RNS Number:2235U
AuIron Energy Ld
9 April 2002

9 April 2002

Australian Stock Exchange
Company Announcements Office
Level 4
20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Sirs,


Please find attached the Quarterly Report for the period ended 31 March 2002.

The Company is also today releasing a report on a Strategic Review of the
Company's activities.

A briefing delivered by Mr Neill Arthur, AuIron's Managing Director and CEO will
be available on our website www.auironenergy.com.au from Wednesday 10 April 2002
at Noon AEST (3am UKST).

Yours faithfully,

Joseph Fontana

Company Secretary

                        AUIRON ENERGY LIMITED ("AUIRON")



South Australian Steel and Energy ("SASE") Pig Iron Project (AuIron 90%)

Demonstration Plant Operations

The plant resumed test-work from 20 January after completion of further
upgrading designed to improve both the reliability and effectiveness of the
Ingomar fuel coal preparation equipment.  A series of internal and external
issues hampered progress throughout the campaign and caused delays totaling 25
days during the quarter.  The current campaign was concluded on 26 March, the
furnace was cooled down, and the roof removed in preparation for scheduled
refractory repairs after Easter.

Throughout the campaign various periods of continuous and stable operation were

A notable achievement despite the interruptions mentioned was the longest
continuous operating run of 44 hours since the plant began smelting in November
2000. This record was achieved using AuIron's coal as fuel and third party coal
as reductant.

Dried Ingomar fuel coal moistures, generally in the range 6-9%, enabled feed
rates of up to 1800 kg per hour of iron ore to be achieved.  Further work is
being undertaken that should enable Ingomar fuel coal to be consistently
supplied to specification i.e. less than 5% moisture.

Demonstration Plant Coal Facilities

As reported previously, to facilitate assessment of different coal feed
formulations, the Board approved provision of charring and briquetting
facilities to enable production of either dried Ingomar coal briquettes or
Ingomar char briquettes for use as reductant in the smelting process.  Prior to
Easter the briquetting plant was in the advanced 'hot' commissioning phase with
the charring plant construction planned to complete in mid April, ready for
commissioning.  These dates represent slippage of approximately five weeks from
the very challenging schedule originally proposed

Phillipson Basin Coal (AuIron 100%)


The analysis of the December 2001 drilling program has confirmed a resource
level of 100 million tonnes of mineable coal from the Rankin seam in the Ingomar
section of the Phillipson Basin.  This resource level is sufficient to supply
the SASE project and other market opportunities.

The Ingomar coal has been subjected to a series of combustion tests in a
simulated coal fired boiler rig to determine the minimum level of coal washing
required to reduce the sodium chloride level contained within the coal.
Similarly, pilot scale washing programs continued to produce design data for a
commercial coal wash plant.

Corner Gate

After considerable discussion and negotiation the Corner Gate location in the
South East of the Phillipson Basin deposit was given heritage clearance by the
Antakirinja people in March 2002.  This location is significant as it contains
multiple coal seams resulting in a reduced overburden ratio compared with
Ingomar as well as proximity to the Alice Springs-Adelaide rail line.  Extensive
archival data from earlier BHP-Utah exploration work is being reprocessed to
modern mining practices by MineConsult.  It is anticipated that mine plan and
costings will show substantial cost benefits over Ingomar.

Water Studies

Consultants have completed a survey of the Southern Western region of the
Eromanga Basin (which contains Lake Phillipson) and identified two locations
which may contain sufficient water suitable for commercial coal washing


The following tenement licence periods have expired and applications for renewal
have been lodged.

EL 2586 Watson Area, EL 2587 Hawks Nest, EL 2717 Lake Phillipson and EL 2809

MC's 3297, 3298 and 3299 covering Sequoia East were pegged in February.


Ballymoney Mine and Power Project  (AuIron 100%)

The Company's strategic review of the Ballymoney project has highlighted the
satisfactory progress made during 2002.

In the first quarter of 2002 the Company received reports from advisors and

  • Rank Geological reported on the infill drilling program that was carried
    out in the 4th quarter of 2001. The infill drilling program provided the
    data needed to confirm the approach taken in the mine planning work.
  • MineConsult completed (a) its recommendation of an open cast approach to
    mine the lignite, (b) plans for the proposed mine and (c) an assessment of
    the mine's capital and operating costs.
  • Burns Roe Worley provided (a) its recommendation on the type of boilers
    and (b) an assessment of the capital and operating costs for the proposed
    power plant.

The Company had previously received an assessment of the market opportunity for
the Ballymoney Project from Primark WEFA and Private Energy Partners. Those
assessments are being reviewed to take into account recent upward movements in
the costs of other fuels which, if sustained, have the potential to increase the
"value" of the project.

The initial Base Line Survey for the proposed Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) was commissioned in February 2002 and will be completed on schedule in
April 2002. The reports to date do not contain any significant issues that have
the potential to adversely impact on the project. The Base Line EIA sets the
framework for an EIA that has the level of detail required by the Planning
Authorities. The EIA is planned to be completed in August 2002.

In the light of the progress to date and the continued increases in costs of
other fuels the expenditures necessary, about Pds Stg 0.4 million (or about $A
1million) have been approved to complete the EIA, mine and power station plans
and market studies that are central to the application for project development
approval by the Northern Ireland authorities.

The Company anticipates that following the completion of the EIA and the
relating supporting materials, the application can be lodged in the September
2002 quarter. Negotiations on the terms of the proposed mining lease, generating
and other licences will commence in the June 2002 quarter.

Upon lodging a development application AuIron intends to apply to convert the
existing prospecting licence into a mining lease, which establishes security of
tenure and assists project financing for the life of the proposed commercial
coal mine.


The Company had $A 36.7 million in cash as at 31 March 2002 and there are
current expenditure commitments for the SASE and Ballymoney Power Projects of
approximately $A 5.5 million.


A briefing delivered by Mr Neill Arthur, AuIron's Managing Director and CEO will
be available on our website www.auironenergy.com.au from Wednesday 10 April 2002
at Noon, AEST (3am UKST).

Neill F Arthur

Managing Director and CEO

On behalf of AuIron Energy Limited


Mr Neill F Arthur

Telephone: +61 (0)2 93572044;  Fax: +61 (0)2 93681313

Email: CEO@auironenergy.com.au

Mr Peter Rigby, College Hill Associates

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7457 2020;  Fax: +44 (0)20 7248 3295

Email: peter.rigby@collegehill.com

Mr James Henderson, College Hill Associates

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7457 2020;  Fax: +44 (0)20 7248 3295

Email: james.henderson@collegehill.com

Competent Persons

The information in this report that relates to Coal Resources is based on
information compiled by Mr Norman Kennedy, who is a member of the Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Kennedy is an employee of Rank Geological
Services Pty Limited. He has sufficient experience which is relevant to the
style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in
the 1999 edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves" (The JORC Code). Mr Kennedy consents to the inclusion in the
report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which
it appears.

Other technical information in respect of the coal, pig iron and electricity
related projects was prepared by Eur Ing Mr N F Arthur, B E (Chem) Hons, C Eng,
FIChem, FAusIMM, FAICD, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer and
accurately reflects the information compiled by him.  Mr Arthur has consented
and not withdrawn his consent to include herein the information in the form and
context in which it appears.

                                                                        Rule 5.3

                                  Appendix 5B

                   Mining exploration entity quarterly report

Introduced 1/7/96.  Origin:  Appendix 8.  Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.

Name of entity

ABN                                                              Quarter ended ("current quarter")
               75 000 754 174                                                31 MARCH 2002

Consolidated statement of cash flows
                                                                           Current quarter   Year to date

Cash flows related to operating activities                                       $A'000        (9months)

     1.1       Receipts from product sales and related debtors

     1.2       Payments for      (a)  exploration and evaluation                   (1,129)        (4,018)

                                            (b)  development                       (4,328)       (14,112)

                                            (c)  production                             -              -

                                            (d)  administration                    (2,034)        (4,639)
     1.3       Dividends received                                                       -              -
     1.4       Interest and other items of a similar nature received                  503          1,406
     1.5       Interest and other costs of finance paid                                (4)           (12)
     1.6       Income taxes paid                                                        -              -
     1.7       Other (provide details if material)

               Net Operating Cash Flows                                            (6,992)       (21,375)

               Cash flows related to investing activities
     1.8       Payment for purchases of:  (a) prospects
                                          (b) equity investments
                                          (c) other fixed assets                     (27)           (77)
     1.9       Proceeds from sale of:     (a) prospects
                                          (b) equity investments
                                          (c) other fixed assets
     1.10      Loans to other entities
     1.11      Loans repaid by other entities
     1.12      Other (provide details if material)
               Net investing cash flows                                               (27)           (77)
     1.13      Total operating and investing cash flows
               (carried forward)                                                   (7,019)       (21,452)

1.13        Total operating and investing cash flows
            (brought  forward)                                                       (7,019)       (21,452)

            Cash flows related to financing activities

1.14        Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc.                                           52,013
1.15        Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares
1.16        Proceeds from borrowings
1.17        Repayment of borrowings                                                                    (30)
1.18        Dividends paid
1.19        Other (provide details if material)
            Net financing cash flows                                                 (7,019)       (51,893)

            Net increase (decrease) in cash held                                     (7,019)       (30,531)

1.20        Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date                                43,732          6,180
1.21        Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20                                       (3)            (1)
1.22        Cash at end of quarter                                                   36,710         36,710

Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors

Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related

                                                                                          Current quarter

     1.23       Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in item 1.2                     506

     1.24       Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.10                         -

     1.25       Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions

Non-cash financing and investing activities

2.1         Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated
            assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows

2.2         Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in projects in
            which the reporting entity has an interest

Financing facilities available

Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.

                                                           Amount available            Amount used

                                                                $A'000                   $A'000
3.1    Loan facilities                                             NIL

3.2    Credit standby arrangements                                 NIL

Estimated cash outflows for next quarter

4.1   Exploration and evaluation                                                                   1,000

4.2   Development                                                                                  4,500

      Total                                                                                        5,500

Reconciliation of cash

Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter (as           Current quarter           Previous quarter
shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows)
to the related items in the accounts is as follows.                     $A'000                     $A'000
5.1   Cash on hand and at bank                                             354                        410
5.2   Deposits at call                                                  36,356                     43,322
5.3   Bank overdraft
5.4   Other (provide details)
      Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22)                         36,710                     43,732

Changes in interests in mining tenements

                                    Tenement          Nature of interest         Interest at  Interest at
                                    reference                                   beginning of     end of
                                                          (note (2))               quarter      quarter
6.1    Interests in mining                            As per
       tenements relinquished,                        Attached Schedule 1
       reduced or lapsed                       

6.2    Interests in mining                           As per
       tenements acquired or                         Attached Schedule 1

Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter

Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights
together with prices and dates.

                          Total number           Number quoted        Issue price per  Amount paid up per
                                                                      security (see    security (see note
                                                                      note 3) (cents)  3) (cents)
7.1    Preference
7.2    Changes during

       (a)  Increases
       through issues

       (b)  Decreases
       through returns of
7.3    +Ordinary           326,589,232          326,589,232

7.4    Changes during

       (a)  Increases
       through issues

       (b)  Decreases
       through returns of
       capital, buy-backs
7.5    +Convertible debt
7.6    Changes during

       (a)  Increases
       through issues

       (b)  Decreases
       through securities
       matured, converted
7.7    Options            As per Attached                             Exercise price   Expiry date
       (description and   Schedule 2
       conversion factor)
7.8    Issued during      As per Attached
       quarter            Schedule 2
7.9    Exercised during   As per Attached
       quarter            Schedule 2
7.10   Expired during     As per Attached
       quarter            Schedule 2
7.11   Debentures

       (totals only)
7.12   Unsecured notes
       (totals only)

Compliance statement

1          This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which

with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards
acceptable to ASX (see note 4).

2          This statement does /* (delete one) give a true and fair view of the
matters disclosed.

Sign here:         ............................................................

(/Company secretary)

Print name:       JOE FONTANA


1          The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how
the entity's activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect
on its cash position.  An entity wanting to disclose additional information is
encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report.

2          The "Nature of interest" (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in
respect of interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during
the reporting period.  If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement
and there are conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in
a mining tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and
conditions precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.

3          Issued and quoted securities  The issue price and amount paid up is
not required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.

4          The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for
Extractive Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this

5          Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of
International Accounting Standards for foreign entities.  If the standards used
do not address a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be
complied with.

                                 == == == == ==


SCHEDULE 1                                         AUIRON ENERGY LIMITED    ACN
000 754 174

            MARCH 2002

TENEMENT REFERENCE                       NATURE OF INTEREST             TOTAL SQUARE            INTEREST
                                                                          KILOMETRES                HELD
South Australia

Arckaringa Basin                          EL's 2797, 2809                      2,759               91.66
Phillipson                                EL 2717                              1,367                 100
Robins Rise                               EL 2249                                308                 100
Ingomar                                   RL 100                                2.40                 100

    Iron Ore

Peculiar Knob                             MC 3258                               2.50                  90
Sequoia                                   MC 3271                               2.50                  90
Ibis 1                                    MC 3276                               2.49                  90
Ibis 2                                    MC 3277                               1.99                  90
Ibis 3                                    MC 3278                               1.98                  90
Ibis 4                                    MC 3279                               2.43                  90
Sequoia East                              MC 3297                               2.50                  90
Sequoia East                              MC 3298                               2.50                  90
Sequoia East                              MC 3299                               2.50                  90

  Iron Ore & other minerals

Hawks Nest                                EL 2587                              2,278                  90


Watson                                    EL 2586                                104                  90

Northern Ireland

Ballymoney                                PL MM 9/98                              91                 100


South Sumatra (Kukusan)                   COW                                     66                  70

                                                                      Company Secretary

SCHEDULE 2                                  AUIRON ENERGY LIMITED    ACN 000 754 174
                                                                     MARCH 2002

7.7          OPTIONS

                Number And Class Of All Securities Not Quoted On Exchange

REF     NUMBER        CLASS                  EXERCISE PRICE         EXERCISE DATE         ASX CODE

1       7,500,000     Unlisted options       Various                31/12/2004            AUYAQ
2       500,000       Unlisted options       $0.30                  30/11/2003            AUYAS
3       1,060,000     Unlisted options       $0.30                  18/10/2005            AUYAU
5       5,500,000     Unlisted options       $0.77                  08/09/2005            AUYAI
6       150,000       Unlisted options       $1.10                  08/09/2005            AUYAK
7       2,810,000     Unlisted options       $0.52                  07/12/2008            AUYAM







                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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