RNS Number:4237J
AuIron Energy Ld
4 September 2001


Directors' Report

During the financial year the Company has paid premiums to insure the
Directors and Officers (D&O) against liabilities and costs and expenses
incurred by them in defending any legal proceedings arising out of their
conduct while acting in the capacity of officer of the Company, other than
conduct involving a wilful breach of duty in relation to the Company.  The
amount of the premium was $113,778.


During the year ended 30 June 2001 the Company issued 44,712,524 ordinary
shares as detailed below:

*          26,150,000 issued under December 2000 Rights Issue.

*          5,975,024 shares issued to Teck Corporation.

*          7,000,000 shares issued in placement.

*          1,225,000 shares issued upon conversion of 25/10/2000 options.

*          2,200,000 shares issued upon conversion of 30/06/2000 options.

*          500,000 shares issued upon conversion of 30/11/2003 options.

*          950,000 shares issued upon conversion of 950,000 partly paid
           shares to fully paid shares.

*          712,500 shares issued pursuant to the 1999 Rights Offer.

Subsequent to the financial year the company issued 65,157,846 new shares in
completion of the 1:4 Rights Offer.

Signed at Sydney on the third day of September 2001 in accordance with a
resolution of the Directors.


Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Statements of Financial Position
as at 30 June 2001

                             CONSOLIDATED                THE COMPANY
                   Note   2001          2000         2001            2000
                             $             $            $               $

Cash                6  6,180,544   12,747,759   5,909,838       1,937,382
Receivables         7    664,157       29,690     109,553          28,856
Other               8    113,441       19,265     113,441          19,265
ASSETS                 6,958,142   12,796,714   6,132,832       1,985,503

Receivables         9          -            -  35,218,618      17,640,788
Investments        10          -            -  15,343,072      15,343,072
Property, plant 
and equipment      11    538,841      573,038     362,253         394,855
plant              11 26,472,111    8,943,331           -               -
Exploration and 
evaluation         12 27,043,651   18,595,506   4,710,826       4,698,357
Intangible assets  13  5,415,416    5,708,141           -               -
ASSETS                59,470,019   33,820,016  55,634,769      38,077,072

TOTAL ASSETS          66,428,161   46,616,730  61,767,601      40,062,575

Payables               5,011,501    5,251,641   1,496,597          86,318
Interest bearing 
liabilities       14      31,068       30,465      31,068          30,465
Provisions        16   1,002,448      131,338   1,002,448         131,338
LIABILITIES            6,045,017    5,413,444   2,530,113         248,121


Government grant  15   6,205,713    5,830,842           -               -
Interest bearing 
liabilities       14     208,495      239,149     208,495         239,149
Provisions        16      77,247            -      77,247               -

LIABILITIES            6,491,455    6,069,991     285,742         239,149

TOTAL LIABILITIES     12,536,472   11,483,435   2,815,855         487,270

NET ASSETS            53,891,689   35,133,295  58,951,746      39,575,305


equity            17  89,110,335   65,217,089  89,110,335      62,617,089
Reserves          19   6,760,385    3,098,988   4,285,363       4,285,363
losses            19 (42,665,619) (34,320,387)(34,443,952)    (27,327,147)

INTEREST              53,205,101   33,995,690  58,951,746      39,575,305

INTEREST IN       20     686,588    1,137,605           -               -

TOTAL EQUITY          53,891,689   35,133,295 58,951,746       39,575,305

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

Statements of Financial Performance
for the year ended 30 June 2001

                                         CONSOLIDATED         THE COMPANY
                        Note         2001        2000       2001         2000
                                        $           $          $            $

Revenue from ordinary 
activities                2       806,891     409,157     2,236,977   1,094,035
Occupancy expenses              (123,947)    (96,000)      (81,264)    (49,549)
Administration expenses       (6,410,945) (2,838,123)   (5,365,579) (2,356,227)
Borrowing costs expense   3      (15,215)    (35,576)      (15,215)    (35,576)
Other expenses from 
ordinary activities       3   (2,795,889) (11,088,647)  (3,891,724) (11,088,647)

Loss from ordinary 
activities before income 
tax                           (8,539,105) (13,649,189)  (7,116,805) (12,435,964)
Income tax expense        4            -            -            -            -
Loss from ordinary 
activities after income tax   (8,539,105) (13,649,189)  (7,116,805) (12,435,964)

Outside equity interests 
in operating loss after          193,873       80,609            -            -
income tax

Net (loss) after income 
tax attributable to the  19(b)(8,345,232) (13,568,580)  (7,116,805) (12,435,964)
members of the group          

Non-owner transaction changes in equity
Net exchange difference on 
translation of           
financial statements of 
self-sustaining foreign   
operations               19(a) 3,661,397      398,943            -            -

Total revenues, expenses 
and valuation                  
adjustments attributable 
to members of the
parent entity recognised 
directly in equity             3,661,397      398,943            -            -

Total changes in equity 
other than those              
resulting from transactions 
with owners as owners         (4,683,835) (13,169,637) (7,116,805) (12,435,964)

The only movement in accumulated losses is the net loss after income tax
attributable to the members of the group in the period.

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

Statements of Cash Flows
for the year ended 30 June 2001

                                      CONSOLIDATED            THE COMPANY
                         Note       2001        2000       2001         2000
                                       $           $          $            $

Payments for exploration 
expenditure and to            
suppliers and employees       (11,037,326) (6,153,616) (3,634,758) (3,125,977)

Grant from SA Government                -     750,000           -           -
Interest paid                     (15,215)    (30,114)    (15,215)    (30,114)
Interest received                 780,922     409,157     641,325     104,035
Cash receipts in the course 
of operations                      10,038           -           -           -

OPERATING ACTIVITIES      21  (10,261,581) (5,024,573) (3,008,648) (3,052,056)

Security deposit received               -     750,000           -     750,000
Net funds acquired in SASE 
Pty Ltd                                 -   1,090,745           -           -
Payments for equity investment          -           -           - (7,870,126)
Advances to controlled entities         -           - (15,997,830)  (910,613)
Payments for demonstration 
plant, property,            
plant and equipment           (19,716,869) (3,181,664)    (44,364)  (115,352)

INVESTING ACTIVITIES          (19,716,869) (1,340,919)(16,042,194)(8,146,091)


Net proceeds from 
issue of shares                23,053,349  13,374,888  23,053,349 13,374,888
Loan repayments                   (30,051) (1,500,000)    (30,051)(1,500,000)
Grant from Federal Government     374,871   5,830,842           -          -

FINANCING ACTIVITIES           23,398,169  17,705,730  23,023,298 11,874,888

Net (decrease)/increase 
in cash                        (6,580,281) 11,340,238   3,972,456    676,741

Cash at 1 July                 12,747,759   1,407,059   1,937,382  1,260,641

Effect of exchange rate 
changes on the balances            
of cash held in foreign 
currencies at the
beginning of the financial 
year                               13,066         462           -          -

CASH AT 30 JUNE          6      6,180,544  12,747,759   5,909,838  1,937,382

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2001


This general purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with
Australian Accounting Standards, Urgent Issues Economic Entity Consensus
Views, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting
Standards Board and the Corporations Act.

The financial report covers the economic entity of AuIron Energy Limited and
controlled entities, and AuIron Energy Limited as an individual parent entity.
AuIron Energy Limited is a listed public company, incorporated and domiciled
in Australia.

It is prepared on the basis of historical costs and except where stated does
not take into account changing money values or current valuations of
non-current assets.  The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those
of the previous year.  Comparative information is reclassified where
appropriate to enhance comparability.

The directors have elected to apply revised Australian Accounting Standard
AASB 1041 Revaluation of Non-Current Assets before its mandatory application
date, in accordance with subsection 334(5) of the Corporations Act 2001.

The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the
consolidated entity in the preparation of the financial report.

a)   Principles of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements comprise the accounts of AuIron Energy
Limited and its controlled entities.  A list of controlled entities appears in
note 5.  All intercompany balances and transactions between entities in the
group, including any unrealised profits or losses, have been eliminated on

Where an entity either began or ceased to be controlled during the year, the
results are included only from the date control commenced or up to the date
control ceased.

b)   Investments

Investments in controlled entities are carried in the Company's financial
statements at the lower cost and recoverable amount.

Investments in Associated Companies are recognised in the financial statements
applying the equity method of accounting.

c)   Foreign currency transactions and balances

Foreign currency transactions are initially translated into Australian
currency at the rate of exchange applicable at the dates of the transactions.
Amounts payable and receivable in foreign currencies at balance date are
translated at rates of exchange ruling on that date.

Exchange differences relating to amounts payable and receivable in foreign
currencies are brought to account as exchange gains or losses in the statement
of financial performance in the financial year in which the exchange rates

The assets and liabilities of foreign operations that are self-sustaining are
translated at the rates of exchange ruling at balance date.  Equity items are
translated at historical rates.  The statement of financial performance is
translated at a weighted average rate for the year.  Exchange differences
arising on translation are taken directly to the foreign currency translation

The balance of the foreign currency translation reserve relating to a foreign
operation that is disposed of is transferred to retained earnings in the year
of disposal.

Notes to the financial statements

d)   Property, plant and equipment

The cost of each item of machinery and equipment is depreciated over its
expected useful life using the straight-line method from the date of
acquisition, or in respect of internally constructed assets, from the time an
asset is completed and ready for use.  Depreciation is expensed.

The expected useful lives are as follows:

Machinery and equipment     2 - 10 years depending on the nature of the asset.

Buildings                   20 years.

Total net carrying value of machinery and equipment at each exploration
property is reviewed regularly and, to the extent to which these values exceed
their recoverable amounts, that excess is fully provided against/written down
in the financial year in which this is determined.

Land and buildings are recorded at cost.

e)   Income tax

The financial statements are prepared using the income statement liability
method of tax effect accounting.

Income tax expense is calculated on the operating result adjusted for
permanent differences between taxable and accounting income.  The tax effect
of timing differences, which arise from items being brought to account in
different periods for income tax and accounting purposes, is carried forward
in the statement of financial position as a future income tax benefit or a
provision for deferred income tax.

At the present time cumulative tax losses and timing differences give rise to
a possible future income tax benefit.  The extent to which the benefit may be
realised in future years is uncertain, being conditional upon:

i)   the ability of the consolidated entity to derive future assessable
income of a nature and of sufficient amount to enable the benefit to be

ii)  the ability of the consolidated entity to continue to comply with
the conditions for deductibility imposed by law; and

iii) an expectation that legislation will not change in a manner which
would adversely affect the consolidated entity's ability to realise the

Due to the nature of the consolidated entity's activities, it is not
considered appropriate to increase assets by the possible benefit, details of
which are set out in note 4.

f)  Employee entitlements

Wages, salaries and annual leave

The provisions for employee entitlements to wages, salaries and annual leave
represent present obligations resulting from employees' services provided up
to the balance date, calculated at undiscounted amounts based on current wage
and salary rates including related on-costs.

Long service leave

The provision for employee entitlements to long service leave represents the
present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made resulting from
employees' services provided up to balance date.

Notes to the financial statements

g)  Advances to controlled entities

Advances by the Company to controlled entities (refer note 9) are principally
contributions toward the SASE Demonstration Plant and exploration expenditure.
The value and recoverability of these amounts is related to the Company's
policies on the Demonstration Plant and exploration and evaluation expenditure
as described in notes 1(h) and 1(l).  Should the underlying asset values be
insufficient to recover the advances the amounts are written down or written

h)   Exploration and evaluation expenditure

Exploration and evaluation expenditure incurred is accumulated in respect of
each separate identifiable area of interest.  These costs are only carried
forward where right of tenure of the area of interest is current and to the
extent that they are expected to be recouped through successful development
and commercial exploitation or, alternatively, sale of the area or where
activities in the area have not yet reached a stage which permits reasonable
assessment of the existence of economically recoverable reserves.

Accumulated costs in relation to an abandoned area are written off in the
period in which the decision to abandon the area is made.

Government Grants received relating to exploration activities are offset
against exploration and evaluation expenditure.

i)  Goodwill

Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase consideration plus incidental
costs over the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired on the
acquisition of a controlled entity.

Goodwill associated with the purchase of equity in SASE Pty Ltd is amortised
on a straight line basis over 20 years.  The policy regarding amortisation
will be reviewed on a regular basis as the project is in a developmental

j)  Cash

For the purpose of the statements of cash flows, cash includes:

i)  cash on hand and at call deposits with banks or financial
institutions, net of bank overdrafts; and

ii) investments in money market instruments with less than 14 days to

k)  Revenue

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when control of the goods passes
to the customer.

Interest revenue is recognised as it accrues.

Revenue from the rendering of a service is recognised upon the delivery of the

l)  Demonstration Plant

Costs associated with the construction and operation of the iron ore smelting
demonstration plant are capitalised until such time as an assessment of the
commercial viability of the plant is determined.  If a decision is made to
proceed to commercial development of smelting operations, the accumulated
costs will be amortised against future revenue streams.

Notes to the financial statements

m)  Leases

Leases where substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to the
ownership of the asset, but not the legal ownership, are transferred to
entities in the consolidated entity are classified as finance leases.  Finance
leases are capitalised, recording an asset and a liability equal to the
present value of the minimum lease payments, including any guaranteed residual
values at the inception of the lease.  Lease payments are allocated between
the reduction of the lease liability and the lease interest expense for the
period.  Leased assets are amortised on a straight line basis over their
estimated useful lives where it is likely that the consolidated entity will
obtain ownership of the asset or over the term of the lease.

Lease payments for operating leases, where substantially all the risks and
benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the periods in
which they are incurred.

n)  Payables

Liabilities are recognised for amounts to be paid in the future for goods or
services received, whether or not billed to the Company or consolidated
entity.  Trade accounts payable are normally settled within 60 days.

o)   Goods and services tax

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and
services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable
from the Australian Tax Office (ATO).  In these circumstances the GST is
recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an
item of the expense.

Receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.

The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included as
a current asset or liability in the statement of financial position.

Cash flows are included in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis.  The
GST components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities
which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are classified as operating
cash flows.

p) Recoverable amount of non-current assets valued on cost basis

The carrying amounts of non-current assets valued on the cost basis, other
than exploration and evaluation expenditure carried forward (refer note 1(h)),
are reviewed to determine whether they are in excess of their recoverable
amount at balance date.  If the carrying amount of a non-current asset exceeds
its recoverable amount, the asset is written down to the lower amount.  The
write-down is recognised as an expense in the net profit or loss in the
reporting period in which it occurs.

Where a group of assets working together supports the generation of cash
inflows, recoverable amount is assessed in relation to that group of assets.

In assessing recoverable amounts of non-current assets the relevant cash flows
have not been discounted to their present value, except where specifically

q)  Government Grants

Grants received by the consolidated entity in respect of its exploration and
development activities in South Australia are offset against the asset to
which they relate unless the grant provides for repayment whereby it is
recognised as a liability (refer note 15).

Notes to the financial statements

r)  Reclassification of financial information

Some line items and sub-totals reported in the previous financial year have
been reclassified and repositioned in the financial statements as a result of
the first time application on 1 July 2000 of the revised standards AASB 1018
Statement of Financial Performance, AASB 1034 Financial Report Presentation
and Disclosures and the new AASB 1040 Statement of Financial Position.

Adoption of these standards has resulted in the transfer of the reconciliation
of opening to closing accumulated losses from the face of the statement of
financial performance to note 19 (b).

Revenue and expense items previously disclosed as abnormal have been
reclassified and are now disclosed as individually significant items in note

These items are no longer identified separately on the face of the
statement of financial performance.

                                         CONSOLIDATED           THE COMPANY
                                       2001        2000        2001     2000
                                          $           $           $        $

      Revenue from operating activities
      Sales revenue *               10,038            -           -         -
      Other revenue
      - management fees                  -            -   1,580,000   990,000
      - interest received          796,853      409,157     656,977   104,035

                                   806,891      409,157   2,236,977 1,094,035

      * Sales revenue represents Pig Iron scrap sales.


      Loss from ordinary activities before income tax
      has been determined after charging/(crediting)
      the following:
      Borrowing costs expense:
      Finance lease charges        15,215         5,462     15,215      5,462
      Interest paid to third 
      parties                           -        30,114          -     30,114

                                   15,215        35,576     15,215     35,576

      Provision for annual leave   56,883        54,021     56,883     54,021
      Provision for long service 
      leave                       246,474        51,526    246,474     51,526
      Provision for employee 
      bonuses                     420,000             -    420,000          -
      Provision for directors' 
      retirement allowance        225,000             -    225,000          -
      Depreciation of plant and 
      equipment                    40,492        16,788     38,576     16,307
      Depreciation of buildings       718             -          -          -
      Net loss on disposal of plant 
      and equipment                 5,233             -      5,233          -
      Amortisation of leased motor 
      vehicles                     33,157        13,829     33,157     13,829
      Amortisation of goodwill    292,725       146,363          -          -
      Rental expense on operating 
      leases                       58,628        49,549     58,628     49,549
      Unrealised foreign exchange 
      gains                       (13,066)         (462)         -          -

      Individually significant items included in loss
      from ordinary activities before income tax
      Write-off of expenditure on 
      exploration areas in 
      Indonesia and associated 
      expenses                    212,724    10,338,647    212,724          - 
      Write off inter-company 
      advance                           -             -          - 10,338,647
      Write-off Indonesian 
      Investment                2,583,165             -  3,679,000          -
      Fee paid for cancellation 
      of options                        -       750,000          -    750,000

                                2,795,889    11,088,647  3,891,724 11,088,647

Notes to the financial statements

On 4 December 2000, AuIron Energy Limited completed negotiations for its
withdrawal from its Indonesian gold and copper exploration projects (except
Kukusan Zeolite - see note 12) through the sale of all shares in its
subsidiary MM Gold Pty Ltd, the holding company for all the Indonesian
projects.  The company's Indonesian office was closed in October 2000.
Expenditures in the year related primarily to the closure of the office and
totalled $212,724.

Consideration for the sale is the cash payment of US $250,000 payable on the
earlier of either 4 September 2002 or commencement of construction of the Way
Linggo gold mine, and 2 per cent net smelter royalties on MM Gold's share of
any future production from the Tapaktuan and Salawati exploration projects
located in Sumatra and Irian Jaya.

The consideration has not been recognised in the financial statements due to
the current political uncertainty in the region.  The amount will be
recognised at the time of receipt.

In 1997 the Company concluded discussions with Teck Corporation (a former
joint venture partner), whereby Teck Corporation ("Teck") would acquire 9 per
cent of the capital of MM Gold Pty Ltd ("MMG") for CDN $3 million.  However,
in the event that AuIron Energy Limited decided not to float Pacific Goldfield
Limited ("PGL") or MMG by 9 July 2000, AuIron Energy Limited would purchase
the Teck interest in MMG by the issue of shares in AuIron Energy Limited to
the value of CDN $3 million.

Under the terms of the agreement with Teck Corporation set out above and by
reason of the fact that there was no float of MMG or PGL within the specified
timeframe, AuIron Energy Limited was required to purchase the Teck interest in
MMG by the issue of shares in AuIron Energy Limited (see note 17).

As a result of the issue of AuIron shares pursuant to the agreement with Teck
and the subsequent sale of all of the shares in MMG on 4 December 2000 the
group recognised a loss of $2,583,165.

                                     CONSOLIDATED              THE COMPANY
                                 2001           2000       2001          2000
                                    $              $          $             $


a)    The prima facie tax on operating loss from
      ordinary activities is reconciled to the income
      tax provided in the accounts as follows:

      Prima facie income tax 
      attributable to        
      operating loss from 
      ordinary activities at 34%
      (2000: 36 per cent)    (2,903,296)  (4,913,708)  (2,419,714)  (4,476,947)

      Add: tax effect of 
      permanent differences   1,182,174    4,146,069    1,454,032    4,120,101
      Add:  future income tax 
      benefit of timing       
      differences and tax 
      losses not brought to
      account (note 1(e))     1,721,122      767,639      965,682      356,846
                                      -            -            -            -

      Future income tax benefits

      As explained in note 1(e) it is not considered
      appropriate to carry forward the possible
      income tax benefit arising from

      -          tax losses   9,276,488    2,948,424    5,064,719    2,297,199

      -          other timing 
                 differences    323,909       39,401      323,909       39,401

      In addition to the above 
      future income tax               
      benefits, there is a benefit 
      relating to capitalised 
      exploration expenditure in
      Australia which may be offset 
      against future mining revenue 
      derived in Australia.  
      (Included in tax losses 
       for year 2001.)                -    2,859,496            -    1,885,485

Notes to the financial statements (continued)

Future income tax benefits detailed above have been restated at 30% tax rate.

The amount of tax losses for 2001 income year incorporates the prior
consolidated capitalised exploration expenditure of $2,859,496 (parent entity

As a result of the Ralph Review of Business Taxation and consequent changes to
Division 330 of the Income Tax Assessment 1997, there have been amendments to
the tax treatment of unrecouped brought forward allowable capital expenditure
relating to mining and exploration expenditure.  Such deductions as at June
2000 have been converted to a tax loss.  The recoupment of these losses is
dependent on the company deriving future assessable income and satisfying the
loss recoupment tests.

                               Country of     Owned              Investment at
                              Incorporation                         cost

                                              2001  2000         2001     2000
                                                 %     %           $        $

The Company:
  AuIron Energy Limited          Australia

Controlled Entities:
Auriada Limited+            Northern Ireland   100   100            5        5
(formerly Ballymoney Power
Company Limited)

Ballymoney Power Limited+   Northern Ireland   100   100            5        5
(formerly Meekatharra (NI)

Balhoil Nominees Pty 
Limited                     Australia          100   100      838,928  838,928

South Australian Coal 
Corp Pty                    Australia          100   100            2        2

SASE Pty Ltd                Australia           90    90  14,504,131 14,500,628

Pacific Goldfields Ltd+     Canada             100   100           1          1

MM Gold Pty Limited *       Australia            -    91           -          2

MM Gold (S) Pte Limited*    Singapore            -   100           -      3,501

Natarang Offshore Pty 
Limited *                   Australia            -   100           -          -

Paragon Resources 
(Hong Kong) Ltd*            Hong Kong            -   100           -          -

PT Natarang Mining *        Indonesia            -    85           -          -

PT Paragon Perdana Mining*  Indonesia            -    70           -          -

PT Mineralindo MAS 
Salawati *                  Indonesia            -    90           -          -

PT Mineralindo MAS 
Tapaktuan *                 Indonesia            -    90           -          -

PT Mineralindo MAS Aceh *   Indonesia            -    90           -          -

                                                          15,343,072 15,343,072

All current controlled entities have 30 June balance dates.

All controlled entities are vehicles for the ownership of exploration and
development activities for the consolidated entity.

*   No longer controlled entities as a result of disposal described in
    note 3.

+   Audited by BDO affiliate

Notes to the financial statements (continued)

                                        CONSOLIDATED           THE COMPANY
                                          2001       2000       2001       2000
                                             $          $          $          $
6.  CASH

Cash at bank and on hand               563,469    258,231    292,763     83,884
Short-term deposits                  5,617,075 12,489,528  5,617,075  1,853,498

                                     6,180,544 12,747,759  5,909,838  1,937,382


            Other debtors              664,157     29,690    109,553     28,856


            Prepayments             113,441   19,265       113,441       19,265


            Advances to controlled 
            entities (note 1 (g) )        -        -    35,218,618   17,640,788

Advances to controlled entities include contributions to SASE Demonstration
Plant and exploration expenditure incurred on exploration in Northern Ireland
and South Australia.


The investments included in the accounts

Controlled entities at cost  (note 5)      -      -      15,343,072  15,343,072

Notes to the financial statements

                                        CONSOLIDATED         THE COMPANY
                                            2001      2000      2001       2000
                                               $         $         $          $

Plant & Equipment - at cost              211,544   448,767   205,396    250,584
Less:  Accumulated depreciation         (80,336) (144,900)  (79,157)  (124,900)

                                         131,208   303,867   126,239    125,684
Land & Buildings - at cost               172,337         -         -          -
Less:  Accumulated depreciation            (718)         -         -          -

                                         171,619         -         -          -

Leased Motor Vehicles                    283,000   283,000   283,000    283,000
Less:  Accumulated amortisation         (46,986)  (13,829)  (46,986)   (13,829)

                                         236,014   269,171   236,014    269,171

Total Property, Plant & Equipment        538,841   573,038   362,253    394,855

SASE Demonstration Plant - at cost     26,472,111 8,943,331         -          -


Reconciliations of the carrying amounts of each class of property, plant and
equipment at the beginning and end of the current financial year are set out

                            SASE       Freehold  Plant and  Leased motor Total
                        demonstration  land and  equipment  vehicles
                            plant      buildings

Carrying amount at 1     8,943,331          -    303,867      269,171 9,516,369
July 2000

Additions               17,528,780    172,337     44,364            - 17,745,481
Disposals                        -          -   (176,531)           -  (176,531)
Depreciation/                    -      (718)    (40,492)     (33,157)  (74,367)
amortisation expense
(note 3)

Carrying amount at 30   26,472,111    171,619    131,208      236,014 27,010,952
June 2001

The Company
Carrying amount at 1             -          -    125,684      269,171    394,855
July 2000

Additions                        -          -     44,364            -     44,364
Disposals                        -          -     (5,233)           -    (5,233)
Depreciation/                    -          -    (38,576)     (33,157)  (71,733)
amortisation expense
(note 3)

Carrying amount at 30            -          -    126,239      236,014   362,253
June 2001

Notes to the financial statements

                                     CONSOLIDATED               THE COMPANY
                                   2001            2000     2001           2000
                                      $               $        $              $


Exploration expenditure carried forward in
respect of mining areas of interest:

Expenditure relating to 
projects at        
beginning of period              18,595,506    27,179,891 4,698,357   4,690,628
- exploration & development 
  phases                          6,443,126     2,293,534    12,469     163,812
- Grants                                  -      (750,000)        -           -
- expenditure written off during the      -   (10,544,730)        -    (156,083)
- exchange difference on 
  translation of  
  opening balances                2,005,019       416,811         -           -

Expenditure carried forward at 
30 June                          27,043,651    18,595,506 4,710,826   4,698,357

The above exploration and evaluation expenditure has been incurred largely in
respect of coal deposits in Australia and Northern Ireland.  Specifically the
costs relate to drilling, extraction of the trial pit coal sample, the
completion of reports dealing with geological, hydrological, geotechnical and
environmental studies, together with mine plans and capital and operating cost

The ultimate recoupment of this expenditure is dependent on the successful
development and commercial exploitation or, alternatively, sale of these areas
of interest.

                                              30 June 2001      30 June 2000
                                                     Interest          Interest
                                                            %                 %


a) Indonesia

Natarang Mining Project (1)    Sumatra                      -                85
Kukusan Project (2)            Sumatra                     70                70
Ciemas Project *               West Java                    -                55
Banda Aceh *                   Sumatra                      -                45
Tapaktuan *                    Sumatra                      -                45
Kepala Burung *                Irian Jaya                   -                45

(1) The Company's interest was subject to the payment of a 1.85 per cent
net smelter return royalty which was capped at US $3,500,000 of which US
$250,000 had been prepaid.

(2) The Company's interest is subject to a 10 per cent net profit royalty.

    *  During the year the consolidated entity disposed of its Indonesian
       interests, other than its interest in the Kukusan Zeolite Project,       
       further details of which are included in note 3 above.  Under the Share  
       Sale Agreement, AuIron will continue to be entitled to the benefit, and  
       subject to the burden, of the shareholding in Paragon Resources (Hong    
       Kong) Limited, the 70 per cent owner of the Kukusan Zeolite Project.

Minimum exploration expenditure commitments to satisfy the mineral tenements
have been met until 2002.

b) South Australia

Under the terms of an agreement between AuIron Energy Limited and Kumagai
Australia Pty Ltd, Kumagai has an interest of 8.34% in the total Arckaringa
Project (not including the Phillipson or SASE Projects).

Minimum expenditure requirements to retain all South Australian current rights
of tenure are approximately $305,000 over the next 12 months.

Notes to the financial statements

c) Northern Ireland

Minimum expenditure requirements to retain current rights of tenure are GBP
60,000 per annum until expiry of the licence on 30 June 2002.  These
expenditure requirements have been met to date.

                                      CONSOLIDATED             THE COMPANY
                                   2001          2000      2001           2000
                          Note        $             $         $              $


Goodwill on the purchase 
of SASE Pty                   
Ltd (at cost)                 5,854,504    5,854,504          -              -

Less:  Accumulated 
       amortisation            (439,088)    (146,363)         -              -

                              5,415,416    5,708,141          -              -


Finance leases            24(b)  31,068       30,465     31,068         30,465


Finance leases            24(b) 208,495      239,149    208,495        239,149


Grant from Federal 
Government                    6,205,713    5,830,842          -             -

The terms of the Federal Government Research & Development Grant require that
upon successful completion of the Demonstration Plant Project, an independent
evaluation of the market value of the plant will be undertaken, of which 50%
of such value will be repayable with applicable interest to the Commonwealth
over a maximum 2 year period.  Should the plant not prove commercially
feasible the Commonwealth may require repayment of the Grant with applicable


    Employee entitlements    1,002,448       131,338  1,002,448        131,338

    Employee entitlements       77,247             -     77,247              -

    Number of employees at 
    year end                        12             9         12              9

Directors' retirement allowance

The AuIron Energy Limited Directors' Retirement Allowance provides retiring
directors with a maximum of four (4) times average annual remuneration over
the three years prior to retirement.

The Company's liability for directors' retirement benefits, which is based on
the number of years service provided at the balance date, has been included in
employee entitlements.

Notes to the financial statements

                                  CONSOLIDATED               THE COMPANY
                              2001            2000       2001           2000
                                 $               $          $              $

    Issued and paid up 
    capital 261,381,386                     
    (2000: 216,668,862)  89,110,335      65,207,589   89,110,335   62,607,589
    ordinary shares 
    950,000 ordinary              
    shares paid to one
    cent                          -           9,500            -        9,500

                         89,110,335      65,217,089   89,110,335   62,617,089

Movement in Share Capital

                               2001            2000         2001         2000
                                No.             No.          No.          No.
Number of shares at beginning
of the financial 
period                    216,668,862    119,727,404  216,668,862    119,727,404

Shares issued during the year
                           44,712,524     96,941,458   44,712,524     96,941,458

Number of shares on issue at
the end of the financial
period                    261,381,386    216,668,862  261,381,386    216,668,862

Balance of share capital at
the beginning of the
financial period           65,217,089     45,842,201   62,617,089     43,242,201

Proceeds of shares issued  25,231,398     13,808,114   25,231,398     13,808,114

Value, at date of issue, of
shares issued to Teck
Corporation                 3,679,000              -    3,679,000              -

Value, at date of issue, of
shares issued to Ausmelt            -      6,000,000            -      6,000,000

Issue costs *             (2,417,152)      (433,226)  (2,417,152)      (433,226)

Share premium of former
subsidiary no longer
consolidated              (2,600,000)              -           -              -

Balance of share capital at
the end of the financial
period                    89,110,335      65,217,089  89,110,335     62,617,089

*   Issue costs include $626,230 relating to the 2001 Rights Offer, the
    capital for which will be recognised in the 30 June 2002 financial year.

Details of significant movements in share capital:

During the year 30 June 2001, the Company issued 26,150,000 shares at 25 pence
sterling (A$0.65) per share raising net funds of $14,922,302.

5,975,024 shares were issued to Teck Corporation and a placement of 7,000,000
shares at 90 cents was made in April 2001.

Share capital included 950,000 ordinary shares paid to 1 cent, which were
issued to Meekatharra (ESIP) Pty Limited.  To rank pari passu with other
ordinary shares, the shares required calls to be made by the Company and
payment by the holders of $1,018,500.  Voting rights of these shares were
restricted to the percentage of the paid up value.  During the year, the
outstanding payments were received and the shares fully paid up.  As a result
the holders were entitled to the benefit of a previous bonus issue.  In
addition, the holders took up their rights under the Company's December 1999
Rights Issue.

Notes to the financial statements

                                                              As at    As at
                                                             30 June  30 June
                                                               2001     2000

Details of options:                                           Number   Number
The Company has granted the following options over Ordinary
fully paid shares exercisable:

@ $0.36 on or before 25 October 2000 (1)                            - 1,225,000
@ $0.24 on or before 30 June 2001 (2)                               - 2,200,000
@ $0.30 on or before 30 November 2003 (3)                     500,000 1,000,000
@ $0.30 on or before 18 October 2005                        1,060,000 1,060,000
@ $0.45 on or before 31 October 2002 or
@ $0.90 on or before 31 October 2004                        7,500,000 7,500,000
@ $0.77 on or before 8 September 2005 (4)                   5,500,000         -
@ $1.10 on or before 8 September 2005 (5)                     150,000         -

(1)  1,225,000 options due to expire on 25 October 2000, were
     exercised at 36 cents during the year ended 30 June 2001.

(2)  2,200,000 options convertible on or before 30 June 2001 were
     exercised at 24 cents during the year ended 30 June 2001.

(3)  In December 2000, 500,000 shares were issued to option holders
     who exercised the 30 November 2003 options at $0.30 each.  The total amount
     received was $150,000.00.

(4)  In September 2000, 5,300,000 options were issued, which are
     exercisable on or before 8 September 2005 at $0.77.  A further 200,000 were
     issued on the same terms in February 2001.

(5)  In February 2001, 150,000 options were issued, which are
     exercisable on or before 8 September 2005 at $1.10.

                                                            2001          2000

      Basic earnings / (loss) per share (cents)            (3.4)        (7.47)
      Diluted earnings / (loss) per share (cents)          (3.2)        (6.97)

      Weighted average number of ordinary
      shares on issue used in the calculation of
      basic earnings per share                       247,497,237   180,586,573

As at 30 June 2001, the Company has issued options over unissued capital
detailed in note 17 above.

The EPS calculation does not take into account shares issued subsequent to
balance date as disclosed in note 31.

Notes to the financial statements

                                 CONSOLIDATED                 THE COMPANY
                              2001          2000         2001            2000
                                 $             $            $               $


(a)   Composition

      Capital profits       4,285,362   4,285,362    4,285,363      4,285,363
      Foreign currency 
      translation           2,475,023  (1,186,374)           -              -

                            6,760,385   3,098,988    4,285,363      4,285,363

      Foreign currency translation
      Balance at beginning 
      of financial period  (1,186,374) (1,585,317)
      Translation of assets 
      and liabilities of    
      foreign operations 
      and de-recognition of
      translation reserve as 
      a result of disposal of 
      Indonesian interests  3,661,397     398,943

      Balance at end of 
      financial period      2,475,023  (1,186,374)

(b)   Accumulated Losses

      Accumulated losses at 
      the beginning of 
      the financial year  (34,320,387)(20,751,807) (27,327,147)   (14,891,183)

      Net loss attributable 
      to members of AuIron 
      Energy Limited       (8,345,232)(13,568,580)  (7,116,805)   (12,435,964)

      Accumulated losses at 
      the end of the      
      financial year      (42,665,619)(34,320,387) (34,443,952)   (27,327,147)


      Interest in:
      Share capital           961,070     961,070
      Reserves                      -     257,144
      Accumulated losses     (274,482)    (80,609)

                              686,588   1,137,605

Notes to the financial statements

                                CONSOLIDATED                 THE COMPANY
                            2001            2000         2001            2000
                               $               $            $               $


(a)   Reconciliation of cash flow from
      operations with operating loss after
      income tax

      Operating loss after 
      income tax       (8,539,105)   (13,649,189)   (7,116,805)   (12,435,964)

      Cash flows in operating activities but not
      in operating result:
      -  Capitalised 
         expenditure   (5,643,126)   (1,781,845)       (12,469)       (21,115)

      Non-cash flows in operating result:
      -  Exploration 
         written-off            -    10,338,647              -              -
      -  Write off 
         advance                -             -              -     10,338,647
      -  Write off 
         investment     2,583,165             -      3,679,000              -
      -  Amortisation of 
         leased motor 
         vehicles          33,157        13,829         33,157         13,829
      -  Depreciation      41,210        16,788         38,576         16,307
      -  Charges to 
         provisions       948,357       105,547        948,357        105,547
      -  Management fees        -             -     (1,580,000)      (990,000)
      -  Net unrealised 
         exchange (gain)  (13,066)         (462)             -              -
      -  Goodwill 
         amortisation     292,725       146,363              -              -

      Changes in assets and liabilities:
      -  Decrease/(Increase) 
         in debtors      (634,467)      (12,905)       (80,697)       (18,604)
      -  Decrease/(Increase) 
         in prepayments   (94,176)       58,254        (94,176)       (19,265)
      -  (Decrease)/Increase 
         in trade creditors
         and accruals      763,745     (259,600)     1,176,409        (41,438)

      Net cash used in 
      activities       (10,261,581)  (5,024,573)    (3,008,648)    (3,052,056)

 (b)  Non cash financing and investing activities

      The Company issued 5,975,024 shares to acquire Teck Corporation's 9 per
      cent holding in MM Gold Pty Limited (see notes 3 and 17).

Notes to the financial statements


(a) Transactions between related parties are on normal commercial terms
    and conditions unless otherwise stated.

(b) The parent company provides finance and certain management services
    to its controlled entities.

    In respect of SASE Pty Ltd (90% interest), AuIron Energy Limited
    during the year charged SASE Pty Ltd a management fee of $1,580,000 (2000:
    $780,000).  The fee primarily represents the cost of management time        
    directed to the SASE Project.  At 30 June 2001 the amount receivable by     
    AuIron Energy Limited from SASE Pty Ltd was $12,012,046 (2000: $689,987).

    Ausmelt Limited is a substantial shareholder of AuIron Energy
    Limited, which holds a 90% interest in SASE Pty Ltd.  During the year       
    Ausmelt Pty Limited provided goods and services on commercial terms to SASE 
    totalling $3,596,200 (2000: $734,644) of which $637,377 (2000: $493,266) was
    payable at 30 June 2001.

(c) The aggregate number of shares and share options held by directors
    of the Company and the consolidated entity and their director-related       
    entities at balance date are detailed below:

                                                        2001              2000

      Ordinary Shares                              2,209,159         1,159,159
      October 2000                                         -           950,000
      November 2003                                  500,000         1,000,000
      September 2005                               4,150,000                 -
      October 2005                                   800,000           800,000

Directors and their related entities were granted 4,150,000 options to acquire
ordinary shares in AuIron Energy Limited during the financial year, exercised
950,000 October 2000 options, 500,000 November 2003 options and sold 400,000
ordinary shares.

The relevant interest of each director in the share capital of the companies
within the consolidated entity as at 30 June 2001 is detailed in the
Director's Report.


    The bankers of the consolidated entity have provided guarantees
    amounting to $300,000 (2000: $51,000) on behalf of the consolidated entity.

The consolidated entity has contractual agreements which provide for success
fees to third parties that will only be payable upon reaching financial close
of the SASE Pig Iron project.

Notes to the financial statements

                                    CONSOLIDATED              THE COMPANY
                                2001           2000       2001           2000
                                   $              $          $              $

Yamana Gold (LSE:AUY)
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부터 6월(6) 2024 으로 7월(7) 2024 Yamana Gold 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.
Yamana Gold (LSE:AUY)
과거 데이터 주식 차트
부터 7월(7) 2023 으로 7월(7) 2024 Yamana Gold 차트를 더 보려면 여기를 클릭.