RNS Number : 0773H

Bullabulling Gold Limited

14 May 2014


In response to the takeover bid made by

Norton Gold Fields Limited

ABN 23 112 287 797

For all the ordinary shares in

Bullabulling Gold Limited

ABN 50 153 234 532

The directors of Bullabulling Gold Limited unanimously recommend that you



This is an important document and requires your immediate attention. The full version of this Target's Statement is available at www.bullabullinggold.com.

If you are in any doubt about how to deal with this document, you should

contact your broker, financial adviser or legal adviser immediately.

Important notices

Nature of this document

This document is a Target's Statement issued by Bullabulling Gold Limited ABN 50 153 234 532 (Bullabulling) under Part 6.5 Division 3 of the Corporations Act in response to the off-market takeover bid made by Norton Gold Fields Limited ABN 23 112 287 797 (Norton) for all the ordinary shares in Bullabulling.

A copy of this Target's Statement was lodged with ASIC and given to ASX on 14 May 2014. Neither ASIC nor ASX nor any of their respective officers take any responsibility for the content of this Target's Statement.

Bullabulling shareholder information

Further information relating to Norton's Offer can be obtained from Bullabulling's website at www.bullabullinggold.com.

Defined terms

A number of defined terms are used in this Target's Statement. These terms are explained in section 9 of this Target's Statement. In addition, unless the contrary intention appears or the context requires otherwise, words and phrases used in the Corporations Act have the same meaning and interpretation as in the Corporations Act.

No account of personal circumstances

This Target's Statement does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or particular needs. It does not contain personal advice. Your directors encourage you to seek independent financial and taxation advice before making a decision as to whether or not to accept the Offer.

Disclaimer as to forward looking statements

Some of the statements appearing in this Target's Statement (including in the Independent Expert's Report) may be in the nature of forward looking statements. You should be aware that such statements are only predictions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. Those risks and uncertainties include factors and risks specific to the industry in which Bullabulling operates as well as general economic conditions, prevailing exchange rates and interest rates and conditions in the financial markets. Actual events or results may differ materially from the events or results expressed or implied in any forward looking statement. None of Bullabulling, Bullabulling's officers and employees, any persons named in this Target's Statement with their consent or any person involved in the preparation of this Target's Statement, makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward looking statement, or any events or results expressed or implied in any forward looking statement, except to the extent required by law. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward looking statement. The forward looking statements in this Target's Statement (including in the Independent Expert's Report) reflect views held only as at the date of this Target's Statement.

Disclaimer as to information

The information on Norton and Norton securities contained in this Target's Statement has been prepared by Bullabulling using publicly available information. The information in the Target's Statement concerning Norton and its assets and liabilities, financial position and performance, profits and losses and prospects, have not been independently verified by Bullabulling. Accordingly, Bullabulling does not, subject to the Corporations Act, make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.

Foreign jurisdictions

The release, publication or distribution of this Target's Statement in jurisdictions other than Australia may be restricted by law or regulation in such other jurisdictions and persons who come into possession of it should seek advice on and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with such restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable laws or regulations. This Target's Statement has been prepared in accordance with Australian law and the information contained in this Target's Statement may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this Target's Statement had been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations outside Australia.

Maps and diagrams

Any diagrams, charts, maps, graphs and tables appearing in this Target's Statement are illustrative only and may not be drawn to scale. Unless stated otherwise, all data contained in diagrams, charts, maps, graphs and tables is based on information available at the date of this Target's Statement.


The information in this Target's Statement that relates to the Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. All material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates of Mineral Resources continue to apply and have not materially changed.


Bullabulling has collected your information from the Bullabulling register of shareholders for the purpose of providing you with this Target's Statement. The type of information Bullabulling has collected about you includes your name, contact details and information on your shareholding in Bullabulling. Without this information, Bullabulling would be hindered in its ability to issue this Target's Statement. The Corporations Act requires the name and address of shareholders to be held in a public register. Your information may be disclosed on a confidential basis to Bullabulling's related bodies corporate and external service providers (such as the share registry of Bullabulling and print and mail service providers) and may be required to be disclosed to regulators such as ASIC. If you would like details of information about you held by Bullabulling, please contact Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited at the address shown below:

Level 2, Reserve Bank Building, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia, 6000

   Phone (within Australia):                 1300 850 505 
   Phone (international):                       +61 8 9323 2000 

Holders of Bullabulling Shares located in the United Kingdom should contact Computershare Investor Services PLC at the address shown below:

The Pavillions

Bridgewater Road

Bristol BS99 6ZZ

United Kingdom

   Phone         +44 870 702 0003 

The registered address of Bullabulling is Level 2, 55 Carrington Street, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009.

Why you should REJECT the Offer

 1   The Independent Expert has concluded that the       Refer 
      Offer is NEITHER fair NOR reasonable                to page 
      Your directors' recommendation is supported         2 
      by the Independent Expert 
    ==================================================  ========= 
 2   The Offer does not fairly reflect the value         Refer 
      of the Bullabulling Gold Project                    to page 
      Your directors urge you not to let Norton profit    3 
      to your detriment - the Offer fails to recognise 
      the value that has already been demonstrated 
      for the Bullabulling Gold Project 
    ==================================================  ========= 
 3   Accepting the opportunistic Offer will remove       Refer 
      your exposure to any potential increase in value    to page 
      that the Bullabulling Gold Project offers           5 
      Your directors urge you not to sell to Norton 
      at a price that does not, in the opinion of 
      your directors, reflect the medium and long 
      term potential upside that Bullabulling offers 
    ==================================================  ========= 
 4   Your directors believe this may be Norton's         Refer 
      first move                                          to page 
      Accepting the current opportunistic Offer means     6 
      you will be unable to benefit from any separate 
      takeover offer Norton may make in the future 
    ==================================================  ========= 

To REJECT the Offer, you should DO NOTHING and TAKE NO ACTION in relation to all documents sent to you by Norton

Contents of this Target's Statement

Chairman's Letter 1

   1            Why you should REJECT the Offer 
   2            Frequently asked questions 
   3            Directors' recommendation 
   4            Important matters for Bullabulling shareholders to consider 
   5            Your choices as a Bullabulling shareholder 
   6            Key features of Norton's Offer 
   7            Information relating to your directors 
   8            Additional information 
   9            Glossary and interpretation 
   10          Authorisation 

Attachment 1

Independent Expert's Report

Key dates

Date of Norton's Offer           2 May 2014 
===============================  ========================= 
Date of this Target's Statement  14 May 2014 
===============================  ========================= 
Close of Norton's Offer Period   5.00pm AWST / 10.00am BST 
 (unless extended or withdrawn)   on 2 June 2014 
===============================  ========================= 
14 May 2014  ASX Code: BAB, AIM Code: BGL 

Dear Shareholders

On 17 April 2014, Norton Gold Fields Limited announced a conditional, unsolicited offer to acquire all of the shares in Bullabulling Gold Limited for $0.07 (approximately GBP0.039) cash for every Bullabulling Share on issue at that date. The Offer became unconditional on 5 May 2014.

For the reasons set out on the following pages, your directors have concluded that the Offer is INADEQUATE and OPPORTUNISTIC and unanimously recommend that all Bullabulling shareholders REJECT Norton's Offer by TAKING NO ACTION.

Your directors do not intend to accept the Offer for shares that they own or control.

Bullabulling is progressing well with the evaluation and development of the 100% owned Bullabulling Gold Project, which is a significant Australian prospect and hosts an independently assessed Mineral Resources of 3.75 million ounces of gold (estimated in accordance with the JORC Code 2004) and is expected to produce approximately 175,000 ounces per year.

In making their recommendation to shareholders, your directors are conscious that additional funding will be required in the near term to complete the Definitive Feasibility Study. Assessment of funding options was well under way when the Norton bid was lodged. The board is continuing to assess the appropriate funding alternatives, having regard to the fact that the Offer has been made, and will have careful regard to the interests of existing Bullabulling shareholders in making any decisions.

Your directors consider that the Offer does not reflect the inherent value of Bullabulling and is designed to secure early control of the Bullabulling Gold Project and capture value that the Board believes is rightly yours.

Your directors' recommendation is supported by the conclusion of the Independent Expert, BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd, that the Norton Offer is NEITHER FAIR NOR REASONABLE. The Independent Expert has valued a Bullabulling Share at between $0.111 and $0.161 with a preferred value of $0.146 which represents a 109% premium to the Norton Offer price of $0.07.

It is noted in the Technical Review and Valuation annexed to the Independent Expert's Report that a "[D]iscounted Cash Flow method was not deemed appropriate for the valuation due to no Ore Reserves defined by the Pre-Feasibility Study". The Independent Expert goes on to note in its report that "upon completion of the DFS it is expected that a maiden reserve is likely to be announced. Following the completion of the DFS it would be possible to undertake a discounted cash flow valuation of the project incorporating the effects of the modifying factors applied in the DFS which may result in a higher value per share than that derived under the net asset value".

Bullabulling has received strong messages of support from many of its shareholders since the Offer was announced, and at the date of this Target's Statement holders of 41.8% of Bullabulling's Shares have indicated that they DO NOT intend to accept the Offer.

We also note that as at the date of this Target's Statement, the Bullabulling Share price continues to trade at or above the Offer price on both ASX and AIM.

To REJECT the Offer, simply do nothing and disregard all communications and correspondence from Norton.

This Target's Statement contains the directors' formal response to Norton's Offer. I encourage you to carefully read all the information contained in this Target's Statement and seek independent advice.

Yours sincerely

Peter Mansell


   1         Why you should REJECT the Offer 
   1.1       The Independent Expert has concluded that the Offer is NEITHER FAIR NOR REASONABLE 

Bullabulling has engaged BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd as an Independent Expert to prepare an Independent Expert Report in relation to the Offer. A full copy of the Independent Expert's Report accompanies this Target's Statement as Attachment 1. You are encouraged to read this report in its entirety.

In section 2.3 of the Independent Expert's Report, the Independent Expert states the following opinion:

"We have considered the terms of the Offer as outlined in the body of this report and have concluded that, in the absence of a superior offer, the Offer is neither fair nor reasonable to Shareholders"

The Independent Expert came to the following conclusions in respect of the Offer:

-- The value of a Bullabulling Share is in the range of $0.111 and $0.161 with a preferred value of $0.146 as compared to the Norton Offer price of $0.07 and therefore the Offer is NOT FAIR.

-- The position of Bullabulling shareholders if the Offer is rejected is more advantageous than the position if the Offer is accepted. Accordingly, in the absence of any other relevant information, the Offer is NOT REASONABLE.

Based on the above conclusions, the Independent Expert's preferred value of a Bullabulling Share is 109% above the Offer price.

The Independent Expert has also highlighted the following disadvantage of the Offer:

"As the DFS is not due to be completed until early 2015, the current quoted market price of a Bullabulling share, and the net asset value that was determined in section 10.1, do not reflect any impact of the announcement of the findings of the completed DFS. If the findings of the DFS are favourable, and demonstrate economic viability of an initial gold reserve, then it may be expected that the value of the Bullabulling Gold Project, and therefore the trading price of Bullabulling shares will increase...If shareholders accept the Offer then they...would not be able to benefit from any increase in the value of Bullabulling in the future."

The Independent Expert has concluded that the Offer is NEITHER FAIR NOR REASONABLE. The Independent Expert's valuation range for a Bullabulling Share of $0.111 to $0.161, with a preferred value of $0.146, supports the directors' view that the Offer is inadequate and undervalues your Bullabulling Shares.

For full details, including the advantages of the Offer identified by the Independent Expert, Bullabulling shareholders should read the Independent Expert's Report in Attachment 1 in full.

   1.2       The Offer does not fairly reflect the value of the Bullabulling Gold Project 

In the opinion of your directors, the Offer fails to recognise the potential of the Bullabulling Gold Project. The Offer implies a value of approximately $21 million.

As shown below, the Bullabulling Gold Project contains one of Australia's largest undeveloped gold Mineral Resources and is located 60km from Kalgoorlie, in one of Australia's premier goldfields.

Mineral Resources - ASX Listed Australian Gold Exploration/Development Companies

A full chart comparing the enterprise value to resource base multiple for a selection ASX Listed Australian Gold Exploration/Development Companies can be found in the full Target's Statement available at www.bullabullinggold.com.

Whilst Bullabulling's directors consider the companies set out in that chart are at a comparable stage of progression to Bullabulling, they believe that the Bullabulling Gold Project has a number of critical advantages over several of its peer group's projects including scale, anticipated conversion of Indicated Mineral Resources to Ore Reserves and cost structure:

Scale and anticipated cost structure

-- The Bullabulling Gold Project contains one of Australia's single largest known undeveloped gold deposits.

-- Independently assessed Mineral Resources of 3.75 million ounces of gold with an average grade of 1.02 g/t (estimated in accordance with the JORC Code 2004).

-- All Mineral Resources are situated on granted Mining Leases and the majority are amenable to bulk tonnage open pit mining and conventional CIL processing.

-- Engineering studies have demonstrated the potential to develop an open pit mining and processing operation that could produce an average of 175,000 ounces of gold per annum from the Bullabulling deposit over an initial mine life of 13 years.

-- Bullabulling has estimated all-in cash costs of US$930 per ounce of gold and Bullabulling shareholders should note that optimisation work with potential to further reduce cash costs is ongoing.


Significant infrastructure is in place adjacent to the Bullabulling Gold Project:

   --                 A sealed highway 
   --                 220kV power transmission line 
   --                 Potable water pipeline and borefield 
   --                 Skilled labour and mining service providers 

Stable environment for development

-- Low sovereign risk in a pro-mining jurisdiction, which is an important consideration when evaluating project financing.

The Definitive Feasibility Study, which is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2015, is expected to reveal further improvement in the Bullabulling Gold Project's development plan and economics.

The Offer fails to recognise both the value that has already been demonstrated for the Bullabulling Gold Project, and Bullabulling's unrealised potential.

1.3 Accepting the opportunistic Offer will remove your exposure to any potential increase in value that the Bullabulling Gold Project offers

Your directors believe the Offer is opportunistic and timed to capture value that will otherwise flow to Bullabulling shareholders in the medium and long term.

In the past 12 months, Bullabulling has completed a number of developments to enhance the understanding and value of the Bullabulling Gold Project, including:

-- implemented targeted infill drilling programs which have increased Mineral Resources by 9.5 million tonnes to 114 million tonnes and contained gold by 250,000 ounces to 3.75 million ounces, with a 2% increase in average Mineral Resource grade;

   --                 extended mine life by 2.5 years to 13 years; 

-- increased forecast mine production by 15.6 million tonnes to 94.7 million tonnes;

-- re-optimised the project reducing C1 costs from US$1,196/oz to US$843/oz and reduced all-in cash costs to US$930/oz;

-- carried out metallurgical test-work that has identified potential to further reduce production costs and increase gold recovery; and

-- capital expenditure expectations have reduced from initial prefeasibility study estimates.

On this basis, it is in Norton's interest to buy as many Bullabulling Shares as possible at the cheapest possible price before any increase in the value of the Bullabulling Gold Project.

Your directors consider this increase in the value of the Bullabulling Gold Project is likely to occur as the Company moves closer to the release of the maiden Ore Reserve and completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study.

If Norton acquires your Bullabulling Shares now, it will deny you the opportunity to participate in any value accretion that may occur in the future.

Your directors believe that the Company has a well-developed strategy to create value for its shareholders. In particular, your directors believe that you should consider the following developments which are scheduled to occur throughout the next several months, in the lead-up to completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study during the first quarter of 2015:

-- completion of a metallurgical test-work program, the preliminary stages of which have demonstrated potential for reduced operating costs and increased gold recovery through the nanofiltration of process water;

-- implementation of an infill drilling programme to upgrade the classification of Inferred Mineral Resource, which comprises approximately 15.7% of forecast production tonnage, to Indicated Mineral Resource. Your directors' expectations regarding the conversion to Indicated Mineral Resource are supported by the technical expert that completed the Technical Review and Valuation annexed to the Independent Expert's Report, who note that given the "width and continuity of mineralisation" it is "highly likely that infill drilling would convert all the Inferred material within the current pit design to Indicated" in the main pit (Bacchus and Phoenix);

-- implementation of an infill drilling programme will also enable the completion of an initial Ore Reserve estimate for the Bullabulling Gold Project;

Following completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study, which is expected to identify further cost efficiencies, Bullabulling intends to finalise the financing arrangements for the Bullabulling Gold Project (subject to the results of the Definitive Feasibility Study).

Although completion of these developments is subject to risk, markets and uncertainties and cannot be guaranteed, your directors believe that the potential rewards substantially outweigh the potential risks.

Your directors believe that operational enhancements to the Bullabulling Gold Project should result in further value accretion for shareholders in the short to medium term. Your directors consider that Norton has recognised this and has timed its bid accordingly for its own benefit, including the release of a maiden Ore Reserve and completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study.

   1.4       Your directors believe this may be Norton's first move 

Your directors believe that Norton's unsolicited, inadequate and opportunistic Offer may be just the first step in Norton's plan to take control of Bullabulling to secure the Bullabulling Gold Project.

Norton has indicated it recognises Bullabulling as a continuation of its strategy to pursue growth opportunities, in particular as an adjunct to its current core operations in Western Australia. However, this unrealised potential, including operating synergies between the Bullabulling Gold Project and Norton's current core operations, will not be fully available to Norton unless it acquires 100% control of Bullabulling.

Given that the Offer is not subject to a minimum acceptance condition, your directors believe that if Norton fails to acquire 100% of Bullabulling in its first attempt (ie under the Offer), which is a potential outcome given as at the date of this Target's Statement holders of 41.8% of Bullabulling's Shares have indicated that they do not intend to accept the Offer, it is possible that Norton may return in the future with a separate, follow-on offer in order to acquire 100%. If your directors' views regarding the potential enhancements to the value and economics of the Bullabulling Gold Project are realised, it is possible that any follow-on offer by Norton would be at a higher price than the current Offer.

Bullabulling shareholders should note that the directors are not aware of any specific intention on the part of Norton to make any follow-on offer should it not acquire 100% of Bullabulling (or sufficient relevant interests in Shares to allow it to proceed to compulsory acquisition) under the Offer, and there can be no guarantee as to what action Norton might take in these circumstances. Further, even if Norton does make a follow-on offer, this offer may be at a lower price than the current Offer.

However, if you do accept the current Offer, you will not be able to benefit from any separate takeover offers that Norton may make in the future.

Your directors urge you not to sell to Norton at a price that does not, in the opinion of your directors, reflect the medium and long term potential upside that Bullabulling offers you.

   2         Frequently asked questions 

This section answers some commonly asked questions about the Offer. It is not intended to address all relevant issues for Bullabulling shareholders. This section should be read together with all other parts of this Target's Statement.

Question                         Answer 
===============================  ========================================================== 
Who is making the Offer?         Norton Gold Fields Limited, a public 
                                  company incorporated in Australia 
                                  and listed on ASX (ASX:NGF). Norton 
                                  is 82.43% owned by Zijin Mining 
                                  Group Co Ltd. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What will I receive              Norton is offering $0.07 cash for 
 for my Bullabulling              each Bullabulling Share you hold. 
 Shares under the Offer? 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What choices do I have           As a Bullabulling shareholder, 
 as a Bullabulling shareholder?   you have the following choices 
                                  in respect of your Shares: 
                                   *    reject the Offer by doing nothing; 
                                   *    sell your Bullabulling Shares on ASX or AIM (unless 
                                        you have previously accepted the Offer); or 
                                   *    accept the Offer. 
                                  There are several implications 
                                  in relation to each of the above 
                                  choices. A summary of these implications 
                                  is set out in section 5 of this 
                                  Target's Statement. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
Can I accept the Offer           No. You cannot accept the Offer 
 for some, but not all,           for part of your Bullabulling Shares. 
 of my Bullabulling               You can only accept the Offer for 
 Shares?                          all of your Bullabulling Shares. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What are the directors           Each director recommends that you 
 of Bullabulling recommending?    reject the Offer. In order to do 
                                  so you should do nothing and not 
                                  respond to any correspondence from 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What do the directors            Each Bullabulling director and 
 and management intend            member of management who has a 
 to do with their Shares?         relevant interest in Bullabulling 
                                  Shares intends to reject the Offer 
                                  in relation to those Shares. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What are the consequences        If you accept the Offer, you will 
 of accepting the Offer           give up your right to sell your 
 now?                             Bullabulling Shares on ASX or AIM 
                                  or otherwise deal with your Shares 
                                  while the Offer remains open. 
                                  If the share price trades above 
                                  the Offer price you will have lost 
                                  your ability to sell your Shares 
                                  on ASX or AIM at that higher price. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What happens if Norton           If Norton increases its Offer price 
 increases its Offer              during the Bid Period, all Bullabulling 
 price under the current          shareholders will be entitled to 
 Offer?                           the benefit of any increase in 
                                  the Offer price (including those 
                                  Bullabulling shareholders who have 
                                  already accepted the Offer prior 
                                  to the increase). 
                                  As at the date of this Target's 
                                  Statement, Norton has not made 
                                  any statement regarding its intention 
                                  to increase the Offer price. However, 
                                  Norton has not made a 'last and 
                                  final' statement as to whether 
                                  it will increase the Offer price. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
If I accept the Offer,           If you accept the Offer, you will 
 can I withdraw my acceptance?    not be able to trade your Bullabulling 
                                  Shares on ASX or AIM or withdraw 
                                  your acceptance. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
When does the Offer              The Offer is presently scheduled 
 close?                           to close at 5.00pm AWST / 10.00am 
                                  BST on 2 June 2014, but the Offer 
                                  Period can be extended in certain 
                                  See section 6.5 of this Target's 
                                  Statement for details of the circumstances 
                                  in which the Offer Period can be 
===============================  ========================================================== 
Is the Offer conditional?        The Offer became unconditional 
                                  on 5 May 2014. 
                                  See section 6.2 of this Target's 
                                  Statement for further details. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
When will I receive              As the Offer is unconditional, 
 my cash payment as               if you accept the Offer and your 
 consideration if I               Bullabulling Shares are quoted 
 accept the Offer?                on ASX, you will be sent your cash 
                                  payment as consideration from Norton 
                                  within 14 days. 
                                  If you accepted the Offer prior 
                                  to the Offer becoming unconditional, 
                                  then you will receive your consideration 
                                  within 14 days of 5 May 2014. 
                                  Additional time may be required 
                                  for Norton to issue consideration 
                                  to holders of Bullabulling Shares 
                                  held through Depository Interests 
                                  quoted on AIM. Norton has not provided 
                                  any further information on when 
                                  it expects to issue consideration 
                                  to holders of Bullabulling Shares 
                                  held through Depository Interests 
                                  quoted on AIM. 
                                  See section 6.9 of this Target's 
                                  Statement for further details on 
                                  when you will be sent your consideration. 
===============================  ========================================================== 
Does the Offer extend            The Offer is only for Bullabulling 
 to Bullabulling Options?         Shares. Norton has stated in its 
                                  Bidder's Statement that it proposes 
                                  to have discussions with the holders 
                                  of Bullabulling Options with respect 
                                  to the cancellation of those Bullabulling 
                                  Norton has not provided any further 
                                  information on these discussions 
                                  to Bullabulling or disclosed the 
                                  terms of any agreement that will 
                                  be reached or is proposed to be 
                                  reached with the holders of Bullabulling 
===============================  ========================================================== 
What are the tax implications    A general outline of the tax implications 
 of accepting the Offer?          of accepting the Offer is set out 
                                  in section 18 of the Bidder's Statement. 
                                  As that section is a general outline 
                                  only, Bullabulling shareholders 
                                  are encouraged to seek their own 
                                  specific professional advice on 
                                  the taxation implications applicable 
                                  to their circumstances. 
===============================  ========================================================== 


   3         Directors' recommendation 
   3.1         Directors of Bullabulling 

As at the date of this Target's Statement, the directors of Bullabulling are:

Peter Mansell, Non-Executive Chairman

Ronald Beevor, Non-Executive Director

Brett Lambert, Managing Director

   3.2         Management 

As at the date of this Target's Statement, the management of Bullabulling are:

David McArthur, Chief Financial Officer

Mark Braghieri, General Manager (Development)

   3.3         Directors' recommendations 

After taking into account each of the matters in this Target's Statement (including the Independent Expert's Report) and in the Bidder's Statement, each of your directors recommends that you REJECT the Offer for the reasons set out in section 1 of this Target's Statement.

In considering whether to accept the Offer, your directors encourage you to:

-- read the whole of this Target's Statement (including the Independent Expert's Report) and the Bidder's Statement;

-- have regard to your individual risk profile, portfolio strategy, tax position and financial circumstances;

   --                 consider the alternatives noted in section 5 of this Target's Statement; and 

-- obtain financial advice on the Offer from your broker or financial adviser, and obtain taxation advice on the effect of accepting the Offer.

   3.4         Intentions of your directors and management in relation to the Offer 

Each Bullabulling director and member of management who has a relevant interest in Bullabulling Shares intends to reject the Offer in relation to those Shares.

Details of the relevant interests of each Bullabulling director and member of management in Bullabulling Shares are set out in section 7 of this Target's Statement.

   4         Important matters for Bullabulling shareholders to consider 
   4.1         The Norton Offer 

Norton announced its intention to make its takeover bid for Bullabulling on 17 April 2014. A copy of Norton's announcement can be found at www.nortongoldfields.com.au. A summary of the Offer is contained in section 6 of this Target's Statement.

The Offer is open for acceptance until 5.00pm AWST/ 10.00am BST on 2 June 2014, unless it is extended or withdrawn (sections 6.5 and 6.6 of this Target's Statement describe the circumstances in which Norton can extend or withdraw the Offer).

   4.2         Background information on Bullabulling and the Bullabulling Gold Project 

Bullabulling is a mining and exploration company headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. It is dual-listed on ASX and AIM. Bullabulling is the 100% owner of a large previously producing mine called 'Bullabulling'.

The Bullabulling Gold Project is located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, approximately 60km from the city of Kalgoorlie, Boulder, one of Australia's premier gold mining centres. Bullabulling has successfully delineated a significant Mineral Resource of 3.75 million ounces.

The Bullabulling Gold Project contains one of Australia's largest undeveloped gold Mineral Resources. All Mineral Resources are situated on granted Mining Leases in close proximity to infrastructure, and with the majority amenable to bulk tonnage open pit mining and conventional CIL processing. The Company is conducting a Definitive Feasibility Study into the development of a large scale, low cost mining operation at the site which is scheduled for completion during the first quarter of 2015. Your directors expect that the Definitive Feasibility Study will reveal further improvement in the Bullabulling Gold Project's development plan and economics.

   4.3         Background information on Norton and Zijin 

Norton is an Australian domestic gold producer headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. Norton is listed on the ASX. Norton has a number of Mineral Resources and Mining Reserves located on tenements within the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Norton owns and operates the Paddington Mill where it processes gold mineralisation from a number of sources.

As at 17 April 2014, Zijin owned 82.43% of Norton through its wholly owned subsidiaries Jinyu (H.K.) International Mining Company Limited and Luminous Gold Limited. Zijin is a large-scale, state-owned mining group with headquarters located in Shanghai County, Fujian Province, China. It is the largest gold producer and second largest copper producer in China.

For further information on Norton and Zijin, see section 4 of the Bidder's Statement.

   4.4         Funding 

The Bidder's Statement suggests that Bullabulling faces 'significant funding challenges', and that, if shareholders accept the Offer, they will 'remove their exposure to these major financing risks and the likely continued dilution in the value of their shareholdings'. Your directors consider that this statement is misleading and in their opinion, does not justify you relinquishing the potential rewards which flow from successful project development at a totally inadequate price.

The risk profile relied on heavily in the Bidder's Statement as a reason to accept the Offer is a profile typical of exploration companies such as Bullabulling. Typical of companies at this stage of development, Bullabulling manages its capital and operating expenditure tightly to minimise any call on shareholders and then seeks shareholder support for incremental capital amounts to advance the next stage of development. Investors in exploration companies recognise this profile more as a leverage opportunity because of the potential upside if exploration proves successful and a mine is established.

The Bidder clearly recognises the leverage opportunity in Bullabulling and is trying to acquire it opportunistically for its benefit.

Your directors are conscious that some additional funding will be required in the near term to complete the Definitive Feasibility Study. Assessment of funding options was well under way when the Norton bid was lodged. The board is continuing to assess appropriate funding alternatives, having regard to the fact that the Offer has been made: at the date of this Target's Statement, no final decision has been taken. Your directors will have careful regard to the potential dilutionary impact on existing Bullabulling shareholders in assessing the structure and scale of any funding for the purpose of completing the Definitive Feasibility Study.

It is also noted in the Bidder's Statement that, as per the Company's announcement to ASX on 7 February 2013, significant capital expenditure is required to develop the Bullabulling Gold Project. Your directors also consider that it is misleading to describe this as a risk associated with being a Bullabulling shareholder (as has been done in the Bidder's Statement).

Your directors have had preliminary discussions with a number of financiers in relation to the funding that will be required to develop the Bullabulling Gold Project. The Company does not intend to materially advance these discussions until the Definitive Feasibility Study has been completed and the value proposition of the Bullabulling Gold Project enhanced, such that the Company will have a range of funding alternatives available to it (from a range of funding sources).

   4.5         Financial information on Bullabulling 

As at 31 March 2014, Bullabulling's cash and deposits totalled approximately $3,050,000.

Bullabulling's Quarterly Cash Flow Report for the period from 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2014 was released on 30 April 2014. The report can be accessed online via www.bullabullinggold.com.

Bullabulling's Annual Report for the year ending 31 December 2013 was released on 24 March 2014. The report can be accessed online via www.bullabullinggold.com.

   4.6         Risk factors 

Bullabulling is currently exposed to a number of risks that Bullabulling shareholders should be aware of, both of a general nature and more specific to the mining industry. A brief outline of these risks is set out below, which should be considered in conjunction with Bullabulling's ongoing disclosure under the ASX Listing Rules.

Your directors consider that the current Board and management team's detailed knowledge of the Bullabulling Gold Project, and the gold industry more generally, put it in the best position to manage these risks going forward and maximise the return to shareholders from the Bullabulling Gold Project.

   (a)           General risks for all gold mining companies 

The occurrence of one or more of the scenarios set out below could have a material adverse on the future performance of Bullabulling or return on an investment in Bullabulling. The Company has considered the probability of the industry specific risks above eventuating and concluded that the Bullabulling Gold Project has overall positive prospects.

(1) Macroeconomic conditions: Macroeconomic conditions, both domestic and global, may affect Bullabulling's financial performance (such as inflation, interest rates, government policy, employment and industrial disruption).

(2) Market conditions: As Bullabulling is a listed company, its share price is subject to the numerous influences that may affect both the trends in the share market and the share prices of individual companies.

(3) Changes in legislation and government regulation: Government legislation and policy, both within Australia and internationally, including changes to the taxation system.

(4) Commodity price volatility and exchange rate risks: Any revenue derived by Bullabulling from the Bullabulling Gold Project will be subject to commodity price and exchange rate risks (as its revenues are likely to be denominated in US$ while its expenditure will be largely denominated in A$), both which are affected by factors beyond the control of Bullabulling.

Whilst the above factors are outside the control of Bullabulling and may result in material adverse impacts on its business and operating results, the Board and management believe they have the skills to manage these risks if and when they arise.

   (b)           Specific risks to Bullabulling 

(1) Exploration risks:Mineral exploration and development are speculative undertakings, as such if a viable deposit is identified, there is no assurance that it can be commercially developed.

(2) Development and infrastructure risk: Bullabulling may encounter unforeseen difficulties in developing the infrastructure (including the commission of mine or mines) necessary to commence mining production.

(3) Liquidity and future financings:The development of the Bullabulling Gold Project depends upon Bullabulling's ability to obtain financing.

   4.7         Minority ownership consequences 

The Offer does not extend to Shares issued after 18 April 2014. If any Shares are issued after this date (including the Shares described in the 2014 AGM Notice that the Company intends to issue pending receipt of shareholder approval at its upcoming annual general meeting), the holders of these Shares will not be able to accept the Offer in respect of those Shares.

As such, Norton will not be able to acquire 100% of Bullabulling if any further Shares are issued after 18 April 2014 (unless Norton obtains ASIC relief to the extend the Offer to these shares). It also means that, in conjunction with the fact that as at the date of this Target's Statement holders of 41.8% of Bullabulling's Shares have indicated that they do not intend to accept the Offer, it may be difficult for Norton to acquire more than 90% of the Bullabulling Shares.

If Norton acquires more than 50% but less than 90% of the Bullabulling Shares then Norton will acquire a majority shareholding in Bullabulling.

Accordingly, shareholders who do not accept the Offer will become minority shareholders in Bullabulling. This has a number of possible implications, including:

-- Norton will be in a position to cast the majority of votes at a general meeting of Bullabulling, enabling it (amongst other things) to control the composition of Bullabulling's Board; and

-- Norton may (through its control of the Board) initiate the acquisition, buy-back or cancellation by Bullabulling of the outstanding Shares that Norton does not control (as set out in section 7.4 of the Bidder's Statement).

   4.8         Compulsory acquisition 

Norton has indicated in section 7.3 of its Bidder's Statement that if it satisfies the required thresholds it intends to compulsorily acquire any outstanding Bullabulling Shares.

Norton will be entitled to compulsorily acquire any Bullabulling Shares in respect of which it has not received an acceptance of its Offer on the same terms as the Offer if, during or at the end of the Offer Period:

-- Norton and its associates have a relevant interest in at least 90% (by number) of the Bullabulling Shares; and

-- Norton and its associates have acquired at least 75% (by number) of the Bullabulling Shares that Norton offered to acquire (excluding Bullabulling Shares in which Norton or their associates had a relevant interest at the date of the Offer and also excluding Bullabulling Shares issued to an associate of Norton during the Offer Period).

If this threshold is met, Norton will have one month after the end of the Offer Period within which to give compulsory acquisition notices to Bullabulling shareholders who have not accepted the Offer, thereby commencing the compulsory acquisition process.

   4.9         Risks of accepting the Offer 
   (a)          Unconditional Offer 

On 5 May 2014 Norton declared the Offer unconditional. If you accept the Offer, you will not be able to trade your Bullabulling Shares on ASX or AIM or withdraw your acceptance.

   (b)          Possibility of a superior proposal emerging 

You may consider that a third party may emerge with a superior proposal. If you accept the Offer, you will not be able to accept your Shares into any superior proposal such that you will not be able to obtain any potential benefit associated with that superior proposal (if any). Your directors are not currently aware of any superior proposal.

   (c)          No interest in equity upside 

If you accept the Offer, you will lose your interest and exposure in the future profits and dividends (if any) associated with Bullabulling and the Bullabulling Gold Project.

   4.10       Bullabulling Share price absent the Offer 

While there are many factors that influence the market price of Bullabulling Shares, your directors anticipate that, following the close of the Offer, the market price of Bullabulling Shares may fall if Norton's Offer fails (and there is no alternative to the Offer), if Norton acquires more than 50% (but less than 90%) of the Bullabulling Shares or if the takeover is otherwise unsuccessful.

   5         Your choices as a Bullabulling shareholder 

Your directors recommend that you REJECT the Offer.

However, as a Bullabulling shareholder you have 3 choices currently available to you:

   (a)          Reject the Offer 

Shareholders who wish to reject the Offer should do nothing.

Shareholders should note that if Norton and its associates have a relevant interest in at least 90% of the Shares during or at the end of the Offer Period, Norton will be entitled to compulsorily acquire the Shares that it does not already own. See section 4.8 of this Target's Statement for further details.

   (b)          Sell your Shares on market 

During the Offer Period, Bullabulling shareholders who have not already accepted the Offer can still sell their shares on market for cash, on either ASX or AIM.

On 13 May 2014 Bullabulling's share price closed at $0.07 on ASX and on 12 May 2014 closed at GBP0.04 on AIM (approximately $0.072). This in line with Norton's Offer price of $0.07 per Bullabulling Share.

The latest price for Bullabulling Shares quoted on ASX may be obtained from the ASX website www.asx.com.au. The latest price of Depository Interests quoted on AIM may be obtained from the AIM website www.londonstockexchange.com.

Shareholders who sell their Shares on market may be liable for CGT on the sale and may incur a brokerage charge.

Bullabulling shareholders who wish to sell their Shares on market should contact their broker for information on how to effect that sale.

   (c)          Accept the Offer 

Bullabulling shareholders may elect to accept the Offer. Details of the consideration that will be received by Bullabulling shareholders who accept the Offer are set out in section 6.1 of this Target's Statement and in section 8.4 of the Bidder's Statement.

   6         Key features of Norton's Offer 
   6.1         Consideration payable to shareholders who accept the Offer 

The consideration being offered by Norton is $0.07 for each Bullabulling Share that you hold.

The Offer is only for Bullabulling Shares, it does not extend to Bullabulling Options. Norton has stated in its Bidder's Statement that it proposes to have discussions with the holders of Bullabulling Options with respect to the cancellation of those Bullabulling Options.

Norton has not provided any further information on these discussions to Bullabulling or disclosed the terms of any agreement that will be reached or is proposed to be reached with the holders of Bullabulling Options.

   6.2         Unconditional 

On 5 May 2014 Norton declared the Offer unconditional. If you accept the Offer, you will not be able to trade your Bullabulling Shares on ASX or AIM or withdraw your acceptance.

   6.3         Notice of Status of Conditions 

Section 9.6 of the Bidder's Statement indicates that Norton will give a Notice of Status of Conditions to ASX and Bullabulling on 26 May 2014.

Norton is required to set out in its Notice of Status of Conditions:

   --                 whether the Offer is free of any or all of the conditions; 
   --                 whether, so far as Norton knows, any of the conditions have been fulfilled; and 
   --                 Norton's voting power in Bullabulling as at the date of the notice. 

On 5 May 2014 Norton declared the Offer unconditional.

If the Offer Period is extended by a period before the time by which the Notice of Status of Conditions is to be given, the date for giving the Notice of Status of Conditions will be taken to be postponed for the same period. In the event of such an extension, Norton is required, as soon as practicable after the extension, to give a notice to ASX and Bullabulling that states the new date for the giving of the Notice of Status of Conditions.

   6.4         Offer Period 

Unless Norton's Offer is extended or withdrawn, it is open for acceptance from 2 May 2014 until 5.00pm AWST / 10.00am BST on 2 June 2014.

The circumstances in which Norton may extend or withdraw its Offer are set out in section 6.5 and section 6.6 respectively of this Target's Statement.

   6.5         Extension of the Offer Period 

As the Offer is unconditional, Norton may extend the Offer Period at any time before the end of the Offer Period.

In addition, there will be an automatic extension of the Offer Period if, within the last 7 days of the Offer Period:

   --                 Norton improves the consideration offered under the Offer; or 
   --                 Norton's voting power in Bullabulling increases to more than 50%. 

If either of these 2 events occurs, the Offer Period is automatically extended so that it ends 14 days after the relevant event occurs.

   6.6         Withdrawal of Offer 

Norton may not withdraw the Offer if you have already accepted it. Before you accept the Offer, Norton may withdraw the Offer with the written consent of ASIC and subject to the conditions (if any) specified in such consent.

   6.7         Effect of acceptance 

The effect of acceptance of the Offer is set out in section 13 of the Bidder's Statement. Bullabulling shareholders should read these provisions in full to understand the effect that acceptance will have on their ability to exercise the Rights attaching to their Shares and the representations and warranties which they give by accepting the Offer.

   6.8         Your ability to withdraw your acceptance 

As the Offer is unconditional, you are not able to withdraw your acceptance of the Offer.

   6.9         When you will receive your consideration if you accept the Offer 

As the Offer is unconditional, Norton has indicated that if your Bullabulling Shares are quoted on ASX (meaning that you hold those shares directly), you will be issued your consideration on or before the later of:

   --                 14 days after 5 May 2014; and 
   --                 14 days after the date you accept the Offer. 

Norton has not provided a specific timetable for issuing consideration to holders of Bullabulling Shares held through Depository Interests quoted on AIM, noting that additional time may be required for issuing consideration to those shareholders (in addition to the timetable set out above). Norton has not provided any further information on when it expects to issue consideration to holders of Bullabulling Shares held through Depository Interests quoted on AIM.

However, there are certain exceptions to the above timetable for the issuing of consideration. Full details of when you will be issued your consideration are set out in section 14.4 of the Bidder's Statement.

6.10 Effect of an improvement in consideration on shareholders who have already accepted the Offer

If Norton improves the consideration offered under its bid, all Bullabulling shareholders, whether or not they have accepted the Offer before that improvement in consideration, will be entitled to the benefit of that improved consideration.

   7         Information relating to your directors 
   7.1         Interests and dealings in Bullabulling securities 
   (a)          Interests in Bullabulling Shares and Options 

As at the date of this Target's Statement, your directors had the following relevant interests in Shares and Options:

Director       Number of Bullabulling  Number of Bullabulling 
                Shares                  Options 
-------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Peter Mansell  1,625,000               Nil 
-------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Brett Lambert  Nil                     Nil* 
-------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Ronald Beevor  709,552                 Nil 
-------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Total          2,334,552               Nil 
-------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 

* Brett Lambert has 2,000,000 Options which have not yet vested. See section 8.1 of this Target's Statement for details regarding the vesting conditions of these Options.

As at the date of this Target's Statement, your management had the following relevant interests in Shares and Options:

Management                Number of Bullabulling  Number of Bullabulling 
                           Shares                  Options 
------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
David McArthur (Chief     1,445,585               Nil 
 Financial Officer) 
------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Mark Braghieri (General   850,223                 500,000** 
 Manager Development) 
------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Total                     2,295,808               500,000 
------------------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 

** Mark Braghieri has a further 1,000,000 Options which have not yet vested.

   (b)          Dealings in Bullabulling Shares and Options 

No director of Bullabulling has acquired or disposed of a relevant interest in any Shares or Options in the 4 month period ending on the date immediately before the date of this Target's Statement.

As set out in the 2014 AGM Notice, the Company intends to issue the following Shares and Options to directors pending receipt of shareholder approval at its upcoming annual general meeting:

Director        Number of Bullabulling  Number of Bullabulling 
                 Shares                  Options 
--------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Peter Mansell   864,710                 Nil 
--------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Brett Lambert   2,859,756               2,000,000 
--------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 
Ronald Beevor   468,384                 Nil 
--------------  ----------------------  ---------------------- 

As set out in the 2014 AGM Notice:

-- the issue of Shares to Peter Mansell and Ronald Beevor are pursuant to a previously disclosed arrangement under which Messrs Mansell and Beevor agreed to accept partial equity settlement of their outstanding non-executive director's fees (in the amounts of $45,000 owed to Mr Mansell and $24,376 owed to Mr Beevor); and

-- the issue of Shares to Brett Lambert is pursuant to a share subscription agreement, under which Mr Lambert is to pay a total of $117,250 cash to subscribe for 2,859,756 Shares at the prevailing market price at the time that subscription agreement was entered into ($0.041 per Share).

Further details regarding the circumstances giving rise to the issue of these Shares and Options are set out in the 2014 AGM Notice.

   7.2         Interests and dealings in Norton securities 
   (a)          Interests in Norton securities 

As at the date immediately before the date of this Target's Statement, no Bullabulling director had a relevant interest in any Norton securities.

   (b)          Dealings in Norton securities 

No director of Bullabulling acquired or disposed of a relevant interest in any Norton securities in the 4 month period ending on the date immediately before the date of this Target's Statement.

   7.3         Benefits and agreements 
   (a)          Benefits in connection with retirement from office 

As a result of the Offer, no person has been or will be given any benefit (other than a benefit which can be given without shareholder approval under the Corporations Act) in connection with the retirement of that person, or someone else, from a board or managerial office of Bullabulling or related body corporate of Bullabulling.

   (b)          Agreements connected with or conditional on the Offer 

There are no agreements made between any director of Bullabulling and any other person in connection with, or conditional upon, the outcome of the Offer other than in their capacity as a holder of Shares or Options.

   (c)          Benefits from Norton 

None of the directors of Bullabulling have agreed to receive, or is entitled to receive, any benefit from Norton which is conditional on, or is related to, the Offer, other than in their capacity as a holder of Shares or Options.

   (d)          Interests of directors in contracts with Norton 

None of the directors of Bullabulling has any interest in any contract entered into by Norton.

   8         Additional information 
   8.1         Effect of the takeover on Bullabulling's material contracts 

Bullabulling has identified 2 material contracts to which Bullabulling is a party as containing change of control provisions which may be triggered as a result of, or as a result of acceptances of, the Offer. A summary of these contracts and the relevant change of control provisions is set out below:

-- In accordance with an Executive Services Agreement between Bullabulling and Mark Braghieri (General Manager (Development)) dated 19 November 2012 (Braghieri ESA), 1,000,000 Options will vest on a change of control occurring. If a takeover bid for the Shares is declared unconditional (which has occurred) and the bidder has acquired a relevant interest in at least 50.1% of the Shares, or if a person or group of associated persons becomes entitled to sufficient Shares to give it or them the ability, in general meeting, to replace a majority of the Board, it will constitute a change of control for the purposes of the Braghieri ESA.

-- In accordance with an Executive Services Agreement between Bullabulling and Brett Lambert (Managing Director) dated 10 May 2012 (Lambert ESA), 3,000,000 Options were to vest on a change of control occurring. 1,000,000 of these Options expired on 1 May 2014 without the vesting criteria being met. If a takeover bid for the Shares is declared unconditional (which has occurred) and the bidder has acquired a relevant interest in at least 50.1% of the Shares, or if a person or group of associated persons becomes entitled to sufficient Shares to give it or them the ability, in general meeting, to replace a majority of the Board, it will constitute a change of control for the purposes of the Lambert ESA.

   8.2         Material litigation 

Bullabulling does not believe that it is involved in any litigation or dispute which is material in the context of Bullabulling and its subsidiaries taken as a whole.

   8.3         Issued capital 

As at the date of this Target's Statement, Bullabulling's issued capital consisted of:

   (a)          Number and class of all securities quoted on ASX 
Number       Class 
===========  ========================== 
344,035,585  Fully paid ordinary shares 
===========  ========================== 

As at 28 April 2014, there were 176,589,621 Bullabulling Shares quoted as Depository Interests on AIM.

As set out in the 2014 AGM Notice, the Company intends to issue up to an additional 8,192,850 Shares following the receipt of shareholder approval at its upcoming annual general meeting.

   (b)          Number and class of all securities not quoted on ASX 

As at the date of this Target's Statement, Bullabulling has 12,592,621 unquoted Options on issue, the details of which are set out below.

Expiry Date         Number     Exercise price 
==================  =========  ============== 
06 October 2014     500,000    $0.1036 
==================  =========  ============== 
28 October 2014     387,621    $0.2090 
==================  =========  ============== 
26 November 2014    500,000    $0.1020 
==================  =========  ============== 
23 April 2015       3,425,000  $0.1184 
==================  =========  ============== 
01 May 2015*        1,000,000  $0.3160 
==================  =========  ============== 
30 June 2015        1,150,000  $0.1480 
==================  =========  ============== 
20 November 2015    3,630,000  $0.5922 
==================  =========  ============== 
26 November 2015*   500,000    $0.1260 
==================  =========  ============== 
01 May 2016*        1,000,000  $0.3680 
==================  =========  ============== 
26 November 2016*   500,000    $0.1490 
==================  =========  ============== 

* Unvested.

As set out in the 2014 AGM Notice, the Company intends to issue a further 2,000,000 Options pending receipt of shareholder approval at its upcoming annual general meeting.

The Company notes that Norton has not disclosed its specific intentions with respect to Bullabulling's 12,592,621 Options. Norton's Bidder Statement states that it proposes to have discussions with the holders of Bullabulling Options with respect to the cancellation of those Bullabulling Options. As at the date of this Target Statement, Norton has not provided any further details of the arrangements it has entered into, or proposes to enter into, with respect to the holders of Bullabulling Options.

   8.4         Substantial holders 

As at the date of this Target's Statement, based on the substantial shareholding notices provided to Bullabulling, the substantial shareholders of Bullabulling are:

Name of substantial        Person's votes  Voting power (%) 
=========================  ==============  ================ 
Baker Steel Capital 
 Managers LLP (clients 
 of and associated 
 or connected parties)     35,846,324      10.50% 
=========================  ==============  ================ 
Resolute Mining Limited 
 and each of its related 
 bodies corporate          20,250,000      5.93% 
=========================  ==============  ================ 

8.5 Effect of Offer on Bullabulling's employee incentive schemes and securities issued under those schemes

To provide long term incentives to key management personnel, Bullabulling has issued Bullabulling Options to eligible persons under the BAB Employee Incentive Option Plan, dated 4 April 2012 (as amended from time to time) and adopted by Bullabulling shareholders at an annual general meeting of shareholders held on 13 June 2012 (Option Plan).

Bullabulling has issued a total of 1,500,000 unlisted Bullabulling Options under the Option Plan. Those unlisted Bullabulling Options and their relevant vesting dates are as follows:

Quantity  Exercise Price  Expiry Date  Vesting Period 
========  ==============  ===========  ============== 
                          26 November 
500,000   $0.102           2014        1 January 2013 
========  ==============  ===========  ============== 
                          26 November 
500,000*  $0.126           2015        1 January 2014 
========  ==============  ===========  ============== 
                          26 November 
500,000*  $0.149           2016        1 January 2015 
========  ==============  ===========  ============== 

* Unvested

As set out in the 2014 AGM Notice, the Company is seeking shareholder approval for an employee share plan, which will be implemented by the Company following its annual general meeting (provided the plan is approved by shareholders).

   8.6         Consents 

Herbert Smith Freehills has given, and has not withdrawn before the date of this Target's Statement, its written consent to be named in this Target's Statement as Bullabulling's Australian legal adviser in the form and context in which it is so named.

Gresham Advisory Partners Limited has given, and has not withdrawn before the date of this Target's Statement, its written consent to be named in this Target's Statement as Bullabulling's Australian financial adviser in the form and context in which it is so named.

Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited and Computershare Investor Services PLC have each given, and has not withdrawn before the date of this Target's Statement, its written consent to be named in this Target's Statement as Bullabulling's Australian or United Kingdom share registry (as applicable) in the form and context in which it is so named.

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has given, and not withdrawn before the lodgement of this Target's Statement with ASIC, its written consent to be named in this Target's Statement in the form and context it is so named and to the inclusion of its Independent Expert's Report as an attachment to this Target's Statement.

RungePincockMinarco Limited has given, and not withdrawn before the lodgement of this Target's Statement with ASIC, its written consent to be named in this Target's Statement in the form and context it is so named and to the inclusion of its technical report in the Independent Expert's Report included as an attachment to this Target's Statement.

As permitted by ASIC Class Order 01/1543 this Target's Statement contains statements which are made, or based on statements made, in documents lodged by Norton with ASIC or given to ASX, or announced on the Company Announcements Platform of ASX, by Norton. Pursuant to the Class Order, the consent of Norton is not required for the inclusion of such statements in this Target's Statement. Any Bullabulling shareholder who would like to receive a copy of any of those documents may obtain a copy (free of charge) during the Offer Period from the Company's registered address of Level 2, 55 Carrington Street, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009.

As permitted by ASIC Class Order 03/635, this Target's Statement may include or be accompanied by certain statements:

   --                 fairly representing a statement by an official person; or 

-- from a public official document or a published book, journal or comparable publication.

   8.7         Continuous disclosure 

Bullabulling is a disclosing entity under the Corporations Act and is subject to regular reporting and disclosure obligations under the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules. These obligations require Bullabulling to notify ASX of information about specified matters and events as they occur for the purpose of making that information available to the market. In particular, Bullabulling has an obligation (subject to limited exceptions) to notify ASX immediately on becoming aware of any information which a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of Bullabulling Shares.

Copies of the documents filed with ASX may be obtained from the ASX website at www.asx.com.au or from Bullabulling's website at www.bullabullinggold.com.

In addition, Bullabulling will make copies of the following documents available for inspection at Bullabulling's offices which are located at Level 2, 55 Carrington Street, Nedlands, Western Australia, (between 9.00am and 5.00pm on Business Days):

   1            Annual Report 2013, lodged with ASX on 24 March 2014; and 

2 any continuous disclosure document lodged by Bullabulling with ASX between the lodgement of its Annual Report 2013 and the date of this Target's Statement.

Copies of documents lodged with ASIC in relation to Bullabulling may be obtained from, or inspected at, an ASIC office.

   8.8         ASIC declarations and Listing Rule waivers 

Bullabulling has not been granted any modifications or exemptions by ASIC from the Corporations Act in connection with the Offer. Nor has Bullabulling been granted any waivers from ASX or AIM in relation to the Offer.

   8.9         JORC Code reporting of Bullabulling's Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 

The information in this Target's Statement that relates to exploration results, Mineral Resources or ore reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Trevor Pilcher, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Mr Trevor Pilcher is a full time employee of Bullabulling. Mr Trevor Pilcher has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the JORC Code 2012. Mr Trevor Pilcher consents to the inclusion in this Target's Statement of the matter based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this Target Statement which relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves as prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004. It has not been updated since to comply with the JORC Code 2012 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. All material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates of Mineral Resources continue to apply and have not materially changed.

   8.10       No other material information 

This Target's Statement is required to include all the information that Bullabulling shareholders and their professional advisers would reasonably require to make an informed assessment whether to accept the Offer, but:

-- only to the extent to which it is reasonable for investors and their professional advisers to expect to find this information in this Target's Statement; and

   --                 only if the information is known to any director of Bullabulling. 

The directors of Bullabulling are of the opinion that the information that Bullabulling shareholders and their professional advisers would reasonably require to make an informed assessment whether to accept the Offer is:

-- the information contained in the Bidder's Statement (to the extent that the information is not inconsistent or superseded by information in this Target's Statement);

-- the information contained in Bullabulling's releases to ASX, and in the documents lodged by Bullabulling with ASIC before the date of this Target's Statement; and

-- the information contained in this Target's Statement (including the information contained in the Independent Expert's Report).

The directors of Bullabulling have assumed, for the purposes of preparing this Target's Statement, that the information in the Bidder's Statement is accurate (unless they have expressly indicated otherwise in this Target's Statement). However, the directors of Bullabulling do not take any responsibility for the contents of the Bidder's Statement and are not to be taken as endorsing, in any way, any or all statements contained in it.

In deciding what information should be included in this Target's Statement, the directors of Bullabulling have had regard to:

   --                 the nature of Bullabulling Shares; 
   --                 the matters that shareholders may reasonably be expected to know; 

-- the fact that certain matters may reasonably be expected to be known to shareholders' professional advisers; and

   --                 the time available to Bullabulling to prepare this Target's Statement. 
   9         Glossary and interpretation 
   9.1         Glossary 

The meanings of the terms used in this Target's Statement are set out below.

Term                                Meaning 
==================================  ============================================== 
$, A$ or AUD                        Australian dollar. 
==================================  ============================================== 
GBP or GBP                          Pound sterling. 
==================================  ============================================== 
2014 AGM Notice                     the Company's Notice of Annual General 
                                     Meeting dated 24 April 2014. 
==================================  ============================================== 
AIM                                 the market operated by London Stock 
                                     Exchange Group plc known as 'AIM'. 
==================================  ============================================== 
ASIC                                Australian Securities and Investments 
==================================  ============================================== 
ASX                                 ASX Limited or the market operated 
                                     by it (as applicable). 
==================================  ============================================== 
ASX Listing Rules                   the listing rules of the ASX. 
==================================  ============================================== 
AWST                                Australian Western Standard Time. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bidder or Norton                    Norton Gold Fields Limited ABN 23 112 
                                     287 797. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bidder's Statement                  the bidder's statement of Norton dated 
                                     17 April 2014. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Board or Bullabulling               the board of directors of Bullabulling. 
==================================  ============================================== 
BST                                 British Summer Time. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bullabulling                        Bullabulling Gold Limited ABN 50 153 
 or Company                          234 532. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bullabulling                        has the meaning given in section 22 
 Group                               of the Bidder's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bullabulling                        an option to acquire an unissued Bullabulling 
 Option or Option                    Share. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bullabulling                        the gold mining development owned and 
 Gold Project                        operated by the Company located approximately 
                                     60km from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Bullabulling                        a fully paid ordinary share in Bullabulling. 
 Share or Share 
==================================  ============================================== 
Business Day                        a day on which banks are open for business 
                                     in Perth excluding a Saturday, Sunday 
                                     or public holiday. 
==================================  ============================================== 
CGT                                 capital gains tax. 
==================================  ============================================== 
CHESS Holding                       a number of Shares which are registered 
                                     on Bullabulling's share register being 
                                     a register administered by ASX Settlement 
                                     Pty Limited and which records uncertificated 
                                     holdings of Shares. 
==================================  ============================================== 
CIL                                 carbon in leach. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Corporations                        the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (as 
 Act                                 modified or varied by ASIC). 
==================================  ============================================== 
Definitive Feasibility              a definitive feasibility study in respect 
 Study                               of the Bullabulling Gold Project. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Depository Interests                the depositary interests representing 
                                     Shares issued by the UK Depositary 
                                     subject to the terms and conditions 
                                     of a deed between the UK Depositary 
                                     and Bullabulling dated 27 February 
                                     2012 executed by the UK Depositary 
                                     and Bullabulling Gold Limited. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Encumbrance                         has the meaning given in section 22 
                                     of the Bidder's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Exploration Results                 has the meaning given in the JORC Code 
                                     2012 or JORC Code 2004 (as applicable). 
==================================  ============================================== 
                                    BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd 
                Independent Expert   ACN 124 031 045. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Independent Expert's                the independent expert's report prepared 
 Report                              by BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd 
                                     and dated 13 May 2014 which is contained 
                                     in Attachment 1 to this Target's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Indicated Mineral                   has the meaning given in the JORC Code 
 Resource                            2012 or JORC Code 2004 (as applicable). 
==================================  ============================================== 
Inferred Mineral                    has the meaning given in the JORC Code 
 Resource                            2012 or JORC Code 2004 (as applicable). 
==================================  ============================================== 
JORC Code 2004                      the 2004 edition of the 'Australasian 
                                     Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, 
                                     Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' 
                                     prepared by the JORC Reserves Committee 
                                     of The Australasian Institute of Mining 
                                     and Metallurgy, Australian Institute 
                                     of Geoscientists and Minerals Council 
                                     of Australia. 
==================================  ============================================== 
JORC Code 2012                      the 2012 edition of the 'Australasian 
                                     Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, 
                                     Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' 
                                     prepared by the JORC Reserves Committee 
                                     of The Australasian Institute of Mining 
                                     and Metallurgy, Australian Institute 
                                     of Geoscientists and Minerals Council 
                                     of Australia. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Ore Reserve                         has the meaning given in the JORC Code 
                                     2012 or JORC Code 2004 (as applicable). 
==================================  ============================================== 
Notice of Status                    Norton's notice disclosing the status 
 of Conditions                       of the conditions to the Offer which 
                                     is required to be given by section 
                                     630(3) of the Corporations Act. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Offer or Norton's                   the offer by Norton for the Bullabulling 
 Offer                               Shares, the details of which are set 
                                     out in section 8 of the Bidder's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Offer Period                        the period during which the Offer will 
                                     remain open for acceptance in accordance 
                                     with section 10 of the Bidder's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Option Plan                         the BAB Employee Incentive Option Plan, 
                                     dated 4 April 2012 (as amended from 
                                     time to time) and adopted by Bullabulling 
                                     shareholders at an annual general meeting 
                                     of shareholders held on 13 June 2012. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Public Authority                    has the meaning given in section 22 
                                     of the Bidder's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Rights                              has the meaning given in section 22 
                                     of the Bidder's Statement. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Target's Statement                  this document (including the attachments), 
                                     being the statement of Bullabulling 
                                     under Part 6.5 Division 3 of the Corporations 
==================================  ============================================== 
UK Depository                       Computershare Investor Services PLC. 
==================================  ============================================== 
US$                                 United States dollar. 
==================================  ============================================== 
Zijin                               Zijin Mining Group Co. Limited, a company 
                                     incorporated in the People's Republic 
                                     of China. 
==================================  ============================================== 
   9.2         Interpretation 

In this Target's Statement:

(a) Other words and phrases have the same meaning (if any) given to them in the Corporations Act.

   (b)          Words of any gender include all genders. 
   (c)          Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa. 

(d) An expression importing a person includes any company, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation or other body corporate and vice versa.

(e) A reference to a section, clause, attachment and schedule is a reference to a section of, clause of and an attachment and schedule to this Target's Statement as relevant.

(f) A reference to any legislation includes all delegated legislation made under it and amendments, consolidations, replacements or re--enactments of any of them.

(g) Headings and bold type are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Target's Statement.

   (h)          A reference to time is a reference to AWST. 

(i) A reference to dollars, $, A$, AUD, cents, c and currency is a reference to the lawful currency of the Commonwealth of Australia.

   10       Authorisation 

This Target's Statement has been approved by a resolution passed by the directors of Bullabulling. All Bullabulling directors voted in favour of that resolution.

Signed for and on behalf of Bullabulling:

date                        14 May 2014 
print                       Peter Mansell 
position                    Chairman 

Attachment 1

Independent Expert's Report

Bullabulling Gold Limited

Independent Expert's Report

13 May 2014

Financial Services Guide

13 May 2014

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd ABN 27 124 031 045 ('we' or 'us' or 'ours' as appropriate) has been engaged by Bullabulling Gold Limited ('Bullabulling') to provide an independent expert's report on the all cash takeover bid for Bullabulling made by Norton Gold Fields Limited. You will be provided with a copy of our report as a retail client because you are a shareholder of Bullabulling.

Financial Services Guide

In the above circumstances we are required to issue to you, as a retail client, a Financial Services Guide ('FSG'). This FSG is designed to help retail clients make a decision as to their use of the general financial product advice and to ensure that we comply with our obligations as financial services licensees.

This FSG includes information about:

   ..     Who we are and how we can be contacted; 

.. The services we are authorised to provide under our Australian Financial Services Licence, Licence No. 316158;

.. Remuneration that we and/or our staff and any associates receive in connection with the general financial product advice;

   ..     Any relevant associations or relationships we have; and 
   ..     Our internal and external complaints handling procedures and how you may access them. 

Information about us

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd is a member firm of the BDO network in Australia, a national association of separate entities (each of which has appointed BDO (Australia) Limited ACN 050 110 275 to represent it in BDO International). The financial product advice in our report is provided by BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd and not by BDO or its related entities. BDO and its related entities provide services primarily in the areas of audit, tax, consulting and financial advisory services.

We do not have any formal associations or relationships with any entities that are issuers of financial products. However, you should note that we and BDO (and its related entities) might from time to time provide professional services to financial product issuers in the ordinary course of business.

Financial services we are licensed to provide

We hold an Australian Financial Services Licence that authorises us to provide general financial product advice for securities to retail and wholesale clients.

When we provide the authorised financial services we are engaged to provide expert reports in connection with the financial product of another person. Our reports indicate who has engaged us and the nature of the report we have been engaged to provide. When we provide the authorised services we are not acting for you.

General Financial Product Advice

We only provide general financial product advice, not personal financial product advice. Our report does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of this general advice having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs before you act on the advice.

Fees, commissions and other benefits that we may receive

We charge fees for providing reports, including this report. These fees are negotiated and agreed with the person who engages us to provide the report. Fees are agreed on an hourly basis or as a fixed amount depending on the terms of the agreement. The fee payable to BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd for this engagement is approximately $42,000.

Except for the fees referred to above, neither BDO, nor any of its directors, employees or related entities, receive any pecuniary benefit or other benefit, directly or indirectly, for or in connection with the provision of the report.

Other Assignments

BDO Taxation (WA) Pty Ltd has provided Bullabulling with taxation services, including taxation compliance services, tax advice on substitute accounting and acquisition, tax advice on employee share schemes and research & development, preparation and lodgement of research & development tax incentive, and tax effect accounting services. Related fees in the last two years totalled $74,585.

BDO Audit and Assurance (WA) Pty Ltd is the appointed Auditor of Bullabulling. We do not consider that this impacts on our independence in accordance with the requirements of Regulatory Guide 112 'Independence of Experts'. We have completed a conflict search of BDO affiliated organisations within Australia. This conflict search incorporates all Partners, Directors and Managers of BDO affiliated organisations. We are not aware of any circumstances that, in our view, would constitute a conflict of interest or would impair our ability to provide objective assistance in this matter. Related fees in the last two years totalled $120,189.

Remuneration or other benefits received by our employees

All our employees receive a salary. Our employees are eligible for bonuses based on overall productivity but not directly in connection with any engagement for the provision of a report. We have received a fee from Bullabulling for our professional services in providing this report. That fee is not linked in any way with our opinion as expressed in this report.


We do not pay commissions or provide any other benefits to any person for referring customers to us in connection with the reports that we are licensed to provide.

Complaints resolution

Internal complaints resolution process

As the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence, we are required to have a system for handling complaints from persons to whom we provide financial product advice. All complaints must be in writing addressed to The Complaints Officer, BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd, PO Box 700 West Perth WA 6872.

When we receive a written complaint we will record the complaint, acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 15 days and investigate the issues raised. As soon as practical, and not more than 45 days after receiving the written complaint, we will advise the complainant in writing of our determination.

Referral to External Dispute Resolution Scheme

A complainant not satisfied with the outcome of the above process, or our determination, has the right to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service ('FOS'). FOS is an independent organisation that has been established to provide free advice and assistance to consumers to help in resolving complaints relating to the financial service industry. FOS will be able to advise you as to whether or not they can be of assistance in this matter. Our FOS Membership Number is 12561. Further details about FOS are available at the FOS website www.fos.org.au or by contacting them directly via the details set out below.

Financial Ombudsman Service

GPO Box 3

Melbourne VIC 3001

                      Toll free:   1300 78 08 08 
                      Facsimile:                   (03) 9613 6399 

Email: info@fos.org.au

Contact details

You may contact us using the details set out on page 1 of the accompanying report.


   1.           Introduction 
   2.           Summary and opinion 
   3.           Scope of the Report 
   4.           Outline of the Offer 
   5.           Profile of Bullabulling 
   6.           Profile of Norton 
   7.           Economic analysis 
   8.           Industry analysis 
   9.           Valuation approach adopted 
   10.         Valuation of Bullabulling 
   11.         Valuation of consideration 
   12.         Is the Offer fair? 
   13.         Is the Offer reasonable? 
   14.         Conclusion 
   15.         Sources of information 
   16.         Independence 
   17.         Qualifications 
   18.         Disclaimers and consents 

Appendix 1 - Glossary

Appendix 2 - Valuation Methodologies

Appendix 3 - Independent Valuation Report prepared by RungePincockMinarco

13 May 2014

The Directors

Bullabulling Gold Limited

Level 2, 55 Carrington Street

Nedlands, WA 6009

Dear Directors


   1.     Introduction 

On 17 April 2014, Norton Gold Fields Limited ('Norton') announced an all cash takeover offer for all the shares in Bullabulling Gold Limited ('Bullabulling' or 'the Company'). Norton is offering the shareholders of Bullabulling $0.07 per share ('the Offer').

   2.     Summary and opinion 
   2.1     Purpose of the report 

The directors of Bullabulling have requested that BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd ('BDO') prepare an independent expert's report ('our Report') to express an opinion as to whether or not the Offer is fair and reasonable to the non associated shareholders of Bullabulling ('Shareholders').

Although there is no legal requirement for an independent expert's report pursuant to section 640 of the Corporations Act 2001 ('the Act') (as Norton neither has common directors with Bullabulling nor holds 30% of Bullabulling's voting shares), the directors of Bullabulling have requested that BDO prepare this report as if it were an independent expert's report pursuant to section 640, and to provide an opinion on whether the offer is fair and reasonable to Bullabulling shareholders.

   2.2     Approach 

Our Report has been prepared having regard to Australian Securities and Investments Commission ('ASIC') Regulatory Guide 111 'Content of Expert's Reports' ('RG 111') and Regulatory Guide 112 'Independence of Experts' ('RG 112').

In arriving at our opinion, we have assessed the terms of the Offer as outlined in the body of this report. We have considered:

-- How the value of a Bullabulling share prior to the Offer compares to the value of the consideration offered by Norton for each Bullabulling share;

   --     The likelihood of a superior alternative offer being available to Bullabulling; 

-- Other factors which we consider to be relevant to the Shareholders in their assessment of the Offer; and

-- The position of Shareholders should the Offer not be successful or be only partly successful.

   2.3     Opinion 

We have considered the terms of the Offer as outlined in the body of this report and have concluded that, in the absence of a superior offer, the Offer is neither fair nor reasonable to Shareholders.

In particular we note the following:

-- The Offer is for cash consideration only, as the Offer is not fair no premium for control is being paid.

-- Bullabulling is currently undertaking a Definitive Feasibility Study for the Bullabulling Gold Project (being its primary asset) which is expected to be completed in quarter one of 2015. Depending on the results of this study, the value of a Bullabulling share may increase. Please note that we cannot comment on the likelihood of any particular results of this study.

   2.4     Fairness 

In section 12 we determined that the Offer consideration compares to the value of a Bullabulling share, as detailed below.

                                                        Ref    Low     Preferred   High 
                                                                $       $           $ 
 Value of a Bullabulling share                                 0.111   0.146       0.161 
 Value of Offer consideration per Bullabulling share           0.070   0.070       0.070 

Source: BDO analysis

The above valuation ranges are graphically presented in the full Target's Statement available at www.bullabullinggold.com.

The above pricing indicates that, in the absence of any other relevant information, and a superior offer, the Offer is not fair for Shareholders.

   2.5     Reasonableness 

We have considered the analysis in section 13 of this report, in terms of both

   --      advantages and disadvantages of accepting or rejecting the Offer; and 

-- other considerations, including the practical level of control of Norton if the Offer is successful and the position of Shareholders if the Offer is not successful or is only partially successful.

In our opinion, the position of Shareholders if the Offer is successful is less advantageous than the position if the Offer is not sucessful. Accordingly, in the absence of any other relevant information and/or a superior proposal we believe that the Offer is not reasonable for Shareholders.

The respective advantages and disadvantages considered of accepting the Offer are summarised below:

 Section   Advantages                                        Section   Disadvantages 
 13.4      The consideration of cash of $0.07 is a fixed     13.5      The Offer is not fair. RG 111 states that an 
           and definite amount, and is not subject to the              offer is reasonable if it is fair. As set out 
           inherent risks that will affect the quoted                  in Section 12, the Offer is not fair. 
           market price of a Bullabulling share, 
                                                             13.5      The Company is currently undertaking a 
                                                                       Definitive Feasibility Study ('DFS') of the 
                                                                       Gold Project, which is scheduled for completion 
                                                                       in the first quarter of 2015. 
                                                                       If Shareholders accept the Offer then they will 
                                                                       no longer hold an interest in the Company 
                                                                       or in the Bullabulling Gold Project. Therefore 
                                                                       Shareholders would not be able to benefit from 
                                                                       any increase in share value that may result 
                                                                       from the completion and announcement of 
                                                                       of the DFS. 

The respective advantages and disadvantages considered of not accepting the Offer are summarised below:

 Section   Advantages                                        Section   Disadvantages 
 13.6      Continued exposure to potential increases in      13.7      Risk of reduced levels of liquidity. 
           value in the Bullabulling Gold Project                      Shareholders may become a collective minority 
           following                                                   in a company that is controlled by Norton. It 
           completion of the DFS                                       is likely that Bullabulling shares traded on 
                                                                       the ASX and AIM would have a reduced level of 
                                                                       liquidity in this scenario. 
                                                                       If the number of remaining shareholders falls 
                                                                       below a certain level then the Company may no 
                                                                       longer be eligible to remain listed on the ASX. 
                                                             13.7      Continued exposure to the inherent risks of the 
                                                                       Bullabulling Gold Project. 

Other key matters we have considered include:

 Section   Description 
 13.8      Bullabulling's ability to secure additional funding, taking into consideration expected completion 
            of the Definitive Feasibility Study in the first quarter of 2015. 
 13.8      Norton's ability to secure additional funding, in the event that Norton gains control of Bullabulling 
            but is not able to compulsorily acquire all shares. 
 13.8      Compulsory acquisition of shares should Norton acquire 90% or more of shares in Bullabulling. 
   3.     Scope of the Report 
   3.1     Purpose of the Report 

Norton has prepared a Bidder's Statement in accordance with section 636 of the Act. Under section 633 Item 10 of the Act Bullabulling is required to prepare a Target's Statement in response to the Bidder's Statement.

Section 640 of the Act requires the Target's Statement to include an independent expert's report to shareholders if:

   --     The bidder's voting power in the target is 30% or more; or 
   --     The bidder and the target have a common director or directors. 

As Norton neither has common directors with Bullabulling nor holds 30% of Bullabulling's voting shares, there is no requirement under ASX Listing Rules or Corporations Act Regulations for Bullabulling to engage an independent expert in relation to the Offer.

Notwithstanding the above, Bullabulling has engaged BDO to prepare this report for provision to Shareholders to assist them in deciding whether to accept or reject the Offer.

   3.2     Regulatory guidance 

Neither the Listing Rules nor the Corporations Act defines the meaning of 'fair and reasonable'. In determining whether the Offer is fair and reasonable, we have had regard to the views expressed by ASIC in RG 111. This regulatory guide provides guidance as to what matters an independent expert should consider to assist security holders to make informed decisions about transactions.

This regulatory guide suggests that where the transaction is a control transaction, the expert should focus on the substance of the control transaction rather than the legal mechanism to affect it. RG 111 suggests that where a transaction is a control transaction, it should be analysed on a basis consistent with a takeover bid.

In our opinion, the Offer is a control transaction as defined by RG 111 and we have therefore assessed the Offer as a control transaction to consider whether, in our opinion, it is fair and reasonable to Shareholders.

   3.3     Adopted basis of evaluation 

RG 111 states that a transaction is fair if the value of the offer price or consideration is greater than the value of the securities subject of the offer. This comparison should be made assuming a knowledgeable and willing, but not anxious, buyer and a knowledgeable and willing, but not anxious, seller acting at arm's length. When considering the value of the securities subject of the offer in a control transaction the expert should consider this value inclusive of a control premium. Further to this, RG 111 states that a transaction is reasonable if it is fair. It might also be reasonable if despite being 'not fair' the expert believes that there are sufficient reasons for security holders to accept the offer in the absence of any higher bid.

Having regard to the above, BDO has completed this comparison in two parts:

-- A comparison between value of a Bullabulling share prior to the Offer and the value of the consideration offered by Norton per Bullabulling share (fairness - see Section 12 'Is the Offer Fair?'); and

-- An investigation into other significant factors to which Shareholders might give consideration, prior to accepting the Offer, after reference to the value derived above (reasonableness - see Section 13 'Is the Offer Reasonable?').

This assignment is a Valuation Engagement as defined by Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board professional standard APES 225 'Valuation Services' ('APES 225').

A Valuation Engagement is defined by APES 225 as follows:

'an Engagement or Assignment to perform a Valuation and provide a Valuation Report where the Valuer is free to employ the Valuation Approaches, Valuation Methods, and Valuation Procedures that a reasonable and informed third party would perform taking into consideration all the specific facts and circumstances of the Engagement or Assignment available to the Valuer at that time.'

This Valuation Engagement has been undertaken in accordance with the requirements set out in APES 225.

   4.     Outline of the Offer 

On 17 April 2014, Norton announced an all cash takeover bid for all of the fully paid ordinary shares in Bullabulling. Norton is offering Shareholders of Bullabulling:

   --      $0.07 per share held in Bullabulling. 

The Offer was initially subject to conditions including:

-- The grant of approval by the Australia Foreign Investment Review Board ('FIRB') to the acquisition of Bullabulling shares under the Offer;

-- No event or change which may have a material adverse effect on Bullabulling between announcement date and the end of the Offer period; and

-- Bullabulling not undertaking any material acquisitions, disposal or new commitments, between announcement date and the end of the Offer period.

FIRB approval has been received, and on 5 May 2014 the Offer became unconditional.

At the date of the announcement, Norton had no relevant interest in Bullabulling shares, and the voting power of Norton in Bullabulling was 2.5%, as disclosed in the Bidder's Statement.

Set out below is an overview of the intentions of Norton in relation to the continuation of the business of, any major changes to the business of, any redeployment of the fixed assets of, and the future employment of the current employees of Bullabulling, as set out in the Bidder's Statement.

Less than 50.1% acceptance by Shareholders

In the case that Norton acquires less than 50.1% of Bullabulling, Norton will request representation on the board of directors of Bullabulling that is commensurate with its shareholding in the Company. Norton also intends to evaluate the performance, profitability and prospects of Bullabulling based on the information made available to Norton.

50.1% but less than 90% acceptance by Shareholders

If Norton acquires in excess of 50.1% of Bullabulling shares but less than 90% of Bullabulling shares, the intentions include:

-- Norton would review the composition of the board of directors of Bullabulling and request representation on the board that is commensurate with its shareholding in Bullabulling;

-- Consider and investigate ,subject to Corporations Act, for the acquisition, buy-out or cancellation of any other marketable securities in Bullabulling to which Norton (or its associates) are not entitled to;

   --      Support the continuation of Bullabulling's current exploration activities; 

-- Conduct a review of the Company's business, assets and operations to identify the most effective means of exploring and developing Bullabulling's projects;

-- Upon completion on a review of the business, assets and operations of Bullabulling, review the future employment of the current employees of the Company.

The intentions may only be implemented in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the extent to which the above intentions are implemented, are to be determined by the board of directors of Bullabulling.

90% or more acceptances by Shareholders

Should Norton acquire 90% or more of shares in Bullabulling, the intentions of Norton are set out below:

-- Proceed with the compulsory acquisition of the outstanding Bullabulling shares in accordance to Chapter 6A of the Corporations Act;

   --      Arrangement for Bullabulling to be removed from the Official List of ASX; 
   --      Replace all members of the board of directors of Bullabulling with its own nominees; 

-- Removal of duplication of tasks via integrating administrative functions such as finance and accounting, risk management along with functions involved in overall planning and control of the combined operations of Norton and Bullabulling;

-- Conduct an immediate review of Bullabulling's administrative structure and the development plans for the Bullabulling Gold project with a plan to amalgamate Bullabulling into Norton's structures.

-- As a result of the review, Norton expects that there may be a need for the roles of some Bullabulling employees to be changed along with the need for redundancies.

-- Proceed with the completion of the studies for the development of the Bullabulling Gold project to identify the viability of developing the project;

-- Dispose any non-performing assets and contracts of Bullabulling determined during the operational review.


There are 12,592,621 Bullabulling options on issue at various exercise prices. The Offer does not extend to these Bullabulling options. Norton proposes to have discussions with holders of Bullabulling options with respect to the cancellation of the Bullabulling Options.

The Offer includes Bullabulling shares that are issued upon vesting and exercise of any of the Bullabulling options.

   5.     Profile of Bullabulling 
   5.1     History 

Bullabulling is a dual listed company and incorporated on 15 September 2011. The Company was admitted onto AIM on 16 March 2012, and officially listed on the ASX on 23 March 2012. Bullabulling is focussed on the exploration and development of the Bullabulling Gold Project in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.

The following wholly owned subsidiaries of Bullabulling form part of the Bullabulling Group:

   --      Bullabulling Gold UK Ltd (formerly GGG Resources PLC) 
   --      Bullabulling Operations Pty Ltd (formerly Auzex Resources Limited) 

The Company's current board members comprise of the following:

   --      Mr Peter Mansell, Chairman 
   --      Mr Ronnie Beevor, Non-executive Director 
   --      Mr Brett Lambert, Managing Director 

Set out below is a brief description of the Company's Bullabulling Gold Project.

   5.2     Bullabulling Gold Project 

The Bullabulling Gold Project is located in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, 60 km west of Kalgoorlie. The Project covers an area of approximately 131km(2) and is held in a series of granted mining leases, prospecting and exploration licenses.

Historically, gold was mined via a near surface open pit in the 1990s and in 1998 production at Bullabulling was ceased due to falling gold prices. In 2010, Auzex Resources Limited and GGG Resources PLC acquired the Project with the full intention to return the mine to full scale commercial production.

During March 2012, Bullabulling acquired both GGG Resources and Auzex Resources Limited, giving the Company 100% ownership of the Project.

Within the Bullabulling Gold Project area, the Company has also identified two large mineralised trends: the north -south striking Bullabulling Trend and the east-west to northwest-southeast striking Gibraltar Trend.

Since 2010, the Company has been engaged in exploration drilling across the two trends, completed a feasibility study which increased the quantum and categorisation of the resource. During September 2013, Bullabulling undertook a reverse circulation drilling program at the Gibraltar Trend. The Company has also commenced a definitive feasibility study.

In October 2013, the Company undertook a drilling program at its Bullabulling Gold Project following which a total of 3.76 million ounces of JORC Mineral Resources were estimated. This comprised Indicated Resources of 72.4 million tonnes at 0.98 g/t gold (2.28 million ounces) and Inferred Resources of 41.6 million tonnes at 1.11 g/t gold (1.47 million ounces). In 2013, the Company has also commenced a DFS into the development of a large scale, long life mine gold project at the Bullabulling Gold Project.

   5.3     Historical Balance Sheet 
 Statement of Financial Position          Unaudited as at   Audited as at   Audited as at 
                                               31/03/2014      31/12/2013      31/12/2012 
                                                        $               $               $ 
   Cash and cash equivalents                    3,049,061       4,256,808       4,078,830 
   Other receivables                               43,515          38,637          52,508 
   Prepayments                                    126,402          66,570          32,768 
   Current tax asset                                    -               -               - 
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                           3,218,978       4,362,015       4,164,106 
   Available for sale financial assets            427,778         427,778         427,778 
   Other receivables                              185,000         185,000       1,436,200 
   Property, plant and equipment                  725,565         757,388         770,183 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                       1,338,343       1,370,166       2,634,161 
                                         ----------------  --------------  -------------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                   4,557,321       5,732,181       6,798,267 
                                         ----------------  --------------  -------------- 
   Trade and other payables                     (116,650)       (155,853)     (1,920,328) 
   Employed benefits                            (130,510)       (412,616)        (97,069) 
 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                      (247,160)       (568,469)     (2,017,397) 
   Provision for site restoration             (1,353,193)     (1,353,193)       (470,000) 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                (1,353,193)     (1,353,193)       (470,000) 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                            (1,600,353)     (1,921,662)     (2,487,397) 
                                         ----------------  --------------  -------------- 
 NET ASSETS                                     2,956,968       3,810,519       4,310,870 
                                         ----------------  --------------  -------------- 
   Issued capital                              68,626,125      68,555,550      66,704,240 
   Retained profits                               419,434         414,061       1,074,760 
   Accumulated losses                        (66,088,591)    (65,159,092)    (63,468,130) 
 TOTAL UNIT HOLDERS EQUITY                      2,956,968       3,810,519       4,310,870 
                                         ----------------  --------------  -------------- 

Source: Bullabulling Gold Limited Annual Financial Report for the years 31 December 2012, 31 December 2013 and Management accounts to 31 March 2014.

We note that Bullabulling's auditor issued an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the audit report in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013. The auditor outlined the existence of a material uncertainty relating to the Company's ability to raise additional funds to accelerate its exploration and development activities.

Subsequent to the acquisition of GGG Resources Plc on 29 March 2012, the Company changed the presentation currency of Bullabulling from British pounds to Australian dollars which took effect on 1 January 2012.

We note the following in relation to Bullabulling's Statement of Financial Position:

-- Between 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013, cash and cash equivalents increased by $0.18 million from $4.08 million. The increase is primarily attributable to the Company receiving $4.63 million in R&D tax incentive refund from the Australian Tax Office.

-- As at 31 March 2014, cash and cash equivalents has fallen to $3.05 million, as a result of exploration and evaluation work relating to the DFS on its Bullabulling Gold Project.

-- Other non-current receivables decreased from $1.44 million as at 31 December 2012 to $0.19 million as at 31 December 2013. The decrease is due to the Company's release of an environmental bond amounting to $1.28 million lodged with the Mining Rehabilitation Fund. On 1 July 2013, the Department of Mines and Petroleum established the Mining Rehabilitation Fund. Mining companies' participation in the fund is optional until 30 June 2014, however the Company opted for early participation and on 25 September 2013, the bank retired the bond, releasing $1.28 million back to the Company.

-- Trade and other payables decreased from $1.92 million to $0.16 million between 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013. The decrease relates to the payment of stamp duty in relation to the acquisition of GGG Resources Plc and Auzex Resources Limited.

-- The increase in employee benefits between 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013 is primarily due to salary payments and bonus accrued for and an increase in the annual leave liability.

-- Provision for site restoration increased from $0.47 million to $1.35 million between 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013. The increase was due to revised estimate by an independent consultant on the restoration cost of the tenements where drilling occurred in previous years.

-- Issued capital has increased by $$0.07 million from 31 December 2013 and 31 March 2014. This increase is due to the issue of 1,786,808 shares at $0.039 per share to key management in satisfaction of contractual entitlements. A rights issue was undertaken and completed on 24 April 2013 raising $1.96 million via the issue of 39.2 million shares.

   5.4     Historical Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 Statement of Comprehensive Income                                              Audited for the        Audited for the 
                                                                           year ended 31-Dec-13   year ended 31-Dec-12 
                                                                                              $                      $ 
   Revenue from continuing operations                                                   224,364                459,137 
   Other income                                                                       4,540,799              3,433,383 
   Administrative expenses                                                          (2,224,394)            (2,605,768) 
   Finance expense                                                                            -                      - 
   Other expenses                                                                   (1,618,104)            (1,297,847) 
   Impairment of investment                                                                   -              (376,222) 
   Auzex Resources Limited pre-acquisition exploration expensed                               -           (32,894,832) 
   Exploration expenditure                                                          (3,502,567)            (5,661,081) 
   Goodwill written off                                                                       -              (701,803) 
   Changes in fair value on equity instruments measured at fair value 
    through comprehensive income                                                              -              (368,149) 
 Loss from continuing operations before income tax                                  (2,579,902)           (40,013,182) 
   Income tax expense                                                                   (1,361)                      - 
 Loss from continuing operations after income tax                                   (2,581,263)           (40,013,182) 
   Foreign currency translation differences                                                   -            (1,416,648) 
 Total comprehensive loss for the year                                              (2,581,263)           (41,429,830) 
                                                                          ---------------------  --------------------- 

Source: Bullabulling Gold Limited Annual Financial Report for the years ended 31 December 2011, 31 December 2012, 31 December 2013.

We note the following in relation to Bullabulling's Historical Statement of Profit or Loss and other Comprehensive Income.

-- Revenue from continuing operations mainly comprises of interest income, with the decrease in revenue between 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013 arising from a reduction in cash held.

-- Other income increased by 32.3% from $3.43 million in 2012, which was primarily made up of a gain on acquisition on investment of $1.66 million and a gain on disposal of dormant subsidiaries of $1.44 million, to $4.54 million for the year ended 31 December 2013. The $4.54 million represents a R&D tax incentive refund from the Australian Tax Office.

-- Other expenses comprise of professional fees, depreciation and amortisation, foreign exchange loss, gain on disposal of fixed assets and site restoration expenses.

-- Impairment of investment recorded for the year ended 31 December 2012 relates to the purchase of Auzex Resources Limited shares on market prior to the acquisition of Auzex Resources Limited. The Company revalued the investment down to its current share price, resulting in an impairment of approximately $0.377 million which was expensed through profit and loss.

-- Auzex Resources Limited pre-acquisition exploration of approximately $32.89 million for the year ended 31 December 2012 relates to exploration work conducted by Auzex Resources Limited prior to its acquisition which was expensed through profit and loss.

-- Goodwill written off of approximately $0.70 million for the year ended 31 December 2012 relates to the acquisition of GGG Resources Plc and Auzex Resources Limited. The goodwill was deemed to be unrecoverable due to Bullabulling being a dormant company at the time of the acquisition.

   5.5     Capital structure 

The share structure of Bullabulling as at 30 April 2014 is outlined below:

 Total ordinary shares on issue                344,035,585 
 Top 20 shareholders                           274,712,393 
 Top 20 shareholders - % of shares on issue         79.85% 

Source: Bullabulling's Management accounts

The range of shares held in Bullabulling as at 30 April 2014 is as follows:

                      No. of Ordinary Shareholders   No. of Ordinary Shares   %Issued Capital 
 1-1,000                                       204                   72,443             0.02% 
 1,001-5,000                                   523                1,803,316             0.52% 
 5,001-10,000                                  305                2,380,367             0.69% 
 10,001-100,000                                724               24,592,047             7.15% 
 100,001 - and over                            157              315,187,412            91.61% 
 TOTAL                                       1,913              344,035,585           100.00% 


The ordinary shares held by the most significant shareholders as at 30 April 2014 are detailed below:

 Name                                Number of Ordinary Shares Held   Percentage of Issued Shares (%) 
 Computershare Clearing Pty Ltd                         175,446,170                            40.58% 
 Baker Steel Capital Managers LLP                        35,846,324                            10.42% 
 Resolute (Treasury) Pty Ltd                             20,250,000                             5.89% 
 National Nominees Limited                               15,688,025                             4.56% 
 HSBC Custody Nominees Limited                           13,253,275                             3.85% 
 Subtotal                                               224,637,470                            65.29% 
 Others                                                 119,398,115                            34.71% 
 Total ordinary shares on Issue                         344,035,585                           100.00% 

Source: Bullabulling's Management accounts

The unquoted options of Bullabulling on issue as at 2 May 2014 are outlined below:

 Expiry date                     Exercise price   Cash raised if 
                        Number                $      exercised $ 
 6 October 2014        500,000           0.1036           51,800 
 28 October 2014       387,621           0.2090           81,013 
 26 November 
  2014                 500,000           0.1020           51,000 
 23 April 2015       3,425,000           0.1184          405,520 
 1 May 2015*         1,000,000           0.3160          316,000 
 30 June 2015        1,150,000           0.1480          170,200 
 20 November 
  2015               3,630,000           0.5922        2,149,686 
 26 November 
  2015*                500,000           0.1260           63,000 
 1 May 2016*         1,000,000           0.3680          368,000 
 26 November 
  2016*                500,000           0.1490           74,500 
 Total              12,592,621                         3,730,719 
                   ===========                   =============== 


Bullabulling also intends to issue a further 2,000,000 options, pending shareholder approval, as set out in the notice to its 2013 Annual General Meeting. Bullabulling is also seeking shareholder approval for the issue of 21,286,808 shares to various parties for contractual obligations and future expenditure and a maximum of 4,046,875 shares under an Employee Share plan. Approval is also being sought for the issue of 2,859,756 shares to Mr Brett Lambert.

   6.     Profile of Norton 
   6.1     History 

Norton was incorporated on 21 December 2004 and listed on the ASX on 16 September 2005. Norton is focussed on the production and development of gold in Australia. The current board members and senior management of Norton are:

   --      Dr Dianmin Chen, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director 
   --      Mr Jinghe  Chen, Non-executive Chairman 
   --      Mr Stephen Phan, Chief Financial Officer 
   --      Ms Ann Bi, Non-executive Director 
   --      Ms Xuelin Cai, Non-executive Director 
   --      Dr Noel Clarence White, Non-executive Director 
   --      Mr Richard Jones, Company Secretary and General Counsel 

On 4 March 2014, the sale of Norton's idle Norton Gold Mine and related assets to Mantle Mining Corporation Limited was completed with the consideration being $300,000 plus GST in cash.

On 3 April 2014, Carbine Resources Limited ('Carbine') announced that it had successfully executed an earn-in agreement with Raging Bull Mining Pty Ltd ('Raging Bull') to acquire a 100% interest in the Mount Morgan Mine. Raging Bull is the current holder of an agreement with Norton to acquire the Mount Morgan Mines Project. In addition to acquiring the Mount Morgan tenement, Carbine will also acquire 100% interest in Norton's Many Peaks copper and gold tenement.

Set out below is a brief description of Norton's Paddington Mill operations.

   6.2     Paddington Mill Operations 

The Paddington Mill project was acquired in 2007 and is 100% owned and operated by Norton. The project is located 35 km north of Kalgoorlie, covering an area of 718 km (2.) The Paddington Mill consists of seven project areas including Golden Cities, Ora Banda, Mount Pleasant, Lady Bountiful, Mulgarrie, Binduli and Carbine. During 2013, Norton acquired the Bullant and Lady Bountiful tenements.

The Paddington Mill operation area includes Proven and Probable Ore Reserves of 19 Mt at 1.75g/t Au containing 1.07 Moz of gold with Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources of 134Mt at 1.61g/t Au containing 6.94Moz of gold.

Current mining projects within the Paddington Mill operations are principally located in the Mount Pleasant, Ora Banda and Enterprise project areas, with other major areas of resource inventory located in the Binduli and Golden cities project areas.

Currently, Norton's resource development strategy for the Paddington Mill Project is driven by a life mine plan with a focus on large, relatively long term, base load open pit deposits along with the production of high grade underground ore.

Further information on Norton and its operations may be found in the Bidder's Statement.

   6.3     Historical Balance Sheet 
 Statement of Financial Position          Audited     Audited     Audited 
                                            as at       as at       as at 
                                        31-Dec-13   31-Dec-12   30-Jun-12 
                                            $'000       $'000       $'000 
   Cash and cash equivalents               38,269      19,018      55,891 
   Trade and other receivables             10,359      11,098       6,460 
   Inventories                             32,107      21,336      35,900 
   Other assets                                 -       9,798       4,707 
   Prepayments                                408       2,371           - 
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                      81,143      63,621     107,588 
   Deferred tax assets                     14,853       9,978      10,278 
   Exploration and evaluation assets       60,241      74,801      76,226 
   Capitalised mining costs                92,596      37,235      34,112 
   Property, plant and equipment           98,757      29,465      28,112 
   Other assets                             3,675      20,882      19,737 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                 270,122     172,361     168,465 
                                       ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                             351,265     235,982     276,053 
                                       ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Trade and other payables              (29,664)    (33,592)    (32,837) 
   Borrowings                            (17,017)    (38,000)           - 
   Provisions                             (6,425)     (5,141)     (2,425) 
   Other financial liabilities              (175)           -     (3,738) 
   Other liability                          (236)           -           - 
 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES               (53,517)    (76,733)    (39,000) 
   Financial liabilities                        -           -    (40,808) 
   Borrowings                           (113,335)    (11,568)           - 
   Provisions                            (26,279)    (23,897)    (22,231) 
   Deferred tax liabilities                     -           -     (9,926) 
   Other liabilities                        (148)           -           - 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES          (139,762)    (35,465)    (72,965) 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                      (193,279)   (112,198)   (111,965) 
                                       ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 NET ASSETS                               157,986     123,784     164,088 
                                       ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Contributed equity                     186,841     176,652     174,252 
   Reserves                                12,041      10,493      10,564 
   Accumulated losses                    (40,896)    (63,361)    (20,728) 
 TOTAL UNIT HOLDERS EQUITY                157,986     123,784     164,088 
                                       ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Source: Norton Goldfields Limited Financial Reports for the year ended 30 June 2012, 6 months ended 31 December 2013 and year ended 31 December 2012.

Norton's auditor issued an unqualified opinion in the audit report in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013. We note the following in relation to Norton's Statement of Financial Position:

-- Cash and cash equivalents increased by 101.22% from $19.02 million at 31 December 2012 to $38.27 million at 31 December 2013. The increase is primarily due to the payments received from its Paddington Mill operations.

-- Current other assets as at 31 December 2012 comprises of deferred settlement receivable in relation to the sale of the tenement of EPC 1033. The remaining funds of $9.80 million were received on 14 March 2013.

-- Non-current other assets comprises of security deposits as at 31 December 2013. Included in the security deposits is approximately $1.99 million and relates to collateralised guarantees as part of the Western Australia Department of Funds and Rehabilitation cost. The deposits are released once the Norton has satisfied its rehabilitation obligations.

-- Current borrowings decreased by 55.2% from 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013. The decrease is due to the repayment of the Bridging Term Loan Facility provided by Jinyu (H.K) International Mining Company Limited.

-- Non-current borrowings increased from $11.57 million as at 31 December 2012 to $113.34 million as at 31 December 2013 due to the Company securing a US$105 million credit facility through Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. The credit facility has a term of 3 years, with an interest rate of Libor plus 2.1%.

   6.4     Historical Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 Statement of Comprehensive Income                             Audited for the   Audited for the   Audited for the 
                                                                    year ended       6 months to        year ended 
                                                                     31-Dec-13         31-Dec-12         30-Jun-12 
                                                                         $'000             $'000             $'000 
   Revenue                                                             259,677           114,079           245,912 
   Cost of sales                                                     (217,379)         (120,662)         (201,500) 
   Finance income                                                        1,548             1,335             4,323 
   Other income                                                            678               356               637 
   Administration expenses                                             (9,976)           (5,148)           (9,506) 
   Impairment of inventory                                                   -          (11,033)                 - 
   Finance expense                                                    (16,958)           (7,872)           (9,284) 
 Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations before income tax             17,590          (28,945)            30,582 
   Income tax benefit                                                    4,875             7,802          (11,322) 
 Profit/(Loss) from continuing operations after income tax              22,465          (21,143)            19,260 
   Foreign currency translation differences                                  -                 -                 - 
 Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the year                         22,465          (21,143)            19,260 
                                                              ----------------  ----------------  ---------------- 

Source: Norton Goldfields Limited Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2012, 6 months ended 31 December 2013 and year ended 31 December 2012.

We note the following in relation to Norton's Historical Statement of Profit and Loss and Comprehensive Income:

-- On 1 July 2012, Norton adopted AASB Interpretation 20 Stripping Cost in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine ('Interpretation 20').The earliest period of adoption for the consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2013 is 1 July 2012. As a result, Norton has restated its statements for the 6 months to 31 December 2012 to reflect the changes due to adoption of Interpretation 20.

-- The increase in revenue between 30 June 2012 and 31 December 2013 is primarily attributable to the increase in operation revenue from the sale of gold.

   --      Finance expenses during the year ended 31 December 2013 relate to foreign exchange losses. 
   6.5     Capital structure 

The share structure of Norton as at 20 March 2014 is outlined below:

 Total Ordinary Shares on Issue                931,850,665 
 Top 20 Shareholders                           890,829,776 
 Top 20 Shareholders - % of shares on issue         95.60% 

Source: Norton Goldfields Limited Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2013 and corporate website

The range of shares held in Norton as at 20 March 2014 is as follows:

 Range of Shares Held   No. of Ordinary Shareholders   No. of Ordinary Shares   %Issued Capital 
 1 - 1,000                                       611                  191,415             0.02% 
 1,001 - 5,000                                   715                2,015,500             0.22% 
 5,001 - 10,000                                  320                2,532,911             0.27% 
 10,001 - 100,000                                612               20,108,296             1.39% 
 100,001 - and over                               98              907,002,543            98.09% 
---------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------  ---------------- 
 TOTAL                                         2,356              931,850,665           100.00% 

Source: Norton Goldfields Limited Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2013 and corporate website

The ordinary shares held by the most significant shareholders as at 20 March 2014 are detailed below:

 Name                                                No. of Ordinary Shares Held   Percentage of Issued Shares (%) 
 Jinyu (H.K) International Mining Company Limited    701,840,563                   75.32 
 Luminous Gold Limited                               66,250,000                    7.11 
 Goldmax Asia Investment Limited                     46,319,231                    4.97 
 SHL Pty Ltd                                         24,300,000                    2.61 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------- 
 Total Top 4                                         838,709,794                   90.01 
 Others                                              93,140,871                    9.99 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------- 
 Total Ordinary Shares on Issue                      931,850,665                   100.00 

Source: Norton Goldfields Limited Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2013 and corporate website

As at 31 December 2013, there were 8 million unissued unlisted options exercisable at $0.241 each on or before 22 August 2017. These options were held by Director Dr D Chen, The share options are issued in three tranches, subject to the executive director remaining an employee of the group. They vest upon VWAP reaching $0.30 at any time after issuance.

   7.     Economic analysis 

Growth in the global economy was below trend in 2013, but there are reasonable prospects of a better outcome this year, helped by firmer conditions in the advanced countries. China's growth appears to have slowed a little in early 2014 but remains generally in line with policymakers' objectives. Commodity prices in historical terms remain high, though some of those important to Australia have softened further of late.

Financial conditions overall remain very accommodative. Long-term interest rates and most risk spreads remain low. Equity and credit markets are well placed to provide adequate funding.

In Australia, the economy grew at a below-trend pace in 2013. Recent information suggests moderate growth is occurring in consumer demand and foreshadows a strong expansion in housing construction. Some indicators of business conditions and confidence have improved from a year ago and exports are rising. But at the same time, resources sector investment spending is set to decline significantly and, at this stage, signs of improvement in investment intentions in other sectors are only tentative, as firms wait for more evidence of improved conditions before committing to expansion plans. Public spending is scheduled to be subdued.

The demand for labour has been weak over the past year and, as a result, the rate of unemployment has risen somewhat. More recently, there has been some improvement in indicators for the labour market, but it will probably be some time yet before unemployment declines consistently. Growth in wages has declined noticeably and this has been reflected more clearly in the latest price data, which show a moderation in growth in prices for non-traded goods and services. As a result, inflation is consistent with the target. If domestic costs remain contained, that should continue to be the case over the next one to two years, even with lower levels of the exchange rate.

Monetary policy remains accommodative. Interest rates are very low and savers continue to look for higher returns in response to low rates on safe instruments. Credit growth has picked up a little, while dwelling prices have increased significantly over the past year. The decline in the exchange rate from its highs a year ago will assist in achieving balanced growth in the economy, but less so than previously as a result of the rise over the past few months. The exchange rate remains high by historical standards.

Looking ahead, continued accommodative monetary policy should provide support to demand, and help growth to strengthen over time. Inflation is expected to be consistent with the 2-3% target over the next two years.

Source: www.rba.gov.au Statement by Glenn Stevens, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision 6 May 2014

   8.     Industry analysis 

Gold is both a commodity and an international store of monetary value. Once mined, gold continues to exist indefinitely, often melted down and recycled to produce alternative or replacement products. This characteristic means that gold demand is supported by both mine production and gold recycling.

As illustrated in the chart included in the full Target Statement available at www.bullabullinggold.com, gold mine production was approximately 2,917 metric tonnes in 2013 and gold consumption was 4,578 metric tonnes. Demand for gold has consistently exceeded supply over the last 10 years, and the escalated level of economic and financial uncertainly during recent years has caused investors to move capital from risky assets to gold assets, which are perceived to be a good store of monetary value. As a result, total gold demand increased by approximately 14% between 2008 and 2013, with demand as a percentage of supply remaining at over 150% for the same period.

Until the late 1980s, South Africa produced approximately half of the total gold produced. More recently however, gold production has become geographically segmented, as shown in the chart below, with production dominated by China, Australia and the United States.

Gold prices

The price of gold fluctuates on a daily basis depending on global demand and supply factors. The softening of gold prices over the last two years is reflective of the recovery of global economic conditions. The value of gold peaked at US$1,900 per ounce on 5 September 2011. This peak was largely caused by the debt market crisis in Europe, but it was also driven by the Standard and Poor's downgrade of the US credit rating. This sent global stock markets tumbling and a flood of investors towards safer havens such as gold. Prices contracted in December 2011 reaching a low of US$1,545 per ounce followed by a recovery in 2012, reaching US$1,790 per ounce on 4 October 2012 before declining to US$1,675 per ounce at 31 December 2012. Gold prices have declined in 2013 and most recently was US$1,296 per ounce on 29 April 2014.

According to Bloomberg forecasts and Consensus Economics, gold prices are forecast to stabilise in the coming years, with the long term forecast around US$1,290.

   9.     Valuation approach adopted 

There are a number of methodologies which can be used to value a business or the shares in a company. The principal methodologies which can be used are as follows:

   --     Capitalisation of future maintainable earnings ('FME') 
   --     Discounted cash flow ('DCF') 
   --     Quoted market price basis ('QMP') 
   --     Net asset value ('NAV') 
   --     Market based assessment. 

A summary of each of these methodologies is outlined in Appendix 2.

Different methodologies are appropriate in valuing particular companies, based on the individual circumstances of that company and available information. In our assessment of the value of Bullabulling's shares we have chosen to employ the following methodologies:

   --     Net asset value ('NAV') as a primary methodology; 
   --     Quoted market price ('QMP') as a secondary methodology. 

We have chosen these methodologies for the following reasons:

-- Bullabulling has not generated a trading income. Therefore there are no historic profits that could be used to represent future earnings. This means that the FME valuation approach is not appropriate;

-- Bullabulling has no reserves declared and therefore the application of DCF is not possible, Under RG111, it is only considered appropriate to use a DCF where reserves are present;

-- Bullabulling's most significant asset is the Bullabulling Gold Project. As such a net asset value method is appropriate, and we require a specialist valuation of the Project. We instructed Runge Pincock Minarco Limited ('RungePincockMinarco') to provide an independent specialist current market valuation of the Bullabulling Gold Project. RungePincockMinarco'sfull report can be found in Appendix 3. RungePincockMinarco has applied the Comparable Transactions method as its primary method in its valuation of the Bullabulling Gold Project; and

-- Bullabulling is listed on the ASX and the AIM markets. This provides an indication of the market value where an observable market for the securities exists.

   10.   Valuation of Bullabulling 
   10.1   Net Asset Valuation of Bullabulling 

The value of Bullabulling's assets on a going concern basis is reflected in our valuation below:

                                         Ref    Unaudited as at   Low valuation   Preferred valuation   High valuation 
                                                  31 March 2014               $                     $                $ 
   Cash and cash equivalents                          3,049,061       3,049,061             3,049,061        3,049,061 
   Other receivables                                     43,515          43,515                43,515           43,515 
   Prepayments                                          126,402         126,402               126,402          126,402 
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                 3,049,061       3,049,061             3,049,061        3,049,061 
   Available for sale financial assets    a             427,778         427,778               427,778          427,778 
   Deposits and bonds                                   185,000         185,000               185,000          185,000 
   Property, plant and equipment                        725,565         725,565               725,565          725,565 
   Exploration assets                     b                   -      34,000,000            46,000,000       51,000,000 
                                               ================  ==============  ====================  =============== 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                             1,338,343      35,338,343            47,338,343       52,338,343 
                                               ================  ==============  ====================  =============== 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                         4,557,321      38,557,321            50,557,321       55,557,321 
   Trade and other payables                           (116,650)       (116,650)             (116,650)        (116,650) 
   Employed benefits                                  (130,510)       (130,510)             (130,510)        (130,510) 
                                               ================  ==============  ====================  =============== 
 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                            (247,160)       (247,160)             (247,160)        (247,160) 
   Provision for site restoration         c         (1,353,193)               -                     -                - 
                                               ================  ==============  ====================  =============== 
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                      (1,353,193)               -                     -                - 
                                               ================  ==============  ====================  =============== 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                  (1,600,353)       (247,160)             (247,160)        (247,160) 
 NET ASSETS                                           2,956,968      38,310,161            50,310,161       53,310,161 
                                               ================  ==============  ====================  =============== 
 Shares on issue                                                    344,035,585           344,035,585      344,035,585 
 Value of a Bullabulling share                                           $0.111                $0.146           $0.161 
                                                                 ==============  ====================  =============== 

Source: BDO analysis

We have been advised that there has not been a significant change in the net assets of Bullabulling since 31 March 2014. The table above indicates the net asset value of a Bullabulling share is between $0.107 and $0.157.

   a)           Available for sale financial assets 

Available for sale financial assets relate to 1,711,112 shares in unlisted company Auzex Exploration Limited. Their value has been assessed based on the most recent placement conducted by Auzex at $0.25 per share on 7 November 2013.

   b)           Valuation of Bullabulling's exploration assets 

We instructed RungePincockMinarco to provide an independent market valuation of the exploration assets held by Bullabulling. RungePincockMinarco has carried out a valuation of the Bullabulling Gold Project. The Company has interests in additional tenements that have not been value by RungePincockMinarco, as the value of these is considered to be immaterial by the Company. The assessed value of a Bullabulling share therefore excludes any value that may be attributable to these tenements.

RungePincockMinarco has considered a number of different valuation methods when valuing the Bullabulling Gold Project. RungePincockMinarco applied the Comparable Transactions method as its primary method in valuing the Bullabulling Gold Project. The comparable transaction method involves calculating a value per common attribute in a comparable transaction and applying that value to the subject asset. A common attribute could be the amount of resource or the size of a tenement. RungePincockMinarco also utilised the multiples of exploration expenditure ('MEE') method as a secondary method. We consider these methods to be appropriate given the pre feasibility stage of development for Bullabulling's exploration assets.

The value range for the Bullabulling Gold Project as assessed by RungePincockMinarco is set out below:

 Mineral Asset                Low Value   Preferred Value   High Value 
                                     $m                $m           $m 
 Bullabulling Gold Project           34                46           51 


The table above indicates a range of values between $34 million and $51 million, with a preferred value of $46 million.

   c)         Provision for site restoration 

The provision for site restoration was determined by the Company following review and analysis by an independent consultant in May 2013 based on summary tables used in the Annual Environmental Report submissions to the Department of Mines and Petroleum. We have discussed the provision with the Independent specialist who advised that this is incorporated into the market value per note (b) above and therefore adjustment is required in our valuation to ensure this is not double counted.

   10.2   Quoted market prices for a Bullabulling share 

To provide a comparison to the valuation of Bullabulling in Section 10.1, we have also assessed the quoted market price for a Bullabulling share.

The quoted market value of a company's shares is reflective of a minority interest. A minority interest is an interest in a company that is not significant enough for the holder to have an individual influence in the operations and value of that company.

RG 111.11 suggests that when considering the value of a company's shares the expert should consider a premium for control. An acquirer could be expected to pay a premium for control due to the advantages they will receive should they obtain 100% control of another company. These advantages include the following:

   --     control over decision making and strategic direction; 
   --     access to underlying cash flows; 
   --     control over dividend policies; and 
   --     access to potential tax losses. 

Whilst Norton may not obtain 100% of Bullabulling, RG 111 states that the expert should calculate the value of a target's shares as if 100% control were being obtained. RG 111.13 states that the expert can then consider an acquirer's practical level of control when considering reasonableness. Reasonableness has been considered in Section 13.

Therefore, our calculation of the quoted market price of a Bullabulling share including a premium for control has been prepared in two parts. The first part is to calculate the quoted market price on a minority interest basis. The second part is to add a premium for control to the minority interest value to arrive at a quoted market price value that includes a premium for control.

Minority interest value

Our analysis of the quoted market price of a Bullabulling share is based on the pricing prior to the announcement of the Offer. This is because the value of a Bullabulling share after the announcement may include the affects of any change in value as a result of the Offer. However, we have considered the value of a Bullabulling share following the announcement when we have considered reasonableness in Section 13.

Information on the Offer was announced to the market on 17 April 2014. Therefore, the following chart provides a summary of the share price movement over the 12 months to 16 April 2014 which was the last trading day prior to the announcement. Bullabulling is listed on the ASX and AIM. We have analysed the share price movement on both the ASX and AIM below.

ASX quoted market price

A graph detailing the Company's ASX quoted market price is included in the full Target's Statement available at www.bullabullinggold.com.

The daily price of Bullabulling shares for 12 months prior to 16 April 2014 has ranged from a low of $0.020 on 27 June 2013 to a high of $0.110 on 27 August 2013. From June 2013 to August 2013 the share price showed an upward trend peaking at $0.110 during August. Subsequent to the peak, the share price followed a relatively consistent downward trend before remaining stable from October 2013. The most significant trading volumes were experienced in the two months between August 2013 and September 2013. The highest single day of trading was on 26 August 2013, where 4,847,488 shares were traded.

During this period a number of announcements were made to the market. The key announcements are set out below:

 Date           Announcement           Closing Share Price Following           Closing Share Price Three Days After 
                                               Announcement                                Announcement 
                                               $ (movement)                                $ (movement) 
                Underway at 
                Bullabulling - 
 2/04/2014      2 April-14            0.053            4        0.0%                  0.051     6           3.8% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Potential Cost 
 12/03/2014     Reductions            0.057            6        5.0%                  0.056     6           1.8% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Mining Study 
                Completed - 7 
 7/03/2014      Mar-14                0.057            4        0.0%                  0.057     4           0.0% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               Dec 2013 
                Activity and 
                Cash Flow 
                Report - 29 
 29/01/2014     Jan-14                0.040            4        0.0%                  0.042     5           5.0% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               Sept 2013 
                Activity and 
                Cash Flow 
                Report - 31 10 
 31/10/2013     13                    0.048            6        4.0%                  0.043     6           10.4% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Updated - 
 25/10/2013     25-Oct-13             0.051            5        2.0%                  0.050     6           2.0% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               Forecast mine 
                increased to 
 15/10/2013     contained gold        0.051            5        13.3%                 0.051     4           0.0% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Received - 
 27/09/2013     27-Sep-13             0.061            4        0.0%                  0.055     6           9.8% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               Bond Release 
                Capital - 
 25/09/2013     25-Sep-13             0.062            4        0.0%                  0.065     5           4.8% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Upgrade - 
 19/09/2013     19-Sep-13             0.064            5        3.2%                  0.062     6           3.1% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               BAB Drilling 
                Commences at 
                Gibraltar - 
 4/09/2013      04-Sep-13             0.075            5        13.6%                 0.075     4           0.0% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Received - 
 29/08/2013     29-Aug-13             0.070            6         13%                  0.066     6            6% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               Response to ASX 
                Price and 
 26/08/2013     Volume Query          0.098            5         66%                  0.070     6            29% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               $2.5 Million 
                Received - 
 20/08/2013     20-Aug-13             0.064            5         28%                  0.059     6            8% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Recommences at 
                Bullabulling - 
 19/08/2013     19-Aug-13             0.050            5         22%                  0.058     5            16% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               Additional Land 
                Secured for 
 5/08/2013      Development           0.037            6         3%                   0.030     6            19% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               June 2013 
                Activity and 
                Cash Flow 
 25/07/2013     Report                0.037            4         0%                   0.038     5            3% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               R&D Tax 
                Incentives to 
                Funding - 4 
 4/07/2013      July 2013             0.026            5         4%                   0.028     5            8% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
                Mine Plan 
 2/07/2013      Savings               0.025            4         0%                   0.028     5            12% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               BAB Initial DFS 
                Results - 
 14/05/2013     14-May-13             0.038            5         3%                   0.047     5            24% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               BAB - 
 13/05/2013     13-May-2013           0.037            4         0%                   0.047     5            27% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 
               BAB Mar-13 
                Activity and 
                Report - 
 29/04/2013     29-04-13              0.032            6         3%                   0.033     5            3% 
------------  ----------------  ----------------          ----------------  ---------------           ---------------- 

On 13 May 2013, the Company announced that it had updated its Mineral Resource estimate for the Bullabulling Gold project to incorporate results from the recent drilling program. Total project resources have increased by 3.9 million tonnes at 1.68g/t to 113.2 million tonnes at 1.02g/t, and contained gold increased by 210,500 ounces to 3,715,500 ounces. Bullabulling's share price remained unchanged on the day of the announcement, however the share price increased by 27% to $0.047 in the following three days.

On 19 August 2013, the Company announced that drilling at its Bullabulling Gold Project has recommenced. The drilling program consists of seven reverse circulation holes. On the day of the announcement, the share price increased by 22% to $0.050 and continued to increase by 16% to $0.058 in the following three days.

On 20 August 2013, Bullabulling announced that it had received $2.5 million in additional funding from a Research and Development tax incentive application lodged. The funds received will be applied to the Definitive Feasible Study for 3.7 million ounces at the Bullabulling Gold project. The share price increased by 28% to $0.064 on the day of the announcement, and in the following three days the share price decreased by 16% to $0.058.

On 26 August 2013, the Company released a response to ASX price and volume query in which Bullabulling noted that it was unaware of any unannounced market sensitive information that would explain the recent trading in its securities. On the day of the announcement, the share price increased by 66% to $0.098, however it decreased by 29% to $0.070 in the three days subsequent.

On 15 October 2013, Bullabulling released an updated resource estimate at its Bullabulling Gold project. Ongoing pit optimisation at the project identified the potential to increase mine production to 2.5 million ounces of contained gold via the relocation of public infrastructure at the northern end of the project area. On the day of the announcement the share price increased by 13.3% to $0.051.

To provide further analysis of the market prices for a Bullabulling share, we have also considered the weighted average market price for 10, 30, 60 and 90 day periods to 16 April 2014 as traded on the ASX.

                                         16-Apr-14   10 Days   30 Days   60 Days   90 Days 
 Closing price                              $0.057 
 Volume weighted average price (VWAP)                 $0.052    $0.054    $0.054    $0.051 

Source: Bloomberg, BDO analysis

The above weighted average prices are prior to the date of the announcement of the Offer, to avoid the influence of any increase in price of Bullabulling shares that has occurred since the Offer was announced.

An analysis of the volume of trading in Bullabulling shares for the twelve months to 16 April 2014 as traded on the ASX is set out below:

 Trading days    Share price   Share price   Cumulative volume         As a % of 
                         low          high              traded    Issued capital 
 1 Day                $0.055        $0.057             105,604             0.03% 
 10 Days              $0.050        $0.057           1,043,488             0.30% 
 30 Days              $0.050        $0.060           2,794,169             0.81% 
 60 Days              $0.040        $0.065           4,734,077             1.38% 
 90 Days              $0.040        $0.065           6,361,766             1.85% 
 180 Days             $0.030        $0.110          25,753,099             7.49% 
 1 Year               $0.020        $0.110          36,026,070            10.47% 

Source: Bloomberg, BDO analysis

AIM quoted market price

A graph detailing the Company's share price performance on AIM is included in the full Target's Statement available at www.bullabullinggold.com

Note that the share prices have been translated into Australian dollars to allow for the ASX and AIM analysis to be comparable.

The weighted average market price for 10, 30, 60 and 90 day periods to 16 April 2014 as traded on AIM is shown below.

 Share Price per unit                    16-Apr-14   10 Days   30 Days   60 Days   90 Days 
 Closing price                              $0.054 
 Volume weighted average price (VWAP)                 $0.052    $0.058    $0.052    $0.049 
 Source: Bloomberg and BDO Analysis 

The above weighted average prices are prior to the date of the announcement of the Offer, to avoid the influence of any increase in price of Bullabulling shares that has occurred since the Offer was announced.

An analysis of the volume of trading in Bullabulling shares for the twelve months to 16 April 2014 as traded on AIM is set out below:

 Trading days    Share price   Share price   Cumulative volume         As a % of 
                         low          high              traded    Issued capital 
 1 Day                $0.054        $0.054              70,443             0.02% 
 10 Days              $0.051        $0.054             632,082             0.18% 
 30 Days              $0.051        $0.069           4,843,075             1.41% 
 60 Days              $0.043        $0.069          15,553,277             4.52% 
 90 Days              $0.042        $0.069          27,301,283             7.94% 
 180 Days             $0.027        $0.082          91,818,887            26.69% 
 1 Year               $0.023        $0.082         134,708,200            39.16% 

The above tables indicate that Bullabulling's shares display a low to moderate level of liquidity, with 10.47% of the Company's current issued capital being traded on the ASX in a twelve month period, and 39.2% on AIM. For the quoted market price methodology to be reliable there needs to be a 'deep' market in the shares. RG 111.69 indicates that a 'deep' market should reflect a liquid and active market. We consider the following characteristics to be representative of a deep market:

   --     Regular trading in a company's securities; 
   --     Approximately 1% of a company's securities are traded on a weekly basis; 

-- The spread of a company's shares must not be so great that a single minority trade can significantly affect the market capitalisation of a company; and

   --     There are no significant but unexplained movements in share price. 

A company's shares should meet all of the above criteria to be considered 'deep', however, failure of a company's securities to exhibit all of the above characteristics does not necessarily mean that the value of its shares cannot be considered relevant.

In the case of Bullabulling, we do not consider there to be a deep market for the Company's shares due to the low level of current issued capital being traded over a weekly basis and in the twelve months prior to announcement of the Offer, and significant but unexplained movements in the share price over the trading period.

Our assessment is that a range of values for Bullabulling shares based on market pricing, after disregarding post announcement pricing, is between $0.050 and $0.060. This valuation is on a minority interest basis.

Control Premium

We have reviewed the control premiums paid by acquirers of both general mining and gold mining companies listed on the ASX. We have summarised our findings below:

General mining companies

 Year    Number of Transactions   Average Deal Value   Average Control 
                                        (AU$m)           Premium (%) 
 2013              13                   56.43               55.41 
 2012              19                   135.78              42.67 
 2011              20                   634.68              31.40 
 2010              23                   755.97              45.04 
 2009              29                   86.80               39.23 
 2008              8                    553.76              38.87 
                         Median         344.77              40.95 
                           Mean         370.57              42.10 

Source: Bloomberg and BDO Analysis

Gold mining companies

 Year    Number of Transactions   Average Deal Value   Average Control 
                                        (AU$m)           Premium (%) 
 2013              6                    43.10               63.99 
 2012              7                    258.74              34.89 
 2011              3                    150.28              45.43 
 2010              10                  1364.83              56.11 
 2009              9                    169.34              24.94 
 2008              3                    446.27              28.54 
                         Median         214.04              40.16 
                           Mean         405.43              42.32 

Source: Bloomberg and BDO Analysis

In arriving at an appropriate control premium to apply we note that observed control premiums can vary due to the:

   --     Nature and magnitude of non-operating assets; 
   --     Nature and magnitude of discretionary expenses; 
   --     Perceived quality of existing management; 
   --     Nature and magnitude of business opportunities not currently being exploited; 
   --     Ability to integrate the acquiree into the acquirer's business; 
   --     Level of pre-announcement speculation of the transaction; 
   --     Level of liquidity in the trade of the acquiree's securities. 

The tables above indicate that there has been an increasing trend of control premium paid by acquirers of both gold and general mining companies since 2009, in particular in relation to transaction in 2013. The long term average of announced control premium paid by acquirers of mining targets in Australia is in excess of 40%.

Norton has made an offer for all of Bullabulling's shares and as a result should be expected to pay a control premium. Taking into account the above analysis, an appropriate control premium to apply in our valuation of Bullabulling's shares is between 40% and 45%.

Quoted market price including control premium

Applying a control premium to Bullabulling's quoted market share price results in the following quoted market price value including a premium for control:

                                                                  Low      Midpoint   High 
                                                                   $        $          $ 
 Quoted market price value                                        $0.050   $0.055     $0.060 
 Control premium                                                  40%      42.5%      45% 
 Quoted market price valuation including a premium for control    $0.070   $0.078     $0.087 

Source: BDO analysis

Therefore, our valuation of a Bullabulling share based on the quoted market price method and including a premium for control is between $0.070 and $0.087, with a midpoint value of $0.078.

   10.3   Assessment of the value of a Bullabulling share 

The results of the valuations performed are summarised in the table below:

                                       Low     Preferred   High 
                                        $       $           $ 
 Net assets value (Section 10.1)       0.111   0.146       0.161 
 Quoted market price (Section 10.2)    0.070   0.078       0.087 

Source: BDO analysis

We consider the net asset value to more accurately reflect the value of a Bullabulling share due to the NAV incorporating the potential value in (it's current stage) of the Bullabulling Gold Project, being the most significant asset of the Company. We note that upon completion of the DFS it is expected that a maiden reserve is likely to be announced. Following the completion of the DFS it would be possible to undertake a discounted cash flow valuation of the project incorporating the effects of the modifying factors applied in the DFS which may result in a higher value per share than that derived under the net asset value here.

The QMP is based on shares that have not been traded deeply on either the ASX or AIM markets. Therefore we do not consider this to be the most appropriate value. Whist we recognise that the market prices in expectations of future results we consider this not to fully reflect the market value as a small proportion of the outstanding shares is used to imply the valuation of the Company when short term volatility can materially impact the valuation.

Based on the results above we consider the value of a Bullabulling share to be between $0.107 and $0.157, with a preferred value of $0.142.

   11.   Valuation of consideration 

Norton is offering Shareholders $0.07 per Bullabulling share in cash.

   12.   Is the Offer fair? 

The value of a Bullabulling share as compared with the value of the consideration offered per share is compared below:

                                                     Ref    Low     Preferred   High 
                                                             $       $           $ 
 Value of a Bullabulling share on a control basis           0.111   0.146       0.161 
 Value of consideration                                     0.070   0.070       0.070 

We note from the table above that the value of a Bullabulling share on a control basis is in excess of the consideration. Therefore, we consider that the Offer is not fair.

   13.   Is the Offer reasonable? 
   13.1   Alternative proposal 

We are unaware of any alternative proposal that might offer the Shareholders of Bullabulling a premium over the Offer consideration.

If Norton increases the Offer consideration above the currently offered $0.07 per share, then any Shareholders which have already accepted the Offer will receive the increased consideration.

   13.2   Practical level of control 

Under the conditions of the Offer there is no minimum level of acceptance by Shareholders. Therefore Norton may acquire an interest of between nil and 100% of the Company.

When shareholders are required to approve an issue that relates to a company there are two types of approval levels. These are general resolutions and special resolutions. A general resolution requires 50% of shares to be voted in favour to approve a matter and a special resolution required 75% of shares on issue to be voted in favour to approve a matter.

If Norton acquires more than 25% and up to 50% of Bullabulling shares it will be able to block special resolutions, but would not be able to block general resolutions, or pass general or special resolutions. In the case that Norton acquires 50% or less of Bullabulling shares, Norton will request representation on the board that is commensurate with its shareholding in the Company. Norton's intentions in the scenarios that it attains an interest of up to 50%, more than 50% and less than 90%, and 90% or more, are outlined in section 4.

If Norton acquires more than 50% and less than 90% of Bullabulling shares then Norton would be able to pass general resolutions and block special resolutions, and may be able to pass special resolutions (if over 75%). In this scenario Norton's intentions include to:

-- Review the composition of the board of directors of Bullabulling and request representation on the board that is commensurate with its shareholding in Bullabulling; and

-- Consider and investigate, subject to Corporations Act, for the acquisition, buy-out or cancellation of any other marketable securities in Bullabulling to which Norton (or its associates) are not entitled.

Should Norton acquire 90% or more of shares in Bullabulling then Norton would be able to pass general and special resolutions. In this scenario Norton's intentions include to:

-- Compulsorily acquire the outstanding Bullabulling shares in accordance with the Corporations Act;

   --      Arrange for Bullabulling to be removed from the Official List of the ASX; and 
   --      Replace all members of the board of directors of Bullabulling with its own nominees. 

Norton's control of Bullabulling following the Offer may be significant when compared to all other shareholders depending on the level of acceptance of the Offer by Shareholders. As such, Norton should be expected to pay a premium for control of Bullabulling.

   13.3   Consequences of not accepting the Offer 

Potential decline in share price

We have analysed movements in Bullabulling's share price since the Offer was announced on 17 April 2014. A graph of Bullabulling's share price since the announcement on the ASX and AIM is included in the full Target's Statement available at www.bullabullinggold.com.

The announcement of the Offer was made to the market after market close on 17 April 2014. On that day, approximately 0.037 million shares were traded and Bullabulling's share price closed 5.2% lower to $0.054. Since the announcement, [Bullabulling's share price has traded between $0.065 (22 April) to $0.082 (30 April). On 13 May 2014, the Company's share price closed at $0.072.]

Given the above analysis, it is likely that if the Offer is not accepted then Bullabulling's share price may decline back to pre-announcement levels.

   13.4   Advantages of accepting the Offer 

We have considered the following advantages when assessing whether the Offer is reasonable.

 Advantage                                             Description 
 Certainty of the cash consideration                   The cash consideration that has been offered by Norton would 
                                                       allow Bullabulling Shareholders 
                                                       to realise cash for their investment without incurring brokers' 
                                                       fees. No dividends have been 
                                                       paid on Bullabulling shares to date. 
                                                       The consideration of cash of $0.07 is a fixed and definite 
                                                       amount, and is not subject to the 
                                                       inherent risks that will affect the quoted market price of a 
                                                       Bullabulling share, including 
                                                       the risk of fluctuations in value of the Bullabulling Gold 
                                                       Project in the period up to and 
                                                       including the announcement of the findings on completion of the 
                                                       Definitive Feasibility Study 
                                                       ('DFS') (see 13.5 below for further details). 
                                                       There may be capital gains tax implications for Shareholders, 
                                                       and Shareholders should consult 
                                                       with their own tax advisors to determine any individual tax 
                                                       implications from acceptance of 
                                                       the Offer. 
 Removes future risks associated with holding shares        The Offer removes the risks that Shareholders bear from 
 in Bullabulling                                            continuing to hold Bullabulling shares. 
                                                            These risks include, but are not limited to, the 
                                                             *    Development of projects into cash generating assets; 
                                                             *    Deterioration in market conditions; and 
                                                             *    Future funding. 
   13.5   Disadvantages of accepting the Offer 

If the Offer is accepted, in our opinion, the potential disadvantages to Shareholders include those listed in the table below:

 Disadvantage                                                Description 
 The Offer is not fair                                       RG 111 states that an offer is reasonable if it is fair. 
                                                             As set out in Section 12, the Offer 
                                                             is not fair. 
 Inability to benefit from potential upside in               If the Offer is accepted, Shareholders will forgo their 
 Bullabulling Gold Project                                   participation in potential future 
                                                             profits and capital growth that Bullabulling may be able 
                                                             to realise. 
                                                             The Company is currently undertaking a DFS of the 
                                                             Bullabulling Gold Project, which is scheduled 
                                                             for completion in the first quarter of 2015. 
                                                             As the DFS is not due to be completed until early 2015, 
                                                             the current quoted market price of 
                                                             a Bullabulling share, and the net asset value that was 
                                                             determined in section 10.1, do not 
                                                             reflect any impact of the announcement of the findings of 
                                                             the completed DFS. If the findings 
                                                             of the DFS are favourable, and demonstrate economic 
                                                             viability of an initial gold reserve, 
                                                             then it may be expected that the value of the 
                                                             Bullabulling Gold Project, and therefore the 
                                                             trading price of Bullabulling shares will increase, 
                                                             either as a direct result of the announcement 
                                                             or over the course of the months prior to the 
                                                             announcement as the trading price reflect market 
                                                             If Shareholders accept the Offer then they will no longer 
                                                             hold an interest in the Company 
                                                             or in the Bullabulling Gold Project. Therefore 
                                                             Shareholders would not be able to benefit from 
                                                             any increase in the value of Bullabulling in the future. 
                                                             It should be noted that we cannot comment as to the 
                                                             likelihood of any specific findings that 
                                                             may or may not result from completion of the DFS, 
                                                             including the likelihood of an initial gold 
                                                             reserve being demonstrated. 
   13.6   Advantages of rejecting the Offer 

We have considered the following advantages if the Offer is rejected.

 Advantage                                                   Description 
 Continued exposure to potential increases in value in the   If Shareholders reject the Offer they will continue to 
 Bullabulling Gold Project                                   hold their interests in Bullabulling 
                                                             and the Bullabulling Gold Project, and will therefore be 
                                                             able to benefit from any increases 
                                                             in value that may result from the Bullabulling Gold 
                                                             Project including the implications of 
                                                             completion of the DFS. 
   13.7   Disadvantages of rejecting the Offer 

If the Offer is rejected, in our opinion, the potential disadvantages to Shareholders include those listed in the table below:

 Disadvantage                                             Description 
 Risk of reduced levels of liquidity                            If the Offer is accepted by a significant proportion 
                                                                of Shareholders then there is a risk 
                                                                that Shareholders that reject the Offer will become a 
                                                                collective minority shareholder in a 
                                                                company that is controlled by Norton. 
                                                                It is likely that Bullabulling shares traded on the 
                                                                ASX and AIM would have a reduced level 
                                                                of liquidity in this scenario. As noted in section 
                                                                10.2, the liquidity of Bullabulling shares 
                                                                is considered to be low to moderate based on the 
                                                                current level of trading on the ASX and AIM 
                                                                Depending on the level if any acceptance of the Offer 
                                                                by Shareholders, if the number of remaining 
                                                                shareholders falls below a certain level then the 
                                                                Company may no longer be eligible to remain 
                                                                listed on the ASX. Under the ASX listing requirements 
                                                                a listed company must have a minimum 
                                                                 *    400 investors @ $2,000; or 
                                                                 *    350 investors @ $2,000 and 25% held by unrelated 
                                                                      parties; or 
                                                                 *    300 investors @ $2,000 and 50% held by unrelated 
 Continued exposure to the inherent risks of the          If Shareholders reject the Offer then they will not receive 
 Bullabulling Gold Project                                the cash consideration of $0.07 
                                                          per Bullabulling share, and will continue to hold their 
                                                          interests in the Company and the Bullabulling 
                                                          Gold Project. They will therefore continue to be exposed to 
                                                          the inherent risks of the Project; 
                                                          that no increases in value may result from completion of the 
                                                          Definitive Feasibility Study. 
   13.8   Other considerations 
 Consideration                                         Description 
 Bullabulling's ability to secure additional funding   Additional funding will be required to complete the Definitive 
                                                       Feasibility Study for the Bullabulling 
                                                       Gold Project. Following completion of the DFS, assuming that a 
                                                       decision is made to proceed 
                                                       to production for the Bullabulling Gold Project, capital 
                                                       expenditure will be required. Capital 
                                                       expenditure requirements were estimated in the Prefeasibility 
                                                       Study of between $297 million 
                                                       and $333 million as announced in October 2012, and estimates 
                                                       have since decreased and will 
                                                       be revised as part of the DFS. 
                                                       No decision has currently been made by the Company as to the 
                                                       nature or timing of the funding 
                                                       that will be required to complete the DFS or for capital 
                                                       expenditure, although preliminary 
                                                       discussions have been held with a number of financiers. 
                                                       Bullabulling had $3.0 million cash 
                                                       as at 31 March 2014. 
                                                       Once the DFS has been completed, if this results in an 
                                                       economically viable gold reserve being 
                                                       defined, then this is likely to result in an increase in value 
                                                       of a Bullabulling share, as 
                                                       is indicated from the analysis performed in section 13.5 above. 
                                                       In this scenario, the Company 
                                                       is expected to have an increased ability to source funding for 
                                                       the capital expenditure required 
                                                       to develop the Bullabulling Gold Project. 
                                                       If any such funding is in the form of the issuance of equity, 
                                                       then this will have the effect 
                                                       of diluting a Shareholder's interest in the Company. 
 Norton's ability to secure additional funding         As Norton is a larger company than Bullabulling (market 
                                                       capitalisation of $107 million at 
                                                       13 May 2014, compared with Bullabulling's market capitalisation 
                                                       of $24 million), it may be 
                                                       able to more easily source funding. 
                                                       In the event that Norton gains control of Bullabulling but is 
                                                       not able to compulsorily acquire 
                                                       all shares, any Shareholders that do not accept the Offer may 
                                                       be able to benefit from funding 
                                                       sourced by Norton. We note that this may also have a diluting 
                                                       impact on non-accepting Shareholders' 
                                                       interests to the extent Shareholders do not participate on a 
                                                       pro rata basis. 
 Compulsory acquisition                                Should Norton acquire 90% or more of shares in Bullabulling, 
                                                       the intentions of Norton are 
                                                       to proceed with the compulsory acquisition of the outstanding 
                                                       Bullabulling shares in accordance 
                                                       to Chapter 6A of the Corporations Act. 
                                                       Any Shareholders that form this remaining 10% will receive the 
                                                       same consideration that has 
                                                       been offered per share as Shareholders that accept the Offer. 
   14.   Conclusion 

We have considered the terms of the Offer as outlined in the body of this report and have concluded that the Offer is neither fair nor reasonable to the Shareholders of Bullabulling.

   15.   Sources of information 

This report has been based on the following information:

   --     Target Statement on or about the date of this report; 
   --     The Bidder's Statement as prepared by Norton and announced to the ASX on 17 April 2014; 

-- Audited financial statements of Bullabulling for the year ended 31 December 2012 and 31 December 2013

-- Audited financial statements of Norton for the year ended 30 June 2012, the six months ended 31 December 2012 and the year ended 31 December 2013

   --     Unaudited management accounts of Bullabulling for the period ended 31 March 2014; 
   --     Independent Valuation Report of Bullabulling's mineral assets dated [DATE] performed by RungePincockMinarco; 
   --     Share registry information; 
   --     Information in the public domain; and 
   --     Discussions with Directors and Management of Bullabulling. 
   16.   Independence 

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd is entitled to receive a fee of $42,000 (excluding GST and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses). The fee is not contingent on the conclusion, content or future use of this Report. Except for this fee, BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has not received and will not receive any pecuniary or other benefit whether direct or indirect in connection with the preparation of this report.

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has been indemnified by Bullabulling Gold Limited in respect of any claim arising from BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd's reliance on information provided by the Bullabulling Gold Limited, including the non provision of material information, in relation to the preparation of this report.

Prior to accepting this engagement BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has considered its independence with respect to Bullabulling Gold Limited and Norton Gold Fields Limited and any of their respective associates with reference to ASIC Regulatory Guide 112 'Independence of Experts'. In BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd's opinion it is independent of Bullabulling Gold Limited and Norton Gold Fields Limited and their respective associates.

The provision of our services is not considered a threat to our independence as auditors under Professional Statement APES 110 - Professional Independence. The services provided have no material impact on the financial report of Bullabulling Gold Limited.

A draft of this report was provided to Bullabulling Gold Limited and its advisors for confirmation of the factual accuracy of its contents. No significant changes were made to this report as a result of this review.

BDO is the brand name for the BDO International network and for each of the BDO Member firms.

BDO (Australia) Ltd, an Australian company limited by guarantee, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of Independent Member Firms. BDO in Australia, is a national association of separate entities (each of which has appointed BDO (Australia) Limited ACN 050 110 275 to represent it in BDO International).

   17.   Qualifications 

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has extensive experience in the provision of corporate finance advice, particularly in respect of takeovers, mergers and acquisitions.

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd holds an Australian Financial Services Licence issued by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission for giving expert reports pursuant to the Listing rules of the ASX and the Corporations Act.

The persons specifically involved in preparing and reviewing this report were Sherif Andrawes and Adam Myers of BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd. They have significant experience in the preparation of independent expert reports, valuations and mergers and acquisitions advice across a wide range of industries in Australia and were supported by other BDO staff.

Sherif Andrawes is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales and a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. He has over twenty five years experience working in the audit and corporate finance fields with BDO and its predecessor firms in London and Perth. He has been responsible for over 250 public company independent expert's reports under the Corporations Act or ASX Listing Rules. These experts' reports cover a wide range of industries in Australia with a focus on companies in the natural resources sector. Sherif Andrawes is the Chairman of BDO in Western Australia, Corporate Finance Practice Group Leader of BDO in Western Australia and the Natural Resources Leader for BDO in Australia.

Adam Myers is a member of the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants. Adam's career spans 15 years in the Audit and Assurance and Corporate Finance areas. Adam has considerable experience in the preparation of independent expert reports and valuations in general for companies in a wide number of industry sectors.

   18.   Disclaimers and consents 

This report has been prepared at the request of Bullabulling Gold Limited for inclusion in the Target's Statement which will be sent to all Bullabulling Gold Limited Shareholders. Bullabulling Gold Limited engaged BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd to prepare an independent expert's report to consider the Offer by Norton Gold Fields Limited to acquire 100% of the shares in Bullabulling Gold Limited.

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd hereby consents to this report accompanying the above Target's Statement. Apart from such use, neither the whole nor any part of this report, nor any reference thereto may be included in or with, or attached to any document, circular resolution, statement or letter without the prior written consent of BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd.

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for the contents of the Target's Statement other than this report.

We have no reason to believe that any of the information or explanations supplied to us are false or that material information has been withheld. It is not the role of BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd acting as an independent expert to perform any due diligence procedures on behalf of the Company. The Directors of the Company are responsible for conducting appropriate due diligence in relation to Bullabulling Gold Limited and Norton Gold Fields Limited. BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd provides no warranty as to the adequacy, effectiveness or completeness of the due diligence process.

The opinion of BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd is based on the market, economic and other conditions prevailing at the date of this report. Such conditions can change significantly over short periods of time.

With respect to taxation implications it is recommended that individual Shareholders obtain their own taxation advice, in respect of the Offer, tailored to their own particular circumstances. Furthermore, the advice provided in this report does not constitute legal or taxation advice to the Shareholders of Bullabulling Gold Limited, or any other party.

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has also considered and relied upon independent valuations for the Bullabulling Gold Project held by Bullabulling Gold Limited.

The valuer engaged for the mineral asset valuation, Runge Pincock Minarco Limited, possess the appropriate qualifications and experience in the industry to make such assessments. The approaches adopted and assumptions made in arriving at their valuation is appropriate for this report. We have received consent from the valuer for the use of their valuation report in the preparation of this report and to append a copy of their report to this report.

The statements and opinions included in this report are given in good faith and in the belief that they are not false, misleading or incomplete.

The terms of this engagement are such that BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd has no obligation to update this report for events occurring subsequent to the date of this report.

   Yours faithfully 
 Sherif Andrawes         Adam Myers 
  Director                Director 

Appendix 1 - Glossary of Terms

 Reference              Definition 
 The Act                The Corporations Act 
 APES 225               Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board professional standard APES 225 'Valuation 
 ASIC                   Australian Securities and Investments Commission 
 ASX                    Australian Securities Exchange 
 BDO                    BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd 
 The Company            Bullabulling Gold Limited 
 DCF                    Discounted Future Cash Flows 
 DFS                    Definitive Feasibility Study 
 FIRB                   Australia Foreign Investment Review Board 
 FME                    Future Maintainable Earnings 
 JORC Code              The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 
 NAV                    Net Asset Value 
 Norton                 Norton Gold Fields Limited 
 Our Report             This Independent Expert's Report prepared by BDO 
 RG 111                 Content of expert reports (March 2011) 
 RG 112                 Independence of experts (March 2011) 
 RungePincockMinarco    Runge Pincock Minarco Limited 
 The Project            The Bullabulling Gold Project 
 The Offer              The offer by Norton Gold Fields Limited to acquire up 20 100% of the shares in Bullabulling 
                         Gold Limited for cash consideration of $0.07 per Bullabulling share 
 Shareholders           Shareholders of Bullabulling not associated with Norton Gold Fields Limited 
 Valmin Code            The Code of Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities 
                         for Independent Expert Reports 
 Valuation Engagement   An Engagement or Assignment to perform a Valuation and provide a Valuation Report where the 
                        Valuer is free to employ the Valuation Approaches, Valuation Methods, and Valuation Procedures 
                        that a reasonable and informed third party would perform taking into consideration all the 
                        specific facts and circumstances of the Engagement or Assignment available to the Valuer at 
                        that time. 
 VWAP                   Volume Weighted Average Price 

Appendix 2 - Valuation Methodologies

Methodologies commonly used for valuing assets and businesses are as follows:

   1       Net asset value ('NAV') 

Asset based methods estimate the market value of an entity's securities based on the realisable value of its identifiable net assets. Asset based methods include:

   --     Orderly realisation of assets method 
   --     Liquidation of assets method 
   --     Net assets on a going concern method 

The orderly realisation of assets method estimates fair market value by determining the amount that would be distributed to entity holders, after payment of all liabilities including realisation costs and taxation charges that arise, assuming the entity is wound up in an orderly manner.

The liquidation method is similar to the orderly realisation of assets method except the liquidation method assumes the assets are sold in a shorter time frame. Since wind up or liquidation of the entity may not be contemplated, these methods in their strictest form may not be appropriate. The net assets on a going concern method estimates the market values of the net assets of an entity but does not take into account any realisation costs.

Net assets on a going concern basis are usually appropriate where the majority of assets consist of cash, passive investments or projects with a limited life. All assets and liabilities of the entity are valued at market value under this alternative and this combined market value forms the basis for the entity's valuation.

Often the FME and DCF methodologies are used in valuing assets forming part of the overall Net assets on a going concern basis. This is particularly so for exploration and mining companies where investments are in finite life producing assets or prospective exploration areas.

These asset based methods ignore the possibility that the entity's value could exceed the realisable value of its assets as they do not recognise the value of intangible assets such as management, intellectual property and goodwill. Asset based methods are appropriate when an entity is not making an adequate return on its assets, a significant proportion of the entity's assets are liquid or for asset holding companies.

   2       Quoted Market Price Basis ('QMP') 

A valuation approach that can be used in conjunction with (or as a replacement for) other valuation methods is the quoted market price of listed securities. Where there is a ready market for securities such as the ASX, through which shares are traded, recent prices at which shares are bought and sold can be taken as the market value per share. Such market value includes all factors and influences that impact upon the ASX. The use of ASX pricing is more relevant where a security displays regular high volume trading, creating a 'deep' market in that security.

   3       Capitalisation of future maintainable earnings ('FME') 

This method places a value on the business by estimating the likely FME, capitalised at an appropriate rate which reflects business outlook, business risk, investor expectations, future growth prospects and other entity specific factors. This approach relies on the availability and analysis of comparable market data.

The FME approach is the most commonly applied valuation technique and is particularly applicable to profitable businesses with relatively steady growth histories and forecasts, regular capital expenditure requirements and non-finite lives.

The FME used in the valuation can be based on net profit after tax or alternatives to this such as earnings before interest and tax ('EBIT') or earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ('EBITDA'). The capitalisation rate or 'earnings multiple' is adjusted to reflect which base is being used for FME.

   4       Discounted future cash flows ('DCF') 

The DCF methodology is based on the generally accepted theory that the value of an asset or business depends on its future net cash flows, discounted to their present value at an appropriate discount rate (often called the weighted average cost of capital). This discount rate represents an opportunity cost of capital reflecting the expected rate of return which investors can obtain from investments having equivalent risks.

Considerable judgement is required to estimate the future cash flows which must be able to be reliably estimated for a sufficiently long period to make this valuation methodology appropriate.

A terminal value for the asset or business is calculated at the end of the future cash flow period and this is also discounted to its present value using the appropriate discount rate.

DCF valuations are particularly applicable to businesses with limited lives, experiencing growth, that are in a start up phase, or experience irregular cash flows.

   5       Market Based Assessment 

The market based approach seeks to arrive at a value for a business by reference to comparable transactions involving the sale of similar businesses. This is based on the premise that companies with similar characteristics, such as operating in similar industries, command similar values. In performing this analysis it is important to acknowledge the differences between the comparable companies being analysed and the company that is being valued and then to reflect these differences in the valuation.

Bullabulling Gold Project

Independent Technical Valuation

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd

Job No: ADV-PE-60313

Date: May, 2014

Document Control Sheet

 BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd 
 Report Name                                          Date 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Technical Review and Valuation of the Bullabulling   8(th) May, 2014 
  Gold Project 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Report No.                                           Revision No. 
---------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Name                     Position                Signature   Date 
-----------------------  ----------------------  ----------  ----------- 
 Prepared   J. S. Hinde   Resources Development               8(th) May, 
  By:                      Manager - metals                    2014 
---------  ------------  ----------------------  ----------  ----------- 
 Reviewed   P. Mitchell   Executive Consultant                8(th) May, 
  By                                                           2014 
---------  ------------  ----------------------  ----------  ----------- 
---------  ------------  ----------------------  ----------  ----------- 
 Organisation             Recipient          No. Of Hard    No. Of Electronic   Comment 
                                              Copies         Copies 
-----------------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------------  -------- 
 BDO Corporate Finance 
  (WA) Pty Ltd            Sherif Andrawes                   1 
-----------------------  --------------------------------  ------------------  -------- 


1. Our Client

This report has been produced by or on behalf of RungePincockMinarco ("RPM") solely for BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd, (the Client) for the purpose of its inclusion in the Independent Expert's Report being prepared by BDO Corporate Finance (WA)Pty Ltd in relation to the offer by Norton Gold Fields Ltd ("Norton") to acquire 100% of the shares in Bullabulling Gold Ltd.

2. The Client's Use

The Client's use and disclosure of this report is subject to the terms and conditions under which RPM prepared the report.

3. Notice to Third Parties

   --      RPM prepared this report for the Client and for the Purpose outlined above only. 
   --      To the extent permitted by law:- 

o RPM does not make and expressly disclaims from making any representation or warranty to you - express or implied - regarding this report or the conclusions or opinions set out in this report (including without limitation any representation or warranty regarding the standard of care used in preparing this report, or that any forward-looking statements, forecasts, opinions or projections contained in the report will be achieved, will prove to be correct or are based on reasonable assumptions).

o RPM expressly disclaims any liability to you and any duty of care to you.

o RPM does not authorise you to rely on this report. If you choose to use or rely on all or part of this report, then any loss or damage you may suffer in so doing is at your sole and exclusive risk.

4. Inputs, subsequent changes and no duty to update

-- RPM has created this report using data and information provided by or on behalf of the Client (and Client's agents and contractors). Unless specifically stated otherwise, RPM has not independently verified that data and information. RPM accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness of that data and information, even if that data and information has been incorporated into or relied upon in creating this report (or parts of it).

-- The conclusions and opinions contained in this report apply as at the date of the report. Events (including changes to any of the data and information that RPM used in preparing the report) may have occurred since that date which may impact on those conclusions and opinions and make them unreliable. RPM is under no duty to update the report upon the occurrence of any such event, though it reserves the right to do so.

5. Mining Unknown Factors

The ability of any person to achieve forward-looking production and economic targets is dependent on numerous factors that are beyond RPM's control and that RPM cannot anticipate. These factors include, but are not limited to, site-specific mining and geological conditions, management and personnel capabilities, availability of funding to properly operate and capitalize the operation, variations in cost elements and market conditions, developing and operating the mine in an efficient manner, unforeseen changes in legislation and new industry developments. Any of these factors may substantially alter the performance of any mining operation.

Executive Summary

Purpose of Report

This report has been prepared at the request of BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd ("BDO") who were engaged by Bullabulling Gold Limited ("BGL") to prepare an Independent Expert's Report for inclusion with a Target's Statement. The Target's Statement will address, and BDO's Report will address, the offer by Norton Gold Fields Limited to acquire 100% of the shares in BGL. This report sets out RungePincockMinarco's ("RPM") independent review of the Bullabulling Gold Project held by BGL in the Coolgardie region of Western Australia.

RPM has conducted its technical review in recognition of the requirements of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" (2012) published by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee ("JORC") of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Minerals Council of Australia (the "JORC Code") and the Code for the Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities for Independent Expert Reports (the Valmin Code, 2005).

This Independent Technical Report has been prepared in accordance with the relevant requirements of the listing rules of the ASX and the regulatory guidelines RG111 and RG112 issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") in relation to the preparation of independent expert reports.

Summary of Review

BGL wholly owns mining tenements associated with the Bullabulling Gold Project located 25km west of Coolgardie in Western Australia. The Bullabulling Project is a large tonnage, low grade deposit with gold hosted in a series of shallow-dipping, stacked north-south trending shears, typical of Western Australian goldfields. Gold mineralisation at Bullabulling is hosted within laterite 'blankets' typically between 1m to 3m thick, overlying a larger body of structurally-controlled shear hosted, primary mineralisation.

RPM conducted a high level review of the Mineral Resources and associated data for the Bullabulling and Gibraltar deposits. The total Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources reported for the Bullabulling deposit are 109Mt at 1.02g/t for 3.6M oz. A further 5Mt has been reported at the nearby Gibraltar deposit, with a grade of 1.07g/t Au for 169k oz. RPM was able to replicate these resource estimates.

A comprehensive Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) was completed by BGL in February 2013 based on the development of a 7.5 million tonne per annum open pit mining operation with a conventional carbon-in-leach processing facility. Gold production of 1.95 million ounces was forecast over a mine life of 10.5 years. The mineable ore was estimated at 79.1 million tonnes at 0.87g/t. BGL completed further mine planning optimisation studies which resulted in a larger ultimate pit size and increased the in-pit ore estimate to 95 million tonnes at 0.84g/t.

RPM reviewed the mineralogical and metallurgical testwork undertaken to support the adoption of a conventional gold processing flowsheet and the PFS.

RPM concludes from the review that:

-- There are no ownership issues, native title claims or potential mining restrictions on the tenements other than easements including the Great Eastern Highway, water pipeline, national fibre optic communication cable and Goldfields power line. These areas are accounted for in the Mineral Resources Estimate and in the mine design;

-- Environmental studies have shown that none of the potential environmental impacts were considered to be high risk, with mainly negligible and minor ratings given;

   --      The Mineral Resources have been estimated in accordance with the JORC Code (2004); 

-- The main mineralised lenses of the larger central Bullabulling deposit are likely to see significant upgrade in resource classification with infill drilling. Upgrading the classification of resources in the smaller Gryphon/Edwards and Gibraltar deposits (10Mt) may be more difficult due to the presence of pegmatite intrusions in the former and the use of significant historical drilling in the latter;

-- The mining studies and mining methods defined are appropriate for this type and size of gold deposit;

-- The metallurgical testwork undertaken for the PFS was of a suitable standard and degree of thoroughness for a conventional carbon-in-leach (CIL) gold process plant, and the development of capital and operating costs to a suitable level of accuracy; and,

-- RPM's review of the mining study confirms that 17% of the contained gold mining inventory based on Inferred Resources. On this basis RPM concludes that the in-pit ore quantities cannot be classified as an Ore Reserve under the JORC code. In addition, as the VALMIN code requires any valuation based on a discounted cash flow (DCF) approach to be based on Ore Reserves prepared in accordance with the JORC Code, a DCF assessment cannot be used for this work. The valuation therefore used a Market-based approach as a primary valuation method and a Cost-based approach as a secondary valuation method.

Technical Valuation

RPM initially reviewed the PFS and new mine plan to determine if the Inferred Resources could be removed from the mine plan to allow a valuation using a Discounted Cash Flow method. This was not possible and hence the DCF method was not considered appropriate.

Alternate valuation methodologies including a market-based method, using comparable transactions, as the primary valuation method, and a cross-check performed by a cost-based method, using multiples of exploration expenditure have been adopted.

The selection of the comparable transactions appropriate to this valuation was guided by the Bullabulling Gold Project, and included deposits which are mineable by open cut methods, deposits with existing Mineral Resources, projects with some level of feasibility study, non-operating mines transactions, and preference to a location in Western Australia. A total of fourteen transactions were defined, twelve in the period 2012 to 2014, and two transactions from 2010.

Based on the historical transaction prices of similar sized projects, a range of A$ 34M to A$ 51M has been determined for the Project with a preferred value of A$ 46M.

The reasonableness of this valuation range was checked using a multiple of exploration expenditure with adjustments for future prospectivity and resource classification. The range of values for the multiples of exploration method range from A$43 M to A$58 M, and provides confidence in the primary valuation.

RPM therefore estimates a fair market value as at May 2014 that the Bullabulling Gold Project should change hands in an "arms length" transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller, with each party acting knowledgeably and without compulsion to be A$ 34 million to A$ 51 million, with a preferred value of A$ 46 million.

   Philip Mitchell                                     Steven Hinde 
   Executive Consultant                           Resource Development Manager - Metals 

Table of Contents

Executive Summary iii

   1.           Introduction  1 
   1.1     Purpose of Report and Commissioning Entity. 1 
   1.2     Nature of Report 1 
   1.3     Capability and Independence. 1 
   1.4     Remuneration. 1 
   1.5     Site Inspections. 1 
   1.6     Limitations and Exclusions. 2 
   1.7     Expert and Specialists. 2 
   1.8     Materiality. 2 
   1.9     Terms. 2 
   1.10   Inherent Mining Risks. 2 
   1.11   References and Glossary of Terms. 3 
   2.           Bullabulling Gold Project 4 
   2.1     Location, Background and Tenements. 4 

2.1.1 Location 4

2.1.2 Background 5

2.1.3 Tenements 5

   2.2     Geology and Resources. 8 
   2.3     Technical Review. 28 
   3.           Valuation  29 
   3.1     Valuation Methodology. 29 

3.1.1 Income Approach 29

3.1.2 Market Approach 29

3.1.3 Cost Approach 30

   3.2     RPM's Valuation Approach. 30 
   3.3     Comparable Transactions Value. 31 
   3.3.1                                                       Comparable Transactions Approach   31 

3.3.2 Comparable Transactions 31

   3.3.3                                                           Comparable Transactions Results  34 
   3.3.4                                                    Comparable Transactions Discussion   38 
   3.3.5                                                        Comparable Transactions Valuation   38 
   3.4     Cost Approach Value. 38 

3.4.1 Expenditure 39

3.4.2 Adjustment Factors 39

3.4.3 Cost Approach Valuation 40

   3.5     Valuation Summary. 40 

List of Tables

Table 2.1 - Tenement Details 5

Table 2.2 - Density Values Assigned to the Block Models 15

Table 2.3 - Summary of Mineral Resource Estimates - Bullabulling 16

Table 2.4 - Bullabulling September 2012 Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Cut-off) 20

Table 2.5 - Edwards/Gryphon July 2013 Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Cut-off) 20

Table 2.6 - Dicksons/Bonecrusher September 2013 Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Cut-off) 21

Table 2.7 - Bullabulling Gold Project Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Au Cut-off) 21

Table 2.8 - Gibraltar Deposit Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Au Cut-off) 21

Table 3.1 - Recent Gold Project Transactions 35

Table 3.2 - Recent Gold Project Transactions Factored by Resource Type 37

Table 3.3 - Prospectivity Enhancement Multiplier (PEM) (after Lawrence, 2007) 39

Table 3.4 - Past Exploration and Warranted Future Expenditure (A$M) 39

Table 3.5 - Prospectivity Enhancement Multiplier 40

Table 3.6 - Resource Adjustment 40

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 - Bullabulling Gold Project Location 4

Figure 2.2 - Bullabulling Gold Project Tenement Locations 6

Figure 2.3 - Domains of Eastern Goldfields Super Terrane (Swager, 1989) 8

Figure 2.4 - Bullabulling Project Geology, Mines, Mineral Occurrences & Gold Soil Contours >50ppb 9

Figure 2.5 - Bullabulling Trend (Snowden, 2013) 10

Figure 2.6 - Marker Units MUU and MNA (Plan 380mRL and Long Section) 12

Figure 2.7 - Edwards/Gryphon Deposit, Model Classification (Dykes not Shown) 22

Figure 2.8 - Edwards/Gryphon Deposit, Model Classification (Dykes Shown) 22

Figure 2.9 - Edwards/Gryphon Deposit Oblique View Looking North, Model Classification 23

Figure 2.10 - BGL Pit Design Across Existing Bacchus and Phoenix Pits (Cyan Blocks = Mined) 23

Figure 2.11 - Backfill Coded Blocks Within BGL Pit Design 24

Figure 2.12 - Block Model Classification of Mineralised Lodes Within BGL Pit Design (Bacchus/Phoenix) 24

Figure 2.13 - Block Model Classification - Dicksons/Bonecrusher 25

Figure 2.14 - Section Through BGL Pit Design Showing Unclassified Material 26

Figure 2.15 - Barren Dyke Intersected Beneath the BGL Pit Design 26

Figure 2.16 - Possible Dyke Extension Through Base of the BGL Design Pit 27

Figure 3.1 - Gold Project Transactions AUD/oz vs Total Resource oz 34

Figure 3.2 - Gold Project Transactions AUD/oz vs Total Resource oz (factored) 36

List of Appendices

Appendix A - Glossary of Terms

Appendix B - References

Appendix C - Experts and Specialists

   1.   Introduction 
   1.1    Purpose of Report and Commissioning Entity 

BDO Corporate Finance (WA) Pty Ltd (BDO) were engaged by Bullabulling Gold Limited (BGL) to prepare an Independent Expert's Report for inclusion with a Target's Statement. The Target's Statement will address, and BDO's Report will address, the offer by Norton Gold Fields Limited to acquire 100% of the shares in BGL. It is understood that RPM's report will form a part of BDO's report which will provide an opinion to BGL shareholders and as such it will be a public document.

RPM was requested to provide an independent opinion on the market valuation of the Bullabulling Gold Project, not including the other exploration assets held by BGL outside of this project. RPM has been advised that BDO will rely on and refer to our valuation in their report, and will append a copy of our report, or a summary of our report to their report. Our report was to be prepared in accordance with the 'Code for the Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities for Independent Expert Report ("VALMIN Code 2005").

   1.2    Nature of Report 

RPM understands the purpose of the study is to produce a valuation of the Client's primary asset. This asset is defined as the Bullabulling Gold Project, which includes the Bullabulling deposit and the Gibraltar deposit, and is defined in the tenement list identified in Section 2.1.3 of this report. Land and external buildings not directly related to the mine operations shall not be assessed or valued.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Code for Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities for Independent Experts Reports (VALMIN Code, 2005).

   1.3    Capability and Independence 

RPM operates as an independent technical consultant providing independent technical review, resource evaluation, mining engineering and mine valuation services to the resources and financial services industry.

This report was prepared on behalf of RPM by the signatory to this report, assisted by the subject specialists whose qualifications, experience and contribution to the report are set out in Appendix C to this report.

None of RPM or its management, staff or sub-consultants who contributed to this report has any interest in:

   --      BGL, or its related parties, or 
   --      the asset reviewed, or 
   --      the outcomes that may arise from the valuation. 

RPM have provided some services to BDO in the past and to BGL. RPM conducted a fatal flaw review of the Mineral Resource estimate and provided mining services to assist with the latter part of the Pre-Feasibility Study for BGL.

   1.4    Remuneration 

RPM has been paid, and has agreed to be paid, professional fees for its preparation of this report to the sum of $46,000.

   1.5    Site Inspections 

A site inspection of Bullabulling was not considered necessary as this was carried out by Snowden who undertook the Mineral Resource estimation for Bullabulling. A critical flaw review of this resource estimation was undertaken in October 2012 by RPM personnel with no significant issues found. A site visit was conducted previously by Joe McDiarmid in 2012 as part of a mining review in the latter stages of the Pre-Feasibility Study.

   1.6    Limitations and Exclusions 

This report specifically excludes all aspects of legal issues, commercial and financing matters, land titles, agreements, and Native Title excepting such aspects as may directly influence technical, operational or cost issues and the valuation. RPM has not undertaken an independent evaluation of gold pricing or exchange rate forecasts.

RPM has relied on the veracity and accuracy of the data presented by BGL, supplemented independent enquiry by RPM of the project and of available public sources. In RPM's opinion, the information provided by BGL was reasonable and nothing discovered during the preparation of this report suggested that there was any significant error or misrepresentation in respect of that information. Information generated by third parties, consultants or contractors to BGL has not been independently validated by RPM through the generation of new work or new data. RPM has relied upon the accuracy of this information for this report. RPM accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness of data and information provided to it for the purposes of the preparation of this report

The report has been produced by RPM in good faith using information that is available to RPM as at the date stated on the cover page. This report contains estimates and findings that may materially change in the event that any of the information supplied is inaccurate or materially changes in any way. This report cannot be relied upon in any way if the information provided to RPM changes. RPM is under no obligation to update the information contained in the report at any time.

   1.7    Expert and Specialists 

The signatories to this report, Mr. Philip Mitchell, BE (Mining), Grad Dip (Applied Finance), and Mr. Steven Hinde B.Sc. Mine Geology, Masters (Mineral & Energy Economics) are Members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and employees of RungePincockMinarco. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Hinde have forty and thirty years' experience in the mining industry with significant experience in technical reviews, audits and due diligence assessments of mining assets. They have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and types of gold deposits under consideration, and to the activity they is undertaking, to qualify them as Competent Persons (as defined in the 2012 Edition of the JORC Code). Both Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Hinde qualify as Experts under the Valmin Code (2005).

   1.8    Materiality 

RPM has adopted the Australian Society of Accountants' Standard AASB 1031 which proposes that "the materiality" of information or data can be assessed in terms of the extent to which its omission or inclusion could lead to changes in total value:

   --      Equal to or less than five percent - immaterial; 
   --      Between five and ten percent - discretionary; and 
   --      Equal to or greater than ten percent - material. 
   1.9    Terms 

All years referred to in the report are Calendar Years unless otherwise stated and all currency is Australian Dollars ("A$") unless otherwise stated.

1.10 Inherent Mining Risks

Exploration and mining are carried out in an environment where not all events are predictable.

The ability of any person to achieve forward-looking production and economic targets is dependent on numerous factors that are beyond RPM's control and that RPM cannot anticipate. These factors include, but are not limited to, site-specific mining and geological conditions, management and personnel capabilities, availability of funding to properly operate and capitalize the operation, variations in cost elements and market conditions, developing and operating the mine in an efficient manner, unforeseen changes in legislation and new industry developments. Any of these factors may substantially alter the performance of any mining operation.

Whilst an effective management team can identify the known risks and take measures to manage and mitigate those risks, there is still the possibility for unexpected and unpredictable events to occur. It is not possible therefore to totally remove all risks or state with certainty that an event that may have a material impact on the operation of a gold mine, will not occur.

1.11 References and Glossary of Terms

A Glossary of Terms is listed in Appendix A and the documents referred in this report are listed in Appendix B.

   2.   Bullabulling Gold Project 
   2.1    Location, Background and Tenements 
   2.1.1     Location 

The Bullabulling gold project is located 25km west of Coolgardie in Western Australia. The project comprises tenements around the historic pits (Phoenix, Bacchus and Gibralter) and straddles the Great Eastern Highway linking Coolgardie to Perth. The tenements to the north and south of the project area have not been explored sufficiently to have a material impact on the valuation assessment. These tenements do not form part of the valuation.

   2.1.2     Background 

The Bullabulling gold project was acquired by Auzex Resources Ltd and CCG Resources Plc from Jervois Mining Ltd in 2010 for approximately A$2M in a 50:50 joint venture. In 2012 the joint venturers merged to form Bullabulling Gold Limited (BGL).

At the time of purchase the project held Mineral Resources of 9.3Mt @ 1.4 g/t Au for 432k oz of gold which were estimated in 1998.

The project was mined by open cut in the 1990's up to 1998 with processing by heap leaching and CIL processing of the overlying lateritic mineralisation, oxidized, transitional and primary ores. Jervois Mining Ltd acquired the project and produced 14k oz of gold through a small heap leach operation. BGL has estimated that historical production in total was 7.9Mt at 1.45 g/t Au for 371k oz of gold.

The above history was taken from the Bullabulling Pre-Feasibility document and none of the figures have been independently verified by RPM.

   2.1.3     Tenements 

The Bullabulling gold project is defined by the following group of 20 tenements shown in Table 2.1. The tenement documentation was provided for review.

Table 2.1 - Tenement Details

 Tenement     Area     Grant        Expiry       Holder      Ownership 
  Name         (Ha)     Date         Date 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/552     332.55   15/03/1991   20/03/2033   Resolute*   100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/282     218.15   22/03/1988   28/03/2030   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/503     807.40   4/02/1993    7/02/2035    BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/554     601.20   15/03/1991   20/03/2033   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/1414    9.65     22/10/2002   24/10/2023   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5533    150.00   30/08/2011   29/08/2015   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5538    160.00   4/03/2011    3/03/2015    BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5539    190.00   4/03/2011    3/03/2015    BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5540    92.00    4/03/2011    3/03/2015    BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5541    165.00   4/03/2011    3/03/2015    BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5673    114.10   13/08/2012   12/08/2016   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5674    191.80   13/08/2012   12/08/2016   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5758    30.00    13/05/2013   12/05/2017   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/529     250.75   31/07/1990   2/08/2032    BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 M 15/483     133.30   21/11/1989   27/11/2031   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5354    9.60     12/04/2010   11/04/2018   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5355    10.00    12/04/2010   11/04/2018   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5356    189.00   29/09/2010   28/09/2014   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5357    103.00   29/09/2010   28/09/2014   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 P 15/5358    103.00   29/09/2010   28/09/2014   BGL         100% 
-----------  -------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 

Note: Tenement name with M prefix refers to a mining lease and with a P prefix refers to a prospecting licence.

The purchase of tenement M 15/552 was completed in November 2012, but the transfer of title is pending calculation of Stamp Duty by WA Office of State Revenue. A Deed of Authorisation from Resolute was provided to RPM as evidence of ownership of the tenure.

There are a number of restrictions to the above tenements:

   --      GEH, Main Roads WA 60 metres from centreline; 
   --      Water pipeline part of the GEH easement; 
   --      Fibre forms part of the easement for the 220KV Goldfields power line; and 
   --      220KV goldfields power line easement 30 metres from centreline. 

The restrictions are accounted for in the Mineral Resources and in the mine design with separate open cuts.

A Heritage and Native Title study was undertaken by Kellie Hill Consulting Pty Ltd (reference letter to BGL dated 24(th) November, 2012) indicating there were currently no registered native title claim groups affecting any of the tenements. Additional work is stated to be underway as part of the Definitive Feasibility Study.

The following royalties exist on the project:

As part of the purchase agreement with Jervois Mining Ltd in 2010 the following royalties exist per ounce depending on the ounces of gold produced from M 15/1414, M 15/282, M 15/503 and M 15/554:

   --      A$30 per ounce for all ounces produced up to 400k oz; and, 
   --      A$20 per ounce for all ounces produced above 400k oz. 

A royalty also exists with Australasian Resources Ltd of A$10 per ounce over all ounces produced over 100k oz from M 15/503.

Franco-Nevada hold a 1% royalty on gold produced at the gold price obtained for all ounces produced on M 15/282, M 15/552 and M 15/554.

   2.2    Geology and Resources 
   2.2.1       Approach 

The RPM approach was to gather all available relevant data and carry out an independent review at the RPM offices in Perth. Using Microsoft Access and Excel the database and QAQC data was interrogated and validated. Using Surpac software the wireframes, solid interpretations and the block model were reviewed. All relevant procedures were assessed using recommendations of the 2004 JORC code.

   2.2.2       Geology and Mineralisation 

The following summary of geology and mineralisation has been taken from numerous BGL and Snowden reports.    Regional Geology 

The Bullabulling Project is located on the western edge of the Coolgardie Domain of the Kalgoorlie Terrane in the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. The Coolgardie Domain is bounded by the Zuleika Shear and the Ida Fault to the east and west respectively and contains a greenstone sequence consisting of basalt, ultramafic, felsic volcanic and sedimentary units intruded by voluminous granites. The southern part of the Coolgardie Domain is dominated by the Burra Granite that extends eastwards from the Ida Fault. Other regional scale structures in the Coolgardie Domain are the Kunanalling Shear Zone, a NW-striking high strain zone that passes through the middle of the domain as well as numerous folds with either NW-SE or E-W striking axial planes and a series of thrusts that repeat the basalt-ultramafic stratigraphy. The gold deposits that comprise the Bullabulling gold camp are clustered around the SW corner of the Bali Monzogranite sandwiched between it and the Burra Granite and define a trend that broadly follows the margin of the intrusions. There is a strong correlation of mineralised structures with a regionally extensive ultramafic package that occurs at the base of the greenstone package.    Local Geology 

The Project comprises a series of deposits in a corridor that extends some 14 km along the south-western corner of the Bali Monzogranite. The extent of gold deposits is clearly illustrated by soil geochemical samples, from which distinct trends can be defined, the North-South Bullabulling trend and the East-West Gibraltar trend. Gold has been mined in open pits (Bacchus, Phoenix, Hobbit and Dickson) mainly from the North-South-striking segment with only one mine, Gibraltar, on the East-West striking trends.

At Bullabulling there is a combination of primary structurally controlled deposits hosted by deformed and altered greenstone units and supergene deposits in weathered greenstone and laterite. There is a strong correlation of mineralised structures with a regionally extensive ultramafic package that occurs at the base of the greenstone package.

At Gibraltar the hangingwall stratigraphy consists of a metamorphosed ultramafic unit consisting of a tremolite chlorite+/-antigorite+/-magnetite schist which is a correlative of the metakomatiite found in the mine sequence of the Bullabulling deposits. The footwall sequence consists of metamorphosed felsic rocks which consist largely of quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss with intercalated hornblende rich amphibole horizons and albite-quartz-biotite schists. The footwall protolith rocks are thought to be felsic volcanics and or quartz feldspar sandstones.    Mineralisation and Alteration 

The Archaean basement hosting mineralisation at Bullabulling and Gibraltar comprises a north south striking sequence of mafic, ultramafic, felsic volcanics, and intercalated sedimentary rocks which have been multiply deformed and extensively metamorphosed from greenschist facies to amphibolite facies metamorphism. The stratigraphy typically dips at 30deg to 40deg to the west and has been cut by numerous pegmatite/aplite dykes and sills. Most of the variation in dip is largely due to folding and to a lesser extent faulting.

The deposits are defined by two distinct mineralised trends, the N-S-striking Bullabulling Trend and the E-W- to NW-SE-striking Gibraltar Trend. The Bullabulling Trend is the main focus and contains the best exposures and most continuous zones of gold mineralisation.

Bullabulling Trend

The Bullabulling trend contains gold mineralisation that can be traced for approximately 9 km along strike.

The Bullabulling Project is a large tonnage low grade deposit with gold hosted in a series of stacked north-south trending shears which dip typically to the west at 30deg to 40deg. The mineralised zones can be up to several hundred metres thick, and extend down dip for up to 500m. The rocks which host the gold mineralisation consist almost entirely of a monotonous continuous sequence of amphibolites which sit on an ultramafic basement. The original host rocks were a sequence of volcanics, komatiites and dolerites. The composition of the amphibolite ranges from hornblende-rich to quartz-rich and it has been extensively sheared.

The structural geology of the Bullabulling trend is characterised by a network of ductile high strain zones and folds which broadly parallel the stratigraphy, run the full strike length of the deposit and are the consequence of multiple deformation events. These structures have allowed fluid flow into the amphibolite sequence resulting in the deposition and remobilisation of gold.

The gold mineralisation at Bullabulling consists of three styles:

-- Laterite-hosted gold mineralisation, which forms scattered blankets of mineralisation that are typically between 1 and 3 m thick with an average grade of about 0.5 g/t Au. The strata immediately below the laterite is typically depleted of gold, this zone can extend for up to 40 m.

-- Small pods of non-laterite supergene mineralisation. Historical mining of these deposits has yielded very small tonnages of higher grade material, usually in excess of 2 g/t Au.

-- Structurally controlled primary gold mineralisation, which is hosted within shear zones. These zones are associated with metasomatic calc/silicate assemblages containing sulphides. The sulphides are a good indication of mineralisation; however they often occur as very fine particles that are not evident to the naked eye. The tenor of the mineralisation typically ranges from 0.1 to 10 g/t Au with an average grade of around 1 g/t Au.

BGL geologists have recognised a well-defined marker unit of ultamafic schist of tremolite (actinolite)-Mg chlorite+/-serpentine+/magnetite composition which is considered a metakomatiite. The unit exhibits a high magnetic susceptibility and a high background Niton XRF signature (+1000ppm Ni). BGL has informally named the unit as the Main Ultramafic Unit (MUU). The MUU can be traced the full length of the Bullabulling Trend.

In addition, BGL have defined an actinolite-rich amphibolite with a distinctive moderate Niton XRF signature which forms a moderately well-defined marker unit from Bacchus East to Phoenix and is assumed to be a high Mg komatiite basalt (Figure 2.6). The unit has been informally named the Moderate Nickel Amphibolite (MNA) and varies in thickness from a few metres to tens of metres and lies 50m to 70m below the MUU.

Multiple stacked lodes exhibit moderate to strong continuity in the N-S aligned portion of the Bullabulling trend over 5.55 km from Bacchus to Bonecrusher over a true thickness of 270 m extending 500 m across strike on the widest section. The lower contact of the MNA delimits the lower bounds of the lode system and the upper contact of the MUU is proximal to the upper lodes. In the southern Bullabulling trend which varies from N-S to NW-SE in strike the lodes are discontinuous occurring above and sub-parallel to the upper contact of the MUU over a strike extent of 3.5 km.

Gibraltar Trend

The geology of the Gibraltar deposit comprises a hanging wall ultramafic unit overlying intercalated sequence of amphibolite, minor ultramafic and felsic schist in the footwall. The ultramafic comprises a variably serpentised, magnetite-rich tremolite schist. Amphibolite is similar to rocks found at Bullabulling comprising amphibolite dominant gradational to felsic dominant banded amphibole-quartz-feldspar-biotite schist. The footwall felsic schist is the main host to mineralisation at Gibraltar. The mine sequence dips grossly at 30deg to 60deg but variations to this orientation are seen in the Gibraltar pit with sub-horizontal dips in the west wall which steepen to 65deg in the south west.

The gold mineralisation is focussed in a series of stacked bands along the contact between the footwall and hanging wall horizons and is largely confined to a well foliated quartz feldspar biotite unit. The entire sequence has been intruded by a number of late stage felsic pegmatite dykes which are not mineralised.

The Bullabulling Gold deposit is located in the well-established gold mining district of Coolgardie in Western Australia, The geology outlined above is typical of the area and the mineral deposition, geology and structure of the project described very well. The background knowledge of the area has led to a good understanding of the deposit geology.

   2.2.3       Database   Drilling 

The BGL database includes records for 4,586 historical drill holes; 48 diamond core and 4,538 reverse circulation (RC) drill holes. BGL have completed numerous drill programs since 2010 with the primary focus on upgrading and defining new resources along the Bullabulling and Gibraltar mineralised trends and for providing material for metallurgical test work. Drill programs have included RC, diamond, and air core (AC drilling). Rotary air blast (RAB) and AC drilling data has been excluded from the resource modelling work as the sample quality achieved using these methods is in general terms often poor. Snowden did not complete a database audit but carried out limited validation checks. BGL took responsibility for the quality of drill hole information provided for the estimates.

   2.2.4       Survey   Drill Hole Collars 

Little information exists for historical data with regard to quality control and assurance practices, down hole survey, drill company or method. The historical database contains 14,326 survey records for 4,586 drill holes. Recent drill holes by BGL have been surveyed by Fugro Spatial Solutions Pty Ltd (Fugro) of Kalgoorlie. Drill holes have all been located in AMG Zone 51 co-ordinates.   Downhole Surveys 

Only 105 historical holes have down hole surveys completed using single shot camera instruments. The remaining holes only had dip and bearing data for the collar location. Snowden analysed the hole deviation and concluded that the deviation was insignificant and that it did not represent a fatal flaw in terms of using the data for the resource estimate. RPM checked this visually in 2012 using Surpac software and agreed with Snowden.

BGL surveyed all holes drilled from November 2010 to February 2011 every 30m using a single shot tool. The results proved to be inconsistent in some cases (probably due to host rocks) and Gyroscopic surveying was started in February 2011 using Gyro Australia (Gyro) of Kalgoorlie. A program of re-surveying old BGL holes was undertaken with the result that all but 13 drill holes had some form of down hole survey.

The collar locations and down hole survey are considered suitable for Mineral Resource estimation. BGL have made every effort to ensure the survey is carried out to industry standards.   Topography 

Two recent surveys exist over the Bullabulling Prospect;

-- A detailed survey compiled by Fugro in 2008 which Snowden note is accurate and covers the bulk of the mineralised trend but does not cover all the BGL tenements,

-- An aerial survey compiled as part of a tenement scale magnetics survey in 2011. Snowden note that this surface is known to have problems with the Z co-ordinates which are on average 5m too high.

Snowden compiled a topographic surface using a combination of both surveys with the 2008 Fugro survey covering the bulk of mineralisation. Areas around the edge of the 2008 survey were expanded using the 2011 survey after lowering the RL values globally by 5m. Snowden note that, in terms of the Mineral Resource estimate, with the exception of two small pods of classified mineralisation south of 6,565,000mN, the classified resource is all located beneath the more accurate Fugro survey.

RPM agrees with Snowden in concluding that the impact of the merged topography surface on the Mineral Resource estimate is negligible.

   2.2.5       Logging, Sampling and Assaying   Geological Logging 

BGL have adopted industry standard operating procedures and practices since 2010. All logging is conducted using pre-installed software on field laptops and geological descriptions use pre-defined logging codes that include lithology, weathering, grainsize, and textural descriptions.   RC Drilling 

1 m RC samples are collected from a cone splitter for logging and assay with the course reject weighed.

Diamond core is photographed and logged, and half core sampled by diamond saw on 1 m intervals, with a minimum length of 0.3 m. Bulk density is estimated from 10cm long samples using the water displacement method.

Logging and sampling has been carried out to acceptable standards for Mineral Resource estimation.   Geochemical Analyses 

Snowden report that the historical gold grades were analysed using a mixture of analytical preparation methods followed by an atomic absorption spectroscopy ("AAS") finish. In some instances more than one method was used. The different methods were flagged in the drill hole file using field called METHOD. The three methods used were:

   1.   Fire Assay and Acid Digest; 
   2.   Acid Digest only; and, 
   3.   Bottle Roll Analysis. 

Where two or more results were available for a particular sample, the result with the lowest METHOD value was used in the estimate. With the exception of 8 bottle roll results, all of the other results were derived using the other two methods.

For recent BGL drilling, all sample preparation and analysis was undertaken at the ALS laboratory in Kalgoorlie. At the laboratory the samples were oven dried at 80 for 24 hours, then weighed and pulverised in a LM5 pulveriser. If the primary sample was larger than 3.4kg it was split prior to pulverising. A 50g charge was collected and subjected to Fire Assay with an Aqua-Regia digest finish. The solution was then analysed for gold using AAS.

The sampling, sample preparation and subsequent analysis were carried out to industry standards and the resultant data is considered to be acceptable to be used as a basis for Mineral Resource estimation.

   2.2.6       Quality Assurance (QAQC) 

No historical QAQC data is available. BGL implemented SOP documentation at the start of the exploration programmes and these were reviewed at various stages during the 2010/2011 drill programmes. Snowden considered the documents to be of good standard, and RPM agrees after having viewed the documents.

Snowden concluded that the BGL QAQC practices were in line with industry practice and that whilst some issues had been identified over the last three years, the results were acceptable from a Mineral Resource estimate point of view, and BGL had addressed issues as they became apparent.

BGL have comprehensive SOP in place and continue to monitor QAQC data on a batch by batch basis with an emphasis on duplicate sampling. RPM agrees with Snowden in that the results are acceptable.

   2.2.7       Bulk Density 

BGL conducted 343 dry bulk density measurements using the water displacement method. The samples used for these tests were derived as follows:

   --      213 half and full diamond core samples collected by BGL since November 2010. 
   --      56 rock samples collected in the Bacchus and Phoenix pit areas by BGL in 2012. 

-- 74 core derived measurements collected by Samantha Gold NL (Samantha, 1995). Samantha classified their oxidation data using bands of oxidation similar to those used by Snowden.

No density data was collected for the pegmatite or the laterite. Snowden elected to assign fixed density values to the model using the following criteria:

   --      Mean values were assigned to the model for the amphibolite/pegmatite strata. 
   --      BGL provided the density for the laterite based on work by Jervois Mining NL. 

-- No density information exists for the back fill material so a density of 1.8 was applied based on a generic measurement for dry gravel (Berkman, D.A. - Field geologist"s manual, 1989).

The density values used in the models are summarised in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Density Values Assigned to the Block Models

             Material                Assigned Bulk Density    Number of 
                                            t/m(3)           Measurements 
----------------------------------  ----------------------  ------------- 
               Fill                          1.80                N/A 
             Laterite                        1.80                N/A 
       Oxidised Amphibolite                  1.75                 35 
 Moderately Weathered Amphibolite            2.30                 19 
   Weakly Weathered Amphibolite              2.55                 15 
         Fresh Amphibolite                   2.91                159 
----------------------------------  ----------------------  ------------- 
   2.2.8       Resources   Previous Mineral Resource Estimates 

A number of Mineral Resource estimates have been completed at the Bullabulling Project. In August 2010, CSA Global Pty Ltd (CSA) was engaged by Auzex to calculate a JORC 2004 compliant estimate which was based on historic drill data. In the same year, Snowden Mining Industry Consultants (Snowden) were engaged to advise on requirements to validate historical drill data, and to improve the classification of the current Mineral Resources. In August 2011, Snowden reported a Mineral Resource estimate which incorporated recent drill holes. A revised estimate was reported by Snowden in March 2012 incorporating drill results between June 2010 and December 2011. A further revised estimate was reported by Snowden in September 2012 incorporating data from a 3,800m drill program completed in July 2012. Two revised estimates were completed by Snowden during 2013. The first revision was reported in July 2013 and incorporated the results of a 37 drill hole program conducted toward the south of the Bullabulling Trend from the Edwards deposit to the Gryphon deposit. The existing 2012 model was updated south of 6,564,800mN only. The second revision was reported by Snowden in September 2013 and included an update to the existing model to the north of 6,569,000mN as a result of eight new drill holes completed by BGL designed to delineate extensions to the known mineralisation from the Dicksons to Bonecrusher deposits.

Snowden completed a Mineral Resource estimate for the Gibraltar deposit in September 2011 based on historic RC and diamond drilling. The most recent revised estimate was reported by Snowden in September 2013 incorporating new drilling completed by BGL.

A summary of the Mineral Resource estimates is shown in Table 2.3.

In October 2012, RPM completed a 'Fatal Flaw Analysis' of the September 2012 Mineral Resource estimate completed by Snowden. Two revisions to the 2012 estimate were completed by Snowden during 2013, including an update to the Gibraltar deposit. Since 2010 the Mineral Resource estimates completed for the Bullabulling Project have been conducted by well-regarded geological consultant groups using industry standard estimation techniques. The Mineral Resource estimates have been reported in compliance with the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Geoscientists and Minerals Council of Australia (The JORC Code 2004). RPM believes that the estimates are a valid indication of Mineral Resources estimated using data available at the time.

Table 2.3 - Summary of Mineral Resource Estimates - Bullabulling

  Estimation          Date         Reporting Cut-off   Mineralisation   Classification   Tonnes    Au 
    Method          Reported           Au (ppm)             Type                          (Mt)    (ppm) 
--------------  ----------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
                                           Bullabulling Trend 
   CSA (OK)        August 2010            0.7           Amphibolite        Inferred      41.52    1.48 
--------------  ----------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
    Snowden        August 2011            0.5             Laterite         Inferred       1.6     0.89 
                ----------------  ------------------ 
                                                        Amphibolite       Indicated       21.3    1.01 
 -------------------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
              (MIK)                                                        Inferred       50.9    1.03 
--------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
    Snowden        March 2012             0.5             Laterite         Inferred       1.7     0.90 
                ----------------  ------------------ 
                                                        Amphibolite       Indicated       72.1    0.92 
 -------------------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
          (OK and MIK)                                                     Inferred        29     1.08 
--------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
    Snowden      September 2012           0.5             Laterite         Inferred       1.7     0.89 
                ----------------  ------------------ 
                                                        Amphibolite       Indicated       71.7    0.96 
 -------------------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
          (OK and MIK)                                                     Inferred       31.1    1.07 
--------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
    Snowden      September 2013           0.5             Laterite         Inferred       1.7     0.89 
                ----------------  ------------------ 
                                                        Amphibolite       Indicated       72.4    0.98 
 -------------------------------  ------------------  --------------- 
          (OK and MIK)                                                     Inferred        35     1.12 
--------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
                                           Gibraltar Deposit 
    Snowden      September 2011           0.5           Amphibolite        Inferred       2.8     1.00 
                ----------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
--------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
    Snowden      September 2013           0.5           Amphibolite        Inferred       4.9     1.07 
                ----------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------ 
--------------------------------  ------------------  ---------------  ---------------  -------  ------   Statistical Analysis 

The database consists of a combination of data from two distinct sources, "old" data, relating to data collected prior to the involvement of BGL, and "newer" data relating to data collected by BGL.

The "old" data has some issues relating to the lack of specific data collected and the lack of QAQC associated with the samples, however BGL have attempted to obviate the issues by post database checking in various areas. No significant issues arose from this checking and this, while not actually validating the "old" data does mitigate the probability of errors.

The "new" data has generally been collected and validated to acceptable standards.   Geological Modelling 

The most recent Mineral Resource estimate was completed by Snowden for the Bullabulling Project in September 2012. During 2013, two further updates were completed at two areas along the Bullabulling Trend; in July 2013 the model was updated south of section 6,564,800mN, and in September 2013 the model was updated north of section 6,569,000mN. In each case, Snowden reported the updated models as separate entities. BGL combined the models into a single model covering the entire Bullabulling Trend. RPM completed a Fatal Flaw review of the September 2012 block model and concluded that the modelling had been completed to a high standard.

During 2013, a revised estimate was completed by Snowden for the Gibraltar deposit.

The Snowden Bullabulling models were interpreted based on the following approach.

-- Enriched laterite layers were interpreted based on a 0.1g/t Au cut-off and wireframed into solids.

-- Amphibolite hosted mineralisation was interpreted using a 0.1g/t Au cut-off to create separate solid wireframes.

-- Pegmatite dykes were wireframed into solids based on interpretations of geological logging information.

   --      Oxidation was modelled based on surfaces provided by BGL. 

-- Snowden observed that there was no lithological or distinctive statistical trends such as inflexions in log probability plots which could be used to distinguish mineralised and un-mineralised strata. This characteristic is largely the result of the low tenor of the mineralisation. The 0.1g/t Au threshold was used to delimit mineralised strata from large areas containing little or no detectable gold.

-- Snowden made note that the amphibolite mineralisation in particular can be quite variable ranging from stockwork style mineralisation to stacked, clearly defined mineralisation lenses.

-- Snowden concluded it was not practical to model every discrete zone of mineralisation or band of internal waste. The wireframes were compiled to delineate the main zones of mineralisation based on volume. The regions outside the mineralised lodes were also estimated (unconstrained).

-- Domains for rock types were assigned for backfill, laterite, Amphibolite, and Pegmatite dykes.

The Gibraltar model was interpreted based on the following approach.

-- The schist hosted mineralisation was interpreted using a nominal 0.1g/t Au cut-off yielding 9 wireframe solids. The regions outside the mineralisation wireframes were also estimated (unconstrained). This approach is similar to that used at the nearby Bullabulling mineralisation however almost all the economically significant mineralisation has been delineated using the wireframe solids.

-- A total of 10 pegmatite dykes were modelled (wireframe solids) based on a combination of the geological logging (Historic and BGL) and the gold grades. Unsampled regions were often the result of visible dyke strata not being sampled although this is not always the case.

-- Oxidation was modelled using three DTM surfaces and was based on the BGL geological logging. The historic oxidation logging was used as a guide only as it was found to be inconsistent.

RPM concludes that the modelling methodology applied to the Bullabulling and Gibralter deposits is of a high standard and is suitable and relevant to the type of deposit and the quality and quantity of data available.   Block Modelling 

The 3D block models were constructed in Datamine Studio for Mineral Resource estimation purposes. Snowden compiled a revised volume model for the Bullabulling Trend in September 2012. In 2013 Snowden reported two revised estimates for Bullabulling; one in the north at the Dicksons/Bonecrusher deposits north of 6,569,000mN and the other in the south at the Edwards/Gryphon deposits south of 6,564,800mN. Separate block models were created at each location. In all cases the parent block size was set to 10m (X), 25m (Y) and 4m (Z) with sub-cells to 2.5m by 6.25m by 1m. Snowden note that the selected parent cell dimensions were larger than would have been used if a highly selective mining method was being considered.

The Gibraltar model used a parent block size of 10m (X) by 10m (Y) by 4m (Z) with sub-cells to 2.5m by 2.5m by 0.5m. BGL requested that Snowden estimate a small area west of the existing Gibraltar pit using a 5m by 5m by 2m parent cell size for the purpose of mining selectivity studies in an area defined by drilling on a 20m by 20m spacing.

RPM concludes that the block sizes used by Snowden are appropriate.   Variography 

Variograms were generated by Snowden to assess the grade continuity of the mineralisation as inputs to the kriging algorithm used to interpolate grades. Snowden Visor software was used to generate and model the variograms.

The laterite mineralisation was assumed to be flat and two dimensional while the amphibolite mineralisation dips at about 30 to the west and is subject to open folding along the strike of the deposit. The non-laterite supergene mineralisation is too small and the data was too sparse to allow it to be treated separately from the amphibolite.

Snowden compiled variograms to suit the two main styles of mineralisation using the following approach:

-- Snowden used the "Datamine Unfold" process to address the impact of the variable dip on the modelling of variograms and the estimation of grades within the amphibolite. Unfolding improves the grade estimation process as it transforms the sample coordinates into their original planar state. This allows variogram analysis and grade estimation to be carried out using planar coordinates, which are then converted back to the folded (local) coordinate system. The unfolding process results in more correctly aligned samples being available for variogram modelling and grade estimation than would have been the case if non-planar resource estimation methods were used.

-- The laterites were modelled using a conventional approach using the mine grid coordinates and sample values to model the grade continuity as a function of distance and direction.

In terms of grade estimation at Bullabulling the domains fell into three general categories:

-- Domains with a CV or 1.5 or less which could be estimated with ordinary block kriging and no top-cutting.

-- Domains with a CV in excess of 1.5 but where top cutting only a few values could make the data amenable to ordinary kriging with no significant loss of contained metal.

-- Strongly skewed domains with multiple statistical populations where the presence of significant high grade component means that multiple indicator kriging (MIK) is the preferred grade estimation method to avoid understating the gold content.

Gold grades were estimated based on amphibolite and laterite domains.   Top-Cuts 

The presence of relatively high CV values for gold in some of the domains required top-cuts to be applied to prevent overestimation and smearing of the high values. Top-cutting involved resetting the grades which exceed a top-cut value to the top-cut value on a domain by domain basis.

Top-cutting is only material to grade estimates compiled using ordinary kriging and is not relevant for MIK. Both methods were used to compile the Bullabulling estimate so the top-cuts were applied to some domains and not to others.

Top-cut values for each relevant domain were defined by an analysis of log-probability plots and histograms. The impact of the selected top-cut threshold was assessed based on the CV and the number of samples that were cut.   Grade Estimation 

Gold grades were estimated into the Bullabulling and Gibraltar models using a combination of ordinary kriging (OK) and multiple indicator kriging (MIK) interpolation techniques. Grades were estimated into laterite and amphibolite domains. Datamine Studio was used for the modelling and the POSTIK process in GSLIB suite of software was used for post-processing from Datamine to enable order relation corrections to be applied, and to allow the skewed tails of the gold grade populations to be modelled and used as part of the estimation process. Where amphibolite domains contained too few samples to merit estimating the block grades, global means were assigned to the blocks. The Datamine Unfold process was used to address the variable dip and strike of the mineralisation.

The search ellipse parameters were derived from the variogram models. The selection of samples was constrained to a maximum of seven samples (six at Gryphon/Edwards) from any single drill hole when estimating each block grade. This constraint was applied to stop the individual block estimates being based on only a small number of nearby holes. Barren pegmatite dykes were assigned a grade of 0.02g/t (0.01g/t at Gibraltar).

Snowden note that as a result of the distribution and density of the attribute values within each of the domains it was not feasible to use a single search ellipse for the estimation process, as within a significant proportion of cells in the mineralised domains many of the grade fields would not get an estimated value. To ensure that each cell within the mineralisation domains included a value the following approach was used:

-- In poorly drilled areas dynamic search volumes were used to help with the grade interpolation process for the mineralised domains. A single search pass was used when estimating grades into the host rocks.

-- For cells located inside the mineralisation wireframes where grades could not be estimated, mean values were assigned.

RPM is of the opinion that the Mineral Resource modelling carried out by Snowden is of a high standard and is suitable and relevant to the type of deposit and the quality and quantity of the data available. The use of OK interpolation techniques for the majority of the domains is a sound and acceptable practice and the use of MIK interpolation techniques in areas where the data in the domains was significantly skewed, indicating an asymmetric distribution, is also seen as valid.   Mineral Resource Classification 

The Bullabulling block model was classified in accordance with the JORC Code (JORC, 2004). Model blocks were flagged as Indicated, Inferred or unclassified based on the following guidelines:

   --      Results from QAQC analysis. 
   --      Defined depth of mineralisation. 

-- All laterite horizons were flagged as Inferred as the mineralisation is based on the results from the historical drilling.

   --      Areas of fill or mined areas were marked as unclassified. 

-- Indicated Resources (amphibolite) were flagged in the model using closed wireframe solids. The criteria used were a minimum drill spacing of 75m along strike and 35m across strike. The down dip and along strike extents of the Indicated Resource classification were projected 35m past the last drill hole. In some areas where there was a significant amount of missing grade data the material was classified as Inferred Resource.

-- Inferred Resources (amphibolite) were flagged in the model using simple wireframe solids to delimit mineralisation within about 50m of the Indicated Resource wireframe solids.

-- In some areas of deeper drilling the Inferred wireframes were expanded to incorporate the additional data.

-- In areas of wider spaced drilling, Inferred Resources were defined where two or more consecutive sections had three or more drill holes delineating the mineralisation. The classification was projected 50m along strike and down dip from the last drill hole.

-- Any blocks not flagged as Indicated Resource or Inferred Resource as defined above were flagged as unclassified.

The Gibraltar model was classified as Inferred Mineral Resource primarily due to the quality of the data used in the estimate. The majority of drill holes are historic and have no supporting QAQC. Snowden was unable to complete a meaningful comparison of the historic and recent drilling as most of the recent BGL drilling was located on the edges of the historic drilling. In addition, no density data has been recorded at the deposit. The assigned values were based on those adopted at the Bullabulling deposit.

RPM agrees with the Mineral Resource classification assigned to the Bullabulling block model. The Inferred material is in general at the down dip extensions of the amphibolite lodes where the wireframe interpretations have been extended past the last drill intercepts. The classification of the laterite material is reflected in the material being largely defined by historical drilling.

RPM notes that a substantial portion of the material within the BGL optimised pit design at the Gryphon/Edwards deposits has been classified as Inferred by Snowden. This material occurs through the central portion of the pit design where the amphibolite lodes are defined by wide spaced historical drilling (150m along strike). BGL have planned a drill program to infill the area with the aim of upgrading the material to Indicated status. Snowden have reviewed the planned drill program and have concluded that the program should produce the desired upgrade taking into account the usual risks of potential poor grades, pinch-outs, or unexpected dyke swarms). RPM has viewed the drill locations of the proposed drill program and agree with Snowden.   Reporting 

Pit optimisation studies conducted by BGL in 2010 on the Bullabulling Project indicated marginal operating costs at between 0.3g/t and 0.4g/t gold grades, given the bulk mining approach. BGL selected a reporting cut-off grade of 0.5g/t Au as a more conservative threshold.

The Snowden September 2012 Mineral Resource for Bullabulling was reported in accordance with the JORC code (JORC, 2004) using a 0.5g/t Au cut-off and is shown in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 - Bullabulling September 2012 Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Cut-off)

 Mineralisation    Classification    Tonnes    Au 
      Type                             Mt     g/t 
    Laterite          Inferred        1.7     0.89 
----------------  ----------------  -------  ----- 
   Amphibolite        Indicated       71.7    0.96 
              Inferred                31.1    1.07 
 ---------------------------------  -------  ----- 

The southern deposits along the Bullabulling Trend (Edwards and Gryphon) were estimated in July 2013 by Snowden upon completion of a BGL drilling program through the area to determine continuity of mineralisation between the two deposits. This Mineral Resource was reported in accordance with the JORC code (JORC, 2004) using a 0.5g/t Au cut-off and is shown in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 - Edwards/Gryphon July 2013 Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Cut-off)

 Mineralisation    Classification    Tonnes    Au 
      Type                             Mt     g/t 
   Amphibolite        Indicated       2.1     1.60 
              Inferred                5.2     1.32 
 ---------------------------------  -------  ----- 

In September 2013, Snowden estimated a separate model for the northern deposits along the Bullabulling Trend (Dicksons and Bonecrusher) following an eight hole drill program completed by BGL. The Mineral Resource was reported in accordance with the JORC code (JORC, 2004) using a 0.5g/t Au cut-off and is shown in Table 2.6.

Table 2.6 - Dicksons/Bonecrusher September 2013 Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Cut-off)

 Mineralisation    Classification    Tonnes    Au 
      Type                             Mt     g/t 
    Laterite          Inferred        1.5     0.91 
----------------  ----------------  -------  ----- 
   Amphibolite        Indicated       14.3    0.86 
              Inferred                9.5     1.10 
 ---------------------------------  -------  ----- 

The entire Bullabulling Trend has been reported as a single model by BGL in their 2014 Annual Report, incorporating the recent updated models completed in 2013 (Table 2.7).

Table 2.7 - Bullabulling Gold Project Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Au Cut-off)

        Deposit           Classification    Tonnes    Au     Ounces 
                                              Mt     g/t 
 Bullabulling Laterite       Inferred        1.7     0.89    48,000 
-----------------------  ----------------  -------  -----  ---------- 
  Bullabulling Primary       Indicated       72.4    0.98   2,279,000 
                 Inferred                    35.0    1.12   1,257,000 
 ----------------------------------------  -------  -----  ---------- 
   Bullabulling Total        Ind + Inf      109.1    1.02   3,584,000 
-----------------------  ----------------  -------  -----  ---------- 

The Gibraltar September 2013 Mineral Resource was reported in accordance with the JORC code (JORC, 2004) using a 0.5g/t Au cut-off and is shown in Table 2.8.

Table 2.8 - Gibraltar Deposit Mineral Resource Estimate (0.5g/t Au Cut-off)

  Deposit     Classification    Tonnes    Au    Ounces 
-----------  ----------------                  -------- 
                                  Mt     g/t 
-----------  ----------------  -------  -----  -------- 
 Gibraltar       Inferred        4.9     1.07   169,000 
-----------  ----------------  -------  -----  -------- 

RPM was able to report the same figures as those tabulated above from the supplied block models. The reporting cut-off is appropriate for the style of mineralisation and planned bulk mining operation. The Mineral Resource has been estimated using standard procedures that can be reasonably applied to this type and style of orebody. The statistical and geostatistical analyses were carried out to normal standards and the resulting estimation and classification strategies were applied in a reasonable manner. It is RPM's opinion that the resultant Mineral Resource figures are a reasonable interpretation of the orebody based on the level and quality of data available.

   2.2.9       Geological and Resource Risk 

There is a low risk associated with the geology of the Bullabulling deposit. The mineral deposition, geology and structure of the project is well understood. The Bullabulling trend contains gold mineralisation that can be traced for approximately 9 km along strike. The Bullabulling Project is a large tonnage low grade deposit with gold hosted in a series of stacked north-south trending shears which dip typically to the west at 30deg to 40deg. The mineralised zones can be up to several hundred metres thick, and extend down dip for up to 500m. The rocks which host the gold mineralisation consist almost entirely of a monotonous continuous sequence of amphibolites which sit on an ultramafic basement. Gold mineralisation at Bullabulling is hosted within laterite 'blankets typically between 1m to 3m thick, and structurally controlled shear hosted, primary mineralisation.

There is a low risk associated with the Mineral Resource at Bullabulling. The current Mineral Resource model defines an estimate that is appropriate to the quantity and quality of the data provided. The estimate has been conducted by industry recognised consultants using appropriate estimation techniques.

RPM note that a substantial portion of the southern area of the model (Gryphon/Edwards) has material classified as Inferred Mineral Resource within the BGL optimised pit design. RPM has estimated this material to be in the order of 2Mt at a grade of 1.6g/t Au using a 0.5g/t Au cut-off. BGL have designed a drill program to improve the confidence level across these deposits which are currently defined by wide spaced historical drilling. There is a moderate risk that mineralisation through this area may pinch out or be intersected by barren pegmatite dykes resulting in less tonnage being converted to the Indicated category. Pegmatite dykes have been interpreted throughout this deposit area with swarms of dykes occurring predominantly on the footwall, and within the BGL pit design to the north

The majority of the material within the BGL Pit design encompassing the existing Bacchus and Phoenix pits, has been classified as Indicated Mineral Resource. All barren pegmatites and backfill material has been unclassified. RPM reports 2.6Mt of backfill within the existing pit design from the supplied block model. The Inferred material occurs at the southern end of the pit, and at the down dip extensions to the main lodes (excluding laterite material). Given the width and continuity of mineralisation through this area it is highly likely that infill drilling would convert all the Inferred material within the current pit design to Indicated.

The northern most deposits along the Bullabulling Trend are Dicksons and Bonecrusher.

Almost all the unclassified material within the BGL pit design is assigned to barren pegmatite dykes with the exception of a small area in the south where the down dip extent of the primary lodes has been unclassified.. This area has been classified accordingly due to the lack of deep infill drilling through this zone.

The continuity of the lodes is strong in this area and pegmatite dykes less commonly intersected in the north which would lend confidence to this material being upgraded once confirmatory drilling is carried out. However, 355m north of this section where deep drilling has been completed, a pegmatite dyke has been intersected. A dyke is again intersected further north. RPM suggests that the dyke may be continuous through this zone but deep drilling is needed to confirm this. There is the possibility that if the dyke does indeed continue, then the current Inferred material at the base of the design pit may be truncated by this feature.


The remainder of the Inferred material within the northern pits is likely to be upgraded to Indicated upon completion of suitable infill drill programs as current drilling has not intersected dykes and lode continuity is good.

   2.3    Technical Review 

A high level technical review was undertaken for the mining, processing and environmental areas of the Bullabulling Gold Project. RPM had previously conducted a site visit on the 7th September 2012 as part of the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) and as the only material change since has been a recent update to the Mineral Resource Estimate and new mining study, no further site inspection was considered necessary.

The Project is currently in an undeveloped or "greenfield's" state with several small scale historical open pits on the mining lease from intermittent operations by previous owners between 1995 and 2002. Extensive geological exploration has taken place in recent years supported by mine planning and metallurgical testwork with the aim of re-commencing open cut operations.

The Project site has an existing small camp supporting the current exploration and resource drilling program. The Great Eastern Highway, the Goldfields Water Pipeline, regional power lines and the national fibre optic communication cable pass through the mining title and over the resource. Easements relating to this infrastructure have been accounted for in the Mineral Resource Estimate and mine design.

A comprehensive PFS was completed by BGL in February 2013. The PFS was based on the development of a 7.5 million tonne per annum open pit mining operation with a conventional carbon-in-leach (CIL) processing facility. Gold production of 1.95 million ounces was forecast over a mine life of 10.5 years.

A new mining study, incorporating a pit optimisation and an updated mine plan, has been completed as part of the ongoing Definitive Feasibility Study, increasing forecast production to 2.5 million ounces over an extended mine life of 13 years.

In RPM's opinion the PFS and the approach to defining the pit limits and the resultant final pit designs are reasonable and conform to industry practise for this type of deposit.

A reasonable quantity of metallurgical testwork has been conducted on a selection of samples to support the adoption of a conventional gold processing flowsheet employing primary crushing, semi-autogenous milling (SAG) and Ball milling followed by CIL and gold recovery by elution and electrowinning. The metallurgical data generated provided a reasonable basis for the development of capital and operating costs as well as revenue projections for the PFS.

Raw water is to be sourced from 26 borefields with 12 existing bores and14 new bores to be drilled and a power supply option study was conducted with a direct connection option selected.

A Preliminary Environmental Scoping Study was completed prior to the PFS. None of the potential environmental impacts identified for the key aspects of the Project were considered to be high risk, with mainly negligible and minor ratings given.

The work undertaken by BGL is of a conventional approach to mining and processing and shows no fatal flaws which would impact the valuation.

The new mining study has 17% of the contained gold mining inventory based on Inferred Resources. On this basis, the in-pit ore quantities cannot be classified as an Ore Reserve under the JORC code. In addition, as the VALMIN code requires any valuation based on a discounted cash flow (DCF) approach to be based on Ore Reserves prepared in accordance with the JORC Code, a DCF assessment cannot be used for this work. The valuation therefore used a Market-based approach as a primary valuation method and a Cost-based approach as a secondary valuation method.

   3.   Valuation 

The primary asset is the Bullabulling project being at advanced exploration stage. The project contains substantial resources of 3.8 million ounces with a preliminary mining to Pre-Feasibility Study completed. This asset is the basis of valuation. The outlying tenements were reviewed and shown to be at grass roots exploration level with no distinct exploration targets defined and were deemed to not be material to the valuation.

   3.1    Valuation Methodology 

Generally there are three broad methods of valuation that are used for valuing mineral assets. These are the income approach, market approach and cost approach, and each is specifically suitable for the relevant status of the exploration or mining project from grass roots exploration through to an operating mine.

The valuation approach that is generally adopted for mine operations or advanced projects with a level of Pre-Feasibility Study allowing the estimation of Ore Reserves from Measured and Indicated Resources is the income approach using cash flow and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis. For exploration tenements or projects with Mineral Resources an appraised value or market value method is adopted. The market value method includes projects with estimated Mineral Resources with a value applied to the unit ounce of gold based on comparative transactions, or a value per unit area (usually hectare or square kilometres) for exploration projects with none or little Mineral Resources. The value would be discounted by any specific site factors as well as the status of resource classification. This method does rely on the selection of suitably comparable transactions for determining a transaction unit rate. The cost approach uses actual specific sunk and short term future costs for exploration relevant to the property being considered.

A discussion of typical valuation methods follows.

   3.1.1     Income Approach 

The income approach uses a DCF analysis of a mining operation or projects forecast production, costs and revenue. A mining operation or project's budget or forecast over the life of mine of the project is incorporated into a financial model, generally with the following parameters utilised:

   --      Available Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources; 
   --      Production profiles for mining and processing operations; 
   --      Dilution and recovery parameters; 
   --      Capital and operating costs; 
   --      Product prices, exchange rates; 
   --      Depreciation, amortisation, taxes, royalties and other costs; and, 
   --      Discount rate. 

A Net Present Value for the project is determined on which the value is based.

   3.1.2     Market Approach 

This is generally referred to as a comparative transaction method where similar properties should have similar value. It assumes that arms-length transactions have been undertaken on a reasonable basis between a willing seller and willing buyer. Many such transactions are not completed at the particular time but may involve a farm-in arrangement of future exploration expenditure that must be taken into consideration.

A dollar value per resource ounce is used as a basis for the valuation. For appropriate comparison the asset transaction must be at a similar stage of development as that of the property being valued. RPM has reviewed transactions over recent years and has found that:

   --      The value of individual assets with Mineral Resources can vary significantly; 

-- The value can depend on the ratio of Measured + Indicated + Inferred Resources to the total Resources;

   --      Size, potential size, and grade of the resource; 
   --      Potential mining and processing methods; 
   --      Proximity of infrastructure and infrastructure included in the transaction; 
   --      Synergies with existing operations for the buyer; and, 
   --      Potential land access and environmental issues. 

Historical transaction costs require to be adjusted to reflect the present market environment. The corresponding metal price at the date of the transactions has been adjusted to the current prices based on the historical inflation figures provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

   3.1.3     Cost Approach 

This method is based on the principle of a contribution paid to develop or increase assets. One of the common methods in the category is the Multiples of Exploration Expenditure (MEE) whereby past and planned exploration expenditures are used for valuing the property. It has as its fundamental premise that future expenditure is warranted recognising the potential to enhance the property to define Resources. In using this method it is important that:

-- Only past expenditure that has been productive in identifying a target and/or resource is considered;

-- Recent historical expenditure is used and the last five years is usually adopted as a cut-off;

   --      This method is best applied to properties that are actively being explored; and, 

-- Future budgeted expenditure of one year beyond the current exploration year is added on the assumption that this is a warranted expenditure based on the attractiveness of the outcome of previous exploration campaigns.

Historical expenditure is escalated using the average CPI to bring to the current expenditure value.

The MEE is generally adjusted by an enhancement multiplier based on the likelihood of the attractiveness of the Project improving with further exploration and study and ultimately to production. These multiplying factors are somewhat subjective but a based on sound principles that define the potential of a project to advance as well as any detracting features such as environment and land ownership risk.

Issues and limitations of this method include:

   --      The technique should be applied to properties that are actively being explored; 

-- Experienced judgment must be applied to separate past expenditures considered productive from those that have not contributed to the value of the property; and,

-- Properties with difficult geological structure may have incurred higher costs in exploration that may not necessarily be transferred to meaningful advancement of the property.

This method requires judgment and has some subjective elements, but is a recognised methodology for valuing exploration properties and is transparent in its application.

   3.2    RPM's Valuation Approach 

In determining the appropriate valuation method(s) to be used for estimating the value of the Bullabulling project RPM has taken into consideration the classification of the resources assets as defined in the VALMIN Code and the different methodologies that are generally accepted as industry practice for each classification.

The Discounted Cash Flow method was not deemed appropriate for the valuation due to no Ore Reserves defined by the Pre-Feasibility Study. The Pre-feasibility Study would normally have allowed Ore Reserves to be determined from Measured and Indicated Resources, and may have been appropriate for valuation, but this was not possible due to the inclusion of Inferred Resources for 17% of the contained gold. Significant Inferred Resources of >20% of the mined tonnages were incorporated in the first five years of the mining operation. The inability to remove the Inferred Resources from the mine plan and the financial model rendered the option invalid.

For the valuation of the Bullabulling project RPM has used Comparable Transactions as a primary valuation method with appropriate discount or premium based on underlying factors associated with the property. Fair market value is usually the technical value plus a premium or discount to account for market, strategic considerations and special purposes.

As a secondary valuation method to check the appropriateness of the Comparable Transactions Value the Appraised Value method was selected.

   3.3    Comparable Transactions Value 
   3.3.1     Comparable Transactions Approach 

RPM used several sources for information on recent gold project transactions, including in-house databases, subscribed database, web-based research and company web sites.

Many transactions were of a very small value, of less than A$1M and were not considered. Transactions involving operating mines were not included as their operating status and the presence of Ore Reserves generally gives these projects unit values multiples higher than projects with resources at feasibility stages. Key criteria considered were: a level of feasibility study, potentially mined by open cut methods, reasonable sized Mineral Resources with a proportion of Inferred Resources and a Western Australia location. Fourteen (14) gold project transactions were identified.

   3.3.2     Comparable Transactions    Bullabulling Gold Project 

The Bullabulling gold project is located 25km west of Coolgardie in Western Australia and is close to infrastructure. There has been historical production of 7.9Mt at 1.45g/t Au for 371k oz from open pit and CIL and minor heap leach operations. The project had Mineral Resources at the time of purchase less approximately 14k oz gold production from the heap leach operation:

   Measured Resource:             4.9Mt @ 1.51g/t Au for 237k oz Au 
   Indicated Resource:              4.2Mt @ 1.35g/t Au for 181k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 0.3Mt @ 1.52 g/t Au for 14k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  9.3Mt @ 1.44 g/t Au for 432k oz Au    Mt Magnet Gold Project 

The Mt Magnet gold project is located 600km northeast of Perth in WA and has a historic production of 5.6M oz of gold. Harmony Gold Australia P/L completed a feasibility study identifying 474k oz of mineable material from open cut with upside from satellite deposits. The deposit is close to infrastructure and has a 1.7Mtpa mill, a camp, offices and other facilities.

There are 24 deposits with combined Mineral Resources as below:

   Measured Resource:               2.2Mt @ 2.7g/t Au for 193k oz Au 
   Indicated Resource:              33.6Mt @ 2.0g/t Au for 2,122k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 15.0Mt @ 2.1 g/t Au for 1,030k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  50.9Mt @ 2.0 g/t Au for 3,345k oz Au 

There is also an Ore Reserve of 8.9Mt @ 1.7g/t Au for 474k oz gold.    Coogee Gold Project 

The Coogee gold project is located 20km northeast of Kambalda in Western Australia and is close to infrastructure. The purchase includes the mining lease and two adjacent sub-blocks of an exploration licence. The Mineral Resource is small but of moderate grade:

   Indicated Resource:              138kt @ 4.1g/t Au for 18k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 140kt @ 3.7 g/t Au for 17k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  278kt @ 3.9 g/t Au for 35k oz Au    Vivien Gold Project 

The Vivien gold project is located 20km west southwest of Leinster in WA. Ramelius purchased the project and also intended to enter a toll agreement for the ore with Gold Fields. The project has a high grade Indicated Resource of 579kt @ 8.3 g/t Au for 154k oz of gold.    Western Mt Jewell Gold Project 

The Western Mt Jewell gold project is located 50km north of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and is close to infrastructure. The project consists of two deposits, Tregurtha and Hughes, with a mining lease application and 490km(2) of tenements adjoining KalNorth Gold Mines Ltd's existing tenements delivering synergies to the LKK project. The projects have combined Mineral Resources of:

   Indicated Resource:              2.5Mt @ 1.6 g/t Au for 131k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 1.3Mt @ 1.3 g/t Au for 54k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  3.8Mt @ 1.5 g/t Au for 186k oz Au    Mt Gibson Gold Project 

The Mt Gibson gold project is located 290km northeast of Perth in Western Australia. Mt Gibson operated for 12 years, producing 870k oz of gold from 16.5Mt of ore at 1.68g/t Au, until 1998 when it was placed on care and maintenance. The project had a 2006 Mineral Resource of:

   Indicated Resource:              8.7Mt @ 1.96g/t Au for 547k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 0.1Mt @ 4.55 g/t Au for 12k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  8.8Mt @ 1.98 g/t Au for 5593k oz Au    Kundip and Trilogy Gold Project 

The Kundip and Trilogy gold projects are located 25km southeast of Ravensthorpe in Western Australia. Both projects are gold-silver-copper projects which have had past feasibility studies to define total Ore Reserves of 7.4Mt @ 1.8g/t Au, 35g/t Ag and 0.8% Cu for 442k oz Au, 8.3M oz Ag and 60kt Cu. The combined Mineral Resources are:

Measured Resource: 0.3Mt @ 2.4g/t Au, 14g/t Ag, 0.3% Cu for 24k oz Au, 0.14M oz Ag, 0.9Kt Cu

Indicated Resource: 10.1Mt @ 1.9g/t Au 28g/t Ag, 0.8% Cu for 617k oz Au, 9.2M oz Ag, 78Kt Cu

   Inferred Resource:       4.7Mt @ 2.0g/t Au 3g/t Ag, 0.3% Cu for 311k oz Au, 0.39M oz Ag, 16Kt Cu 
   Total Resources:      15.2Mt @ 1.9g/t Au 21g/t Ag, 0.6% Cu for 952k oz Au, 10M oz Ag, 95Kt Cu 

For the purposes of the value estimation silver and copper credits were determined using prices and exchange rates at the time of acquisition to determine a gold equivalent.    Mt Henry Gold Project 

The Mt Henry gold project is located 20km south of Norseman in Western Australia and is close to infrastructure. There are three deposits, Mt Henry, North Scotia and Selene on granted mining leases. Two scoping studies were completed in 2008 (Mt Henry, Selene) and 2009 (North Scotia) for low strip ratio open pits. The projects have combined Mineral Resources (70% equity) of:

   Indicated Resource:              12.5Mt @ 1.74g/t Au for 701k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                   6.0Mt @ 1.66 g/t Au for 321k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  18.5Mt @ 1.72 g/t Au for 1,023k oz Au    Sandstone Gold Project 

The Sandstone gold project is located 120km west of Leinster in Western Australia and includes a 600ktpa CIL process plant, camp and associated infrastructure, and 1,100km(2) of exploration tenements. The acquisition provides the purchaser with significant synergy for its nearby Marda gold project and provides a process plant for production reducing capital costs, though relocation of the plant was considered. The project Mineral Resources are:

   Indicated Resource:                1.9Mt @ 2.35g/t Au for 146k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                   2.6Mt @ 1.42 g/t Au for 574k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  14.5Mt @ 1.54 g/t Au for 720k oz Au   Southern Cross Gold Project 

The Southern Cross gold project is located 250km west of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and is includes mine infrastructure, camps, office buildings, production equipment and a processing plant, which has been under care and maintenance. The project has 932km(2) of tenements and combined Mineral Resources as below, of which a significant portion are underground:

   Measured Resource:               0.7Mt @ 1.9g/t Au for 41k oz Au 
   Indicated Resource:              11.1Mt @ 3.6g/t Au for 1,291k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                   8.8Mt @ 3.8 g/t Au for 1,073k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  20.6Mt @ 3.6 g/t Au for 2,405k oz Au   Dalgaranga Gold Project 

The Dalgaranga gold project is located 70km northwest of Mt Magnet in Western Australia and has had past production of more than 200k oz of gold. The tenement package is 850km(2) was acquired along with the following Mineral Resources:

   Measured Resource:             0.7Mt @ 1.3g/t Au for 28k oz Au 
   Indicated Resource:              6.9Mt @ 1.6g/t Au for 354k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  7.5Mt @ 1.6 g/t Au for 382k oz Au   Red Legs and Die Hardy Gold Project 

The Red Legs and Die Hardy gold projects are located 200km north of Southern Cross in Western Australia. The purchase of the projects has strong synergy with Southern Cross Goldfields Ltd's Marda project. The projects have combined Mineral Resources of:

   Indicated Resource:              1.3Mt @ 1.7g/t Au for 72k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 1.0Mt @ 1.7 g/t Au for 50k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  2.3Mt @ 1.7 g/t Au for 122k oz Au   Murchison Gold Project 

The Murchison gold project is located near Meekathara 765km north of Perth in Western Australia. The tenement package of 98km(2) has, a 260ktpa CIL processing plant process plant, camp site and other infrastructure. The two deposits, Burnakura and Gabanintha, contain combined Mineral Resources of:

   Indicated Resource:                2.0Mt @ 2.4g/t Au for 153k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 11.2Mt @ 1.6 g/t Au for 571k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  13.2Mt @ 1.7 g/t Au for 718k oz Au   Bundarra Gold Project 

The Bundarra gold project is located 100km north of Leonora in Western Australia. Purchasers, Bligh Resources Ltd, previously held 42.9% equity in the project and acquired an additional 29%, to release vendors from personal guarantees to a loan facility. The project contains a 2013 Ore Reserve of 1.6Mt at 2.3 g/t Au for 120k oz of gold in four deposits. The combined Mineral Resources in the 29% additional equity are:

   Measured Resource:             0.1Mt @ 2.2g/t Au for 10k oz Au 
   Indicated Resource:              1.0Mt @ 2.2g/t Au for 70k oz Au 
   Inferred Resource:                 1.0Mt @ 1.9 g/t Au for 62k oz Au 
   Total Resources:                  2.2Mt @ 2.0 g/t Au for 142k oz Au   Other Transactions 

There were two significant transactions of note during 2012 for projects with similar size resources to Bullabulling.

The Norton gold project is located 35km northwest of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and was an operating mine producing from open cut and underground at a rate of 150k oz pa (2011) at the time of the transaction. Zijin Mining Group Co. Plc held 16.8% equity in Norton Gold Fields Ltd at the time of the transaction to purchase the remaining equity. The equity purchased included 96.9Mt @ 1.6 g/t Au for 5,020k oz Au of Mineral Resources and, in addition, Ore Reserves of 1M oz gold.

Focus Minerals Ltd owned the Coolgardie and Laverton gold projects producing 177k oz pa (2012) from existing mines. Focus Minerals Ltd placed a parcel of shares equivalent to 51% of the company with Shandong Gold for A$ 225M. The equity purchased included the 59Mt @ 2.2 g/t Au for 4,270k oz Au of Mineral Resources and, in addition, Ore Reserves of 0.5M oz gold.

These transactions have a significantly higher value per ounce, Norton (A$40/oz) and Focus (A$103/oz). These transactions were not considered due to the projects being existing producers, some from underground mines, significant existing infrastructure and significant reserves.

   3.3.3     Comparable Transactions Results 

The transaction values were inflated using CPI data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the values per ounce of total Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources were determined as shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Recent Gold Project Transactions

    Project      Transaction       Buyer        Seller        Status at      Interest   Price   Price    Total      Total      Value 
                     Date                                    Time of Sale      Sold     (A$M)   May14   Resource   Inferred   (A$/oz) 
                                                                                (%)             (A$M)    (k oz     Resource 
                                                                                                          Au)      (oz Au) 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                 Ltd & 
                                 China        Jervois 
                                 Goldfields    Mining      Historical 
 Bullabulling       Apr-10       Plc           Ltd          producer          100.0      2.0     2.2      418         14        5.2 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           O/C Reserves, 
                                Ramelius      Harmony       mill and 
                                 Resources     Gold         other 
 Mt Magnet          Jul-10       Ltd           Aust. P/L    infrastructure    100.0     40.0    43.7     3,345      1,030      13.1 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                Ramelius      Terrain 
                                 Resources     Minerals 
 Coogee             Jan-12       Ltd           Ltd         Deposit            100.0      0.9     0.9       35         17       27.2 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                Ramelius      Agnew Gold 
                                 Resources     Mining 
 Vivien             Feb-12       Ltd           Co.         Deposit            100.0     10.0    10.4      154         0        67.3 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                KalNorth      Pioneer 
 Western Mt                      Gold Mines    Resources 
  Jewell            Mar-12       Ltd           Ltd         Deposit            100.0      8.0     8.2      186         54       43.9 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                Extension      Mining 
 Mt Gibson          Mar-12       Hill P/L      Ltd         Care & Mtce        100.0      6.8     7.0      559         12       12.6 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                Silver Lake    River 
 Kundip &                        Resources     Mining 
  Trilogy           Mar-12       Ltd           Ltd         Reserve            100.0     18.1    18.8     1,583       417       11.5 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                Panoramic     Matsa 
                                 Resources     Resources   Scoping study, 
 Mt Henry           Jun-12       Ltd           Ltd          O/C resources      70.0     14.0    14.6     1,023       321       14.2 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           Mill and 
                                Southern                    other 
                                 Cross        Troy          infrastructure 
                                 Goldfields    Resources    on care & 
 Sandstone          Aug-12       Ltd           Ltd          mtce              100.0      7.0     7.2      720        574        9.7 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           Mill and 
                                China                       other 
                                 Hanking                    infrastructure 
 Southern                        Holdings     St Barbara    on care & 
  Cross             Jan-13       Ltd           Ltd          mtce              100.0     22.5    23.2     2,405      1,073       9.7 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Dalgaranga         Feb-13       Ltd          Private      Deposit             80.0      1.6     1.6      306         0         5.2 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                 Cross        Barranco 
 Red Legs &                      Goldfields    Resources 
  Die Hardy         Sep-13       Ltd           Ltd         Deposit            100.0      0.9     0.9      122         50        7.3 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                Monument      KGL          Mill and 
                                 Mining        Resources    other 
 Murchison          Jan-14       Ltd           Ltd          infrastructure    100.0     15.0    15.1      711        571       21.3 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
                                 Resources    S R Mining 
 Bundarra           Feb-14       Ltd           P/L         Reserve             29.0      0.9     0.9      142         62        6.6 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  ---------  -------- 

The Bullabulling project contains a Mineral Resource of 3.8M oz of gold with approximately 40% in the Inferred category. The comparable transactions have variable categories of resources. To understand the impact of the resource classifications on the value of resource ounce, the resource ounces were factored. High confidence resources, Measured applied a factor of 1.0, Indicated Resources had a factor of 0.75 and Inferred were factored by 0.25 as being the classification with the lowest confidence. The results of this are shown in Table 3.2. Projects with a high proportion of lower confidence resources show an increase in value per ounce. With these factors the gold ounces for Bullabulling are 2.1M oz and similar to Mt Magnet which also has a similar ratio of Inferred Resources to total resources (31%).

Table 3.2 - Recent Gold Project Transactions Factored by Resource Type

    Project      Transaction       Buyer        Seller        Status at      Interest   Price   Price    Total      Value 
                     Date                                    Time of Sale      Sold     (A$M)   May14   Factored   (A$/oz) 
                                                                                (%)             (A$M)   Resource 
                                                                                                         (k oz 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                 Ltd & 
                                 China        Jervois 
                                 Goldfields    Mining      Historical 
 Bullabulling       Apr-10       Plc           Ltd          producer          100.0      2.0     2.2      376        5.8 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           O/C Reserves, 
                                Ramelius      Harmony       mill and 
                                 Resources     Gold         other 
 Mt Magnet          Jul-10       Ltd           Aust. P/L    infrastructure    100.0     40.0    43.7     2,042      21.4 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                Ramelius      Terrain 
                                 Resources     Minerals 
 Coogee             Jan-12       Ltd           Ltd         Deposit            100.0      0.9     0.9       18       53.1 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                Ramelius      Agnew Gold 
                                 Resources     Mining 
 Vivien             Feb-12       Ltd           Co.         Deposit            100.0     10.0    10.4      116       89.7 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                KalNorth      Pioneer 
 Western Mt                      Gold Mines    Resources 
  Jewell            Mar-12       Ltd           Ltd         Deposit            100.0      8.0     8.2      123       66.1 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                Extension      Mining 
 Mt Gibson          Mar-12       Hill P/L      Ltd         Care & Mtce        100.0      6.8     7.0      413       17.1 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                Silver Lake    River 
 Kundip &                        Resources     Mining 
  Trilogy           Mar-12       Ltd           Ltd         Reserve            100.0     18.1    18.8     1,030      17.6 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                Panoramic     Matsa 
                                 Resources     Resources   Scoping study, 
 Mt Henry           Jun-12       Ltd           Ltd          O/C resources      70.0     14.0    14.6      606       24.0 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           Mill and 
                                Southern                    other 
                                 Cross        Troy          infrastructure 
                                 Goldfields    Resources    on care & 
 Sandstone          Aug-12       Ltd           Ltd          mtce              100.0      7.0     7.2      253       27.5 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                                           Mill and 
                                China                       other 
                                 Hanking                    infrastructure 
 Southern                        Holdings     St Barbara    on care & 
  Cross             Jan-13       Ltd           Ltd          mtce              100.0     22.5    23.2     1,278      18.2 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
 Dalgaranga         Feb-13       Ltd          Private      Deposit             80.0      1.6     1.6      235        6.8 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                 Cross        Barranco 
 Red Legs &                      Goldfields    Resources 
  Die Hardy         Sep-13       Ltd           Ltd         Deposit            100.0      0.9     0.9       67       13.4 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                Monument      KGL          Mill and 
                                 Mining        Resources    other 
 Murchison          Jan-14       Ltd           Ltd          infrastructure    100.0     15.0    15.1      251       21.3 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
                                 Resources    S R Mining 
 Bundarra           Feb-14       Ltd           P/L         Reserve             29.0      0.9     0.9       78       12.1 
--------------  -------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------  ------  ------  ---------  -------- 
   3.3.4     Comparable Transactions Discussion 

Table 3.1 shows transactions clustered around A$5-15/oz for projects up to 1M oz, with some higher value projects from A$20-68/oz. The few larger projects of 1.5-3.5M oz sit between A$9-13/oz.

The timing of the transactions in relation to the gold price was reviewed. The more recent transactions, 2013-14, at a time when the gold price was falling, for small deposits have low values of A$5-10/oz. The Murchison project (2014), however, has a higher value at A$21.3/oz, though there is existing infrastructure.

In 2012 when the gold price was at its peak, the acquisitions varied significantly from A$9.7/oz to A$67.3/oz. Projects with higher gold grades generally commanded higher prices.

2010 gold prices are similar to current prices, but capital and operating costs have increased.

The Bullabulling initial acquisition in 2010 was low at A$5.2/oz. Since then the project has advanced in level of study and in total resource ounces.

The 2013 Mineral Resource for the Bullabulling project is 114Mt @ 1.02 g/t Au for 3.75M oz of gold. This would place the project higher along the X axis of Figure 3.1 and between AUD 9.65/oz for the Southern Cross gold operations and A$13.06/oz for the Mt Magnet project. Both of these latter operations have existing infrastructure, including a process plant, which are difficult to assess for in these transaction, but if accounted for would probably reduce the value per resource oz.

Bullabulling is similar to the Mt Henry project in terms of level of study and proportion of Inferred Resources, though the latter has higher grade and Bullabulling is larger in terms of resources. Mt Henry has a higher value at A$14.2/oz.

   3.3.5     Comparable Transactions Valuation 

The value for Bullabulling based on the distribution of the similar sized projects is suggested as being between A$9/oz and A$13/oz. Considering the current resource of 3.8M oz this gives a valuation range of A$34M to A$49M.

If one considers the value of factored resources the value of Bullabulling is suggested as being in the range of between A$18/oz to A$21/oz. With these factors Bullabulling has resource of 2.07M oz, and a valuation range of A$37M to A$44M.

Geological review of the Mineral Resources shows greater confidence in upgrading the Inferred Resources and suggests a 50% factor is used overall in place of 25%. This provides a factored resource of 2.45M oz and a valuation range of A$44M to A$51M.

The average value of the comparable transactions will be biased by the high values for the small high grade deposits. The median value of the transactions for the un-factored resources is A$12.1/oz, which provides a value for Bullabulling's 3.8M oz of A$45M.The median value of the transactions for the factored resources is A$19.8/oz, which provides a value for Bullabulling's 2.1M oz of A$48M. These median valuations lend support to the above ranges.

This suggested valuation range is A$34M to A$51M. A preferred value of A$46M is suggested due to the lack of infrastructure, though compensated for by the ongoing work which may lead to the upgrading of the resource classification of Inferred Resources, additional resources defined by exploration at depth and along strike, and the generation of Ore Reserves.

   3.4    Cost Approach Value 

The cost approach or multiples of exploration method (MEE) is founded on the assumption that the intrinsic value of the exploration tenement is based on the exploration potential. This includes the amount of expenditure that has been meaningfully used in the past to define a target or resource and the future costs in advancing the exploration to a pre-feasibility stage. A prospectivity enhancement multiplier (PEM) is applied to the exploration expenditure, usually limited to the past five years and one year forecast expenditure, and is based on the overall attractiveness of the exploration area for progressing to a reserves status. The multiplier ranges from 0.5 to 5.0 are indicated in Table 3.3 (after Lawrence/Minval/PEM schema).

Table 3.3 - Prospectivity Enhancement Multiplier (PEM) (after Lawrence, 2007)

   3.4.1     Expenditure 

From the information provided by Bullabulling and a review of the exploration reports, the effective exploration expenditure and warranted future cost is A$26.4 M, this is shown in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4 - Past Exploration and Warranted Future Expenditure (A$M)

  Year     Historical     Escalated     Warranted   Total 
           Exploration    Exploration     Future 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 
 2010         1.7            1.9            -        1.9 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 
 2011         11.6           12.6           -       12.6 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 
 2012         4.7            4.9            -        4.9 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 
 2013         0.5            0.5            -        0.5 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 
 2014          -              -            6.5       6.5 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 
 Total        18.5           19.9          6.5      26.4 
-------  -------------  -------------  ----------  ------ 

Past exploration expenditure includes the exploration expenditure for each tenement since the tenements were acquired. Expenditure is escalated to 2014 dollars.

Warranted future expenditure includes expected expenditure for the 2014 calendar year to complete a Definitive Feasibility Study and additional exploration.

Both past exploration and warranted future expenditure are deemed productive as:

   --      Exploration occurred in the last five years; 
   --      The quantity of the resources has increased; and, 

-- Work is underway to complete a feasibility study with the aim of increasing the accuracy and the quantity of resources and/or reserves.

   3.4.2     Adjustment Factors 

A prospectivity enhancement multiplier of 3.0 to 4.0 (Table 3.5) has been applied to total past and warranted future expenditure based on:

   --      Exploration results that have defined a resource of 3.8M oz, 

-- A pre-feasibility study has been completed, albeit on resources which include Inferred Resources and hence no Ore Reserves have been defined; and,

-- A Definitive Feasibility Study with additional drilling and exploration will be completed in the short term.

With the range of prospectivity enhancement multiplier a range of A$79M to A$106M was determined.

Table 3.5 - Prospectivity Enhancement Multiplier

    Total            PEM 
-------------  --------------- 
                 Min     Max 
                 3.0      4.0 
-------------  ------  ------- 
   A$26.4M      A$79M   A$106M 
-------------  ------  ------- 

RPM has adjusted the above range of values downwards by a factor of 55%, based on normal factors applied to Indicated and Inferred Resources. The factor applied is consistent with the adjustment factor used in the comparable transaction assessment in Section 3.3. Table 3.6 illustrates the resource adjustment.

Table 3.6 - Resource Adjustment

 Classification    Mt     Au    M oz   Reduction   Reduced    Resource 
                                         factor      M oz     Adjustment 
----------------  ----  -----  -----  ----------  --------  ------------ 
    Indicated      72    0.98   2.3       75%        1.7         n/a 
----------------  ----  -----  -----  ----------  --------  ------------ 
    Inferred       42    1.10   1.5       25%        0.4         n/a 
----------------  ----  -----  -----              --------  ------------ 
    Combined       114   1.02   3.8                  2.1         55% 
----------------  ----  -----  -----              --------  ------------ 

The range of values produced is A$43M to A$58M.

   3.4.3     Cost Approach Valuation 

The range of values for the multiples of exploration method range from a minimum A$43M to a maximum of A$58M.

   3.5    Valuation Summary 

The primary valuation method of comparable transactions gives a valuation range of A$34M to A$51M with a preferred value of A$46M.

The secondary method of valuation of cost-approach was to check the reasonableness of the primary method. This returned a valuation range of A$43M to A$58M. This range straddles the comparable transactions range, but gives a good check on the primary valuation.

The valuation is therefore A$34M to A$51M with a preferred value of A$46M.

Appendix A - Glossary of Terms

aplite means an intrusion of igneous granitic material in a plane through the host rock,

assets means tenements and projects,

Au means gold (the chemical symbol),

Basalt means a volcanic rock

Block model means a set of blocks representing the orebody for which the tonnage and grade is calculated to determine the Mineral Resource,

Bulk density means the weight of the rock as in tonnes per cubic metre,

carbon-in-leach a process for extracting gold from the crushed and ground rock through a process plant,

core means a stick of rock retrieved from the ground by diamond drilling,

CPI means consumer price index and is a measure of inflation,

craton means a large region of rock which acts as one unit,

diamond drilling means a method of drilling in which solid sticks of core are retrieved from the rock,

dilution means the contamination of the coal by surrounding rock during mining,

downhole survey means a survey taken down the drill hole to determine its position,

drill hole collar means the start point of the drill hole on the surface,

dyke means an intrusion of igneous material in a plane through the host rock,

electrowinning means the removal of the gold from the solution after elution in readiness for smelting,

elution means the removal of gold from the carbon in a gold plant and into solution,

fault means a dislocation of rock,

Feasibility Study as defined by the JORC Code means a comprehensive technical and economic study of the selected development option for a mineral project. The confidence level of the study is higher than that of a Pre-Feasibility Study. Includes a Definitive Feasibility Study.

felsic volcanic means a volcanic rock essentially rich in silica (quartz) and of fine grain size,

flowsheet means a designed full process the mineralised rock goes through to extract the gold,

granite means a rock essentially rich in silica (quartz) and of coarse grain size,

grass roots exploration means exploration at a very early stage with little prospectivity defined,

greenstone means a basalt rock which has been altered by solutions characterised by green minerals such as chlorite,

heap leach means a process for extracting gold from the crushed rock on a the surface,

Indicated Mineral Resources means that part of a mineral deposit for which the quantity and grade can be estimated with a reasonable level of confidence, as defined in JORC Code,

Inferred Mineral Resources means that part of a mineral deposit for which the quantity and grade can only be estimated with a low level of confidence, as defined in JORC Code,

Intrusion means a rock which forced its way into other rocks as a magma and solidified,

ITR means Independent Technical Review,

JORC Code means the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee,

K oz means thousand ounces,

kt means thousand tonnes,

laterite means an oxidised and weathered rock, sometimes mineralised,

m means metre,

Measured Mineral Resources means that part of a mineral deposit for which the quantity and grade can be estimated with a high level of confidence, as defined in JORC Code,

Metallurgical testwork means tests undertaken to define the minerals and nature of the gold in the ore and the methods and efficiency of the gold's removal from the ore,

Metamorphosed means a rock has changed its minerals

Mine plan means a plan in which to mine the mineral deposit,

mine production means mine production equal to the total production from the particular mine,

mineralisation means metals which have been deposited in the rock,

ML means mine lease,

Monzogranite means a type of granite with less quartz content,

Mt means million tonnes,

Mtpa means million tonnes per annum,

Niton XRF signature means a signature derived from an x-ray fluorescence test

Orebody means a body of mineralised rock,

Ounce an imperial measure of a quantity of gold, equivalent to approximately 31.1 grammes,

pegmatite means an intrusion of igneous granitic material in a plane through the host rock,

Pre-Feasibility Study as defined by the JORC Code means a comprehensive study of a range of options for the technical and economic viability of a mineral project that has advanced to a stage where a preferred mining method, is established and an effective method of mineral processing is determined. It includes a financial analysis based on reasonable assumptions. A Pre-Feasibility Study is at a lower confidence level than a Feasibility Study.

primary mineralisation means the initial mineralisation, in this case gold and pyrite,

Probable reserves means Measured and/or Indicated Resources which are not yet proven but of which detailed technical and economic studies have demonstrated that extraction can be justified at the time of determination and under specific economic conditions,

Proved reserves means Measured Resources for which detailed technical and economic studies have demonstrated that extraction can be justified at the time of determination and under specific economic conditions,

QAQC means quality assurance and quality control and refers to how well the collection of exploration data was completed, such as samples and assays,

RC drilling means drilling of holes where broken rock is retrieved as a sample from the rock. Also applies to RAB and air core drilling,

Royalty means a payment for a proportion of production, which for example could be in dollars per ounce or as a percentage of the value received for the gold produced,

Schist means a laminated rock,

Sediment or sedimentary means or refers to a layered rock such as a sandstone or a shale,

shear similar to a fault, i.e. a dislocation of rock,

soil samples means a sample of soil which has been tested for its metal content,

solids means the shell as a solid representing the orebody,

statistical analysis means a mathematical analysis of the metals,

stratigraphy means a sequence of sedimentary rocks,

strip ratio means the ratio of waste to ore rock mined,

supergene means modified primary mineralisation,

Surpac means mining software used to assist in Mineral Resource Estimation and mine design,

Topography means the surface of the earth,

Top cut means a cut of the very high grade values to prevent bias,

tpa means tonnes per annum or tonnes per year,

ultramafic similar to a basalt but with different minerals,

variography means a mathematical analysis of the distribution of the metals,

wireframe means a shell design around the orebody to capture all of the mineralisation of interest,

Appendix B - References


Bullabulling Gold Project Pre-Feasibility Study Report (Final Draft), February 2013


Deed of Authorisation Indemnity (Final).pdf, May, 2013.

Mining Register tenement research documents for all tenements, provided by Hetherington, Exploration & Mining Title Services Pty Ltd.

Environmental and Heritage

Kellie Hill Consulting Pty Ltd letter to BGL dated 24th November, 2012


VALMIN Code, 2005. Code for Technical Assessment and Valuation of Mineral and Petroleum Assets and Securities for Independent Expert Reports, 29 April, 23 p (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Australian Institute of Geoscientists).

Tenement Expenditure 2010 - 2014.xlsx

BBG_TENS_April2014 Annual Obligations_Expenditure_Prospectivity SH edits.xlsx

BAS April 14 Forecast.xlsx

Lawrence, MJ, 2007. Valuation Methodology for Iron Ore Mineral Properties - Thoughts of an Old Valuer. In Iron Ore Conference. Australia, 22 August 2007. Australia: AusIMM. 11-18.

Roscoe, WE, Valuation of Mineral Exploration Properties Using the Cost Approach.

Found at: http://www.cim.org/mes/pdf/VALDAYBill_Roscoe.pdf. Accessed Date:

May 7, 2014.


Auzex: February 2012, Final QAQC Report on Resource Drilling at Bullabulling

Bullabulling Gold Limited: March 2013, Annual Report for Period 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2012

Bullabulling Gold Limited: March 2014, Annual Report for Period 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013

Bullabulling Gold Limited: April 2013, Bullabulling Resource Drilling Summary Report

Saul S: July 2012, QAQC Report - Infill Drilling Programme

Snowden: March 2012, Auzex: Bullabulling Gold Project, Project No. AU3168, Resource Estimate, Final

Snowden: September 2012, Bullabulling Gold Limited: Bullabulling Gold Project, Project No. AU3829, Resource Estimate Update, Final

Snowden: July 2013, Bullabulling Gold Limited: Edwards Gryphon Resource Estimate Update, Project No. AU4108, Bullabulling Gold Project

Snowden: September 2013, Bullabulling Gold Limited: Dicksons Bonecrusher Resource Estimate Update, Project No. AU4236, Summary Report

Snowden: October 2013, Bullabulling Gold Limited: Gibralter Estimate, Project No. AU4261, Summary Report


Spread sheets:

   --      DFS Financial Model Schedule 2a1 Mining Optimisation 130626.xls 
   --      BGL L&H Link_to_FM 996B DT793F Schedule_1 130620c.xls 
   --      BGL Mine Service L & H Parameters 130611.xls 
   --      Mining Capital - Plant, Infrastructure, Mobilisation & Establishment June 2013.xls 
   --      Schedule 2a1 Data - Ore.xls 

Pit designs: Open Pit Designs01_June official Designs

Blockmodel: combined_(0413_0912_0913)_7_5mtpa_v3.mdl

Fuel quote from Fuel Logistic (email 29/4/14)

Cat mobile equipment quote (email 14/2/13)

Liebhermobile equipment quote (email 20/2/13)

Snowden geotechnical parameters quote (email 9/5/13)


Metallurgical test-work identifies further potential cost reductions; Announcement to the ASX 12(th) march, 2014.

Metallurgical Test-Work Program Expanded; Announcement to the ASX 28th April, 2014.

Appendix C - Experts and Specialists

Philip Mitchell, Executive Consultant RPM, BSc, BE (Mining), Grad Dip App Fin, MAusIMM

Phil has over forty years' experience in underground mining in both technical and management roles, he has worked as a consultant for ten years undertaking due diligence, technical reviews and valuation work for mergers and acquisitions. Phil is a competent person for coal reserves reporting and VALMIN assessments.

Phil has had extensive experience in longwall operations in NSW and Queensland, ventilation planning and technical specialist roles for public reporting including IPO's.

Steve Hinde, Manager Resource Development - Metals RPM, BSc Mine Geology, MSc Mineral & Energy Economics, MAusIMM

Steve has over thirty years' experience in geology in both exploration and mine geology roles, he has worked in consultancy and business development roles for seven years undertaking due diligence, technical reviews and valuation work for mergers and acquisitions. Steve is a competent person for metals reporting and VALMIN assessments.

Igor Bojanic, Manager Metals Consulting Australasia + Russia/CIS, BE (Mining, Hons), Grad. Dip. Business, MAppl. Sc. (Environmental Management)

Igor has over 28 years' experience in the mining industry, and has a broad range of experience, including being involved with a large number of mining studies on metalliferous and coal mining projects throughout the world. He has approximately 10 years' professional experience at operating mines having worked for Newcrest and BHP Iron Ore.

Igor's key strengths include strategic analysis of new and existing mining projects to optimise value, and developing mine plans that deliver practical and achievable outcomes. He is a senior project manager and has extensive experience in technical reviews of mining projects. He is familiar with both the Australian JORC Code and the Canadian NI 43-101 reporting requirements having been involved with a number of relevant studies.

In addition, Igor has post-graduate qualifications in business and environmental management.

Andrew Newell, B.Eng. (Metallurgy), M.Eng.Sci. (Base-metal Flotation), PhD (Base-metal & PGM Sulfidisation/Flotation), Member SME, CIMM, AusIMM & IEA, Chartered Professional Engineer, Australasia, Chartered Professional Metallurgist, Australasia

Andrew has 34 years' in the mining industry with a broad experience in the fields of minerals processing, hydrometallurgy, plant design, process engineering (including equipment selection and design) and metallurgical testwork.

Andrew's experience includes operating experience in gold leaching facilities as well as the design and commissioning of gold leaching plants. In addition, he has had considerable experience with gold ores and plants through process and process plant evaluations, due diligence audits, feasibility studies and metallurgical testwork and program development.

Joe McDiarmid, Principal Mining Engineer RPM, BEng (Mining), MAusIMM(CP), RPEQ

Joe is an experienced and fully qualified Mining Manager with exposure to operational, technical and leadership roles in mineral resource companies globally since 1995. He has a broad exposure to a variety of metalliferous mining methodologies coupled with a well-developed understanding of the commercial, functional and safety management aspects of mining operations globally.

Joe as a Competent Person for JORC and Qualified Person for NI43-101 reporting, Ore Reserve estimation, media releases, short and long-term planning, due diligence investigations, studies ranging from scoping level (PEA) to Bankable Feasibility and into cash positive operations.

Graham de la Mare, Principal Consultant RPM, MSc (Earth Science), MAIG

Graham has twenty years' experience in geology in both exploration and mine geology roles; he has worked as a consultant for five years undertaking resource estimations, due diligence investigations, technical reviews and exploration planning and management on a wide range of projects. Graham is a competent person for metals reporting.

Peter Goh, Business Analyst RPM, BCom, Grad Cert App Fin, ICAA

Peter is an experienced Business Analyst, having seven years' experience in the mining industry. He is an expert in mining economic evaluation using RPM's XERAS economic modelling software. His expertise is in development of mining economic models from first principles in order to produce a transparent, accurate and defendable cost estimates. Peter has also developed XERAS budgeting models for several large Australian mining companies.

Peter has a degree in Accounting and Finance, is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (Australia) and has a Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance.

This information is provided by RNS

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Bullabulling (LSE:BGL)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Bullabulling 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Bullabulling (LSE:BGL)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Bullabulling 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.