RNS Number : 1411J 
Yorkshire Electricity Distribution 
24 March 2010 

The following regulated information, disseminated pursuant to DTR 6.3.5, 
comprises the Annual Report and Accounts of Yorkshire Electricity Distribution 
plc for the year ended 31 December 2009. 
Pursuant to LR 9.6.1, two copies of the document have been submitted to the UK 
Listing Authority and will shortly be available for inspection at the UK Listing 
Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at: 
Financial Services Authority 
25 The North Colonnade 
Canary Wharf 
E14 5HS 
Tel. No. 020 7066 8224 
The 2009 Annual Report and Accounts are also available on the website 
                            REGISTERED NUMBER 4112320 
TO 31 DECEMBER 2009 
Directors' Report 
Business Review 
            Review of the Year 
Strategic Objectives 
            Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
            Internal Control 
Financial Strength 
Customer Service 
Operational Excellence 
Employee Commitment 
Environmental Respect 
Regulatory Integrity 
Corporate Governance Statement 
Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Annual Report and 
Accounts                  29 
Independent Auditors' Report to the Members of Yorkshire Electricity 
Distribution plc                      30 
Income Statement 
Statement of Comprehensive Income 
Statement of Changes in Equity 
Balance Sheet 
Cash Flow Statement 
Notes to the Accounts 
                            REGISTERED NUMBER 4112320 
  Registered Office: Lloyds Court, 78 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6AF 
                                DIRECTORS' REPORT 
Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements 
This annual report has been prepared for the members of the Company only. The 
Company, its directors, employees or agents do not accept or assume 
responsibility to any other person in connection with this document and any such 
responsibility or liability is expressly disclaimed. This annual report contains 
certain forward-looking statements, which can be identified by the fact that 
they do not relate only to historical or current facts. In particular, all 
statements that express forecasts, expectations and projections with respect to 
future matters, including trends in results of operations, business prospects, 
the availability of financing to the Company and anticipated cost savings are 
forward-looking statements. 
By their nature, these statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty 
because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not 
occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual 
results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by 
these forward-looking statements and forecasts. The forward-looking statements 
reflect the knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of 
this annual report and will not be updated during the year. Nothing in this 
annual report should be construed as a profit forecast. 
The directors present the annual report and accounts of Yorkshire Electricity 
Distribution plc (the "Company") for the year ended 31 December 2009, which 
includes the business review and audited financial statements for that year. 
Pages 1 to 28 inclusive of this annual report comprise a directors' report that 
has been drawn up and presented in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. 
The Company is part of the CE Electric UK Funding Company group of companies 
(the "CE Group") and its principal activity during the year was to distribute 
electricity to customers connected to its electricity distribution network. 
The Company serves an area of approximately 10,700 sq. km encompassing the 
counties of West Yorkshire, East Yorkshire and almost all of South Yorkshire, 
together with parts of North Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, 
Lincolnshire and Lancashire, receives electricity from the National Grid's 
transmission system and distributes it to approximately 2.2 million customers 
connected to its electricity distribution network of transformers, switchgear 
and overhead and underground cables, at voltages of up to 132kV. The Company is 
an authorised distributor under the Electricity Act 1989 and holds an 
electricity distribution licence granted by the Secretary of State. During the 
year, the Company distributed electricity to customers in its distribution 
services area and continued to improve the overall performance of its 
distribution network through its investment strategy being targeted at 
delivering improvements in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 
In common with the CE Group, the Company operates a business model and strategy 
based on its six core principles (the "Core Principles"), which remain 
consistent and are: 
|  Principle    |          Strategy          |      Indicator       | 
|               |                            |                      | 
| Financial     | Effective stewardship of   | Profitability.       | 
| strength      | the Company's financial    | Cash flow.           | 
|               | resources, investing in    | Maintenance of       | 
|               | assets and focusing on     | investment grade     | 
|               | long term opportunities,   | credit ratings.      | 
|               | which contribute to the    |                      | 
|               | Company's future strength. |                      | 
|               |                            |                      | 
|  Principle    |          Strategy          |      Indicator       | 
| Customer      | Delivering reliability,    | Improving network    | 
| service       | fair prices and            | resilience and       | 
|               | exceptional service.       | performance,         | 
|               |                            | measured  by:        | 
|               |                            | Customer minutes     | 
|               |                            | lost;                | 
|               |                            | Customer             | 
|               |                            | interruptions; and   | 
|               |                            | Customer             | 
|               |                            | satisfaction.        | 
| Operational   | Setting high standards for | Effective asset      | 
| excellence    | the Company's operations   | management.          | 
|               | and system investment,     | Managing commercial  | 
|               | operation and maintenance. | risk.                | 
|               |                            | Improving network    | 
|               |                            | resilience and       | 
|               |                            | performance.         | 
|               |                            |                      | 
| Employee      | Equipping employees with   | Leading safety       | 
| commitment    | the resources and skills   | performer.           | 
|               | they need to operate       | Engaging employees.  | 
|               | successfully and in a safe | Effective            | 
|               | and rewarding environment. | leadership.          | 
|               |                            |                      | 
| Environmental | Using natural resources    | Reducing             | 
| respect       | wisely and effectively     | environmental        | 
|               | protecting the             | impact.              | 
|               | environment, where it is   | Promoting and        | 
|               | impacted by the Company's  | pursuing long term   | 
|               | operations.                | sustainability.      | 
|               |                            |                      | 
| Regulatory    | Adhering to a policy of    | Strong internal      | 
| integrity     | strict compliance with     | controls.            | 
|               | appropriate standards,     | Regulatory           | 
|               | policies and legislation.  | engagement.          | 
|               |                            | Industry influence.  | 
The Company continues to put plans in place to deliver its objectives against 
the strategy based on the Core Principles, executes on those plans across a 
range of activities, measures its progress and introduces corrective action 
wherever required. Adherence to its strategy and Core Principles enabled the 
Company to deliver a pleasing financial performance against the challenging 
economic environment, which persisted throughout 2009 and which included the 
highest reduction in the number of units distributed across its network for a 
number of years. 
Review of the year 
The Company continued to make good progress in many areas of its business during 
the year, with financial performance meeting the challenges of the year, 
assisted by a strong cost control and mitigation exercise, customer service 
performance improving in the call centre with the introduction of a new 
inter-active voice recognition system and a significant reduction being achieved 
in relation to the work in progress to repair faults on the distribution 
network. Disappointingly, those incidents classified by the Company as 
preventable vehicle accidents increased during the year and the Company failed 
to meet its targets in respect of operational incidents. 
During 2009, the Company was fully engaged with the Office of Gas and 
Electricity Markets ("Ofgem") in the Distribution Price Control 5 ("DPCR5") 
process, which culminated on 7 December 2009 with Ofgem publishing its final 
proposals in respect of the price control formula that will take effect for the 
five-year period commencing 1 April 2010. That process involved submission of 
the Company's detailed business plans in February 2009, the publication by Ofgem 
of an initial set of proposals on 3 August 2009 and continuing subsequent 
dialogue between the Company and Ofgem throughout the remainder of the year. 
Following detailed analysis, the Company advised Ofgem, on 23 December 2009, 
that it was accepting its final proposals. 
Review of the year (continued) 
Under its final proposals for DPCR5, Ofgem set a 4.7 per cent 'vanilla' weighted 
average cost of capital, which equates to 5.6 per cent pre-tax, in order to 
allow the Company to fund its cost of debt and equity. The Company was 
disappointed at the low level of the return on capital allowed but pleased that 
Ofgem recognised the Company as one of the more efficient distribution network 
operators ("DNOs"). 
The Company was also pleased to see the focus in DPCR5 on rewarding DNOs for 
delivering high standards of customer service and providing the opportunity for 
outperforming Ofgem's baseline expenditure and performance targets. In addition, 
Ofgem has set out the "outputs" it expects the Company to achieve and, as an 
incentive to provide better customer service, will introduce new, statutory 
guaranteed standards of performance in respect of connections to the Company's 
network, more challenging targets for network reliability and a new measure of 
customer satisfaction with the service provided. 
The Company's charges based on the DPCR5 final proposals, together with a 
rebalancing of distribution charges between customer groups, mean that, on 1 
April 2010,  the Company's charges made in relation to the distribution of 
electricity to domestic customers will increase by about 2.8%, or equivalent to 
about 0.4% on their electricity bills. Changes to the charges made in relation 
to non-domestic customers will vary more widely between different types of 
non-domestic customers.. 
Strategic objectives 
As part of the CE Group, the Company's strategic objectives remain based on its 
core principles and are to build a business, which: 
·           continues to generate value over the long-term, in keeping with the 
nature of that business; 
·           invests in and manages its electricity distribution network in an 
efficient and effective manner; 
·           provides its customers with an excellent standard of service; 
·           engages with its employees so that they feel rewarded and recognised 
as part of a team that sets and achieves increasingly high standards of 
performance; and 
·           is viewed as being a leader in terms of shaping the future direction 
of the electricity distribution network sector in the United Kingdom. 
As part of its strategy, the Company continues to be committed to putting safety 
first, respecting its customers, their time and property, doing a quality job, 
responding effectively in times of severe weather (when it is needed most) and 
caring for its local environment. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
There are a number of potential risks and uncertainties, which could have an 
impact on the Company, its financial position and its operations and may cause 
actual results to vary materially from those expected or historically 
experienced. The principal risks are outlined as follows: 
Financial strength: 
As a holder of an electricity distribution licence, the Company is subject to 
regulation by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority ("GEMA"), which acts 
through Ofgem. 
Most of the revenue of the electricity distribution licence holders is 
controlled by a distribution price control formula set out in the electricity 
distribution licence. The price control formula does not constrain profits from 
year to year but is a control on revenue that operates independently of most of 
the electricity distribution licence holder's costs. 
Principal risks and uncertainties (continued) 
Financial strength (continued): 
It has been the practice of Ofgem to review and reset the formula at five-year 
intervals, although the formula has been, and may be, reviewed at other times at 
the discretion of Ofgem. The current five-year price control period became 
effective on 1 April 2005 and has set the Company's revenue through to 31 March 
2010. A resetting of the formula requires the consent of the electricity 
distribution licence holder but licence modifications may be unilaterally 
imposed by Ofgem without such consent following review by the Competition 
Commission. During the term of the price control, changes in costs incurred will 
have a direct impact on the financial results of the Company. 
The other financial strength risks facing the Company are outlined in the 
Treasury section on page 9 below. 
Operational risk: 
The principal risks facing the Company in respect of the other core principles 
|      Risk        |          Issue          |      Mitigation       | 
| Counter-party    | A counter-party with    | The treasury function | 
| security         | which the Company       | has strict controls   | 
| (Financial       | trades may go bankrupt  | in respect of the     | 
| Strength)        | causing loss of         | counter-parties with  | 
|                  | invested funds or       | which it deals,       | 
|                  | amounts owing.          | including the use of  | 
|                  |                         | credit ratings and    | 
|                  |                         | appropriate limits.   | 
|                  |                         | Credit cover          | 
|                  |                         | arrangements are in   | 
|                  |                         | place with the        | 
|                  |                         | electricity           | 
|                  |                         | suppliers, which      | 
|                  |                         | would allow recovery  | 
|                  |                         | of defaulted payments | 
|                  |                         | through the price     | 
|                  |                         | control mechanism, if | 
|                  |                         | good debt control     | 
|                  |                         | practices continue to | 
|                  |                         | be followed.          | 
|                  |                         |                       | 
| Potential        | Recent weather patterns | A robust major        | 
| flooding and     | suggest a heightened    | incident management   | 
| other weather    | risk of flooding of 'at | plan is in place. The | 
| related events.  | risk areas' and the     | Company's critical    | 
| (Operational     | potential for increased | property unit plan    | 
| Excellence and   | occurrence of damage to | assesses those        | 
| Customer         | the overhead network.   | properties most at    | 
| service)         |                         | risk and a flood      | 
|                  |                         | mitigation plan is in | 
|                  |                         | place, including the  | 
|                  |                         | erection of permanent | 
|                  |                         | and temporary         | 
|                  |                         | defences.             | 
|                  |                         |                       | 
| BT ESP Analogue  | Potential withdrawal of | The Company is        | 
| Circuits         | service puts existing   | represented on the    | 
| (Operational     | communication           | Energy Networks       | 
| Excellence)      | arrangements at risk.   | Association's working | 
|                  |                         | group, which is       | 
|                  |                         | working with BT, the  | 
|                  |                         | Cabinet Office, Ofgem | 
|                  |                         | and Ofcom to consider | 
|                  |                         | the issues. Options   | 
|                  |                         | include retaining the | 
|                  |                         | equivalent service,   | 
|                  |                         | potentially at higher | 
|                  |                         | than current cost or  | 
|                  |                         | utilising an          | 
|                  |                         | alternative solution. | 
|                  |                         |                       | 
Principal risks and uncertainties (continued) 
Operational risk (continued): 
|        Risk        |         Issue          |      Mitigation       | 
|                    |                        |                       | 
| Network risk in    | Should the 132kV       | Completion of a       | 
| the Bradford area  | infeeds fail, the main | number of the key     | 
| (Operational       | supply point would be  | deliverables has gone | 
| Excellence)        | lost and result in     | some way towards      | 
|                    | substantial cost       | reducing the overall  | 
|                    | impact to restore the  | risk and a programme  | 
|                    | customers via the use  | of major replacement, | 
|                    | of generating units or | reinforcement and     | 
|                    | through potential      | refurbishment works   | 
|                    | guaranteed standards   | runs through to 2015. | 
|                    | failures and incentive |                       | 
|                    | penalties.             |                       | 
|                    |                        |                       | 
| Motor accident     | Any significant road   | The inclusion of road | 
| management         | traffic accident       | risk related issues   | 
| (Employee          | involving a Company    | in the CE Group's     | 
| Commitment and     | vehicle may create a   | Safety Improvement    | 
| Regulatory         | liability, which the   | Plan and the          | 
| Integrity)         | Company has to meet,   | appointment of a      | 
|                    | and involve injury to  | dedicated road risk   | 
|                    | employees and/or third | manager, together     | 
|                    | parties.               | with improved         | 
|                    |                        | reporting routines,   | 
|                    |                        | has increased the     | 
|                    |                        | focus on road safety. | 
|                    |                        |                       | 
| Electricity        | The regulations impose | A full site           | 
| Safety, Quality    | various statutory      | inspection and risk   | 
| and Continuity     | obligations,           | assessment regime is  | 
| Regulations 2002   | non-compliance with    | in place designed to  | 
| (Employee          | which could lead to    | ensure compliance.    | 
| Commitment and     | incidents, prosecution |                       | 
| Regulatory         | and claims.            |                       | 
| Integrity)         |                        |                       | 
|                    |                        |                       | 
| Shortage of supply | The global demand for  | Improved and more     | 
| and increased      | copper has impacted    | efficient procurement | 
| demand for copper  | the availability and   | processes have been   | 
| (Operational       | cost of a number of    | introduced and        | 
| Excellence)        | core products and      | security at all sites | 
|                    | increased the risk of  | where copper products | 
|                    | theft.                 | are stored has been   | 
|                    |                        | reviewed and enhanced | 
|                    |                        | where required.       | 
|                    |                        |                       | 
| Influenza pandemic | A pandemic may occur,  | A pandemic group was  | 
| (Employee          | substantially          | established and an    | 
| Commitment and     | impacting on normal    | action plan           | 
| Operational        | business operations.   | incorporated into the | 
| Excellence)        |                        | Company's existing    | 
|                    |                        | crisis management and | 
|                    |                        | business continuity   | 
|                    |                        | plans, which included | 
|                    |                        | information and       | 
|                    |                        | practice obtained     | 
|                    |                        | from liaison with     | 
|                    |                        | government agencies,  | 
|                    |                        | health professionals  | 
|                    |                        | and occupational      | 
|                    |                        | health experts.       | 
A Compliance Assurance Programme Steering Group ("CAPSG") is in place, 
consisting of certain directors and senior managers of the CE Group, in order to 
provide oversight at a strategic level and steering of the CE Group's 
performance in respect of governance and its key facets of compliance and risk 
The Company operates a structured and disciplined approach to the management of 
risk, as part of the overall risk management approach of the CE Group. Those 
risks assessed to be significantly high are logged within a risk register that 
is reviewed regularly by the CAPSG and key indicators track the number of 
significant risks actively monitored by the CAPSG at any one time. 
Operational risk (continued): 
Risks are assessed with due regard to probability and impact and the risk 
environment is reviewed continually in order that new or emerging potential 
risks are identified. Risk mitigation and loss control plans are prepared in 
response to strategic risks in order that the directors can be assured that 
appropriate mitigating actions are in place and being implemented. These plans 
are monitored through to implementation and reviewed to determine whether the 
level of residual, mitigated risk is within an acceptable level of tolerance. 
The CE Group's strategy is to follow an appropriate risk policy, which is 
intended to effectively manage exposures related to the achievement of its 
business objectives. The CE Group identifies and assesses risks associated with 
the achievement of its strategic objectives, including those of an environmental 
and social nature. Any key actions needed to further enhance the control 
environment are identified, along with the person responsible for the management 
of the specific risk. A regular review of the key risks, controls and action 
plans is undertaken. The Governance and Risk Section co-ordinates the risk and 
compliance activity, emphasising the CE Group's commitment to maintaining an 
appropriate risk and governance framework across the business. 
The use of a well-defined risk management methodology allows a consistent and 
co-ordinated approach to risk reporting and mitigation. 
A key element and requirement of the risk management process is that a written 
certificate is provided by the President and Chief Operating Officer of the CE 
Group confirming that the effectiveness of the system of internal controls has 
been reviewed during the year. A self-certification process is in place, in 
support of this review, whereby senior managers are required to confirm that the 
system of internal control in their area of the business is operating 
Internal control 
A rigorous internal control environment exists within the CE Group based on 
regular reporting, a series of operational and financial policy statements, 
investigations undertaken by internal audit and a stringent process for ensuring 
the implementation of any recommendations. MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company 
("MidAmerican"), a parent company of the Company, requires a quarterly control 
risk self-assessment to be undertaken by all senior managers as part of its 
programme for compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. During 
the year, the annual, extensive programme to review the company-wide controls 
was completed and opportunities to enhance control arrangements, identified by 
that review, have been implemented. 
The CE Group is committed to proper business conduct and, in common with the 
other affiliates of MidAmerican, has adopted a code of business ethics that 
emphasises the requirement for all staff to manage their activities to achieve 
the highest level of ethical conduct. 
The CE Group has a "speaking up" policy in place for staff to raise any 
instances of unethical acts, malpractice or impropriety. An additional process 
is also available to all staff via an international, anonymous help line 
operated by an independent company. 
Human resource policies focus on skills, motivation and excellence and the 
promotion of high standards of probity among staff. In addition, the appropriate 
organisational structure has been developed to control business units and to 
delegate authority and accountability, having regard to acceptable levels of 
The Company has appropriate controls in place directed at ensuring compliance 
with the conditions in its licence requiring any payments made to, or received 
from, affiliates or related undertakings in respect of goods and services 
provided or supplied to be on an arm's length basis and on normal commercial 
Internal control (continued) 
Other key features of the internal control system are: 
·           Comprehensive business planning and financial reporting procedures, 
including the annual preparation of detailed operational budgets for the year 
ahead and projections for subsequent years; 
·           Regular review of key performance indicators to assess progress 
towards objectives; 
·           A range of policies, codes of practice and more detailed 
instructions that define the processes to be followed; 
·           A strong internal audit function to provide independent scrutiny of 
internal control systems and risk management procedures, including the standards 
required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; 
·           On-going health and safety performance reviews carried out by 
in-house safety professionals in addition to the regime of routine health and 
safety risk assessment and management processes carried out within each of the 
operating units; 
·           Processes and procedures to operate under the Occupational Health 
and Safety Assessment Series ("OHSAS") standard OHSAS 18001, which is subject to 
external certification and regular assessment; 
·           An external obligations programme, which provides a robust approach 
to, and compliance with, financial, legal and regulatory obligations; 
·           Centralised treasury operations that operate within defined limits 
and are subject to regular reporting requirements and audit reviews; and 
·           Established procedures for planning, approving and monitoring major 
capital expenditure, major projects and the development of new business which 
includes short and long-term budgets, risk evaluation, detailed appraisal and 
review procedures, defined authority levels and post-investment performance 
Financial strength 
During 2009, the Company continued to improve its management of routine 
financial performance, implemented tighter expenditure controls through a 
wide-ranging cost mitigation exercise, enhanced the reporting of management 
information and embedded the culture of continuous financial improvement in all 
areas of its operations. 
In addition, representations were made to Ofgem, in accordance with the 
provisions set out in the electricity distribution licence, regarding certain 
categories of cost not fully taken into account when the current price control 
was set, effective from 1 April 2005, due to uncertainties at that time 
regarding the amount and materiality of those costs. After a due process of 
review Ofgem generally accepted those representations and agreed that the 
Company was able to recover approximately GBP34m, in addition to the otherwise 
agreed principles for calculating its allowed revenue, over the three regulatory 
years starting on 1 April 2009 and ending on 31 March 2012. The price control 
was adjusted accordingly to enable recovery of the GBP34 millionin future 
Financial strength (continued) 
The Company remains very aware of the impact that the general economic climate 
has had and may continue to have for the forseeable future on it and its 
customers. In that respect, procedures are in place to more closely monitor and 
manage the issues that may impact on the Company's business more significantly 
than others, including a reduction in overall demand for electricity leading to 
less units being distributed through the Company's network, lower activity in 
terms of new connections required to the network and the potential for higher 
debt write-off, if the economic downturn further affects the Company's 
Key aspects of financial performance for the year were as follows: 
Revenue at GBP287.6m was GBP0.6m higher than the previous year as a result of a 
tariff increase in the year, partly offset by a reduction in units distributed 
over the network. 
Operating profit 
Operating profit at GBP139.7m was broadly in line with the previous year, 
reflecting stable income and costs. 
Finance costs 
Finance costs at GBP33.9m were GBP4.7m lower than the previous year reflecting 
lower balances owed to group undertakings throughout the year and a lower rate 
of interest compared to 2008. 
The effective tax rate in the current year is 27.3%. The Company's taxation 
charge in 2008 was affected by changes in tax legislation. Details are provided 
in Note 9 to the accounts. 
Results and dividends 
The Company made a profit after tax for the year of GBP77.4m. An interim 
dividend of GBP40m was paid during the year and the directors recommend that no 
final dividend be paid in respect of the year. 
Share capital and debt structures 
There were no changes to the Company's share capital or debt structure during 
the year. 
Dividend policy 
The Company's dividend policy is that dividends will be paid only after having 
due regard to available distributable reserves, available liquid funds and the 
financial resources and facilities needed to enable the Company to carry on its 
business for at least the next year.  In addition, the level of dividends is set 
to maintain sufficient equity in the Company so as not to jeopardise its 
investment grade issuer credit rating. 
Financial strength (continued) 
Cash flow 
The Company aims to collect from customers and pay suppliers within contracted 
terms.  Any surplus cash is remitted to Yorkshire Electricity Group plc ("YEG"), 
a fellow company in the CE Group, and invested accordingly, generating a market 
rate of return for the Company. 
Movements in cash flows were as follows: 
* Operating activities: Cash flow from operating activities at GBP121.3m was 
GBP7.2m lower than 2008, mainly due to adverse variances on working capital of 
GBP16.0m, offset by reductions in tax and interest paid of GBP7.9m and an 
increase in cash profits of GBP1.3m. 
* Investing activities: Net cash used in investing activities at GBP144.2m was 
GBP207.6m higher than the previous year, mainly reflecting the sale of GBP200.0m 
of short-term securities in 2008. 
* Financing activities: The net cash generated by financing activities at 
GBP15.9m was GBP200.8m higher than the prior year reflecting an increase in the 
level of borrowings in the year, compared to a decrease in 2008. 
The Company's short-term financial objective is to ensure that it has access to 
sufficient liquidity to enable it to meet its obligations as they fall due and 
to provide adequately for contingencies. The long-term objective is to provide a 
stable, low cost of financing over time whilst observing approved risk 
The main risks are liquidity and interest rate risk. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company has access to short-term borrowing facilities provided by YEG and a 
GBP50m committed revolving credit facility provided by Lloyds TSB Bank plc and 
Royal Bank of Scotland plc. Although the revolving credit facility is due to 
expire in April 2010,  the Company has commitments in place to increase those 
facilities to GBP75m withLloyds TSB Bank plc, Royal Bank of Scotland plc and 
Abbey National Treasury Services plc, part of the Banco Santander group, for a 
three year period. An additional overdraft facility of GBP2m is provided by 
Lloyds TSB Bank plc, which is renewed on an annual basis. 
Interest rate risk 
The Company is financed by long-term borrowings at fixed rates and has access to 
short-term borrowing facilities at floating rates of interest.  As at 31 
December 2009, 73% of the Company's borrowings were at fixed rates and the 
average maturity for these borrowings was 19 years. 
Currency risk 
No material currency risks are faced by the Company. 
Financial strength (continued) 
Treasury (continued) 
Trading risk 
Throughout the year under review, the Company's policy was that no trading in 
financial instruments should be undertaken. 
Financial derivatives 
As at 31 December 2009 and during the year it was the Company's policy not to 
hold any derivative financial instruments. 
The Company is a participating employer in the Northern Electric Group of the 
Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (the "Scheme"), a defined benefit scheme. Full 
details of the Company's commitments to the Scheme and the associated deficit 
repair payments are provided in Note 23 to the accounts. During 2010, Northern 
Electric plc, a fellow company in the CE Group and the Principal Employer of the 
Scheme, will be engaged with the Group Trustees in the triennial actuarial 
valuation process, which is to take place as at 31 March 2010, in order to 
determine the funding position of the Scheme and the associated deficit repair 
Ofgem recognises that pensions, particularly with respect to the current deficit 
positions of various schemes, represent a significant cost to the DNOs and, as 
part of the DPCR5 process, undertook a review of the pension principles it 
established in 2003. That review included the issue of three consultation 
documents and the holding of three seminars for interested parties and, as a 
result, Ofgem confirmed that the DNOs would be allowed to recover the full value 
of the deficits attributable to the licensee's distribution business that were 
in existence as at 31 March 2010, via their regulated revenues. However, given 
the regulated nature of the DNOs' businesses, Ofgem took the view that there is 
not the same risk or urgency as in other sectors of the economy to ensure that 
those deficits are repaired as soon as possible and, therefore, set a notional 
repair period of 15 years for the purpose of assessing the DNOs' allowed 
revenues in respect of pension costs over the DPCR5 period. As the actual repair 
period for each scheme is a matter for the trustees of that scheme to agree with 
its sponsoring employer, Ofgem recognised that there is the potential for there 
to be a difference between the repair period so agreed and the 15 year notional 
repair period used in DPCR5. Noting this position, Ofgem commented in the DPCR5 
final proposals that, should shorter deficit repair periods be agreed between 
trustees and sponsoring employers, the DNOs allowed revenues over the remaining 
portion of the 15 years will be adjusted so that the DNOs suffer no detriment on 
a net present value basis. 
The Company also participates in the Yorkshire Electricity Pension Plan and the 
Northern Electric Money Purchase Scheme, which are defined contribution schemes. 
As part of its insurance and risk strategy, the CE Group has put in place a 
range of insurance policies covering it against risks, including damage to 
property and employer's, third party motor and public liability. The CE Group 
carries appropriate excesses on those policies and is effectively self-insured 
up to the level of those excesses. Consequently, the risk management and health 
and safety programmes in place are viewed as extremely important elements of the 
business, given the contribution they make to the elimination or reduction of 
exposure to such risks. 
Customer service 
During the year, the Company distributed electricity to customers in its 
distribution services area and continued to improve the overall performance of 
its distribution network through its investment strategy being targeted at 
delivering improvements in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The Company 
is focused on delivering a reliable and dependable supply of electricity and a 
high standard of service to its customers. During the year, a significant number 
of tangible improvements have been identified and delivered as part of the 
overall goal to improve customer satisfaction with the service provided, 
·        implementing a new interactive voice response system into the Company's 
front line call centre, which takes advantage of the latest developments in 
automatic messaging, in order to assist in the handling of customer loss of 
supply calls; 
·        improving the accuracy of network fault estimated restoration times 
inputted to the trouble management system and, consequently, communicated to 
·        implementing a new complaint handling process to ensure robust 
compliance with the Gas and Electricity (Consumer Complaints Handling Standards) 
Regulations 2008 and to meet the target of in excess of 90% of complaints being 
resolved at the initial point of contact; 
·        continuing to improve under-performing parts of the distribution system 
by identifying "hot spots" and taking specific action to address the issues in 
those areas; 
·        extending the priority services register so that the Company is aware 
of people with disabilities or special needs, who may be affected by 
interruptions to the electricity supply and can take appropriate action to 
assist those people in such circumstances; and 
·        undertaking a programme to reduce the number of instances by 5%, in 
which the Company fails to meet an electricity guaranteed standard of 
The Company's customer service satisfaction scores continued to show an 
improving trend through the year and in excess of 97% of complaints were 
resolved at the first time of asking. In that respect, developing the new 
telephony system for other customer facing processes will form a significant 
part of the customer service improvement plan in order to meet the target of a 
customer satisfaction score of greater than 90%. 
Ofgem has established an incentive scheme for quality of service, by which DNOs, 
such as the Company, are provided with financial incentives based upon targets 
set by Ofgem for each of the DNOs with regard to their performance in the 
following areas: 
·        The number of interruptions to supply; 
·        The duration of interruptions to supply; and 
·        Customer satisfaction. 
Customer minutes lost ("CML") and customer interruptions ("CI") are the key 
performance indicators used by the Company to measure the quality of supply and 
system performance. CML measure the average number of supply minutes lost for 
every connected customer due to faults and planned outages that last for three 
minutes or longer. CI measure the average number of supply interruptions for 
every 100 connected customers due to faults and planned outages that last for 
three minutes or longer. DNOs' performance against guaranteed standards, set for 
activities such as restoring supplies after unplanned interruptions, provides a 
measure of the level of customer service. Performance against these measures 
forms part of the Company's regular reporting to Ofgem. 
Customer service (continued) 
In respect of the key customer service performance indicators, the Company did 
not perform particularly acceptably for the regulatory year ended 31 March 2009, 
as it failed to achieve the targets, as follows: 
|               |      Actual        |      Target        | 
|     CML:      | 73.1 (2008: 75.0)  | 63.4 (2008: 65.1)  | 
|      CI:      | 76.4 (2008: 75.7)  | 68.5 (2008: 68.5)  | 
|   Customer    |    88.2% (2008:    |  90% (2008: 90%)   | 
|satisfaction:  |      86.8%)        |                    | 
At the time the above targets were set, no account was taken of the customer 
service impact arising from additional vegetation management obligations, which 
were not allowed for in the distribution price control 4 settlement. The 
customer service targets were not adjusted to take account of the effects of the 
representations made by the Company and accepted by Ofgem, which are noted on 
page 7. Instead, the benefits arising from that decision were reflected in a 
favourable adjustment to the Company's base allowed revenue. That position will 
continue until 31 March 2010. 
Operational excellence 
The Company's core service continues to be providing and maintaining an 
efficient distribution network that delivers electricity effectively. During the 
year, GBP170.2m was invested in the improvement of the distribution system, 
including the replacement of assets and continuing network improvements intended 
to increase the quality of the electricity supply provided to customers. 
Operational activity 
The investment strategy is designed to deliver improvements in an efficient and 
cost-effective manner by minimising the number of faults that occur, reducing 
the average number of customers affected by a fault and providing a quicker 
restoration service in the event of a fault. Such actions are expected to have a 
positive impact on future CI and CML performance. The focus in 2009 was on 
delivering the core operational programmes, in particular the installation of 
remote control units, and improving the lead times for fault repair 
That focus was designed to support the Company's goals in the area of 
operational excellence and to ensure that the distribution network is operated 
as well as possible. To that end, the Company's priorities are to deliver an 
underlying improvement in the network's resilience, deal appropriately with any 
risks as and when they arise, plan its operational activity so as to operate 
within the planning assumptions for pre-arranged system unavailability and, 
while doing so, to pay close attention to the underlying cost. Consequently, the 
Company has established five targets to enhance its performance in terms of 
operational excellence: 
·           Deliver enhancements to the network by adding intelligent 
reconfiguration capability, which includes the commissioning of additional rural 
and urban remote control units on the high voltage system and 
auto-sectionalisers in rural area; 
·           Minimise abnormal running arrangements by maintaining a routine 
service level for fault repair work-in-progress on the high voltage network, 
building on the success in that respect during 2009; 
·           Minimise the impact on costs and customer service by pursuing a 
"fix-first-time" approach on the low voltage network, which will further improve 
the level of fault repair work-in-progress; 
·           Enhance the operational availability of the installed remote control 
units by improving the level of work-in-progress of failure investigations, 
which will have a consequential benefit in respect of the successful operation 
of those units; and 
Operational excellence (continued) 
Operational activity (continued) 
·           Complete the capital and maintenance work programmes, along with 
repair, connection and diversion work, within the pre-arranged interruption 
The major projects undertaken in support of those targets and as part of the 
investment strategy included: 
·           Commencement of the major asset replacement of 132kV open terminal 
substations with indoor gas insulated switchgear in the Wakefield and Hull 
·           Completion of major replacement of 33kV oil-filled cables in the 
Leeds area; 
·           Continuation of major replacement of 33kV oil-filled cables in the 
Dewsbury area; 
·           Completion of reinforcement of the Kirkstall - Horsforth 132kV & 
33kV infrastructure; 
·           Completion of the construction of 33/11kV substations to provide 
increased capacity to the Scunthorpe, Knottingley, and Selby areas; 
·           Continuation of the construction of a 33/11kV substation to provide 
increased capacity to the Snaith area; 
·           Continuation of a major 66kV asset replacement scheme at 
·           Continuation of three 66/11kV substation replacement schemes in the 
South Yorkshire area; 
·           Completion  of a major protection upgrade scheme in the Bradford 
·           Refurbishment of 12km of 132kV overhead line; 
·           Replacement of 7 units of high voltage outdoor switchgear; 
·           Replacement of 68 high voltage distribution substations; 
·           Replacement of 68 units of high voltage indoor switchgear; 
·           Refurbishment or rebuilding of 70km of high voltage overhead line; 
·           Refurbishment or rebuilding of 18km of low voltage overhead line; 
·           The upgrade and reinforcement of 26.8km of overhead line to address 
the quality of supply performance issues relating to those circuits; and 
·           The installation and commissioning of 449 new remote control units. 
In order to deliver its investment strategy, the Company used a mix of its own 
staff and contractors, including Integrated Utility Services Limited, a company 
registered in the Republic of Ireland and part of the CE Group, to undertake its 
Operational excellence (continued) 
Enduring operating model 
During the year, a significant project was undertaken by the senior Field 
Operations team to reorganise the operating structure within that area of the 
Company's business in order to provide the best possible foundation for optimum 
operational performance into the future. The management structure within Field 
Operations is based on seven individual business units, as follows: 
*  Network Operations provides the day-to-day and reactive management of the 
distribution network at all voltages and includes activities such as network 
performance, emergency planning and restoration activities associated with 
network faults; 
*  Service Delivery has responsibility for the control and management of the 
craft-based staff, direct labour and the provision of this resource to the other 
business units and is structured across three geographic zones; 
*  Network Repairs focuses on core repair activities and significant cost 
control initiatives in respect of expenditure on the repair of faulted assets; 
*  Connections Delivery undertakes non-discretionary, customer-driven work and 
is structured across three geographic zones; 
*  Programme Delivery has a functional bias to its activities and includes 
primary engineering projects, overhead programme delivery, asset programme 
delivery and protection and technical services; 
*  Operational Services includes contract management, business controls and 
administration and supply chain management; and 
*  Field Standards provides training, quality assurance, services standards and 
health and safety services across Field Operations. 
Commercial risk 
Managing commercial risk in the context of the difficult economic and financial 
trading conditions, which continued throughout 2009, was and will continue to be 
of key importance to the Company's operations. In that respect, the Company has, 
throughout the year, focused on ensuring strict adherence to the CE Group's 
policies for credit checking, payment terms, payment performance tracking and 
debt management. 
During 2009, the CE Group completed the process of putting in place contracts in 
the commercially significant areas of IT facilities management and cable 
engineering services. A number of major IT suppliers responded to the tender for 
IT facilities management services and, following an extensive evaluation 
process, the new contract was awarded to Logica and will be effective from 1 
April 2010 until 31 March 2015. 
Following a similar tender exercise, contracts for the provision of cable 
engineering services were awarded to Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions, Clancy 
Docwra, the Freedom group of companies, J Murphy & Sons, Morrison Utility 
Services and Murphy Limited and are effective for the five year period to June 
The Company's relationship with its main customers is governed by a distribution 
connection and use of system agreement ("DCUSA"), which is place with each of 
those customers. Those customers are the electricity suppliers who, under the 
terms of the DCUSA with the Company, pay charges for the use of the distribution 
network, in respect of which it is necessary to ensure that the credit cover 
arrangements in line with Ofgem's guidance remain in place. The principal 
electricity suppliers that use the Company's network are RWE Npower, British 
Gas, EdF Energy, E.on, Scottish and Southern Energy and Scottish Power. 
Employee commitment 
Health and safety 
During the year, the focus on health and safety continued to be of paramount 
importance for the directors, as it is for all employees. Providing and 
maintaining a safe working environment is the first objective of the Company. 
There is a continuous drive for improvement in safety performance through the 
setting of challenging goals and the pursuit of a programme of on-site safety 
audits, whichreflect the Company's fundamental objectives that none of its staff 
should go home injured and all employees should commit to behaving safely all of 
the time. The Company makes no compromise in respect of its health and safety 
obligations and centres its safety plans and systems on the principles found in 
companies with world class safety performance. 
The Company received a first Gold Medal from the Royal Society for the 
Prevention of Accidents for occupational health and safety performance and 
provision, to recognise the achievement of continued or improving standards of 
health and safety over a sustained period. The Gold Award is the highest 
achievement award and the Gold Medal is presented for receiving five or more 
successive Gold Awards. The Company continued to maintain its OHSAS 18001 
The main key performance indicators used by the Company to monitor safety 
performance are as follows: 
|                    |        2009          |         2008          | 
|                    |  Target  |  Actual   |  Target   |  Actual   | 
| Lost time          |    1     |    1      |    1      |    4      | 
| accidents          |          |           |           |           | 
| Medical treatment  |    3     |    3      |    4      |    1      | 
| accidents          |          |           |           |           | 
| Operational        |    4     |    5      |    4      |    7      | 
| incidents          |          |           |           |           | 
| Preventable        |    13    |    19     |    12     |    17     | 
| vehicle accidents  |          |           |           |           | 
Although safety performance against target was disappointing in certain areas 
during 2009, the Company is not complacent and continues to rigorously 
implement, review and adjust the safety improvement plan accordingly to deliver 
continuous improvement. In terms of preventable vehicle accidents, the 
performance has been unacceptable and focus continues heavily on this area with 
implementation of a robust assessment and training plan aimed at changing 
behaviour and improving concentration skills. It is expected that this, together 
with the zero tolerance approach, should continue to deliver improvements in 
safety performance. 
Management structure 
The CE Group has a clearly defined leadership team, in which specific roles are 
identified, so allowing more effective management of the CE Group's business and 
response to any control weaknesses that may become apparent, with single units 
being in place for field operations, customer operations, asset management, 
performance and innovation and health, safety and environment. The business 
systems, human resources, procurement and finance functions are centralised in 
order to provide those services across the CE Group. 
2009 was a particularly challenging year. The external economic environment and 
a tougher than expected DPCR5 final settlement have driven tight controls on a 
number of key activity programmes. Internal programmes of cost containment have 
been a key theme across the business and these have extended to the control of 
headcount and salary cost allocation with improved management processes being 
introduced in the first quarter of the year. Those improvements included 
enhanced control over external recruitment, the  targeting of that recruitment 
at key hires and all such appointments being subject to the approval of the 
President and Chief Operating Officer of the CE Group. 
The Company has and will continue to place significant emphasis on the 
importance and application of high standards of management and performance in 
pursuit of its Core Principles and ensures that a level of consistency is 
adopted in doing so. In respect of emloyee relations, the CE Group and the 
trades unions continue to build a constructive relationship. 
Given the demographics of the Company's workforce, the increasing investment in 
the distribution network and in order to encourage investment in a sustainable 
workforce, Ofgem provided an allowance, in its DPCR5 final proposals, in order 
to fund the Company's plans for workforce renewal across the DPCR5 period. Ofgem 
has stated that the allowance is on a "use it or lose it" basis and the Company 
will need to demonstrate that it has used that allowance appropriately and 
efficiently to recruit and train new staff or for other means of renewing its 
workforce and report annually on its progress in that respect. 
The Company employed 1,102 staff at the end of December 2009 at various 
locations throughout its distribution services area (2008: 1,116). 
Disabled employees 
The Company is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the criteria 
underpinning the Employment Service disability symbol. It is the Company's 
policy to provide disabled people with equal opportunities for employment, 
training, career development and promotion, having regard to their aptitudes and 
abilities.  Should any member of staff become disabled during their employment, 
that member of staff would be retrained and redeployed, wherever possible. 
Employee commitment (continued) 
Employee consultation 
The Company has a constitutional framework in place and has agreed that 
framework with trade union representatives. In addition, the Company 
communicates directly, and through the management structure, with personal 
contract holders and keeps them informed and involved as appropriate in any 
developments that may impact on them now or in the future. 
The Company is committed to maintaining and improving effective communication 
with employees, principally through regular staff briefs on current issues, 
meetings with staff and their representatives and the issue of an employee 
publication. During 2009, the Company introduced an additional means of 
communication in the form of regular broadcast briefings by the President and 
Chief Operating Officer of the CE Group using telephone conference call 
facilities. The broadcast briefings were used to provide employees with updates 
such as on the performance of the Company and the CE Group, progress in respect 
of DPCR5, organisational restructures and safety issues and performance. 
Environmental respect 
The Company's approach to environmental compliance is governed by its 
environmental policy and the MidAmerican policy of Environmental RESPECT 
(Responsibility, Efficiency, Stewardship, Performance, Evaluation, Communication 
and Training). These policies and their subordinate operational control 
procedures and systems address legal compliance, pollution prevention and 
continual improvement and also the promotion of environmental awareness and best 
practice amongst the Company's staff and contractors. 
The Company has operated a United Kingdom Accreditation Service accredited 
scheme to the environmental management systems ("EMS") standard ISO 14001 since 
the late 1990s that is subject to regular six-monthly assessments by an external 
certification body in order to retain that status. The 2009 asessment was 
carried out by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance in September with no major or 
significant non-conformances raised. The report concluded that a sound approach 
to the implementation, maintenance and improvement of a mature EMS had been 
The Company delivered its targeted improvement in the key area of fluid-filled 
cable leakage, was compliant against the required streetworks performance 
standards under the Traffic Management Act and was fully compliant with all 
required Environmental Agency reporting obligations. 
Improvements in support of the CE Group's environmental policy objectives during 
the year included: 
·           A programme to enhance secondary containment provision for primary 
transformer sites to prevent oil leakage; 
·           A programme to enhance emergency response provision for primary 
transformer sites to mitigate oil leakage; 
·           Replacement of oil-filled circuit breakers with vacuum and sulphur 
hexafluoride (SF6) gas filled units at outdoor substations to reduce gas 
·           Improved monitoring and response measures with regard to the 
management of fluid-filled underground cable networks and the reduction of 
·           Installation of additional engineering controls where required to 
improve pollution prevention at strategic sites; 
Environmental respect (continued) 
·           Installation of underground cables using trenchless technology as 
opposed to open-cut excavations; and 
·           Environmental awareness training for all new start personnel and 
contractors, complemented by periodic refresher training for all staff. 
The Company takes its responsibilities towards reducing the impact of global 
warming seriously, both in its capacity as a major participant in the UK energy 
industry and in terms of its own carbon footprint.  Through its involvement in 
industry groups and its interactions with government and regulators, it is 
contributing to the target of transforming the UK electricity industry into a 
low carbon emitter.  The Company also works with customers to assist in solving 
issues raised by the introduction of low carbon generation and products and 
their implications for the planning and operation of the electricity 
distribution network. 
The Company measures and publishes its own carbon footprint and has set a target 
of a reduction in its carbon footprint of 20 per cent by 2020.  Actions taken 
during the course of the year to assist in meeting this target include fitting 
speed limiters to about a third of its vehicle fleet, the procurement of 
building energy management systems for its major office sites and a pilot 
project to recycle office waste at one of its non-operational sites. 
In addition, Ofgem will be looking to the Company to contribute to the 
sustainability agenda through more detailed reporting on the carbon footprint of 
its business, considering the use of better demand side management techniques to 
address network constraints and by the provision of simpler information to those 
parties interested in connecting local, embedded generation to the network. 
Regulatory integrity 
The Company manages its business to the highest behavioural standards and 
adheres to a policy of strict compliance with all relevant standards, 
legislation and regulatory conditions. The CAPSG continued to monitor and manage 
performance in risk-related and compliance areas and met on three occasions 
during the year. 
As has been the case for some years, breaches by a DNO of its licence conditions 
could lead to financial penalties, which Ofgem has stated "will have a 
proportionate impact on shareholder returns". In order to assure compliance with 
its licence and other regulatory obligations, the Company operates a regulatory 
compliance affirmation process, under which ownership of the approximately 1,170 
regulatory obligations contained within the compliance database is currently 
assigned to some 49 owners in the CE Group. Those owners are required, on a 
quarterly basis, to review compliance with their relevant obligations and report 
on any perceived risks to the compliance process, which are then addressed. The 
Company's Regulation Manager reports to the board of directors on the outcome of 
each quarter's exercise. 
The regulatory framework across the energy industry in the UK is undergoing a 
wholesale review, which could result in fundamental changes to the way the 
industry is regulated in the future. A significant part of that process is 
Ofgem's "RPI-X@20" project, which is specifically considering the way in which 
energy networks are regulated. The Company has and will continue to take an 
active part in the debate, which is ranging from the potential for new 
technologies, such as "smart" metering, and the increased use of micro and 
distributed generation to the low carbon agenda insofar as it applies to 
electricity distribution networks. 
Other directors' report requirements 
Corporate social responsibility 
The Company values its relationship with its customers and their communities, 
recognising the importance of a secure power supply to the local communities and 
economy, and aims to enhance its relationship through a wider involvement in the 
activities of and dialogue with the communities it serves. 
As part of its customer service strategy, the Company engages directly with the 
communities it serves to create a dialogue on quality of supply issues, actions 
and investment planned to improve quality of supply, environmental and social 
implications of its operations and other opportunities to assist and engage in 
the life of the community. Where appropriate, this may include financial support 
for community projects. The Company has a targeted donations programme, focusing 
on its key priorities of support for youth, education and the environment. 
The CE Group is an active member of Business in the Community. 
Charitable and political donations 
During the year, charitable donations of GBP50,301 were made (2008: GBP34,649), 
principally to local charities serving the communities in which the Company 
operates. No contributions were made to political organisations (2008: nil). 
Research and development 
The Company supports a programme of research that is expected to contribute to 
higher standards of performance and a more cost-effective operation of its 
business. The main areas of activity during the year were: 
·           Active participation in programmes of national significance in 
collaboration with other DNOs and academic institutions to make significant 
technological progress for utilisation by the industry as a whole; 
·           Continuing to support collaboration with other DNOs, both through 
industry associations and on a multilateral basis, on a range of incremental 
improvements to tools and equipment that, if successful, will further add to 
overall efficiency improvements; 
·           Contributing to the ongoing development of eligibility for and 
governance of the new Low Carbon Networks Fund, initiated by Ofgem, as a part of 
DPCR5. The Low Carbon Networks Fund is intended to encourage innovation in terms 
of the technology used and the commercial and operational environments, in which 
the DNOs undertake their activities in order to contribute towards achieving a 
low or zero carbon position in the industry. The Company will, therefore, be 
looking to develop its programme of research and development in order to provide 
opportunities to access that fund; 
·           Initial field trials of newly developed superconducting fault 
limiters have been successfully undertaken; 
·           The network deployment of a fault passage indicator system, reducing 
reaction time to network faults and minimising customer impact; 
·           Further developing a suite of health indices, for improved asset 
management, completing EHV cables and commencing work on poles and substations; 
·           Continuing to support a project at Durham University to assess 
electrical network risk with the objective of improving decision making on 
network reinforcement and operation. A follow up project, investigating demand 
side management impacts on network risk, has also been developed. 
Supplier payment policy 
The Company complies with the Better Payment Practice Code for the prompt 
payment of suppliers in accordance with the normal terms of trade.  It is CE 
Group policy with respect to its suppliers to settle the terms of payment with 
those suppliers when agreeing the terms of each transaction, to ensure that 
those suppliers are aware of the terms of payment and to pay in accordance with 
the CE Group's contractual and other legal obligations.  The number of days 
purchases in trade creditors for the Company at 31 December 2009 was 9 (2008: 
Future developments 
The financial position of the Company, as at the year end, is shown in the 
balance sheet on page 34. There have been no significant events since the year 
end and the directors intend to develop the business in a manner that 
concentrates on its core skills of electricity distribution by continuing to 
operate its business with the goal of out-performing the allowances in the 
distribution price control, while efficiently investing in the electricity 
distribution system with the aim of improving the quality of supply provided to 
its customers. 
The directors who served during the year and since the year end were as follows: 
G E Abel                      resigned 16 October 2009 
P E Connor                   resigned 16 October 2009 
R Dixon                        Non-Executive Director, appointed 16 October 2009 
T E Fielden                   Finance Director, CE Electric UK, appointed 16 
October 2009 
J M France                   Regulation Director, CE Electric UK 
N M Gill                        Field Operations Director, CE Electric UK 
P A Jones                     President and Chief Operating Officer, CE Electric 
K Linge                         resigned 16 October 2009 
Details of the directors' emoluments are included in note 8 to the accounts. 
A resolution to reappoint Deloitte LLP, as auditors, and to authorise the 
directors to determine their remuneration will be proposed at the Annual General 
Going Concern 
The Company's business activities, together with details regarding its future 
development, performance and position are set out in the Business Review in the 
Directors' Report. In addition, the Company's objectives, policies and processes 
for managing its capital, its financial risk management objectives, details of 
its financial instruments and hedging activities and its exposures to credit 
risk and liquidity risk are included in the Directors' Report and the 
appropriate notes to the accounts. 
When considering continuing to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the 
annual report and accounts, the directors have taken into account a number of 
factors, including the following: 
a)         The Company is a stable electricity distribution business operating 
an essential public service and is regulated by GEMA. In carrying out its 
functions, GEMA has a statutory duty under the Electricity Act 1989 to have 
regard to the need to secure that licence holders are able to finance their 
activities,which are the subject of obligations under Part 1 of the Electricity 
Act 1989 (including the obligations imposed by the electricity distribution 
licence) or by the Utilities Act 2000; 
b)         The Company is profitable with strong underlying cash flows and has 
investment grade credit ratings; and 
c)         The Company has considerable financial resources, in the form of 
short-term borrowings made available by YEG and committed revolving credit 
facilities from Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Royal Bank of Scotland plc. Those 
facilities have recently been renewed and will be provided by Lloyds TSB Bank 
plc, Royal Bank of Scotland plc and Abbey National Treasury Services plc, part 
of the Banco Santander group, for a three year period. 
Going Concern (continued) 
Consequently, after making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable 
expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational 
existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the 
going concern basis in preparing the annual report and accounts. 
Audit of the accounts 
Each of the directors, who is a director of the Company as at the date of this 
report, confirms that: 
a)       so far as he is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which 
the Company's auditors are unaware; and 
b)       he has taken all the steps he ought to have taken as a director in 
order to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish 
that the auditors are aware of that information. 
This confirmation is given and should be interpreted in accordance with the 
provisions of S418 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Corporate Governance Statement 
The Financial Reporting Council issued a revised version of the Combined Code on 
Corporate Governance (the "Combined Code") in June 2008. The Disclosure and 
Transparency Rules ("DTR") require an issuer, to which section 7.2 of the DTR 
applies, to provide, in its annual directors' report, a corporate governance 
statement. That statement set out how the issuer has applied the main principles 
in the Combined Code and, to the extent that it departs from the Combined Code, 
the issuer is required to explain from which parts of the Combined Code it 
departs and the reasons for doing so. 
A          Directors 
Principle A1:    The Board: 
The board of directors is responsible for the overall management of the Company 
and its system of internal controls. The directors have agreed a quarterly 
schedule of board meetings at which they review performance, strategy and 
operational and risk-related issues. Regular items on the agenda for 
consideration at board meetings are general business performance, internal 
control, key business activities and projects and the regulatory compliance 
In addition, the President and Chief Operating Officer of the CE Group 
participates in weekly performance review meetings with the President of 
MidAmerican and other senior managers of the MidAmerican group, including the 
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. At those weekly meetings, the 
views of the President of MidAmerican and the senior management team regarding 
the key, current issues facing the Company are discussed. 
The President of MidAmerican also receives weekly, monthly and quarterly reports 
on the Company's performance from the CE Group's President and Chief Operating 
Officer. MidAmerican's Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and 
General Counsel also hold similar weekly review meetings in respect of 
MidAmerican's financial and legal functions, at which the Company's Finance 
Director and General Counsel present their respective weekly reports. 
The board meets quarterly and as required to consider relevant issues and met on 
seven occasions in total during the year ended 31 December 2009, with the 
attendance of those directors, who were directors as at 31 December 2009, being 
as follows: 
R Dixon             Non-Executive Director 
            2 (of 2 held following appointment) 
T E Fielden        Finance Director, CE Electric UK 
      2 (of 2 held following appointment) 
J M France        Regulation Director, CE Electric UK 
N M Gill             Field Operations Director, CE Electric UK 
P A Jones         President and Chief Operating Officer, CE Electric UK       6 
Mr Dixon attended the five board meetings held prior to his appointment as a 
non-executive director of the Company in his capacity as an independent 
non-executive director of CE Electric UK Funding Company, the Company's ultimate 
parent company in the United Kingdom. 
Operational management of the Company's business (and that of its affiliate, 
Northern Electric Distribution Limited) is delegated to a single senior 
management team, with specific functional responsibilities. That senior 
management team meets monthly with the senior management of the CE Group to 
monitor performance and address issues of policy across all areas of the 
business and holds weekly conference calls to report on and consider performance 
related issues for that week. 
Corporate Governance Statement (continued) 
Principle A1:    The Board (continued): 
The directors have overall responsibilty for the internal control environment, 
which, within the CE Group, is based on regular reporting, a series of 
operational and financial policy statements, investigations undertaken by 
internal audit and a stringent process for ensuring the implementation of any 
recommendations. In addition, MidAmerican requires a quarterly control risk 
self-assessment to be undertaken by all senior managers as part of its programme 
for compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. A review is 
undertaken of the company-wide controls in place on an annual basis and the 
review carried out in 2009, while not identifying any areas of significant 
weakness, resulted in the implementation of various recommended improvements. 
The key features of the CE Group's internal control system and the issues 
addressed by the Company and the CE Group during the year can be found in the 
business review of the year. 
Details of the management structure of the CE Group are provided in the 
directors' report. A schedule of key delegations of authority has been approved 
by the board, which delegates authority for decision-making to senior and other 
managers in respect of issues such as capital expenditure, procurement, 
contractual, human resource and payment matters and for the conduct of claims 
and litigation. That schedule reserves decision-making to the directors above 
certain financial limits. During the year, there were a number of committees in 
operation, acting under delegated terms of reference, which oversee CE Group 
and, therefore, Company policy. As part of the approved terms of reference, 
those committees report regularly to the board on their activities. The 
committees in operation during the year were as follows: 
Health and Safety Management Committee 
The board of CE Electric UK Funding Company has established the CE Group Health 
and Safety Management Committee with delegated powers to manage the health and 
safety policy and performance of the CE Group. Membership of the committee 
T E Fielden                    Finance Director, CE Electric UK 
J M France                    Regulation Director, CE Electric UK 
N M Gill                        Field Operations Director, CE Electric UK 
P A Jones                     President and Chief Operating Officer, CE Electric 
A J MacLennan              Managing Director, IUSL and 
P McCormick                Director of Health, Safety and Environment, CE 
Electric UK 
The committee meets on a regular basis in order to oversee implementation of 
health and safety policy, review and agree strategy for the management of health 
and safety issues, monitor health and safety performance across the CE Group, 
establish goals and targets, review the effectiveness of the health and safety 
policies and the health and safety management system and consider 
recommendations for changes in CE Group policy due to changes in appropriate 
legislation, codes of practice or guidance or due to recommendations arising 
from significant incidents. 
Treasury Committee 
The Treasury Committee oversees and implements the treasury policies outlined in 
the business review of the year in the directors' report and comprises: 
G E Abel                       President, MidAmerican 
P Ainsley                      Financial Controller, CE Electric UK 
D Brady                        Treasurer, CE Electric UK 
T E Fielden                    Finance Director, CE Electric UK 
P J Goodman:               Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, 
P A Jones                     President and Chief Operating Officer, CE Electric 
R D McHaddan              Assistant Treasurer, CE Electric UK and 
O Sutherland                 Investor Reporting Manager, CE Electric UK. 
Corporate Governance Statement (continued) 
A          Directors (continued) 
Principle A1:    The Board (continued): 
Pensions Committee 
The Pensions Committee oversees the CE Group's approach to the pension schemes 
to which it contributes and comprises: 
P Ainsley                      Financial Controller, CE Electric UK 
T E Fielden                    Finance Director, CE Electric UK 
J M France                    Regulation Director, CE Electric UK 
K A Mawson                  Head of Finance Development and Systems, CE Electric 
A J Patterson                Director of Human Resources, CE Electric UK 
N Dawson                     Pensions Manager, CE Electric UK and 
L Taylor                        Director of Business Systems, CE Electric UK. 
Compliance Assurance Programme Steering Group ("CAPSG") 
As mentioned in the business review of the year, the CAPSG is the principal 
management forum in the CE Group with regard to corporate governance. Its 
purpose is to ensure that CE Group companies apply and maintain appropriate 
arrangements to deliver sound corporate governance and comply with the overall 
strategy, framework and supporting policies. The CAPSG monitors and reviews the 
strategic risk environment, ensuring the continued suitability, adequacy and 
effectiveness of risk management arrangements. The CAPSG comprises: 
J P Barnett                    Director of Customer Operations CE Electric UK 
R Dixon                         Non-Executive Director, CE Electric UK Funding 
M Drye                          Director of Asset Management CE Electric UK 
J Elliott                         Company Secretary, CE Electric UK 
T E Fielden                    Finance Director, CE Electric UK 
J M France                    Regulation Director, CE Electric UK 
N M Gill                        Field Operations Director, CE Electric UK and 
L Taylor                        Director of Business Systems, CE Electric UK. 
The risk management framework was monitored regularly during the year to ensure 
that all strategic risks, including those relating to environmental and social 
issues, were being addressed. Risk management policies and procedures were 
reviewed and updated to ensure a robust and clear approach was maintained. Mr 
Dixon attends meetings of the CAPSG to provide an independent view in respect of 
the matters discussed. 
Asset risk continued to be a strong focus through the Asset Risk Management 
Executive Review Group and comprehensive plans continued to be in place to 
manage risks affecting all critical property assets and to strengthen the 
arrangements for crisis management and business continuity planning. 
Further details of the CE Group's approach to corporate governance and the 
management of internal controls can be found in the business review of the year 
in the directors' report. 
As explained in Principles A4 and B1, the Company does not have a remuneration 
committee or a nomination committee. 
Corporate Governance Statement (continued) 
A          Directors (continued) 
Principle A2:    Chairman and Chief Executive 
The Company does not have a formally appointed Chairman or Chief Executive. 
However, the President and Chief Operating Officer of the CE Group chairs the 
board meetings and is responsible for the operation and management of the CE 
Principle A3:    Board balance and independence 
The board comprises four executive directors who, collectively, bring a range of 
skills and experience to the board. Consequently, the board believes that it 
possesses the skills and experience necessary to provide effective leadership, 
stewardship and control of the Company. During the year Mr Abel, Mr Connor and 
Mr Linge resigned and Mr Dixon and Mr Fielden were appointed as directors of the 
Company. The directors of the Company, as at the date of approval of the annual 
accounts, were as follows: 
R Dixon                        Non-Executive Director; 
T E Fielden                   Finance Director, CE Electric UK 
J M France                   Regulation Director, CE Electric UK 
N M Gill                        Field Operations Director, CE Electric UK and 
P A Jones                     President and Chief Operating Officer, CE Electric 
Principle A4:    Appointments to the Board 
The CE Group does not have a nomination committee. Appointments to the board are 
made by MidAmerican, in conjunction with the President and Chief Operating 
Officer of the CE Group. 
Principle A5:    Information and professional development 
Directors receive monthly reports outlining progress against the Company's goals 
and targets, enabling financial performance against budget and operational 
performance against a number of indicators to be reviewed, and also participate 
in weekly meetings, which consider the key issues of that week in some detail. 
The directors are able to utilise the advice and services of the Company 
Secretary, in respect of their duties and responsibilities as directors and any 
new legislation that may affect those duties and responsibilities. A briefing 
programme continued to run throughout the year for the directors in respect of 
the changes introduced by the phased implementation of the Companies Act 2006 
including the procedural requirements in respect of the authorisation of 
potential conflicts of interest. The directors also have access to external 
legal advice, should they feel it necessary. Interim briefings are provided to 
the non-executive director, as appropriate. 
Mr Fielden joined the CE Group on 27 July 2009 and was appointed a director of 
the Company on 16 October 2009. During that period Mr Fielden worked closely 
with the previous Finance Director and the senior management team of the CE 
Group as part of his induction as a director, which included exposure to all 
aspects of the operation of the CE Group's business. 
Principle A6:    Performance evaluation 
As part of their approved terms of reference, the committees report regularly on 
their activities, enabling the directors to evaluate the activities of those 
committees. However, the board does not have a process of evaluation of its own 
performance or the performance of individual directors in their capacity as 
directors. The CE Group has a performance appraisal and development scheme in 
place, under which each senior manager of the CE Group is subject to a formal 
annual appraisal of performance against his individual and the CE Group's goals. 
Corporate Governance Statement (continued) 
A          Directors (continued) 
Principle A7:    Re-election 
The Company's articles of association do not require periodic retirement and 
re-election of directors. 
B          Remuneration 
Principle B1:    The level and make-up of remuneration 
The CE Group does not have a remuneration committee. Annual remuneration awards 
for senior management of the CE Group are subject to the performance appraisal 
and development scheme process and consideration by the President of MidAmerican 
and the CE Group's President and Chief Operating Officer. The Company has only 
debt securities listed on the London Stock Exchange. Accordingly, it has availed 
itself of the exemption from the requirements to make directors' remuneration 
disclosures and for auditor review thereof. 
Principle B2:    Procedure 
As mentioned under Principle B1, the annual remuneration awards for senior 
management of the CE Group are subject to the performance appraisal and 
development scheme process and consideration by the President of MidAmerican and 
the CE Group's President and Chief Operating Officer. Other than Mr Dixon, the 
directors of the Company are subject to the performance appraisal and 
development scheme process in their capacity as senior managers of the CE Group 
and not, specifically, in their capacity as board directors. No director is 
involved in deciding his own remuneration. 
C          Accountability and Audit 
Principle C1:    Financial Reporting 
The board believes that the directors' report and business review of the year 
included in the annual accounts provides a balanced and understandable 
assessment of the Company's position and prospects. The directors have 
explained, at page 29, their responsibility for preparing the annual accounts, 
reported, at page 21 in the directors' report that the Company is a going 
concern and included the independent accountant's report to the members of the 
Company at page 30 of the annual accounts. 
Principle C2:    Internal control 
The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company and the key features of 
the CE Group's internal control system, together with details of the issues 
addressed by the Company and the CE Group during the year, can be found at pages 
3 to 7 of the business review of the year in the directors' report. 
Principle C3:    Audit committee and auditors 
CE Electric UK Funding Company has established an audit committee for the CE 
Group under delegated terms of reference, which include monitoring of the 
financial reporting process, the effectiveness of the internal control, internal 
audit and risk management systems, the statutory audit of the accounts, the 
independence of and the provision of additional services by the auditor and 
receiving an annual report from the CE Group's Head of Internal Audit on the 
work of the Internal Audit Section during the year and the audit plan for the 
following year.  DTR 7 requires an audit committee to have at least one 
independent member and a member with competence in accounting and/or auditing, 
although these requirements could be satisfied by one and the same person. 
However, code provision C.3.1 states that the board should establish an audit 
committee of at least three independent non-executive directors and should 
satisfy itself that at least one member has recent relevant financial 
experience. Given that Mr Dixon is the CE Group's sole independent non-executive 
director, the Audit Committee comprises: 
Corporate Governance Statement (continued) 
Principle C3:    Audit committee and auditors (continued) 
R Dixon                         Non-Executive Director; and 
T E Fielden                    Finance Director, CE Electric UK. 
The CE Group also operates under the oversight of the MidAmerican Audit 
Committee, which is comprised of Mr. Marc D. Hamburg who, the MidAmerican board 
of directors has determined, qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert," 
as defined by the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, based on his 
education, experience and background. The MidAmerican Audit Committee is 
attended, from time to time, by the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial 
Officer and the Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer of MidAmerican, the 
Director of Internal Auditing of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. and the Heads of 
Internal Audit of the various MidAmerican business platforms. 
The directors confirm that no fees were payable by the Company to Deloitte LLP 
in relation to non-audit services during the year. 
The internal control section on page 6 of the directors' report contains details 
of the CE Group's "speaking up" policy. 
D          Relations with shareholders 
Principle D1:    Dialogue with Institutional Shareholders 
This principle of the Combined Code is not applicable to the Company, as it is a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of a privately held group of companies and, therefore, 
has no institutional shareholders. 
Principle D2:    Constructive use of the AGM 
This principle of the Combined Code is not applicable to the Company, as it is a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of a privately held group of companies. 
Compliance statement 
Set out above and in the business review of the year in the directors' report 
are the areas in which the Company adopts and complies with the principles of 
the Combined Code. The Company has not complied with certain principles of the 
Combined Code, including the principles A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, B1, B2, C3, D1 and 
D2. The directors confirm that such non-compliance was of a continuing nature 
throughout the year but consider the governance framework in place to be 
appropriate to the Company's circumstances, given that it includes regular 
reporting to and meetings with the President and senior management of 
MidAmerican, the presence of an independent non-executive director and astrong 
internal control environment designed to meet the standards required by the 
Sarbanes-Oxley Act. 
The intention of the Combined Code is that companies should be able to explain 
their governance policies in light of the principles contained in the Combined 
Code, including any special circumstances applying to them, which have led to a 
particular approach. The directors are of the opinion that, in the instances 
where the Company does not comply with certain provisions of the Combined Code, 
this approach is justifiable, given the ownership structure of the Company. 
By order of the board 
John Elliott 
Company Secretary 
19 March 2010 
The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements and are required to prepare financial statements for the Company in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"), as adopted 
by the European Union.  Company law requires the directors to prepare such 
financial statements in accordance with IFRS, the Companies Act 2006 and Article 
4 of the IAS Regulation. 
International Accounting Standard 1 requires that financial statements present 
fairly for each financial year the Company's financial position, financial 
performance and cash flows.  This requires the faithful representation of the 
effects of transactions, other events and conditions in accordance with the 
definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income and 
expenses set out in the International Accounting Standards Board's 'Framework 
for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements'.  In virtually all 
circumstances, a fair presentation will be achieved by compliance with all 
applicable International Financial Reporting Standards. 
Directors are also required to: 
·      Properly select and apply accounting policies; 
·      Present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that 
provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information; and 
·      Provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific 
requirements in IFRS is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of 
particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity's financial 
position and financial performance. 
The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Company, for safeguarding the assets, for taking reasonable steps for the 
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities and for 
the preparation of a directors' report which complies with the requirements of 
the Companies Act 2006.  The directors are responsible for the maintenance and 
integrity of the Company website.  Legislation in the United Kingdom governing 
the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from 
legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Each of the directors as at the date of the Annual Report, whose names and 
functions are set out on page 21 of the Directors' Report confirms that, to the 
best of their knowledge: 
a)         the Company accounts, prepared in accordance with applicable UK law 
and in conformity with IFRS, give a true and fair view of the assets, 
liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
b)         the Management Report (which is comprised of the Directors' Report 
and the Business Review) includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties it faces. 
This responsibility statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 19 March 
2010 and signed on its behalf by: 
P A Jones 
President and Chief Operating Officer 
We have audited the financial statements of Yorkshire Electricity Distribution 
plc (the "Company") for the year ended 31 December 2009 which comprise the 
Income Statement, the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of 
Changes in Equity, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement and the related 
notes 1 to 26.  The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their 
preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards 
(IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union. 
This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006.  Our audit work has been 
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are 
required to state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose.  To 
the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our 
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors 
As explained more fully in the Directors' Responsibilities Statement, the 
directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and 
for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view.  Our responsibility is 
to audit the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and 
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).  Those standards require 
us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's (APB's) Ethical Standards for 
Scope of the audit of the financial statements 
An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the 
financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial 
statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or 
error.  This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are 
appropriate to the company's circumstances and have been consistently applied 
and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates 
made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. 
Opinion on financial statements 
In our opinion the financial statements: 
·              give a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs 
as at 31 December 2009 and of its profit for the year then ended; 
·              have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted 
by the European Union; and 
·              have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the 
Companies Act 2006. 
Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 
In our opinion the information given in the Directors' Report for the financial 
year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the 
financial statements. 
Matters on which we are required to report by exception 
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the 
Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: 
·              adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns 
adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; 
·              the financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting 
records and returns; or 
·              certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law 
are not made; or 
·              we have not received all the information and explanations we 
require for our audit. 
John Charlton 
(Senior Statutory Auditor) 
for and on behalf of Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors 
Newcastle upon Tyne England 
23 March 2010 
|                                              |Notes  |          |  2009  |          |  2008  | 
|                                              |       |          |  GBPm  |          |  GBPm  | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Revenue                                      |  3    |          |  287.6 |          |  287.0 | 
| Cost of sales                                |       |          | (11.2) |          | (11.5) | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Gross profit                                 |       |          |  276.4 |          |  275.5 | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Distribution costs                           |       |          | (94.2) |          | (91.4) | 
| Administrative expenses                      |       |          | (42.5) |          | (43.4) | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Operating profit                             |  6    |          |  139.7 |          |  140.7 | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Profit on disposal of property, plant and    |       |          |    0.7 |          |    0.2 | 
| equipment                                    |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Investment income                            |  4    |          |      - |          |    1.8 | 
| Finance costs                                |  5    |          | (33.9) |          | (38.6) | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Profit before tax                            |       |          |  106.5 |          |  104.1 | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Income tax expense                           |  9    |          | (29.1) |          | (41.1) | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
| Profit for the financial year                |       |          |   77.4 |          |   63.0 | 
|                                              |       |          |        |          |        | 
All activities relate to continuing operations. 
There has been no other income or expense for the Company other than the profits 
reported above in the current or the prior year. 
|                                    |         |          |          |          |         | 
|                                    |  Share  |          |Retained  |          |         | 
|                                    |Capital  |          |Reserves  |          |  Total  | 
|                                    |         |          |          |          | Equity  | 
|                                    |  GBPm   |          |  GBPm    |          |  GBPm   | 
|                                    |         |          |          |          |         | 
| At 1 January 2008                  |   290.0 |          |    182.7 |          |   472.7 | 
| Comprehensive income for the year  |       - |          |     63.0 |          |    63.0 | 
| Dividends paid                     |       - |          |   (40.0) |          |  (40.0) | 
|                                    |         |          |          |          |         | 
| At 31 December 2008                |  290.0  |          |    205.7 |          |   495.7 | 
| Comprehensive income for the year  |       - |          |     77.4 |          |    77.4 | 
| Dividends paid                     |       - |          |   (40.0) |          |  (40.0) | 
|                                    |         |          |          |          |         | 
| At 31 December 2009                |   290.0 |          |    243.1 |          |   533.1 | 
|                                                |Notes  |   2009    |          |   2008    | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
|                                                |       |   GBPm    |          |   GBPm    | 
| Non-current assets                             |       |           |          |           | 
| Property, plant and equipment                  |  11   |   2,006.9 |          |   1,897.4 | 
| Intangibles                                    |  12   |       6.1 |          |       8.3 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
|                                                |       |   2,013.0 |          |   1,905.7 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Current assets                                 |       |           |          |           | 
| Inventories                                    |  14   |       0.5 |          |       0.5 | 
| Trade and other receivables                    |  15   |      61.7 |          |      49.1 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                      |  15   |         - |          |       7.0 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
|                                                |       |      62.2 |          |      56.6 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Total assets                                   |       |   2,075.2 |          |   1,962.3 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Current liabilities                            |       |           |          |           | 
| Trade and other payables                       |  16   |    (45.9) |          |    (44.4) | 
| Current income tax liabilities                 |  16   |    (13.2) |          |    (11.6) | 
| Deferred revenue                               |  19   |    (18.8) |          |    (16.9) | 
| Borrowings                                     |  17   |   (201.2) |          |   (145.4) | 
| Provisions                                     |  20   |     (1.2) |          |     (1.2) | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
|                                                |       |   (280.3) |          |   (219.5) | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Net current liabilities                        |       |   (218.1) |          |   (162.9) | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Non-current liabilities                        |       |           |          |           | 
| Borrowings                                     |  17   |   (449.4) |          |   (449.2) | 
| Deferred income tax liabilities                |  18   |   (218.5) |          |   (218.6) | 
| Deferred revenue                               |  19   |   (593.2) |          |   (578.6) | 
| Provisions                                     |  20   |     (0.7) |          |     (0.7) | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
|                                                |       | (1,261.8) |          | (1,247.1) | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Total liabilities                              |       | (1,542.1) |          | (1,466.6) | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Net assets                                     |       |     533.1 |          |     495.7 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Equity                                         |       |           |          |           | 
| Share capital                                  |  21   |     290.0 |          |     290.0 | 
| Retained earnings                              |       |     243.1 |          |     205.7 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
| Total equity                                   |       |     533.1 |          |     495.7 | 
|                                                |       |           |          |           | 
The financial statements were approved by the board of directors and authorised 
for issue on 19 March 2010 and were signed on its behalf by: 
P A Jones 
|                                                |Notes  |  2009   |          |  2008   | 
|                                                |       |  GBPm   |          |  GBPm   | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Net cash from operating activities             |  22   |   121.3 |          |   128.5 | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Investing activities                           |       |         |          |         | 
| Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and  |       |     0.7 |          |     2.8 | 
| equipment                                      |       |         |          |         | 
| Purchases of property, plant and equipment     |       | (179.9) |          | (195.3) | 
| Receipt of customer contributions              |       |    35.0 |          |    55.9 | 
| Sale of short-term securities                  |       |       - |          |   200.0 | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Net cash (used in)/generated by investing      |       | (144.2) |          |    63.4 | 
| activities                                     |       |         |          |         | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Financing activities                           |       |         |          |         | 
| Equity dividends paid                          |       |  (40.0) |          |  (40.0) | 
| Movement in loans from Group undertaking       |       |    34.2 |          | (158.9) | 
| New borrowings                                 |       |    21.7 |          |    14.0 | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Net cash generated by/(used in) financing      |       |    15.9 |          | (184.9) | 
| activities                                     |       |         |          |         | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash       |       |   (7.0) |          |     7.0 | 
| equivalents                                    |       |         |          |         | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year |       |     7.0 |          |       - | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of year       |       |       - |          |     7.0 | 
|                                                |       |         |          |         | 
Yorkshire Electricity Distribution plc is a company originally incorporated in 
England and Wales under the Companies Act 1985. The address of the registered 
office is Lloyds Court, 78 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 6AF. 
The nature of the Company's operations and its principal activities are set out 
in the Business Review in the Director's Report and in Note 3. 
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The financial statements have also been 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs adopted by the European Union and therefore 
comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation and with those parts of the 
Companies Act 1985 (the "Act") that are applicable to companies reporting under 
The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention. 
Going Concern 
The directors have, at the time of approving the financial statements, a 
reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue 
existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the 
going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. Further detail is 
contained within the Directors Report on page 21. 
Judgments in applying accounting policies and key sources of estimation 
Many of the amounts included in the financial statements involve the use of 
judgment and/or estimation. These judgments and estimates are based on 
management's best knowledge of the relevant facts and circumstances, having 
regard to previous experience, but actual results may differ from the amounts 
included in the financial statements. Information about such judgments and 
estimates is contained in the accounting policies and/or the notes to the 
financial statements, and the key areas are summarised below. 
Areas of judgment and estimation which have the most significant effect on the 
amounts recognised in the financial statements are: 
·      The estimation of useful economic lives for property, plant and 
·      The split of operating and capital expenditure and the allocation of 
overheads to capital projects; and 
·      Impairment reviews carried out to evaluate the carrying value of assets 
held at the balance sheet date. 
Critical accounting policies 
The critical accounting policies adopted by the directors relate to property, 
plant and equipment, taxation, pensions and revenue and are described below. The 
accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the year and the 
preceding year. 
Adoption of new or revised standards 
In the current year, the following new and revised Standards and Interpretations 
have been adopted and have affected the amounts reported in the financial 
Standards affecting presentation and disclosure 
IAS 1                Presentation of Financial Statements - Amendments to IAS 1 
IFRS 8              Operating Segments 
IFRS 7              Financial Instrument Disclosure - Amendment to IFRS 7 
IAS 1 has introduced a number of changes in the format of the financial 
statements. No third balance sheet has been presented in these financial 
statements as no changes in accounting policy have been adopted retrospectively. 
IFRS 8 is a disclosure Standard that redefines the process for measuring 
segmental information in the notes to the accounts. In practice however, the 
adoption of this Standard has not led to any change in the disclosures contained 
within these financial statements. Further detail can be found in note 3 to the 
The amendments to IFRS 7 expand the disclosures required in respect of fair 
value measurement and liquidity risk. In practice these amendments have had no 
material impact on these financial statements. 
Standards affecting the reported results and the financial position 
IAS 23               Borrowing Costs - Amendments to IAS 23 
The principal change to IAS 23 was to eliminate the option to expense all 
borrowing costs when incurred. From 1 January 2009, all borrowing costs relating 
to qualifying assets have therefore been capitalised. The impact on these 
financial statements has been less than GBP0.1m. 
Standards and Interpretations approved by not yet effective 
At the date of authorisation of these financial statements there were a number 
of Standards and Interpretations in issue but not yet effective, which have 
therefore not yet been applied. The directors consider that the adoption of the 
following Interpretation may be relevant to the Company in future periods. 
IFRIC 18            Transfer of Assets from Customers 
The directors anticipate that the Company will adopt this Interpretation on the 
date on which it is endorsed by the European Union. The directors are currently 
considering the impact of the adoption of this Interpretation, which is still 
Revenue is only recognised when the risks and rewards of ownership have been 
transferred to a third party. No revenue is recognised where there are 
significant uncertainties regarding the consideration to be received or the 
costs associated with the transaction. 
Revenue represents charges for the use of the Company's distribution network, 
amortisation of customer contributions, recharge of costs incurred on behalf of 
related parties and the invoiced value of other goods sold and services 
provided, exclusive of value added tax. 
Revenues from charges to end customers for the use of the Company's distribution 
network include estimates of the units distributed. The estimated usage is based 
on historic data, judgment and assumptions. Revenues are gradually adjusted to 
reflect actual usage in the period during which actual meter readings are 
Any under or over recovery of allowed distribution network revenues as 
prescribed by Ofgem is not provided for in the financial statements and will be 
recovered/repaid through future tariffs. 
Customer contributions towards distribution system assets are included in 
deferred revenue. The Company's policy is to credit the customer contribution to 
revenue over 45 years on a straight-line basis, in line with the useful life of 
the distribution system assets. 
Interest income is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal 
outstanding and at the effective interest rate applicable. 
Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' rights to 
receive payment have been established. 
Research costs 
Expenditure on research activities is written off to the income statement in the 
year in which it is incurred. 
Operating profit 
Operating profit is stated before investment income and finance costs. 
Income tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred 
The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable 
profit differs from profit as reported in the income statement because it 
excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other 
years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The 
Company's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been 
enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
Deferred tax is recognised on differences between the carrying amounts of assets 
and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used 
in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance 
sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for 
all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the 
extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which 
deductible temporary differences can be utilised. 
Taxation (continued) 
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet 
date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient 
taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be 
Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the 
year when the liability is settled or asset realised, based on tax rates and tax 
legislation enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. 
Property, plant and equipment and depreciation 
Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost.  Cost includes the purchase 
price of the asset and any costs, including internal employee and other costs, 
directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition 
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by 
The charge for depreciation is calculated to write off assets to their residual 
values over their estimated useful lives using the straight-line basis: 
     Distribution system 
........45 years 
     Metering equipment included in distribution system 
assets.................................up to 15 years 
     Information Technology equipment included in distribution system 
assets..............up to 10 years 
                 Non-operational assets: 
                     Buildings - 
.... ...up to 60 years 
                     Buildings - 
leasehold.....................................................lower of lease 
period or 60 years 
                     Fixtures and equipment...... 
....................................................................up to 10 
                 Software development costs 
........................................................................up to 15 
Freehold land is not depreciated. 
Assets in the course of construction are carried at cost.  Depreciation on these 
assets, on the same basis as other assets, commences when the assets are 
The estimated useful economic lives of property, plant and equipment are based 
on management's judgment and experience. When management identifies that actual 
useful lives differ materially from the estimates used to calculate 
depreciation, that charge is adjusted prospectively. Due to the significance of 
the Company's investment in property, plant and equipment, variations between 
actual and estimated useful lives could impact operating results both positively 
and negatively. 
The Company is required to evaluate the carrying values of property, plant and 
equipment for impairment whenever circumstances indicate, in management's 
judgment, that the carrying value of such assets may not be recoverable. An 
impairment review requires management to make judgments concerning the cash 
flows, growth rates and discount rates for the cash-generating units under 
Software development costs 
Costs in respect of major developments are capitalised and amortised over the 
expected life of the software. Capitalised software costs that are not an 
integral part of the related hardware are included in intangible assets on the 
balance sheet and amortised over the expected life of the software of up to 15 
Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provision for impairment in 
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value as follows: 
Work in progress is valued at the cost of direct materials and labour plus 
attributable overheads based on the normal level of activity less progress 
Net realisable value is based on estimated selling price less further costs 
expected to be incurred to completion and disposal. 
Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present obligation as a result 
of a past event and it is probable that the Company will be required to settle 
that obligation.  Provisions are measured at the directors' best estimate of the 
expenditure required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date. 
Reasonable estimates involve judgments made by management after considering 
information including notifications, settlements, estimates performed by 
independent parties and legal counsel, available facts, identification of other 
potentially responsible parties and their ability to contribute and prior 
Where the effect is significant, provisions in respect of material future 
liabilities are stated at their net present value and arrived at by discounting 
the anticipated future costs, at the market rate at the balance sheet date. 
Leases are classified as finance leases wherever the terms of the lease transfer 
substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee. All other 
leases are classified as operating leases. 
Operating lease rentals are charged to the income statement in equal annual 
amounts over the lease term. 
Trade receivables 
Trade receivables are measured at initial recognition at fair value. 
Appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts are recognised in the 
income statement when there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired. 
Trade payables 
Trade payables are not interest bearing and are stated at their nominal value. 
Borrowings are classified as other financial liabilities at amortised cost. They 
are recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs. Finance 
charges, including premiums payable on settlement for redemption and direct 
issue costs, are accounted for on an accruals basis in the income statement 
using the effective interest rate method. They are added to the carrying amount 
of the instruments to the extent that they are not settled in the period in 
which they arise. 
Financial instruments 
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the balance sheet 
when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions on the 
Financial assets are assessed for indicators of impairment at each balance sheet 
date. Financial assets are impaired where there is objective evidence that, as a 
result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the 
financial asset, the estimated future cash flows of the investment have been 
For certain categories of financial assets, such as trade receivables, assets 
that are assessed not to be impaired individually are subsequently assessed for 
impairment on a collective basis. Objective evidence of impairment for a 
portfolio of receivables could include the Company's past experience of 
collecting payments, an increase in the number of delayed payments in the 
portfolio past the average credit period of 30 days, as well as observable 
changes in national or local economic conditions that correlate with default on 
The carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced by the impairment loss 
directly for all financial assets with the exception of trade receivables, where 
the carrying amount is reduced through the use of an allowance account. When a 
trade receivable is considered uncollectable, it is written off against the 
allowance account. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are 
credited against the allowance account. Changes in the carrying amount of the 
allowance account are recognised in the income statement. 
Financial liabilities and equity 
Financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified according to the 
substance of the contractual arrangement entered into.  An equity instrument is 
any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company 
after deducting all of its liabilities. 
The Company contributes to the Northern Electric Group of the Electricity Supply 
Pension Scheme ("the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS").  The Northern 
Electric Group of the ESPS is a defined benefit plan that shares risk between 
various entities under common control.  There is no contractual agreement or 
stated policy for charging the net defined benefit cost for the plan as a whole 
to individual group entities and accordingly the Company accounts for the 
Northern Electric Group of the ESPS as if it were a defined contribution scheme. 
 Contributions to the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS are charged to the 
income statement or capitalised as appropriate.  The capital costs of ex-gratia 
and supplementary pensions are normally charged to the income statement in the 
period in which they are granted. 
The Company also participates in the Northern Electric Money Purchase Scheme 
("NEMPS") and contributes to the Yorkshire Electricity Pension Plan ("YEPP"), 
which are defined contribution schemes.  Contributions payable to the defined 
contribution schemes are charged to the income statement in the year. 
Differences between contributions payable in the year and contributions actually 
paid are shown as either accruals or prepayments in the balance sheet. 
The Company has adopted IFRS 8, Operating Segments, with effect from 1 January 
2009. IFRS 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of 
internal reports about components of the Company that are regularly reviewed by 
the President and Chief Operating Officer of the CE Electric UK Funding Company 
group of companies (the "CE Group") to allocate resources to these segments and 
to assess their performance. 
In practice, the President and Chief Operating Officer allocates resources and 
assesses performance based upon the aggregate results of the Company and 
Northern Electric Distribution Limited, another distribution network operator in 
the CE Group, suggesting that no segmental reporting is required. Therefore, the 
adoption of IFRS 8 does not impact these financial statements. 
Revenue, profit before tax and net assets are attributable to electricity 
distribution. Revenue is all in respect of sales to United Kingdom customers. 
Revenue represents charges made to customers for use of the distribution system, 
the recharge of costs incurred on behalf of related parties, amortisation of 
customer contributions and other services and is included net of value added 
|                                                |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Interest receivable on loans to Group          |    - |          | 0.4  | 
| undertaking                                    |      |          |      | 
| Dividends receivable                           |    - |          | 0.1  | 
| Interest receivable on non-current investments |    - |          | 1.3  | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Total investment income                        |    - |          | 1.8  | 
|                                                |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Interest payable on loans from Group           |  4.1 |          |  8.5 | 
| undertakings                                   |      |          |      | 
| Interest payable on other loans                | 29.8 |          | 30.1 | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Total finance costs                            | 33.9 |          | 38.6 | 
|                                                |  2009  |          |  2008  | 
|                                                |  GBPm  |          |  GBPm  | 
| This is stated after charging/(crediting):     |        |          |        | 
| Staff costs (Note 7)                           |   21.3 |          |   26.1 | 
| Research costs                                 |    0.4 |          |    0.5 | 
| Depreciation of property, plant and equipment  |   61.8 |          |   58.9 | 
| Amortisation of deferred revenue               | (16.1) |          | (15.3) | 
| Amortisation of intangibles                    |    2.2 |          |    2.3 | 
| Impairment loss on trade and other receivables |    0.3 |          |    0.3 | 
|                                                |        |          |        | 
| Analysis of auditors' remuneration is as       |        |          |        | 
| follows:                                       |        |          |        | 
|                                                |  2009  |          |  2008  | 
|                                                | GBP000 |          | GBP000 | 
|                                                |        |          |        | 
| Fees payable to the Company's auditors for the |        |          |        | 
| audit of the Company's annual accounts         |    105 |          |    111 | 
There were no fees payable in relation to non-audit services in 2009 or 2008. 
|                                                |  2009  | |  2008  | 
|                                                |  GBPm  | |  GBPm  | 
|                                                |        | |        | 
| Salaries                                       |   44.3 | |   44.4 | 
| Social security costs                          |    4.0 | |    3.9 | 
| Defined contribution pension costs             |    0.1 | |    0.1 | 
| Defined benefit pension costs                  |   13.2 | |   13.8 | 
|                                                |        | |        | 
|                                                |   61.6 | |   62.2 | 
| Less charged to property, plant and equipment  | (40.3) | | (36.1) | 
|                                                |        | |        | 
|                                                |   21.3 | |   26.1 | 
The majority of the Company's employees are members of the Northern Electric 
Group of the ESPS, details of which are given in Note 23. 
| The  average monthly number of employees       |       |          |       | 
| during the year was:                           |       |          |       | 
|                                                | 2009  |          | 2008  | 
|                                                |  No.  |          |  No.  | 
|                                                |       |          |       | 
| Technical                                      |   266 |          |   271 | 
| Industrial                                     |   626 |          |   633 | 
| Administration                                 |   123 |          |   130 | 
| Other                                          |    94 |          |    86 | 
|                                                |       |          |       | 
|                                                | 1,109 |          | 1,120 | 
| DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION                         |      2009      |          |    2008    | 
|                                                 |                |          |    GBP     | 
|                                                 | GBP            |          |            | 
| Highest Paid                                    |                |          |            | 
| Short-term employee benefits                    |        130,745 |          |    103,612 | 
| Post employment benefits                        |         10,570 |          |      9,767 | 
| Other long-term benefits                        |         59,454 |          |    101,707 | 
|                                                 |       200,769  |          |   215,086  | 
|                                                 |                |          |            | 
| Total                                           |                |          |            | 
| Short-term employee benefits                    |        430,541 |          |    396,464 | 
| Post employment benefits                        |        106,934 |          |    117,051 | 
| Other long-term benefits                        |        153,903 |          |    325,208 | 
|                                                 |                |          |            | 
|                                                 |        691,378 |          |    838,723 | 
|                                                 |                |          |            | 
| Directors who are members of the defined        |              3 |          |          5 | 
| benefit scheme                                  |                |          |            | 
|                                                 |                |          |            | 
| Accrued pension benefit relating to highest     |              - |          |          - | 
| paid director                                   |                |          |            | 
| OTHER KEY PERSONNEL REMUNERATION                |  2009   |          |  2008   | 
|                                                 |         |          |  GBP    | 
|                                                 | GBP     |          |         | 
| Total                                           |         |          |         | 
| Short-term employee benefits                    | 283,483 |          | 293,907 | 
| Post employment benefits                        |  75,737 |          |  72,182 | 
| Other long-term benefits                        |  25,706 |          |  91,917 | 
|                                                 |         |          |         | 
|                                                 | 384,926 |          | 458,006 | 
Other key personnel includes a number of senior functional managers who, whilst 
not board directors, have authority and responsibility for planning, directing 
and controlling the activities of the Company. 
The directors and key personnel are remunerated for their services to the CE 
Group, of which the Company is a subsidiary. The figures above represent the 
share of the costs borne by the Company. 
|                                |          2009            |          |          2008            | 
|                                | GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          | GBPm  | 
| Tax expense comprises:         |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Current tax expense:           |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Corporation tax charge for the |  29.1 |          |       |          |  30.3 |          |       | 
| year                           |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Under provision for prior      |   0.1 |          |       |          |   0.1 |          |       | 
| years                          |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Total current tax charge       |       |          |  29.2 |          |       |          | 30.4  | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Deferred tax:                  |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Deferred tax expense relating  |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| to the origination and         | (0.1) |          |       |          | (1.0) |          |       | 
| reversal of temporary          |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| differences                    |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Effect of changes in           |     - |          |       |          |  11.7 |          |       | 
| legislation                    |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Total deferred tax             |       |          | (0.1) |          |       |          | 10.7  | 
| (credit)/charge                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Tax on profit before tax       |       |          |  29.1 |          |       |          | 41.1  | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| The total charge can be        |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| reconciled to the accounting   |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| profit as follows:             |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Profit before tax              |       |          | 106.5 |          |       |          | 104.1 | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Tax on profit before tax at    |       |          |  29.8 |          |       |          |       | 
| standard rate of corporation   |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| tax in United Kingdom of 28%   |       |          |       |          |       |          | 29.7  | 
| (2008: 28.5%)                  |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Effect of changes in           |       |          |     - |          |       |          | 11.7  | 
| legislation                    |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Disposals                      |       |          | (0.3) |          |       |          | -     | 
| Over provision for prior years |       |          | (0.4) |          |       |          | (0.3) | 
|                                |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Tax on profit before tax       |       |          |  29.1 |          |       |          | 41.1  | 
The tax rates used are the UK corporate rate of 30% until 31 March 2008 and 28% 
from 1 April 2008, time apportioned for 2008. 
There was an increase in the deferred tax liability in 2008 due to the cessation 
of capital allowances on qualifying industrial buildings from 2011, as a result 
of changes in legislation introduced by the Finance Act 2008. 
|                             | 2009  |          | 2008  |          |2009  |          | 2008  | 
|                             |Pence  |          |Pence  |          |GBPm  |          | GBPm  | 
|                             |  per  |          |  per  |          |      |          |       | 
|                             |share  |          |share  |          |      |          |       | 
|                             |       |          |       |          |      |          |       | 
| Dividend paid               | 13.79 |          | 13.79 |          | 40.0 |          | 40.0  | 
|                             |       |          |       |          |      |          |       | 
|                  |              |          |Non-operational  |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |     land &      |          | Fixtures  |          |         | 
|                  |Distribution  |          |    buildings    |          |    and    |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |equipment  |          |  Total  | 
|                  |    system    |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |    GBPm      |          |      GBPm       |          |   GBPm    |          |  GBPm   | 
| COST             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 1 January     |      2,004.9 |          |             6.0 |          |      11.3 |          | 2,022.2 | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Additions        |        193.0 |          |               - |          |       2.0 |          |   195.0 | 
| Disposals        |        (6.3) |          |               - |          |     (0.2) |          |   (6.5) | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 31 December   |      2,191.6 |          |             6.0 |          |      13.1 |          | 2,210.7 | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Additions        |        170.2 |          |               - |          |       1.7 |          |   171.9 | 
| Disposals        |        (4.3) |          |           (2.4) |          |     (0.1) |          |   (6.8) | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 31 December   |      2,357.5 |          |             3.6 |          |      14.7 |          | 2,375.8 | 
| 2009             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION        |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 1 January     |        251.6 |          |             2.6 |          |       6.7 |          |   260.9 | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Charge for the   |         55.1 |          |             0.2 |          |       3.6 |          |    58.9 | 
| year             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Disposals        |        (6.3) |          |               - |          |     (0.2) |          |   (6.5) | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 31 December   |        300.4 |          |             2.8 |          |      10.1 |          |   313.3 | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Charge for the   |         59.8 |          |             0.2 |          |       1.8 |          |    61.8 | 
| year             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Disposals        |        (4.3) |          |           (1.8) |          |     (0.1) |          |   (6.2) | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 31 December   |        355.9 |          |             1.2 |          |      11.8 |          |   368.9 | 
| 2009             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Net book value   |      2,001.6 |          |             2.4 |          |       2.9 |          | 2,006.9 | 
| at 31 December   |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| 2009             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Net book value   |      1,891.2 |          |             3.2 |          |       3.0 |          | 1,897.4 | 
| at 31 December   |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Assets in the    |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| course of        |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| construction     |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| included above:  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 1 January     |        134.6 |          |               - |          |         - |          |   134.6 | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Additions        |        193.0 |          |               - |          |         - |          |   193.0 | 
| Available for    |      (207.4) |          |               - |          |         - |          | (207.4) | 
| use              |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 31 December   |        120.2 |          |               - |          |         - |          |   120.2 | 
| 2008             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| Additions        |        170.2 |          |                 |          |       1.7 |          |   171.9 | 
| Available for    |      (215.8) |          |               - |          |     (1.7) |          | (217.5) | 
| use              |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
| At 31 December   |         74.6 |          |               - |          |         - |          |    74.6 | 
| 2009             |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
|                  |              |          |                 |          |           |          |         | 
The net book value of non-operational land and buildings comprises: 
|                                                |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Freehold                                       |  1.4 |          |  1.6 | 
| Long leasehold                                 |  1.0 |          |  1.6 | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
|                                                |  2.4 |          |  3.2 | 
The Company has entered into contractual commitments in relation to the future 
acquisition of property, plant and equipment of GBP27.3m (2008: GBP9.8m). 
12         INTANGIBLES 
|                                                       |      Software      | 
|                                                       |    Development     | 
|                                                       |       Costs        | 
|                                                       |        GBPm        | 
| COST                                                  |                    | 
| At 1 January 2008, 31 December 2008 and 31 December   |               29.5 | 
| 2009                                                  |                    | 
|                                                       |                    | 
| AMORTISATION                                          |                    | 
| At 1 January 2008                                     |               18.9 | 
| Charge for the year                                   |                2.3 | 
|                                                       |                    | 
| At 31 December 2008                                   |               21.2 | 
| Charge for the year                                   |                2.2 | 
|                                                       |                    | 
| At 31 December 2009                                   |               23.4 | 
|                                                       |                    | 
| Net book value at 31 December 2009                    |                6.1 | 
|                                                       |                    | 
| Net book value at 31 December 2008                    |                8.3 | 
13         INVESTMENTS 
Details of the principal investments of the Company at 31 December 2009 are 
listed below: 
|             |  Country of  |  Holding  |            |   Nature of    | 
| Name of     |Registration  |    of     |Proportion  |    Business    | 
| Company     |              | Ordinary  |            |                | 
|             |              |  Shares   |            |                | 
|             |              |           |            |                | 
| Electralink | England      |  717 at   |    7.8%    | Data transfer  | 
| Limited     | and Wales    |    10p    |            | network        | 
|             |              |           |            | operator       | 
| MRA         | England      |1 at GBP1  |    1.0%    | Governance of  | 
| Service     | and Wales    |           |            | the            | 
| Company     |              |           |            | electricity    | 
| Limited     |              |           |            | industry's     | 
|             |              |           |            | Master         | 
|             |              |           |            | Registration   | 
|             |              |           |            | Agreement      | 
| DCUSA       | England      |1 at GBP1  |    2.0%    | Management and | 
| Limited     | and Wales    |           |            | governance of  | 
|             |              |           |            | the            | 
|             |              |           |            | Distribution   | 
|             |              |           |            | Connection and | 
|             |              |           |            | Use of System  | 
|             |              |           |            | Agreement      | 
The above investments are unlisted. The cost and net book value of the 
investments are Electralink Limited GBP72 (2008: GBP72), MRA Service Company 
Limited GBP1 (2008: GBP1) and DCUSA Limited GBP1 (2008: GBP1). 
14         INVENTORIES 
|                                                 |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                 |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                 |      |          |      | 
| Work in progress                                |  0.5 |          |  0.5 | 
Trade and other receivables 
|                                                 |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                 |      |          |      | 
|                                                 |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                 |      |          |      | 
| Distribution use of system receivables          | 45.3 |          | 35.6 | 
| Amounts receivable from sale of goods and       | 12.0 |          |  7.9 | 
| services                                        |      |          |      | 
| Prepayments and accrued income                  |  4.4 |          |  5.6 | 
|                                                 |      |          |      | 
|                                                 | 61.7 |          | 49.1 | 
The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables 
approximate their fair value calculated by discounting the future cash flows at 
the market rate at the balance sheet date. The maximum exposure to risk to the 
Company is the book value of these receivables less any provisions for 
Distribution use of system receivables 
The customers served by the Company's distribution network are supplied 
predominantly by a small number of electricity supply businesses with RWE NPower 
plc accounting for approximately 34% of distribution revenues in 2008 (2008: 
36%). Ofgem has determined a framework which sets credit limits for each supply 
business based on its credit rating or payment history and requires them to 
provide credit cover if their value at risk (measured as being equivalent to 45 
days usage) exceeds the credit limit.  Acceptable credit typically is provided 
in the form of a parent company guarantee, letter of credit or an escrow 
account. Included within other payables are customer deposits of GBP1.8m as at 
December 2009 (2008: GBP1.8m). 
Ofgem has indicated that, provided the Company has implemented credit control, 
billing and collection processes in line with best practice guidelines and can 
demonstrate compliance with the guidelines or is able to satisfactorily explain 
departure from the guidelines, any bad debt losses arising from supplier default 
will be recovered through an increase in future allowed income.  Losses incurred 
to date have not been material. Included within the Company's use of system 
("UoS") receivables are no debtors which have been placed into administration 
and provided for in full at the year end (2008: GBP0.4m). 
Amounts receivable from sale of goods and services 
Sales of goods and services comprise all income streams which are not classified 
as UoS income. Examples of non-UoS income streams would be customer 
contributions in relation to distribution system assets and recovery of amounts 
for damage caused by third parties to the distribution system. 
The average credit period on sales of goods and services is 30 days.  Interest 
is not generally charged on the trade receivables paid after the due date.  An 
allowance for doubtful debts is made for debts past their due date based on 
estimated irrecoverable amounts from the sale of goods and services, determined 
by reference to past default experience. 
Included in the Company's amounts receivable for goods and services balance are 
debtors with a carrying amount of GBP0.8m (2008: GBP0.7m) which are past due at 
the reporting date and for which the Company has provided an irrecoverable 
amount of GBP0.2m (2008: GBP0.3m) based on past experience.  The Company does 
not hold any collateral over these balances.  The average age of these 
receivables is 303 days (2008: 568 days). 
Amounts receivable from sale of goods and services (continued) 
Included in the Company's amounts receivable for goods and services balance are 
debtors with a carrying amount of GBP0.8m (2008: GBP1.8m). These amounts are 
past due at the reporting date and the Company has not provided for any amounts 
as not being recoverable because there has not been a significant change in 
credit quality and the amounts are still considered recoverable. The Company 
does not hold any collateral over these balances. The average age of these 
receivables is 99 days (2008: 87). 
Ageing of past due but not impaired receivables 
|                                                 |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                 |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                 |      |          |      | 
| 30-60 days                                      |  0.4 |          |  0.6 | 
| 60-120 days                                     |  0.3 |          |  0.6 | 
| 120-210 days                                    |  0.1 |          |  0.6 | 
|                                                 |      |          |      | 
| Total                                           |  0.8 |          |  1.8 | 
Movement in the allowance for doubtful debts 
|                                                 |      |          | GBPm  | 
|                                                 |      |          |       | 
| At 1 January 2009                               |      |          |   0.7 | 
| Amounts recognised in income statement          |      |          |   0.3 | 
| Amounts utilised/written off in the period      |      |          | (0.8) | 
|                                                 |      |          |       | 
| At 31 December 2009                             |      |          |   0.2 | 
In determining the recoverability of the trade and other receivables, the 
Company considers any change in the credit quality of the trade and other 
receivable from the date credit was initially granted up to the reporting date. 
The concentration of credit risk, other than in relation to UoS receivables, is 
limited due to the customer base being large and unrelated.  Accordingly, the 
directors believe that there is no further credit provision required in excess 
of the allowance for doubtful debts. 
Included in the allowance for doubtful debts are specific trade receivables with 
a balance of GBP0.1m (2008: GBP0.4m) for the Company, which have been placed 
into administration. The impairment represents the difference between the 
carrying amount of the specific trade receivable and the present value of the 
expected liquidation dividend. 
Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances held at bank. The fair value of 
cash and cash equivalents is equal to their book value. 
Categories of financial assets 
|                              |                                                  |          |                              | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |  2009   |          |  2008   | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |  GBPm   |          |  GBPm   | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
| Cash and bank balances       |          |          |          |          |      |          |       - |          |     7.0 | 
| Loans and receivables        |          |          |          |          |      |          |    57.3 |          |    43.5 | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
| Total financial assets       |          |          |          |          |      |          |    57.3 |          |    50.5 | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
| Non current assets           |          |          |          |          |      |          | 2,013.0 |          | 1,905.7 | 
| Inventories                  |          |          |          |          |      |          |     0.5 |          |     0.5 | 
| Prepayments and accrued      |          |          |          |          |      |          |     4.4 |          |     5.6 | 
| income                       |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
| Total non-financial assets   |          |          |          |          |      |          | 2,017.9 |          | 1,911.8 | 
|                              |          |          |          |          |      |          |         |          |         | 
| Total Assets                 |          |          |          |          |      |          | 2,075.2 |          | 1,962.3 | 
            Trade and other payables 
|                                                |       2009        |          |2008  | 
|                                                |                   |          |      | 
|                                                |       GBPm        |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                |                   |          |      | 
| Payments received on account                   |              16.2 |          | 12.8 | 
| Trade payables                                 |               2.5 |          |  3.1 | 
| Amounts owed to Group undertakings             |               0.4 |          |  0.2 | 
| Other taxes and social security costs          |               4.6 |          |  3.5 | 
| Other payables                                 |               2.2 |          |  2.8 | 
| Accruals                                       |              20.0 |          | 22.0 | 
|                                                |                   |          |      | 
|                                                |              45.9 |          | 44.4 | 
            Current income tax liabilities 
|                                                |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Corporation tax                                | 13.2 |          |  9.4 | 
| Group relief                                   |    - |          |  2.2 | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
|                                                | 13.2 |          | 11.6 | 
The directors consider that the carrying amount of other financial liabilities 
approximates their fair value, calculated by discounting future cash flows at 
market rate at the balance sheet date. Trade creditors and accruals principally 
comprise amounts outstanding for trade purchases and ongoing costs. Invoices are 
paid at the end of the month following the date of the invoice. The Company has 
financial risk management policies in place to ensure that all payables are paid 
within the credit timeframe. 
The following tables detail the remaining contractual maturities for the 
non-derivative financial liabilities included in Notes 16 and 17. The tables 
have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities 
based on the earliest possible date on which the Company can be required to pay. 
The tables include both interest and principal cash flows. 
|                 |  Less  |  |   3    |          | 1 to  |          |  5+   |          |          | 
|                 |  than  |  |months  |          |  5    |          |       |          |          | 
|                 |   3    |  |  To 1  |          |years  |          |Years  |          |  Total   | 
|                 |months  |  |  year  |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
|                 |  GBPm  |  |  GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          |  GBPm    | 
|                 |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| 2009:           |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| Non-interest    |  29.7  |  |   -    |          |  -    |          |  -    |          |    29.7  | 
| bearing         |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| Variable        | 176.1  |  |   -    |          |  -    |          |  -    |          |   176.1  | 
| interest rate   |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| liability       |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| Fixed interest  |  18.5  |  |  13.8  |          |129.1  |          |787.5  |          |   948.9  | 
| rate liability  |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
|                 |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
|                 | 224.3  |  |  13.8  |          |129.1  |          |787.5  |          | 1,154.7  | 
|                 |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| 2008:           |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| Non-interest    |  32.4  |  |   -    |          |  -    |          |  -    |          |    32.4  | 
| bearing         |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| Variable        |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| interest rate   | 120.2  |  |   -    |          |  -    |          |  -    |          |   120.2  | 
| liability       |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
| Fixed interest  |  18.5  |  |  13.8  |          |129.1  |          |819.8  |          |   981.2  | 
| rate liability  |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
|                 |        |  |        |          |       |          |       |          |          | 
|                 | 171.1  |  |  13.8  |          |129.1  |          |819.8  |          | 1,133.8  | 
Categories of financial liabilities 
|                             |                                          |          |                               | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |  2009    |          |  2008   | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |  GBPm    |          |  GBPm   | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Loans and payables          |          |          |  |          |      |          |    655.7 |          |   600.7 | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Total financial liabilities |          |          |  |          |      |          |    655.7 |          |   600.7 | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Payments received on        |          |          |  |          |      |          |     16.2 |          |    12.8 | 
| account                     |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Income tax liabilities      |          |          |  |          |      |          |   231.7  |          |   230.2 | 
| Other taxes and social      |          |          |  |          |      |          |      4.6 |          |     3.5 | 
| security                    |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Accruals                    |          |          |  |          |      |          |     20.0 |          |    22.0 | 
| Deferred Revenue            |          |          |  |          |      |          |    612.0 |          |   595.5 | 
| Provisions                  |          |          |  |          |      |          |      1.9 |          |     1.9 | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Total non-financial         |          |          |  |          |      |          |    886.4 |          |   865.9 | 
| liabilities                 |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
|                             |          |          |  |          |      |          |          |          |         | 
| Total liabilities           |          |          |  |          |      |          |  1,542.1 |          | 1,466.6 | 
17         BORROWINGS 
The Directors consideration of liquidity, interest rate and foreign currency 
risk are described in detail in the Directors Report on page 9. 
|                            |        Book value        |          |        Fair value        | 
|                            | 2009  |          | 2008  |          | 2009  |          | 2008  | 
|                            | GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          | GBPm  | 
| Loans                      | 466.2 |          | 444.4 |          | 501.2 |          | 456.5 | 
| Amounts owed to Group      | 184.4 |          | 150.2 |          | 190.0 |          | 152.5 | 
| undertakings               |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                            |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                            | 650.6 |          | 594.6 |          | 691.2 |          | 609.0 | 
|                            |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| The borrowings are repayable as follows:                                                    | 
| On demand or within one    | 201.2 |          | 145.4 |          | 201.2 |          | 145.4 | 
| year                       |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| After five years           | 449.4 |          | 449.2 |          | 490.0 |          | 463.6 | 
|                            |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                            | 650.6 |          | 594.6 |          | 691.2 |          | 609.0 | 
|                            |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Analysis of borrowings:                                                                     | 
|                            |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Short-term loan            |  46.5 |          |  25.2 |          |  46.5 |          |  25.2 | 
| Inter-company short term   | 129.6 |          |  95.2 |          | 129.6 |          |  95.2 | 
| loan                       |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Yorkshire Electricity      |  54.8 |          |  55.0 |          |  60.8 |          |  57.3 | 
| Group plc 2016 (6.5%)      |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
| Eurobond due 2020 (9.25%)  | 216.2 |          | 215.9 |          | 270.2 |          | 261.8 | 
| Bond due 2035 (5.125%)     | 203.5 |          | 203.3 |          | 184.1 |          | 169.5 | 
|                            |       |          |       |          |       |          |       | 
|                            | 650.6 |          | 594.6 |          | 691.2 |          | 609.0 | 
The fair value of the 2020 and 2035 bonds are determined with reference to 
quoted market prices. The directors' estimates of the fair value of internal 
borrowings are determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models 
based on discounted cash flow analysis using prices from observable current 
market transactions or dealer quotes for similar instruments. The fair value of 
short-term borrowings is equal to their book value. All loans are non-secured 
and are denominated in sterling. 
Interest on the inter-company short term loans is charged at the base rate and 
interest on short-term loans is charged at a floating rate of LIBOR plus 0.25%, 
thus exposing the Company to cash flow interest rate risk. A 1% movement in 
interest rates would subject the Company to an approximate change in interest 
costs of GBP1.7m per year. This is considered to be an acceptable level of risk. 
All other loans are at fixed interest rates and expose the Company to fair value 
interest rate risk. 
The covenants associated with the 2035 bonds issued by the Company include 
restrictions on the issuance of new indebtedness and the making of distributions 
dependent on the scale of the ratio of Senior Total Net Debt to Regulatory Asset 
Value ("RAV").  The definition of Senior Total Net Debt excludes any 
subordinated debt and any debt incurred on a non-recourse basis.  In addition, 
it excludes interest payable, any fair value adjustments and unamortised issue 
The Company's Senior Total Net Debt as at 31 December 2009 totalled GBP630.3m. 
Using the RAV value as at March 2010, as outlined by Ofgem in its Final 
Proposals for Distribution Prices published in December 2009, and up rating for 
the effects of movements in the value of the Retail Price Index gives an 
approximation for the RAV value as at December 2009 of GBP1,107.3m.  The Senior 
Total Net Debt to RAV ratio for the Company is therefore estimated at 57%. 
At 31 December 2009, the Company had available GBP6.7m (2008: GBP28.0m) of 
undrawn committed borrowing facilities in respect of which all conditions 
precedent had been met. 
|                  | Accelerated  |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
|                  |     Tax      |          |  Holdover  |          |       |          |       | 
|                  |Depreciation  |          |  Relief    |          |Other  |          |Total  | 
|                  |    GBPm      |          |    GBPm    |          | GBPm  |          | GBPm  | 
|                  |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
| At 1 January     |        207.0 |          |    1.8     |          | (0.9) |          | 207.9 | 
| 2008             |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
| (Credit)/charge  |         12.1 |          |      (1.4) |          |     - |          |  10.7 | 
| to income        |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
| statement        |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
|                  |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
| At 31 December   |        219.1 |          |    0.4     |          | (0.9) |          | 218.6 | 
| 2008             |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
| (Credit)/charge  |        (0.4) |          |            |          |   0.3 |          | (0.1) | 
| to income        |              |          | -          |          |       |          |       | 
| statement        |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
|                  |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
| At 31 December   |        218.7 |          |    0.4     |          | (0.6) |          | 218.5 | 
| 2009             |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
|                  |              |          |            |          |       |          |       | 
Other comprises provisions and employee expenses deductible for tax on a paid 
|                                                   |         | 
|                                                   |  GBPm   | 
|                                                   |         | 
| At 1 January 2008                                 |   553.0 | 
| Additions                                         |    57.8 | 
| Amortisation                                      |  (15.3) | 
|                                                   |         | 
| At 31 December 2008                               |   595.5 | 
| Additions                                         |    32.6 | 
| Amortisation                                      |  (16.1) | 
|                                                   |         | 
| At 31 December 2009                               |   612.0 | 
|                                     |  2009    |          |  2008   | 
|                                     |  GBPm    |          |  GBPm   | 
|                                     |          |          |         | 
| Included in current liabilities     |     18.8 |          |    16.9 | 
| Included in non-current liabilities |    593.2 |          |   578.6 | 
|                                     |          |          |         | 
|                                     |    612.0 |          |   595.5 | 
Deferred revenue represents contributions from customers made in advance towards 
distribution system assets. This income is released to the income statement over 
45 years on a straight line basis, in line with the useful economic life of the 
distribution system assets. 
|                                 |Claims  |          |Other  |          |    Total     | 
|                                 |  GBPm  |          | GBPm  |          |    GBPm      | 
|                                 |        |          |       |          |              | 
| At 1 January 2009               |    0.8 |          |   1.1 |          |          1.9 | 
| Utilised/paid in the year       |  (0.7) |          | (0.2) |  874.    |       (0.9)  | 
| Charged to the income statement |    0.7 |          |   0.2 |          |          0.9 | 
|                                 |        |          |       |          |              | 
| At 31 December 2009             |    0.8 |          |   1.1 |          |          1.9 | 
|                                           | 2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                           | GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                           |       |          |      | 
| Included in current liabilities           |   1.2 |          |  1.2 | 
| Included in non-current liabilities       |   0.7 |          |  0.7 | 
|                                           |       |          |      | 
|                                           |   1.9 |          |  1.9 | 
Claims:                         Provision has been made to cover costs arising 
from actual claims, which are not externally insured.  Settlement is expected 
substantially within 12 months. 
Other:                           Primarily consists of a provision for future 
safe disposal of transformers which contain oil contaminated with 
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and for an amount to cover claims made under 
Section 74 of the New Road and Street Works Act 1991. Costs are expected to be 
incurred over the next 20 years. 
21         SHARE CAPITAL 
|                                     |    2009     |          |    2008      | 
|                                     |  No./GBP    |          |   No./GBP    | 
| Ordinary shares of GBP1 each        |             |          |              | 
|       Authorised                    |400,000,000  |          |400,000,000   | 
| Allotted, called up and fully       |290,000,000  |          |290,000,000   | 
| paid                                |             |          |              | 
            The Company has one class of ordinary shares which carries no right 
to fixed income. 
|                                             |  2009  |          |  2008  | 
|                                             |  GBPm  |          |  GBPm  | 
|                                             |        |          |        | 
| Operating profit                            |  139.7 |          |  140.7 | 
| Depreciation and amortisation               |   64.0 |          |   61.2 | 
| Amortisation of deferred revenue            | (16.1) |          | (15.3) | 
| Decrease in provisions                      |      - |          |  (0.3) | 
|                                             |        |          |        | 
| Operating cash flows before movements in    |  187.6 |          |  186.3 | 
| working capital                             |        |          |        | 
|                                             |        |          |        | 
| Decrease in inventories                     |      - |          |    0.5 | 
| (Increase)/decrease in receivables          |  (5.1) |          |   13.8 | 
| Increase/(decrease) in payables             |      - |          |  (3.4) | 
|                                             |        |          |        | 
| Cash generated by operations                |  182.5 |          |  197.2 | 
|                                             |        |          |        | 
| Income taxes paid                           | (25.4) |          | (26.8) | 
| Group relief paid                           |  (2.2) |          |  (8.1) | 
| Dividends received                          |      - |          |    0.1 | 
| Interest received                           |      - |          |    7.9 | 
| Interest paid                               | (33.6) |          | (41.8) | 
|                                             |        |          |        | 
| Net cash from operating activities          |  121.3 |          |  128.5 | 
The Company has three retirement benefit schemes. 
The Northern Electric Group of the ESPS is a defined benefit scheme for 
directors and employees, which provides pension and other related benefits based 
on final pensionable pay.  The assets of the Northern Electric Group of the 
ESPS, which was closed to staff commencing employment on or after 23 July 1997, 
are held in a separate trustee-administered fund. NEMPS and YEPP are made 
available to new employees. 
The Northern Electric Group of the ESPS, NEMPS and YEPP are operated by Northern 
Electric plc on behalf of the participating companies within the CE Group. 
The last full actuarial valuation of the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS was 
carried out by the Group Trustees' actuarial advisors, Hewitt Associates, as at 
31 March 2007.  The projected unit method was used for the valuation.  The 
principal actuarial assumptions were that pre retirement investment returns 
would exceed salary increases by 1.8% per annum (inclusive of merit awards) and 
post retirement returns would exceed future pension increases by 1.8% per annum. 
The total market value of the assets of the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS, 
at the date of the actuarial valuation, was GBP926.7m. 
For the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS, the actuarial valuation showed that 
the value of the assets represented 90.7% of the actuarial value of the accrued 
benefits. This represents a shortfall of assets compared to the value of accrued 
benefits of GBP95.1m.  The accrued benefits include all benefits for pensioners 
and other former members, as well as benefits based on service completed to date 
for active members, and allows for an estimate of future salary increases. 
The CE Group reached agreement during March 2008 with the Group Trustees to 
repair this deficit. The agreement comprises monthly cash payments of GBP2.4m 
(GBP28.4m per annum) backdated to commence in April 2007 in addition to the 
normal employer contributions.  Of these annual payments, GBP5.7m will be paid 
by the Company. These payments aim to remove the shortfall of GBP95.1m by 
December 2010 subject to the actuarial assumptions adopted for the triennial 
valuation as at 31 March 2007 being borne out in practice. 
The Northern Electric Group of the ESPS is a defined benefit plan that shares 
the risk between various entities under common control.  There is no contractual 
agreement or stated policy for charging the net defined benefit cost for the 
plan as a whole to individual group entities and accordingly the Company 
accounts for the scheme as if it were a defined contribution scheme. 
The contribution rates to the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS, in addition 
to the deficit repair contributions mentioned above, for 2009 were 44.7% for 
certain senior management and 26.3% for other employees. These rates will remain 
in place until such a time as a new schedule of contributions is agreed between 
the trustees of the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS and the Company as part 
of the triennial valuation process.. 
The money purchase pension schemes are also accounted for as defined 
contribution schemes. 
The Company's pension cost for the year ended 31 December 2009 was GBP13.3m 
(2008: GBP13.9m). 
Disclosures in relation to the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS are: 
Principal assumptions: 
|                             |      2009       |    2008      | 
| Valuation method            | Projected unit  |  Projected   | 
|                             |                 |    unit      | 
| Discount rate               |      5.70%      |    6.40%     | 
| Inflation rate              |      3.20%      |    3.00%     | 
| Increase to pensions        |      3.20%      |    3.00%     | 
| Increase to deferred        |      3.20%      |    3.00%     | 
| benefits                    |                 |              | 
| Salary increases            |     2.75%*      |    3.25%     | 
* 2.75% per annum for ten years then 3.0% thereafter 
The mortality assumptions are based on the recent actual mortality experience of 
members within the CE Group and the assumptions also allow for future mortality 
improvements.  The assumption is that a member currently aged 60 will live for a 
further 26 years, if he is male, and for a further 27 years, if she is female. 
Life expectancy at age 60 for non-pensioners (currently aged 45) is assumed to 
be 28 years, if they are male, and 28 years, if they are female. 
For closed schemes, such as the Northern Electric Group of the ESPS, under the 
projected unit method the current service cost will increase as the members of 
the scheme approach retirement. 
Changes in present value of the defined benefit obligation are as follows: 
|                                   |  2009   |          |  2008  | 
|                                   |  GBPm   |          |  GBPm  | 
|                                   |         |          |        | 
| Opening defined benefit           |   855.3 |          |  917.2 | 
| obligation                        |         |          |        | 
| Current service cost              |     7.5 |          |   10.3 | 
| Interest cost                     |    53.7 |          |   53.0 | 
| Contributions from employees      |     3.0 |          |    3.1 | 
| Actuarial gains                   |   145.7 |          | (87.3) | 
| Benefits paid                     |  (43.3) |          | (41.0) | 
|                                   |         |          |        | 
| Closing defined benefit           | 1,021.9 |          |  855.3 | 
| obligation                        |         |          |        | 
Changes in the fair value of the plan assets are as follows: 
|                                  |  2009   |          |  2008   | 
|                                  |  GBPm   |          |  GBPm   | 
|                                  |         |          |         | 
| Opening fair value of plan       |   801.4 |          |   956.6 | 
| assets                           |         |          |         | 
| Expected returns                 |    54.6 |          |    66.2 | 
| Actuarial losses                 |    78.6 |          | (231.4) | 
| Contributions by employer        |    44.1 |          |    47.9 | 
| Contribution from employees      |     3.0 |          |     3.1 | 
| Benefits paid                    |  (43.3) |          |  (41.0) | 
|                                  |         |          |         | 
| Closing fair value of plan       |   938.4 |          |   801.4 | 
| assets                           |         |          |         | 
The fair value of the plan assets at the balance sheet date is analysed below: 
|                      |  Long term rates of    |                                     | 
|                      |  return expected at    |                Value                | 
|                      | 2009 |          | 2008 |          |  2009 |          |  2008 | 
|                      |    % |          |    % |          |  GBPm |          |       | 
|                      |      |          |      |          |       |          |  GBPm | 
|                      |      |          |      |          |       |          |       | 
| Equities             | 8.50 |          | 8.90 |          | 340.5 |          | 322.2 | 
| Gilts                | 5.10 |          | 5.35 |          | 516.0 |          | 404.7 | 
| Cash                 | 4.50 |          | 3.25 |          |   0.5 |          | (4.8) | 
| Property             | 8.50 |          | 7.90 |          |  81.4 |          |  79.3 | 
|                      |      |          |      |          |       |          |       | 
| Total fair value of  |      |          |      |          | 938.4 |          | 801.4 | 
| scheme assets        |      |          |      |          |       |          |       | 
The CE Group employs a building block approach in determining the long-term rate 
of return on pension plan assets. Historical markets are studied and assets with 
higher volatility are assumed to generate higher returns consistent with widely 
accepted capital market principles. The assumed long-term rates of return on 
each asset class are set out within these disclosures. The overall expected rate 
of return on assets is then derived by aggregating the expected return for each 
asset class over the actual asset allocation for the Northern Electric Group of 
the ESPS. 
The CE Group expects to contribute approximately GBP44.6m to its defined benefit 
plan in 2010, including GBP28.4m of pension deficit repair costs. 
|                                                |2009  |          |2008  | 
|                                                |GBPm  |          |GBPm  | 
|                                                |      |          |      | 
| Minimum lease payments under operating leases  | 3.7  |          | 4.7  | 
| recognised in the year                         |      |          |      | 
At the balance sheet date, the Company had outstanding commitments for future 
minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating leases, which fall due as 
|                                                |    2009    |          |  2008   | 
|                                                |    GBPm    |          |  GBPm   | 
|                                                |            |          |         | 
| Within one year                                |        2.4 |          |     2.3 | 
| In the second to fifth year inclusive          |        4.7 |          |     4.2 | 
| After five years                               |        0.9 |          |     3.3 | 
|                                                |            |          |         | 
|                                                |        8.0 |          |     9.8 | 
Leases consist of rent payable in respect of vehicle leases from a related party 
and property. 
The Company has advanced/received loans to/from companies in the CE Group. The 
total interest included in investment income in the income statement for the 
year ended 31 December 2009 was GBPnil (2008: GBP0.4m). The total interest 
included in finance costs in the income statement for the year ended 31 December 
2009 was GBP4.1m (2008: GBP8.5m). Included within borrowings is GBP184.4m as at 
31 December 2009 (2008: GBP150.2m) in respect of these loans. 
Interest on loans from CE Group companies is charged at a commercial rate. 
The Company entered into transactions, in the ordinary course of business, with 
affiliated companies. Transactions entered into and trading balances outstanding 
at the year end were as follows: 
|                              |         |          |Purchases  |          |          |          | 
|                              |  Sales  |          |   from    |          |          | Amounts  | 
|                              |   to    |          |  Related  |          |          | Owed to  | 
| Related Party                |Related  |          |  Party    |          |          | Related  | 
|                              |  Party  |          |           |          |          |  Party   | 
|                              |         |          |           |          |          |  (Note   | 
|                              |         |          |           |          |          |   16)    | 
|                              |  GBPm   |          |   GBPm    |          |          |  GBPm    | 
|                              |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| 2009:                        |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| CE Insurance Services        |       - |          |       1.0 |          |          |        - | 
| Limited                      |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| Northern Electric plc        |       - |          |       4.1 |          |          |        - | 
| Northern Electric            |     7.9 |          |      12.7 |          |          |        - | 
| Distribution Limited         |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| Vehicle Lease and Service    |       - |          |       3.5 |          |          |      0.4 | 
| Limited                      |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
|                              |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| 2008:                        |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| CE Insurance Services        |       - |          |       1.0 |          |          |        - | 
| Limited                      |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| Northern Electric plc        |       - |          |       3.6 |          |          |        - | 
| Northern Electric            |     6.1 |          |           |          |          |          | 
| Distribution Limited         |         |          |       9.8 |          |          |        - | 
| Vehicle Lease and Service    |         |          |           |          |          |          | 
| Limited                      |       - |          |       3.0 |          |          |      0.2 | 
Sales and purchases from related parties were made at commercial prices. 
The amounts outstanding are unsecured and will be settled in cash. No guarantees 
have been given or received. No provisions have been made for doubtful debts in 
respect of amounts owed by related parties. 
The immediate parent undertaking of Yorkshire Electricity Distribution plc is 
Yorkshire Electricity Group plc.  The ultimate controlling party and ultimate 
parent undertaking of Yorkshire Electricity Group plc is Berkshire Hathaway, 
Inc., a company incorporated in the United States of America. 
Copies of the group accounts of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc (the parent undertaking 
of the largest group preparing group accounts) which include Yorkshire 
Electricity Distribution plc and the group accounts of CE Electric UK Funding 
Company, the smallest parent undertaking to prepare group accounts in the UK, 
can both be obtained from the Company Secretary, CE Electric UK Funding Company, 
Lloyds Court, 78 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6AF. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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