 December 1998

Not  for release, publication or distribution in or  into
the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.

                   ANGLEY HOLDINGS PLC
                   CREST PACKAGING plc

1.   Introduction

The   board   of  Angley  Holdings  and  the  Independent
Directors announce that agreement has been reached on the
terms  of a recommended cash offer to be made by Ernst  &
Young,  on  behalf  of Angley Holdings,  to  acquire  the
entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital  of
Crest  Packaging. Angley Holdings is a public company  in
which Rodney A J Webb is the controlling shareholder.

2.   The Offer

On behalf of Angley Holdings, Ernst & Young will offer to
acquire,  on the terms and subject to the conditions  set
out in Appendix I and the further terms and conditions to
be  set out in the formal Offer Document and in the  Form
of  Acceptance, all of the Crest Packaging Shares on  the
following basis:

     for each Crest Packaging Share:    41p in cash
The  Offer  values the existing issued share  capital  of
Crest  Packaging  at  approximately  #16.4  million   and
represents  a  premium of 105 per cent.  to  the  closing
middle-market  price, as derived from  the  London  Stock
Exchange  Daily Official List, of 20p per Crest Packaging
Share  on  4  November 1998, being the last business  day
prior to the announcement by Crest Packaging that it  had
received  an approach from Rodney A J Webb which  may  or
may not lead to an offer being made for Crest Packaging.

The Crest Packaging Shares to be acquired pursuant to the
Offer  will  be  acquired fully paid and  free  from  all
liens,   equities,   charges,  encumbrances   and   other
interests  and together with all rights now or  hereafter
attaching  thereto, including the right  to  receive  and
retain  all  dividends and other distributions  (if  any)
declared, made or paid hereafter.

The Offer will extend to any Crest Packaging Shares which
are  unconditionally allotted or issued prior to the date
on which the Offer closes (or such earlier date as Angley
Holdings  may,  subject to the City Code,  decide)  as  a
result  of  the  exercise of existing options  under  the
Crest Packaging Share Option Schemes or otherwise.

In  the  event of sufficient acceptances, Angley Holdings
intends  to apply the provisions of sections 428 to  430F
of  the Act to acquire compulsorily any outstanding Crest
Packaging Shares to which the Offer relates.

3.   The Loan Note Alternative

Crest Packaging Shareholders who validly accept the Offer
may elect to receive Loan Notes instead of all or part of
the cash consideration due to them under the terms of the
Offer on the following basis:

for every #1 of cash consideration under the Offer:   
           #1 nominal of Loan Notes
The  Loan Notes will be guaranteed, as to principal only,
by  Barclays Bank PLC. There will be no guarantee  as  to

The Loan Notes will be issued, credited as fully paid, in
amounts  and  integral multiples of #1  nominal  and  any
fractional  entitlements will be  disregarded.  The  Loan
Notes  will  bear interest, at a fixed rate of  5.75  per
cent.  per  annum,  payable in  arrears  with  the  first
payment  on  7  July 1999 and thereafter  in  half-yearly
instalments  on  7  January and  7  July  each  year.  No
application has been made or will be made to any stock or
investment  exchange for the Loan Notes to be  listed  or
otherwise traded.

The  Loan Notes will be redeemable (in whole or in  part)
at  the  option  of  the holders on 7  January  2000  and
thereafter at twice yearly intervals on 7 January  and  7
July  up to and including 7 July 2002.  Thereafter either
Angley  Holdings  or the Noteholder may redeem  the  Loan
Notes (in whole or in part) at twice yearly intervals  on
7  January and 7 July up to and including 7 January 2006.
Angley Holdings may also redeem the Loan Notes (in  whole
or  in part) on the occurrence of a sale or flotation  of
Angley Holdings on or after 7 January 2003.  On 7 January
2006, all outstanding Loan Notes will be redeemed.

The  Loan Note Alternative is conditional upon the  Offer
becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects.

Ernst & Young have advised Angley Holdings that, in their
opinion,  based on market conditions at 1  December  1998
(being the latest practicable date prior to the issue  of
this  announcement),  the estimated  value  of  the  Loan
Notes, if they had been in issue on that date, would have
been not less than 98p per #1 in nominal value.

4.   Financial effects of acceptance of the Offer

The following table shows, for illustrative purposes only
and  on  the bases and assumptions set out in  the  Notes
below,  the financial effects on capital value and  gross
income of acceptance of the Offer of 41p cash or the Loan
Note  Alternative for an accepting holder  of  one  Crest
Packaging  Share,  if the Offer becomes  or  is  declared
unconditional in all respects:

(a)  Capital value
                            Notes               Loan Note
                                      Offer   Alternative

Cash consideration                    41.0p           ---
Value of 41p nominal        (i)         ---         40.2p
of Loan Note
                                   ________      ________
Total value                           41.0p         40.2p
Market value of one Crest   (ii)      20.0p         20.0p
Packaging Share
                                   ________      ________
This represents an increase of:       21.0p         20.2p
                                   ________      ________
This represents an increase of:        105%          101%
                                   ________      ________
(b) Gross income

From re-invested cash       (iii)     1.98p           ---
From 41p nominal of Loan    (iv)       ---          2.36p
Note                               ________      ________

Total income                          1.98p         2.36p
Gross income from
one Crest Packaging Share    (v)      3.44p         3.44p
                                   ________      ________
This represents a decrease of:      (1.46)p       (1.08)p
                                   ________      ________
This represents a decrease of:      (42.4)%       (31.4)%
                                   ________      ________

(i) The  value  of  the Loan Notes is based  on  Ernst  &
    Young's  estimated value of 98p per #1 nominal  value
    of  Loan Notes, had such notes been in issue as at  1
    December  1998  (being  the latest  practicable  date
    prior to the printing of this document).
(ii)The  market  value  of one Crest Packaging  share  is
    based  on the closing middle-market quotation  of  20
    pence  per  Crest Packaging Share on 4 November  1998
    (being   the   last  business  day   prior   to   the
    announcement  that Crest Packaging  had  received  an
    approach which may or may not lead to an offer  being
    made for Crest Packaging).
(iii)Gross  income  on the cash consideration  under
    the  Offer has been calculated assuming that the cash
    is  re-invested  so as to yield 4.83  per  cent.  per
    annum,  being  the  gross  redemption  yield  on   30
    November 1998 for the FTSE-Actuaries 5 year UK  Gilts
    Index  as  published  in the  Financial  Times  on  1
    December  1998 (being the lastest practicable day  
    prior to this announcement).
(iv)The  gross income from the Loan Notes is based on the
    rate  of  interest on the Loan Notes, being  a  fixed
    rate of 5.75 per cent. per annum.
(v) The  gross income from one Crest Packaging  Share  is
    based  on  the  aggregate of the  dividends  paid  in
    respect  of  the year ended 30 April 1998,  amounting
    to  2.75  pence  (net)  per  Crest  Packaging  Share,
    together  with  an assumed associated tax  credit  of
    20/80ths on those dividends.
(vi)Save  as  referred to in note (v) above,  no  account
    has been taken of any liability to taxation.
5.  Information regarding Crest Packaging
The  principal activity of the Crest Packaging  Group  is
the  manufacture  and  sale  of  flexible  packaging  and
cartons.  Its  operating subsidiaries are Crest  Flexible
Packaging  Limited,  Crest  Cartons  Limited  and   Crest
Chapman Limited, all located in the UK.

When  it was admitted to the Official List of the  London
Stock  Exchange in October 1993, Crest Packaging's  Share
price  was  135p.   However, conditions in  the  business
areas  in  which  Crest  Packaging operates  have  become
increasingly  competitive  in recent  years,  and  whilst
Crest Packaging has broadly retained its market share  in
the  UK,  the  strength of sterling  against  continental
European currencies has more recently led to both a  loss
of continental business and a reduction in UK margins.

For  the  year  ended 30 April 1998, the Crest  Packaging
Group  reported  turnover of #60.9 million  (1997:  #50.4
million);  profit before taxation of #2.7 million  (1997:
#3.8  million);  and earnings per share  of  5.5p  (1997:
7.8p).  At  that  date, the Crest Packaging  Group's  net
assets   were   #23.3  million  (1997:  #22.4   million),
representing net assets per share of 58.1p (1997: 56.0p)

6.   Information regarding Angley Holdings and Rodney A J

Angley  Holdings, whose registered office is  at  Windsor
House,  Temple  Row,  Birmingham  B2  5LF,  is  a  public
company,  controlled  by  Rodney  A  J  Webb,  which  was
incorporated on 13 November 1998. Further information  on
Angley  Holdings  and  a  description  of  the  financing
arrangements for Angley Holdings in respect of the  Offer
will be set out in the Offer Document.

Rodney A J Webb is deputy chairman of Crest Packaging. He
acquired  Crest Packaging as a shelf company in 1985  for
the  purpose of purchasing two packaging businesses based
in Gillingham, Kent from Bowater Industries PLC.

7.    Undertakings  to accept the Offer  and  letters  of

Undertakings  to accept the Offer have been  received  by
Angley  Holdings from the Executive Directors, their 
related trusts and other persons  in respect  of,  
in  aggregate, 26,333,607  Crest  Packaging
Shares, representing approximately 65.68 per cent. of the
existing  issued share capital of Crest  Packaging.   The
undertakings,  other  than those relating  to  24,187,605
Crest  Packaging Shares given by Rodney A J Webb, related
trusts and two other persons will cease to be binding  if
a third party announces a general offer to acquire all of
the  Crest  Packaging Shares on terms which represent  an
improvement in the consideration offered under the Offer.

The  Independent  Directors  have  also  provided  Angley
Holdings  with  letters  confirming  their  intention  to
accept  the Offer, in the absence of a higher  Offer,  in
respect of their own Crest Packaging Shares, amounting to
11,000 Crest Packaging Shares representing, in aggregate,
approximately 0.03 per cent. of the existing issued share
capital of Crest Packaging.

8.   Arrangements with Rodney A J Webb

Rodney  A  J  Webb  has subscribed in cash  for  ordinary
shares  in Angley Holdings, details of which will be  set
out in the Offer Document.  In addition, Rodney A J Webb,
the  trustees  of  the  Life Interest  Trust  and  Macash
Limited   have  agreed  to  elect  for  the   Loan   Note
Alternative  in respect of, in aggregate,  21,321,397  of
the Crest Packaging Shares they currently hold.  Rodney A
J  Webb and the trustees of the Life Interest Trust  have
agreed  with Angley Holdings and Barclays Bank  PLC  that
the  guarantee given by Barclays Bank PLC shall not apply
in  respect of any Loan Notes received by them  following
their  acceptance of the Offer. In addition, Rodney  A  J
Webb  and  the trustees of the Life Interest  Trust  have
agreed  not to demand redemption of the Loan Notes unless
the   funds  provided  by  Barclays  Bank  PLC  and   the
Macash Limited to finance the Offer have been repaid
in  full,  and have agreed to waive interest on the  Loan

Following   the   Offer  becoming   or  being   declared
unconditional  in  all respects, Rodney  A  J  Webb  and 
his related trusts will hold approximately #8.74 million
of Loan Notes.

If  the Offer becomes or is declared unconditional in all
respects,  Rodney  A J Webb's service  contract  will  be
amended  to  increase his annual salary from  #43,622  to
#100,000  in recognition of the increased time  which  he
will be devoting to the Group.  In addition, an amendment
will  be  made  to require the Company to make  increased
contributions to Rodney A J Webb's pension.

9.   Reasons for the Offer

The   board   of  Angley  Holdings  believes  that   full
acceptance of the Offer will:

(i) enable Crest Packaging Shareholders to realise  their
    investment  in  Crest  Packaging,  without  incurring
    dealing  charges,  at  a  price  which  represents  a
    premium  of  105  per  cent. to the  Crest  Packaging
    Share  price  on  4 November 1998 of 20p,  being  the
    last  business  day  prior to the  announcement  that
    Crest Packaging had received an approach that may  or
    may  not  lead  to  an  offer being  made  for  Crest
    Packaging; and
(ii)remove    from   Crest   Packaging   the   financial,
    managerial and regulatory burden of being  a  company
    listed  on  the  London  Stock  Exchange,  which   is
    disproportionate  in  relation to  Crest  Packaging's
    market capitalisation.
Further   information  will  be  set  out  in  the  Offer
10. Background to and reasons for recommending the Offer
Conditions  in  the  business areas in  which  the  Crest
Packaging   Group   operates  have  become   increasingly
competitive  in recent years and, whilst Crest  Packaging
has  broadly  retained its market share in  the  UK,  the
strength   of   sterling  against  continental   European
currencies  has  more recently led  to  both  a  loss  of
continental business and reduction in UK margins.

At  the  same  time,  stock market sentiment  has  turned
against  smaller  quoted companies,  and  the  paper  and
packaging  sector has been particularly  out  of  favour.
The combination of all these factors led to a share price
of  20p  immediately  prior  to  the  announcement  on  5
November  1998 that an offer may or may not be  made  for
the  Company.  At the present time, there appears  to  be
little  likelihood  that there will  be  any  significant
change  in  sentiment  towards smaller  quoted  companies
and/or  the paper and packaging sector in the foreseeable

11. Recommendation
The  Independent Directors, who have been so  advised  by
WestLB  Panmure, consider that the Offer  represents  the
best  opportunity, given current circumstances, for Crest
Packaging Shareholders to realise their investment  at  a
price  which is above the level which the Crest Packaging
Shares  would  reasonably be expected  to  reach  in  the
medium  term  and  that  the  terms  of  the  Offer   are
reasonable  and,  accordingly, the Independent  Directors
recommend  Crest  Packaging Shareholders  to  accept  the
Offer.  The Independent Directors in the absence  of  any
higher  offer being received, intend to accept the Offer,
in respect of their own beneficial holdings, amounting to
11,000 Crest Packaging Shares representing, in aggregate,
approximately 0.03 per cent. of the existing issued share
capital  of Crest Packaging. In providing advice  to  the
Independent  Directors, WestLB Panmure  have  taken  into
account  the  commercial assessments of  the  Independent

12.  Directors and employees

The  board of Angley Holdings has given assurances to the
Independent   Directors  that  the  existing   employment
rights, including pension rights, of the employees of the
Crest Packaging Group will be fully safeguarded.

The  Independent Directors have agreed to resign from the
board  of  Crest  Packaging if the Offer  becomes  or  is
declared unconditional in all respects. The remainder  of
the  Executive Directors, being Roy J Cook and E  Michael
Kenny, will have a continuing role in the Crest Packaging

13.  Crest Packaging Share Option Schemes

The  Offer  extends  to  any fully paid  Crest  Packaging
Shares  which  are  unconditionally  allotted  or  issued
pursuant  to the exercise of existing options  under  the
Crest  Packaging  Share Option Schemes  while  the  Offer
remains  open  for acceptance (or such  earlier  date  as
Angley Holdings may, subject to the City Code, decide).

Angley Holdings will make appropriate proposals to option
holders  under  the  Crest Packaging plc  Employee  Share
Option   Scheme  in  respect  of  options  which   remain
unexercised  once  the  Offer  becomes  or  is   declared
unconditional in all respects.  Options under  the  Crest
Packaging plc Executive Share Option Scheme will lapse in
accordance with the rules of that scheme.

14.  De-listing

In  the  event  of the Offer becoming or  being  declared
unconditional in all respects and more than 75 per  cent.
of  the Crest Packaging Shares being controlled by Angley
Holdings,  Angley Holdings intends that  Crest  Packaging
will  apply for cancellation of the listing of the  Crest
Packaging Shares on the Official List of the London Stock
Exchange and that Crest Packaging will re-register  as  a
private limited company under and subject to the relevant
provisions of the Act.

15.  General

The  formal  Offer Document, setting out details  of  the
Offer,  and the Form of Acceptance will be despatched  as
soon as practicable.

The  acceptance of the Offer by persons not  resident  in
the  UK  may  be  affected by the laws  of  the  relevant
jurisdictions  in which they are resident.   Persons  who
are  not resident in the UK should inform themselves  of,
and  observe, any applicable requirements. The Offer will
not  be  made,  directly or indirectly, in  or  into  the
United  States, Canada, Australia or Japan or by  use  of
the  mails,  or  by  any  means  or  instrumentality   of
interstate  or  foreign commerce, or any  facility  of  a
national  securities exchange, of the  United  States  of
America, Canada, Australia or Japan.  Accordingly, copies
of  this  press announcement, the Offer Document and  the
Form  of Acceptance will not be, and must not be,  mailed
or  otherwise distributed or sent in, into  or  from  the
United  States,  Canada, Australia or Japan  and  persons
receiving this press announcement, the Offer Document and
Form  of  Acceptance (including custodians, nominees  and
trustees)  must not distribute or send them in,  into  or
from the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan.

Save  as disclosed in the Offer Document, neither  Angley
Holdings,  nor any person deemed to be acting in  concert
with   Angley  Holdings,  owns  or  controls  any   Crest
Packaging Shares or has any options to acquire any  Crest
Packaging Shares.

The  value of the Offer has been calculated on the  basis
of  40,094,208 Crest Packaging Shares in issue  as  at  1
December 1998.

The  definitions  of terms used in this announcement  are
contained in Appendix II to this announcement.

This  announcement does not constitute  an  offer  or  an
invitation  to  purchase any securities.  The  conditions
and further terms of the Offer are set out in Appendix  I
to this announcement.

Press enquiries:

Ian  Tegner,  Crest Packaging      Tel: 0171 970 2104
Rodney  Webb, Angley Holdings      Tel: 01634 234 444
Richard  Haycocks, Ernst &  Young  Tel: 0171 928 2000
Tim  Linacre, WestLB Panmure       Tel: 0171 638 4010

Ernst  &  Young of Becket House, 1 Lambeth  Palace  Road,
London  SE1  7EU  is  authorised  by  the  Institute   of
Chartered  Accountants in England and Wales to  carry  on
investment business.  Ernst & Young is acting for  Angley
Holdings  and no-one else in connection with  the  Offer,
and  will not be responsible to anyone other than  Angley
Holdings for providing the protections offered to customers
of Ernst & Young nor for giving advice in relation to the
Offer,   the  contents  of  this  announcement   or   any
arrangement referred to herein.

WestLB  Panmure which is regulated by The Securities  and
Futures  Authority Limited, is acting for Crest Packaging
and no-one else in connection with the Offer and will not
be  responsible to anyone other than Crest Packaging  for
providing  the protections offered to customers of WestLB
Panmure, nor for giving advice in relation to the  Offer,
the  contents  of  this announcement or  any  arrangement
referred to herein.

Ernst  &  Young  has  approved this  announcement  as  an
investment  advertisement  solely  for  the  purpose   of
section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986.


The  directors  of Crest Packaging, whose names  are  Ian
Tegner,  Rodney Webb, Ian Stewart, Roy Cook  and  Michael
Kenny,   accept   responsibility  for   the   information
contained  in  this announcement relating  to  the  Crest
Packaging Group, the directors of Crest Packaging (solely
in  their  capacity as directors of Crest Packaging)  and
members of their immediate families and persons connected
with  them,  with  the exception of the opinions  of  the
Independent  Directors relating to the recommendation  of
the  Offer  and the recommendation itself as set  out  in
paragraph  11 of this announcement.  To the best  of  the
knowledge  and belief of the directors of Crest Packaging
(who  have taken all reasonable care to ensure that  such
is   the   case),  the  information  contained  in   this
announcement  for  which  they  are  responsible  is   in
accordance  with  the facts and does  not  omit  anything
likely to affect the import of such information.

The Independent Directors, whose names are Ian Tegner and
Ian  Stewart, accept responsibility for the  opinions  of
the  Independent Directors relating to the recommendation
of  the Offer and the recommendation itself as set out in
paragraph  11 of this announcement.  To the best  of  the
knowledge  and  belief of the Independent Directors  (who
have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is  the
case), the information contained in this announcement for
which  they  are  responsible is in accordance  with  the
facts  and  does not omit anything likely to  affect  the
import of such information.

The  directors of Angley Holdings, whose names are Rodney
Webb  and Dr Annalisa Sartori, accept responsibility  for
the  information  contained in this  announcement,  other
than  that  relating  to the Crest Packaging  Group,  the
directors  of  Crest  Packaging  and  members  of   their
immediate families and persons connected with  them.   To
the best of the knowledge and belief of the directors  of
Angley  Holdings (who have taken all reasonable  care  to
ensure  that such is the case), the information contained
in this announcement for which they are responsible is in
accordance  with  the facts and does  not  omit  anything
likely to affect the import of such information.



City Pub (LSE:CPC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 City Pub 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
City Pub (LSE:CPC)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 City Pub 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.