RNS Number:1538X
Brait S.A.
12 June 2002

Refocused on core activities

•    Earnings per share

     - continuing operations, 27% up at 210 cents

     - before realisation adjustment, unchanged at 200 cents

     - after realisation adjustment, down 56% to 89 cents

•    Total dividend for year, unchanged at 60 cents per share

•    Confirmation of intention to deregister banking licence

                             Audited Results

                     for the year ended 31 March 2002



Brait is an international investment banking group focused on private equity and
alternative funds management, advisory and specialised finance services, and
proprietary investing. It is listed on the Luxembourg, London and Johannesburg
stock exchanges, with shareowners' funds of R1,2 billion (approximately US$104

Brait's continuing earnings are derived from:

* fees from private equity and alternative funds management;

* fees from corporate and debt advisory services;

* returns on the group's principal investments; and

* direct returns from investment of the group's capital.


Each of Brait's business units has been reviewed relative to the group's
strategic theme, financial goals, structures, capital and tools available to
support them. The review process is continuous and it is in this context that
Brait recently announced its intention to apply for deregistration of the
banking licence held by the group.

There were weak performances in our trading businesses, for the second year in a
row, and also in our margin business. Both these segments had historically
depended on the banking structure. Management had come to the conclusion that
this dependency was flawed, and that it could successfully develop profitable
trading and debt businesses without a banking structure. Consequently, from the
commencement of the year, Brait set about actively developing a specialised
funds management business (which gives shareowners a much enhanced risk/return
exposure to equity and interest rate markets) and developing the debt businesses
as originators, structurers and arrangers, rather than holders of debt assets.
Parallel to this, management committed itself to making the banking structure
work, by increasing the deposit base and lengthening the term of the deposits.
This was starting to bear fruit, but then the second-tier banking crises
occurred. Deposit taking took an irretrievable setback following adverse ratings
by a rating agency, after a medium sized retail bank was placed into
curatorship. These events have had material adverse consequence on all small
banks operating in South Africa. Brait took the view that the costs of holding a
banking licence exceed its benefits, based on:

• the combination of time and effort to rebuild the deposit base;

• significant infrastructural costs associated with holding a banking licence;

• financial risks placed on the group.

The cost of this decision amounts to approximately R165 million, of which R100
million relates to specific provisions and fair value adjustments arising from
the unwinding of bank structure positions and the accelerated realisation of
banking assets. The balance of R65 million will be incurred in future financial
periods and relates to closure and associated costs.

Brait will continue to offer its clients a full range of investment banking
products and services, including debt, and continue to offer its shareowners
access to investment banking related exposure to equity and interest rate


As in 2001, Brait experienced a slow start to the financial year. This was
evident in the interim report, which caused the group to express caution on the
outcome for any material growth in earnings for the full financial year unless
market conditions improved. While conditions in the second half did improve
particularly in the advisory, investing and group capital segments, income
declined substantially in the group's trading and margin operations. Funds
management income matched its creditable first half result. The net effect on
attributable income, on a pre-realisation adjustment basis, leaves earnings
unchanged at 200 cents per share for the year, and 89 cents per share after
realisation adjustments. Earnings on continuing operations of R189,8 million are
26% ahead of the comparison of R150,8 million last year.

The group tax position reports a credit of R3,5 million for the year. This
reflects the net effect of normal tax charges in the group's non-banking
operations and a large reversal of the deferred taxation provision in the bank
arising from a release of provisions and taxable losses on the year's trading

Whilst the group sees these results as disappointing, the action taken in
respect of the non-performing activities in the banking structure will serve to
eliminate loss making operations from future results and enhance the group's
return on equity.

The group's cash position improved significantly by R207 million during the year
to R314 million, following the decision to reduce the advances book.


Funds management

Results from funds management activities have contributed R61,3 million to the
group profit before tax for the year. This is a 48% increase over the R41,4
million reported in the prior year. The contribution from Brait's associated
operation, African Alliance, also increased to R7 million (2001: R5 million) and
the loss attributable to the joint venture in ipac South Africa declined to R2
million (2001: R4 million).

The private equity funds management focus this year has been to enhance the
prospects and returns on existing portfolio investments. This goal is already
bearing fruit with all portfolio companies in the later stage funds operating
ahead of budget or last year's levels.

The group's new specialised funds management initiative, focusing on absolute
return strategies in the public markets, recorded a successful first year with
the launch earlier in the year of its pioneer fund.

Advisory services

The advisory business had a satisfactory year despite the general decline in
corporate activity. Earnings before tax were R23,3 million, down 23% on last
year's record results of R30,2 million. This is considered a strong performance,
particularly from the growing international merger and acquisition operations.

The group's specialised finance activities have restructured during the year and
comprise a full range of debt advice solutions for clients to lower their cost
of capital with acceptable risk.


Brait's proprietary investing activities have strategically placed greater
emphasis this year on established business opportunities in the industrial and
commercial sectors rather than new economy investments.

These results reflect general improvement in market indices on the industrial
and commercial sectors but more particularly the specific performance of Brait's
portfolio. Most notable was the profit recorded on the realisation of the
group's investment in a Russian beer brewing group. The effect of the sharp
depreciation of the rand on the group's non-South African investments also
contributed overall to a much improved performance from proprietary investing
activities. Earnings before tax and realisation adjustment was R69,9 million
against R1,4 million in the prior period and the average return on capital
invested for the year on this basis was 21%.

Group capital

Group capital has been held as cover against the wide range of risks managed
within the banking structure and the group at large. It is invested
predominantly in cash and short-term assets, and includes some residual
structured assets. Income for the year arises primarily from interest, dividends
and translation gains on non-South African liquid assets. Earnings before tax
and realisation adjustment for the year were R86,1 million, an increase of 5%
against R81,7 million in 2001. The average annualised return on group capital
for the year, before the realisation adjustments, was 12% (2001: 11%).

Discontinuing operations

The group's Trading operations, comprising of trading in equities, interest
rates, securities, treasury and money market activities, have been discontinued,
either during the year or as part of the deregistration of the bank. This also
applies to the group's Margin business, comprising asset-based finance and other
balance-sheet lending activities. As set out above, realisation adjustments have
been raised in this financial year, and further closure provisions will be made
in future financial periods. The combined loss from these operations for the
year amounted to R109,4 million, inclusive of realisation adjustment provisions
of R45,6 million.


The board has proposed a final dividend of 35 South African cents per share
based on the six months results to 31 March 2002. This brings the aggregate
dividend for the year, including the interim dividend declaration of 25 South
African cents per share, to 60 South African cents per share.

Members will be asked to approve the declaration of the final dividend and
endorse the payment of the interim dividend at the general meeting of
shareowners to be held on Wednesday, 31 July 2002, in Luxembourg.


From the harsh environment in the investment markets served by Brait and the
painful decision taken to apply for the deregistration of the group's South
African banking licence, Brait is confident that it emerges stronger, more
stable and relevant. The group faces an improving prospect with top-class
businesses, fitter for the experience of the difficult times past.

The new financial year offers some specific challenges for Brait. The primary
focus will be on returning cash to the group from its banking structure assets,
further investment momentum in Fund III and planning the group's next fund
raising strategies. Financially the group is strong, its risk profile improved
and it is now much better positioned to meet its longer-term earnings growth and
equity return targets.

For and behalf of the board

M E King                              A C Ball
Chairman                              Group Chief Executive         12 June 2002

Group Income Statements
For the year ended 31 March

                                           Continuing operations     Discontinuing operations           Total
                                           2002      2001  Change     2002     2001   Change       2002    2001 Change
                                             Rm        Rm       %       Rm       Rm        %         Rm      Rm      %

Revenue                                   379,7     279,0      36      6,5*    93,8      (93)     386,2   372,8      4
Operating expenses                       (193,3)   (140,0)     38   (113,1)   (59,6)     (90)    (306,4) (199,6)   (54)
Normal operations                        (138,9)   (140,0)           (67,5)   (59,6)             (206,4) (199,6)
Realisation adjustments                   (54,4)        -            (45,6)       -              (100,0)      -
Profit from operations                    186,4     139,0      34   (106,6)    34,2     (412)      79,8   173,2    (54)
Finance costs                             (10,4)     (1,7)               -        -               (10,4)   (1,7)
Income from associates                      8,3      12,2                -        -                 8,3    12,2
Income from joint
ventures                                    6,7       8,0                -        -                 6,7     8,0
Disposal of investment                        -       5,5                -        -                   -     5,5
Amortisation of
intangibles                                (4,8)     (8,3)            (2,8)    (2,5)               (7,6)  (10,8)

Profit before taxation                    186,2     154,7      20   (109,4)    31,7     (445)      76,8   186,4    (59)
Taxation                                    3,5      (3,9)               -        -                 3,5    (3,9)

Profit after taxation                     189,7     150,8      26   (109,4)    31,7     (445)      80,3   182,5    (56)
Minority interest                           0,1         -                -        -                 0,1       -
Attributable earnings                     189,8     150,8      26   (109,4)    31,7     (445)      80,4   182,5    (56)
Earnings per share
- continuing operations - diluted (cents)                                                         210,4   165,4     27
- before realisation adjustment - basic (cents)                                                   200,2   201,4     (1)
- before realisation adjustment - diluted (cents)                                                 200,0   200,0      -
- basic (cents)                                                                                    89,2   201,4    (56)
- diluted (cents)                                                                                  89,1   200,0    (55)
Dividends per share (cents)                                                                        60,0    60,0
- interim (declared)                                                                               25,0
- final (proposed)                                                                                 35,0

* Revenue is stated net of losses on trading activities.

Group statement of changes in equity
For the year ended 31 March
                                                                                               2002               2001
                                                                                                 Rm                 Rm
Balance at beginning of period                                                              1 204,5             1 102,5
Currency translation adjustments                                                             (18,0)                18,1
Attributable earnings                                                                          80,4               182,5
Dividends                                                                                    (75,2)              (68,9)
Treasury shares                                                                               (9,5)              (29,7)
Balance at end of period                                                                    1 182,2             1 204,5

Salient features
At 31 March
                                                      before     Realisation
                                                  adjustment      adjustment *
                                                        2002            2002             2002         2001
                                                          Rm              Rm               Rm           Rm            %

Profit before taxation                                 176,8           (100,0)           76,8        186,4         (59)
- Continuing operations                                240,6            (54,4)          186,2        154,7          20
  Funds management                                      61,3               -             61,3         41,4
  Advisory                                              23,3               -             23,3         30,2
  Investing                                             69,9            (20,0)           49,9          1,4
  Group capital                                         86,1            (34,4)           51,7         81,7
- Discontinuing operations                            (63,8)            (45,6)        (109,4)         31,7        (445)
  Margin business                                        1,2            (45,6)         (44,4)         40,9
  Trading                                             (65,0)               -           (65,0)        (9,2)

Taxation                                                 3,5                              3,5        (3,9)
Minority interest                                        0,1                              0,1            -

Attributable earnings                                  180,4                             80,4        182,5         (56)
Financial statistics
Return on shareowners' funds (%)                          15                                7           16
Six year (2001: five year)
compound growth in EPS (%)                                37                               20           47
Market capitalisation
- 31 March (Rm)                                                                           804        1 070          (25)
Shares in issue (m)                                                                      93,5         93,5

Weighted average shares in issue:
 - basic (m)                                                                             90,1         90,6
 - fully diluted (m)                                                                     90,2         91,2
Closing share price
- 31 March (cents)                                                                        860        1 145          (25)
Tangible net asset value
per share (cents)                                                                     1 276,0      1 285,4
Average shareowners'
interest (Rm)                                                                           1 193        1 153            3

Note: * Following the announcement of the group's intention to deregister its
banking licence, the Board has approved an accelerated disposal of a large
proportion of the assets in its banking structure and certain other assets, some
of which are held in the Group Capital and Investing segments. This action has
necessitated an abnormal non-recurring adjustment to the carrying value of these
assets at 31 March 2002.

A more detailed preliminary report has been posted to shareowners, placed on the
group's website and is available at the company's offices and agents. The annual
report will be released at the end of June 2002.

Cash flow statements
For the year ended 31 March
                                                                                                   2002           2001
                                                                                                     Rm             Rm
Cash flows from operating activities                                                              107,2          146,0
Change in working funds                                                                           216,0        (133,4)
Cash generated by operating activities                                                            323,2           12,6
Cash (outflows)/inflows from funding activities                                                 (113,0)           50,9
Cash outflows from investing activities                                                           (3,1)         (43,5)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                         207,1           20,0
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                                    107,1           87,1
Balance at end of year                                                                            314,2          107,1

Group balance sheets
At 31 March
                                                                                                2002               2001
                                                                                                  Rm                 Rm
Shareowners' funds
Share capital and premium                                                                      802,1             803,0
Non-distributable reserves                                                                      13,7               3,9
Foreign currency translation reserve                                                            24,0              42,0
Distributable reserves                                                                         342,4             355,6
Total shareowners' interest                                                                  1 182,2           1 204,5
Long-term liabilities                                                                          167,6             200,2
Current liabilities                                                                          1 369,9           1 918,2
Total liabilities                                                                            1 537,5           2 118,4
Long-term assets                                                                            1 193,5            1 321,9
Current assets                                                                              1 526,2            2 001,0
Total assets                                                                                2 719,7            3 322,9
Net assets                                                                                  1 182,2            1 204,5
Net asset value per share (cents)                                                           1 312,1            1 329,5

Notes to the financial statements

1.   The financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with
     International Accounting Standards. The accounting policies are consistent 
     with the previous financial year. IAS 39 (AC 133): Recognition and 
     Measurement of Financial Instruments has been fully adopted in the 
     preparation of the financial statements.

2.   Reclassifications have been made to revenue and operating expenditure in 
     the comparative figures to provide a better appreciation of the results and
     consistency with disclosure at 31 March 2002.

Registered office: Brait S.A., 69, route d'Esch, L-2953, Luxembourg, Tel:
09352-4590-2180, Fax: 09352-4590-3641

Brait South Africa Limited: 9 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard, Illovo, Sandton,
Tel: +27 11 507 1000 Fax: +27 11 507 1001

JSE and LSE issuer name and code: Issuer long name - Brait S.A., Issuer code -
BRAIT, Instrument alpha code/Ticker symbol - BAT, JSE ISIN - LU 0011857645

Domiciliary and listing agent: Dexia Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, 69,
route d'Esch, L-2953, Luxembourg, Tel: 09352-4590-2180, Fax: 09352-4590-3641

Registrar: Dexia Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, 69, route d'Esch, L-2953,
Luxembourg, Tel: 09352-4590-2180, Fax: 09352-4590-3641

Transfer agents: United Kingdom: Capita IRG plc, Bourne House, 34 Beckenham
Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU, United Kingdom, Tel: 0944-208-639-2000, Fax:
South Africa: Computershare Investor Services Limited, 11 Diagonal Street,
Johannesburg, 2001 or PO Box 1053, Johannesburg, 2000, Tel: +27 11 370 5000 Fax:
+27 11 370 5487

Directors: M E King (Chairman)y*, A C BallY*, J E Bodoniy#, R T DalaisY*, F Z
Hallery(S), R J Kochy*, A M Rosenzweigy*, C J TayelorY*, S J P WeberY#, P L
YExecutive yNon-executive *South African #Luxembourgish (S)American *British

                                                                 GRAPHICOR 26076

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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