RNS Number : 4506T 
Charles Street Capital PLC 
28 September 2010 

              Charles Street Capital plc / EPIC: CHC / Market: AIM 
28 September 2010 
              Charles Street Capital plc ('CSC' or 'the Company') 
                        Final Results and Notice of AGM 
Charles Street Capital plc, the AIM listed natural resources investment company, 
announces its final results for the period ended 30 April 2010. 
·    New investment strategy implemented to focus on the natural resources 
·    Looking to acquire and invest strategically in natural resources, minerals, 
metals and oil and gas companies within Africa, South America, Australasia and 
Central and Eastern Europe 
·    Currently evaluating a number of projects, both at the exploration and 
production stages 
·    Raised GBP805,488 post-period end via a placing in order to improve cash 
·    Strengthened Board in light of the new investment strategy with appointment 
of Robert Hyndes and Greg Kuenzel 
Chairman's Statement 
This has been an important developmental year for the Company during which we 
have commenced our new investment strategy to focus on the natural resources 
sector following the disposal of Sweet China Plc's assets in the first quarter 
of 2010.  Since the period-end, we have changed our company name, strengthened 
our Board in view of our new investment strategy and completed a placing to 
reinforce our position in the natural resources sector. 
The Company has a strategy centred on acquiring and strategically investing in 
natural resources, minerals, metals and oil and gas companies within Africa, 
South America, Australasia and Central and Eastern Europe.  Although broad at 
the moment, the Board is confident that this will be of benefit to shareholders 
and we are active in assessing opportunities in this arena.  We are currently 
evaluating a number of projects, both at the exploration and production stages, 
which we believe have the potential to fulfil our investment criteria and build 
shareholder value.  We look forward to updating shareholders on these 
developments at the appropriate time. 
At the current time, the Board is focused on developing a solid foundation for 
future growth.  Subsequent to the period-end, following shareholder approval for 
our change in investment strategy in early May 2010, the Company raised 
GBP805,488 via a placing in order to improve its cash position. 
In light of our new investment strategy, we have strengthened our management 
team and as part of this, Robert Hyndes' was appointed as a Non-Executive 
Director in May 2010.  Additionally, Damian Conboy has joined our management 
team to assist the Company during its development phase and Greg Kuenzel has 
joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director.  Importantly, both Damian and Greg 
have experience in operating and executing transactions in the resource sector 
and the Board is optimistic about the opportunities that are now becoming open 
to the Company as we look to build our exposure in the natural resources sector. 
Much of the period under review was concerned with the liquidation of Sweet 
China Plc's assets, which left no residual value to shareholders, and the 
establishment of the Company as a natural resource focused investment company. 
We are now moving ahead with this new investment strategy and so these financial 
results are not reflective of the current operations of the Company. 
Accordingly, we are reporting a Group profit for the year after taxation of 
GBP80,343 (2009: loss GBP6,151,880) on a turnover of GBP419,874 (2009: 
The Board believes that the Company is well placed to progress as we look to 
apply our new investment strategy focused on the natural resource sector.  Our 
Board and management team have identified a number of projects and investment 
opportunities which are currently under assessment with a view to maximising our 
position as an investment company and executing a transaction to the benefit of 
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the team and our shareholders for 
their support throughout this transitional time for the Company. 
Nicholas Lee 
4 October 2010 
| For further information on the Company visit                | 
| www.charlesstreetplc.com or contact:                        | 
|                                                             | 
| Nicholas Lee   | Charles Street       | Tel: 0203 006 0260  | 
|                | Capital plc          |                     | 
| Damian Conboy  | Charles Street       | Tel: 0203 006 0260  | 
|                | Capital plc          |                     | 
| Nick Naylor    | Allenby Capital      | Tel: 0203 328 5656  | 
|                | Limited              |                     | 
| Alex Price     | Allenby Capital      | Tel: 0203 328 5656  | 
|                | Limited              |                     | 
| Hugo de Salis  | St Brides Media &    | Tel: 020 7236 1177  | 
|                | Finance Ltd          |                     | 
| Elisabeth      | St Brides Media &    | Tel: 020 7236 1177  | 
| Cowell         | Finance Ltd          |                     | 
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
For The Year Ended 30 April 2010 
|                                          |     |  |          |      Year |          |        Year | 
|                                          |     |  |          |     ended |          |       ended | 
|                                          |     |  |          |        30 |          |          30 | 
|                                          |     |  |          |     April |          |       April | 
|                                          |     |  |          |      2010 |          |        2009 | 
|                                          |     |  |          |       GBP |          |         GBP | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Revenue - sale of goods                  |     |  |          |   419,874 |          |   6,425,454 | 
| Cost of sales                            |     |  |          | (219,913) |          | (5,044,092) | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Gross profit                             |     |  |          |   199,961 |          |   1,381,362 | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Administrative expenses                  |     |  |          | (329,758) |          | (2,389,365) | 
| Other operating expenses                 |     |  |          |   (1,112) |          |    (17,805) | 
| Other income                             |     |  |          |   231,180 |          |     203,736 | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Operating profit/(loss)                  |     |  |          |   100,271 |          |   (822,072) | 
| Other gains and losses                   |     |  |          |         - |          | (5,303,050) | 
| Finance income                           |     |  |          |         - |          |       1,632 | 
| Finance costs                            |     |  |          |  (19,928) |          |    (28,234) | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Profit/(loss) before taxation            |     |  |          |    80,343 |          | (6,151,724) | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Taxation                                 |     |  |          |         - |          |       (156) | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year               |     |  |          |    80,343 |          | (6,151,880) | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Other comprehensive income:              |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Exchange differences on translation of   |     |  |          |         - |          |    (26,694) | 
| overseas subsidiaries                    |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year and total     |     |  |          |    80,343 |          | (6,178,574) | 
| comprehensive income attributable to     |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| owners of the parent                     |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Profit/(loss) from continuing activities |     |  |          |    86,203 |          |   (856,720) | 
| Profit/(loss) from discontinued          |     |  |          |   (5,860) |          | (5,295,160) | 
| activities                               |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
|                                          |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Basic and diluted profit/(loss) per      |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| share (pence):                           |     |  |          |           |          |             | 
| Continuing activities                    |     |  |          |     0.09p |          |     (0.94p) | 
| Discontinued activities                  |     |  |          |   (0.01p) |          |     (5.82p) | 
|                                          |     |  |          |     0.08p |          |     (6.76p) | 
Group Balance Sheet 
As At 30 April 2010 
|                                          |    |  |          |        2010 |          |        2009 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |         GBP |          |         GBP | 
| ASSETS                                   |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Non-current assets                       |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Property, plant and equipment            |    |  |          |           - |          |      14,660 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |           - |          |      14,660 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Current assets                           |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Inventories                              |    |  |          |           - |          |      44,872 | 
| Trade and other receivables              |    |  |          |      30,188 |          |     137,618 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                |    |  |          |      41,864 |          |     164,706 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |      72,052 |          |     347,196 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| TOTAL ASSETS                             |    |  |          |      72,052 |          |     361,856 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                   |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Share capital and reserves               |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Issued capital                           |    |  |          |     984,746 |          |     976,412 | 
| Share premium                            |    |  |          |   6,002,170 |          |   6,010,504 | 
| Reserve on acquisition                   |    |  |          |     216,000 |          |     216,000 | 
| Loan note holders reserve                |    |  |          |      28,682 |          |           - | 
| Option reserve                           |    |  |          |     388,738 |          |     388,738 | 
| Translation reserve                      |    |  |          |           - |          |    (27,133) | 
| Retained earnings                        |    |  |          | (8,226,706) |          | (8,279,916) | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| TOTAL EQUITY                             |    |  |          |   (606,370) |          |   (715,395) | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Non-current liabilities                  |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Borrowings                               |    |  |          |      86,318 |          |           - | 
| Finance lease obligations                |    |  |          |           - |          |      11,386 | 
| Deferred tax liabilities                 |    |  |          |           - |          |       1,951 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |      86,318 |          |      13,337 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Current liabilities                      |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| Trade and other payables                 |    |  |          |     592,104 |          |     672,252 | 
| Borrowings                               |    |  |          |           - |          |     197,648 | 
| Finance lease obligations                |    |  |          |           - |          |       3,105 | 
| Current income tax payable               |    |  |          |           - |          |     190,909 | 
| Total current liabilities                |    |  |          |     592,104 |          |   1,063,914 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                        |    |  |          |     678,422 |          |   1,077,251 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES             |    |  |          |      72,052 |          |     361,856 | 
|                                          |    |  |          |             |          |             | 
Group Statement of Cash Flows 
For the Year Ended 30 April 2010 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |      Year |          |        Year | 
|                                        |     |    |          |     ended |          |       ended | 
|                                        |     |    |          |        30 |          |          30 | 
|                                        |     |    |          |     April |          |       April | 
|                                        |     |    |          |      2010 |          |        2009 | 
|                                        |     |    |          |       GBP |          |         GBP | 
| Cash flows from operating activities   |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Profit/(loss) before income tax        |     |    |          |    86,203 |          | (6,151,724) | 
| Adjustments for:                       |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Depreciation                           |     |    |          |       387 |          |      35,273 | 
| Loss on disposal of property, plant    |     |    |          |     1,112 |          |      17,805 | 
| and equipment                          |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Impairment loss in respect of          |     |    |          |         - |          |   5,303,050 | 
| subsidiary undertakings                |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Interest receivable                    |     |    |          |         - |          |     (1,632) | 
| Interest expense                       |     |    |          |    19,928 |          |      28,234 | 
| Share-based payments                   |     |    |          |         - |          |     175,702 | 
| Operating cash flows before working    |     |    |          |   107,630 |          |   (593,292) | 
| capital changes                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Decrease/(increase) in inventories     |     |    |          |         - |          |      10,052 | 
| Decrease in trade and other            |     |    |          |    20,116 |          |     267,385 | 
| receivables                            |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Increase/(decrease) in trade and other |     |    |          | (222,842) |          |     150,658 | 
| payables                               |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Cash outflow from operations           |     |    |          |  (95,096) |          |   (165,197) | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Income tax paid                        |     |    |          |         - |          |    (37,768) | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Net cash outflow from operating        |     |    |          |  (95,096) |          |   (202,965) | 
| activities                             |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Cash flows from investing activities   |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Cash balances of discontinued          |     |    |          | (126,896) |          |           - | 
| activities                             |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Purchase of property, plant and        |     |    |          |     (461) |          |    (28,912) | 
| equipment                              |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Proceeds on disposal of property,      |     |    |          |         - |          |      42,992 | 
| plant and equipment                    |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Interest received                      |     |    |          |         - |          |       1,632 | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Net cash (outflow)/inflow from         |     |    |          | (127,357) |          |      15,712 | 
| investing activities                   |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Cash flows from financing activities   |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Proceeds from issue of shares          |     |    |          |         - |          |     168,653 | 
| Convertible loan notes issued          |     |    |          |   115,000 |          |           - | 
| Proceeds from finance leases           |     |    |          |         - |          |      10,570 | 
| Interest paid                          |     |    |          |  (17,419) |          |    (28,234) | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Net cash inflow from financing         |     |    |          |    97,581 |          |     150,989 | 
| activities                             |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Net decrease in cash and cash          |     |    |          | (124,872) |          |    (36,264) | 
| equivalents                            |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Exchange rate translation adjustment   |     |    |          |     2,030 |          |      21,569 | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents brought      |     |    |          |   164,706 |          |     179,401 | 
| forward                                |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents carried      |     |    |          |    41,864 |          |     164,706 | 
| forward                                |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Represented by:                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
| Positive cash balances                 |     |    |          |    41,864 |          |     164,706 | 
|                                        |     |    |          |           |          |             | 
Group Statement of Changes In Equity 
For The Year Ended 30 April 2010 
|              |   Share |     Share |             | |    Loan | |  Option | | Translation |          |             | |       Total | 
|              | capital |   premium |  Reserve    | |    note | | reserve | |     reserve |          |    Retained | |             | 
|              |         |           |     on      | | holders | |         | |             |          |    earnings | |             | 
|              |         |           |acquisition  | | reserve | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
|              |     GBP |       GBP |         GBP | |         | |     GBP | |         GBP |          |         GBP | |         GBP | 
|              |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| At 30        | 887,648 | 5,930,615 |     216,000 | |       - | | 213,036 | |       (439) |          | (2,128,036) | |   5,118,824 | 
| April 2008   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Loss for     | -       |         - |           - | |       - | |       - | |           - |          | (6,151,880) | | (6,151,880) | 
| the year     |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Exchange     | -       |         - |           - | |       - | |       - | |    (26,694) |          |           - | |    (26,694) | 
| differences  |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| on           |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| translation  |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| of overseas  |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| subsidiaries |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Total        | -       |         - |           - | |       - | |       - | |    (26,694) |          | (6,151,880) | | (6,178,574) | 
| recognised   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| income and   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| expense      |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| for the      |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| year         |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Shares       | 88,764  |    88,765 |           - | |       - | |       - | |           - |          |           - | |     177,529 | 
| issued in    |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| year for     |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| cash         |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Costs of     | -       |   (8,876) |           - | |       - | |       - | |           - |          |           - | |     (8,876) | 
| share        |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| issue        |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Credit to    | -       |         - |           - | |       - | | 175,702 | |           - |          |           - | |     175,702 | 
| equity for   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| share        |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| based        |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| payments     |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
|              |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| At 30        | 976,412 | 6,010,504 |     216,000 | |       - | | 388,738 | |    (27,133) |          | (8,279,916) | |   (715,395) | 
| April 2009   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Profit for   | -       |         - |           - | |       - | |       - | |           - |          |      86,203 | |      86,203 | 
| the year     |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Adjustments  | -       |         - |           - | |       - | |       - | |      27,133 |          |    (32,993) | |     (5,860) | 
| in respect   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| of           |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| discontinued |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| activities   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Total        | -       |         - |           - | |       - | |       - | |      27,133 |          |      53,210 | |      80,343 | 
| recognised   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| income and   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| expense      |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| for the      |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| year         |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
|              |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Equity       | -       |         - |           - | |  28,682 | |       - | |           - |          |           - | |      28,682 | 
| recognised   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| on issue     |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| of loan      |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| notes        |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Adjustment   | -       |  (50,000) |           - | |       - | |       - | |           - |          |           - | |    (50,000) | 
| to premium   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| on shares    |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| issued in    |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| a previous   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| year         |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| Shares       | 8,334   |    41,666 |           - | |       - | |       - | |           - |          |           - | |      50,000 | 
| issued in    |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| year         |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
|              |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
| At 30        | 984,746 | 6,002,170 |     216,000 | |  28,682 | | 388,738 | |           - |          | (8,226,706) | |   (606,370) | 
| April 2010   |         |           |             | |         | |         | |             |          |             | |             | 
Notes to financial statements 
1.             General information 
Charles Street Capital plc is a public limited company incorporated and 
domiciled in England and Wales. Its registered office and business address is 47 
Charles Street, London, W1J 5EL. 
2.             Accounting policies 
2.1.         Basis of preparation 
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and IFRIC 
interpretations and with those parts of the Companies Act, 2006 applicable to 
companies reporting under IFRS. The financial statements have been prepared 
under the historical cost convention and presented in British Pounds, which is 
the Company's functional and presentation currency.  A summary of the more 
important accounting policies is set out below. 
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted 
accounting principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect 
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. 
Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of the amount, 
event or actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates. 
2.2.         Going concern 
As referred to in note 13 to the financial statements the Company's main 
operating subsidiary went into provisional liquidation on 9 December 2009 and 
the Group has net current liabilities of GBP520,052 as at 30 April 2010.  On 26 
March 2010 an agreement was completed with all the Company's creditors that 
debts totalling approximately GBP475,000 be discounted by 75% and shares be 
issued in settlement of the balance, subject only to the approval of the 
shareholders.  Subsequently this agreement was ratified by shareholders on 7 May 
2010.  Also on 7 May the shareholders approved the conversion of GBP115,000 loan 
notes into new ordinary shares, and on 30 June 2010 the Company completed a 
placing of 805,488,000 new ordinary shares raising GBP805,488 before expenses. 
These events have resulted in an increase in net equity of approximately 
For these reasons, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group 
has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
future and they have therefore adopted a going concern basis in preparing the 
2.3.         Statement of compliance 
The financial statements comply with International Financial Reporting 
Standards.  At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the 
following Standards and Interpretations affecting the Group, which have not been 
applied in these financial statements, were in issue, but not yet effective (and 
in some cases had not been adopted by the EU): 
|              |                                       | Effective for | 
|              |                                       | accounting    | 
|              |                                       | periods       | 
|              |                                       | beginning on  | 
|              |                                       | or after:     | 
| IAS 7        | Classification of expenditures on     | 1 January     | 
|              | unrecognised assets                   | 2010          | 
| IAS 17       | Classification of leases of land and  | 1 January     | 
|              | buildings                             | 2010          | 
| IAS 24       | Related Party Disclosures             | 1 January     | 
|              |                                       | 2011          | 
| IAS 32       | Financial instruments:  Presentation  | 1 February    | 
|              | - Classification of Rights Issues     | 2010          | 
| IAS 36       | Unit of accounting for goodwill       | 1 January     | 
|              | impairment test                       | 2010          | 
| IAS 38       | Intangible assets                     | 1 July 2009   | 
| (amendment)  |                                       |               | 
| IFRS 2       | Scope of IFRS 2 and IFRS 3 (revised)  | 1 July 2009   | 
| IFRS 8       | Disclosure of information about       | 1 January     | 
| (amendment)  | segment assets                        | 2010          | 
| IFRS 9       | Financial Instruments                 | 1 January     | 
|              |                                       | 2013          | 
| IFRIC 19     | Extinguishing Financial Liabilities   | 1 July 2010   | 
|              | with Equity Instruments               |               | 
The Directors anticipate that the adoption of the above Standards and 
Interpretations in future periods will have little or no impact on the financial 
statements of the Group when the relevant Standards come into effect for periods 
commencing on or after 1 May 2010. 
2.4.         Basis of consolidation 
The Group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of Charles 
Street Capital plc ("the Company") and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for the 
year ended 30 April 2010. 
Subsidiaries are all entities over which the Group has the power to govern the 
financial and operating policies, generally accompanying a shareholding of more 
than one half of the voting rights. The existence and effect of potential voting 
rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when 
assessing whether the Group controls another entity. On acquisition the assets 
and liabilities and contingent liabilities of subsidiaries are measured at their 
fair values at the date of acquisition. 
The financial statements of subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting 
year as the parent company, using consistent accounting policies. All 
inter-company balances and transactions, including unrealised profits arising 
from them, are eliminated. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on 
which control is transferred to the Group and cease to be consolidated from the 
date on which control is transferred out of the Group, except as noted in the 
following paragraph. 
A provisional liquidator was appointed to the Group's Hong Kong subsidiary, 
Sweet Essentials Limited ("SEL") on 9 December 2009, and the Group has taken 
advantage of Section 405(3)(a) of the Companies Act 2006 which provides for the 
exclusion from consolidation of a subsidiary undertaking where severe long-term 
restrictions substantially hinder the exercise of the rights of the parent 
company over the assets or management of that undertaking.  All transactions 
with SEL during the period, and all amounts due to and from SEL, have been 
accounted for on a third party basis. 
Definitions used in these financial statements are as follows: 
| The Company                  | Charles Street Capital Plc   | 
| The Group                    | Charles Street Capital Plc,  | 
|                              | Sweet China Trading Limited  | 
|                              | and Sweet Essentials         | 
|                              | International Limited.       | 
| The Sweet Essentials Group   | Sweet Essentials             | 
|                              | International Limited, Sweet | 
|                              | Essentials Limited, Lings    | 
|                              | Limited, Candycraft (Quality | 
|                              | Superb) Limited              | 
2.5.      Revenue 
Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic 
benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be reliably measured. 
Revenues from sale of goods are recognised once all the significant risks and 
rewards arising from the ownership over the goods have been assigned to the 
buyer, the seller no longer maintains continuing decision-making involvement 
that characterises ownership and no longer maintains effective control over the 
sold goods, the amount of revenues can be measured reliably, the economic 
benefits relating to the transaction are expected to flow to the Group and the 
costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured 
Sales are recognised net of sales tax and discounts. 
Interest income is recognised on a time-proportion basis using the effective 
interest method. 
Commission or royalty income is recognised when the goods on which the 
commission or royalty is calculated are delivered. 
2.6.      Segment reporting 
From 1 May 2009 the Group determines and presents operating segments based on 
the information that internally is provided to the Chief Executive Officer, who 
is the Group's chief operating decision maker ("CODM"). 
An operating segment is a component of the Group that engages in business 
activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses, including 
revenues and expenses that relate to transactions with any of the Group's other 
components.  An operating segment's operating results are reviewed regularly by 
the CODM to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and 
assess its performance, and for which discrete financial information is 
available.  Information provided to the CODM is focused on regions and as a 
result, reportable segments are on a regional basis. 
These financial statements do not include a note on segmental analysis as all 
the Group's trading operations ceased during the year and the directors consider 
that the disclosure of segmental analysis relating to the discontinued 
operations would be of no benefit to shareholders. 
2.7.      Cash flow 
The Group has elected to disclose its cash flows from operating activities using 
the indirect method that requires the profit or loss to be adjusted for the 
effects of non-cash movements, changes in working capital and items relating to 
investing and finance activities. 
2.8.      Share-based payments 
The Group accounts for employee and non-employee share-based compensation awards 
based on their fair value in accordance with IFRS 2 'Share-based Payments'. 
The Group issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain employees. 
Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at fair value (excluding the 
effect of non market-based vesting conditions) at the date of grant.  The fair 
value determined at the date of grant of the equity-settled share-based payments 
is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the 
Group's estimate of shares that will eventually vest and adjusted for the effect 
of non market-based vesting conditions. 
Fair value is measured using the Black-Scholes model. The expected life used in 
the model has been adjusted, based on management's best estimate, for the 
effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions, and behavioural 
The potential employers' national insurance contributions in the UK arising on 
employee compensation awards are calculated using the market value of the 
company's shares at the reporting date, and pro-rated over the vesting period of 
the options. 
2.9.      Critical accounting estimates and assumptions 
The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting 
accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual 
results.  The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing 
a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within 
the next financial year are: 
(i)         Fair value of equity-settled share-based payments - see note 2.8 
(ii)        The equity element of the convertible loan - see note 2.24 
2.10.    Taxation 
Current tax, including UK corporation tax and foreign tax, is provided at 
amounts expected to be paid (or recovered) using the tax rates and laws that 
have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. 
Deferred tax is recognised, using the liability method, in respect of temporary 
differences between the carrying amount of the group's assets and liabilities 
and their tax base. Deferred tax liabilities are offset against deferred tax 
assets within the same taxable entity or qualifying local tax group. 
In the UK, the Company is entitled to a tax deduction for amounts treated as 
compensation on the exercise of certain options. As explained in note 2.8 a 
share-based payment charge is recorded in the income statement from the grant 
date and over the vesting period. As there is a temporary difference between the 
accounting and tax bases, a deferred tax asset is calculated by comparing the 
estimated amount of tax deduction to be obtained in the future, based on the 
Group's share price at the balance sheet date, with the cumulative amount of the 
share-based payment charge recorded in the income statement. A deferred tax 
asset is not recorded if the tax deduction is not expected to crystallise. 
Any remaining deferred tax asset is recognised only when, on the basis of all 
available evidence, it can be regarded as probable that there will be suitable 
taxable profits, within the same jurisdiction, in the foreseeable future against 
which the deductible temporary difference can be utilised. 
Deferred tax is determined using tax rates that are expected to apply in the 
periods in which the asset is realised or liability settled, based on tax rates 
and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet 
Current and deferred tax are recognised in the income statement, except when the 
tax relates to items charged or credited directly in equity, in which case the 
tax is also recognised in equity. 
2.11.    Inventories 
Inventories are initially recognised at cost, and subsequently at the lower of 
cost and net realisable value. Cost comprises all costs of purchases, cost 
conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present 
location and condition. Cost is calculated using the weighted average method. 
Net realisable value represents the estimated selling price in the ordinary 
course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated 
costs necessary to make the sale. 
2.12.    Financial instruments 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised in the group's balance 
sheet when the group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the 
2.13.    Financial assets 
All financial assets are recognised and derecognised on a trade date where the 
purchase or sale of a financial asset is under a contract whose terms require 
delivery of the investment within the timeframe established by the market 
concerned, and are initially measured at fair value, plus transaction costs. 
All the Group's financial assets are classified as 'loans and receivables'. The 
classification depends on the nature and purpose of the financial assets and is 
determined at the time of initial recognition. 
2.14.    Loans and receivables 
Trade receivables, loans, and other receivables that have fixed or determinable 
payments that are not quoted in an active market are classified as loans and 
receivables. loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the 
effective interest method, less any impairment. Interest income is recognised by 
applying the effective interest rate, except for short-term receivables when the 
recognition of interest would be immaterial. 
Trade receivables, which generally have 30-60 day terms, are recognised and 
carried at original invoice amount less an allowance for any uncollectible 
amounts. An estimate for doubtful debts is made when collection of the full 
amount is no longer probable. Bad debts are written off when identified. 
2.15.    Effective interest method 
The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a 
financial asset and of allocating interest income over the relevant period. The 
effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash 
receipts (including all fees on points paid or received that form an integral 
part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and other premiums or 
discounts) through the expected life of the financial asset, or, where 
appropriate, a shorter period. 
2.16.    Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and short-term deposits in the balance sheet comprise cash at bank and in 
hand and short-term deposits with an original maturity of three months or less. 
For the purpose of the consolidated cash flow statement, cash and cash 
equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalents net of outstanding bank 
2.17.    Financial liabilities 
Financial liabilities include trade and other payables, and debt instruments 
issued by the Group. 
2.18.    Trade and other payables 
Trade payables, which generally have 30-60 day terms, are recognised initially 
and carried at original invoice value. The Group considers there are no 
significant differences between the nominal value and fair value of trade and 
other payables. 
2.19.    Intangible assets 
Intangible assets comprise certain separable brand names (Jessica Walker, Lings 
Turkish Delight and Candy Craft), obtained on the acquisition of Essential Box 
Confectionery Limited. In accordance with IFRS 3 ' Business Combinations', where 
the fair value of an intangible asset acquired in a business combination can be 
measured reliably, the intangible asset is recognised separately from goodwill. 
The acquired brand names are considered to have an indefinite economic life 
because of their ability to continue maintaining profitable operations over long 
periods of time, and of the Group's commitment to support the brands through 
marketing and product development. 
Intangible assets are not subject to amortisation, but are tested for impairment 
in accordance with IAS 36. 
The brands referred to above, obtained on the acquisition of Essential Box 
Confectionery Limited, were fully impaired in 2009.  As described in note 30, on 
23 March 2010 provisional agreement was reached for the sale of the brands for a 
consideration of GBP50,000.  This agreement was ratified by the shareholders and 
completed on 7 May 2010. 
2.20.    Property, plant and equipment 
Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated 
depreciation and impairment losses. Cost includes expenditure that is directly 
attributable to the acquisition of the items. Subsequent costs are included in 
the asset's carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, 
only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item 
will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The 
carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All other repairs and 
maintenance are charged to the income statement during the financial period in 
which they are incurred. 
Property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the 
estimated useful life of the item, as follows: 
Leasehold improvements                       Over the lease period 
Office equipment                                  3 - 4 years 
Fixtures and fittings                               4 years 
Machinery                                            5 - 10 years 
Assets held under finance leases are depreciated over their expected useful 
lives on the same basis as owned assets or, where shorter, the term of the 
relevant lease. 
The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if 
appropriate, at each balance sheet date. An asset's carrying amount is written 
down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is 
greater than its estimated recoverable amount. 
Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the 
carrying amount and are recognised in the income statement. 
2.21.    Impairment 
The Group assesses at each reporting date whether there is an indication that an 
asset may be impaired. Assets that are not available for use are not subject to 
amortisation and are tested annually for impairment. Assets that are subject to 
amortisation or depreciation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or 
changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be 
An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's carrying 
amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of 
an asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use. For the purposes of 
assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there 
are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). Non-financial 
assets that suffered impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the 
impairment at each reporting date. 
2.22.    Leasing 
Finance leases which substantially transfer to the Group all the risks and 
benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item, are capitalised at the 
inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased item or, if lower, at the 
present value of the minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned 
between the finance charges and reduction of the lease liability so as to 
achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. 
Finance charges are recognised as an expense in profit or loss. 
Capitalised leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of the estimated 
useful life of the asset and the lease term if there is no reasonable certainty 
that the Group will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. 
Operating lease payments are recognised as an expense in the income statement on 
a straight-line basis over the lease term. 
2.23.    Foreign currency 
Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group's entities are 
measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the 
entity operates ("the functional currency"). The consolidated financial 
statements are presented in British Pounds, which is the Company's functional 
and presentation currency. 
Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using 
the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange 
gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the 
translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities 
denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in the income statement, except 
when deferred in equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net 
investment hedges. 
The results and financial position of all the group entities that have a 
functional currency different from the presentation currency are translated into 
the presentation currency as follows: 
·    Assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated at 
the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet; 
·    Income and expenses for each income statement are translated at average 
exchange rates because they are considered to be an approximation to translating 
each transaction at the ruling rate; and 
·    All resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate component 
of equity. 
2.24.    Financial liabilities and equity instruments issued by the Group 
Debt and equity instruments are classified as either financial liabilities or as 
equity in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangement. 
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the 
assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments 
are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs. 
2.25.    Convertible loan notes 
The deed constituting the convertible loan notes is regarded as a compound 
instrument, consisting of a liability component and an equity component. At the 
date of issue, the fair value of the liability component is estimated using the 
prevailing market interest rate for similar non-convertible debt. The difference 
between the loan initially recorded at fair value and the fair value assigned to 
the liability component, representing the embedded equity option, is included in 
capital reserves (equity). 
2.26.    Employee benefits 
Contributions payable to defined contribution retirement benefit plans are 
charged to the income statement as they fall due. 
Termination benefits are recognised when, and only when, the Company commits 
itself to terminate employment or to provide benefits as a result of voluntary 
redundancy by having a detailed formal plan which is without realistic 
possibility of withdrawal. 
Employee entitlements to annual leave and long service payment due on retirement 
or termination are recognised when they accrue to the employees.  A provision is 
made for the estimated liability for annual leave and long-service payment as a 
result of services rendered by employees up to the balance sheet date.  The 
estimated liability is calculated net of expected reduction from benefits 
available from social security funds. 
Employee entitlements to sick leave and other non-accumulating compensated 
absences are not recognised until the time of leave. 
3.         Income and expenses 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |   2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |    GBP | 
| Profit for the year is stated    |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| after charging:                  |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Depreciation of property, plant  |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| and equipment                    |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| - owned                          |       | |        | |    387 | | 34,123 | 
| - leased                         |       | |        | |      - | |  1,150 | 
| Operating lease rentals          |       | |        | | 18,900 | | 54,307 | 
| As permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 the Company has     | 
| elected not to present its own income statement and related notes.  The   | 
| profit and total comprehensive income for the year, dealt with in the     | 
| financial statements of the parent Company, was GBP376,672 (2009: loss    | 
| GBP6,249,731).                                                            | 
| Auditors' remuneration           |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Fees payable to the Company's auditors for the      | | 15,000 | | 23,000 | 
| audit of the Company's annual accounts              | |        | |        | 
| Fees payable to the Company's auditors for other    | |      - | |      - | 
| services:                                           | |        | |        | 
| -     The audit of the Company's subsidiaries       | |  2,500 | |  5,000 | 
| pursuant to legislation                             | |        | |        | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 17,500 | | 28,000 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |      2010 | |      2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |       GBP | |       GBP | 
| Employment costs                 |       | |        | |           | |           | 
| Wages and salaries               |       | |        | |           | |           | 
| - general                        |       | |        | |   129,240 | |   907,268 | 
| - reversal of prior year bonus   |       | |        | | (150,000) | |         - | 
| accrual                          |       | |        | |           | |           | 
| - share-based payment charge     |       | |        | |         - | |   175,702 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |  (20,760) | | 1,082,970 | 
| Social security costs            |       | |        | |    14,010 | |    39,756 | 
| Short-term non-monetary benefits |       | |        | |         - | |    67,211 | 
| Pension costs                    |       | |        | |         - | |    12,500 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |   (6,750) | | 1,202,437 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |           | |           | 
The average monthly number of employees (including Directors) was: 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |   2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |     No | |     No | 
| Sales and administration         |       | |        | |      4 | |     14 | 
|                              |        | |            | |      2009 | |    2008 | 
|                              |        | |            | |       GBP | |     GBP | 
| Directors' remuneration      |        | |            | |           | |         | 
| Wages and salaries           |        | |            | |    78,110 | | 245,854 | 
| Reversal of prior year bonus |        | |            | | (150,000) | |       - | 
| accrual                      |        | |            | |           | |         | 
| Compensation for loss of     |        | |            | |         - | |   8,667 | 
| office                       |        | |            | |           | |         | 
| Share-based payment charge   |        | |            | |         - | | 175,702 | 
|                              |        | |            | |  (71,890) | | 430,223 | 
5.         Other income 
|                                  |       | |        | |    2010 | |    2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |     GBP | |     GBP | 
| Exchange translation gains       |       | |        | |       - | | 163,734 | 
| Rent receivable                  |       | |        | |   1,575 | |  17,780 | 
| *Management fees received from   |       | |        | | 229,605 | |       - | 
| Sweet Essentials Limited         |       | |        | |         | |         | 
| Miscellaneous income             |       | |        | |       - | |  22,222 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |         | |         | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 231,180 | | 203,736 | 
| *As explained in note 2.4 transactions with Sweet Essentials Limited have   | 
| been accounted for on a third party basis                                   | 
6.         Other gains and losses 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |        2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |         GBP | 
| Impairment loss on subsidiary    |       | |        | |      - | | (5,303,050) | 
| undertakings                     |       | |        | |        | |             | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |             | 
|                                  |       | |        | |      - | | (5,303,050) | 
8.         Finance costs 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |   2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |    GBP | 
| Interest payable on convertible  |       | |        | |  2,509 | |      - | 
| loan notes                       |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Interest payable on finance      |       | |        | |      - | |    349 | 
| leases                           |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Factoring charges                |       | |        | | 10,109 | |      - | 
| Interest payable on other loans  |       | |        | |  7,310 | | 27,885 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |        | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 19,928 | | 28,234 | 
9.         Tax on ordinary activities 
|                                  |      |    |       | |     2010 |  |        2009 | 
|                                  |      |    |       | |      GBP |  |         GBP | 
| Income statement                 |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Current tax on income for the    |      |    |       | |        - |  |       5,098 | 
| period                           |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
|                                  |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Deferred tax movement            |      |    |       | |        - |  |     (4,942) | 
|                                  |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
|                                  |      |    |       | |        - |  |         156 | 
|                                  |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Factors affecting the tax charge |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Profit/(loss) on ordinary        |      |    |       | |   87,315 |  | (6,151,724) | 
| activities before taxation       |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
|                                  |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Aggregate of profit/(loss) on ordinary       |       | |   17,463 |  | (1,723,408) | 
| activities before taxation multiplied by     |       | |          |  |             | 
| domestic tax rate-UK: 20% (2009: 20%), (Hong |       | |          |  |             | 
| Kong: 2009: 16.5%).                          |       | |          |  |             | 
| Effects of:                      |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Expenditure not allowable for    |      |    |       | |    6,000 |  |       6,397 | 
| tax purposes                     |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Unrelieved tax losses and other  |      |    |       | |        - |  |   1,674,084 | 
| deductions arising               |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Utilisation of tax losses        |      |    |       | | (23,463) |  |           - | 
| brought forward                  |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Share-based payments             |      |    |       | |        - |  |      49,197 | 
| Adjustment in relation to prior  |      |    |       | |        - |  |       4,601 | 
| years tax provision              |      |    |       | |          |  |             | 
| Other                            |      |    |       | |        - |  |     (5,773) | 
| Current tax charge               |      |    |       | |        - |  |       5,098 | 
10.       Discontinued activities 
The amounts set out below relate to the trading activities of SEL in 2009 and to 
Sweet China Trading Limited in 2010 and represent the total losses incurred by 
the Group as a result of these discontinued activities. 
|                                  |        |    |   |  |        2010 |  |        2009 | 
|                                  |        |    |   |  |         GBP |  |         GBP | 
|                                        |       |   |    |           |  |             | 
| Revenue - sale of goods                |       |   |    |   419,874 |  |   6,425,454 | 
| Cost of sales                          |       |   |    | (219,913) |  | (5,044,092) | 
| Gross profit                           |       |   |    |   199,961 |  |   1,381,362 | 
| Operating expenses                     |       |   |    | (195,712) |  | (1,539,052) | 
| Other income                           |       |   |    |         - |  |     185,956 | 
| Operating profit                       |       |   |    |     4,249 |  |      28,266 | 
| Other gains and losses                 |       |   |    |         - |  | (5,303,050) | 
| Finance income                         |       |   |    |         - |  |       8,014 | 
| Finance costs                          |       |   |    |  (10,109) |  |    (28,234) | 
| loss before taxation                   |       |   |    |   (5,860) |  | (5,295,004) | 
| Taxation                               |       |   |    |         - |  |       (156) | 
| Profit/(loss) for the year included in the statement of |   (5,860) |  | (5,295,160) | 
| comprehensive income                                    |           |  |             | 
|                                  |     |  |    |   |  | |           |  |             | 
11.       Profit/(loss) per share 
The basic profit/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the profit/(loss) 
attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of shares in 
issue.  In calculating the diluted profit/(loss) per share, share options 
outstanding have been taken into account where the impact of these is dilutive. 
|                                  |       | |        | |       2010 | |        2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |     Number | |      Number | 
| Weighted average number of       |       | |        | | 97,849,577 | |  90,983,886 | 
| shares                           |       | |        | |            | |             | 
|                                  |       | |        | |            | |             | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        GBP | |         GBP | 
| Profit/(loss) from continuing    |       | |        | |     86,203 | |   (856,720) | 
| activities                       |       | |        | |            | |             | 
| Profit/(loss) from discontinued  |       | |        | |    (5,860) | | (5,292,160) | 
| activities                       |       | |        | |            | |             | 
| Profit/(loss) attributable to    |       | |        | |     80,343 | | (6,151,880) | 
| equity shareholders              |       | |        | |            | |             | 
|                                  |       | |        | |            | |             | 
| Basic and diluted earnings per   |       | |        | |            | |             | 
| share:                           |       | |        | |            | |             | 
| Continuing activities            |       | |        | |      0.09p | |     (0.94p) | 
| Discontinued activities          |       | |        | |    (0.01p) | |     (5.82p) | 
|                                  |       | |        | |      0.09p | |     (6.76p) | 
|                                  |       | |        | |            | |             | 
12.       Intangible assets 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |      Brands | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |         GBP | 
| Cost                             |       | |        | |        | |             | 
| At 30 April 2008                 |       | |        | |        | |   5,258,491 | 
| Adjustment to cost of            |       | |        | |        | |    (62,623) | 
| acquisition                      |       | |        | |        | |             | 
| Exchange translation adjustment  |       | |        | |        | |    (75,551) | 
| Impairment loss                  |       | |        | |        | | (5,120,317) | 
| At 30 April 2009 and at 30 April |       | |        | |        | |           - | 
| 2010                             |       | |        | |        | |             | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |             | 
Brands comprise certain separable brand names (Jessica Walker, Lings Turkish 
Delight and Candy Craft), obtained on the acquisition of The Sweet Essentials 
Group.  The value of these brands is held within the Sweet Essentials Group and 
the main operating company within that group, Sweet Essentials Limited, went 
into provisional liquidation in December 2009.  The Directors consider that 
there will be no residual value to shareholders and so full provision for 
impairment of the value of the brands was made in 2009.  As referred to in note 
30 the sale of the intellectual property rights associated with these brands was 
completed on 7 May 2010. 
13.       Subsidiaries 
Holdings of more than 20% 
Charles Street Capital plc holds more than 20 per cent of the share capital of 
the following companies: 
| Subsidiary Undertaking     | Country of     | Class      | % Shares     | 
|                            | incorporation  |            | held         | 
| *Sweet Essentials Limited  | Hong Kong      | Ordinary   | 100          | 
| (see note 1 below)         |                |            |              | 
| Sweet China Trading        | England and    | Ordinary   | 100          | 
| Limited (see note 2 below) | Wales          |            |              | 
| Sweet Essentials           | England and    | Ordinary   | 100          | 
| International Limited      | Wales          |            |              | 
*Denotes that the subsidiary was indirectly held.  All other subsidiaries were 
directly held. 
Note 1:  The main activity of Sweet Essentials Limited ("SEL") was the selling 
and distribution of confectionery.  In December 2009 a provisional liquidator 
was appointed to SEL.  As mentioned in note 12 the Directors consider that there 
will be no residual value to shareholders and the results for the period up to 
the appointment of the liquidator have not been consolidated in these financial 
Note 2:  The main activity of Sweet China Trading Limited ("SWCT") was the 
selling and distribution of confectionery in the United Kingdom.  On 25 May 2010 
a liquidator was appointed to SWCT.  The Directors consider that there will be 
no residual value to the shareholders. 
Sweet Essentials International Limited was dormant throughout the period. 
The Company also indirectly held 100% of the share capital of Lings Limited and 
Candycraft (Quality Superb) Limited, which were both dormant and were dissolved 
on 27 April 2010. 
14.       Property, plant and equipment 
|                           |    Leasehold | |      Office equipment | | Machinery | | Furniture | |     Total | 
|                           | improvements | |                       | |           | |       and | |           | 
|                           |              | |                       | |           | |  fixtures | |           | 
|                           |       |  GBP | |                   GBP | |       GBP | |       GBP | |       GBP | 
| Cost                      |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2008          |       |    9,870 |          |   33,514 | |   127,691 | |     6,296 | |   177,371 | 
| Additions                 |       |      651 |          |   26,525 | |         - | |     1,736 | |    28,912 | 
| Disposals                 |       |        - |          | (14,859) | |  (97,487) | |      (69) | | (112,415) | 
| Exchange translation      |       |    3,390 |          |   11,509 | |    35,919 | |     2,162 | |    52,980 | 
| adjustment                |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
|                           |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2009          |       |   13,911 |          |   56,689 | |    66,123 | |    10,125 | |   146,848 | 
| Additions                 |       |        - |          |      461 | |         - | |         - | |       461 | 
| **Disposals               |       | (13,911) |          | (57,150) | |  (66,123) | |  (10,125) | | (147,309) | 
|                           |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2010          |       |        - |          |        - | |         - | |         - | |         - | 
|                           |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| Depreciation              |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2008          |       |    3,193 |          |   25,380 | |    45,841 | |     5,874 | |    80,288 | 
| On disposals              |       |        - |          | (11,149) | |  (40,455) | |      (14) | |  (51,618) | 
| Charge for the year       |       |    6,299 |          |    7,528 | |    21,035 | |       411 | |    35,273 | 
| Impairment losses*        |       |    1,918 |          |   18,494 | |    20,911 | |     1,230 | |    42,553 | 
| Exchange translation      |       |    1,887 |          |    9,642 | |    12,097 | |     2,066 | |    25,692 | 
| adjustment                |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
|                           |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2009          |       |   13,297 |          |   49,895 | |    59,429 | |     9,567 | |   132,188 | 
| **On disposals            |       | (13,297) |          | (50,234) | |  (59,429) | |   (9,615) | | (132,575) | 
| Charge for the year       |       |        - |          |      339 | |         - | |        48 | |       387 | 
|                           |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2010          |       |        - |          |        - | |         - | |         - | |         - | 
|                           |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| Net book value            |       |          |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
| At 30 April 2010          |       |        - |          |        - | |         - | |         - | |         - | 
| At 30 April 2009          |       |      614 |          |    6,794 | |     6,694 | |       558 | |    14,660 | 
|                           |       |      | | |          |          | |           | |           | |           | 
*The impairment losses in 2009 are in respect of assets held by SEL which went 
into provisional liquidation in December 2009 as explained in note 13. 
**Included in the disposals in 2010 are assets held by SEL which, as explained 
in note 2.4, have not been included in the consolidated figures of the Group. 
Finance leases 
The net book value of office equipment includes an amount of nil (2009: 
GBP3,451) in respect of assets held under finance leases. 
16.       Trade and other receivables 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |    2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |     GBP | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |         | 
| Trade receivables                |       | |        | |      - | |  21,111 | 
| VAT recoverable                  |       | |        | |  9,682 | |  26,814 | 
| Other receivables                |       | |        | |  6,250 | |   3,100 | 
| Other prepayments and accrued    |       | |        | | 14,256 | |  86,184 | 
| income                           |       | |        | |        | |         | 
| Amount owed by related companies |       | |        | |      - | |     409 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |         | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 30,188 | | 137,618 | 
The ageing analysis of trade receivables is given as follows: 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |   2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |    GBP | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Current                          |       | |        | |      - | | 21,111 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Less than one month past due     |       | |        | |      - | |      - | 
| One to three months past due     |       | |        | |      - | |      - | 
| More than three months but less than 12  | |        | |      - | |      - | 
| months past due                          | |        | |        | |        | 
| Amount past due at balance sheet date    | |        | |      - | |      - | 
| but not impaired                         | |        | |        | |        | 
|                                  |       | |        | |      - | | 21,111 | 
At the year end the carrying amounts of the group's trade and other receivables 
were denominated in the following currencies: 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |    2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |     GBP | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |         | 
| British pounds                   |       | |        | | 30,188 | |  50,747 | 
| HK dollar                        |       | |        | |      - | |  86,871 | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 30,188 | | 137,618 | 
18.       Issued share capital 
|                                  |       | |        |            |   2010 | |      2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        |            |    GBP | |       GBP | 
| Authorised:                      |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| 500,000,000 Ordinary Shares of   |       | |        | |         5,000,000 | | 5,000,000 | 
| 1p each                          |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
|                                  |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
|                                  |       | |        | |         5,000,000 | | 5,000,000 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| Issued and fully paid:           |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| 98,474,577 (2009: 97,641,243)    |       | |        | |           984,746 | |   976,412 | 
| Ordinary Shares of 1p each       |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| On 19 March 2010, 833,334 ordinary shares were issued at 6p each in settlement of an    | 
| obligation arising from a loan to the Company (see also note 19).                       | 
|                                  |       | |        | |          |        | |           | 
19.       Share premium account 
|                                  |       | |        |            |   2010 | |      2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        |            |    GBP | |       GBP | 
|                                  |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| At beginning of period           |       | |        | |         6,010,504 | | 5,930,615 | 
| *Adjustment in respect of shares |       | |        | |          (50,000) | |         - | 
| issued in prior year             |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| On issue of shares               |       | |        | |            41,666 | |    88,765 | 
| Share issue expenses             |       | |        | |                 - | |   (8,876) | 
|                                  |       | |        | |                   | |           | 
| At end of period                 |       | |        | |         6,002,170 | | 6,010,504 | 
| *In February 2008, 1,666,667 shares were issued at 9p each in settlement of a loan      | 
| obligation.  It was subsequently determined that the shares should have been issued at  | 
| 6p each, resulting in a reduction to the share premium account of GBP50,000. In March   | 
| 2010, 833,334 additional shares were issued at 6p each to settle the difference.        | 
|                                  |       | |        | |          |        | |           | 
20.       Loan note holders reserve 
|                                    |        | |        |            |   2010 | |   2009 | 
|                                    |        | |        |            |    GBP | |    GBP | 
|                                    |        | |        | |                   | |        | 
| At beginning of period             |        | |        | |                 - | |      - | 
| On issue of 12% convertible loan   |        | |        | |            28,682 | |      - | 
| notes (see note 24)                |        | |        | |                   | |        | 
|                                    |        | |        | |                   | |        | 
| At end of period                   |        | |        | |            28,682 | |      - | 
|                                    |        | |        | |          |        | |        | 
21.       Share options 
The reconciliation of options and warrants during the year ended 30 April 2010 
is shown below: 
|                                |       2010 |          |     2010 | |       2009 | |     2009 | 
|                                |     Number |          | Weighted | |     Number | | Weighted | 
|                                |            |          |  average | |            | |  average | 
|                                |            |          | exercise | |            | | exercise | 
|                                |            |          |    price | |            | |    price | 
|                                |            |          |          | |            | |          | 
| Outstanding at 1 May 2009      | 12,530,461 |          |    9.16p | | 12,530,461 | |    9.16p | 
| Granted during the year        |          - |          |        - | |          - | |        - | 
|                                |            |          |          | |            | |          | 
| Outstanding at 30 April 2010   | 12,530,461 |          |    9.16p | | 12,530,461 | |    9.16p | 
|                                |            |          |          | |            | |          | 
| Exercisable at 30 April 2010   | 12,530,461 |          |    9.16p | | 12,530,461 | |    9.16p | 
The following options and warrants were in existence at 30 April 2010: 
|                       |       2010 | |     2010 | |      2010 | |       2009 | |     2009 | |      2009 | 
|                       |     Number | | Weighted | |  Weighted | |     Number | | Weighted | |  Weighted | 
|                       |            | |  average | |   average | |            | |  average | |   average | 
|                       |            | | exercise | | remaining | |            | | exercise | | remaining | 
|                       |            | |    price | |      life | |            | |    price | |      life | 
|                       |            | |  (pence) | |   (years) | |            | |  (pence) | |   (years) | 
|                       |            | |          | |           | |            | |          | |           | 
| Warrants              |  6,419,349 | |     9.31 | |      2.92 | |  6,419,349 | |     9.31 | |      3.92 | 
| Options               | 6,111,112  | |     9.00 | |      2.92 | | 6,111,112  | |     9.00 | |      3.92 | 
|                       |            | |          | |           | |            | |          | |           | 
|                       | 12,530,461 | |     9.16 | |      2.92 | | 12,530,461 | |     9.16 | |      3.92 | 
23.       Trade and other payables 
|                                  |       | |        | |    2010 | |    2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |     GBP | |     GBP | 
|                                  |       | |        | |         | |         | 
| Trade payables                   |       | |        | | 525,218 | | 307,940 | 
| Other taxes and social security  |       | |        | |       - | |  33,551 | 
| costs                            |       | |        | |         | |         | 
| Other payables                   |       | |        | |     210 | |     210 | 
| Accruals and deferred income     |       | |        | |  66,676 | | 318,020 | 
| Amounts due to related parties   |       | |        | |       - | |  12,531 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |         | |         | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 592,104 | | 672,252 | 
| Current tax payable              |       | |        | |       - | | 190,909 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |         | |         | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 592,104 | | 863,161 | 
24.       Borrowings 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |    2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |     GBP | 
| Current                          |       | |        | |        | |         | 
| Secured borrowings at amortised  |       | |        | |        | |         | 
| cost                             |       | |        | |        | |         | 
| Loans from related parties       |       | |        | |      - | | 197,648 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |         | 
|                                  |       | |        | |      - | | 197,648 | 
The related party loan was obtained from Mr Ian Walker, a substantial 
shareholder in the Company.  It was denominated in Sterling and secured by a 
floating charge on all properties, assets and rights of Sweet Essentials 
Limited.  Interest was charged on the loan at 5% above the UK clearing bank base 
rate and the loan was repayable on demand. 
The loan liability was the obligation of SEL and the Group's liability ceased on 
the appointment of a provisional liquidator to SEL. 
|                                  |       | |        | |   2010 | |   2009 | 
|                                  |       | |        | |    GBP | |    GBP | 
| Non-current                      |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| Unsecured borrowings at          |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| amortised cost                   |       | |        | |        | |        | 
| 12% convertible loan notes       |       | |        | | 86,318 | |      - | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |        | 
|                                  |       | |        | | 86,318 | |      - | 
The 12% convertible loan notes were issued on 8 March 2010 and are redeemable on 
30 September 2011, if not converted at an earlier date.  Interest is payable 
quarterly on 30 June, 30 September, 31 December and 31 March. 
The loan notes are convertible at any time prior to the redemption date, 30 
September 2011.  Following the restructuring of the Company's ordinary shares on 
7 May 2010 (see note 30) the loan notes are convertible at 0.1p per share. 
The net proceeds received from the issue of the loan notes have been split 
between the liability element and an equity component, representing the fair 
value of the embedded option to convert the liability into equity of the Company 
as follows: 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |      GBP | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |          | 
| Nominal value of convertible     |       | |        | |        | |  115,000 | 
| loan notes issued                |       | |        | |        | |          | 
| Equity component                 |       | |        | |        | | (28,682) | 
| Liability component at date of   |       | |        | |        | |   86,318 | 
| issue                            |       | |        | |        | |          | 
| Interest charged                 |       | |        | |        | |    2,509 | 
| Interest paid                    |       | |        | |        | |        - | 
|                                  |       | |        | |        | |          | 
| Liability component at 30 April  |       | |        | |        | |   88,827 | 
| 2010                             |       | |        | |        | |          | 
The interest charged for the year is calculated by applying an effective average 
interest rate of 20% to the liability component for the period since the loan 
notes were issued. 
The directors estimate the fair value of the liability component of the 
convertible bonds at 31 December 2010 to be approximately GBP88,827.  This fair 
value has been calculated by discounting the future cash flows at the market 
rate of 20%. 
The table below analyses the group's financial liabilities into relevant 
maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the balance sheet to the 
contractual maturity date.  The amounts disclosed in the table are the 
contractual undiscounted cash flows, so they include the relevant interest 
payable, and therefore do not reconcile to the amounts disclosed on the balance 
sheet for borrowings. 
|                |                    |       | |        | |    2010 | |      2009 | 
|                |                    |       | |        | |     GBP | |       GBP | 
|                |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
| In the first   | Borrowings         |       | |        | |  13,800 | |   213,460 | 
| year:          |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
|                | Finance leases     |       | |        | |       - | |     3,105 | 
|                | Trade and other    |       | |        | | 592,104 | |   863,161 | 
|                | payables           |       | |        | |         | |           | 
|                |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
| In the second  | Borrowings         |       | |        | | 120,750 | |         - | 
| year:          |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
|                | Finance leases     |       | |        | |       - | |     3,795 | 
|                |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
| In the third   | Finance leases     |       | |        | |       - | |     7,591 | 
| to fifth years |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
|                |                    |       | |        | |         | |           | 
|                |                    |       | |        | | 726,654 | | 1,091,112 | 
The directors consider that the carrying amount of the bank loans approximates 
to their fair value as interest is charged at a market rate. 
29.       Related party transactions 
On 23 March 2010 the Company entered into an agreement to sell the intellectual 
property rights of certain brands owned by the group to the shareholder Ian 
Walker for a consideration of GBP50,000, and on the same date entered into a 
second agreement with Ian Walker to acquire his shareholding of 36,463,000 
shares in the Company for a consideration of GBP50,000.  Both these agreements 
were approved by the shareholders and completed on 7 May 2010. 
Details of remuneration relating to key management personnel are provided in the 
directors' report. 
On 7 May 2010, Martin Frost, David Zulman and Christopher Cleverly resigned as 
directors and the Company entered into compromise agreements with them, 
resulting in compensation payments totalling GBP25,840 and the issue of 
21,000,000 new ordinary shares of 0.1p each. 
As explained in note 2.4 SEL has been excluded from the consolidated financial 
statements and all transactions with SEL have been accounted for on a third 
party basis.  During the year the Group charged management fees of GBP229,605 
(2009: GBP323,794) to SEL.  SEL charged the Group GBP109,815 (2009: GBPnil) for 
goods supplied, and charged interest of GBP7,309 (2009: GBP8,014) on the inter 
company balance.  Included in trade creditors at 30 April 2010 was an amount of 
GBP153,952 (2009: GBP306,394) owed by the Company to SEL.  The balance due at 30 
April 2010 was settled by the issue of 3,848,800 new ordinary shares subsequent 
to the year end. 
30.       Post balance sheet events 
At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 7 May 2010 a number of 
actions were approved by the shareholders: 
(i)         As disclosed in note 29, on 23 March 2010 the Company entered into 
an agreement to sell the intellectual property rights of certain brands owned by 
the group to the shareholder Ian Walker for a consideration of GBP50,000, and on 
the same date entered into a second agreement with Ian Walker to acquire his 
shareholding of 36,463,000 shares in the Company for a consideration of 
GBP50,000.  Both these agreements were approved by the shareholders and 
completed on 7 May 2010. 
(ii)        The shareholders approved the restructuring of the Company's equity 
whereby each existing ordinary share of 1p was converted into 1 new ordinary 
share of 0.1p and 9 deferred shares of 0.1p each.  The deferred shares have no 
rights to receive dividends, or to attend or vote at general meetings of the 
Company and are only entitled to a return of capital after payment to the 
holders of new ordinary shares of GBP100,000 per each share held. 
(iii)       The shareholders approved a settlement agreement with the Company's 
creditors, which had been completed subject to the approval of the shareholders 
on 23 March 2010, whereby the creditors agreed to accept a reduction of 75% in 
respect of the amounts owed to them at 31 January 2010, and further agreed to 
accept in full settlement 1 new share for each 1p of the balance due to them. 
Completion of the agreement has resulted in the issue of 11,871,075 new shares 
in settlement of amounts owed to creditors totalling GBP474,843 
(iv)       The shareholders approved the granting of warrants to acquire 
5,971,300 shares, at an exercise price of 0.1p per share, to the outgoing 
directors in settlement of remuneration entitlement for the period prior to 31 
January 2010. 
(v)        The shareholders approved the issue of 128,800,000 new shares on the 
conversion of the 12% convertible loan notes totalling GBP115,000. 
(vi)       The shareholders approved the change of name to Charles Street 
Capital plc 
(vii)      The Shareholders approved the transition of the Company to an 
investment company focusing on the Natural Resources sector. 
Also on 7 May 2010, the Company entered into compromise agreements with the 
outgoing directors, resulting in compensation payments totalling GBP25,840 and 
the issue of 21,000,000 new ordinary shares of 0.1p each. 
On 25 May 2010 a liquidator was appointed to Sweet China Trading Limited 
("SWCT") and as explained in note 13 the Directors consider that there will be 
no residual value to shareholders resulting from the liquidation.  Results of 
SWCT for the period have been included in the Group's results for the year, but 
no value has been attributed to the net assets of SWCT as at 30 April 2010. 
On 30 June 2010 the Company completed the placing of 805,488,000 new shares 
raising GBP805,488 before expenses. .  In addition the subscribers to the 
placing received warrants to acquire shares at 0.25p per share on the basis of 
one warrant for every two shares subscribed for. 
This statement was approved by the directors on 28 September 2010.  This 
statement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 
30 April 2010. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2009 have been 
delivered to the Registrar of companies.  The auditor's report on those accounts 
was qualified due to a limitation of scope due to the underlying financial 
records supporting the financial results of the subsidiary undertaking, Sweet 
Essentials Limited (formerly Essential Box Hong Kong Limited), included within 
the group financial statements being unavailable for group audit purposes.  The 
auditor's report for the accounts to 30 April 2010 is qualified in relation to a 
non-compliance with IAS 27. This has arisen as a result of a provisional 
liquidator was appointed to the Company's then Hong Kong subsidiary, Sweet 
Essentials Limited on 9 December 2009, and the Company has taken advantage of 
section 405(3)(a) of the Companies Act 2006 which provides for the exclusion 
from consolidation of a subsidiary undertaking where severe long-term 
restrictions substantially hinder the exercise of the rights of the parent 
company over the assets or management of that undertaking. Under IAS 27 a 
company which prepares its accounts in accordance with IFRSs should include in 
its group accounts all subsidiary undertakings for the period until such time 
that it ceases to have control of the undertaking, and therefore it may not take 
advantage of the exemption contained in Section 405(3)(a) to exclude a 
subsidiary undertaking from its group accounts. As a consequence of the Company 
excluding the results of Sweet Essentials Limited for the period prior to the 
appointment of the provisional liquidator, its group financial statements do not 
comply with IAS 27. 
The Company's AGM will be held on 22 October 2010 at 9 am at The Washington 
Hotel, 5 Curzon Street, London W1J 5EH and the the Annual Report for 2010 and 
Notice of AGM will be posted to shareholders today and will shortly be available 
to shareholders and the public on the Company's website 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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