RNS Number:4664Z
TransCanada Pipelines Ld
07 March 2006


Executive Compensation and Other Information


The following is the Human Resources Committee (the "Committee") Report on
Executive Compensation which outlines the policies of the Committee for
determining compensation of TCPL's Executive Vice-Presidents and of the CEO
(collectively, the "Executives").

Committee Information

Composition of the Committee

The Committee is composed of four directors, K.L. Hawkins (chair), W.K. Dobson,
E.L. Draper, and D.P. O'Brien, all of whom are independent, as required by
securities regulations. There are no interlocking relationships between the
members of the Committee or between any member of the Committee and any of
TCPL's current Executives. E.L. Draper joined the Committee in June 2005 as a
replacement for S.B. Jackson who, as the newly elected Board Chair, became a
non-voting member of the Committee. W.T. Stephens was a member of the Committee
until his resignation in August 2005. The Committee reports to the Board on all
material matters considered, recommended or approved by the Committee.

 For further information on the composition and mandate of the Committee please
refer to "Corporate Governance - Statement of Corporate Governance - Human
Resources Committee". For further information on the independence of the
Committee members please refer to "Corporate Governance - Statement of Corporate
Governance - Independence of Directors".

Independent Advice

The Committee engages its own consultants and legal advisors, independent of
those used by management, to gather information and deliver opinions and advice
on various subjects including executive compensation, securities law and
governance practices.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 29


The Committee engaged Hewitt Associates (the "Consultant") to provide
independent executive compensation consulting services to the Committee during
2005. The mandate of the Consultant was to provide an independent assessment of
management's proposals relating to the compensation of the Executives. In 2005,
the Consultant provided services to the Committee in accordance with this

 If directed or approved by the chair of the Committee, the Consultant could
also provide advice to management on significant changes to compensation
philosophy or programs, or other compensation matters of the Company. These
additional services were not provided to TCPL in 2005.

Meeting Protocol

In 2005, the Committee revised the timing of annually recurring items on its
rolling agenda to provide better context for the discussion of related items.
For most recurring items requiring Committee approval, a revised two step review
process was adopted. Under this process, initial submissions are provided for
the Committee's consideration at a meeting prior to the approval meeting. This
allows the members time between meetings to request additional information and
to raise and discuss further questions. The discussion is continued at a
subsequent meeting after which a resolution is considered.

Executive Compensation Policies

Compensation Philosophy

The design of TCPL's Executive Compensation Program is based on a compensation
philosophy that:

        supports employee attraction, engagement and retention;

        is competitive with the external compensation market;

        aligns executive interests with shareholders and customers; and

        rewards accomplishments through "pay-for-performance".

 The Executive Compensation Program specifically provides for Total Direct
Compensation ("TDC") which is a combination of base salary and performance-based
incentives that reflect competitive pay in light of business achievement,
fulfillment of individual objectives and overall job performance. The Committee
approves all remuneration to be awarded through the Executive Compensation
Program. TransCanada will continue to monitor market conditions and modify its
Executive Compensation Program, if required, to ensure it remains competitive
and aligned with TransCanada's compensation philosophy.

Determining Individual Executive Compensation


All compensation awarded annually to the Executives under the following plans is
considered for each individual and approved by the Committee or, in the case of
the CEO, recommended by the Committee to the Board for approval. The Committee
approves or recommends the compensation awards, which are not contingent on the
number, term or current value of other outstanding compensation previously
awarded to the individual. However, the Committee is provided with summaries of
the three-year history of awarded compensation, which is intended to provide
further context for its annual decision-making.



The Committee considers market compensation data provided by various external
compensation sources. This data consists of summary compensation information
from selected Canadian-based companies that are generally of similar size and
scope to TCPL, and represent the market in which TCPL may compete for talent
(the "Comparator Group").

 The composition of the Comparator Group is reviewed annually by the Committee
for its on-going business relevance to TCPL. An overview of the characteristics
of the Comparator Group, as compared to TransCanada, is provided in the
following table:

                                            TCPL                                       Comparator Group
Industry                          North American Pipelines,                    Canadian Oil and Gas, Pipelines,
                                            Power                                      Power, Utilities
Location                                   Calgary                                   Principally Alberta
                                                                              Median                   75th Percentile

Revenue(1)                             $  5.5 billion                     $  3.2 billion               $  8.5 billion

Market Capitalization                   $15.6 billion                      $14.5 billion                $25.0 billion

Assets(1)                               $22.4 billion                      $11.4 billion                $14.2 billion

Employees(1)                         Approximately 2,300                       2,249                        4,000
    Revenue, assets and number of employees reflect 2004 information.

    Market Capitalization is calculated as at September 9, 2005.


Awarding Compensation

When awarding annual compensation to the Executives, the Committee considers
actual performance and results achieved against annual corporate and individual
performance objectives. The annual TDC an Executive is awarded will vary in
accordance with the following guidelines:

           If Actual Performance...                         TDC will be...
                Meets objectives / satisfactory      =      Comparable to the median of the Comparator Group

        Exceeds objectives / above satisfactory      =      Comparable to above-median compensation(1)

 Falls short of objectives / below satisfactory      =      Adjusted downward from the previous year(2)
    The degree to which an Executive is compensated above the median is relative
    to his or her performance level.

    The degree to which the pay is adjusted downward is relative to individual
    performance. However, the adjustment is typically made through variable and
    not fixed compensation.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 31

2005 Corporate Performance

TCPL sets annual corporate objectives directed at achieving the results required
to deliver on TCPL's key longer-term strategies for growth and value creation.
Below is a summary of the performance categories and highlights of results
achieved in 2005.

Performance Category      Examples of Performance Measures      Highlights of Results Achieved in 2005
Financial performance     *  Earnings per share                 Strong financial performance in 2005 including Earnings
                          *  Funds generated from operations    per share of $2.49, up from $2.13 in 2004; funds
                          *  Total Shareholder Return           generated from operations increased significantly from
                                                                2004; the sale of TransCanada Power, L.P.; and a
                                                                significant increase in Total Shareholder Return
Operational Excellence    *  Costs                              Exceeded objectives on productivity gains, made
                          *  Environment                        substantial reductions in targeted operating costs and
                          *  Safety                             significantly reduced carbon-dioxide ("CO2") emissions
                                                                from key operations.
Maximize TransCanada's    *  Stakeholder relationships          The annual customer satisfaction survey found that TCPL
competitive strength      *  Corporate reputation               maintained high levels of overall customer satisfaction
and enduring value        *  Organizational and people          and improved significantly in the area of senior
                          strengths                             management relationships.
                          *  Financial capacity and             Continued to demonstrate strong corporate leadership in
                          flexibility                           the areas of social responsibility, community
                          *  Excellence in value-creating       investment, and corporate governance as evidenced by
                          strategy, analysis and investment     various honours awarded to TCPL.
                          execution                             Improvements in employee performance management
                                                                processes including leadership development, talent
                                                                management and succession planning.
                                                                Maintained strong financial capacity and credit ratings
                                                                in Canada and the U.S. which has allowed the Company to
                                                                complete large transactions.
Grow and maximize         *  Progress on longer-term value      Significant progress on longer-term initiatives
long-term value of Gas    adding initiatives                    including liquefied natural gas opportunities, northern
Transmission business     *  Greenfield projects                gas pipeline development, Bruce Power "A" restart.
and grow Power            *  Completed acquisitions             Greenfield initiatives - Mexican Tamazunchale Pipeline,
business                                                        Keystone oil pipeline project.
                                                                Completed acquisitions - Sheerness Power Purchase
                                                                Agreement, USGen New England hydroelectric generation

 To assess results achieved against corporate objectives, where appropriate, the
Committee looks at both absolute and relative performance against specific peer
companies. The Committee is of the view that both relative and absolute measures
are required to give a balanced perspective of achievement.

 The Committee and the Board were of the opinion that TCPL's 2005 performance
delivered results that exceeded objectives in the areas of financial performance
and growth and above satisfactory results on other notable objectives. On
average, the Committee decided to award above-median TDC for Executives based on
this achievement.


Value of Awarded Compensation

While annual compensation awards made to the Executives are based on current
year corporate and individual performance, the ultimate value from longer-term
components of the TDC awards is linked to and dependent upon TransCanada's
ability to replicate and sustain annual performance over the longer term.

 To ensure that the Company's longer-term compensation programs are effective in
delivering on this intent, in 2005 the Committee reviewed modeled compensation
scenarios for the Executives that illustrated the impact of various future
corporate performance outcomes on previously awarded and outstanding
compensation. The Committee found that the intended relationship between pay and
performance was appropriate for all of the Executives, and that, in aggregate,
the resulting compensation modeled under various performance scenarios was
reasonable, not excessive, and delivered the intended differentiation of
compensation value based on performance.


TCPL's TDC is structured to place most of the Executive's compensation at risk.
Disclosure of the actual components of TDC for the CEO, the Chief Financial
Officer and the three other most highly compensated executive officers based on
salary and bonus value earned and received during the 2005 financial year
(collectively, the "Named Executive Officers") is noted in the table "Elements
of the Executive Compensation Program" below.

2005 Executive Compensation Program

Elements of the Executive Compensation Program

In 2005, the Executive Compensation Program consisted of four direct
compensation elements: base salary, short-term annual cash incentives,
performance share units issued under the mid-term incentive plan and stock
options issued under the long-term incentive plan. The following table provides
an overview of these elements:

Component of        Type of        Average        Element            Form                 Plan             Performance
 TDC             Compensation      Pay Mix                                                                   Period
   FIXED            Annual           28%        Base Salary          Cash          "Base Pay Program"        1 year
                                    of TDC
  VARIABLE          Annual           27%        Short-term           Cash              "Incentive            1 year
                                    of TDC       Incentive                            Compensation

                  Longer-term        31%        Medium-term       Performance       "Executive Share      Up to 3 years
                                    of TDC       Incentive        Share Units          Unit Plan"         with vesting
                                                                                                            at end of

                                     14%         Long-term       Stock Options     "Stock Option Plan"    Vesting 331/
                                    of TDC       Incentive                                                3% each year
                                                                                                           for 3 years
                                                                                                          with a 7 year
    Mix is the relative emphasis placed on each pay element and is expressed as
    an average percentage of TDC in aggregate for the Named Executive Officers.
    The relative emphasis on specific forms of variable compensation for
    individual Executives is aligned with the Executive's ability to contribute
    to short, medium and long-term business achievement based on the Committee's

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 33

Overview of Executive Compensation Elements


Base Pay Program

The Base Pay Program provides a fixed level of income based on the market value
of a role. In accordance with TCPL's market-based compensation practices, all
Executive roles are individually matched to similar roles in the Comparator
Group. Base salaries are typically targeted at the median of the market and are
reviewed annually. Variance from the median could occur on the basis of
sustained individual performance or material changes in an Executive's


The Committee has intentionally moved away from a formulaically driven variable
compensation program to a program based on sound judgement and discretion at the
Board and Committee levels. The Committee is of the view that formulas and
weightings applied to forward-looking objectives may lead to unintended
consequences for compensation purposes. For this reason, there are no
pre-established weightings applied to measures or formulaic calculations used to
determine payments for Executives from TCPL's performance-based annual variable
compensation program. The Committee's comprehensive assessment of overall
business performance of TCPL, including corporate performance against stated
objectives, business circumstances and, where appropriate, relative performance
against peers, provides the context for individual Executive evaluations for
annual variable compensation payments.

Incentive Compensation Program

Short-term annual incentives are awarded through the Incentive Compensation
Program (the "IC Program"). The IC Program provides for the opportunity to
receive annual cash payments based on individual performance measured against
pre-established annual business and individual objectives, within the context of
overall corporate performance.

 Corporate performance provides the baseline from which individual assessments
are made. The actual incentive awards for the Executives are based on the
Committee's subjective and discretionary assessment of the Executive's
contribution to the corporate results based on his or her achievement against
individual objectives. The awards are provided under the pay-for-performance
guidelines noted above. Payments from the IC Program are made in the first
quarter following the completion of the financial year.


As noted earlier in this report, TDC value awarded to the Executives in a given
year reflects competitive pay in light of individual and corporate performance.
The total value of longer-term variable compensation granted each year is
established as part of an Executive's overall performance-based TDC, where:


 Once the Total LTIP value has been established by the Committee, the value is
divided between the Executive Share Unit Plan (the "ESU" Plan) and the Stock
Option Plan. The Committee determines the actual division of Total LTIP value in
a given year at its discretion and takes into account a number of factors

        consideration of the funding requirements for awards from both plans;

        the individual plan designs and each Executive's ability to impact
        medium and longer-term performance outcomes; and

        the valuation of grants.

 For the ESU Plan, consideration is given to the budget accrual requirements for
the term of each grant. For stock options, consideration is given to overhang
(i.e., the total number of stock options available for issue, plus all stock
options outstanding that have not yet been exercised) and burn rates (i.e., the
number of stock options issued each year as a percent of the issued and
outstanding Common Shares of TransCanada). The Committee reviews these funding
requirements to balance the impact both may have to TCPL.

 From a design perspective, the ESU Plan is intended to align the Executives'
performance with medium-term performance objectives that support the interests
of shareholders and other stakeholders. The Stock Option Plan aligns the
Executives' interests with the longer-term growth and profitability of TCPL,
ultimately enhancing shareholder value. The Committee gives consideration to the
Executive's ability to impact the performance outcomes measured in the different
plan designs.

 The value of granted stock options cannot be determined until the date of
grant. Once that economic value of stock options is known, the actual value
ultimately granted via the ESU Plan may be adjusted. This adjustment is
necessary to reconcile the cumulative longer-term value actually granted via the
two plans to the Total LTIP value that is determined by the Committee.

 Under this approach the Total LTIP value could potentially be different year
over year based on performance or operational considerations. As a result, the
number of ESU units and stock options granted each year may also vary. In recent
years, approximately 70% of the Total LTIP value has been awarded through the
ESU Plan and 30% through the Stock Option Plan.

Executive Share Unit Plan

Medium-term incentives are granted through the ESU Plan. The purpose of this
plan is to align a considerable portion of each participants' compensation with
medium-term performance objectives that support the interests of shareholders
and other stakeholders. Participants in this plan include all executive and
senior management employees of TCPL.

 Under the ESU Plan, participants receive a provisional grant of units that is
valued based on the price of TransCanada's common shares at the time of grant.
Vesting of the grants is subject to the attainment of specific business
performance objectives set by the Committee at the time of grant. Throughout the
three-year term of the grant, participants are credited with additional value
from dividends declared and paid to TransCanada's shareholders.

 At the end of the grant term, actual results are compared against the
performance objectives and participant unit totals and provisional dividend
accruals are adjusted based on this assessment. The resulting vested units are
then valued based on the price of TransCanada's common shares at the time of
vesting. Participants receive a cash payment, less statutory withholdings, for
their total settlement value. The dividend value relative to the number of
vested units is added to the vested unit value to calculate the total settlement

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 35

 In 2005, participants received a grant of units that was valued based on the
weighted average closing price for TransCanada's common shares on the TSX for
the five trading days prior to and including the grant date. The Committee
established specific objectives for Threshold, Target and Maximum performance
levels, the achievement of which will adjust payment amounts as follows:

           Performance Level                              Unit Total Adjustment
                        Below Threshold         =         zero units vest; no payment is made
                           At Threshold         =         50% of units vest for payment
                              At Target         =         100% of units vest for payment
                    At or Above Maximum         =         150% of units vest for payment

 The performance criteria which need to be met for the vesting of the 2005 grant
consisted of:
    TransCanada's absolute TSR;

    TransCanada's relative TSR as compared to specified companies with which
    TransCanada may compete for capital (the "ESU Peer Group"); and

    Corporate financial measures of earnings per share and funds generated from

 There are no pre-established weightings applied to these measures nor are there
formulaic calculations used to create the performance achievement for the plan.
The Committee uses its judgement and discretion to assess overall performance in
light of the stated criteria and business circumstances surrounding the
performance achievement.

 If the actual performance achievement is determined by the Committee to align
at a point between Threshold and Target, or Target and Maximum levels, the
Committee will determine the number of units and dividend accruals that vest on
a pro-rata basis. The formula to determine the value of the vested units is
based on the weighted average closing price of TransCanada's common shares on
the TSX during the five trading days immediately prior to and including the
valuation date.

 For the purposes of executive compensation disclosure, grants under the ESU
Plan are reported as long term incentives in this AIF.

Stock Option Plan

Long-term incentives are granted to the Executives through the Stock Option
Plan. This plan aligns the Executives' interests with the longer term growth and
profitability of TransCanada, ultimately enhancing shareholder value.
Participants benefit only if the market value of TransCanada's common shares at
the time of stock option exercise is greater than the market value of such
shares at the time of grant. As of 2005, only executive-level employees
participate in the Stock Option Plan.

 The formula to determine the exercise price of a stock option is based on the
price of a TransCanada common share as of the date of grant. The exercise price
is set as the greater of the closing price on the grant date or the weighted
average closing price on the TSX during the five trading days immediately prior
to the grant date. Stock options granted in 2005 vest 331/3% on each anniversary
of the grant date for a period of three years. Vested stock options from this
grant may be exercised until their expiry, which is seven years from the grant

Share Ownership Guidelines

The Committee is of the opinion that executives should hold an interest in
TransCanada in order to align their financial interests with those of
shareholders. In January 2003, all of the Executives and certain additional
executive and senior-level employees of the Company were given guidelines to
achieve an interest level that the Committee viewed as


significant in relation to each employee's base salary. The specified employees
have five years to meet the following guidelines:
                              CEO                                  3 times base salary
                              Executive Vice Presidents            2 times base salary
                              Other Senior Employees               1 times base salary

 In calculating their interest in TransCanada, these employees may include the
value of shares owned and any outstanding units granted under the ESU Plan. The
Committee receives regular updates on employee ownership levels and compliance
with the guidelines. As of December 31, 2005, all Named Executive Officers have
met or exceeded these guidelines.

Changes Made for the 2005 Executive Compensation Program

ESU Plan

A review of the ESU Plan design was undertaken in 2004 to further enhance its
alignment to TCPL's compensation philosophy. As a result of this review, changes
were approved by the Committee and implemented commencing with the 2005 grant.

 Grants reported in the "Summary Compensation Table" (below) for the years 2003
and 2004 were granted under the previous design. The key differences between the
previous and current design include the expansion of the performance levels and
the recalibration of performance objectives as set out below.
                  Below Threshold     Threshold                   Target                      Maximum

Previous          Zero payout         Requires stretch but        Very difficult stretch      N/A
Design                                achievable performance;     performance
(for 2003 &                           50% of granted units        requirements;
2004 grants)                          payout                      100% granted units

Current Design    Zero payout         Requires acceptable         Requires stretch but        Very difficult stretch
(for 2005                             performance;                achievable performance;     performance
grants onward)                        50% of granted units        100% granted units          requirements;
                                      payout                      payout                      150% granted units

 With the previous design, there was a significant risk of grant forfeiture due
to the difficulty of the performance requirements at both the Threshold and
Target levels. Grants were made with higher nominal values (i.e., more units) in
recognition of this significant risk. The current design provides for
recognition of both satisfactory and excellent performance without the
requirement for higher nominal grant values to deliver the same intended level
of competitive compensation over the longer term.

 Previously, the share price used to value units was the closing price on the
TSX on the grant date. Starting with the 2005 grant, the share price used to
value the units at the time of grant reflects the weighted average closing price
for TransCanada's common shares on the TSX for the five trading days prior to
and including the grant date. The change was made to align the grant valuation
process with the payout valuation process.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 37

Inactive Executive Compensation Plans

The following section provides information pertaining to executive compensation
plans under which grants or awards are no longer made. However, outstanding
grants or awards from these noted plans continue to be disclosed as compensation
for the Named Executive Officers in the various tables contained under the
heading "Executive Compensation" below.

Stock Option Plan Prior to 2003

Prior to 2003 the Stock Option Plan was administered by the Committee to provide
for stock options with an exercise period of ten years with 25% vesting on the
grant date and 25% each year for the next three years.

Performance Unit Plan

The Performance Unit Plan (the "PUP") was established in 1995 and included
participants in the executive and senior management employee groups. In July
2002, the Committee amended the plan so that, starting in 2003, no further
grants would be made under the PUP but accruals on existing grants will continue
until the last grants expire in 2012.

 Until 2003, one unit from the PUP ("PUP unit") was granted in tandem with each
stock option granted under the Stock Option Plan. Each PUP unit is eligible for
an annual cash accrual up to the total value of dividends paid on one common
share in the preceding financial year. The accrual is made if TransCanada's TSR
is equal to or greater than the average TSR of other specified Canadian
companies with which TransCanada competes for capital (the "PUP Peer Group").
The Committee has full discretion to award the full or a lesser accrual value if
TransCanada's absolute TSR is below that of the PUP Peer Group average.

 A PUP unit vests three years after the grant date and is deemed to be
automatically redeemed on the tenth anniversary of the grant date. Once vested,
a PUP unit may be exercised for the dollar value accrued on the unit at any time
and prior to the tenth anniversary of the grant. However, the vested PUP unit
may only be exercised if the stock option granted in tandem with the PUP unit is
concurrently exercised, or has been previously exercised. If the underlying
stock option is exercised before the PUP unit is vested, the PUP unit is

Compensation of the President and Chief Executive Officer

The components of TDC for the CEO are the same as those for the other
Executives, namely base salary, short-term incentive (from the IC program),
medium-term incentive (from the ESU Plan) and long-term incentive (from the
Stock Option Plan). Annually, the Committee makes recommendations to the Board
regarding the CEO's compensation based on the same market-based,
performance-related basis as for the other Executives. As with the other
Executives, there are no pre-established weightings applied to the CEO's
personal performance objectives or formulaic calculations performed to determine
his annual variable compensation payments.

Overview of Performance

The Committee assesses the performance of the CEO on the basis of achievement
against personal and corporate performance objectives approved by the Committee
at the beginning of the year, as well as his overall contribution to the success
of the Company. For 2005, Mr. Kvisle's personal objectives focused on the
following areas:


As previously noted, the Board has reviewed TCPL's financial and non-financial
results for 2005, and assessed that the Company has met or exceeded all of the
stated performance objectives, and that Mr. Kvisle played a key role in
achieving these outcomes.



Mr. Kvisle played a key role in delivering major value added initiatives in
2005. The completion of the USGen New England acquisition of hydroelectric
generation facilities and the Sheerness Power Purchase Agreement will add
significant earnings in the Power business. The Company began construction on
the Tamazunchale Pipeline project in Mexico, and commissioned the Grandview
co-generation power plant. Significant progress was made on major longer-term
initiatives including liquefied natural gas opportunities, northern gas pipeline
development, the Keystone oil pipeline project, and a project to restart units
at Bruce Power. All of these initiatives deliver on the Company's objectives of
growing its gas transmission and power businesses.


The Company continues to focus on developing highly motivated leaders with
strong capabilities, enthused by and aligned with TCPL's strategies and
corporate objectives. Mr. Kvisle provided leadership in 2005 as the organization
focused on improving employee performance management and feedback processes, and
on creating succession plans for key senior level positions.


Through his actions in 2005, Mr. Kvisle continued to demonstrate his commitment
to building long term winning relationships with key stakeholders, including
customers, governments, shareholders, regulators and first nations. Strong
relationships with these stakeholders are considered key to the Company's long
term success. The Company's annual customer satisfaction survey in 2005
reflected significant improvements in senior level relationships with customers.


Mr. Kvisle leads the Company's focus on managing operating and administrative
costs, providing responsive and reliable service, organizational effectiveness
and achieving health, safety and environment standards. For 2005 the Company's
actual operating and administrative costs were under budget. The Company
received excellent scores on its customer survey for its transactional
efficiency and effectiveness, and reduced CO2 emissions from its operations.


Under Mr. Kvisle's leadership, the Company has maintained a disciplined
consistent strategy, delivered strong financial results and allowed the Board
the ability to increase the dividend in 2005 from $1.16 to $1.22. This
contributed to an increase in TransCanada's share price from $29.80 at the end
of 2004 to $36.65 at Year End. TSR in 2005 was approximately 28%.


TCPL is proud of its adherence to best practices in corporate governance and the
Company's strong reputation. Mr. Kvisle played a key role in ensuring the
Company is held to the highest standard in this regard. The Company has been
recognized with several awards for its governance practices, social
responsibility and community investment.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 39

Summary of Performance

The Committee assessed Mr. Kvisle's results and concluded that his performance
exceeded his individual objectives in 2005 and made this recommendation to the

 The Board is of the view that Mr. Kvisle's overall achievements and performance
exceeded his individual objectives in 2005, resulting in his TDC being
positioned in the top quartile TDC for similar roles in the Comparator Group. In
making this determination, the Board considered the achievement of the Company
and Mr. Kvisle's individual objectives (both financial and non financial) as
well as significant economic, industrial and market circumstances that
influenced the performance of TCPL.

 This Report on Executive Compensation is submitted on behalf of the Human
Resources Committee of the Board:
                 K.L. Hawkins (Chair)                        D.P O'Brien
                 W.K. Dobson                                 E.L. Draper


The following chart compares the five-year cumulative TSR on the TransCanada
(formerly TCPL) common shares to the S&P/TSX composite index (assuming
reinvestment of dividends and considering a $100 investment in common shares on
December 31, 2000).

                    Dec. 31,      Dec. 31,      Dec. 31,      Dec. 31,      Dec. 31,      Dec. 31,        Compound
                      2000          2001          2002          2003          2004          2005       Annual Growth
TransCanada               100         121.1         146.0         185.4         206.6         263.9             21.4%
TSX                       100          87.4          76.6          97.0         111.1         137.9              6.6%



The Executives also serve as executive officers of TCPL. An aggregate
remuneration is paid for serving as an executive of TransCanada and for service
as an executive officer of TCPL. Since TransCanada does not hold any assets
directly other than the common shares of TCPL, all executive employee costs are
assumed by TCPL according to a management services agreement between the two


All compensation values noted in this section are derived from compensation
plans and programs that are described in detail under the section "Report on
Executive Compensation" or from retirement arrangements reported under the
section "Pension and Retirement Benefits" elsewhere in this AIF.

Summary Compensation Table

The following table outlines the summary of compensation earned in the 2005,
2004 and 2003 financial years by the Named Executive Officers.
                                  ANNUAL COMPENSATION                      LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                                                             Awards             Payouts
                      Year   Salary(1)   Bonus(2)       Other       Securities    Shares or      LTIP        All Other
Name and Principal    (b)       ($)         ($)         Annual        Under         Units       Payouts     Compensation
Position of the                 (c)         (d)      Compensation    Options     Subject to       (5)           (6)
Named Executive                                          (3)        Granted(4)     Resale         ($)           ($)
Officers                                                 ($)           (#)       Restriction      (h)           (i)
(a)                                                      (e)           (f)           ($)
H.N. Kvisle           2005   1,050,003   1,300,000              -      160,000             -   1,852,433          10,417
President and         2004     871,251   1,100,000              -      165,000             -           -           8,665
Chief Executive       2003     772,503     900,000              -      200,000             -           -          35,703
R.K. Girling          2005     460,032     500,000              -       60,000             -     740,973          25,600
Executive             2004     457,524     460,000              -       60,000             -           -          25,571
Vice-President,       2003     443,751     430,000              -       80,000             -           -          21,494
Development and
Chief Financial
A.J. Pourbaix         2005     440,001     500,000              -       60,000             -     740,973          49,691
Executive             2004     407,505     450,000              -       60,000             -           -          46,148
Vice-President,       2003     382,506     430,000              -       80,000             -           -          36,867
R.J. Turner           2005     450,000     350,000              -       40,000             -     555,730           4,500
Executive             2004     450,000     340,000              -       40,000             -           -          42,578
Vice-President,       2003     447,501     300,000              -       60,000             -           -          46,779
Gas Transmission
D.M. Wishart          2005     372,504     400,000              -       40,000             -     370,487           3,713
Executive             2004     335,004     330,000              -       40,000             -           -           3,325
Vice-President,       2003     279,435     270,000              -       40,000             -           -           4,427
Operations and
    This column reflects actual base salary earnings during the noted financial
    year. Salary adjustments are typically effective April 1.

    Amounts referred to in this table as "Bonus" are paid pursuant to the IC
    Program and attributable to the noted financial year. Payments from the IC
    Program are made in the first quarter following the completion of the
    financial year.

    The value of perquisites for each Named Executive Officer is less than
    $50,000 and 10 per cent of total annual salary and bonus for the financial
    year and, as such, is not included in this column. For information, the
    average annual value for perquisites provided to the Named Executive
    Officers in 2005 was $23,102 and included such things as car allowance or
    lease and the associated maintenance fees, Company paid parking, luncheon
    and/or recreation club memberships and financial counselling/tax

    This column shows the number of stock options granted under the Stock Option
    Plan to each of the Named Executive Officers during each of the financial
    years noted.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 41

    LTIP Payouts represent the value of the payments made or to be made in 2006
    for the proportion of ESU units granted in 2003 that vested and became
    eligible for payout in 2005. There were no payouts made under the PUP to the
    Named Executive Officers.

    The amounts in this column include payments made to the Named Executive
    Officers by subsidiaries and affiliates of TCPL (including directors' fees
    paid by affiliates and amounts paid for serving on management committees of
    entities in which TCPL holds an interest), specifically: Mr. Girling -
    $21,000 for both 2005 and 2004 and $17,067 for 2003; Mr. Pourbaix - $39,000
    for both 2005 and 2004 and $22,917 for 2003; Mr. Wishart - $1,650 for 2003
    (director's fees paid by an affiliate).

    This column also includes the value of salary paid in lieu of vacation based
    on the election of the Named Executive Officer and the value of TCPL's
    contributions under the Employee Stock Savings Plan made on behalf of the
    Named Executive Officer for the noted financial year. Named Executive
    Officers may participate in the Employee Stock Savings Plan on the same
    basis as all other TCPL employees. Each employee may contribute by payroll
    deduction toward the purchase of common shares. TCPL matches the
    employee-directed contribution in an amount equal to 25% of the employee
    amount to a maximum additional TCPL contribution of 1% of the employee's
    base salary. In the 2005 Proxy Circular, the information in this column was
    disclosed under column (e). Additionally, the Company is no longer including
    the value of employee contributions to the Employee Stock Savings Plan as
    these are funded through flex credit allocation and are part of the employee
    benefit program available to all employees of TCPL.

Long-Term Incentive Plan Tables

2005 ESU Plan Grants

The following table outlines the grants made under the ESU Plan that were
approved in February 2005. These grants are still unvested and outstanding as of
December 31, 2005. These outstanding grants have not yet been recorded as LTIP
Payouts in the Summary Compensation Table, Column (h), above.
                                                                          Estimated Future Payouts Under
                        Securities,       Performance or           Non-Securities-Price-Based Plans (units)(2)
                          Units or         Other Period
                        Other Rights     Until Maturation
                            (1)              or Payout
Name                        (#)                                   Below        Threshold     Target       Maximum
                                                                Threshold         (#)          (#)          (#)
H.N. Kvisle                   65,320          Dec. 31, 2007              0         32,660     65,320         97,980
R.K. Girling                  18,349          Dec. 31, 2007              0          9,175     18,349         27,524
A.J. Pourbaix                 15,657          Dec. 31, 2007              0          7,828     15,657         23,485
R.J. Turner                   12,458          Dec. 31, 2007              0          6,229     12,458         18,687
D.M. Wishart                  12,458          Dec. 31, 2007              0          6,229     12,458         18,687
    This is the grant of units under the ESU Plan.

    Does not include the units related to reinvested dividend value.


2004 ESU Plan Grants

This section includes information on ESU Plan grants that were made in 2004.
These grants are still unvested and outstanding as of December 31, 2005. These
outstanding grants have not yet been recorded as LTIP Payouts in the Summary
Compensation Table, Column (h), above.
                                                                          Estimated Future Payouts Under
                        Securities,       Performance or           Non-Securities-Price-Based Plans (units)(2)
                          Units or         Other Period
                        Other Rights     Until Maturation
                            (1)              or Payout
Name                        (#)                                   Below        Threshold     Target       Maximum
                                                                Threshold         (#)          (#)          (#)
H.N. Kvisle                   73,185          Dec. 31, 2006              0         36,593     73,185         73,185
R.K. Girling                  29,275          Dec. 31, 2006              0         14,638     29,275         29,275
A.J. Pourbaix                 26,140          Dec. 31, 2006              0         13,070     26,140         26,140
R.J. Turner                   21,540          Dec. 31, 2006              0         10,770     21,540         21,540
D.M. Wishart                  21,540          Dec. 31, 2006              0         10,770     21,540         21,540
    This is the grant of units under the ESU Plan.

    Does not include units related to reinvested dividend value.

2003 ESU Plan Grants

The following table outlines the ESU Plan grants that were made in 2003 and
vested in 2005. The table reconciles the value paid to the Named Executive
Officers which is disclosed under LTIP Payouts in the Summary Compensation
Table, Column (h) above.

Name                  Securities,        Performance or        Vested      Vested Value    Vested Value       Total
                        Units or          Other Period          Units      From Grants         From         Settlement
                      Other Rights      Until Maturation        From           (3)         Dividends(4)        (5)
                          (1)              or Payout          Grants(2)        ($)             ($)             ($)
                          (#)                                    (#)
H.N. Kvisle                 50,000           Dec. 31, 2005       45,000       1,647,000         205,433       1,852,433
R.K. Girling                20,000           Dec. 31, 2005       18,000         658,800          82,173         740,973
A.J. Pourbaix               20,000           Dec. 31, 2005       18,000         658,800          82,173         740,973
R.J. Turner                 15,000           Dec. 31, 2005       13,500         494,100          61,630         555,730
D.M. Wishart                10,000           Dec. 31, 2005        9,000         329,400          41,087         370,487
    This is the grant of units under the ESU Plan that is used to determine
    vesting. The range of units that are eligible to vest under this grant are
    between 50% and 100%, based on performance between Threshold and Target, or
    0% if Threshold performance is not met.

    Based on the Committee's assessment of the performance achieved against
    objectives, 90% of the granted units vested for settlement. This number does
    not include units related to reinvested dividends.

    The value of granted units that vested based on a valuation price at
    December 31, 2005 of $36.60 per unit.

    The additional value related to the accrued value from declared dividends
    and paid relative to the vested unit total.

    Includes both the Vested Value from Grant and Vested Value from Dividends.
    This settlement value is reported as an LTIP Payout in the Summary
    Compensation Table, Column (h) above.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 43

Supplemental Disclosure - 2006 ESU Plan Grants

Decisions regarding ESU Plan grants are made annually by the Committee in
February prior to the publication of the AIF. Although not a requirement, TCPL
discloses these compensation grants for the Named Executive Officers. The
following table outlines the grants under the ESU Plan made in 2006:
                                                                          Estimated Future Payouts Under
                        Securities,       Performance or           Non-Securities-Price-Based Plans (units)(2)
                          Units or         Other Period
                        Other Rights     Until Maturation
                            (1)              or Payout
Name                        (#)                                   Below        Threshold     Target       Maximum
                                                                Threshold         (#)          (#)          (#)
H.N. Kvisle                   52,391          Dec. 31, 2008              0         26,195     52,391         78,586
R.K. Girling                  16,893          Dec. 31, 2008              0          8,447     16,893         25,340
A.J. Pourbaix                 16,893          Dec. 31, 2008              0          8,447     16,893         25,340
R.J. Turner                    8,958          Dec. 31, 2008              0          4,479      8,958         13,436
D.M. Wishart                   8,958          Dec. 31, 2008              0          4,479      8,958         13,436
    This is the grant of units under the ESU Plan.

    Does not include units related to reinvested dividend value.


PUP Grants Outstanding

The following table outlines PUP grants made to the Named Executive Officers.
The estimated future payouts set out in the table include all accruals up to and
including the accrual approved for the most recently completely financial year.
                                                                Estimated Future Payouts Under
                           Securities,     Performance or      Non-Securities-Price-Based Plans
                            Units or        Other Period                     (3)
                              Other       Until Maturation
                            Rights(1)       or Payout(2)
Name                           (#)                             Below Threshold(4)    Maximum(4)      Total
                                                                      ($)               ($)        Settlement
H.N. Kvisle                    150,000            25-Feb-12                     0       620,850             -
                               100,000            20-Mar-11                     0       503,900             -
                                42,500            27-Feb-11                     0       214,158             -
                                55,000            28-Feb-10                     0       325,545             -
                                50,000            01-Feb-10                     0       295,950             -
                                90,000            01-Sep-09                     0       532,710             -
R.K. Girling                    65,000            25-Feb-12                     0       269,035             -
                                45,000            27-Feb-11                     0       226,755             -
                                45,000            28-Feb-10                     0       266,355             -
                                50,000            01-Feb-10                     0       295,950             -
                                20,000            29-Jul-09                     0       118,380             -
                                25,000            01-Mar-09                     0       147,975             -
                                25,000            03-Dec-08                     0       147,975             -
                                25,162            09-Dec-07                     0       179,380             -
A.J. Pourbaix                   65,000            25-Feb-12                     0       269,035             -
                                35,000            27-Feb-11                     0       176,365             -
                                20,000            28-Feb-10                     0       118,380             -
                                20,000            01-Feb-10                     0       118,380             -
                                20,000            01-Mar-09                     0       118,380             -
                                17,500            03-Dec-08                     0       103,583             -
R.J. Turner                     50,000            25-Feb-12                     0       206,950             -
                                42,500            27-Feb-11                     0       214,158             -
                                35,000            28-Feb-10                     0       207,165             -
                                50,000            01-Feb-10                     0       295,950             -
                                20,000            29-Jul-09                     0       118,380             -
                                40,000            01-Mar-09                     0       236,760             -
D.M. Wishart                    30,000             25-Feb12                     0       124,170             -
                                35,000            27-Feb-11                     0       176,365             -
                                20,000            28-Feb-10                     0       118,380             -
                                20,000             01-Feb10                     0       118,380             -
                                20,000            01-Mar-09                     0       118,380             -
                                25,162            09-Dec-07                     0       179,380             -
    As no further awards will be made under the PUP; it will be phased out over
    the remaining life of the outstanding units.

    The exercise period for all PUP units commences upon vesting, which is the
    third anniversary of the grant date, and expires on the tenth anniversary of
    the grant date, with the exception of the PUP units maturing on February 1,
    2010. These units were granted under a one time special performance
    incentive program which vested on February 22, 2002.

    The Committee determined in February 2006 that $0.964 per outstanding PUP
    unit will accrue for 2005 in respect of the grants made from 1995 to 2002.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 45

    The Company is no longer including the "Threshold" and "Target" columns
    since the values reported were equal to the ones noted here in the "Maximum"
    column. Once the accrued value is approved by the Committee and assigned to
    each outstanding PUP unit, no further variance of future value may be
    applied. However, the plan does provide for a risk of zero value payments
    from the plan should the exercise provision in the plan not be met.

    Values contained in this column are amounts received during the current
    financial year following the exercise of vested units. A blank ("- ")
    denotes that there were no units exercised from the grant. A zero value
    denotes that the unit was forfeited. When applicable, Total Settlement
    values are also reported as LTIP Payouts in column (h) of the Summary
    Compensation Table above.

Equity Compensation Plan Tables

2005 Stock Option Plan Grant

The following table outlines the grants made under the Stock Option Plan to each
of the Named Executive Officers during the 2005 financial year.

Name                Date of       Number of         % of           Exercise Price        Market Value of    Expiration
                     Grant         Common          Total         ($/common share)(2)      Common Shares        Date
                                   Shares         Options                                  Underlying
                                    Under        Granted to                              Options on the
                                   Options       Employees                                Date of Grant
                                 Granted(1)       in 2005                                   ($/common
H.N. Kvisle         28-Feb-05        160,000          14.88%                    30.09              29.72      28-Feb-12
R.K. Girling        28-Feb-05         60,000           5.58%                    30.09              29.72      28-Feb-12
A.J. Pourbaix       28-Feb-05         60,000           5.58%                    30.09              29.72      28-Feb-12
R.J. Turner         28-Feb-05         40,000           3.72%                    30.09              29.72      28-Feb-12
D.M. Wishart        28-Feb-05         40,000           3.72%                    30.09              29.72      28-Feb-12
    On each anniversary date of the grant for a period of three years, one-third
    of these options vest and are exercisable.

    The exercise price is equal to the greater of the closing price of common
    shares on the grant date and the weighted average closing price of common
    shares on the TSX during the five trading days immediately prior to the
    grant date of the stock options.

Aggregate Stock Option Exercises During 2005 and 2005 Year-End Stock Option

The following table outlines, for each of the Named Executive Officers:

        the number of stock options, if any, exercised during the financial year
        ended December 31, 2005;

        the aggregate value realized upon exercise;

        the total number of unexercised stock options, if any; and

        the value of unexercised "in-the-money" stock options at December 31,


                                                     Unexercised Options at December         Value of Unexercised
                        Common        Aggregate                  31, 2005                   in-the-Money Options at
                        Shares          Value                      (#)                       December 31, 2005(1)
                      Acquired on      Realized                                                       ($)
                       Exercise          ($)
Name                      (#)                        Exercisable      Unexercisable     Exercisable      Unexercisable

H.N. Kvisle               195,000       2,928,834         480,833            336,667       7,258,529          3,082,271
R.K. Girling                    0               0         138,333            126,667       1,949,029          1,167,471
A.J. Pourbaix             100,000       1,030,445         110,833            126,667       1,522,628          1,167,471
R.J. Turner                87,094       1,278,118         165,833             86,667       2,578,063            810,136
D.M. Wishart               40,000         788,835         150,162             80,000       1,924,510            714,665
    The value of unexercised "in-the-money" stock options at December 31, 2005
    is the difference between the exercise price and the closing price of $36.65
    per share of a common share on the TSX on December 31, 2005. The underlying
    stock options have not been and will not necessarily be exercised and the
    actual gains, if any, on exercise will depend on the value of common shares
    on the date of exercise.

Supplemental Disclosure - 2006 Stock Option Plan Grants

Decisions regarding stock option grants are made annually by the Committee in
February prior to the publication of the AIF. Although not a requirement, TCPL
discloses these compensation grants for the Named Executive Officers. The
following table outlines the stock option grants under the Stock Option Plan
made in 2006:

Name                Date of       Number of         % of           Exercise Price        Market Value of    Expiration
                     Grant         Common          Total         ($/common share)(3)      Common Shares        Date
                                   Shares         Options                                  Underlying
                                    Under        Granted to                              Options on the
                                   Options       Employees                                Date of Grant
                                 Granted(1)      in 2006(2)                                 ($/common
H.N. Kvisle         27-Feb-06        250,000          20.82%                    35.23              35.23      27-Feb-13
R.K. Girling        27-Feb-06         90,000           7.49%                    35.23              35.23      27-Feb-13
A.J. Pourbaix       27-Feb-06         90,000           7.49%                    35.23              35.23      27-Feb-13
R.J. Turner         27-Feb-06         55,000           4.58%                    35.23              35.23      27-Feb-13
D.M. Wishart        27-Feb-06         55,000           4.58%                    35.23              35.23      27-Feb-13
    On each anniversary date of the grant for a period of three years, one-third
    of these stock options vest and are exercisable.

    Based on total stock options granted as at February 27, 2006.

    The exercise price is equal to the greater of the closing price of common
    shares on the grant date and the weighted average closing price of common
    shares on the TSX during the five trading days immediately prior to the
    grant date of the stock options.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 47


Stock Option Plan

The Stock Option Plan is the only compensation plan under which equity
securities of TransCanada have been authorized for issuance. Stock options may
be granted to such employees of TCPL as the Committee may from time to time
determine. Starting in 2005, the Committee determined that only executive-level
employees will participate in the plan. The following provides key information
regarding the Stock Option Plan provisions:

        the plan was first approved by shareholders in 1995;

        there was an amendment approved by shareholders at TCPL's annual and
        special meeting of shareholders held on April 23, 2004 to increase the
        number of shares issuable by 1,000,000;

        a maximum of 26,000,000 of TransCanada's common shares may be issued
        under the plan; this represents 5.3% of common shares issued and
        outstanding as at February 27, 2006;

        as at February 27, 2006, there were approximately 9,661,488 common
        shares issuable upon the exercise of outstanding stock options; this
        represents 2.0% of issued and outstanding common shares;

        as at February 27, 2006, there were approximately 2,190,764 common
        shares remaining available for issuance; this represents 0.4% of issued
        and outstanding common shares;

        as at February 27, 2006, approximately 14,147,748 common shares have
        been issued upon the exercise of stock options, representing 2.9% of
        issued and outstanding common shares of TransCanada; and

        the exercise price for unexercised issued stock options ranges from
        $10.03 to $35.23, with expiry periods ranging from April 24, 2006 to
        February 27, 2013.

 Under the terms of the Stock Option Plan, the maximum number of common shares
reserved for issuance as stock options to any one participant cannot exceed 5%
of TransCanada's common shares then issued and outstanding. There are no
restrictions on the number of stock options that may be granted to insiders,
subject to the foregoing limitation. Stock options cannot be transferred or
assigned by participants other than by will or by participants who for any
reason are unable to manage their affairs.

 Stock options granted as of 2003 onward vest as to one-third on each
anniversary of the grant date for a period of three years and have a seven year
expiry date. The exercise price of a stock option is equal to the greater of the
closing price of a common share on the grant date and the weighted average
closing price of a common share on the TSX during the five trading days
immediately prior to the grant date of the stock options.

 Administrative changes were made to the use of the Stock Option Plan in 2003
which did not require an amendment to the terms of the plan. More information on
these changes is found in "Inactive Executive Compensation Plans - Stock Option
Plan Prior to 2003".

 Under the current terms of the Stock Option Plan, stock options expire on the
earlier of:
    the third anniversary of the date of a participant's retirement;

    the first anniversary of the date of a participant's death; and

    the seven year anniversary of the date of grant.


 The following table outlines the current action prescribed by the Stock Option
Plan, following an employment event:
Employment Event             Action
Resignation(1):              The participant may exercise outstanding exercisable stock options no later than six
                             months after the last day of active employment, after which date all outstanding stock
                             options are forfeited.
Termination without          The participant may exercise outstanding exercisable stock options no later than the last
cause:                       day of the notice period, after which date all outstanding stock options are forfeited.
Termination for cause(1):    The participant may exercise outstanding exercisable stock options no later than six
                             months after the last day of active employment, after which date all outstanding stock
                             options are forfeited.
    The Committee amended these provisions retroactively in February, 2006.

 Subject to applicable securities laws and rules, the Committee has the power to
amend or discontinue this plan at any time; provided, however, that any
amendment which increases the number of common shares that may be issued under
the Plan must be approved by the shareholders of TransCanada. Any such amendment
shall not alter or impair the rights of any participants without their consent.

Securities Authorized for Issuance under Equity Compensation Plans

The following table outlines the number of common shares to be issued upon the
exercise of outstanding stock options under the Stock Option Plan, the
weighted-average exercise price of the outstanding stock options, and the number
of common shares available for future issuance under the Stock Option Plan, all
as at December 31, 2005.
Plan Category                       Number of securities to        Weighted-average           Number of securities
                                    be issued upon exercise        exercise price of         remaining available for
                                     of outstanding options       outstanding options         future issuance under
                                              (a)                         (b)               equity compensation plans
                                                                                              (excluding securities
                                                                                            reflected in column (a))
Equity compensation plans                          8,714,390                     $22.67                      3,391,764
approved by security holders
Equity compensation plans not                            Nil                        Nil                            Nil
approved by security holders
TOTAL                                              8,714,390                     $22.67                      3,391,764


Pension and Retirement Benefits

TCPL's Canadian pension plans are designed to attract and retain employees for
the long term and to provide employees with a lifetime annual retirement income.

Base Pension Plan

All TCPL Canadian employees participate in the TCPL Registered Pension Plan,
which is now solely a non-contributory defined benefit pension plan. The
Registered Pension Plan previously provided three benefit options, a defined
benefit, a defined contribution and a combination option (defined benefit and
defined contribution). It was amended on October 1, 2001 to eliminate the
combination option for new members and on January 1, 2003 to eliminate the
defined contribution option.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 49

 The normal retirement age under the Registered Pension Plan is age 60 or any
age between 55 and 60 where the sum of an employee's age and continuous service
equals 85. Employees are eligible to retire prior to their normal retirement
date, but the benefit payable is subject to early retirement reduction factors.
The defined benefit plan is integrated with Canada Pension Plan benefits. The
benefit calculation is:

  1.25% of an employee's Highest Average Earnings(1) up to the Final Average(2)


  1.75% of an employee's Highest Average Earnings above the Final Average YMPE

                                  multiplied by

     the employee's years of credited service in the Registered Pension Plan
                        ("Credited Pensionable Service")
    "Highest Average Earnings" means the average of an employee's best
    consecutive 36 months of Pensionable Earnings in the last 15 years before
    retirement. "Pensionable Earnings" means an employee's base salary plus
    actual Incentive Compensation paid up to a targeted percentage or for
    executive employees (as defined in the plan) a fixed percentage of their
    base salary, as provided in the plan. Pensionable Earnings do not include
    overtime, shift and premium differentials or any other forms of

    "Final Average YMPE" means the average of the YMPE in effect for the latest
    calendar year from which earnings are included in an employee's highest
    earnings calculation plus the two previous years.

    "YMPE" means Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings under the Canada/Quebec
    Pension Plan.

 Registered defined benefit pension plans are subject to a maximum annual
benefit accrual under the Income Tax Act (Canada), which is currently $2,111 for
each year of Credited Pensionable Service, with the result that benefits cannot
be earned in the Registered Pension Plan on compensation above approximately
$132,000 per annum.

Supplemental Pension Plan

All TCPL employees with pensionable earnings over the Income Tax Act (Canada)
ceiling of $132,000, including the Named Executive Officers, participate in the
Company's non-contributory defined benefit Supplemental Pension Plan.
Approximately 393 TCPL employees currently participate in the Supplemental
Pension Plan.

 The Supplemental Pension Plan is funded through a retirement compensation
arrangement under the Income Tax Act (Canada). Subject to the Board's approval,
contributions to the fund are based on an annual actuarial valuation of the
Supplemental Pension Plan obligations calculated on the basis of the plan
terminating at the beginning of each calendar year.

 The annual pension benefit under the Supplemental Pension Plan is equal to
1.75% multiplied by the employee's Credited Pensionable Service multiplied by
the amount by which such employee's highest average earnings exceed the ceiling
imposed under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and are recognized under the
Registered Pension Plan.

 Generally, neither the Registered Pension Plan nor the Supplemental Pension
Plan provide for the recognition of past service. However, the Committee may,
under the provisions of the Supplemental Pension Plan, at its sole discretion,
grant additional years of credited service to executive employees.

 Under the Registered Pension Plan and the Supplemental Pension Plan, TCPL
employees, including the Named Executive Officers, will receive the following
normal form of pension:

        in respect of credited service prior to January 1, 1990, upon
        retirement, a monthly pension payable for life with 60% continuing
        thereafter to the participant's designated joint annuitant; and

        in respect of credited service on and after January 1, 1990, upon
        retirement, a monthly pension as described in (a) above and, for
        unmarried participants, a monthly pension payable for life with payments
        to the participant's estate guaranteed for the balance of 10 years if
        the participant dies within 10 years of retirement.


 In lieu of the normal form of pension, optional forms of pension payment may be
chosen provided that any legally required waivers are completed.

 The following table sets out the estimated annual defined benefit plan benefits
(based on the "joint and 60% survivor" method) payable for credited service
under the Registered Pension Plan and the Supplemental Pension Plan (excluding
amounts payable under the Canada Pension Plan) for employees with the following
Highest Average Earnings and Credited Pensionable Service. The benefits listed
in the table are not subject to any deduction for social security or other
offset amounts such as Canada Pension Plan or the Quebec Pension Plan.
                                                     Years of Credited Pensionable Service
Highest Average
Earnings                  10 Years        15 Years        20 Years        25 Years         30 Years         35 Years

$   400,000                 $68,000        $102,000        $136,000         $170,000         $204,000         $238,000
     600,000                103,000         154,000         206,000          257,000          309,000          360,000
     800,000                138,000         207,000         276,000          345,000          414,000          483,000
  1,000,000                 173,000         259,000         346,000          432,000          519,000          605,000
  1,200,000                 208,000         312,000         416,000          520,000          624,000          728,000
  1,400,000                 243,000         364,000         486,000          607,000          729,000          850,000
  1,600,000                 278,000         417,000         556,000          695,000          834,000          973,000
  1,800,000                 313,000         469,000         626,000          782,000          939,000        1,095,000
  2,000,000                 348,000         522,000         696,000          870,000        1,044,000        1,218,000
  2,200,000                 383,000         574,000         766,000          957,000        1,149,000        1,340,000
  2,400,000                 418,000         627,000         836,000        1,045,000        1,254,000        1,463,000

 Based on their current Highest Average Earnings and assuming the Named
Executive Officers remain employed by TCPL until age 60 and that the Registered
Pension Plan and Supplemental Pension Plan remain in force substantially in
their present form, the Named Executive Officers will have the number of years
of Credited Pensionable Service and benefit payable set out below under their

                              H.N. Kvisle(1)     R.K. Girling     A.J. Pourbaix(2)     R.J. Turner       D.M. Wishart
Years of Credited Service              12.33              7.00                7.00             23.80              8.59
to December 31, 2005
Accrued Pension at                  $351,000           $87,000             $76,000          $296,000           $72,000
December 31, 2005 and
Payable at age 60(3)
Years of Credited Service              23.16             26.50               29.58             31.14             17.50
to age 60
Annual Benefit Payable at           $661,000          $322,000            $316,000          $386,000          $147,000
age 60(3)
    Mr. Kvisle was granted five years of additional Credited Pensionable Service
    which vested on his fifth anniversary of employment. Mr. Kvisle is also
    eligible for one additional year of Credited Pensionable Service for each of
    the next five continuous years of service with the Company. The additional
    credited service is to be recognized solely in the Supplemental Pension Plan
    with respect to earnings in excess of the maximum set under the Income Tax
    Act (Canada).

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 51

    Upon the completion of three years of continuous service from September 8,
    2004, Mr. Girling and Mr. Pourbaix will each be granted three years of
    additional credited service to be recognized solely in the Supplemental
    Pension Plan with respect to earnings in excess of the maximum set under the
    Income Tax Act (Canada).

    Amounts noted are rounded to the nearest one thousand dollars.

Fiscal 2005 Pension Expense Related to Service and Compensation

Amounts reported in the table below represent the pension expense related to
2005 service for each of the Named Executive Officers under both the Registered
Pension Plan and the Supplemental Pension Plan including the impact of
differences between actual compensation paid in 2005 and the actuarial
assumptions used for the year.

Name                                                                 Fiscal 2005 pension expense
                                                                        related to service and
H.N. Kvisle                                                                            $1,604,000
R.K. Girling                                                                             $158,000
A.J. Pourbaix                                                                            $218,000
R.J. Turner                                                                                $7,000
D.M. Wishart                                                                             $155,000

Accrued Pension Obligations

As at December 31, 2005, TCPL's accrued obligation for the Supplemental Pension
Plan was approximately $177.2 million. The 2005 current service costs and
interest costs of the Supplemental Pension Plan were approximately $4.5 and $9.0
 million, respectively, for a total of $13.5 million. The accrued pension
obligation is calculated following the method prescribed by the Canadian
Institute of Chartered Accountants and is based on management's best estimate of
future events that affect the cost of pensions, including assumptions about
future salary adjustments and bonuses. More information on the accrued
obligations and the assumptions utilized may be found in Note 20 (Employee
Future Benefits) of the Notes to TCPL's 2005 Consolidated Financial Statements
which are available on the Company's website at www.transcanada.com and filed on
SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

 The accrued pension obligations for the Named Executive Officers under both the
Registered Pension Plan and the Supplemental Pension Plan are outlined in the
following table. Changes include the fiscal 2005 expense attributed to service
and compensation, as well as the normal increases(1) to pension obligations
arising from the annual valuation of the Company's pension plans. The normal
increases include interest on the beginning of year obligations and changes in
interest rate assumptions as a result of changes in long-term bond yields.

Name                                 Accrued            Change in accrued           Accrued
                                  obligation at          obligation for          obligation at
                                   December 31,            2005(1)(2)             December 31,
                                     2004(1)                   (B)                  2005(1)
                                       (A)                                      (C) = (A) + (B)
H.N. Kvisle                            $3,611,000              $2,518,000             $6,129,000
R.K. Girling                             $685,000                $426,000             $1,111,000
A.J. Pourbaix                            $564,000                $475,000             $1,039,000
R.J. Turner                            $3,292,000                $733,000             $4,025,000
D.M. Wishart                             $794,000                $373,000             $1,167,000
    The calculation of reported amounts use actuarial assumptions and methods
    that are consistent with those used for calculating pension obligations and
    annual expense as disclosed in the Company's 2004 and 2005 consolidated
    financial statements. As the assumptions


    reflect the Company's best estimate of future events, the values shown in
    the above table may not be directly comparable to similar estimates of
    pension obligations that may be disclosed by other corporations.

    Excluded from the change in accrued obligation for 2005 is the impact of
    investment returns on the Company's pension plan assets.


In 2005, TCPL entered into executive separation agreements with the Executives,
including each of the Named Executive Officers. Each agreement outlines the
terms and conditions applicable in the event of the Executive's separation from
TCPL due to retirement, termination with or without cause, resignation with or
without good reason, disability or death. Good reason is an event which
constitutes a constructive dismissal of the Executive. A change of control by
itself without an event that constitutes constructive dismissal would not be
good reason. Under the terms of the agreements, in the event of a termination
without cause or a resignation for good reason, an Executive will receive a
severance payment equal to his or her annual salary as of the termination date,
plus the average amount of annual bonus paid in respect of the three years prior
to the year in which the termination occurs (the "Annual Compensation"),
multiplied by a notice period. In the case of Mr. Kvisle, the notice period is
three years. In the case of the other Executives, the notice period is two

 The agreements provide that in addition to the severance payment, each
Executive would receive other entitlements in the event of termination without
cause or a resignation for good reason, including:

        continuation of benefits during the notice period or a cash payment in
        lieu of continued benefits;

        a cash payment for perquisites the Executive would have received during
        the notice period;

        continued accrual of pensionable service until the earlier of
        retirement, death and expiry of the notice period; however, if the
        termination date is within two years of a change of control, then the
        Executive shall immediately receive the credit of pensionable service as
        though the full notice period has occurred and any vesting requirements
        under the pension plans will be deemed to have been met upon a change of

        if the termination date is within two years of a change in control, all
        unvested grants under the ESU Plan shall be deemed vested and shall be
        paid out in cash to the Executive; and

        a cash amount equal to the average amount of the annual bonus paid to
        the Executive in respect of the three years prior to the year in which
        the termination occurs, pro rated based on the number of days of service
        in the year in which the termination occurs up to the termination date.

 For Mr. Kvisle, Mr. Girling and Mr. Pourbaix their respective notice periods
would also be considered in the calculation of additional credited pensionable
service as agreed to in their specific arrangements as described below.

 A change of control (including, but not limited to, more than 20% of the voting
shares of TransCanada or 50% of the voting shares of TCPL (not including the
voting shares of TCPL held by TransCanada) being controlled by another entity)
in itself does not trigger any payments under the agreements. However, in the
month following the one year anniversary after a change of control, Mr. Kvisle
may provide notice of his intention to leave TransCanada and receive all of the
entitlements of a resignation for good reason. The agreements provide that a
change of control would result in an acceleration of vesting of stock options
under the Stock Option Plan. If for any reason the Company is unable to affect
the acceleration of such vesting, the Company will pay the Executive a cash
payment equal to the net amount of compensation the Executive would have
received if the Executive had, on the date of a change of control, exercised all
of those stock options. In addition, the ESU Plan contemplates fair and
equitable compensation for participants upon a corporate reorganization.

 The agreements provide that TCPL may elect to take advantage of a
non-competition provision effective for a period of 12 months from the date of
termination upon payment to the Executive of an amount valued at one additional
year of Annual Compensation.

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 53

 In 2002, the Committee approved an arrangement with Mr. Kvisle to grant him
additional credited pensionable service. The arrangement resulted in him
receiving five years of additional credited pensionable service in 2004 on his
fifth anniversary date with TCPL. In addition, for each year after 2004 until
and including 2009, Mr. Kvisle will be granted one additional year of credited
pensionable service on the date of the anniversary of his employment. All such
additional service is not to exceed ten additional years of credited pensionable
service and is only to be recognized on that portion of his pensionable earnings
which exceeds his annual Registered Pension Plan earnings, to be recognized in
the Supplemental Pension Plan.

 In 2004, the Committee also approved arrangements for Mr. Girling and Mr.
Pourbaix to obtain additional credited pensionable service. Subject to Mr.
Girling and Mr. Pourbaix maintaining continuous employment with TCPL until
September 8, 2007, each will receive three additional years of credited
pensionable service on that date.


Annually, the Committee approves compensation awards that deliver market
competitive and performance-relevant TDC, which is a combination of base salary
and variable incentives, to the Executives. Although not awarded annually, TCPL
also considers the annual value of the Base and Supplemental Pension Plans to be
an integral part of the Company's Executive Compensation Program. For the
purposes of this supplemental disclosure, Total Compensation is defined as TDC
plus the pension expense related to service and compensation for the fiscal year

 For all tables in this section, the following definitions are applicable for
the noted compensation elements:
Annual Base Salary:          The annual base salary rate as at April 1st of the noted financial year.
Cash Bonus:                  The total lump-sum cash award under the IC Program for performance attributable to the
                             noted financial year and paid in the first quarter following the completion of the
                             financial year.
ESUs:                        The value granted under the ESU Plan on the date of grant. The number of units granted for
                             each financial year is based on this grant value and is reported in the various ESU Plan
                             Grant tables in the section "Long-Term Incentive Tables".

                             The number of units from these grants that vest is subject to specified performance
                             conditions over a three-year period. Payments received from vested units are variable
                             based on the valuation price as of the date of vesting.
Stock Options:               The stock option values are based on the number of stock options granted for each
                             financial year as reported in the Summary Compensation Table multiplied by an economic
                             value per stock option as calculated by an external consulting firm. This valuation
                             methodology considers, among other things, the exercise price on the date of grant and the
                             seven year term of the options. This method may not be identical to the methods or
                             assumptions used by other companies, and as such, may not be directly comparable to other
Annual Pension Expense:      Pension expense related to the year of service under both the Registered Pension Plan and
                             the Supplemental Pension Plan. The amount includes the impact of differences between
                             actual compensation paid in the financial year and the actuarial assumptions used for that
                             year. The value noted is rounded to the nearest one thousand dollars.


 The following tables outline the value of Total Compensation awarded to the
Named Executive Officers as determined by the Committee for the last three
financial years.
H.N. Kvisle                                                                   2005              2004              2003
                                                                               ($)               ($)               ($)
   Annual Base Salary                                                    1,100,000           900,000           785,000
   Cash Bonus                                                            1,300,000         1,100,000           900,000
   ESUs                                                                  1,940,004         1,206,089           701,500
   Stock Options                                                           360,000           361,350           736,000
Total Direct Compensation                                                4,700,004         3,567,439         3,122,500
   Annual Pension Expense                                                1,604,000           894,000           526,000
Total Compensation                                                       6,304,004         4,461,439         3,648,500

R.K. Girling                                                                  2005              2004              2003
                                                                               ($)               ($)               ($)
   Annual Base Salary                                                      460,000           460,000           450,000
   Cash Bonus                                                              500,000           460,000           430,000
   ESUs                                                                    544,965           482,452           280,600
   Stock Options                                                           135,000           131,400           294,400
Total Direct Compensation                                                1,639,965         1,533,852         1,455,000
   Annual Pension Expense                                                  158,000            86,000            90,000
Total Compensation                                                       1,797,965         1,619,852         1,545,000

A.J. Pourbaix                                                                 2005              2004              2003
                                                                               ($)               ($)               ($)
   Annual Base Salary                                                      450,000           410,000           400,000
   Cash Bonus                                                              500,000           450,000           430,000
   ESUs                                                                    465,013           430,787           280,600
   Stock Options                                                           135,000           131,400           294,400
Total Direct Compensation                                                1,550,013         1,422,187         1,405,000
   Annual Pension Expense                                                  218,000            70,000           107,000
Total Compensation                                                       1,768,013         1,492,187         1,512,000

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 55

R.J. Turner                                                                   2005              2004              2003
                                                                               ($)               ($)               ($)
   Annual Base Salary                                                      450,000           450,000           450,000
   Cash Bonus                                                              350,000           340,000           300,000
   ESUs                                                                    370,003           354,979           210,450
   Stock Options                                                            90,000            87,600           220,800
Total Direct Compensation                                                1,260,003         1,232,579         1,181,250
   Annual Pension Expense                                                    7,000            21,000            77,000
Total Compensation                                                       1,267,003         1,253,579         1,258,250

D.M. Wishart                                                                  2005              2004              2003
                                                                               ($)               ($)               ($)
   Annual Base Salary                                                      380,000           350,000           290,000
   Cash Bonus                                                              400,000           330,000           270,000
   ESUs                                                                    370,003           354,979           140,300
   Stock Options                                                            90,000            87,600           147,200
Total Direct Compensation                                                1,240,003         1,122,579           847,500
   Annual Pension Expense                                                  155,000           190,000           140,000
Total Compensation                                                       1,395,003         1,312,579           987,500

    Additional information in relation to TCPL may be found under TCPL's profile
    on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

    Additional information including directors' and officers' remuneration and
    indebtedness, principal holders of TransCanada's securities and securities
    authorized for issuance under equity compensation plans (all where
    applicable), is contained in TransCanada's Proxy Circular for its most
    recent annual meeting of shareholders that involved the election of
    directors and can be obtained upon request from the Corporate Secretary of

    Additional financial information is provided in TCPL's audited consolidated
    financial statements and MD&A for its most recently completed financial


AIF               Annual Information Form of TransCanada Pipelines Limited dated February 27, 2006
Alberta System    A natural gas transmission system throughout the province of Alberta
APG               Aboriginal Pipeline Group or Mackenzie Valley Aboriginal Pipeline Limited
Bcf               Billion cubic feet
BC System         A natural gas transmission system in southeastern B.C.
Becancour         A power plant near Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
Board             TransCanada's Board of Directors
Bruce A           Bruce Power A L.P.
Bruce B           Bruce Power L.P.
Canadian          A natural gas pipeline system running from the Alberta border east to delivery
Mainline          points in eastern Canada and along the U.S. border
CSA               Canadian Securities Administrators
EUB               Alberta Energy and Utilities Board
External          KPMG LLP
FERC              Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (USA)
Foothills         Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd.
Foothills         A natural gas pipeline system in southeastern B.C., southern Alberta and
System            southwestern Saskatchewan
Grandview         A power plant in Saint John, New Brunswick
Great Lakes       A natural gas pipeline system in the north central U.S., roughly parallel to the
System            Canada-U.S. Border
HS&E              Health, Safety and Environment
Iroquois          A natural gas pipeline system in New York
LNG               Liquefied Natural Gas
Mackenzie         Mackenzie Delta Producers Group
MD&A              TCPL's Management's Discussion and Analysis dated February 27, 2006
MW                Megawatts
NBPL              Northern Border Pipeline
NEB               National Energy Board
NEGT              National Energy & Gas Transmission, Inc.
NGTL              NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd.
Northern          Northern Border Pipeline Company
NYSE              New York Stock Exchange
OPG               Ontario Power Generation Inc.
Power LP          TransCanada Power, L.P.
Proxy Circular    TransCanada's Management Proxy Circular dated February 28, 2006
SEC               U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Shell             Shell US Gas & Power LLC
SOX               U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Tcf               Trillion cubic feet
TCPL              TransCanada PipeLines Limited or the Company
TQM               Trans Quebec & Maritimes Pipeline Inc.
TQM System        A natural gas pipeline system in southeastern Quebec
TransCanada       TransCanada Corporation
TransCanada       Annual meeting of TransCanada common shareholders, to be held on April 28, 2006
Annual Meeting
TSX               Toronto Stock Exchange
Tuscarora         Tuscarora Gas Transmission Company
USGen             US Gen New England, Inc.
Year End          December 31, 2005

                                                TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED 57


Exchange Rate of the Canadian Dollar

All dollar amounts in the AIF are in Canadian dollars, except where otherwise
indicated. The following table shows the yearly high and low noon rates, the
yearly average noon rates and the year-end noon spot rates for the U.S. dollar
for the past five years, each expressed in Canadian dollars, as reported by the
Bank of Canada.
                                                                      Year Ended
                                     2005              2004              2003              2002              2001
Yearly High Noon Rate                   1.2704            1.3968            1.5747            1.6021            1.5593
Yearly Low Noon Rate                    1.1507            1.1774            1.2924            1.4936            1.4341
Yearly Average Noon Rate                1.2116            1.3016            1.4014            1.5484            1.4852
Year-End Noon Rate                      1.1659            1.2036            1.2924            1.5926            1.5002

 On February 27, 2006, the noon rate for the U.S. dollar as reported by the Bank
of Canada was US $1.00 = Cdn. $1.1420.

Metric Conversion Table

The conversion factors set out below are approximate factors. To convert from
Metric to Imperial multiply by the factor indicated. To convert from Imperial to
Metric divide by the factor indicated.
Metric                     Imperial                               Factor
Kilometres                 Miles                                  0.62
Millimetres                Inches                                 0.04
Gigajoules                 Million British thermal units          0.95
Cubic metres*              Cubic feet                             35.3
Kilopascals                Pounds per square inch                 0.15
Degrees Celsius            Degrees Fahrenheit                     to convert to Fahrenheit multiply by 1.8,
                                                                  then add 32 degrees; to convert to Celsius
                                                                  subtract 32 degrees, then divide by 1.8
    The conversion is based on natural gas at a base pressure of 101.325
    kilopascals and at a base temperature of 15 degrees Celsius.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED A-1


Board of Directors

The Board has determined that, other than Messrs. Kvisle and Stewart, all of the
existing directors of TCPL (including Mr. Jackson, the Chair), and the nominees
for election to the Board at the TransCanada Annual Meeting, and concurrent
election to TCPL's board on the same date, have no direct or indirect material
relationship with TCPL and are therefore independent.

 Mr. Kvisle, as the CEO of TCPL, is not independent. Mr. Stewart is not
independent as he provided consulting services to TCPL and received more than
$75,000 in compensation during the 2005 financial year. Mr. Stewart's consulting
contract terminated on December 31, 2005.

 The Governance Committee reviews, at least annually, the existence of any
relationship between each director and TCPL to ensure that the majority of
directors are independent of TCPL.

 The Board believes that, as a matter of policy, there should be a majority of
independent directors on TCPL's Board. The Board is charged with making this
determination. The determination is made annually in accordance with the
definition of "independence" in the Canadian Audit Committee Rules and the
Canadian Governance Guidelines. The independence criteria also conforms with the
applicable rules of the SEC, the NYSE and those set out in SOX. The NYSE's
extended definitions of independence that apply to directors of U.S. companies
are also considered.

 Further, the Board considered whether directors serving on boards of non-profit
organizations which receive donations from TCPL pose any potential conflict. The
Board determined that such relationships, where they exist, do not interfere
with any such director's ability to act in the best interests of TCPL, as all
decisions on making donations to non-profit organizations are made by a
management committee on which no directors serve. The Board also considered
family relationships and possible associations with companies which have
relationships with TCPL, in its determination of independence.

 Although some of the proposed nominees sit on boards or may be otherwise
associated with companies that ship natural gas on TCPL's pipeline systems, TCPL
as a common carrier in Canada cannot, under its tariff, deny transportation
service to a credit-worthy shipper. Further, due to the specialized nature of
the industry, TCPL believes that it is important for its Board to be composed of
qualified and knowledgeable directors, so some of them must come from oil and
gas producers and shippers; the Governance Committee closely monitors
relationships among directors to ensure that business associations do not affect
the Board's performance.

 All reporting issuers of which the nominees are presently directors of are set
out in the table under the heading "Directors and Officers - Election of

 The independent directors of the Board meet separately before and after every
regularly scheduled meeting. There were eight such meetings during 2005.

 The terms of reference for the Chair are set out below under the heading
"Position Descriptions".

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED B-1

Directors' Attendance at Meetings

The following tables summarize the meetings of the Board and its committees held
for the 12-month period ending December 31, 2005, and the attendance of
individual directors. Directors are expected to attend all meetings and each
director generally attends all meetings, subject to occasional scheduling
Type of Meeting Held                                                                               Number of Meetings
Board (8 regularly scheduled and 1 special)(1)                                                                        9
Audit (6 regularly scheduled and 1 special) ("AUD")                                                                   7
Health, Safety and Environment (all regularly scheduled) ("HSE")                                                      4
Human Resources (all regularly scheduled) ("HRC")                                                                     4
Governance (2 regularly scheduled and 1 special) ("GOV")                                                              3

Director                               Board Meetings Attended(1)                  Committee Meetings Attended
D.D. Baldwin                           7 of 9                      78%       3 of 4 HSE (Chair)                     75%
                                                                                 6 of 7 AUD                         86%
K.E. Benson(2)                         5 of 6                      83%           4 of 4 AUD                        100%
D.H. Burney(3)                         2 of 3                      67%           1 of 1 GOV                        100%
W.K. Dobson                            9 of 9                     100%       3 of 3 GOV (Chair)                    100%
                                                                                 4 of 4 HRC                        100%
E.L. Draper(4)                         5 of 5                     100%           2 of 2 HSE                        100%
                                                                                 1 of 1 HRC                        100%
P. Gauthier                            8 of 9                      89%           7 of 7 AUD                        100%
                                                                                 4 of 4 HSE                        100%
K.L. Hawkins                           8 of 9                      89%           4 of 4 HSE                        100%
                                                                             4 of 4 HRC (Chair)                    100%
S.B. Jackson                           9 of 9                     100%           7 of 7 AUD                        100%
                                                                                 2 of 2 GOV                        100%
                                                                                 2 of 2 HSE                        100%
                                                                                 4 of 4 HRC                        100%
P.L. Joskow                            8 of 9                      89%           7 of 7 AUD                        100%
                                                                                 2 of 3 GOV                         67%
H.N. Kvisle(5)                         9 of 9                     100%               N/A                            N/A
D.P. O'Brien                           9 of 9                     100%           3 of 3 GOV                        100%
                                                                                 4 of 4 HRC                        100%
H.G. Schaefer                          9 of 9                     100%       7 of 7 AUD (Chair)                    100%
                                                                                 3 of 3 GOV                        100%
    In addition to the Board meetings, there were three strategic issues
    sessions and one strategic planning session held in 2005. The average total
    attendance rate for those meetings was 79% and 91% respectively.

    Mr. Benson was elected April 29, 2005.

    Mr. Burney was appointed September 8, 2005.

    Dr. Draper was appointed June 15, 2005.

    Mr. Kvisle, as an officer of TCPL and a non-independent Director, is not a
    member of any board committees, but is invited to attend all committee


Board Mandate

The Board operates under a written charter while retaining plenary power. Any
responsibility not delegated to management or a committee of the Board remains
with the Board. Charters have been adopted for each of the committees outlining
their principal responsibilities. Each committee reviews its charter annually to
ensure it is in line with the current developments in corporate governance. All
charters, which are applicable to TransCanada and TCPL, are available on
TransCanada's website at www.transcanada.com. The Board's charter is attached to
this AIF as Schedule "C".

Position Descriptions

The Board has developed written position descriptions for the Chair and for the
chair for each of the Board committees. The responsibilities of each committee
chair are set out in each respective committee's Charter which are available at
www.transcanada.com. The terms of reference for the Chair consist of duties and
responsibilities which include:

        providing advice to the CEO on major policy issues;

        ensuring the CEO is aware of concerns of the Board, shareholders, other
        stakeholders and the public;

        leading the Board in monitoring and evaluating the performance of the
        CEO and ensuring the implementation of management succession plans;

        liaising closely with the CEO to ensure management strategies, plans and
        performance are appropriately represented to the Board; and

        managing the Board.

 The Board has approved terms of reference for the position of the CEO,
applicable to TransCanada and TCPL, which terms of reference define the CEO's
duties and responsibilities. These duties include:

        the development and recommendation of strategic plans to the Board that
        provide for TransCanada's profitable growth and overall success,
        including involving the Board in the early stages of strategy

        the implementation of business and operational plans;

        reporting regularly to the Board on the overall progress and results
        against operating and financial objectives;

        the authorization of the commitment of funds to capital projects not
        included in a previously approved budget or otherwise approved by the
        Board, to a maximum of $25 million; and

        the commitment of corporate resources and entrance into agreements in
        the ordinary course of business in order to pursue the approved
        strategies of TransCanada, with the proviso that major commitments,
        exposures and risks are reported to the Board on a regular and timely

 The Human Resources Committee and the Board annually review and approve the
CEO's personal performance objectives and review with him his performance
against the previous year's objectives. The Human Resources Committee's report
on executive compensation can be found in this AIF under the heading "Executive
Compensation and Other Information - Report on Executive Compensation".

Orientation and Continuing Education

New directors are provided with an orientation and education program that
includes a directors' manual containing information about the duties and
obligations of directors, the business and operations of TCPL, copies of
governance charters, copies of past public filings and documents from recent
Board meetings. New directors are given additional historical and financial
information, a session on corporate strategy and are provided with opportunities
for meetings and discussions with the executive leadership team and other
directors. The directors' manual and the director induction and continuing
education process are reviewed annually by the Governance Committee. The details
of the orientation of each new director are tailored to each director's
individual needs and expressed areas of interest.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED B-3

 Senior management as well as external experts make presentations to the Board
periodically on various business-related topics. Directors tour certain of
TCPL's facilities annually. TCPL encourages continuing education for its
directors, periodically suggests programs which may be relevant to the directors
and provides funding for director education. All directors are members of the
Canadian Institute of Corporate Directors which provides another source of
director education.

Ethical Business Conduct

The Board has adopted and published a set of Corporate Governance Guidelines
that address the structure and composition of the Board and its committees and
provide guidance to both the Board and management in clarifying their respective
responsibilities and ensuring effective communication between them. TCPL's
Corporate Governance Guidelines, which are equally applicable to TransCanada,
are published on TransCanada's website at www.transcanada.com.

 In addition, the Board has committed itself to maintaining a high standard of
corporate governance and integrity; it has adopted a code of business ethics for
directors which incorporates as its basis principles of good conduct and high
ethical behaviour. TCPL has also adopted codes of business ethics for its
employees and one applicable to its CEO, Chief Financial Officer and Controller,
all of which must be certified on an annual basis. Compliance with the Company's
various codes is monitored by the Audit Committee and reported to the Board. The
codes apply to both TransCanada and TCPL and are published on TransCanada's
website at www.transcanada.com.

 In a circumstance where a director declares an interest in any material
contract or material transaction being considered at a meeting, the director
absents himself or herself from the meeting during the consideration of the
matter, and does not vote on the matter.

Nomination of Directors

The Governance Committee, which is composed entirely of independent directors,
is responsible for proposing new nominees to the Board, which in turn is
responsible for identifying suitable candidates for election by the
shareholders. The Governance Committee annually reviews the general and specific
criteria applicable to candidates to be considered for nomination. The objective
of this review is to maintain the composition of the Board in a way that
provides the best mix of skills and experience to guide the long-term strategy
and ongoing business operations of TCPL. New nominees must have experience in
the industries in which TCPL participates or experience in general business
management of corporations that are a similar size and scope to TCPL, the
ability to devote the time required, and a willingness to serve. The Governance
Committee also advises the Board on the criteria for, and determination of, the
independence of each director. The Governance Committee has the authority to
retain advisors to assist it in the discharge of its responsibilities.


The Governance Committee reviews the compensation of the directors on an annual
basis, taking into account such matters as time commitment, responsibility, and
compensation provided by comparable companies, and makes an annual
recommendation to the Board for consideration. Directors may receive their
compensation in the form of cash and deferred share units. Directors must hold a
minimum of five times their annual cash retainer fee in common shares or related
deferred share units of TCPL. Directors have a maximum of five years to reach
this level of share ownership. The Governance Committee's review of director
compensation is based on an annual report of an outside compensation expert on
directors' compensation paid by comparable companies.

 The Human Resources Committee, which is composed entirely of independent
directors, conducts an annual review of the performance of TCPL and the CEO as
measured against objectives established in the prior year by the Board, the
Human Resources Committee and the CEO. The results of this annual review are
reported to the Board, which then makes an evaluation of the overall performance
of TCPL and the CEO. The Chair and the chair of the Human Resources


Committee communicate this performance evaluation to the CEO. The evaluation is
used by the Human Resources Committee in its deliberations concerning the CEO's
annual compensation. The evaluation of TCPL's performance against corporate
objectives also forms part of the determination of the compensation of all
employees. The Human Resources Committee's report on executive compensation can
be found in this AIF under the heading "Executive Compensation and Other
Information - Report on Executive Compensation".

 Further information relating to the Human Resources Committee can be found in
this AIF under the heading "Corporate Governance - Description of Board
Committees and Their Charters - Human Resources Committee".

 The Committee engaged Hewitt Associates (the "Consultant") to provide
independent executive compensation consulting services to the Committee during
2005. The mandate of the Consultant was to provide an independent assessment of
management's proposals relating to the compensation of the Executives. In 2005,
the Consultant provided services to the Committee in accordance with this

 If directed or approved by the chair of the Committee, the Consultant could
also provide advice to management on significant changes to compensation
philosophy or programs, or other compensation matters of the Company. These
additional services were not provided to TCPL in 2005.

Other Board Committees

The Board has the following Committees: Audit; Health, Safety and Environment;
Governance; and Human Resources. Details relating to these committees can be
found in Schedule "D" attached to this AIF.


The Governance Committee is responsible for making an annual assessment of the
overall performance of the Board, its committees and its individual members, and
reporting its findings to the Board. An annual questionnaire is utilized as part
of this process.

 The questionnaire examines the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, and of
each committee, and specifically reviews areas that the Board and/or management
believe could be improved or enhanced to ensure the continued effectiveness of
the Board and its committees in the execution of their responsibilities. Each
committee also conducts an annual self-assessment, based on specific questions
in the annual questionnaire.

 TCPL believes that due to the specialized nature of the industry, it is
important for its Board to be composed of qualified and knowledgeable directors.
During the last year, all directors demonstrated a strong commitment to their
roles and responsibilities through an average 91% overall attendance rate at
Board meetings and an average 94% attendance rate at committee meetings. In
addition, all of the directors are available to meet with management as

 The annual questionnaire and the individual director's terms of reference are
then used in the evaluation of the contribution of individual directors. Formal
interviews with each director and each member of TCPL's executive leadership
team are carried out annually by the Chair with respect to this matter. The
Chair of the Governance Committee also interviews each director annually on his
or her assessment of the Chair's performance. All of these assessments are
reported annually to the full Board.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED B-5



        The Board's primary responsibility is to foster the long-term success of
        the Company consistent with the Board's fiduciary responsibility to the
        shareholders to maximize shareholder value.

        The Board of Directors has plenary power. Any responsibility not
        delegated to management or a committee of the Board remains with the
        Board. This Charter is prepared to assist the Board and management in
        clarifying responsibilities and ensuring effective communication between
        the Board and management.


        Nominees for directors are initially considered and recommended by the
        Governance Committee of the Board, approved by the entire Board and
        elected annually by the shareholders of the Company.

        The Board must be comprised of a majority of members who have been
        determined by the Board to be independent. A member is independent if
        the member has no direct or indirect relationship which could, in the
        view of the Board, reasonably interfere with the exercise of a member's
        independent judgment.

        Directors who are not members of management will meet on a periodic
        basis to discuss matters of interest independent of any influence from

        Certain of the responsibilities of the Board referred to herein may be
        delegated to committees of the Board. The responsibilities of those
        committees will be as set forth in their Charter, as amended from time
        to time.


        Managing the Affairs of the Board

        The Board operates by delegating certain of its authorities, including
        spending authorizations, to management and by reserving certain powers
        to itself. Certain of the legal obligations of the Board are described
        in detail in Section IV. Subject to these legal obligations and to the
        Articles and By-laws of the Company, the Board retains the
        responsibility for managing its own affairs, including:
            planning its composition and size;

            selecting its Chair;

            nominating candidates for election to the Board;

            determining independence of Board members;

            approving committees of the Board and membership of directors

            determining director compensation; and

            assessing the effectiveness of the Board, committees and directors
            in fulfilling their responsibilities.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED C-1

        Management and Human Resources

    The Board has the responsibility for:
        the appointment and succession of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and
        monitoring CEO performance, approving CEO compensation and providing
        advice and counsel to the CEO in the execution of the CEO's duties;

        approving a position description for the CEO;

        reviewing CEO performance at least annually, against agreed-upon written

        approving decisions relating to senior management, including the:

        appointment and discharge of officers of the Company and members of the
        senior leadership team;

        compensation and benefits for members of the senior leadership team;

        acceptance of outside directorships on public companies by executive
        officers (other than not-for-profit organizations);

        annual corporate and business unit performance objectives utilized in
        determining incentive compensation or other awards to officers; and

        employment contracts, termination and other special arrangements with
        executive officers, or other employee groups if such action is likely to
        have a subsequent material(1) impact on the Company or its basic human
        resource and compensation policies.

    For purposes of this Charter, the term "material" includes a transaction or
    a series of related transactions that would, using reasonable business
    judgment and assumptions, have a meaningful impact on the Corporation. The
    impact could be relative to the Corporation's financial performance and
    liabilities as well as its reputation.

            taking all reasonable steps to ensure succession planning programs
            are in place, including programs to train and develop management;

            approving certain matters relating to all employees, including:

            the annual salary policy/program for employees;

            new benefit programs or changes to existing programs that would
            create a change in cost to the Company in excess of $10,000,000

            pension fund investment guidelines and the appointment of pension
            fund managers; and

            material benefits granted to retiring employees outside of benefits
            received under approved pension and other benefit programs.

    Strategy and Plans

        The Board has the responsibility to:
            participate in strategic planning sessions to ensure that management
            develops, and ultimately approve, major corporate strategies and

            approve capital commitment and expenditure budgets and related
            operating plans;

            approve financial and operating objectives used in determining

            approve the entering into, or withdrawing from, lines of business
            that are, or are likely to be, material to the Company;

            approve material divestitures and acquisitions; and


            monitor management's achievements in implementing major corporate
            strategies and objectives, in light of changing circumstances.

    Financial and Corporate Issues

    The Board has the responsibility to:
        take reasonable steps to ensure the implementation and integrity of the
        Company's internal control and management information systems;

        monitor operational and financial results;

        approve annual financial statements and related Management's Discussion
        and Analysis, review quarterly financial results and approve the release
        thereof by management;

        approve the Management Proxy Circular, Annual Information Form and
        documents incorporated by reference therein;

        declare dividends;

        approve financings, changes in authorized capital, issue and repurchase
        of shares, issue and redemption of debt securities, listing of shares
        and other securities, issue of commercial paper, and related
        prospectuses and trust indentures;

        recommend appointment of external auditors and approve auditors' fees;

        approve banking resolutions and significant changes in banking

        approve appointments, or material changes in relationships with
        corporate trustees;

        approve contracts, leases and other arrangements or commitments that may
        have a material impact on the Company;

        approve spending authority guidelines; and

        approve the commencement or settlement of litigation that may have a
        material impact on the Company.

    Business and Risk Management

        The Board has the responsibility to:
            take all reasonable steps to ensure that management has identified
            the principal risks of the Company's business and implemented
            appropriate strategies to manage these risks, understands the
            principal risks and achieves a proper balance between risks and

            review reports on capital commitments and expenditures relative to
            approved budgets;

            review operating and financial performance relative to budgets or

            receive, on a regular basis, reports from management on matters
            relating to, among others, ethical conduct, environmental
            management, employee health and safety, human rights, and related
            party transactions; and

            assess and monitor management control systems by evaluating and
            assessing information provided by management and others (e.g.
            internal and external auditors) about the effectiveness of
            management control systems.

    Policies and Procedures

        The Board has responsibility to:
            monitor compliance with all significant policies and procedures by
            which the Company is operated;

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED C-3

            direct management to ensure the Company operates at all times within
            applicable laws and regulations and to the highest ethical and moral

            provide policy direction to management while respecting its
            responsibility for day-to-day management of the Company's
            businesses; and

            review significant new corporate policies or material amendments to
            existing policies (including, for example, policies regarding
            business conduct, conflict of interest and the environment).

    Compliance Reporting and Corporate Communications

    The Board has the responsibility to:
        take all reasonable steps to ensure the Company has in place effective
        disclosure and communication processes with shareholders and other
        stakeholders and financial, regulatory and other recipients;

        approve interaction with shareholders on all items requiring shareholder
        response or approval;

        take all reasonable steps to ensure that the financial performance of
        the Company is adequately reported to shareholders, other security
        holders and regulators on a timely and regular basis;

        take all reasonable steps to ensure that financial results are reported
        fairly and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

        take all reasonable steps to ensure the timely reporting of any other
        developments that have significant and material impact on the Company;

        report annually to shareholders on the Board's stewardship for the
        preceding year (the Annual Report).


        The Board is responsible for:

        directing management to ensure legal requirements have been met and
        documents and records have been properly prepared, approved and

        approving changes in the By-laws and Articles of Incorporation, matters
        requiring shareholder approval, and agendas for shareholder meetings;

        approving the Company's legal structure, name, logo, mission statement
        and vision statement; and

        performing such functions as it reserves to itself or which cannot, by
        law, be delegated to Committees of the Board or to management.



Description of Board Committees and Their Charters

The Board has four standing committees: the Audit Committee; the Governance
Committee; the Health, Safety and Environment Committee; and the Human Resources
Committee. The Board does not have an Executive Committee. The Audit, Human
Resources and Governance committees are required to be composed entirely of
independent directors. The Health, Safety and Environment Committee is required
to have a majority of independent directors.

 Each of the committees has a charter; the Committee charters are published on
TransCanada's website at www.transcanada.com.

Audit Committee

Chair:            H.G. Schaefer, F.C.A.
Members:    D.D. Baldwin, K.E. Benson, P. Gauthier, P.L. Joskow

 This committee is comprised of five independent directors and is mandated to
assist the Board in monitoring, among other things, the integrity of the
financial statements of TCPL, the compliance by TCPL with legal and regulatory
requirements, and the independence and performance of TCPL's internal and
external auditors. The committee is also mandated to review and recommend to the
Board approval of TCPL's audited annual and unaudited interim consolidated
financial statements and related management discussion and analysis, and other
corporate disclosure documents including information circulars, the annual
information form, all prospectuses, other offering memoranda, and any financial
statements required by regulatory authorities, before they are released to the
public or filed with the appropriate regulatory authorities. In addition, the
committee reviews and recommends to the Board the appointment and compensation
of the external auditor, oversees the accounting, financial reporting, control
and audit functions, and recommends funding of TCPL's pension plans.

 Audit committee information as required under Canadian Audit Committee Rules is
contained in TCPL's Annual Information Form for the year ending December 31,
2005 in the section "Corporate Governance - Audit Committee". Audit committee
information includes the charter, committee composition, relevant education and
experience of each member, reliance on exemptions, financial literacy of each
member, committee oversight, if any, pre-approval policies and procedures, and
external auditor service fees by category. The Annual Information Form is
available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com under TCPL's profile and is published on
TransCanada's website at www.transcanada.com.

 The committee oversees the operation of an anonymous and confidential toll free
telephone number for employees, contractors and the public to call with respect
to perceived accounting irregularities and ethical violations, and has set up a
procedure for the receipt, retention, treatment and regular review of any such
reported activities. This telephone number is published on TransCanada's website
at www.transcanada.com, on its intranet for employees and in TransCanada's
Annual Report to shareholders.

 The committee reviews the audit plans of the internal and external auditors and
meets with them at the time of each committee meeting, in each case both with
and without the presence of management. The committee annually receives and
reviews the external auditor's formal written statement of independence
delineating all relationships between itself and TCPL and its report on
recommendations to management regarding internal controls and procedures, and
ensures the rotation of the lead audit partner having primary responsibility for
the audit as required by law. The committee pre-approves all audit services and
all permitted non-audit services. In addition, the committee discusses with
management TCPL's material financial risk exposures and the actions management
has taken to monitor and control such exposures, reviews the internal control
procedures to oversee their effectiveness, monitors compliance with TCPL's
policies and codes of business ethics, and reports on these matters to the
Board. The committee reviews and approves the investment objectives and choice
of investment managers for the Canadian pension plans and considers and approves
any changes to those plans relating to financial matters.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED D-1

 The committee has authority to retain advisors to assist it in the discharge of
its responsibilities. The committee also reviews its charter at least annually
and, as required, recommends changes to the Governance Committee and to the
Board. The committee reviews its performance annually. There were seven meetings
of the committee in 2005.

Governance Committee

Chair:            W.K. Dobson
Members:    D.H. Burney, P.L. Joskow, D.P. O'Brien, H.G. Schaefer

 This committee is comprised of five independent directors and is mandated to
enhance TCPL's governance through a continuing assessment of TCPL's approach to
corporate governance. The committee is also mandated to identify qualified
individuals to become Board members, to recommend to the Board nominees for
election as directors and to annually recommend to the Board placement of
directors on committees. The committee annually reviews the independence status
of each director in accordance with written criteria in order to provide the
Board with guidance for its annual determination of director independence and
for the placement of members on committees.

 The committee reviews and reports to the Board on the performance of individual
directors, the Board as a whole and each of the committees, in conjunction with
the Chair of the Board. The committee also monitors the relationship between
management and the Board, and reviews TCPL's structures to ensure that the Board
is able to function independently of management. The committee chair annually
reviews the performance of the Chair of the Board. The committee is also
responsible for an annual review of director compensation and for the
administration of the Share Unit Plan for Non-Employee Directors (1998),
including the granting of units under the plan.

 The committee has the authority to retain advisors to assist it in the
discharge of its responsibilities. The committee reviews its charter at least
annually and, as required, recommends changes to the Board. The committee
reviews its performance annually. There were three meetings of the committee in

Human Resources Committee

Chair:            K.L. Hawkins
Members:    W.K. Dobson, E.L. Draper, D.P. O'Brien

 This committee is comprised of four independent directors and is mandated to
review the Company's human resources policies and plans, monitor succession
planning, and to assess the performance of the CEO and other senior officers of
TCPL against set objectives. The committee approves the salary and other
remuneration to be awarded to senior executive officers of TCPL. A report on
senior management development and succession is prepared annually for
presentation to the Board. The committee reports to the Board with
recommendations on the remuneration package for the CEO. The committee approves
executive compensation plans and approves any major changes to TCPL's
compensation and benefit plans. The committee considers and approves any changes
to TCPL's pension plans relating to benefits aspects of these plans. The
committee administers and monitors the Executive Share Unit Plan, the
Performance Share Unit Plan, the Stock Option Plan and the Performance Unit

 The committee has the authority to retain advisors to assist it in the
discharge of its responsibilities. The committee reviews its charter at least
annually and, as required, recommends changes to the Governance Committee and
the Board. The committee reviews its performance annually. There were four
meetings of the committee in 2005.

Health, Safety and Environment Committee

Chair:            D.D. Baldwin
Members:    E.L. Draper, P. Gauthier, K.L. Hawkins

 This committee is comprised of four independent directors and is mandated to
monitor the health, safety and environmental practices and procedures of TCPL
and its subsidiaries for compliance with applicable legislation, conformity with
industry standards and prevention or mitigation of losses. The committee also
considers whether the implementation of TCPL's policies related to health,
safety and environmental matters are effective. The committee reviews reports
and, when appropriate, makes recommendations to the Board on TCPL's policies and
procedures related


to health, safety and the environment. This committee meets separately with
officers of TCPL and its business units who have responsibility for these
matters and reports to the Board on such meetings.

 The committee has the authority to retain advisors to assist it in the
discharge of its responsibilities. The committee reviews its charter at least
annually and, as required, recommends changes to the Governance Committee and
the Board. The committee reviews its performance annually. There were four
meetings of the committee in 2005.

Chair's Participation in Committees

Mr. S.B. Jackson, the Chair of the Board, is an independent director. The Chair
is appointed by the Board and serves in a non-executive capacity. The Chair is a
non-voting member of all committees of the Board.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED D-3


1.     Purpose

    The Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors (the "Board") in
    overseeing and monitoring, among other things, the:
        Company's financial accounting and reporting process;

        integrity of the financial statements;

        Company's internal control over financial reporting;

        external financial audit process;

        compliance by the Company with legal and regulatory requirements; and

        independence and performance of the Company's internal and external

    To fulfill its purpose, the Audit Committee has been delegated certain
    authorities by the Board of Directors that it may exercise on behalf of the

2.     Roles and Responsibilities

        Appointment of the Company's External Auditors

        Subject to confirmation by the external auditors of their compliance
        with Canadian and U.S. regulatory registration requirements, the Audit
        Committee shall recommend to the Board the appointment of the external
        auditors, such appointment to be confirmed by the Company's shareholders
        at each annual meeting. The Audit Committee shall also recommend to the
        Board the compensation to be paid to the external auditors for audit
        services and shall pre-approve the retention of the external auditors
        for any permitted non-audit service and the fees for such service. The
        Audit Committee shall also be directly responsible for the oversight of
        the work of the external auditor (including resolution of disagreements
        between management and the external auditor regarding financial
        reporting) for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or
        related work. The external auditor shall report directly to the Audit

        The Audit Committee shall also receive periodic reports from the
        external auditors regarding the auditors' independence, discuss such
        reports with the auditors, consider whether the provision of non-audit
        services is compatible with maintaining the auditors' independence and
        the Audit Committee shall take appropriate action to satisfy itself of
        the independence of the external auditors.
        Oversight in Respect of Financial Disclosure

        The Audit Committee, to the extent it deems it necessary or appropriate,
            review, discuss with management and the external auditors and
            recommend to the Board for approval, the Company's audited annual
            financial statements, annual information form including management
            discussion and analysis, all financial statements in prospectuses
            and other offering memoranda, financial statements required by
            regulatory authorities, all prospectuses and all documents which may
            be incorporated by reference into a prospectus, including without
            limitation, the annual proxy circular, but excluding any pricing
            supplements issued under a medium term note prospectus supplement of
            the Company;

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED E-1

            review, discuss with management and the external auditors and
            recommend to the Board for approval the release to the public of the
            Company's interim reports, including the financial statements,
            management discussion and analysis and press releases on quarterly
            financial results;

            review and discuss with management and external auditors the use of
            "pro forma" or "adjusted" non-GAAP information and the applicable

            review and discuss with management and external auditors financial
            information and earnings guidance provided to analysts and rating
            agencies; provided, however, that such discussion may be done
            generally (consisting of discussing the types of information to be
            disclosed and the types of presentations to be made). The Audit
            Committee need not discuss in advance each instance in which the
            Company may provide earnings guidance or presentations to rating

            review annual and quarterly financial statements and annual
            disclosure documents of NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. ("NGTL");

            review with management and the external auditors major issues
            regarding accounting and auditing principles and practices,
            including any significant changes in the Company's selection or
            application of accounting principles, as well as major issues as to
            the adequacy of the Company's internal controls and any special
            audit steps adopted in light of material control deficiencies that
            could significantly affect the Company's financial statements;

            review and discuss quarterly reports from the external auditors on:

            all critical accounting policies and practices to be used;

            all alternative treatments of financial information within generally
            accepted accounting principles that have been discussed with
            management, ramifications of the use of such alternative disclosures
            and treatments, and the treatment preferred by the external auditor;

            other material written communications between the external auditor
            and management, such as any management letter or schedule of
            unadjusted differences;

        review with management and the external auditors the effect of
        regulatory and accounting initiatives as well as off-balance sheet
        structures on the Company's financial statements;

        review with management, the external auditors and, if necessary, legal
        counsel, any litigation, claim or contingency, including tax
        assessments, that could have a material effect upon the financial
        position of the Company, and the manner in which these matters have been
        disclosed in the financial statements;

        review disclosures made to the Audit Committee by the Company's CEO and
        CFO during their certification process for the periodic reports filed
        with securities regulators about any significant deficiencies in the
        design or operation of internal controls or material weaknesses therein
        and any fraud involving management or other employees who have a
        significant role in the Company's internal controls;

        discuss with management the Company's material financial risk exposures
        and the steps management has taken to monitor and control such
        exposures, including the Company's risk assessment and risk management

    Oversight in Respect of Legal and Regulatory Matters

    review with the Company's General Counsel legal matters that may have a
    material impact on the financial statements, the Company's compliance
    policies and any material reports or inquiries received from regulators or
    governmental agencies.


        Oversight in Respect of Internal Audit

        review the audit plans of the internal auditors of the Company including
        the degree of coordination between such plan and that of the external
        auditors and the extent to which the planned audit scope can be relied
        upon to detect weaknesses in internal control, fraud or other illegal

        review the significant findings prepared by the internal auditing
        department and recommendations issued by the Company or by any external
        party relating to internal audit issues, together with management's
        response thereto;

        review compliance with the Company's policies and avoidance of conflicts
        of interest;

        review the adequacy of the resources of the internal auditor to ensure
        the objectivity and independence of the internal audit function,
        including reports from the internal audit department on its audit
        process with associates and affiliates;

        ensure the internal auditor has access to the Chair of the Audit
        Committee and of the Board and to the Chief Executive Officer and meet
        separately with the internal auditor to review with him any problems or
        difficulties he may have encountered and specifically:

        any difficulties which were encountered in the course of the audit work,
        including restrictions on the scope of activities or access to required
        information, and any disagreements with management;

        any changes required in the planned scope of the internal audit; and

        the internal audit department responsibilities, budget and staffing;

            and to report to the Board on such meetings;
            bi-annually review officers' expenses and aircraft usage reports;

    Oversight in Respect of the External Auditors

    review the annual post-audit or management letter from the external auditors
    and management's response and follow-up in respect of any identified
    weakness, inquire regularly of management and the external auditors of any
    significant issues between them and how they have been resolved, and
    intervene in the resolution if required;

    review the quarterly unaudited financial statements with the external
    auditors and receive and review the review engagement reports of external
    auditors on unaudited financial statements of the Company and NGTL;

    receive and review annually the external auditors' formal written statement
    of independence delineating all relationships between itself and the

    meet separately with the external auditors to review with them any problems
    or difficulties the external auditors may have encountered and specifically:

    any difficulties which were encountered in the course of the audit work,
    including any restrictions on the scope of activities or access to required
    information, and any disagreements with management; and

    any changes required in the planned scope of the audit;

        and to report to the Board on such meetings;
        review with the external auditors the adequacy and appropriateness of
        the accounting policies used in preparation of the financial statements;

        meet with the external auditors prior to the audit to review the
        planning and staffing of the audit;

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED E-3

            receive and review annually the external auditors' written report on
            their own internal quality control procedures; any material issues
            raised by the most recent internal quality control review, or peer
            review, of the external auditors, or by any inquiry or investigation
            by governmental or professional authorities, within the preceding
            five years, and any steps taken to deal with such issues;

            review and evaluate the external auditors, including the lead
            partner of the external auditor team;

            ensure the rotation of the lead (or coordinating) audit partner
            having primary responsibility for the audit and the audit partner
            responsible for reviewing the audit as required by law;

    Oversight in Respect of Audit and Non-Audit Services

    pre-approve all audit services (which may entail providing comfort letters
    in connection with securities underwritings) and all permitted non-audit
    services, other than non-audit services where:

    the aggregate amount of all such non-audit services provided to the Company
    constitutes not more than 5% of the total fees paid by the Company and its
    subsidiaries to the external auditor during the fiscal year in which the
    non-audit services are provided;

    such services were not recognized by the Company at the time of the
    engagement to be non-audit services; and

    such services are promptly brought to the attention of the Audit Committee
    and approved prior to the completion of the audit by the Audit Committee or
    by one or more members of the Audit Committee to whom authority to grant
    such approvals has been delegated by the Audit Committee;

    approval by the Audit Committee of a non-audit service to be performed by
    the external auditor shall be disclosed as required under securities laws
    and regulations;

    the Audit Committee may delegate to one or more designated members of the
    Audit Committee the authority to grant pre-approvals required by this
    subsection. The decisions of any member to whom authority is delegated to
    pre-approve an activity shall be presented to the Audit Committee at its
    first scheduled meeting following such pre-approval;

    if the Audit Committee approves an audit service within the scope of the
    engagement of the external auditor, such audit service shall be deemed to
    have been pre-approved for purposes of this subsection;

    Oversight in Respect of Certain Policies

    review and recommend to the Board for approval policy changes and program
    initiatives deemed advisable by management or the Audit Committee with
    respect to the Company's codes of business conduct and ethics;

    obtain reports from management, the Company's senior internal auditing
    executive and the external auditors and report to the Board on the status
    and adequacy of the Company's efforts to ensure its businesses are conducted
    and its facilities are operated in an ethical, legally compliant and
    socially responsible manner, in accordance with the Company's codes of
    business conduct and ethics;

    establish a non-traceable, confidential and anonymous system by which
    callers may ask for advice or report any ethical or financial concern,
    ensure that procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of
    complaints in respect of accounting, internal controls and auditing matters
    are in place, and receive reports on such matters as necessary;

    annually review and assess the adequacy of the Company's public disclosure

    review and approve the Company's hiring policies for employees or former
    employees of the external auditors (recognizing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
    2002 does not permit the CEO, controller, CFO or chief


            accounting officer to have participated in the Company's audit as an
            employee of the external auditors' during the preceding one-year
            period) and monitor the Company's adherence to the policy;
        Oversight in Respect of Pension Matters

        consider and in accordance with regulatory requirements approve any
        changes in the Company's pension plans having to do with financial
        matters after consultation with the Human Resources Audit Committee in
        respect of any effect such a change may have on pension benefits;

        review and consider financial and investment reports relating to the
        Company's pension plans;

        appoint and terminate the engagement of investment managers with respect
        to the Company's pension plans;

        receive, review and report to the Board on the actuarial valuation and
        funding requirements for the Company's pension plans;

    Oversight in Respect of Internal Administration

    review annually the reports of the Company's representatives on certain
    audit committees of subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company and any
    significant issues and auditor recommendations concerning such subsidiaries
    and affiliates;

    review the succession plans in respect of the Chief Financial Officer, the
    Vice President, Risk Management and the Director, Internal Audit;

    review and approve guidelines for the Company's hiring of employees or
    former employees of the external auditors who were engaged on the Company's

    Oversight Function

        While the Audit Committee has the responsibilities and powers set forth
        in this Charter, it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to plan or
        conduct audits or to determine that the Company's financial statements
        and disclosures are complete and accurate or are in accordance with
        generally accepted accounting principles and applicable rules and
        regulations. These are the responsibilities of management and the
        external auditors. The Audit Committee, its Chair and any of its members
        who have accounting or related financial management experience or
        expertise, are members of the Board, appointed to the Audit Committee to
        provide broad oversight of the financial disclosure, financial risk and
        control related activities of the Company, and are specifically not
        accountable nor responsible for the day to day operation of such
        activities. Although designation of a member or members as an "audit
        committee financial expert" is based on that individual's education and
        experience, which that individual will bring to bear in carrying out his
        or her duties on the Audit Committee, designation as an "audit committee
        financial expert" does not impose on such person any duties, obligations
        or liability that are greater than the duties, obligations and liability
        imposed on such person as a member of the Audit Committee and Board in
        the absence of such designation. Rather, the role of any audit committee
        financial expert, like the role of all Audit Committee members, is to
        oversee the process and not to certify or guarantee the internal or
        external audit of the Company's financial information or public

3.     Composition of Audit Committee

    The Audit Committee shall consist of three or more Directors, a majority of
    whom are resident Canadians (as defined in the Canada Business Corporations
    Act), and all of whom are unrelated and/or independent for the purposes of
    applicable Canadian and United States securities law and applicable rules of
    any stock exchange on which the Company's shares are listed. Each member of
    the Audit Committee shall be financially literate and at least one member
    shall have accounting or related financial management expertise (as those
    terms are defined from time to time under the requirements or guidelines for
    audit committee service under securities laws and the

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED E-5

    applicable rules of any stock exchange on which the Company's securities are
    listed for trading or, if it is not so defined as that term is interpreted
    by the Board in its business judgment).

4.     Appointment of Audit Committee Members

    The members of the Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Board from time
    to time, on the recommendation of the Governance Committee and shall hold
    office until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until their
    successors are earlier appointed or until they cease to be Directors of the

5.     Vacancies

    Where a vacancy occurs at any time in the membership of the Audit Committee,
    it may be filled by the Board on the recommendation of the Governance

6.     Audit Committee Chair

    The Board shall appoint a Chair of the Audit Committee who shall:
        review and approve the agenda for each meeting of the Audit Committee
        and as appropriate, consult with members of management;

        preside over meetings of the Audit Committee;

        report to the Board on the activities of the Audit Committee relative to
        its recommendations, resolutions, actions and concerns; and

        meet as necessary with the internal and external auditors.

7.     Absence of Audit Committee Chair

    If the Chair of the Audit Committee is not present at any meeting of the
    Audit Committee, one of the other members of the Audit Committee present at
    the meeting shall be chosen by the Audit Committee to preside at the

8.     Secretary of Audit Committee

    The Corporate Secretary shall act as Secretary to the Audit Committee.

9.     Meetings

    The Chair, or any two members of the Audit Committee, or the internal
    auditor, or the external auditors, may call a meeting of the Audit
    Committee. The Audit Committee shall meet at least quarterly. The Audit
    Committee shall meet periodically with management, the internal auditors and
    the external auditors in separate executive sessions.

10.  Quorum

    A majority of the members of the Audit Committee, present in person or by
    telephone or other telecommunication device that permit all persons
    participating in the meeting to speak to each other, shall constitute a

11.  Notice of Meetings

    Notice of the time and place of every meeting shall be given in writing or
    facsimile communication to each member of the Audit Committee at least 24
    hours prior to the time fixed for such meeting; provided, however, that a
    member may in any manner waive a notice of a meeting. Attendance of a member
    at a meeting is a waiver of notice of the meeting, except where a member
    attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of
    any business on the grounds that the meeting is not lawfully called.


12.  Attendance of Company Officers and Employees at Meeting

    At the invitation of the Chair of the Audit Committee, one or more officers
    or employees of the Company may attend any meeting of the Audit Committee.

13.  Procedure, Records and Reporting

    The Audit Committee shall fix its own procedure at meetings, keep records of
    its proceedings and report to the Board when the Audit Committee may deem
    appropriate but not later than the next meeting of the Board.

14.  Review of Charter and Evaluation of Audit Committee

    The Audit Committee shall review its Charter annually or otherwise, as it
    deems appropriate, and if necessary propose changes to the Governance
    Committee and the Board. The Audit Committee shall annually review the Audit
    Committee's own performance.

15.  Outside Experts and Advisors

    The Audit Committee is authorized, when deemed necessary or desirable, to
    retain independent counsel, outside experts and other advisors, at the
    Company's expense, to advise the Audit Committee or its members
    independently on any matter.

16.  Reliance

    Absent actual knowledge to the contrary (which shall be promptly reported to
    the Board), each member of the Audit Committee shall be entitled to rely on
    (i) the integrity of those persons or organizations within and outside the
    Company from which it receives information, (ii) the accuracy of the
    financial and other information provided to the Audit Committee by such
    persons or organizations and (iii) representations made by Management and
    the external auditors, as to any information technology, internal audit and
    other non-audit services provided by the external auditors to the Company
    and its subsidiaries.

                                               TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LIMITED E-7

Financial Highlights

                         Year ended December 31                2005      2004      2003      2002      2001      2000
                         (millions of dollars)

                         Income Statement
                             Net income applicable to
                         common shares
                                 Continuing operations        1,208       978       801       747       686       628
                                 Discontinued operations          -        52        50         -       (67 )      61

                             Net income applicable to         1,208     1,030       851       747       619       689
                         common shares

                         Cash Flow Statement
                             Funds generated from             1,950     1,701     1,822     1,843     1,625     1,484
                             (Increase)/decrease in             (48 )      28        93        92      (487 )     437
                         operating working capital

                             Net cash provided by             1,902     1,729     1,915     1,935     1,138     1,921

                             Capital expenditures and         2,071     2,046       965       851     1,082     1,144

                         Balance Sheet
                             Total assets                    24,113    22,421    20,884    20,555    20,531    25,245
                             Long-term debt                   9,640     9,749     9,516     8,899     9,444    10,008
                             Common shareholders' equity      7,164     6,484     6,044     5,747     5,426     5,211

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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