28 February 2014


Continental Coal Limited ("Continental" or "the Group") is pleased to provide
its operations and financial report for the half-year ended 31 December 2013.

Post 31 December 2013, of major significance to Continental and its
shareholders is the recapitalisation of the Company with an initial $5 million
bridge funding being received and larger recapitalisation plans well advanced,
as previously announced.

Continental has made key payments to current creditors and negotiated a 3 month
standstill period to recapitalize the Group and restructure its financial

Importantly the Group will focus on, and ensure, stability at an operational
level with the Group's current mining operations whilst saving significant
costs at the corporate level. As part of the restructure process, Continental
will look to strengthen its BEE credentials in South Africa and generate
additional synergies with key strategic partners including Eskom, Transnet and
RBCT to ensure a significant growth profile moving forward.

The reconstituted Board of Directors have complete faith in the assets and
operational management of the Company, and are optimistic that a range of
strategic and financing opportunities will be advanced so as to stabilise the
Group's balance sheet and focus on significant growth following completion of a
proposed rights issue.

The reconstituted Board of Directors has received interest from a number of
globally recognised energy investors/traders to participate in the Company
going forward, and terms are currently being negotiated.

As at the date of this report Continental's securities on both the ASX and AIM
markets continue to be suspended. The reconstituted Board of Directors will
consider a decision on seeking to lift the suspension of the shares pending the
provision of further clarification of its financial position to the market.

Please find attached extracts from the Company's Half Year Report as follows:

  * Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income;

  * Consolidated Statement of Financial Position; and

  * Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

A copy of the full Half Year Report is available on the Company's website.

For and behalf of the Board

Dr Paul D'Sylva
Interim Executive Chairman

                      Results for Announcement to Market


The following is a summary of the financial results for the period ended 31
December 2013 (previous corresponding period 31 December 2012). Unless
otherwise stated all figures are provided in AUD.

                              Increase/    Six months ended   Six months ended
                             (Decrease)    31 December 2013   31 December 2012

                                  %                $'000              $'000

Revenue and other income         28%              39,900             31,210
from ordinary activities

Profit/(Loss) before            225%             (3,688)            (1,134)
Interest and Tax (EBIT)
from ordinary activities

Income tax benefit/            (130%)                194              (638)

Profit /(Loss) for the          146%            (15,788)            (6,412)
period attributable to
members (NPAT)

Brief Explanation of above figures

Refer to the Review of Operations on page 4 of the attached Half Yearly Report
for the period ended 31 December 2013.


There were no dividends declared or paid during the period and the directors do
not recommend that any dividend be paid.

Earnings Result

The net loss of Continental Coal Limited for the half-year ended 31 December
2013 after providing for income tax was $16,698,000 (31 December 2012: loss of

                                           31 December 2013  31 December 2012
                                                     Cents            Cents

Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Basic loss per share (cents per share)               (2.29)           (1.37)

Weighted average number of ordinary shares      688,466,982      467,682,357
used in the calculation of basic earnings
per share

The amount used as the numerator in calculating basic EPS is the same as the
net profit/(loss) reported in the Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and
Other Comprehensive Income.

                                                  31 December     31 December
                                                       2013           2012

                                                      Cents          Cents

Net Tangible Asset (NTA) Backing
Per Share

Net tangible asset backing per                      (12.74)         (17.76)
share (cents per share)

Peter Landau
Interim Executive Director

Dated this 28th day of February 2014


Your directors present their report on the consolidated entity (referred to
hereafter as the "Group") consisting of Continental Coal Limited and the
entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the half-year ended 31
December 2013.


The names of the Directors who held office during or since the end of the half

Dr Paul D'Sylva Interim Executive Chairman (appointed 13 February 2014)
Mr Peter Landau Interim Executive Director (appointed 13 February 2014)
Mr Connie Molousi Non-executive Director
Dr Lars Schernikau Non-executive Director (appointed 13 February 2014)
Mr Mike Kilbride Independent Non-executive Chairman (resigned 13 February 2014)
Mr Don Turvey Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director (resigned 13 February 2014)
Mr Johan Bloemsma Non-executive Director (resigned 13 February 2014)
Mr Bernard Swanepoel Non-executive Director (resigned 13 February 2014)
Mr Ron Chamberlain Non-executive Director (appointed 14 October 2013, resigned 13 February 2014)
Mr Jason Brewer Non-executive Director (resigned 15 November 2013)
Mr James Leahy Non-executive Director (resigned 31 July 2013)


Principal Activities

The principal activity of the Group during the period was the acquisition,
exploration, development and operation of thermal coal mines and properties in
Southern Africa. There were no significant changes in the nature of the
activities of the Group during this period.


In the 6 months to 31 December 2013 the Group continued its program of
establishing itself as a successful thermal coal mining, production,
exploration and development Group in Southern Africa focusing on the ramp up of
its flagship Penumbra Coal Mine and advancing the De Wittekrans coal project
with the granting of its mining right.

Coal Mine and Processing Operations

Health and Safety

During the period, seven Dressing Station Case ("DSC") accidents were reported
at the Company's mining and processing operations - six DSC accidents were
reported at the Penumbra Underground Mine and one at the Vlakvarkfontein Mine.
One reportable methane related incident and two reportable dam overflowing
related incidents also occurred at the Penumbra Underground Mine and processing
facility during the period due to excessive rain. The incidents had no material
impacts on operations and their causes have been addressed.

Operational performance

                                    Operational performance (tonnes)

                                   6 months ended       6 months ended
                                  31 December 2013     31 December 2012

Run of Mine (ROM) production

Vlakvarkfontein                       728,983              735,748

Ferreira                              247,129              258,037

Penumbra                              223,327               2,694

Total ROM production                 1,199,439             996,479

Feed to plant

Ferreira                              269,670              323,253

Penumbra                              216,401               2,694

Total feed to plant                   486,071              325,947

Export yields

Ferreira                               72.0%                68.0%

Penumbra                               55.4%                26.2%

Export coal buy-in                     20,953                 -

Domestic sales                        712,624              647,659

Export sales                          320,696              209,750

Total sales                          1,033,320             857,409

Total ROM coal production increased by 20% for the 6 months ended 31 December
2013 compared to the previous reporting period.

Feed to the Delta Processing Operations increased by 49% increase for the 6
months ended 31 December 2013 compared to the previous reporting period.

Total sales increased by 21% increased for the 6 months ended 31 December 2013
compared to the previous reporting period.

Export yields at Penumbra have shown a steady increase during the past 6 months
with the average yield of 55.4% recorded for the 6 months ended 31 December

Vlakvarkfontein Coal Mine

Vlakvarkfontein Coal Mine produced 728,983t ROM for the half year, which was
very similar to the production achieved for the 6 months ended 31 December

Total thermal coal sales for the 6 months ended 31 December 2013 from the
Vlakvarkfontein Coal Mine were 712,624 and comprised 579,432t to Eskom and
133,192t of non-select coal.

Vlakvarkfontein remains on target to achieve its planned production of 1.3 Mt
ROM at a cost of ZAR152/t (US$13.82) for FY2014.

Ferreira Coal Mine

ROM coal production at the Ferreira Coal Mine for the 6 months ended 31
December 2013, which was its last producing period, totalled 247,129t.

Export yields for Ferreira averaged 72.0% for the 6 months ended 31 December

Mining at Ferreira has now been terminated with only inventory clean-up to be
completed. The Group is finalising the closure plan with all stakeholders and
will commence the final rehabilitation of the mine site on approval of the
closure plan by all stakeholders.

Penumbra Coal Mine

The commissioning of the permanent ventilation shaft in August 2013 was the
last remaining infrastructure item required to reach the design capacity of
67,000 tonnes per month. With adequate ventilation in place since early
September 2013, both continuous miner sections were fully operational and able
to be deployed in the planned mining outlay of 9 road production sections.
Production rates increased to an average of 37,221t ROM per month during the
half year. A drill-and-blast section was added to the two continuous miner
sections during the half year which will add additional flexibility to achieve
and maintain the planned production rate. Each continuous miner section
currently has two shuttle cars each with the third shuttle cars expected in
February 2014.

ROM coal production at the Penumbra Coal Mine for the 6 months ended 31
December 2013 was 223,327t. Production build-up at Penumbra is now forecast to
achieve its design capacity of 67,000t ROM per month by April 2014.

Export yields at Penumbra have shown a steady increase during the reporting
period with the average yield of 55.4% recorded for the six months ended 31
December 2013. The yield is expected to improve to the planned 62% with the
increase in production.

Penumbra is forecasting the delivery of 359 621t ROM during the 2014 financial
year at a FOB cost of R580 (US$53) per sales tonne.

Development Project

De Wittekrans Coal Project

The Mining Right for De Wittekrans was granted in September 2013 and the
Company expects the Integrated Water Use License (IWUL) to be granted in Q2

Exploration Projects

Botswana Coal Projects

Negotiations on the previously announced earn-in agreement on Prospecting
Licences 339/2008 and 341/2008 were terminated during the half year. The Group
is in early stage discussions with 2 unrelated parties to reach a commercial
agreement on 2 of the Prospecting licences that have been awarded to the Group.
The third license is in the process of being relinquished.


Bridge finance and recapitalisation

Subsequent to half year end the Group executed a binding term sheet with UK
corporate advisory firm Empire Equity Limited ("Empire Equity") to provide $5
million bridge funding and undertake a broader recapitalisation and restructure
of the Group and its financial arrangements.

The Group received the $5 million bridge funding from Empire Equity and made
key payments to current creditors and negotiated a 3 month standstill period to
recapitalize the Group.

Empire Equity and/or its nominees (the "Investors") have invested in 7.5
million unsecured convertible promissory notes ("Notes") with a face value of
A$1.00 at a discounted issue price of A$0.6667 per Note and with a maturity
date of 4 months redeemable upon successful completion of the Groups
recapitalization. The Investors will receive a 6% fee on the Investment Amount
as well as 70 million options, subject to shareholder approval, for providing
the $5 million.

The Investors have also undertaken to assist the Group in undertaking a rights
issue currently proposed to raise up to A$28 million with terms to be
determined by the Group and the underwriter engaged. The proceeds will be used
to settle amounts owed by the Group to various existing convertible note
holders and other major creditors.

A condition to providing the funding was the resignation or termination of the
CEO Mr Don Turvey, CFO Mr Lou van Vuuren and Non-Executive Directors Mr Mike
Kilbride and Mr Johan Bloemsma. This occurred on 13 February 2014. Mr Ron
Chamberlain and Mr Bernard Swanepoel also tendered their resignations as
Non-Executive Directors to the Board. Village Main Reef Ltd will nominate a new
representative to the Board pursuant to the terms of their 2013 subscription

Following the new appointments, the Board of the Company comprises:

Dr Paul D'Sylva (Interim Executive Chairman)
Mr Peter Landau (Interim Executive Director)
Mr Connie Molusi (Non-Executive Director)
Dr Lars Schernikau (Non-Executive Director)
Creditors' representative (Non-Executive Director) - to be appointed
Village Main Reef representative (Non-Executive Director) - to be appointed

The management structure of the Company moving forward is still being
considered by the reconstituted Board, but will initially be overseen by Mr
Landau and Dr D'Sylva in temporary executive roles as well as current COO Mr
Johan Heystek at an operational level.

In addition Ms Jane Flegg was appointed as Company Secretary following the
resignations of Mr Dennis Wilkins and Mr John Ribbons as Joint Company

Proposed listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

The proposed listing has been postponed until such time as the recapitalisation
of the Company has been completed.

ASX and Aim share trading suspension

As at the date of this report Continental's securities on both the ASX and AIM
markets continue to be suspended. The reconstituted Board of Directors will
consider a decision on seeking to lift the suspension of the shares pending the
provision of further clarification of its financial position to the market.


The Group is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/100, issued by the
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, relating to the `rounding
off' of amounts in the directors' report and financial report. Amounts in the
directors' report and financial report have been rounded off to the nearest
thousand dollars in accordance with that Class Order.


Other than as set out above, there were no matters or circumstances have arisen
since the end of the reporting date and the date of this report which
significantly affects or may significantly affect the results of the operations
of the Group.


The lead auditor's independence declaration under section 307C of the
Corporations Act 2001 for the half-year ended 31 December 2013 can be found on
the following page.

This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.

Peter Landau
Interim Executive Director

Dated this 28th day of February 2014


                   FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013

31 December 2013

                                     Note                      Consolidated

                                                       31 December  31 December
                                                              2013       2012

                                                             $'000      $'000

Operating sales revenue               2                     38,597     29,737

Operating expenses                                         (32,458)   (25,349)

Depreciation & amortisation                                 (3,531)    (1,704)

Cost of sales                         3                    (35,989)   (27,053)

Gross profit                                                  2,608      2,684

Other income                          2                       1,303      1,473

Administration expenses               3                     (4,050)    (4,461)

Finance expenses                      3                    (13,656)    (5,772)

Impairment expenses                   3                     (2,265)          -

Marketing expenses                                             (97)      (144)

Other expenses                        3                       (735)      (433)

Loss before income tax                                     (16,892)    (6,653)

Income tax benefit/(expense)                                    194      (638)

Loss for the half year from                                (16,698)    (7,291)
continuing operations

Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss)

Items that may be reclassified to
profit or loss

Exchange differences on translation                              85    (3,373)
of foreign operations

Changes in the fair values of                                 (580)      1,266
cashflow hedges, net of tax

Other comprehensive loss for the                              (495)    (2,107)
half year, net of tax

Total comprehensive loss for the                           (17,193)    (9,398)
half year

Net loss is attributable to:

Owners of Continental Coal Limited                         (15,788)    (6,412)

Non-controlling interests                                     (910)      (879)

                                                           (16,698)    (7,291)

Total comprehensive loss is
attributable to:

Owners of Continental Coal Limited                         (16,430)    (7,577)

Non-controlling interests                                     (763)    (1,821)

                                                           (17,193)    (9,398)

Loss per share for loss from
continuing operations attributable
to the ordinary equity holders of
the Group:

Basic loss per share                                         (2.29)     (1.37)

(cents per share)

Diluted loss per share                                       (2.29)     (1.37)

(cents per share)

       The above Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive
     Income should be read in conjunction with the notes to the Financial Statements.


                            AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013

                                           Note            Consolidated

                                                  31 December 2013    30 June 2013
                                                             $'000        $'000



Cash and cash equivalents                   4                3,948        4,496

Trade and other receivables                                  6,239        7,744

Inventories                                                  3,190        4,862

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                        13,377       17,102


Trade and other receivables                                  2,931        2,981

Other assets                                                 2,217        1,658

Derivative financial instruments                             1,820        2,400

Exploration expenditure                     5               50,751       54,363

Development expenditure                     6               72,579       76,344

Property, plant and equipment               7               12,511       11,933

Deferred tax assets                                          3,328        3,022

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                   146,137      152,701

TOTAL ASSETS                                               159,514      169,803


Trade and other payables                    8               11,016       12,459

Deferred revenue                            9                    -        5,859

Income tax payable                                             796        1,115

Provisions                                                   4,273          296

Borrowings                                  10              87,876       18,531

Derivative financial instruments                                80          228

Other financial liabilities                                  4,419        3,633

Provision for rehabilitation                                 3,416        3,759

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                  111,876       45,880


Deferred revenue                            9                    -        5,467

Borrowings                                  10                 212       52,141

Other financial liabilities                                  6,633        6,984

Deferred tax liability                                      21,699       23,009

Provision for rehabilitation                                 9,318        9,594

TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                               37,862       97,195

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                          149,738      143,075

NET ASSETS                                                   9,776       26,728


Issued capital                              11             236,533      236,032

Reserves                                                   (3,480)      (2,838)

Accumulated losses                                       (214,775)    (198,987)

Capital and reserves attributable to                        18,278       34,207
owners of Continental Coal Ltd

Amounts attributable to non-controlling                    (8,502)      (7,479)

TOTAL EQUITY                                                 9,776       26,728

The above Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be read in
conjunction with the notes to the Financial Statements.

                                      CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY

                                                FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED

                                                    31 DECEMBER 2013

                            Share  Accumulated  Foreign    Other  Hedging  Share   Total         Non-   Total
                          Capital    losses     Currency  Reserve Reserve  Based           Controlling
                         Ordinary             Translation                 Payment            Interest
                                                 Reserve                  Reserve

                            $'000      $'000       $'000    $'000   $'000   $'000   $'000       $'000   $'000

Balance at 1 July 2012    220,015   (164,739)    (19,189) (9,944)   (508)  30,798  56,433       8,089  64,522

Loss for the half year          -     (6,412)           -       -       -       - (6,412)       (879) (7,291)

Exchange differences on         -           -     (2,102)       -       -       - (2,102)     (1,271) (3,373)
translation of foreign

Cashflow hedges, net of         -           -           -       -     937       -     937         329   1,266

Total comprehensive             -     (6,412)     (2,102)       -     937       - (7,577)      (1,821) (9,398)
income/(loss) for the
half year

Transactions with owners
in their capacity as

Shares issued during the    3,654           -           -       -       -       -   3,654           -   3,654
half year

Transaction cost              241           -           -       -       -       -     241           -     241

Options issued as share         -           -           -       -       -     219     219           -     219
based payments

Transactions with               -           -           -     333       -       -     333           -     333

Balance at 31 December    223,910   (171,151)    (21,291)  (9,611)    429  31,017  53,303       6,268  59,571

Balance at 1 July         236,032   (198,987)    (23,931) (12,182)  1,776  31,499  34,207     (7,479)  26,728

Loss for the half               -    (15,788)           -        -      -       - (15,788)      (910) (16,698)

Exchange differences            -           -       (195)        -      -       -    (195)       280       85
on translation of
foreign operations

Cashflow hedges, net            -           -           -        -  (447)       -    (447)      (133)    (580)
of tax

Total comprehensive             -    (15,788)       (195)        -  (447)       - (16,430)      (763) (17,193)
income/(loss) for
the half year

Transactions with
owners in their
capacity as owners:

Shares issued during          501          -           -         -     -        -     501          -      501
the half year

Dividends paid                  -          -           -         -     -        -       -       (260)    (260)

Balance at 31             236,533   (214,775)    (24,126)  (12,182) 1,329  31,499  18,278     (8,502)   9,776
December 2013

The above Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity should be read in
conjunction with the notes to the Financial Statements.


                            FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED

                               31 DECEMBER 2013

                                            Note             Consolidated

                                                      31 December   31 December
                                                             2013          2012

                                                            $'000         $'000


Receipts from customers                                    40,832        30,020

Interest received                                             249           202

Other income                                                   31             -

Proceeds from commodity hedge                                 561           346

Payments to suppliers and employees                      (36,667)      (32,791)

Income tax paid                                           (1,126)             -

Net cash provided by/(used in) operating                    3,880       (2,223)


Proceeds from sale of investment in Vanmag                      -           879

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                     420             -

Exploration expenditure                       5             (244)         (587)

Development costs                             6           (1,783)      (15,605)

Purchase of property, plant and equipment                 (1,593)       (7,402)

Payments in relation to SIOC transaction                        -         (125)

Net cash (used in) investing activities                   (3,200)      (22,840)


Proceeds from issue of shares, net of                           -          (11)
transaction costs

Interest and borrowing costs                              (1,145)       (3,751)

Proceeds from borrowings                                      908        17,735

Repayment of borrowings                                     (491)       (1,231)

Royalty payments                                            (325)         (414)

Net cash (used in)/provided by financing                  (1,053)        12,328

Net (decrease) in cash held                                 (373)      (12,735)

Effect of the exchange rate changes on the                   (74)         (631)
balance of cash held in foreign currencies
at the beginning of the half year

Cash at beginning of half year                              3,513        14,595

Cash at half year end                         4             3,066         1,229

The above Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction
with the Notes to the Financial Statements.

For further information please contact:

Media (Australia)
David Tasker
Professional Public Relations
T: +61 8 9388 0944

Nominated Advisor
Stuart Laing
RFC Ambrian Limited
T: +61 8 9480 2500

Jonathan Williams
RFC Ambrian Ltd
T : +44 203 440 6817

About Continental Coal Limited

Continental Coal Limited (ASX:CCC/AIM: COOL) is a South African thermal coal
producer with a portfolio of projects located in South Africa's major coal
fields including two operating mines, the Vlakvarkfontein and Penumbra Coal
Mines, producing approx. 2Mtpa of thermal coal for the export and domestic
markets. A Feasibility Study was also completed on a proposed third mine, the
De Wittekrans Coal Project with a mining right granted in September 2013.

Competent Persons Statement

The information in this release that relates to Coal Resources on
Vlakvarkfontein, Vlakplaats and Wolvenfontein is based on resource estimates
completed by Dr. Philip John Hancox. Dr. Hancox is a member in good standing of
the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP No.
400224/04) as well as a Member and Fellow of the Geological Society of South
Africa. He is also a member of the Fossil Fuel Foundation, the Geostatistical
Association of South Africa, the Society of Economic Geologists, and a Core
Member of the Prospectors and Developer Association of Canada. Dr. Hancox has
more than 12 years' experience in the South African Coal and Minerals
industries and holds a Ph.D from the University of the Witwatersrand (South

The information in this release that relates to Coal Resources on Penumbra, De
Wittekrans, Knapdaar, Leiden and Wesselton II is based on coal resource
estimates completed by Mr. Nico Denner, a full time employee of Gemecs (Pty)
Ltd. Mr. Denner is a member in good standing of the South African Council for
Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP No. 400060/98) as well as a Member and
Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa. He has more than 15 years'
experience in the South African Coal and Minerals industries.

The information in this release that relates to Coal Resources on Project X and
Vaalbank is based on coal resource estimates completed by Mr. Coenraad van
Niekerk, a full time employee of Gemecs (Pty) Ltd. Mr. van Niekerk is a member
in good standing of the South African Council for Natural Scientific
Professions (SACNASP No. 400066/98) as well as a Member and Fellow of the
Geological Society of South Africa. He has more than 38 years' experience in
the South African Coal and Minerals industries.

The information in this release that relates to Coal Resources on Mooifontein
is based on coal resource estimates completed by Mr. Dawie van Wyk, a full time
employee of Geocoal services (Pty) Ltd. Mr. van Wyk is a member in good
standing of the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions
(SACNASP No. 401964/83) as well as a Member and Fellow of the Geological
Society of South Africa. He has more than 30 years' experience in the South
African Coal and Minerals industries.

The Coal Reserves on Vlakvarkfontein, and is based on reserve estimates
completed by Eugène de Villiers. Mr. de Villiers is a graduated mining engineer
(B.Eng) Mining from the University of Pretoria and is professionally registered
with the Engineering Council of South Africa (Pr.eng no - 20080066). He is also
a member of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM
Membership no. 700348) and the South African Coal Managers Association (SACMA
Membership no. 1742). Mr. de Villiers has been working in the coal industry
since 1993 and has a vast amount of production and mine management as well as
project related experience.

Forward Looking Statement

This communication includes certain statements that may be deemed
"forward-looking statements" and information. All statements in this
communication, other than statements of historical facts, that address future
production, reserve potential, exploration drilling, exploitation activities
and events or developments that the Company expects to take place in the future
are forward-looking statements and information. Although the Company believes
the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements and information
are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of
future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially
from those in the forward-looking statements and information. Factors that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking
statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes,
drilling and development results, production rates and operating costs,
continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or
business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not
guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ
materially from those stated.

Copyright ch 3 PR Newswire

Conti.Coal (LSE:COOL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 8월(8) 2024 으로 9월(9) 2024 Conti.Coal 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Conti.Coal (LSE:COOL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 9월(9) 2023 으로 9월(9) 2024 Conti.Coal 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.