RNS Number:6256Q
Capcon Holdings PLC
29 January 2002



                       ACQUISITION STRATEGY
-                      BROADER CLIENT BASE



Strategic Review

The past year has seen some significant developments in Capcon with our
financial and corporate objectives having been achieved in spite of an
increasingly difficult business and economic climate.

The company, Capcon Limited, was acquired by a new vehicle, Capcon Holdings plc,
and floated on the Alternative Investment Market on 31 May 2001.  The flotation
was most successful enabling the company to strengthen its balance sheet and
future cash flow by redeeming the expensive loan stock and providing additional
working capital.

We are now in a strong position to pursue our corporate objective to expand the
company through the acquisition of complementary businesses whilst continuing
organic growth in the core business.

The core business of audit, stocktaking and investigation services continues to
provide a strong platform upon which to develop a broader based group for the
future.  Additionally, the directors believe that the growing market for these
services will lead to organic growth and facilitate the introduction of other
related services.

Acknowledging the primary objective of growing Capcon into a larger group, the
company has invested in the engagement of senior management who have the
experience, ambition and track record to achieve this objective.

Financial overview

The financial results for the year have been consolidated on the merger
accounting basis to allow a direct comparison with the trading performance in
the period before the group reconstruction and flotation.

Sales for the year to 30th September 2001 were £4.0 million compared with £3.9
million last year.  Although representing an increase of just 2.8%, the overall
sales this year include the gain of a significant and growing new account with a
major pub chain.  This new account has largely offset the impact of the loss of
a major contract which we had been expecting further to the take-over of that

The profit for the year to 30th September 2001 before charging costs relating to
the amortisation of goodwill and group development amounted to £0.78 million
compared with an equivalent figure of £0.77 million last year.  After charging
group development costs, goodwill amortisation and net interest which included
the loan stock redemption costs, the profit was reduced to £0.04 million. If
loan stock redemption costs and goodwill amortisation are added back, the pre
tax profit is £0.34 million compared with £0.37 million last year, reflecting an
increased level of group development costs this year.

The basic earnings per share of 0.2p is not directly comparable to the earnings
per share of 5.4p last year because the current year includes exceptional costs
in relation to the redemption of the loan stock and dilution due to the issue of
new shares when the company was floated. We believe that a more relevant
comparison is the earnings per share before amortisation and management and
development costs which increased from 15.4p to 15.5p if the new shares issued
on flotation of the company are excluded.

Cash inflow from operating activities was £0.43 million for the year compared
with £0.14 million last year.  The bank facilities were renewed immediately
prior to the flotation and have been subsequently increased to provide
additional flexibility and support for future growth plans.

At the date of admission to AIM the directors indicated that it was anticipated
that the first dividend to be paid would be after announcement of the results
for the first half of the year 2001/02.  I am pleased to confirm that the
performance of the past year and current trading leads the board to believe that
we are on target to achieve this objective.

Divisional performance

Audit & stocktaking

A small increase in overall sales turnover this year is hiding a very successful
year of sales activity that has resulted in the gaining of several new
customers.  The previous year's sales turnover included the benefit of a
contract with a substantial pub chain which was taken over during that year by a
company whose stocktaking policy was known to be based on internal resource.
Consequently, we had anticipated that this business would ultimately be lost and
we allowed for this eventuality in our financial forecast for this year.
Nevertheless, considerable sales activity during the year has led to the gaining
of a substantial new account that has now largely replaced the lost client and
additionally we have gained several new clients in the leisure sector.

Operating margin levels remain at a similar level to the previous year despite a
higher level of staff turnover resulting from changes in the geographical spread
of our customer base. These changes entailed significant additional training
which the company should benefit from in future years.

Our outlook for this division continues to be optimistic with no indication that
there is likely to be any change in the well-established trend of outsourcing by
companies in the leisure sector.  Additionally, we believe that the many
ownership changes and reconstruction taking place in the licensed trade sector
will continue to provide opportunities for this division to win new business.

Commercial investigation services

Acknowledging that this division warranted the commitment of a full-time general
manager to develop its potential, the Board appointed Bob Dulieu to this
position at the beginning of the year.

I am pleased to report that sales have increased year on year by some 14%,
confirming that the new management has been successful in the commencement of
building this division into a broader-based investigations and consultancy
business.  The sale of services to one customer in the year 1999/00 amounted to
87% of sales and this single customer dependency has been reduced to 67% in the
past year with a continuing trend into the current year. Since the end of the
financial year we have successfully negotiated renewal of the contract with our
largest client for a further four years.

The higher sales level has increased divisional profit despite the additional
cost of employing a dedicated general manager.  Furthermore, in the second half
of the year we have generated new interest in the financial sector in our senior
personnel screening services, security consultancy and risk management seminars.
  We believe our pro-active approach will lead to further income in the current
year as more businesses react to the recent world events involving international
crime and terrorism.

Board changes

Following a successful year of sales and profit growth in the Investigations
division, I am delighted to confirm the appointment of Bob Dulieu to the board
of Capcon Limited on 1st November 2001. We look forward to a further period of
continuing growth and development of new services in this division under his

On 1st January 2002 we announced the appointment of Karine Luckraft to the board
of Capcon Holdings plc. As a board, we are looking forward to the future
contribution from Karine who brings with her considerable experience from some
16 years of working in financial institutions in the City.

In January 2002 Richard Wevill resigned from the board of Capcon Holdings plc
having been a founder director of Capcon Limited. Richard formally represented
the interests of Sovereign Capital Limited who no longer have an investment in
Capcon. I would like to thank him for his contribution to the company from its
incorporation and through to our recent corporate re-structuring.

Current trading and prospects

The year has started well for both divisions and the internal growth targets for
the current year are expected to be achieved.  New customers have already been
gained and the trend of opening new accounts and diversifying the services
offered by the investigatory division should continue.

An important aspect of the company's strategy is to seek compatible businesses
that are appropriate for acquisition.  The board has spent considerable time
evaluating opportunities and we are optimistic that our continuing activity in
this aspect of group development will ultimately enhance both earnings and
shareholder value.  To this end, considerable care will always be taken in the
review of all potential acquisitions to ensure that there is no dilution in the
quality of services being brought into the group and that the price paid is
directly related to expected future profit contribution.

I am pleased to report that, as a consequence of our search for suitable
acquisitions, we are now close to exchanging contracts to purchase an
investigations company that is expected to treble the sales turnover of our
investigations division. This exciting opportunity would create an entry for
Capcon into the insurance fraud market with a high volume of instructions being
undertaken by approximately 40 investigative staff for some of the UK's leading

K P Dulieu                                       28 January 2002




                                                   Year ended                          15 months ended
                                                30 September 2001                     30 September 2000

                                         Before    Amortisation    Total       Before    Amortisation    Total
                                      amortisation of goodwill              amortisation of goodwill
                                      of goodwill                           of goodwill

                               Notes       £            £            £           £            £            £

TURNOVER                        1,2    4,045,819              -  4,045,819     3,936,691      -       3,936,691

Cost of sales                         (2,673,350)             - (2,673,350)  (2,613,696)      -      (2,613,696)
GROSS PROFIT                           1,372,469              -   1,372,469    1,322,995      -       1,322,995
Administrative expenses          3      (850,409)    (101,806)    (952,215)    (708,873)      -        (708,873)
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES    4       522,060     (101,806)     420,254      614,122       -         614,122
Interest receivable              6                                    3,716                               3,016
Interest payable                 7                                (387,212)                            (244,156)

PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                        36,758                             372,982
TAXATION ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY   8                                 (27,555)                            (104,111)
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                          9,203                             268,871
RETAINED PROFIT BROUGHT                                             268,871                                   -
RETAINED PROFIT CARRIED                                            £278,074                            £268,871

EARNINGS PER SHARE         - Basic         9                     0.2p                                5.4p
                           - Diluted       9                     0.1p                                4.9p

Total Recognised Gains and Losses

There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profits stated above.

Historical Cost Equivalents

There is no difference between the profit reported above and the equivalent
profit calculated on an unmodified historical cost basis.

Continuing Operations

Turnover and operating profit derive from continuing operations.




                                                              Consolidated Group               Company
                                                            2001              2000              2001

                                                Notes         £                £                  £

Fixed Assets

Investments                                        11 -                 -                50,000

Intangible fixed assets                            12 1,934,302         2,036,108        -

Tangible fixed assets                              13 97,890            69,988           -

                                                      ______________    _____________    _________

                                                      2,032,192         2,106,096        50,000

Current Assets

Debtors                                            14 999,596           840,200          1,394,951

Cash at bank and in hand                              247,097           238,794          1,144

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

                                                      1,246,693         1,078,994        1,396,095

Creditors: amounts falling due within one
year                                               15 (597,557)         (1,036,917)      (71,400)

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

Net Current Assets                                    649,136           42,077           1,324,695

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

Total Assets less Current Liabilities                 2,681,328         2,148,173        1,374,695

Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year                                      16 (50,000)          (850,000)        -

Provisions for Liabilities and Charges             17 (28,559)          (29,302)         -

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

Net Assets                                            2,602,769         1,268,871        1,374,695

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

Capital and Reserves

Called up share capital                         18,19 71,875            50,000           71,875

Share premium account                              19 1,302,820         -                1,302,820

Other reserves                                     19 950,000           950,000          -

Profit and loss account                            19 278,074           268,871          -

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

Shareholder's Funds                                   2,602,769         1,268,871        1,374,695

                                                      ______________    _____________    _____________

                                                                                         28 January 2002




                                                                  2001                       2000
                                                  Notes       £            £            £             £

Net cash inflow from operating activities          21                 425,955                   143,391

Returns on investments and servicing of finance

Interest received                                       6,732                     -

Interest paid                                           (587,662)                 (43,706)

                                                        ___________               _________
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and                      (580,930)                 (43,706)
servicing of finance

Taxation                                                                                        -

Tax paid                                                              (68,107)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets               (48,258)                  (29,435)

                                                        __________                _________
Net cash outflow from investing activities                            (48,258)                  (29,435)

Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisition of business                                 -                         (2,097,908)
                                                        __________                ____________
Net cash outflow for acquisitions                                     -                         (2,097,908)
                                                                      __________                ____________
Net cash outflow before financing                                     (271,340)                 (2,027,658)


Issue of new ordinary shares                            1,750,000                 1,000,000

Costs of new issue                                      (353,905)                 -

Issue of loan stock                                     -                         700,000

New loans                                               -                         300,000

Repayment of loan stock                                 (700,000)                 -

Repayment of loans                                      (100,000)                 (50,000)
                                                        ____________              ____________
Net cash inflow from financing                                        596,095                   1,950,000
                                                                      __________                ____________
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                           324,755                   (77,658)
                                                                      __________                ____________






Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
and in accordance with all relevant United Kingdom Statements of Standard
Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting Standards.

Basis of consolidation

The group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the
company and its subsidiary undertaking for the year ended 30 September 2001.

Capcon Holdings Limited was incorporated on 6 April 2001 and changed it's name
to Capcon Holdings plc on 17 May 2001. The company acquired the entire issued
share capital of Capcon Limited by the allotment of 3,649,900 ordinary shares of
1p each and 1,350,000 preferred ordinary shares of 1p each to the shareholders
of Capcon Limited at a ratio of 5 new shares for each share of 1p each held.
The investment is recorded in the company's balance sheet at the nominal value
of the shares issued.

The group reconstruction has been dealt with using the merger accounting
provisions of Financial Reporting Standard 6 'Acquisitions and mergers'.
Accordingly, the financial information for the group has been presented as if
Capcon Limited had been owned by the company throughout the current and prior
periods.  The shares issued by Capcon Holdings plc to effect the merger have
been treated as if they were always in issue. The difference between the nominal
value of the shares issued and the total value of the share capital and share
premium account of Capcon Limited at acquisition has been treated as an "other


Purchased goodwill is capitalised and amortised on a straight line basis over
its estimated useful economic life of 20 years as shown in note 12.

In the previous period, goodwill representing the excess fair value of
consideration given against the fair value of the identifiable net assets
acquired was capitalised in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 10 '
Goodwill and Intangible Assets'. No amortisation was provided where the
purchased goodwill was considered to have an indefinite useful economic life. In
such circumstances, the individual amounts of purchased goodwill were subject to
impairment review annually.

The useful economic life of the acquired goodwill from the previous period has
been revised as the board considers that the company is unlikely to be able to
influence barriers to entry in the market in which the business operates over
the long term.


Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets at rates calculated to
write off the cost or valuation, less estimated residual value, of each asset
over its expected useful life, as follows:

     Fixtures and equipment      -        25% reducing balance

Leased assets

Tangible fixed assets acquired under finance leases are capitalised at cost and
the amount outstanding at the balance sheet date is included under creditors.
Finance charges, calculated using a method materially consistent with Statement
of Standard Accounting Practice No 21, are included within interest payable in
the profit and loss account and charged over the periods of the agreements.
Rentals payable under operating leases are charged in the profit and loss
account evenly over the life of the lease.


Investments are stated at cost less any provision made for impairment in value.

Profit and parent company

The company has taken advantage of the provisions contained in section 230 of
the Companies Act 1985 and has not presented its own profit and loss account in
these financial statements.  The parent company made neither a profit nor a loss
for the period since incorporation.

Deferred taxation

When appropriate the group provides for deferred taxation using the liability
method and expected future tax rates, to account for differences in timing
between the recognition of income and expenditure for accounting and taxation

Pension costs

Pension costs relate to a defined contribution scheme and are accounted for as
they become payable.

2.      TURNOVER

        Turnover comprises the invoiced value of services supplied
        exclusive of value added tax and after deduction of trade discounts.  
        Turnover is entirely attributable to the Group's principal activities.

        Group turnover split between business segments is:

                                                                Year Ended              15 months ended
                                                                30 September 2001       30 September 2000
                                                                £                       £

              Audit and stocktaking                             3,388,582               3,357,934
              Commercial investigation services                 657,237                 578,757

                                                                ____________            ____________
                                                                4,045,819               3,936,691

                                                                ____________            ____________


                                                                Year Ended           15 months ended
3.      ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS                                    30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                £                    £

         Central overhead costs                                 141,200              100,300
         Central marketing costs                                29,500               -
         Group development costs                                84,700               60,200
         Amortisation of goodwill                               101,806              -
         Other administrative expenses                          595,009              548,373

                                                               ____________         ____________
                                                                952,215              708,873

                                                               ____________         ____________

The information presented includes costs attributable to future development and
management of the business and as such are not directly related to the core
business operations.  These costs are highlighted on the basis that this allows
greater comparability of the underlying performance for the accounting periods.

Central overhead costs include the remuneration for C. J. Cavender and
professional fees relating to potential future development of the group.

Central marketing costs relate mainly to the salary and benefits of an employee
appointed to establish a database comprising potential new clients for existing
and future services of the group and potential targets for acquisition.

Group development costs comprise the proportion of time and expenses of K.P.
Dulieu attributed to the implementation of the group strategy of seeking a
flotation and then making acquisitions, together with R Wevill's fees as a
director of Capcon Limited.

                                                                    Year Ended           15 months ended
4.      OPERATING PROFIT                                            30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                    £                    £
         Operating profit is stated after charging:

         Auditors' remuneration:
                Audit                                               12,000               8,000
         Depreciation of tangible fixed assets:
                Owned by the company                                20,356               21,247
         Amortisation of intangible fixed assets:                   101,806              -
         Operating lease rentals:
                Other                                               375,884              337,737
                                                                    __________           __________

                                                                    Year Ended           15 months ended
5.      DIRECTORS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES                               30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                    £                    £
         Staff costs (including directors) include the following

         Wages and salaries                                         1,953,682            1,873,178
         Social security costs                                      183,742              172,224
         Pension costs                                              90,916               81,707
                                                                    _____________        _____________
                                                                    2,228,340            2,127,109
                                                                    _____________        _____________


5.      DIRECTORS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES (Continued)                   Year Ended           15 months ended
                                                                    30 September 2001    30 September 2000
         The average monthly number of persons employed by the      No.                  No.
         group during the year was as follows:

         Administration and management                              18                   13
         Auditors and stocktakers                                   73                   81
                                                                    ______                _____
                                                                    91                   94
                                                                    ______                _____
         The remuneration of the directors who served during the
         year was as follows:
                                                                    Year Ended           15 months ended
                                                                    30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                    £                    £

         Aggregate emoluments                                       86,335               130,225
         Pension contributions                                      6,233                2,342

                                                                    __________           __________
                                                                    92,568               132,567
                                                                    __________           __________

         There is one (2000 - one) director to whom benefits are accruing in
         respect of a money purchase pension scheme.

6.      INTEREST RECEIVABLE                                         Year Ended           15 months ended
                                                                    30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                    £                    £

         Bank interest receivable                                   3,716                3,016

                                                                    _________            _________

7.      INTEREST PAYABLE AND SIMILAR CHARGES                        Year Ended           15 months ended
                                                                    30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                    £                    £

         Bank loans and overdrafts                                  22,480               45,656
         Interest on loan stock                                     364,732              198,500

                                                                    __________          __________
                                                                    387,212              244,156
                                                                    __________          __________

8.      TAX ON PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                        Year Ended           15 months ended
                                                                    30 September 2001    30 September 2000
                                                                    £                    £
         UK corporation tax:
         Current tax on income for the period at 30% (2000: 30%)    35,000               74,809
         Transfer (from)/to deferred taxation in respect of the
         current period                                             (743)                29,302
         Adjustments in respect of prior periods corporation tax    (6,702)              -
                                                                    __________          __________
                                                                    27,555               104,111
                                                                    __________          __________


                                                                   Year Ended          15 months ended
                                                                   30 September 2001   30 September 2000
                                                                   £                   £

         Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders            9,203               268,871
                                                                   _________           _________
         Weighted average number of shares issued during the year  5,815,068           5,000,000
         Dilutive effect of share options                          513,750             513,750
         Adjusted weighted average number of shares                ____________        ____________
         in issue during the year                                  6,328,818           5,513,750
                                                                   ____________        ____________
         Basic earnings per share
                                                                   0.2p                5.4p
                                                                   ______              _____
         Diluted earnings per share
                                                                   0.1p                4.9p
                                                                   ______              _____

Additional earnings per share information has been provided to reflect the
impact of goodwill amortisation and management and development expenditure on
this indicator. The earnings for this purpose are £777,460 for 2001 and £774,622
for 2000.


No dividend is proposed for the year (2000 - none).

                                                                   Group            Company
                                                         2001         2000                      2001
                                                         £            £                         £
         Balance at 1 October 2000                       -            -                         -
         Additions                                       -            -                         50,000

                                                         ______       ______                    ________
         Balance at 30 September 2001                    -            -                         50,000

                                                         ______       ______                    _____     _

The company owns the entire issued share capital of Capcon Limited, a company
registered in England and Wales.  The principal activity of Capcon Limited is
the provision of audit, stocktaking and commercial investigation services.

                                                                   Group                 Company
                                                                   £                     £

At 1 October 2000 and 30 September 2001                            2,036,108             -
                                                                   ____________          _____________
At 1 October 2000                                                  -                     -
Charge for the year                                                101,806               -
                                                                   __________            ____________
At 30 September 2001                                               101,806               -
                                                                   ____________          __________
Net Book Value
At 30 September 2001                                               1,934,302             -
                                                                   ____________          _____________
At 30 September 2000                                               2,036,108             -
                                                                   ____________          _____________



                                                                                          Fixtures and
Group                                                                                     Equipment

At 1 October 2000                                                                          91,235
Additions                                                                                  48,258

At 30 September 2001                                                                       139,493
At 1 October 2000                                                                          21,247
Charge for the year                                                                        20,356
At 30 September 2001                                                                       41,603

Net Book Value
At 30 September 2001                                                                       97,890

At 30 September 2000                                                                       69,988


The company has no separate tangible fixed assets.

14.    DEBTORS

                                                                          Group             Company
                                                              2001           2000           2001
                                                              £              £              £

         Trade debtors                                        847,615        687,442        -
         Amounts due from group undertaking                   -              -              1,392,262
         Other debtors                                        85,459         30,051         2,689
         Prepayments and accrued income                       66,522         122,707        -
                                                              _____________  _________      ____________
                                                              999,596        840,200        1,394,951
                                                              __________     __________     ____________

15.    CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year

                                                                          Group             Company
                                                              2001           2000           2001
                                                              £              £              £

         Bank loan and overdraft                              100,000        416,452        -
         Trade creditors                                      80,071         59,140         -
         Corporation tax                                      35,000         74,809         -
         Other tax and social security                        213,771        109,928        -
         Other creditors                                      81,108         6,994          71,400
         Accruals and deferred income                         87,607         369,594        -
                                                             ___________     _________      ____________
                                                              597,557        1,036,917      71,400
                                                             ___________     _________      ____________


16.    CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                                                          Group             Company
                                                              2001           2000           2001
                                                              £              £              £

         Loan stock                                           -              700,000        -
         Bank loan                                            50,000         150,000        -
                                                              ___________    _________      __________

                                                              50,000         850,000        -
                                                              ___________    _________      __________
         Included in the above are amounts falling due as
                                                                          Group             Company
                                                              2001           2000           2001
                                                              £              £              £
         In 1-2 years:
         Bank loan                                            50,000         100,000        -

                                                                 ___________     _________  ____________
         In 2-5 years:
         Loan stock                                           -              700,000        -
         Bank loan                                            -              50,000         -
                                                                 ___________     _________  ____________

The bank loan, totalling £150,000, is secured by way of a fixed and floating
charge over the group's assets.


                                                                          Group             Company
         Deferred Tax                                         2001           2000           2001
                                                              £              £              £

         At 1 October 2000                                    29,302         -              -
         Movements                                            (743)          29,302         -
                                                                 ___________     _________  ____________
         At 30 September 2001                                 28,559         29,302         -
                                                                 ___________     _________  ____________

Deferred tax arises as a result of accelerated capital allowances.   There is no
unprovided deferred tax.

                                                                            Company and Group
         20,000,000 1p ordinary shares                                          200,000

         Allotted, called up and fully paid
         7,187,500 1p ordinary shares                                           71,875

Ordinary shares
On 6 April 2001 one £1 ordinary share was issued at £1 on incorporation of the

On 17 May 2001 the share capital was sub-divided into ordinary 1p shares.

On 17 May 2001 3,649,900 ordinary 1p shares and 1,350,000 preferred ordinary 1p
shares were issued at par to facilitate the merger with Capcon Limited.

On 17 May 2001 preferred ordinary 1p shares were re-designated as ordinary 1p

On 17 May 2001 2,187,500 ordinary 1p shares were issued at 80p each on the
admission of the company to the Alternative Investment Market.

Share options

At 30 September 2001, options exist which provide the holders the opportunity to
acquire up to 375,000 ordinary shares of 1p each at a price of £0.80 per share.
The options were granted on 17 May 2001 and may be exercised at any time between
17 May 2004 and 16 May 2011.

Options also exist to provide the holders with the opportunity to acquire up to
62,500 ordinary shares of 1p each at an exercise price of £0.80 per share. The
options were granted on 17 May 2001 and may be exercised at any time up to 16
May 2004.

Options also exist to provide the holders with the opportunity to acquire up to
one per cent of the issued ordinary share capital of the company at the date of
exercise of the option at an exercise price of £0.80 per share. The options were
granted on 17 May 2001 and may be exercised at any time up to 16 May 2004.



                                              Share                   Profit and
                                 Share       Premium       Merger        Loss         Total         Total
                                Capital      Account      Reserve      Account        2001          2000
                                   £            £            £            £             £             £

Opening shareholder's funds   50,000      -             950,000      268,871      1,268,871     50,000
Shares issued                 21,875      1,302,820     -            -            1,324,695     -
Merger adjustment             -                         -            -            -             950,000
Profit for the period after
taxation                      -           -             -            9,203        9,203         268,871

                              ________    ___________   __________   __________   ___________   ___________
Closing shareholder's funds   71,875      1,302,820     950,000      278,074      2,602,769     1,268,871
                              ________    ___________   __________   __________   ___________   ___________

The comparative figures reflect the consolidated position on the basis that
Capcon Limited had been a subsidiary company throughout the current and
preceding accounting period. The merger adjustment reflects the difference
between the nominal value of the shares issued to acquire Capcon Limited and the
cumulative value of that company's share capital and share premium account at
the date of acquisition.


At the year end the group had annual commitments under non-cancellable operating
leases as set out below:

                                                                 Land &

                                                               Buildings                             Other
                                                                                    2001        2000
                                                        2001         2000
                                                             £            £           £          £

Leases which expire:
Within 1 year                                           4,750        875         41,358      89,496
Between 2 and 5 years                                   13,336       13,900      199,533     225,874
                                                        _________    _________   _________   _________


                                                                           2001            2000
                                                                           £               £

         Operating profit before interest                                  420,254         614,122
         Depreciation                                                      20,356          21,247
         Amortisation                                                      101,806         -
         (Increase) in debtors                                             (159,396)       (840,200)
         Increase in creditors                                             42,935          348,222

                                                                           ___________     ___________
         Net cash inflow from operating activities                         425,955         143,391

                                                                           ___________     ___________



                                                                           2001            2000
                                                                           £               £

         Increase/(decrease) in cash in period                             324,755         (77,658)
         Outflow/(inflow) from change in debt financing                    800,000         (950,000)

                                                                           ___________     ___________
         Movements in net debt resulting from cash flows                   1,124,755       (1,027,658)
         Net debt at 1 October 2000                                        (1,027,658)     -

                                                                           ___________     ___________
         Net funds/(debt) at 30 September 2001                             97,097          (1,027,658)

                                                                           ___________     ___________


Analysis of net debt                            At            Cash         Non Cash          At
                                            1/10/2001         Flow        Movements      30/09/2001
                                                £              £              £               £

Cash at bank and in hand                  238,794        8,303                         247,097
Overdraft                                 (316,452)      316,452                       -
                                          __________     __________     __________     __________
                                          (77,658)       324,755                       247,097

Debt due within one year                  (100,000)      100,000        (100,000)      (100,000)
Debt due after one year                   (850,000)      700,000        100,000        (50,000)

                                          ___________    ___________    __________     _________
Total                                     (1,027,658)    1,124,755      -              97,097

                                          ___________    ___________    __________     _________


There is no single ultimate controlling party.


During the period fees were paid to The Morgan Group totalling £79,235 (2000 -
£10,260).  In addition, fees for services totalling £46,953 (2000 - £nil) were
charged by Capcon Limited to The Morgan Group.  At the year end, a balance of
£30,405 (2000 - £(6,804)) was owed by The Morgan Group in respect of services
provided by Capcon Limited.  P F Jackson is a partner of The Morgan Group.

During the period, fees totalling £36,605 (2000 - £16,240) and £nil (2000 -
£1,213) were paid to R N Gatenby (a director of Capcon Limited) and C J Cavender
respectively for consultancy services.  At the period end £nil (2000 - £6,915)
was owed to R N Gatenby in respect of these transactions.

During the year fees were paid to K P Dulieu totalling £51,993 (2000 - £47,224)
for professional services.  At the year end, a balance of £10,527 (2000 - £nil)
was owed to K P Dulieu.  In addition fees for services totalling £12,410 (2000 -
£nil) were invoiced to K D A (Portugal), a business in which K P Dulieu is
interested, by Capcon Limited


The group's financial instruments are all in sterling and comprised borrowings,
cash and various non-financial derivatives such as trade debtors and trade
creditors. As permitted by of Financial Reporting Standard 13 'Derivatives and
other financial instruments', short term debtors and creditors have been
excluded from disclosures under that standard. The fair value at the balance
sheet date of all the group's financial instruments is the same as the book

The principal purpose of the group's financial instruments is to provide finance
for the group's operations. The main risk arising from the financial instruments
of the group are interest rate risk and liquidity risk, which the board manages
through it's overdraft facility and by fixing interest rates. The interest rate
applying to the group's borrowings is currently 2 per cent above bank base rate.
The board does not consider that there is a significant exposure to exchange
rate risks.

Borrowing facilities

At 30 September 2001, the group had undrawn overdraft facilities totalling
£200,000 (2000: 15,070) which are due for review on 31 May 2002. The directors
expect that the facility will be renewed at that time. Other than the group's
borrowings as detailed in note 16, the group had no other financial interests.


Since 30 September 2001, the company has allotted a further 66,664 ordinary
shares of 1p each at a price of £0.75 per share ranking pari passu in all
respects with the existing ordinary shares.  These shares have not been taken
into account in calculating the earnings per share as the effect is not
considered to be significant.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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